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August 11, 2010:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, it is the night of the day in question, which was yesterday but is actually still today. These are metaphysical things I speak of, dear readers, and not easily explained unless you have an advanced intelligence and have eaten a bean burrito. IF you have an advanced intelligence and have eaten a bean burrito then you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about. If you don’t, then you’re out in the cold, or, in the case of my fair city, out in the hot. Given the fact that I do not have an advanced intelligence and have not eaten a bean burrito, I don’t know what the HELL I’m talking about. But I won’t let that stop me. I shall tell you about the day in question, which was yesterday even though I shall tell you about it today, which isn’t really today. Yesterday was okay. There, I’ve said it and I’m glad. Yesterday was just fine and dandy and also dandy and fine. There were no real highlights but on the other hand there were no real lowlights. The day just went along on an even keel until the night – and I’ll get to the night after I’ve dispensed with the day, as to go out of order would cause the universe to be uneasy and we can’t have an uneasy universe now can we? I got up at nine, which was fine. I did stuff until Mr. Shelly Markham arrived and we went and had breakfast, discussed the schedule for our Gardenia show and I gave him all the music and a CD for reference. After that, I did some banking, I picked up a few packages, I did some errands and whatnot, and then I refused to do more. I felt I needed an afternoon to myself and an afternoon to myself I had – after I shipped out two large boxes o’ CDs and some smaller boxes, and after I’d written a few Kritzerland checks to pay Kritzerland bills. At that point in time I sat on my couch like so much fish.

Yesterday, during my afternoon to myself, I watched six count them six episodes of Adam 12, Season Five. For me, this show does right what Dragnet does wrong. First off, it’s got a lot of stuff going on in every episode. Second, the guest stars are much more fun, and third, it’s just a pleasure to watch Mr. Kent McCord and Mr. Martin Milner as Officers Jim Reed and Pete Malloy. In one episode, we got both Tina and Frank, Jr., Sinatra-wise. In another, we got Monkee Mickey Dolenz AND Kookie, Edd Byrnes as bikers. In another we got the impossibly cute Cindy Eilbacher. But best of all we got locations – right from the get-go and the go-get. We got Mulholland, we got Laurel Canyon, we got Moorpark, we got Riverside in Toluca Lake – in fact, there was only one shot made on the back lot; the rest were all actual locations. The six episodes flew by (no mean feat) and then I did a brisk three-mile jog because in addition to my small breakfast of bacon and eggs, I’d also treated myself to two count them two cupcakes, so I wanted to make sure I burned off some of those calories, which I’m quite sure I did. The only other food I had, post-jog, was some white rice with a little bit of butter.

Last night, I watched a homegrown DVD sent to me by a dear reader, said DVD containing a surreptitiously made copy of a currently running musical on Broadway. I’ll leave it at this: It was one of the single worst things I’ve ever had the displeasure to watch. Most of it can be laid at the feet of its director – if you don’t trust the material, don’t do the show, it’s really that simple. And when a director feels the need to reset a show’s time period six years earlier in order to crassly cash in on Mad Men, when a director feels it’s okay to interpolate two songs which have no business being in the show, when a director makes other revisions, has one of the most iconic overtures in history revised and adds staging to it for no reason whatsoever, when a director makes what should be a tear the roof off the theater show-stopping number into a dull and lifeless nothing, and then proceeds to elongate the end of the act until it loses its point completely, well, the list goes on and on and why beat a dead horse. You know where to find further comment should you care to see it. I got more enjoyment out of the Adam 12 episodes.

Well, why don’t we all click on the Unseemly Button below because those who have an advanced intelligence and have eaten a bean burrito know that to click is the thing to do.

Today, I have a lunch meeting, Alet Taylor will be picking up her material for the Gardenia show, and I have errands and whatnot to do, and liner notes to finish for an upcoming project. The rest of the day shouldn’t be too busy, so I can get in some organizing time, too.

Tomorrow or Friday I’ll be seeing our very own JMK -hopefully we can have a meal while we’re getting together. Perhaps we’ll even have a bean burrito and then all we’ll need is to get some advanced intelligence.

The weekend will be spent prepping our next announcement, a show release. And there will be a release a week after that, and then we’re back to our regular schedule. I’m hoping that some people, at least, will like this show release – I almost cancelled it after finding out there’d been a previous CD release, but we’ve cleaned up the sound, added five great bonus tracks (22 extra minutes), and frankly, I don’t think many people knew about the previous release. We don’t really have to sell all that many to break even, so that’s the good news. If we can sell three or four hundred we’ll even make a little money.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, do a jog, see Alet Taylor, have a lunch meeting, do errands and whatnot, and then relax. Today’s topic of discussion: It’s Ask BK Day, the day in which you get to ask me or any dear reader any old question you like and we get to give any old answer we like. So, let’s have loads of lovely questions and loads of lovely answers and loads of lovely postings shall we, and if we have some postings with advanced intelligence we’ll know someone has eaten a bean burrito.

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