Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 1 => Topic started by: bk on February 08, 2004, 12:02:53 AM

Post by: bk on February 08, 2004, 12:02:53 AM
Well, you've deciphered the notes and you are ready to post until the cows come home, at least I hope and trust you are.
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 12:13:01 AM
I thought the "Dragnet" theme would have been more appropriate for a Friday. It certainly was one of those TV show themes that has "stuck". So was "77 Sunset Strip".  I should check and see if there is a Don Ralke Cd available. Much of that early Warner Bros music has been hard to get. If I remember correctly, the "B" side of the Ralke single of "77 Sunset Strip" was a Cha Cha version. (Maybe Kookie could lend you his comb for that proof reading).
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 12:43:44 AM
Any updates on "Children OF Eden" Jed? Does anyone bother to video the shows? Next question of course is "would it be possible to see it?". I am used to School productions and their limitations but have always wanted to see the show produced somewhere and as yet have not had the opportunity.
Post by: William F. Orr on February 08, 2004, 03:51:41 AM
DR td:

Good to hear your Dad is recouping apace.  Hospitals are no fun for anyone.  Here come some vibes:


Speaking of which, Joe's mother has been in the hospital for the last week and just had a foot amputated (complications from diabetes) on Thursday--the day after our court date.  At least she seems to be in less pain than she has had lately.

And that's about all the Gloom & Doom I have for now.  Lurking here for the weekend has brightened things up for me a lot.  That and watching really cheesy monster movies with Joe--something that always takes us away from our troubles.  Last night's offering on SciFi was a total Aliens rip-off but minus the interesting characters--just one dark industrial hallway after another filmed in green-o-vision in a game of let's-split-up-so-it-can-kill-us-one-at-a-time.  Too much like the real world for my tastes.
Post by: Danise on February 08, 2004, 06:06:25 AM
Good morning all!

Glad to see the board is still here and didn't burn down from keeping the home fries burning.   :)

It's cold here in Florida!  Per my Weather Bug in the corner of my screen it is 37 degrees as I type this!  Burrrrr!  Did I ever mention that cold is a 4 letter word?  

Happy Sunday all!  I hope today is bright and warm and wonderful for everyone.  

Thanks, DR Jennifer, I'm glad you like my "new" look.    It's fun playing "dress up".  :) :D

I've been putting it off--don't ask me why--but I bought a computer teaching program yesterday.  I'm going to try to grasp Spanish.  I've always want to speak a 2nd language and Spanish would be a big help at work.  I would have liked to pick German (since I am part German)  but since I don't know anyone who speaks it, I would have a hard time practicing.  I'll have plenty of people to practice Spanish with on the job.

The odd thing is when I was a very little girl and my Grandmother on my Dad's side (the only grandparent I got to meet since my Mom was an orphan and my Grandfather on my Dad's side died before I was born) was alive, I spoke German with her.  She was German and spoke it all the time.  There's a tape of  us playing "Old Maid" and talking in German but I have no memeory of it.  I can barely say a word now.

So here's my question for everyone today.  Who on the board speaks another language?  If so, which ones?  Anyone else speak one as a child and then because you didn't have anything to keep it up, lost it?

Post by: Matt H. on February 08, 2004, 06:23:18 AM
Another TV theme that has stood the test of time: PETER GUNN. Just to hear those opening bass notes immediately lets those of my generation know immediately what show you're about to see.
Post by: td on February 08, 2004, 06:45:01 AM
DR td:

Good to hear your Dad is recouping apace.  Hospitals are no fun for anyone.  Here come some vibes:


Speaking of which, Joe's mother has been in the hospital for the last week and just had a foot amputated (complications from diabetes) on Thursday--the day after our court date.  At least she seems to be in less pain than she has had lately.

Good vibes to Joe's mom for her speedy recovery, too.
Post by: Jennifer on February 08, 2004, 07:23:13 AM
DR Danise: Only English and French. But I also wish I knew Spanish. Good luck!

Oh and I had Chinese food last night. Yeah for General Taos!

BK: Today's notes made me realize how many either truly stupid there are out there, or how many people are incompetent.

If you really want the people to put the titles in italics I would start or end with:


Post by: Jennifer on February 08, 2004, 07:28:26 AM
DR Jose: I LOVE your long posts. So interesting. Although sometimes I feel like a peeping tammy :)

Btw, at your auditions, do you ever get to give any imput?
Post by: Jay on February 08, 2004, 07:50:16 AM
Waves of good thoughts and prayers to Dear Reader William F. Orr, Joe and Joe's mom during this trying time.
Post by: Jay on February 08, 2004, 07:51:14 AM
One of the best TV series theme music has to be "Mission Impossible."
Post by: PennyO on February 08, 2004, 07:55:46 AM
Good morning , all. Here I am in lovely Bristol, PA. I am ensconced in the Artist Residence - the theater owns an apartment building for artist housing, right on the river - there are geese honking right outside my window as I write. Oh, the view!!! My apt. has two bedrooms, kitchen, huge living room with a piano, YES A FORMAL DINING ROOM! and wonderful little alcove in a bay window to sit and read. Wonderful views out every window.

I went to their current show last night - Thornton Wilder's Skin Of Our Teeth. Huzzah!! It had all the problems the original production had -- folks just don't get it. Well, cuz it's about the whole history of the human race, what resilient little animals we are, the millions of years of knowledge in our very DNA. Well, I cried at the end of the third act. So moving. And director Keith Baker used slides of history since 1942 or so, when Tallulah Bankhead created Sabina - so there was lots of stuff Wilder could not have imagined - A-bomb, liberation of The Camps, Viet Nan, Trade Towers, y'all know the highlights... and still we go on, still that ember burns inside, some of us just never give up. And Earth abides. Very moving. The first time I saw that show, I think, Bruce Kimmel was Antrobus. I'd love to see him play it now...

So it's a dream come true - the Artist community, living "together" in separate housing, all working on their Art, and my show imminent, and a beautiful sunlit day here on the river. Ahhhhh.... Wish you were here.
Post by: Jay on February 08, 2004, 07:56:17 AM
Esidesbay lishengay, hetay lyonay anguagelay I peaksay is atinlay.  Igpay atinlay.
Post by: Matt H. on February 08, 2004, 07:57:04 AM
Love MISSION IMPOSSIBLE and also love Mancini's MR. LUCKY for its lushness.
Post by: Robin on February 08, 2004, 08:30:17 AM
Okay, I have a theme for the day, since the theme seems to the drifting off into the theme of TV themes and theme songs.  What are everyone's favorites?

A few of mine own:

Star Trek
Mission Impossible
The Adventures of Superman

And a few favorite theme songs:

It's Gary Shandling's Show--Bar none, the best lyrics of any TV theme song.  Ever.
Mr. Ed
Green Acres
The Addams Family
--And on the eighth day, God created Vic Mizzy.

And my least favorite TV theme song:

Star Trek: Enterprise--Gag me with a spoon!  Who the hell ever thought STAR TREK would need a theme song?  It replaced that horrid Friends thing in the Pantheon of Shame the first time I heard it...!  
Post by: Panni on February 08, 2004, 08:35:52 AM
Good morning. This will probably be my only post for a while today. Have much writing and (work) reading to do. Then to the theatuh for a matinee of CLUTTER, a new play about the mysterious and strange Collyer brothers, then back home to write and read some more.

Languages, Danise: I speak Hungarian, German (understand it better than I speak it, but I do okay) and French - but haven't spoke it in such a long time that I'm really rusty.  And Latin. Semper ubi sub ubi.
Post by: Jrand73 on February 08, 2004, 08:50:33 AM
DR DANISE your Valentine's garb is perfect!  

I speak Spanish....English and that's about it.

Favorite television themes:

77 Sunset Strip, Peter Gunn, Shotgun Slade, I Love Lucy, Honey West, Dick Van Dyke

Lyrics:  Green Acres, Beverly Hillbillies, Addams Family

Least favorite:  Will & Grace, Life With Lucy, Donna Reed Show
Post by: Jay on February 08, 2004, 09:16:32 AM
TV series song:  "Gilligan's Island."  Love it or hate it, I bet you can still sing every word.  How's that for "sticking" power?
Post by: Noel on February 08, 2004, 09:23:50 AM
I can speak the language of music, but just barely.

Yes, I agree, DR Jose.  Giving four tempos is a waste of everybody's time at an audition.  Be like everybody else and give one tempo, and don't do a brown song, so as to maximize the amount of time spent considering you and your suitability for the role.

I love Mannix.  I'm fond of a lot of jazz waltzes (Walk Away, anyone?) but Mannix is the cool guy I want to be.  Sometimes, literally, it's the music that wakes me up in the morning.

DR WEL - That Caesar story was most valuable to me and my writing.  I'll have to get his book.  Actually, can DRs recommend any other material about what it was like to televise a variety show in the early 1950s?
Post by: bk on February 08, 2004, 09:26:31 AM
Not even one page of posts for my mental delectation?  That is heinous (heinous, do you hear me?).  Let's get some postin' goin' on or I shall be ever so depressed as I type up my correction sheet.
Post by: Danise on February 08, 2004, 09:42:21 AM
Thanks, JRand.  Glad you like my dress.  Now what to do about St. Patricks day?  Hummmm.  I think I have a "jump" on the "wearing of green" if you noticed my little frog friend.   :D

And my least favorite TV theme song:

Star Trek: Enterprise--Gag me with a spoon!  Who the hell ever thought STAR TREK would need a theme song?  It replaced that horrid Friends thing in the Pantheon of Shame the first time I heard it...!  

