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January 20, 2024:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I must write these here notes in a hurry, because I got waylaid finishing a little sequence in the new book. I was on a roll and when you’re on a roll you’re on a roll and you must roll with the roll. I have now finished rolling with the roll and here I am, writing these here notes in a hurry. So, let’s get right to it, shall we? I watched the first seventy-three minutes of a motion picture last night entitled American Fiction. It’s a critics’ darling, I’m sure it will be up for awards, and it does feature a terrific performance from Jeffrey Wright, who’s a shoo-in for an Oscar nomination. I’m enjoying some of it – thankfully, it’s shot in the classic style with no cutesy stuff – that’s already a big plus. It’s going on a bit too long (it’s two hours total), it’s funny at times, but at times it pushes the “satire” a bit too much. I’ll finish it up today. I do hope that she of the Evil Eye will not show up this morning. She’s been out of town and originally told me she’d be back on the twentieth, which I took to mean back in town. But she got back yesterday. I’ve texted her twice not to come. I cannot get up that early and then have to kill three hours of my day. I suggested that any day after Tuesday would be fine or that we could just wait until the following Saturday. Well, hopefully she will not be here. In other news, I got about six hours of sleep, I think, got up, answered e-mails, and then began to futz and finesse. That took a couple of hours, I wrote a new page, then moseyed on over to Gelson’s where I bought a single can of soup. I came home, made a nice batch of Wacky Noodles, ate a goodly amount of them but saved a little for later. Then I began writing new pages and did five. After that, I had some telephonic conversations, and did a few other things, then watched seventy-three minutes of American Fiction. Then I wrote about eight more pages, took a break, then wrote six more for a total of nineteen. That’s the most pages I’ve written on this book at one time. I’m hoping to do the same today and then I do think I’ll have a shot finishing on Sunday evening or Monday morning. I’ve passed page three hundred of the manuscript and I suspect it will top out at around 350, which would make a 270-page book. We shall see.

Today, I’ll be up when I’m up, I’ll do whatever needs doing, I’ll futz and finesse, which will probably take longer than usual given the nineteen pages, then I’ll write some new pages, do a few errands and whatnot, figure out what to do about food, write more new pages, finish American Fiction and maybe start The Holdovers or, if I can deal with watching on the computer, whatever that weird Emma Stone movie is, write more new pages, and then watch, listen, and relax.

Tomorrow may be the day I finish the book but I’m not gonna rush. I’ll actually know by the end of today whether I’ll finish tomorrow or not, but it’s a real possibility as I do tend to barrel through to the end when I’m this close. If I finish, then after I futz and finesse on Monday, then I’ll send the final batch of pages to Muse Margaret. I may have a nice meal to celebrate if it’s done. Then we’ll get back to the screenplay with David Wechter and get that done. I have a lot of things to catch up on next week, a LOT of things.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, be up when I’m up, do whatever needs doing, futz and finesse, write new pages, do errands and whatnot, figure out what to eat and then eat it, finish a movie, maybe start a new movie, write new pages, and then watch, listen, and relax. Today’s topic of discussion: What movies that you’ve seen would you like to see get Oscar nominations? Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, happy to have rolled along with the roll.

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