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March 1, 2013:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, this week has flown by, like a gazelle in a car wash. But you want to know what really flew by? Well, I’ll tell you what really flew by – this month is what really flew by, like a gazelle in a teddy. How can February be over? Didn’t it just begin? Wasn’t I just writing hello February and now suddenly it’s farewell February? Go know. In any case, today we’re in a brand new month, a little month I like to call March and it is my fervent hope and prayer that March will be a month filled with health, wealth, happiness, creativity, and all things bright and beautiful.

February didn’t exactly go out with a bang, but it didn’t go out with a whimper either. It went out and didn’t really make a deal about it. In fact, I can’t even remember most of yesterday. I do remember getting up after a rough night of sleeping sporadically. I do remember answering e-mails and then having to deal with Fed Ex because they attempted to make two deliveries before the mail place opened. I didn’t believe it then and I don’t believe it now because those drivers who do that route know exactly when the mail place opens and would never attempt a delivery before. I think they screwed up and were covering their ass, since the package had to be there by ten-thirty. After thirty minutes on the phone I finally got an ETA of one o’clock or before. So, then I went and had some chicken soup and a patty melt for the meal o’ the day. Then I called the mail place only to find no Fed Ex had been delivered. I then had to waste more time on the phone – this time I was assured it would be there by two, which it was. But I’m going to have another conversation and try to get some money off the bill for all the inconvenience. Then my tape transfer guy told me TWICE that he was on his way here. After an hour, he called and said there was too much traffic and could he come later. I said sure. Then he called and said he was leaving to come to me – and he never showed up, which I find completely irritating.

Then I had to listen to the A Time for Singing master, which I approved and which will now get shipped to the person handling the release, who will ship it to their pressing plant. Once that happens, and we ship the print, it will just be a matter of a couple of weeks till we get discs. So, I’m thinking we’ll announce in a couple of weeks in conjunction with a film soundtrack. Then I had to listen to another project, have a couple of longish telephonic conversations, and still deal with a moist nose, mucus, and phlegm, which I am so tired of. I had a brief visit with our very own Mr. Nick Redman and then I finally sat on my couch like so much fish.

Last night, I finished watching That Cold Day in the Park, an early film of Robert Altman, starring Miss Sandy Dennis and Mr. Michael Burns. I understand that the film version has one slight change from the novel – the novel’s protagonist is a gay male. Yes, I’d say that’s a slight change, but I suppose the screen world wasn’t quite ready for that story. The film is slow, arty, and okay. Altman fanatics love it, of course, but even pre-MASH Altman lets scenes of no purpose involving characters who play no important part, just go on ad nauseum. There’s one scene in a doctor’s waiting room where three women we’ve never met, quietly talk amongst themselves, clearly improvising boring chit-chat and we hold on that for about four unbearable minutes. The transfer replicates what a release print from that era would have looked like. Sandy is Sandy and Michael Burns, with whom I would work several times, is very good.

After that, I watched a bit of another motion picture and that was that. Well, why don’t we all click on the Unseemly Button below because I must get as much beauty sleep as possible, and I have a feeling that the tape transfer fellow will just show up here at nine.

Today, I have stuff to do in the morning hours, I have to do some banking, hopefully I’ll pick up some packages, and then I’ll probably get some soup to tide me over until dinner. Then we have our stumble-through at three, after which I’m sure I’ll give a note or two and run a few things again. Then I’ll have a leisurely dinner and then I’m seeing a new musical in the Bank of Bur.

Tomorrow I will jog for sure, then it’s video and sound check and then the show. I will, of course, have a full report. Sunday is mine all mine – I may go out to dinner, but it’s a day of relaxing for the likes of me. Next week is extremely busy with editing room stuff, meeting about house stuff, planning a little brief trip to Washington, meetings, meals, and seeing a couple of things.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, do banking, hopefully pick up some packages, eat, have a stumble-through, eat again, and see a new musical. Today’s topic of discussion: It’s Friday – what is currently in your CD player and your DVD/video player? I’ll start – CD, too many to mention. Blu and Ray, all the new Twilight Time releases and tons of others. Your turn. Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, as we welcome in March with a smile and a happy heart, remembering that it is my fervent hope and prayer that March will be a month filled with health, wealth, happiness, creativity, and all things bright and beautiful.

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