Really?  I love the theme song--can't stand the show.  I think "Faith of the Heart" is beautiful--I even have it on my PDA.  

It's funny I have tons of TV theme songs I love/like but right at this very moment, I'm pulling a blank.  I can't think of single one!  Don't you HATE that when it happens?  I can only think of Earth:Final Conflict.

Gosh, we have a LOT of multi lingal (did I spell that right?) people here!  I listened to a part of the first CD.  Mostly words I already know--which I guess is a good start!  I know more than I think.  Amazing.

Noel--I wish I could speak it.  I have tried and tried to learn how to read music but it's like something blocks me,  It should be so simple--A, B, C, D, E, G. How hard is that but I can't DO it! I get all mixed up.   For example--How do you know what an "A" sounds like without hearing it?  If I told you to hum/sing an "A" or whatever note--could you do it?  If so, I envy you.

Before you say it, I know about Every Good Boy Does Fine and FACE but I don't have time to remember that when you trying to sing at the same time.

Post by: Kerry on February 08, 2004, 09:48:40 AM
Can we do a roll call of pets again?  I know some of them, but can't remember all.

We have no cats, and we have (as most of you well know) a sweet Border Collie mix named Sugar.  Her last name was Kovalchik, but she changed it.
Post by: Panni on February 08, 2004, 10:01:27 AM
Nobody got my Latin joke?... It used to crack us up in high school -- not known as a breeding ground for sophisticated humor, that's true. Mind you, it says something that I went to a high school where we cracked wise in Latin. For those of you in TO -- Harbord. A great school.

Pet: Abie, the wonderdog. He's a Lab-German Shepherd(?) mix. Very smart, very sweet. A year and a half old.

I said I wouldn't post and look at me!
Post by: Jay on February 08, 2004, 10:10:33 AM
Two purebred black cocker spaniels, father and son:  Roller (13 year old in April) and Blackjack (turned 8 years old this past October.)
Post by: Jrand73 on February 08, 2004, 10:50:17 AM
DR Noel - Milton Berle's biography talks a lot about his experiences, and Lawrence Welk's biography also deals with his early days of television.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on February 08, 2004, 10:54:35 AM
Archie - an apricot cocker spaniel. We think he's about 12 (he's from the pound, so we're not sure). And he thanks everyone for their ongoing good vibes. (He spent a couple more days at the vet's last week, and is now on a new med and a special diet. He's doing nicely, but we were told to be vigilant about his "dietary indiscretions.")

BK - Good luck with the final proofs. The difficulty I find is that when one spacing problem is corrected, a new one sometimes pops up. That's because there could have been an undected spacing problem at the end of a line; and you only become aware of it when the lines reflow, which they usually do when a correction is made.
Post by: Charles Pogue on February 08, 2004, 11:17:03 AM
Pets:  Culley, the black cocker who's a sweet old  loving lump (and who, this last week, I've suspected is slowly going blind), about 10-11 years old, I'd have to check his birth certificate.

Cat: Mosby, the Grey Ghost, aka Mr. Moto, aka Moser, aka Grey, aka "you ornery little shit".  Terror of the plains who alternates between being an affectionate, doting, seeming innocent to a vicious, evil monster.  It were he who put me in the Emergency room last week and still has me on antibotics.  Mulitple deep cat-bites on my right hand.  I was trying to sequester him a room.  We had a disagreement about whether he was going or not.  He won.  

Mourned pets:  Humbug, our golden cocker foundling who passed away a couple of years back.  And Hotspur, the perfect dog, a Yorkshire Terrier that I had for fifteen years and used to toured with me.

Jennifer, regarding people's incompetence and stupidity, I have a 1/3 theory.  That 1/3 of humanity keeps the rest of humanity from imploding on its own incompetence.  One really high-functioning third makes it so at least another 3rd can function in their jobs and necessary tasks, and the last third is just hopelessly, utterly incompetent.  
Post by: George on February 08, 2004, 11:22:37 AM

Languages:  my mother is German but I never learned to speak it at all.  My sister took two years of German in high school, but for some reason, I didn't take a foreign language but still managed to graduate.  I did take one quarter of Spanish in college, but all I can remember is "yo tengo hambre"...I am hungry (literally, I have hunger).  For a while I forgot about the "a" in the word and was saying "yo tengo hombre" (I have a man), which was not true...just wishful thinking. ;)

TV Theme Songs:  One of my absolute favorites was "The Theme from The Nanny" which was written by Ann Hampton Callaway and sung by Ann and her little sister Liz (a close and personal friend of BK's).  Also, I like (not love) the theme from "Enterprise" as well as the show.  They have had some pretty good episodes lately...in my humble opinion (IMHO in Internet lingo).

Pet Roll Call:  I don't have a pet, but my sister and her daughter (with whom I used to live) has a cat named Casper (9 years old) and a dog named Murphy (who's 10).  I don't know what kind of cat Casper is...maybe some kind of Siamese mix, but Murphy is a Sheltie (sp?)/Jack Russell terrier mix.  He's like a fat, short lassie dog that's never been trained.  He'll bark at any noise that he can't see...at any hour of the day.  Ugh. :P
Post by: bk on February 08, 2004, 11:33:04 AM
Okay, this is bordering on pathetic, although what's here is cherce.  This will not do, oh, no, this will not do.  I have been, as you know, bordering on shutting Sundays down (with Monday a close second) - this just makes me want to do it right now.  Call me crazy, but this has really only been like this for about five weeks.
Post by: Jane on February 08, 2004, 11:38:54 AM
LauraII enjoyed Casablanca-not surprised at all, just pleased.  

SSW thank you for the mint tea suggestion.  I had tried it earlier without too much success.  I might have some again tonight.

Panni I saw your suggestion of chamomile tea just in time last night.  I passed on the honey since I’m slightly allergic to it.  I’m not sure it wasn’t a combination of the tea & watching the “tear jerker” Hallmark movie, but my cough loosened up last night and I SLEPT.  :) :) Well, until Bogie, our cat, woke me up at 4:30 this morning.  He likes to put his whiskers (they are very long) in my face and let out a loud cry.  His goal is for me to lift the covers and let him snuggle next to me.  After awhile he leaves me & does a repeat performance for Keith.

JoseSPiano I have never heard of Zicam products.  I will check them out.

William F. Orr good vibes to Joe’s mother.  Diabetes is such a tough decease.

Penny your housing sounds very nice.  Have a good time.

I think we should have room in our bio’s to include information on our pets.
Post by: Ann on February 08, 2004, 11:45:05 AM
Pets - I had a rat named Shy.  He died in January.  I shall post a pic of him later today.  My parents have a basenji named Griffin.  He's a good dog, loves to cuddle, but is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.  He will often forget who's a friend and who's an enemy.  Jed has a puncture mark on his hand to prove that one.

TV Theme song - my all time favorite is hands down the theme from M*A*S*H.  Other favorites -
The Simpsons
Growing Pains
Fraggle Rock
The Nanny
and more which I'm sure will occur to me later

off to get lunch...
Post by: Ann on February 08, 2004, 11:45:43 AM
Hey, I started page 2!  Go me!
Post by: Ann on February 08, 2004, 11:47:20 AM
Oh yeah...although I can hardly believe I'm admitting this, I always liked the theme to Charles in Charge :)
Post by: Danise on February 08, 2004, 11:50:01 AM
Pets?  Brandi and Bear.  Both mixed breeds.  To many dearly departed pets to name.  The latest being Fish Butt.  My 2 1/2 year old betta fish.

It seems I'm not the only one who misses him.  I'm always being asked when am I going to get another one.  It's going to take some time and I have to find the one that needs me.
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 11:52:58 AM
Fosca & Magnus are our dogs (Keeshond or Dutch Barge Dog is the breed). No prizes for guessing  the inspiration for the the female's name. Magnus is from a chartacter in John Le Carré's "A Perfect Spy" and not from Carl Magnus.
I would certainly add "Peter Gunn", "Mission Impossible" and "Bonanza" to my list of instantly recognisable themes from  TV. Of more recent vintage "Hill Street Blues" would be one of the best.
Post by: Jane on February 08, 2004, 11:54:40 AM
Echo is a Bernese Mountain Dog.  Keith calls her our Hill dog as she is unusually small for her breed.  She also does volunteer work at a nursing home where she has fun visiting her friends & getting treats.  Like most herding dogs, she is very clever.

Bogie, our 13 year old cat is part Main Coon with long whiskers & long ear hairs.  Keith trims his long chest hairs so Bogies doesn’t choke on them.  He is a sweet, lovable, cuddly cat.

Since I’m feeling a bit better we are going to see “The Miracle”.  I think that is what it’s called.

