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November 17, 2001:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I must write in a hurry, I must write in a white heat. Not a red heat, mind you, or even a green heat, no, I must write in a white heat because shortly Mr. Donald Feltham will be arriving at my home and off we shall go to Encino where, he tells me, there is a wonderful Belgian waffle place where we apparently will have wonderful Belgian waffles whilst discussing Mr. Donald Feltham’s brand spanking new The Broadway Radio Show which premiers on December 4th, said premiere being a total surprise to Mr. Donald Feltham because apparently Mr. Mark Bakalor and I forgot to tell him about setting the date and has anyone out there noticed that this has turned into one of those unseemly run-on sentences that we all hate so much that just goes on and on with nary a period in sight I mean once these things start there is no stopping them and they take on a life of their own and is anyone really reading this anyway after all it is the weekend and aren’t people out eating Belgian waffles and walking their dogs and someone please throw me a damn period because my fingers are getting very very tired and it’s almost time to have to click the Unseemly Button below because I have almost used up all the space in this handy-dandy Main Entry Text box that Mr. Mark Bakalor has so thoughtfully provided me with and who will be very very angry because not only is this the longest run-on sentence in history it is also the longest damn paragraph I have ever seen in my life and it’s totally unacceptable and by golly and by gosh just go ahead and click the damn Unseemly Button below because that’s the only way we’re getting out of this run-on sentence because I cannot stop I cannot stop I just go on and on and on and my hair is starting to look like Larry’s from The Three Stooges and we can’t have

Holy Moses! That was exhausting. Now I really have to hurry because Mr. Donald Feltham will be here any minute from now.

Remember the other day when I spoke of going to the Vogue Theater and how I saw the original The Parent Trap there during its original run, and how I had a mad crush on Hayley Mills and Hayley Mills? If you need a refresher, merely click the Unseemly Archive button at the top of the page. Well, you won’t believe it, but I got home yesterday and listened to my messages on my handy-dandy voice mail, and lo and behold and behold and lo, a voice said, “Hello, Bruce, this is Hayley Mills calling”. Can you believe it? This is a true story, I’m not making this up. Isn’t that a funny coincidence? I can’t go into the reason for the message at this time, but the timing of it was great. I mean, Susan Gordon and Hayley Mills in one week! Who’s next, Tuesday Weld?

Last night I attended a little fundraiser for the West Coast version of the Lehman Engel workshop. It was fun, and not too long. Lots of talented folks were there, and the performers included our very own Brad Ellis, David Burnham and some other great people including my friend Marsha Kramer and the always terrific Cindy Benson (who stopped the show with a hilarious song called High Notes – an affectionate bit of humor aimed at Nancy Sinatra). The big raffle prize was a gift basket of CDs produced by ME. What some of you may not know is that I was a member of the Lehman Engel workshop way back in its second year of existence, in 1969. I have very little memory of that time, because I was writing music to someone else’s lyrics (something I don’t really enjoy doing), but I have to imagine that some of my classmates must have gone on to big things – I mean, Ed Kleban had to be in the class with me, no way around it.

Well, I must throw on some clothing and go to a Belgian waffle place with Mr. Donald Feltham. I certainly don’t want to go to the Belgian waffle place in the nude because that would be unseemly and frightening. Oh, and I was VERY disappointed to see only one message yesterday. I wept and ate three cheese slices because of it.

More tomorrow, Sunday, because Mr. Mark Bakalor insists that I update this log or blog or journal or notes or whatever the hell it is I write every single day. Okay, I’ll do my part, but you do yours and leave me messages.

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