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June 13, 2022:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, we had us a Tony Awards partay here at haineshisway.com and basically no one showed up other than myself and one or two others. Not like the old days when we’d have fifty pages of postings. I, of course, didn’t actually see the show, although I saw all the numbers that were performed – the only one I really cared for was Billy Crystal’s number, just because it appeals to old Jews like myself. I think several represented shows won’t be around much longer. And I’m just weary of choreography that’s comprised of stomping and rolling around followed by a bright lights button to the number. Anyway, I had fun doing what was basically a Tony Awards monologue. After the last award was announced, I watched a motion picture on the Flix of Net entitled The Exorcist. I’m pretty sure I’ve never bought the Blu-ray of it, and truthfully, I’ve only seen it once because it just sounded too intense for me when it came out. Watching it again, the first thing that struck me is that there’s no way in hell it could get made in the same way today. It’s really well directed and written, and the performances are stellar. I know they did some silly extended version, but after having seen the additions, I think the original is the only one anyone needs to see. Some of the famous scenes are still amazingly shocking, even as jaded as things have become. Anyway, I really enjoyed it – well, maybe enjoy isn’t quite the right word. Now, the transfer was done in 2010 – it’s come out several times on Blu-ray since, but the transfer was never upgraded, and boy could it use an upgrade. Now, I’m trying to cool down the home environment. And as I finish this here paragraph, I’m listening to Roy Harris’ Symphony 3 with Bradley CooperLeonard Bernstein conducting. It’s quite an interesting work.

Yesterday, I got close to eight hours of sleep. Once up, I answered e-mails and then got everything ready to shoot the Indiegogo video. Then I shaved and showered and shot the video. After that, I gathered a lot of images for Marshall Harvey to use for editing. All that took quite some time, as you might or might not imagine. I ordered a Chinese chicken salad from Stanley’s and ate all that when it arrived. It was high quality food and very good and let me tell you, after the past week I needed some damn high-quality food. And then it was Tony Awards time and I began doing my evening-length monologue and reportage. I think most folks enjoyed the show. But there hasn’t been a production number in years the likes of We’ll Take a Glass Together or the My One and Only huge tap number – both choreographed by Tommy Tune – or Magic to Do or the opening of A Chorus Line or Turkey Lurkey Time. Now we just get petulant stomping and rolling around or flipping and it’s just no fun at all, at least not for me. The kiddies love it because they don’t know the other stuff at all. I gather the sound of the broadcast was bad – as it seems to be every year these days. After that, I watched The Exorcist and then listened to Mr. Harris and his interesting symphony three.

Today, I’ll be up when I’m up, I’ll do whatever needs doing, I’ll hopefully pick up an important and overdue envelope and if I do I’ll then do banking, I’ll eat something fun, and then I’ll spend many hours getting the perks ready for listing, along with writing the stuff one needs to write for Indiegogo campaigns. I’m getting mind and body in the right place for the full-time job ahead for the next four weeks. Then at some point I’ll watch, listen, and relax.

The rest of the week is meetings and meals, and going and doing and doing and going, launching the Indiegogo campaign, and working on this web series idea, along with wrapping up the cutting down of the screenplay with David Wechter. Hopefully, he’ll finish by tomorrow – we have to get past this phase, so we know how much we’ve cut it down, and then we do the next pass together via Zoom.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, be up when I’m up, do whatever needs doing, hopefully pick up an overdue important envelope, do banking if it’s arrived, eat, get perks ready and write the Indiegogo copy, and then I can watch, listen, and relax. Today’s topic of discussion: What did you like and not like on the Tony Awards? Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, having had a Tony Awards party for one.

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