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March 15, 2020:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, our second to last performance was a good one, playing to a very small audience, with half of the reservations on the books as no-shows.  They spent a good deal of time and money at the theater to clean everything, ushers, concession folks, and box-office gal all wore gloves, all those precautions as suggested, but people will go to the movies and bowling but not theater.  Having a small audience meant that no one was close to each other.  It was a good audience and we had a nice little partay backstage after the show. So, one more today and this one’s done.

Yesterday was a neither here nor there day.  I got seven hours of sleep, got up, did stuff on the computer and at the piano, had some telephonic calls, and then, because I’d cancelled she of the Evil Eye, I did laundry and listened to music whilst it did its thing.  Once that was done, I went to Jerry’s Deli for a proper meal.  There were only about three tables filled when I arrived.  I had a breakfast burrito – very good.  Monica, one of my regular servers, said it’s been a bit deadly in there, and she was, in fact, being sent home early.  But by the time I left there were about ten tables filled, so that was good.  And there seemed to be a lot of folks in the bowling place that’s attached to Jerry’s.

I put gas in the motor car, and then came home.  I did more stuff on the computer and more stuff at the piano but didn’t feel vocally strong enough to record the last two songs I need to record.  Then I shaved and showered, and then it was time to mosey on over to the theater.  Our set designer and lighting designer were there, so that was fun, and they were at the partay.  Doug made his famous lemon Bundt cake, there were cheese slices but no ham chunks, some chips and salsa, veggies, pinwheel sandwiches, and some drinks.  Our leading lady was tired and went home before I even got back there, and Peyton, who is usually out of the theater within thirty seconds, stayed for a bit. It’s a shame she ran out on Friday night, because the director of the original The Little Mermaid film was there and would like to have told her how much he enjoyed her performance.  I only ate about three of the tiny cheese slices, then headed home.

Once home, I listened to music, ate some junk I’d gotten from Rite-Aid, including some very tasty and dangerous Planters sweet and salty peanuts, which are sweet and salty, not necessarily in that order.  Then it was time to write these here notes.

Today, I’ll be up by eleven, and then I’ll mosey on over to the theater around one-thirty to see our final performance.  The Pearls will be there, too, and then we’ll sup after the show at one of our favorite eateries.  I suspect it will be a small audience again, but we’ll give ‘em a good show.  Then I’ll come home and relax.

Tomorrow, I’m really hoping for a galley and cover proofs, I’ll have to deal with some potential merde that I really don’t want to deal with, and then I have to seriously decide whether doing the April 5 Kritzerland is feasible and if it is I really have to finish casting and get everyone their music.  Otherwise, it’s meetings and meals and the usual things, and I’m truly hoping that the panic and hysteria abates a little this week.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, be up by eleven, mosey on over to the theater, see our final performance, sup at a favorite eatery, and then relax.  Today’s topic of discussion: It’s free-for-all day, the day in which you dear readers get to make with the topics and we all get to post about them.  So, let’s have loads of lovely topic and loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, happy to have had a neither here nor there day.

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