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July 23, 2010:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, how can it be Friday when it was just Monday? This week has flown by, like a gazelle reading a treatise on the zebu. The fact is, it’s Friday and that means the weekend is upon us and I, for one, say hoo and ray because I’ll be able to get a little bit of relaxation in. Actually, I got a little relaxation in yesterday, which was a very good thing. For example, I got up. That was relaxing. I did a two-mile jog, answered e-mails, and had a long telephonic conversation. I did some errands and whatnot, printed out some orders, and then I moseyed on over to Mo’s for lunch with my pal Marshall Harvey. I’ve known Marshall for ages – he edited my little short comic film Barry in Concert for the Likely Stories series, and he also edited David Wechter’s short films for that same show. He went on to be the editor for Joe Dante’s films. He’s also a huge film music fan. We had a good lunch (burgers, baby, burgers), and better conversation. After that, I picked up one count them one package and no mail, then came home. I approved all the packaging on our next release – the fast track one, and made sure the mastering guy had everything he needed to proceed apace. He’s actually going to do the next release and one other title (don’t know if that will follow or not, but at least we’ll get it done) – our next title is a show release and so is the other one he’ll do. The first is a bit of a Holy Grail for collectors, the second is personal for me and one I just want to do because I love the composer/lyricist so much. I had a telephonic conversation with a singer who wants to talk to me about me helping her with an act – not sure I’ll do it, but I’ll certainly talk to her. Then I finally sat on my couch like so much fish, where I tried to watch motion pictures on DVD and kept falling asleep.

Last night, I finally did manage to watch two motion pictures on DVD. The first motion picture on DVD was entitled Dial 1119, a rather weak film noir starring Marshall Thompson as an escaped lunatic. I must say, MGM just really didn’t do classic noir, other than maybe The Postman Always Rings Twice and even that isn’t all that noirish in the classic sense. Anyway, Dial 1119 was adequate and very short. I then watched The Phenix City Story, directed by Phil Karlson. I know this is considered to be a classic, and I’ve seen it about five times now, always hoping I’ll like it better. But I never do – I find it okay but not the masterpiece some claim it to be. It starts with an excruciatingly long series of interviews with the real-life people from the real-life story. Then the film proper starts – the good part is it’s all shot on the actual locations, but I just don’t ever get with it and prefer almost all of Mr. Karlson’s other films to this one. Both transfers were fine. I then checked out the two new Criterion Blu and Rays of Black Narcissus and The Red Shoes. I have the UK versions (all-region) of both films – the Criterions have been getting absolute raves everywhere, but they are the exact same transfers and basically look exactly the same. In fact, for some reason I think I give a slight edge to the UK Narcissus, while I give a slight edge to the Criterion Red Shoes. But Criterion gets all these kudos, as if THEY did the work, but they’re simply using the transfers created for the UK discs, so others deserve the praise. I then checked out the new UK Blu and Ray of Ozu’s Early Summer, which I felt looks excellent (a couple of “reviewers” have called it ordinary, but I completely disagree). These transfers apparently emanate from the Criterion DVD hi-def transfers, so in this case, Criterion deserves the praise. The UK company has put out three Ozu films – Early Summer, Late Spring, and Tokyo Story, and I’ll be watching them all.

Then I just wandered around the home environment aimlessly, thinking that if I was in Rome I’d do as the Romans do, whatever the HELL that is. Those darn Romans. Always doing something in Rome but not really telling people just what they ARE doing. So, forget Rome and those darn Romans. If I was in Armenia I’d do as the Armenians do – eat pistachio nuts. But the fact is, I’m in Studio City so I do as the Studio City-zians do – nothing. If I had a dog, I’d walk it. They do that in Studio City. If I had a trendy bone in my body I’d go sit at Mexicali or some lame trendy jernt on Ventura Blvd. They do that in Studio City. If I had a hammer, I’d hammer in the morning. They do that in Studio City. I don’t know, Rome is starting to look good now. Perhaps I’ll go to Rome and roam. Perhaps not.

Well, that was a waste of a perfectly good paragraph, wasn’t it? Why don’t we all click on the Unseemly Button below because when in Rome do what the Romans do – click, baby, click.

Today, I have to jog, and I have to write an article for Backstage magazine, contrasting the way casting worked when I was an actor as opposed to now. I’ll lift most of it from the introduction in my book, but I have to do 650 words and it’s due on Monday – it’s basically to plug the book. Then I have to do my next scene in the screenplay I’m writing with Mr. David Wechter. I also have to prep everything for our new announcement – not sure if it will be Monday or Tuesday – we shall see. Then I’m attending the opening night of a production of Cinderella, which features Sally Struthers and Marcia Wallace. I’m pretty certain I know someone in the ensemble, but I cannot remember who – I guess I’ll find out when I look at the program. I’m attending with Mr. Barry Pearl and after we’re going to the opening night partay at Brent’s Deli.

Tomorrow, I’ll drop by the Hollywood Show to see what’s what, but I shan’t be there very long. Then I’ll come home, finalize the Backstage article and get it sent off, and then relax. I’m not sure if anything is happening, dinner-wise.

Sunday, I believe, is mine all mine, or at least most of it. Next week is already jam-packed with meetings, meals, and events.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, do the long jog, I must write an article, I must write a scene, and I must attend an opening night. Today’s topic of discussion: It’s Friday – what is currently in your CD player and your DVD/video player? I’ll start – Blu-Ray, The Red Shoes and Early Spring. CD, the new 2 CD set of Danny Elfman’s relentless Batman score. Your turn. Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, and do remember that when in Rome, do as the Romans do, whatever the HELL that is.

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