Post by: Jane on February 08, 2004, 11:55:21 AM
Oh yeah...although I can hardly believe I'm admitting this, I always liked the theme to Charles in Charge :)

I watched that show with my younger son.  The theme song was catchy.
Post by: Jrand73 on February 08, 2004, 11:56:42 AM
Sharpei....named Holly.
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 11:56:53 AM
Forgot M*A*S*H DR Ann. "Suicide is Painless" (I think it was written for the movie but I have not checked). Instantly recognisable tune.
Post by: Panni on February 08, 2004, 12:04:43 PM
Jane - I'm glad the chamomile was helpful! Hope this is the beginning of a turn for the better.

Noel - there are tons of books on the early years of television and the writers of that era. None of which I can think of at the moment, of course. But I'll get back to you.

As Mourned Pets were mentioned by FS Pogue, I have to include the late Katie, the dog I had before Abie. She was a white Lab we had for 13 years, named by my daughter. The best natured dog on the planet. And there was Cocoa, a Chocolate Lab that we had just for 6 years. Katie never got used to having Cocoa around and would simply ignore her. But the two couldn't be left together in a room or they'd destroy it. So, when inside at night, Cocoa had her own area downstairs and during the day spent most of the day outside, while Katie was inside. I will forever feel badly about not giving Cocoa the kind of life she should have had. This will sound crazy, and maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better, but sometimes when I look in Abie's eyes, I see Cocoa looking back. If Abie is Cocoa "reincarnated" in some weird way, then I'm finally making it up to her for not being everything I should have been -- because Abie has a great life.

TV theme songs - Only some of the Cannucks will know this, but a show I used to write, SEEING THINGS, had a great theme song.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on February 08, 2004, 12:09:31 PM
In the Theme from the Nanny, the rhyme is "Watch out Si-Si" & "Such joie de vie." DR Montrealers (and others): Should it not be "joie de vivre"? - in which case I have a problem with the lyric. Or can you get away with "vie"?

My favorite "la vie" lyric is in Cole Porter's "Mexican Hayride," and I think the song is: There Must Be Someone For Me": "Ahhhhh, la vie, la vie, la vie. You'd be dead without it."
Post by: Panni on February 08, 2004, 12:13:04 PM

(1981-1987)  * * * *  Louis DelGrande ("Louie Ciccone"), Martha Gibson ("Marge Sinclair"), Janet-Laine Green ("Heather Redfern"), with Frank Adamson ("Sgt. Ed Brown"), Ivan Beaulieu ("Jason"), Murray Westgate ("Max"), Cec Linder ("Spencer"), Louis Negin ("Marlon"), Al Bernardo, Lynne Gordon, Ratch Wallace ("Kenny"), John Fox ("Falstaff")..... Mystery/comedy about a middle-aged, klutzy, slightly obnoxious-but-appealing crime reporter (DelGrande) for the Toronto Gazette whose psychic visions helped him solve murders. There were also the running sub-plots of his on again/off again relationship with his ex-wife (well-played by his real-life missus, Gibson) and his mild infatuation with the assistant Crown Attorney (Green).
The hip and adult scripts coupled with DelGrande's brilliant performance (funny, yes, but he could also make the dramatic scenes work, too) and the fact that the mysteries were legitimate, made this off-beat, edgy and generally hilarious TV series an instant classic. A true gem. Created by DelGrande and David Barlow. The weird but memorable theme song was written by Phillip Schreibman and performed by Flivva.  Best bets: almost any of them. Really. Won a number of Geminis. 43 hour-long episodes (including a two-parter and an hour-and-a-half one) on the CBC.
Post by: Danise on February 08, 2004, 12:13:27 PM
Glad to hear your feeling better, Jane!  

I'm just vegging here at the house.  I'm watching one of my all time favorite movies, KnightRiders .  I know I'll cry at the end but I like it just the same.

Taaking about music, I love the score from this movie.  It took me forever to find a CD with some of the music from it as there was never (that I know of) a soundtrack done.  If anyone hears or knows of one, please let me know.

Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 12:27:41 PM
I will add the themes from "My Three Sons" and "Adventures In Paradise" to my list.
Post by: Ann on February 08, 2004, 12:29:05 PM
Another one, I always kinda liked the theme from Bewitched.  Just a catchy little tune that easily gets stuck in my head.  

I am currently hiding out in my bedroom at my parents house, waiting for my mother to get things cleaned up and ready to take a trip to Oregon for a day.  She simply cannot leave the house unless things are set to order.  I have learned to just get out of her way until she's done.  
Post by: Jed on February 08, 2004, 12:30:36 PM
Any updates on "Children OF Eden" Jed?

We had auditions this past week, and have a cast put together.  We only had enough males audition to just fill the roles, so I'll be rewriting all the chorus music for a treble ensemble this week.  Rehearsals will start on the 17th, but then we don't open until the end of April!  Seems like a ridiculously long rehearsal time, but that does include spring break and various other little things in that time frame.
Post by: George on February 08, 2004, 12:33:28 PM
In the Theme from the Nanny, the rhyme is "Watch out Si-Si" & "Such joie de vie." DR Montrealers (and others): Should it not be "joie de vivre"? - in which case I have a problem with the lyric. Or can you get away with "vie"?

I did a quick Internet search on the lyrics of "The Nanny Named Fran" and came up with these lines:

Now the father finds her beguiling (watch out C.C.!).
And the kids are actually smiling (such joie de vivre!).

Every place that I found lyrics had it spelled "joie de vivre."  I don't know what Ann Hampton Callaway "officially" wrote...I've never seen published music for it, and her official website doesn't have the lyrics, either.

The other thing is that it's "C.C." not "Si Si."  Chastity Claire 'C.C.' Babcock was one of the characters on the show and she had her eye on Maxwell Sheffield before Fran came along and ruined everything.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on February 08, 2004, 12:34:07 PM
Another one, I always kinda liked the theme from Bewitched.  Just a catchy little tune that easily gets stuck in my head.  

Thanks, Ann. So guess what's stuck in my head? Another one like that is the theme from Rhoda.

I like the theme from I Married Joan (and I like the TV show, too). Very clever, the way the doorbell chimes "I Married Joan."
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 12:36:50 PM
Thanks for the update Jed. As Melbourne's new International Arts Festival organiser is from the NW, (Portland), you may of course be asked to tour OZ.
Post by: S. Woody White on February 08, 2004, 12:39:20 PM
One of the best TV series theme music has to be "Mission Impossible."
But it's in 5/4 time, so while it has a beat, you can't dance to it!

Good vibes to Joe, Joe's Mom, and TD's Dad, and to those who love them.
Post by: Ann on February 08, 2004, 12:40:08 PM
and now I have the theme from The Nanny in my head :)
Post by: Jed on February 08, 2004, 12:41:51 PM
TV themes...  
Although it was written for the movie, my favorite would have to be M*A*S*H
Also like Cheers, Quantum Leap, Hill Street Blues, St. Elsewhere, The Odd Couple (another movie steal), and that opening bassline for Barney Miller.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on February 08, 2004, 12:41:53 PM
Wow, DR George. You know your Nanny (Chastity Claire!). As for "vivre": The rhyme with C.C. just doesn't do it for me.

I love The Nanny. I have an acquaintance, Leslie, who's an umpteenth-generation Torontonian. She attended Lawrence Park Collegiate (as did Mrs. King of Kensington, which I know will give the picture to Panni at least). Anyway, Leslie once said to me: "I like the Nanny, but I can't watch it because Fran Drescher's voice drives me crazy." Duh?
Post by: S. Woody White on February 08, 2004, 12:55:34 PM
The Dogs: We've lost, but have not forgotten, Peter Palmeri, Jocko and Geordie McFrickenfrack, and Walter Elias Warner.  Newton Kelsey is still with us after all these years, as are Martin Nuyer, Michael Augustus Snipps, and Bonnie and Buster Begonia.

We had a wonderful breakfast today: French Toast and sausages.  I even sprinkled the French Toast with powdered sugar!  Tonight we're ladsitting the grandlads, so of course what do they want to eat?  Breakfast for Dinner!  Yea!

I'm going to be on a sugar high for the next week or so!   :-\

And, as for TV Themes, how's about The Prisoner!  And here's one only DR Jose will appreciate: Good Eats.

(The theme from Golden Girls was originally a song written independently from the show, by "Lonely Boy" Andrew Gold.)
Post by: Joy on February 08, 2004, 01:11:09 PM
TV Theme:  Greatest American Hero.  Love to belt that out at the top of my lungs when there's nobody around.

Language:  Still trying to learn French.

Trying to catch up, so that's it for now...

Oh, and Jason, I totally thought it was Oliver.  Which I'm waiting to hear from.  Well, not really waiting.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on February 08, 2004, 01:19:56 PM
Dogs we've loved over the decades: Pooch (Afghan Hound; our friend's Afghan had a litter of 11 and we volunteered to try to find a home for one of them. We called him Pooch so we wouldn't get attached. Had him for 13 years). Truffles (Lab and ? She once peed in front of a guest we secretly did not like). Banjo (Samoyed and ? - she had Banjo eyes). Tiger (a sweet puppy (mutt) who was hit by a car; I still feel sad). And Vicky (a Cairn terrier who was the spitting image of Toto; she had a troubled past and we took her in. She adored Gordon, but I must have reminded her of Cruella DeVille).
Post by: TCB on February 08, 2004, 01:36:11 PM

BK: Today's notes made me realize how many either truly stupid there are out there, or how many people are incompetent.

