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November 2, 2007:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I. I’m sorry, that’s all I could think of after working fifteen hours straight, which, I suppose, is better than working fifteen hours crooked. I am, frankly, ready for the loony bin or the cookie jar or the funny farm. About ten minutes ago I was trying to finish all my entrances and exits diagrams and I just couldn’t do it anymore. I literally just stopped and my brain would not function. Maybe I should attempt to finish that first sentence. Well, dear readers, I. Nope, can’t do it. The I’s have it, I’m afraid. I’m lucky any thoughts are coming out at all and I’m lucky this computer autocorrects quite a few words, since I’m mistyping everything. Speaking of mistyping yesterday was a day in which I never stopped, not even for food. I had to get up quite early and then make my way to the home of Matt and Christina Ashford to do a photo-op. We did it, and it was nice to see where the Ashfords live – a very nice house. I met their very sweet doggie, too. I then had to hie myself to a rehearsal for The Party Animals. Apparently, their recent European performances were very successful, and they have five performances this weekend. I got them back in the groove, made a couple of little adjustments and then I went on my merry way. I hurried home, answered a ton o’ e-mails, then put together the fundraiser script and took it and our stage diagrams over to Staples for Xeroxing. I also picked up all the Brain orchestral parts, which I had Xeroxed and am now shipping to the UK for the Brunel University production of The Brain From Planet X. I got binders for the fundraiser script, which I designed carefully so that if I decided to change the order it was just a matter of moving pages around, since each song lyric begins on a new page. I found out that a bunch of those interviews I did hit the stands today, but I haven’t actually seen them. After that, I had to proof the program – I found a few things, sent in my corrections, and that was that. I then changed the order of act two, swapping around four numbers. The program will be wrong, but on the song page we put the caveat “Subject to change.” I think it’s stronger now. I will, of course, have to move around those pages in the five scripts, although I may let someone else do that tomorrow. By the time I finished all that, it was time for our three rehearsals. First up was Michelle Nicastro – I hadn’t seen her in probably four years, so it was so nice to reconnect, and the minute she started singing her song (she’s doing a Menken song from our Toonful CD) I got all emotional – she sounded so beautiful. We adjusted the arrangement a little and that was that. Then Miss Juliana Hansen came over – she’s only had her song for three days, but she hit it right out of the ballpark. I gave her a few suggestions and she did it again and it was even better. She has the fun job of premiering the Enchanted song. After her, it was Christina Saffran Ashford – we ran over her song a couple of times and that was that. Why is that always that? Why can’t that be this or, conversely, why can’t this be that? But, noooo, that is always that, and that’s that. Where was I? Oh, yes, rehearsals finished, and I finally went out and got a couple of Togo’s sandwiches for dinner. I wolfed them down (which is probably why I didn’t feel good all evening), tried to sit on my couch like so much fish and watch something, to no avail, and then I began the arduous process of setting entrances and exits, which I do on a stage diagram. Each performer will get one, and they’ll be posted backstage, as well. I did the entire second act, then did almost all of act one before I, as I said, literally could not do one more. I also had to have Barbara Wechter redo the PowerPoint slide order to match the new show order, and now that’s done, too. So, we’re plugging along. I’m told there was an upsurge in ticket sales today – we sold about twenty more Gold Star discount tickets, and the box-office took a jump, too, because a few of our performers have been sending out eBlasts. And now, here I sit, writing pithy things like Well, dear readers, I.

Why don’t we all click on the Unseemly Button below because I. See, what happens? The I’s have it once again.

Today, I. I’m short-circuiting is what I’m doing. Today, I must finish doing the entrance and exit diagrams, I must fix the second act order in four scripts (I just did one), I must Xerox all the entrance and exit diagrams and the new show order, so I can hand them out at today’s band rehearsal. Prior to the band rehearsal, we have one last rehearsal at my house with Miss Kim Huber. I’m also hoping that David Siegel’s Fed Ex box arrives before the rehearsal, otherwise we’re in deep doo-doo (ood-ood, spelled backwards). I’m supposed to go to a birthday bash in the evening, but it’s way out by Zuma beach and I just don’t know if I can deal with that long of a drive. We shall see, but I’m doubting I’ll go.

Tomorrow, she of the Evil Eye will be here and I’ll have to go elsewhere – I’ll probably go to a restaurant, where I can do light cues in the script. At two o’clock, I get to be a blonde again and get my haircut. After that, I have much work to do, and then I have yet another event, this one a cocktail party/press event for the Los Angeles Festival Of New Musicals. Again, it’s out by the beach, so I’m just not sure about going. We shall see.

Sunday, we have part two of our band rehearsal, and when I get home I’m not talkin’ to anyone – I’m taking a few hours to rest my brain and get my energy on high for the next day, a day in which I’m going to have to be on top of every single detail for the show, the silent auction, and everything else.

Well, dear readers, I. Must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, finish diagrams, put second act scripts in the new order, Xerox, rehearse, have part one of a band rehearsal, and then decide whether to take a long drive to stay a short while at a party. Today’s topic of discussion: It’s Friday – what is currently in your CD player, and your DVD/video player? I’ll start – CD, the new release of Johnny Keating’s wonderful soundtrack to the 1966 film, Hotel. It’s coupled with Stanley Myers’ very 60s-flavored soundtrack to Kaleidoscope. DVD – nothing until the fundraiser is over. Let’s have loads of lovely postings shall we, and I.

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