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December 11, 2018:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I am sitting here like so much fish, pondering the imponderables, which are, as frequently is the case, imponderable.  Frankly, I’ve pitched a movie called The Imponderables to Pixar.  I’m hoping they make it.  It’s the story of five people who are imponderably imponderable, and nothing whatsoever happens for two hours.  I think it’s completely unique. What the HELL am I talking about?

Yesterday was a day I kind of remember and kind of don’t – in other words, it was a mundane little Monday.  I did get eight hours of sleep, so that was nice.  Once up, I had a lot of e-mails to answer, some orders to print out (wish there were more, but as long as they come in steadily, I’m happy), I had a few telephonic calls, and then I went and had a breakfast burrito for my main meal o’ the day.  After that, I picked up one package and some mail, including two birthday cards from the Darling Daughter, which were sent in plenty of time to actually arrive for the birthday, but not with the USPS.  I came home, did a few things on the computer, listened to music – in fact, I finished that humungous twenty-four CD set of British music conducted by Sir Charles Groves.  So many wonderful things in that set.  I had more telephonic conversations, got a really nice e-mail from a TV writer who saw A Carol Christmas yesterday and he was so complimentary about the show and the score, so that was a nice thing.  At some point I sat on my couch like so much fish and before I could even start a movie I dozed right off for about thirty minutes.

Then I made a little spaghetti with butter and cheese and ate that, then sat on the couch again like so much fish.

Last night, I attempted to watch a DGA screener entitled Crazy Rich Asians – I know it was a critical hit and a box-office hit that surprised everyone. I got thirty minutes in and fell asleep again, so I’ll finish it this evening, but thus far its small charms are just that, small.

After that, I started on another conductor box set I found the other day in the garage – still sealed – have no idea when I got it but obviously I never got around to opening it.  This conductor, Charles Mackerras, I remember from my classical record collecting days in the 1970s.  This is a five-CD set, and the music is wonderfully performed in great sound.  I looked it up on Amazon – you can get this thing for like fifteen bucks.  I don’t go in for Mozart much, but his Symphony 40 here is just performed so well and the tune is so famous that I ended up really enjoying it, I must say.  There’s a Dvorak seventh that I didn’t know at all and that I liked, Janacek’s sinfonietta for strings in a terrific performance, a really top-notch The Rite of Spring, and currently playing a wonderful performance of Delius’s Paris.  Lots more to go.  And that was pretty much the day and evening.  I thankfully avoided drama.

Today, there will be drama if we don’t get some kind of miraculous miracle, but we’ll see how that all goes and hopefully it will go well and not be too disgusting. I’ll eat, hopefully pick up packages, then the helper is coming and we’re going to deal with the Indiegogo stuff we need to get shipped.  He’s been very busy, so he has a lot to catch up on.  After all that, I have to do work on the January Kritzerland, including locking down the last of the young performers, and then I’ll finally relax.

The rest of the week is more of the same, and then we resume performances on Friday – just three more weekends.  It’s amazing the number of people who haven’t seen it yet and I shan’t be happy if they miss it completely, oh, no, I shan’t be happy.

Why don’t we all put on our pointy party hats and our colored tights and pantaloons, why don’t we all break out the cheese slices and the ham chunks, why don’t we all dance the Hora and the Twist, for today is the birthday of our very own dear reader Ginny.  So, let’s give a big haineshisway.com birthday cheer to our very own dear reader Ginny.  On the count of three: One, two, three – A BIG HAINESHISWAY.COM BIRTHDAY CHEER TO OUR VERY OWN DEAR READER GINNY!!!

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, hope for a miraculous miracle so there won’t be too much drama, I’ll eat, hopefully pick up packages, work with the helper, work on the Kritzerland show, hopefully continue printing out orders, and relax.  Today’s topic of discussion: What were your favorite movies of 2018?  Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, happy to have survived a mundane little Monday.

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