Gee, Jennifer, that isn't a very nice thing to say about BK! :-X
Post by: George on February 08, 2004, 01:37:07 PM
Wow, DR George. You know your Nanny (Chastity Claire!). As for "vivre": The rhyme with C.C. just doesn't do it for me.

Actually, I don't know my Nanny that well, but IMDb (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106080/) does!
Post by: George on February 08, 2004, 01:57:11 PM
(The theme from Golden Girls was originally a song written independently from the show, by "Lonely Boy" Andrew Gold.)

Speaking of...does anyone else have the Bernadette Peters live concert that was done for Canadian TV from 1980?  I have it on laserdisc (MCA DiscoVision!) and her opening number is "Thank You For Being a Friend" (the whole song).  This was before "Golden Girls."  A couple of years ago, some outfit (Unlimited Media) released it on DVD with a bonus CD of the concert, which is a great idea.  I bought it but there was one little problem and one big problem.  The one little problem is that they don't have an accurate song listing or even track numbers at all.  For instance, she does this big Harold Arlen medley and this is what is on the DVD jacket:

"Harold Arlen - MEDLEY * Blues In The Night * Let's Fall In Love * Between The Devil And * Deep Blue Sea * ...."

"Between The Devil And" is a song?  "Deep Blue Sea" is different song?  AND the laserdisc doesn't even list that on its tracklist (of course, now I have to check this out).  But like I said, this was the little problem.  The BIG problem was that they cut the opening number from the DVD!! :o They show the opening credits and then the concert just starts with her second song, "Wake Up and Live", which is definitely NOT an opening number.  At least I have the laserdisc...and a working player!
Post by: Jennifer on February 08, 2004, 02:04:42 PM
Hi from me! But I will have to be quick. Need to do some baking.

Went shopping today. There was a huge traffic jam the other way (on the 15 going to Carrefour Laval, for DRs Emily & Andrea).  So we decided to go back a different way. Only I'd never gone back the other way. I was with my mom (who has no sense of direction). And just for fun (or to be slightly mean) I told her (if she wanted) we go could the way she goes with my dad, only she would have to give me the directions.

It was so funny. Actually she did very well. Only one problem, when we got to one highway she couldn't decide between west and east :)  (but i chose for her).

I didn't buy anything. I hate going shopping and not buying anything :(

Oh and neighbor man, somehow got out of his driveway while I was out yesterday and put huge mounds of snow RIGHT BESIDE MY DRIVE-WAY AGAIN. I am beginning to really dislike neighbor man :(
Post by: George on February 08, 2004, 02:19:38 PM
Well, I checked out the laserdisc and she sings the line "He's got me in between the devil and the deep blue sea."  That's it.  Just the one line...and ONLY as a transition between "Happiness Is Just a Thing Called Joe" and "Fun To Be Fooled" within the big Harold Arlen medley.  Someone didn't watch the concert very well, or they didn't have the list of songs from the actual laserdisc, which is complete.
Post by: George on February 08, 2004, 02:27:02 PM
[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]Page Three Dance!!  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*[/move]
[move=right,scroll,6,transparent,100%] :)  :)  :)  :) Page Three Dance!![/move]
:D   Page Three Dance!!   :D
Page Three Dance!!                 ;D                 Page Three Dance!!
Post by: George on February 08, 2004, 02:28:00 PM
Post by: Matt H. on February 08, 2004, 02:32:40 PM
I know many of you do not watch AMERICAN IDOL, but this relates to the comment about the theme from ENTERPRISE. . . .

Each week, the songs that the contestants pick from revolve around some topic: movie songs or Burt Bacherach songs or something like that. Last year, one week the contestants had to pick Diane Warren songs (and Diane was a guest judge that week). Well, not knowing much about current pop music, I only knew one song the lady had composed, the theme from ENTERPRISE, and I was PRAYING that Clay Aiken would select it as his voice would have been perfectly suited to the melody of the song (which I like very much indeed). Sad to say, he did not pick it, and neither did anyone else. And I must add that I hated every single song that was sung that week. The lady is not a composer I greatly admire, I guess, at least from that small smattering of her work that I heard that night. Do those of you who are more knowledgeable than I about her music actually like her songs?
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 02:34:01 PM
The wonders of international mail from the Mother land to the Antipodes. My "Triplets" DVD arrived today. It was ordered on February 4th. Amazing.
Post by: bk on February 08, 2004, 02:40:37 PM
Taking a break.  Been proofing, and also doing some pages on the new thing.  My eyes are killing me (no mean feat).  
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 02:42:52 PM
Diane Warren has had six Oscar nominations. She would be the most successful pop song writer of the past decade or so in terms of chart hits.  If a "Star" wants a big ballad they will go to Diane Warren. Celine Dion, Toni Braxton & LeAnn Rimes have done well with her compositions. There is IMHO a certain sameness about the songs but what do I know - they sell by the million.
Post by: Donna on February 08, 2004, 03:03:03 PM
Hmm...Fran Drescher's voice...
Whenever I want to make sure I'm "forward" in my head voice before I sing, I mimic a few lines in her nasal tone.

What can I say? It works for me!
Post by: bk on February 08, 2004, 03:12:57 PM
3:00, 67 posts.  If we end up achieving a new low (it's fine if we do) this will be the last Sunday for HHW.  Hate to do it, but I just don't see the point if most people don't show up.
Post by: Matt H. on February 08, 2004, 03:25:18 PM
I just found Diane Warren's songs sounded like she was sitting at the piano noodling around to find a melody without actually finding one. I agree they all sounded very much alike, but what sounded the same was the lack of any kind of melodic through line. I know that's not a necessity in a song, but I guess I'm just from the old school who prefers either that or interesting lyrics to carry someone along with the melody wherever it meanders. The songs of hers that I heard that night didn't have any of that.

But I say again, I don't claim to be an expert on her music. I know her jwork ust from a handful of songs sung in brief 90 second arrangements.
Post by: PennyO on February 08, 2004, 03:25:28 PM
3:00, 67 posts.  If we end up achieving a new low (it's fine if we do) this will be the last Sunday for HHW.  Hate to do it, but I just don't see the point if most people don't show up.

Well, WE'RE here... you're not alone. How many posts keeps the Sunday open???

Just btw - I love the theme from Rawhide! Yee-hah!

Dogs I have known and loved: grew up with 2 dachshunds named Schnitzel and Strudel. Oh, boy, swell little dogs they were, too. Really funny and smart. Still miss those little pooches. But  my true love of all time was George - he died six years ago, and I'm still grieving. Mixed black lab/shepherd, my sister found him eating out of a garbage can when he was about 8 weeks old. On the way to the animal shelter, she stopped in to show him to Chuck and me... we were goners. I will never forget him. Smart, strong, soulful. Hell of an athlete. My soulmate.
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 03:37:15 PM
Should I round up the troops? My MONDAYS would be less bright.
"Rawhide" and "Have Gun Will Travel": another two themes that seem to have a permanent access line in my memory bank. I guess the "pop" versions of "Bonanza" (Al Cailoa) and "Paladin" (Duane Eddy) added considerable reinforcement.
Post by: Donna on February 08, 2004, 03:47:11 PM
I've seen Diane Warren in television interviews a couple of times and it's always struck me that she considers herself in the company of the great songwriters (Gershwins, Porter, etc.). I don't mean she does it in an egotistical way but her deportment and manner of speaking give that impression. I could never understand it because I agree with Matt...what songwriting?

Are you successful because you make a lot of money satisfying the status quo when that standard is at (IMO) an all-time low? It seems to me those in the forefront have perfected the "impression" of success through mastering the skill of promotion.
Post by: Matt H. on February 08, 2004, 03:58:15 PM
I remember the singers on AMERICAN IDOL practically genuflecting at her feet when they would approach the judges after their performance. They all were in such awe of her, and I just didn't get it.
Post by: MBarnum on February 08, 2004, 04:05:00 PM
Pet: Freddy the cat. Half Siamese and half something other. He is a little social butterfly and very sweet!

Favorite TV theme songs: Dark Shadows, Nanny and the Professor, Angie, Adventures in Paradise, Mod Squad, Family Affair, Adam-12, Room 222...those are the ones that I like listening to over and over.

Languages: Just English, though at various times in my teen years I attempted to learn Japanese, Spanish, and German. Still know a very tiny bit of all three.
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 04:07:15 PM
It is interesting that Ms Warren has managed to make such an amazing career without being a recording artist - quite unusual these days when pop stars so often write songs for themselves that no-one else can really sing (or wants to!). Can you imagine Andy Williams singing the Madonna songbook?
I am so way off with my appreciation of Modern pop. I so loathed last year's Oscar winning song and I noticed yesterday that it was Austrlalia's second biggest selling single of 2003.  The #1 selling song of the year in OZ was by Australia's Idol winner. I have not heard the song nor the singer! Local "Soapie" star Delta Goodrem has five of the top 20 singles for 2003. I think she is a star of Oz soapie "Neighbours" which gave Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan to the world.
Post by: Andrea on February 08, 2004, 04:11:03 PM
Been E & T for a while.. unfortunately I've had nothing interesting to post!

love, love, love the Nanny! Usually when I go to the states I end up watching the reruns.

