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July 14, 2023:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I am sitting here like so much fish, having an early Christmas listening party for one. Yes, you heard it here, dear readers, I’m having an early Christmas listening party for one, I being the one. That’s because I never quite know what’s coming next when listening to music on the big boy computer. So, all of a sudden, the cast recording to A Carol Christmas began playing. I don’t think I’ve heard it since put it out. And you know what? It’s really delightful. Of course, I might be a little biased as I wrote the score, but as a listening experience I couldn’t be happier with the score. It’s tuneful, the lyrics are fine, and the performance are really good. It’s such a shame that there’ve been no other productions but that was our bad timing in making a licensing deal with a company that not a month later after us making the catalog, sold the company to another licensing company, where I’m sure we’re completely lost, if not completely invisible. The show is easy to produce, it comes with tracks or you can do it with a real trio, it has great roles, especially for women, it has a few kids, roles can be single cast or actors can play two parts, which is how we did it. I wish a couple of our dear readers would do it with their theaters – George or Jrand – would be fun for us to see it. It’s still listed with the old company but looks like it can be licensed from there, but it’s baffling why we’re not in the catalog of the company that bought them, as their other shows are. Anyway, it was fun to hear it after all this time. Now I’ve got the Christmas spirit in July, when the temperature is well over ninety. Go know. Earlier, I did watch one rather bad motion picture, a no-budget affair from the B-movie division of Columbia circa 1957, when it played the bottom half of a double bill for a week, entitled The Shadow on the Window, starring Miss Betty Garrett, Phil Carey, John Barrymore, Jr., Corey Allen (who I’d work with twice when he was a director), and others, directed by another person I’d work with, William Asher, pre-Bewitched. It did have a really good score by George Duning, but the script was terrible, and Asher wasn’t a great movie director by any stretch of the imagination.

Yesterday was okay. I got six hours of sleep, so going in the right direction, sleep-wise. I got up, answered e-mails, did a Ralph’s run and got stuff to make sandwiches, along with a baked potato for an evening snack. I wrote for a little while, had a long telephonic conversation, then made two count them two turkey sandwiches on roles that were french, with tomato and onion. They were very good. Then I futzed and finessed for an hour, then finished the section I was on, so that’s done now and I move on to the next section. Then I read Jrand’s lovely review of Preview Harvey, and that made me happy and I posted it to Facebook. Also on Facebook, a very nice man posted photos of himself holding his copy of Preview Harvey – he was waiting to read it on his vacation, which he’s now on, and he posted that he’s loving it. And I, of course, am loving it that he’s loving it.

Then I had the baked potato with butter and scallions and that was simply too many onions in one day and I couldn’t digest the food well and the onions were giving me a little heartburn. Then I watched the movie, did stuff on the computer, and listened to A Carol Christmas, and here we are.

Today, I’ll be up when I’m up, I’ll do whatever needs doing, I’ll figure out what to do for food, I still haven’t checked with the mail place, so I’ll do that but won’t go there until tomorrow after I eat breakfast, I’ll write as many pages as I feel like writing, and then I can watch, listen, and relax.

Tomorrow, she of the Evil Eye comes so I’ll be up at eight-thirty and out the door by nine. After I get back, it will be writing and doing whatever needs doing. Sunday will be the same, even though Spanky and Our Gang said Sunday will never be the same. Next week is writing and doing a lot o’ stuff.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, be up when I’m up, do whatever needs doing, I’ll write, I’ll figure out food and then eat, I’ll check in with the mail place, and then watch, listen, and relax. Today’s topic of discussion: It’s Friday – what is currently in your CD player and your DVD/Blu and Ray/streaming player and devices? I’ll start – CD, the musical I’ll be directing starting rehearsals last week of September. Blu-ray and streaming – some Preview Harvey hits. Your turn. Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, happy to have had a little early Christmas listening party.

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