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November 17, 2015:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, it’s the night of the living living and I’m here to tell you about yesterday and yet I can’t really remember much about yesterday except that I never left the house except that one time I left the house. I got eight hours of sleep, that much I remember. And once up I do remember doing a bit of work on the computer. I remember making myself two cheeseburgers. How I made one elderly Jew into two cheeseburgers is anyone’s guess. The two cheeseburgers were very good – just the way I made them the day before. Very calorie friendly, too. After that, I took the motor car and picked up the vocal selection books for Welcome to My World and brought them home. So, if you want one and haven’t ordered yet, it’s up on the Kritzerland site right now, and also available at Amazon via us as a third-party seller.


After that, I did more work on the computer – some writing, some noodling, some answering of e-mails. I’m sure I did other things, but I cannot remember what they might have been. At some point I did sit on my couch like so much fish.


Yesterday I decided to watch one of the many SAG screeners I’ve gotten, this one being the first four episodes of a new series on NBC entitled Blindspot. It’s clearly in the Alias/Lost mode and loves to use what is already a hoary old cliché, that of “ten hours earlier” or “two years ago” and they really ought to just knock it off. The premise of the pilot is okay and I had no idea that an hour-long show these days runs exactly forty-two minutes. Yes, that’s EIGHTEEN minutes of commercials, which is pretty outrageous. Thankfully this screener is sans commercials. I did watch all four episodes and it suffers from Alias/Lost syndrome almost immediately – everything becomes repetitious, the same bits over and over and over again, and by the end of episode four you wonder how they’re ever going to keep this thing going for multiple seasons. They’d be much better off making it twenty episodes and ta ta, but that’s not what network TV is about. But from the comments I’ve read at various places, people have already tired of the plot machinations. Every act break ends with some huge dramatic flourish and every episode ends with a cliffhanger. The cast is rather flat in the way of today’s actors, and the supporting characters each have one beat to play endlessly. Add to that all the stupid and unnecessary shaky cam crap, which you’d think these creators would be over with by now, and it’s just ultimately too tiresome to care about.


Then I got a DGA screener of Jurassic World, the blockbuster hit from earlier this year. It seems a rehash of the first film, but it’s kind of enjoyable, save for the dreadful dialogue and the performance of Vincent D’Onofrio, and actor I’m truly bored of watching. Surely there was a better choice and not such an obvious one. The effects are, of course, swell, but I’m forty minutes in and waiting for the silly to be done with. And I know there are many minutes to go, which I’ll watch today at some point.


After that, I just relaxed, did a bit more work on the computer and that was that.


Today, I fear I may have to take the motor car in for servicing – it’s a few months overdue and when I went to put my car away it was behaving very weirdly, not turning off the headlights (they turn off automatically), and giving me weird blinking red icons. I looked them up, and apparently it means the battery in the fob may be going, although I had them changed a year ago and they should be all right. I did try the spare fob, but it did the same thing. So, if I can get in in the morning and if they have a loaner so I don’t have to wait somewhere for two hours, then I’ll mosey on over there. Otherwise, I’ll eat, I’ll hopefully pick up some packages, Juliana Hansen may stop by in the late afternoon, and then I’ll relax.


The rest of the week is meetings and meals, mailing out the vocal selection books and hopefully announcing a new CD. The packaging has gone in for approval. Not sure what the weekend holds, although I’m pretty sure I have to see something and I’m going to a birthday party on Sunday, I believe – same thing I did last year – I’ll do some patter between songs of the film composer Ennio Morricone.


Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, maybe take the motor car in for servicing, eat, hopefully pick up packages, have a visit, write, and relax. Today’s topic of discussion: What are your all-time favorite burgers? Meat, veggie, whatever – where have you had the best, the worst, and do you ever make them yourself and if so, how? Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, as I await the dawn after the night of the living living.

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