Dog: Silver, an almost two year old German-husky mix. We just got him, so I'm still not sure exactly how I feel about him. Somehow he doesn't feel like my dog.

Past pets: Reggie and Golden (The loves of my life), two charming golden retrievers that I grew up with. Amber, a homeless bird we took in, Finny and Fin-less, two goldfish, and ten turtles, all of them given noble burials at sea (ie, toliet) and all of them named after the Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtles.

Languages: French, a smattering of Religious Romanian, and after this summer with a month spent in Florence, hopefully Italian.

All DR's who know canadian politics: I meet John Manley's son... and I thought that was kind of cool.

DR Jennifer: You're the one who likes the Bacherlorette and Harold Hersh, right? Wanna win a date with him? Check out http://www.smyle.ca/ (http://www.smyle.ca/)
Post by: MBarnum on February 08, 2004, 04:21:02 PM
Is there a DR out there in HHW-land who gets the cable channel Cinemax who would be able and willing to tape the movie THE LAST WAGON for me? It shows this Friday, I believe. I would gladly reimburse you for the cost of a blank tape and postage.  :D

I remember seeing this movie on tv as a teenager and it co-stars one of my favorite actors, Ken Clark. I would love to see it again but, alas, I do not get this station!

[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Mr. Ken Clark[/move]
Post by: Jane on February 08, 2004, 04:22:58 PM
Thanks Panni & Danise.  I do believe the worst is over.

I did learn an important lesson this afternoon.  If you walk around the market holding a kleenix over your face, people will stare at you.  :-[

I like the theme from “The Rifelman”.

We went to the Walt Disney film “Miracle” with Kurt Russell.  I half expected him to be that cute little kid who starred in so many Disney films.  
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 04:24:57 PM
Forgot: Languages. I studies French for four years at High School and have a "working" vocabularly. Colin and I will be in France in September so we invested in two computer programmes to help us learn the language. We have both given up. One programme is next to useless. You type in the words in English and it gives them back to you in French - unfortunately it is a literal translation which is not really useful. Even the better programme which is intereactive with audio responses is not really that user friendly. Sometimes when I think the pronunciation is not as I had been taught it as School I have checked with François and my memory of lessons from over 40 years ago is quite good.
I think the best way is to learn when you are really young and/or live with people who speak the language.
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 04:30:36 PM

I did learn an important lesson this afternoon.  If you walk around the market holding a kleenix over your face, people will stare at you.  :-[


I think Michael Jackson has that problem too - not that he learned a lesson from it.
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 04:32:13 PM
Rifleman: A show I loathed. It was the Johnny Crawford character that was a problem for me. I prefered him as a singer of light weight pop.
Post by: bk on February 08, 2004, 04:32:20 PM
Our former low is 135 posts.  I do appreciate everyone who does find time to be with us on Sunday, but it just bugs me frankly that Sunday is this much of a nothing day here at the site.  I've been thinking about closing it for the last five weeks - there is certainly no sneezing at even the number of posts we have right now, but it's such an ordeal week in and week out, and I'm in such a foul mood anyway, that my inclination is to just close her down either just on Sunday, or maybe even on Monday, too, if that day keeps being such a loser.
Post by: Donna on February 08, 2004, 04:32:45 PM
Speaking of standards...
I just saw a professional road company performance of "Singin' in the Rain." Now, if you are going to duplicate a perfect movie in a live version on stage, don't you think you'd pay attention to every detail so as not to disappoint the audience?

My main complaint was the sound. The theater it was presented in is known for its fine acoustics yet the sound balance was terrible. First of all, the actors were miked which made their voices sound all the same. The women's were especially grating as they all seemed pitched too high. The end result was that you couldn't understand the dialogue nor who was speaking. Then there was the orchestra. It consisted of one conducter and two horn players. The rest of the accompaniment was recorded. The sound effect was (guess!) uneven.

The dancing, for the most part, was the exact choreography from the movie (which was good) and 98% of it was danced well (including the title song that was danced in actual water). But the sound (i.e. taps) of the dancing was off. By this I mean they were not loud enough in relation to the recorded music and the miked singing.

My question is...How do the Broadway shows (like 42nd Street, for example) balance all the sounds, both recorded and live, so that it all blends into one consistent aural experience and doesn't call attention to itself?

Anyone care to comment?

Post by: Jane on February 08, 2004, 04:33:06 PM
Tomovoz  ;D ;D ;D
Post by: George on February 08, 2004, 04:39:53 PM
I must get ready to usher tonight for the Olympia Symphony.  Actually, I'm working in concessions.  Anyway, I'll be taping the Grammy's and, if there's chat tonight, I'll have to miss it.  If we chat tomorrow, I can be there...unless something comes up.
Post by: Jane on February 08, 2004, 04:41:38 PM
MBarnum currently “The Last Wagon” isn’t playing on any of the stations I get.  I can program it into my TIVO wish for future recording.  
Post by: Danise on February 08, 2004, 04:44:27 PM
Please don't get me wrong but if there's someone to ask a foot in the mouth question, you should know by now that's me.

Is there a reason there has to be a certain amount of posts a day?  I don't understand.  Does the internet provider require it or what?

I know of sites that don't have posts for days--just when some one has something to say.  

I know it's upseting to not have posts but I think that like the tide things tend to ebb and flow.
Post by: Emily on February 08, 2004, 04:49:38 PM
Good evening all!!!

I have been kinda-quasi-somewhat-maybe E and T of late and apologise for it.

This weekend has been spent, unfortunately, doing abso-frigging-lutely nothing that was fun or even remotely weekend-y.  

Friday evening was spent at dinner with the big gun control boss from Toronto which was nice if somewhat forced.  Especially since she brought along the Coalition's Communications Advisor who is basically a big, rude jerk who spent the entire dinner trying to convince we three people from the Montreal office that his work with us was beneath him.  He used to be the communications director for Allan Rock (former Justice Minister - among other portfolios... he just kept getting shifted around by the last administration every time he made some major gaffe.)  Meh - whatever... I don't have to deal with him all that often for work and I certainly won't be going out of my way to help him in any capacity...

Saturday was spent grumbling and groaning about the amount of school work I have facing me in the next couple of weeks.  I also have decided to try out for the "Women in the House" program.  It consists of spending two days in fun-filled Ottawa going to lectures about the role of women in Canadian politics and then shadowing a female Member of Parliament for one day.  It sounds very interesting...

Today was spent partly on actually getting to work on all the gross assignments I have coming up.  They most certainly are extremely unapealling - so I won't bore you with them.

I started reading THE DAVINCI CODE as well (when the grossness of the above assignments got to be too much to bear).  So far it is very interesting - if slightly hard to believe could ever actually happen.  

Next weekend should be far more interesting than this one.  

I have to go purchase Andrea at the SMYLE singles auction (linked to before...) on Friday.  Of course if something more interesting comes up on the market I may be forced to dig into my wallet... ;)  I also want to go see EVITA which is being performed (i.e. mutilated) by a student group at McGill with far far far too much money and far far far too little talent.  It should be amusing to say the least.  
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 04:50:22 PM
BK would you consider just not writing a column on Sundays? Whilst it is the column that stimulates the initial posts, Sunday is a "free for all" day so all we need is a blank page ("his favorite"). Just a thought on behalf of those who like to keep in contact through this happy site.
Post by: Emily on February 08, 2004, 04:54:50 PM
Oh and three cheers for DR Andrea who is McGill's new Vice President of Finance for the Arts Undergraduate Society.

She has officially pulled a Hillary (CYGOPP is the AUS' outgoing president)

From now on she will only answer to the salutation "Madam Vice-President" :p
Post by: Jed on February 08, 2004, 04:55:06 PM
3:00, 67 posts.  If we end up achieving a new low (it's fine if we do) this will be the last Sunday for HHW.  Hate to do it, but I just don't see the point if most people don't show up.

Then it seems that it's really not "fine if we do" at all.  Of course, it's your site, Bruce, and you should do as you see fit, but I find all the fretting about number of posts to be silly.  We have big days, we have slow days.  And I really believe that most of us around here really don't mind a slow day here and there, particularly over the option of a non-day for the site.

Just my $0.02, take it as you will.
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 04:59:28 PM
I suspect a few readers post from work (tedium releif) and may not find it as easy to access the site at Weekends.
I am about to leave for a return trip to "The Return Of The King". Given the length of the movie and the travel time, I guess I shall not be posting for another six hours.  Enjoy what remains of your Sunday everyone.
Post by: bk on February 08, 2004, 05:17:42 PM
What I meant by "it's fine if we do" is hit a new low today.  I'm beyond caring.  I'm just in a pissy mood, and I really don't understand why Sundays (and lately Mondays) are so slow when they never ever were before.  Saturday was always our slowest day in days gone by.  But, I've sort of made up my mind, so we'll see what happens.
Post by: Jed on February 08, 2004, 05:22:49 PM
I understood that you meant "it's fine if we do hit a new low today," and was just saying that that doesn't really seem to be the case, if that will seal the fate of HHW Sundays.  As for the rest... peaks, valleys, plateaus... the rest of us (I apologize in advance for speaking for those who don't agree) don't care about busy or slow.  We're here for the wonderful people we've discovered here, not to set records.

