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January 17, 2015:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, it was another busy day yesterday and my eyes are really bleary from writing a lot of pages and I am in the critical last fifty pages of the book and so I spend a lot of time stopping and starting and moving things around and rethinking and puzzling things out and holy moley on rye I think we’ve got us one of those confounded run-on sentences that were so popular in the year One when no one cared about such things and punctuation didn’t even exist and therefore they could just write willy-nilly with nary a period or a comma or a semi-colon or a colon or even a colonoscopy they just kept on going like the Energizer Bunny and people admired it for what it was even though they didn’t even know what it was and did you know that the word hat is what without the “W” I gotta tell you you learn such arcane things on this here website and won’t someone just throw me a damn period already.  Whew.

Now THAT was a paragraph.  Speaking of paragraphs, it was a mostly writing day yesterday.  I got up at nine-thirty, turned the heat on, and got back in bed until ten-thirty.  Once up, I futzed and finessed, then I wrote one and a half new pages.  Then we had a little Inside Out meeting, which lasted a bit over an hour, and then I wrote about four or five pages.  I was starving by that point, so I went and had a turkey sandwich with some of those french fry things.  Then I came right home and continued writing.  I stopped and took a hot shower and solved a little problem I was having in an upcoming sequence, then I wrote a bit more before I went to the Eclectic Café, where I joined Jenna Lea Rosen and her mom.  Jenna just made the Spotlight Awards semi-finals, so that’s fun.  I just had a little Caesar salad there.

Then it was back home and more writing.  I finished about thirteen pages and would probably have finished more, but I kept rearranging things and rethinking a tricky little section of the book that I have to get just right.  The tricky part is that a character has discovered something that I’m not quite ready for the reader to know yet.  So, I’m trying to write it without it seeming like I’m withholding things in a blatant way, even though I am, but only for one chapter.  Then I took a break.

I was happy to see that the second season of The Fall with Gillian Anderson was on Netflix, so I watched the first episode – very good and I’m happy I get to have these hour-long shows to watch.  After that, I nuked a little thing I’d written that I didn’t like, and rewrote it and then one additional page, so fourteen pages in all.

Today, I shall basically be writing.  I really want to do between twelve and fifteen pages – if I do, I’ll be over 220 manuscript pages and then in the final forty or so pages.  At the end of last night, I’d just begun a new chapter and after that chapter there are only three chapters left.  So, I’ll futz and finesse, write,  I’ll also eat something light but amusing, I’ll hopefully pick up packages and I’ll take a couple of breaks and I’m sure I’ll watch another episode of The Fall.

Tomorrow I’ll write until about two-thirty, then I’ll get ready to go to our little Inside Out fundraiser at three-thirty.  That lasts until five-thirty, then I’ll eat something, then come home and write all evening.  Monday morning we have our first Inside Out rehearsal, but it’s all music, so I’ll say my little welcome speech, sit there for a while, and leave them to it.  Then I’ll come right home and write, with the possibility that if I go on my usual end of book tear that I could conceivably finish that night or the following morning.  Then we have Inside Out rehearsals all week – I start staging on Thursday.  It’s good having the daytime rehearsals, because they’re four hours in the morning and then I can do all my other stuff.  If I finish Monday night or Tuesday, I’ll print out the pages and get them to Muse Margaret and hope she likes them.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, futz and finesse, write, eat, hopefully pick up some packages, write, watch an episode of The Fall, write, write and write.  Today’s topic of discussion: At which subjects did you excel in school and at which subjects did you fumble and have difficulty?  Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, after which I shall have a run-on sort of day.

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