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September 9, 2023:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I must write these here notes in a super hurry for she of the Evil Eye will be here all too soon and on top of that we had the ubiquitous every two-week computer freeze, and it just took twenty minutes to get everything up again. Most irritating. I also want to enter some fixes from proofer two but first – the notes. I’m back from an opening night at the Group Rep seeing the classic farce, Room Service, a three-act play in three acts. Good cast and it’s always fun to see a classic farce and Room Service is a classic farce that I’ve never seen. In fact, most surprisingly, I’ve never seen the Marx Brothers film of it, the only Marx Brothers movie I’ve never seen. They had a nice afterparty, but it was way too crowded for claustrophobic li’l me, so after saying hello to a few folks, I took my leave and leaved and also left. Speaking of leaved, do you know what bugs me large? Adult people who say, “I thought the movie was well casted.” It’s shocking how many people think that casted is the past tense of cast, but the past tense of cast is – wait for it – cast. And when you tell them that it’s not a word, they react poorly because heaven forbid someone should just admit they were wrong.

Yesterday was a Friday kind of day. I only got four hours of sleep, I got up, I answered e-mails, then had another one-hour rehearsal that was fun, after which I stopped at the nearby Taco Bell and got some food to bring home, including a new item – they call it a rolled chicken taco, but it’s basically just a taquito with a new name. They were quite tasty, and I got the guacamole as the dipping sauce. I recommend it. After that, I had a telephonic conversation with my gal at the publishing company, so she knows the book will be coming to her soon. Once we have the cover completely done and the final design version, then I’ll tell you all what the HELL it is. The one thing I can tell you is this: Novella my ASS.

I sat on the couch like so much fish and immediately dozed off for about an hour. Then I shaved and showered and after doing a few things that needed doing, I headed over to the theater to attend an opening night. And here we are, finally, after the ubiquitous every two week computer freeze.

Today, I’ll be up by eight-thirty and out the door by nine. I’ll go have a light breakfast somewhere then visit the mail place, do some stuff, and come home. I won’t be home long because we have another one-hour rehearsal at three, but once that’s done, I’ll come right home and do whatever needs doing and then watch, listen, and relax.

Tomorrow is a ME day straight down the line. Monday is another rehearsal and then we have run-throughs the rest of the week, all eight plays in order. Unfortunately, I believe we’re second to last so I will find out exactly when I’m needed because I’m not spending an entire week watching all these other short plays after I’ve seen them once or twice. That’s a bit much. Same for tech – I’m not going to sit through six other plays’ tech before we get to ours. I’ll have someone alert me when they’re two plays away, then I’ll come down. The tech for our play is lights up full stage – the play – lights do a quick fade to black. That’s it. I also have meetings and meals and getting the book to the final design folks. Blurbs have to be in by the fifteenth and then we can get the cover done. I have to write the dustjacket flap copy, too.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, be up by eight-thirty and out the door by nine, I must breakfast, visit the mail place, come home, have a one-hour rehearsal, come home again, finish entering fixes, and then watch, listen, and relax. Today’s topic of discussion: What are your all-time favorite farces for stage and screen. I’ll start with a stage farce I loved on Broadway – Bedroom Farce. For the movies, I know of no better example of brilliant farce than Billy Wilder’s One, Two, Three. Your turn. Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, where I shall have farcical dreams.

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