Sorry if I'm coming across at all confrontational here, BK, that is certainly not my aim.  Just voicing things from my perspective.
Post by: bk on February 08, 2004, 05:26:26 PM
Not talking about setting records - we set records when we set records.  You can be as confrontational as you like - I know why people come here, and that's why this site was created.  Early on, before we were doing weekends here, Mr. Mark Bakalor suggested I do them and even back then I said I didn't want to do them if it was going to be a ghost town.  But, we'll see how I feel when I'm out of my current mood.
Post by: JoseSPiano on February 08, 2004, 05:32:40 PM
Good evening!

Greetings - again - from Memphis, TN, USA!

Well, the second day of auditions went well.  A lot of good talent today, but again, no one really spectacular.  Oh wait, there was one young woman who made my day!  She sang "Flaming Agnes" from I Do! I Do!  She performed the song.  She acted the song.  She sold the song.  She belted the song.  She knew what she was doing with the song.  And when a singer really knows what they are doing with a song, it makes my job much easier and enjoyable.  I don't have to sit at the piano trying to guess - and second guess - where he/she is going next.  *And I made of point of finding her after the auditions were done to compliment and thank her.  And I did.  :)

DR Jennifer - I do not get to provide feedback as a rule since "I'm only the pianist".  However, sometimes singers/actors will come up to me afterwards and ask me for some constructive criticism.  There are also times where I'll leave a little note or Post-It note on their music: a wrong note, a missing key signature, a better way to indicate their cuts, "please recopy your music so that all the piano notes (my notes) are on the page", "you should not have torn your music out of the book" (which happens a lot!?!?!), or "next time, to make it easier, please put the music in a binder".  -Stuff like that - the practical stuff that seems to get overlooked more often than not.

DR Noel - "a brown song"  - Are you talking about a "Jason Robert Brown" song?  I don't mind them - too much - but, ladies, if you can't and/or don't know how to belt and/or mix, then please find another song!  *The tricky one for me is "The Red Hills of Georgia" - is that the right title - most singers give the tempo in "2", when, in actuality, the song is in "3" - the joys of hemiola!.  And when it goes into the 4/4 section, the "string figure" in thirds - and in fast sixteenths - is just not practical on most audition room pianos.  -I also find that singer will look over at me trying to find the beat, but there's not really much I can do since there's not much on the page unless I change the accents.  *And if you listen to the recording, it's very hard to hear the pulse - definitely one of those "watch the conductor" moments.

-Sorry if the above makes no sense to anyone... I'm babbling.. So.. I shall stop now... and continue babbling in another post...

Post by: JoseSPiano on February 08, 2004, 05:39:39 PM

The auditions finished early-ish, around 4:30... And that was the end of my day!  No callbacks for me to play tonight!  -And, best of all, I still get paid for the time I was booked for for tonight and tomorrow!  ;D

I decided to stretch my legs and get a little exercise - I had both the pecan pie and the bourbon bread pudding at lunch today. ;-)  It was a nice walk - about two miles.  And I was able to pick up a copy of today's New York Times too along the way.

For dinner, I stopped at Quizno's to try my first Quizno's sub.  I got the Spicy Monterery Chicken.  Not bad.  And the "regular" size is definitely a very generous serving.  I probably should have gotten just a small one - but I did enjoy "the regular".

And now I'm just sitting here in my hotel room, posting on HHW and watching the Grammys...
Post by: Ann on February 08, 2004, 05:39:58 PM
if it would be easier for BK to not write a column on Sundays, but still leave the post forum open for business, that'd be fine.  But I see no reason to close the site for a day just because it's a slow day.  It seems like more of a bother to shut down and start up than to just leave it up, right?  I don't see a slow day as anything to get upset about.  They happen, as do the really busy days.  Neither are bad, they just are.  We don't want to cause extra work for bk, of course, but closing the site because of low post days seems a bit silly to me.  
Post by: William E. Lurie on February 08, 2004, 05:41:41 PM
I've never posted a picture before.  Let's see if this works before I type anymore.
Post by: JoseSPiano on February 08, 2004, 05:44:19 PM
And as for The Grammys so far.... Hmm... At least the Bernadette Peters' GYPSY won best Cast Recording.... Hmm...

-And maybe it's because of the longer-than-usual broadcast delay, but the show sounds almost too clean - at least coming from the speakers in my TV in my hotel room.  It's making everyone sound like they are lip-syncing in a way.  Yes, it's live, but it just sounds way to processed.  And with the venue, all the "sound" is being mixes and processed before it hits the airwaves - just no sense of ambiance.

OK - that's definitely rambling.. again... back later...
Post by: William E. Lurie on February 08, 2004, 05:44:29 PM
This time I got a message that my file is too big.  It's a simple jpeg.  Shouldn't one picture fit?
Post by: bk on February 08, 2004, 05:51:10 PM
It has nothing to do with writing the notes.  If I don't feel like writing the notes I won't write the notes (although the notes were the reason the site was created and will hopefully remain the starting point always).   It has to do with not enjoying watching us fall into the toilet on every single Sunday (and lately Monday).  It must just be my personality - we react how we react.  I mean, I suppose I can just step back and not give a Flying Wallenda whether we do well or not.  I mean, I suppose I can just let what will be be, but it isn't in my nature to do so and no matter how hard we might try we cannot change our natures.  Oh, well, we shall see what we shall see.  Is it silly?  I don't know, I tend not to belittle others with words like silly.  It may well be silly in the scheme of things, but silly is in the eye of the beholder.  However, no need to make a mountain out of a molehill.  I must continue going blind from corrections and then I must go record a track or two.
Post by: Jrand73 on February 08, 2004, 05:53:32 PM
Email it to me DRWEL and let me see....was it for your profile or in the message box?  ;D

Post by: Jrand73 on February 08, 2004, 05:54:29 PM
DR JED do you have the CD I was talking about?
Post by: MBarnum on February 08, 2004, 05:55:35 PM

I did learn an important lesson this afternoon.  If you walk around the market holding a kleenix over your face, people will stare at you.  :-[

LOL! I don't know why, DR Jane, but that just gave me my biggest laugh for the day! LOL!

I am glad that you are starting to feel better. HHW good vibes really are the best medicine, you know!  ;D

And thank you for keeping a look out for The Last Wagon!
Post by: MBarnum on February 08, 2004, 05:57:36 PM
Bruce, you must become cheery! We don't like for you to be grumpy! I just like everyone should be happy! Maybe you have been working too hard on your galleys!
Post by: JoseSPiano on February 08, 2004, 05:59:26 PM
OUCH!!!!!  -I guess Alicia Keys just learned the song... She's definitely not lip-synching... OUCH!  -If this was American Idol, she would not have made it past the first round?!?!?  -Pitch?!?!?!?  Wow... she's still singing... OUCH!!
Post by: bk on February 08, 2004, 06:01:11 PM
Oh, no doubt the galley is the cause of said grumpiness.  And it does appear that we'll eke by this evening, so all will probably be well.
Post by: JoseSPiano on February 08, 2004, 06:02:24 PM
OOPSS!!!  It's definitely LIVE TV!!!  Bad microphone - the control booth chatter live on TV... And now feedback... And Celine Dion still indicating that she can't hear the piano.... Ooopss!!
Post by: Danise on February 08, 2004, 06:03:00 PM
Hear, Hear!  I say I will break my diet--Pancakes all around.  Buttermilk pancakes with rich maple syrup--what do you say??  Who's with me?
Post by: Danise on February 08, 2004, 06:04:46 PM
And butter.  I can't  believe I'd FORGET the butter!
Post by: JoseSPiano on February 08, 2004, 06:06:48 PM
Oooh... Are the Grammys on tape-delay to the West Coast?  If so, I wonder if they'll edit out the technical snafu they just had... Hmm..
Post by: JoseSPiano on February 08, 2004, 06:09:57 PM
Or DR Danise - I always like to put the maple syrup and the butter in a small saucepan and warm them up on the stove!  YUM!!  -Can I ask for a sprinkling of cinnamon too?

Oooh... There's an IHOP right by the hotel here.. Damn you, Danise! ;)  Maybe tomorrow morning.

Hmm... Now I wany my favorite type of pancakes: Sourdough Blueberry!  Wonderful!!
Post by: Danise on February 08, 2004, 06:15:15 PM
Your welcome--I think.   ;)

You know the sad thing about half of these award shows?  I don't don't know who half these people are.  That blonde woman who just introduced Sting--I have no clue.  I could fall over them and I wouldn't know them.

