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September 27, 2004:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I must write these here notes in a hurry because I must take my automobile in to be serviced. Frankly, I need to take myself in to be serviced – last night, just before going to write these here notes I finished watching episode six of season three of Alias. I was/am so overtired that I could barely keep my eyes open. I shut off all the equipment, started for the kitchen and misjudged the distance between couch and coffee table and my foot rammed into the edge of the table leg, ripping my toe open but good. Aside from the pain of banging it, the toe was gushing blood – I went into the bathroom and got some Kleenex and wiped it off, but it kept on a’comin’. I got a Band Aid out and it took me three minutes to try to get it on in between trying to keep the blood flow down. I finally got it on nice and tight – one could see the blood coagulating under the Band Aid but that seemed to have stopped the flow. I really would like to change it but won’t until morning, just to be on the safe side. But the toe is throbbing. So stupid, that sort of thing. I was so ready to fall in bed and be fast asleep but when one rips one’s toe open then one is suddenly wide awake. Damn them, damn them all to hell.

Yesterday, prior to banging my toe up good, I relaxed and tried to rest my achy throat (due to overtiredness – it always happens). I ate silly food all the livelong day and night whilst watching six count them six episodes of Alias season three. It’s a very well produced show, I’ll give it that. And I enjoy Jennifer Garner, Victor Garber and Ron Rifkin. But, this season anyway, there’s an awful lot of “explaining” that just goes on and on, and there’s a bit too much of the comic relief guy for my taste. Large plot points from season two are glossed over or just dropped – all that thirty year quest for the Rambaldi device is dismissed in one line in an early episode. Maybe it will play a role on down the line, but they seem to have gone off on a whole new tangent and plot line, what with the Covenant and the missing two years, a new foil as head of the CIA or whatever organization Sydney is working for, and the whole Michael Vaughn tension. But the whole thing moves right along and it’s fun to try to keep one step ahead of them.

Well, why don’t we all click on the Unseemly Button below because I must hie myself to the Nuys of Van to have my car serviced.

Have I mentioned that I’m getting my car serviced? Have I mentioned that my toe is throbbing and that there is probably going to be a lot of dried blood under the Band Aid this morning? Have I mentioned that my throat was achy and that I ate silly food all the livelong day and night? Quick, somebody take me in for servicing – I could really use it.

We’re going to try to figure out a release date for the new book today. I’ll keep you posted. Since I haven’t revealed the title as yet, at least in these here notes, I guess I will – it’s called Writer’s Block and, as I’ve said, is a mystery which takes place in 1969 during the tryout of a new musical. I’ll have a picture of the cover for you to see this week. I’ll also begin doing the movie script rewrite either today or tomorrow, and I’ll have more information on that, too.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must get my car serviced, I myself must get serviced as I am falling apart, I must do errands and then watch a few more episodes of Alias. Today’s topic of discussion: What is your all-time favorite car that you’ve ever owned and why was it your all-time favorite – and where is it today (if you know). Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we?

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