Post by: Jrand73 on February 08, 2004, 06:20:14 PM
And all the stars that never were
Are parking cars
And pumping gas......
Post by: Jed on February 08, 2004, 06:21:33 PM
DR JED do you have the CD I was talking about?

I must have missed something.  What CD was this, JRand?
Post by: JoseSPiano on February 08, 2004, 06:21:52 PM
That was Madonna looking quite prim and proper - for her at least.  I guess motherhood and authorship is agreeing with her. ;)
Post by: Danise on February 08, 2004, 06:24:36 PM
Just goes to show my point.  I am so bad with names and faces.
Post by: William E. Lurie on February 08, 2004, 06:27:50 PM
I'm trying this once more and if it doesn't work I'll e-mail it to you Jrand.  Actually for some unknown reason the picture I was trying to send took up about 4 times as much space as the usual picture so I've picked an alternate.  Since we were talking about pets here's my dog Phoebe (hopefully):

Post by: Panni on February 08, 2004, 06:29:39 PM
Back from the theater (and dog walking and Trader Joe's). The play was not bad -- a little too well-made for my taste, but enjoyable --  and some of the actors were wonderful. An elderly Hungarian lady sat next to me. It's always so funny when someone who sounds like Zsazsa seems surprised that I would "guess" they were Hungarian. Anyway, we chatted (in Hungarian) at intermission and she made my day. I said that I had a daughter who was twenty. She took a long look at me and said in a somewhat incredulous tone, "Then you must be at least 40."
Post by: Danise on February 08, 2004, 06:30:24 PM
Cute puppy!  Nice coat!  
Post by: td on February 08, 2004, 06:31:20 PM
What I meant by "it's fine if we do" is hit a new low today.  I'm beyond caring.  I'm just in a pissy mood, and I really don't understand why Sundays (and lately Mondays) are so slow when they never ever were before.  Saturday was always our slowest day in days gone by.  But, I've sort of made up my mind, so we'll see what happens.

Well, I'm not in a pissy mood, but, I'm checking out for the night as I must be at the hospital by 7:00am EST as Dad goes into surgery for his heart catheterization.
Post by: Danise on February 08, 2004, 06:32:41 PM
Good vibes, TD!  All my prayers to your father.
Post by: Panni on February 08, 2004, 06:32:45 PM
td - all the best to you and your dad!
Post by: William E. Lurie on February 08, 2004, 06:34:43 PM
It worked!  That's Phoebe in her winter coat.  We also have two cats (Princess and Carlysle who prefers to be cakked Mrs. Hart).

Regarding the Sid Caesar book, the title is CAESAR'S HOUR - My Life in Comedy, with Love and Laughter by Sid Caesar with Eddy Friedfeld; ISBN 1-58648-152-5.  I found it under "New Releases" about a month ago but have seen no promotion or advertisements for it yet.  So far it is very good.

I have no interest in the Grammys at all.  It seems like all that is being promoted is rap, hip hop and other music that appeals to people who haven't even gone through puberty.  I have never heard any of the major nominees.

Post by: DearReaderLaura on February 08, 2004, 06:36:43 PM
Blessings to your dad, td.

Lovely dog, WEL

Glad you're feeling better, Jane.

Post by: William E. Lurie on February 08, 2004, 06:37:08 PM
I think Phoebe's picture made this go wide screen.  Sorry.  How small does the file have to be so this doesn't happen?
Post by: William E. Lurie on February 08, 2004, 06:37:54 PM
Oh and on a completely different subject, does anyone know when a Region 1 DVD of TRIPLETTS OF BELLVILLE be available?
Post by: Danise on February 08, 2004, 06:39:52 PM
TD--I meant you too.  Sorry.  I was trying to get the message on the board before you signed off.

Speaking of sign off--I have to go.  It's past my bedtime.  Work.  Did I ever tell you work is a 4 letter word?  

Have a good evening all!
Post by: Jane on February 08, 2004, 06:48:39 PM
LOL! I don't know why, DR Jane, but that just gave me my biggest laugh for the day! LOL!

I am glad that you are starting to feel better. HHW good vibes really are the best medicine, you know!  ;D

And thank you for keeping a look out for The Last Wagon!

I looked pretty funny doing it too.   :D

Yea, the good vibes, good suggestions, & the laughs made a difference.

You'r welcome.
Post by: Jane on February 08, 2004, 06:55:45 PM
BK would you consider just not writing a column on Sundays?

I was thinking the same thing.

Bruce, sorry you are in a foul mood.  I go for walks when that happens to me.  

[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]BE HAPPY & GOOD VIBES[/move]!

Post by: Jane on February 08, 2004, 07:00:08 PM

Andrea three cheers!

JoseSPiano I have never had bourbon bread pudding-sounds intriguing.

Phoebe is soooo cute.

Thank you DearReaderLaura.

TD I will be thinking of you tomorrow.  Hope all goes well.
Post by: Robin on February 08, 2004, 07:04:12 PM
I have no interest in the Grammys at all.  It seems like all that is being promoted is rap, hip hop and other music that appeals to people who haven't even gone through puberty.  I have never heard any of the major nominees.

This was a banner year for CD releases that didn't get Grammy nominations.  Film Score Monthly, Marco Polo, the Varese Sarabande club releases, Jeepers Creepers, the score albums to The Triplets of Belleville and A Summer Place...man, if it doesn't sell 250,000 copies, it may as well not exist as far as the Grammys are concerned.  To hell heck with 'em, says I.  

The Significant Other and myself did some serious moviegoing today...two depressing movies, 21 Grams and The Fog of War in the theater, and the new deeveedees of Planet of the Apes and American Splendor, the last of which gets my vote for Best Movie of 2003.  

I swore I wouldn't buy the new Apes special edition, since I have the original boxed-set, but I heard so many good things about the new set I plunked down the dough at Beast Buy...the text-commentary is unusually insightful, and actually does what a commentary is supposed to do: enhance one's enjoyment of the film.  Full marks to Eric Greene!  In a week or so, I'll listen to what Jerry Goldsmith has to say in his isolated score/commentary track.  He's quite a curmudgeon, I've been given to understand.

21 Grams was annoying, pretentious and downbeat.  But Sean Penn was actually better in this than he was in the equally annoying, pretentious and downbeat Mystic River.  Grams has more grainy-looking, overexposed photography, though.  Ick.
Post by: Jay on February 08, 2004, 07:14:02 PM
Thanks for the review of Clutter, Dear Reader Panni.  I usually like the work they do over at the Colony Theatre, and this play was on my "Should I see it or not?" list.  Your comments pushed it onto my "I'll see it" list.
Post by: Jay on February 08, 2004, 07:17:16 PM
Dear BK--

Don't be pissy....

[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]Be happy!!![/move][/size]

And there.  No new record low tonight.

[move=right,scroll,6,transparent,100%] ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D[/move]
Post by: Jay on February 08, 2004, 07:23:24 PM
I was down in Orange County this afternoon, Dear Readers, accompanying my mother to a performance of Cirque du Soleil's "Varekai."  Every time I see Cirque live, I marvel at the incredibly magical experience they create.  The music, the costumes and, oh my, the amazing human skill that are showcased are all quite extraordinary.
Post by: Jay on February 08, 2004, 07:39:34 PM
On February 9, 2003 (a Sunday), Dear BK, you reported in your column on your dinner the night before with Miss Cissy Wechter and an imbroglio you had at Kinko's.  Discussion ranged from the price of movie tickets to the Academy Award nominations to Dear Reader Tom of Oz (he wasn't DR Tomovoz yet) reflecting on "Lord of the Rings:  The Two Towers," which he saw that day.  Irving Berlin and Agnes DeMille each made guest appearances and made some comments on the HHW site.  And there was a grand total of 45 posts for the day.

That's, at minimum, a tripling of the "box office" between this year and last.  Will that cheer you, Dear BK?  We really hate to see you in pissy mood.
Post by: Panni on February 08, 2004, 07:40:52 PM
Thanks for the review of Clutter, Dear Reader Panni.  I usually like the work they do over at the Colony Theatre, and this play was on my "Should I see it or not?" list.  Your comments pushed it onto my "I'll see it" list.
It wasn't much of a review, DRJay. Nothing like the ones you do, that's for sure! But I think you'll like it. As I said, some of the performances, especially Patrick Richwood as Langley Collyer, are worth the price of admission.
Post by: Jennifer on February 08, 2004, 07:58:00 PM
Oh wow that grammy thing with Celine was horrible. "Breaker breaker, what should we do?". The poor woman was standing there and nobody could hear her! :(
Post by: Jennifer on February 08, 2004, 07:59:25 PM
BK FEEL BETTER! We don't like you in a bad mood.
Post by: Jane on February 08, 2004, 08:08:17 PM
It's time for me to say good night & turn off the computer.  The kettle is boiling & I'm about to make some tea & go watch Stargate.
Post by: Matt H. on February 08, 2004, 08:15:43 PM
I wish I could help you, DR MBarnum, but I don't get CInemax. Since HBO and Cinemax are sister paycable channels, I'm sure the movie will eventually come on HBO, too. They usually do share movies over the course of a year. But might it be on Encores Westerns or some other pay cable channel? I'll be glad to keep an eye out for it.
Post by: Kerry on February 08, 2004, 08:35:14 PM
DRMBarnum, I'd tape the movie for you , but I don't get Cinemax either.   Thanks for posting the pic!

Good vibes to td, Joe and his family, WFO, Jane and anyone else who needs them.

Bruce, you need to get a massage.  You'll feel much better.

I'm tired , and although it's early and I have many things to do, I think I'll go to bed (before 10:00!!!!!)

Thank you all for the pet info.

OK then, good night you all.
Post by: Matt H. on February 08, 2004, 08:40:31 PM
Loved the themes to BEN CASEY, DR. KILDARE, THE FUGITIVE, PEYTON PLACE (a lift from the film, of course). PERRY MASON had a very striking theme, too.
Post by: Matt H. on February 08, 2004, 08:44:18 PM
So, GYPSY won the cast recording Grammy? Ethel's original version won the award as well. Which other shows have had two different cast albums win the award? I think LES MIZ Broadway and Symphonic both won. Any others?
Post by: MBarnum on February 08, 2004, 09:12:56 PM
Thanks MattH and TD. I am hoping that since THE LAST WAGON is a 20th Century Fox film maybe it will play on Fox movies. Seems likely.

I guess Cinemax must not be a very popular station! LOL! Well, I guess if they show stuff like THE LAST WAGON it is no wonder! LOL!
Post by: MBarnum on February 08, 2004, 09:17:52 PM
BK, will you tell us what prizes you got at the Book Fair?

Has anyone heard of this new film release called THE LOST SKELETON OF CADAVRAS? It sounds like fun! It is a take off of 1950s B horror films. The poster is cool! I understand it is being released to theaters very soon.

Post by: TCB on February 08, 2004, 09:20:59 PM
Rifleman: A show I loathed. It was the Johnny Crawford character that was a problem for me. I prefered him as a singer of light weight pop.

I loved The Rifleman.  I wanted Chuck Conners to be my father.

Or something.
Post by: Donna on February 08, 2004, 09:22:18 PM
BK - I think many of our Dear Readers post during the week from their jobs. Maybe they don't have access to a computer on the weekend. As for me, I usually don't have time during the week so the weekend suits me better.

Take a hot bubble bath and relax. The popularity of this site has not dwindled just ebbed temporarily.

Post by: TCB on February 08, 2004, 09:35:50 PM
Oh, no doubt the galley is the cause of said grumpiness.  And it does appear that we'll eke by this evening, so all will probably be well.

Isn't it strange that they call them galleys, which just happens to, also, be the name given to Roman slave ships?  Hmmmm.
Post by: JoseSPiano on February 08, 2004, 09:41:26 PM
Before I go to bed...

Very interesting Grammy Awards - at least the part that was televised.  Besides Beyonce walking home with five of them, the rest of the awards seemed pretty evenly distributed.  -And I actually enjoyed some of the musical segments where they combined a "classic" artist with a current performer.  There were a few names I didn't know, a few I know but don't care for, and a few names that I was happy to hear either as just a nominee or as a winner.

-Wow, that's kind of vague...  but as I was saying, before I go to bed...

TV Themes: Happy Days, Gilligan's Island, The Jeffersons, Three's Company (just because the "sound" intrigued me, as well as some of the lyrics), Mary Tyler Moore, Sesame Street, Electric Company, M*A*S*H*, Dr. Who (at least when I used to watch it, I'm not sure if it changed along with the various Dr. Who's),... -yeah, I know most of those are theme songs, but.... As I was saying, before I go to bed...

DR Jay - Varekai totally blew me away when I saw it in LA in September.  Truly a beautiful show.  And what I liked most about it was that it was/is a return to their original concept - truly showcasing the performers, a not so dark and gloomy "story", and having funny(!) clowns!  -That whole "Ne me quittez pas" sequence... ;D  And the firefly effect - so simple, yet so effective, had me in tears with it's "wonder".  -Oh, and the "curtain speech" too!  And when that first acrobat goes flying off the Russian Swings...  WOW!  And... And.. And...

And, MBarnum - I have Cinemax - I'll check the listings and set my VCR for ya'.  *On my local cable system, Cinemax is automatically bundled with HBO now, so...  Otherwise, I wouldn't "subscribe" to Skinemax. ;)

And now, Goodnight.
Post by: George on February 08, 2004, 09:54:11 PM
I have to say that I don't mind the slowdowns...mainly because there is so much to read during the week (when I'm at work ;) ) but on the weekends I don't feel like I have to secretly rush through all the posts while no one's looking.
Post by: George on February 08, 2004, 09:57:08 PM
Now I have to bake cookies for a bake sale in the morning.  Hey, I'm starting them before midnight!  This is a good thing!
Post by: TCB on February 08, 2004, 10:03:49 PM
Good vibes to:

WFO, Joe, and Joe's mom
BK (may your mood improve)
and, finally,
to all the rest of the wonderful Dear Readers

(May we never have to face a day without our HHW)

Good Night, My Friends!
Post by: Charles Pogue on February 08, 2004, 10:09:58 PM
Johnny Crawford presently fronts a 1920's-30's dance band that plays terrific music from those decades, with a lot of emphasis on movie and show music...ala Gershwin and Porter. Johnny is the band leader and singer.  His voice is eminently suited to the period and he and the band are great.  I've seen them play and have danced to their music on several occasions.  Great stuff!

Post by: Panni on February 08, 2004, 10:19:04 PM
Just watched CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM - which was actually funny this week. Especially Shelley Berman as Larry David's father. It's good to see him again.

I'm not in a great mood, myself. Maybe there's some kind of lousy mood virus spreading around Studio City. Good night, all.
Post by: bk on February 08, 2004, 10:51:49 PM
Back, and feeling a bit better, but I won't be totally out of this mood until I finish my conversation in the morning with the publisher - I need to vent with them and I need their assurance that things will go exactly as I need them to.

On a happier note (Eb), tonight we completely finished two more Kritzer Time tracks and laid down a basic track for one more, so I think one to two more sessions in the next two weeks should do it.
Post by: bk on February 08, 2004, 10:52:40 PM
Oh, and on the way home I stopped and got an In and Out burger - protein version.  It's their classic cheesburger, but wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun.  It was actually VERY tasty.
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 11:00:19 PM
I have returned from the "Return Of The King". Whatever your tastes in movies, a remarkable piece of cinema for Mr Jackson. I look forward to the DVD.
Post by: Panni on February 08, 2004, 11:05:06 PM
I came back for a minute even though I've already said g'night. Feeling incredibly restless. I think I'll clean up the little house so I wake up to neatness and order. Once again --- Good night.
Post by: S. Woody White on February 08, 2004, 11:07:39 PM
Well, der Brucer and I are finally back from grandladsitting, which would be a whole lot easier if they didn't squirm so much!

 ::) ;D

No, things went pretty well.  Of course, with the older lad (aged 6) if anyone asks him to help do something his automatic response is "It's not my fault!" or "But I didn't do anything!"  And the younger lad is aged 3, which gives him boundless energy that bounces off of everything.

Still, der Brucer got dinner (aka breakfast for dinner) on the table, with younger lad's help.  Games were played.  Videos were watched.  The parents were out of the grandlads' hair and off their case for a few welcome hours.  We even got them to bed without too much of a ruckus.

And then the parents returned.  Chaos in less than ten minutes.  It's really too bad the parents can't watch der Brucer in action, to see how he exerts control.  

Now there's a debate going on in the family, because der Brucer's daughter is reacting to our dogs.  "The younger lad is allergic to them!  And so am I!" she has decreed.  Exactly how allergic either she or he are is unclear, but it is obviously the fault of the dogs; she would not take kindly to anyone suggesting that she take an allergy medicine.  (I will admit that having younger lad take medicine at his age without advice from a doctor is not a good idea.)  I can't help having the feeling that she would be very happy for us to get rid of the dogs.  Not gonna happen, dearie.

There's also a debate about how quickly the basement is to be finished as a living space.  Frankly, I don't see the rush, as there's plenty of living space for the two of us in the upstairs.  But daughter wants the basement fitted out to her specifications for when she and family visit.  

Enough.  Der Brucer and I have plenty to do, with unpacking and bookshelving and sorting and such.  I can't wait until my over-tall kitchen table arrives, to create that extra workspace I've been longing for.  And the boxes are on their way from Dad, with all the CDs and DVDs.

On the drive to babysitting the grandlads, there were flocks of birds dappling the sky with moving spots of grey, some in geese arrows, some in random flocking.  I thanked der Brucer for moving me to such a beautiful part of the country.  His smile made my day.
Post by: bk on February 08, 2004, 11:09:02 PM
And thanks to those who were here today and kept the home fries burning.

I want to make something perfectly clear: a) I was in a really foul mood today, and it just irked me seeing the low number of posts.   It was stupid, but when one is in a really foul mood that sort of thing happens sometimes.  NONE of my snippy posts were directed at people who were here today, I would hope that was obvious.  Someone e-mailed me and told me that a couple of people were alarmed that I might shut down Sundays and that those people would never return if I did such a thing.  First of all, the site wouldn't shut down, I just wouldn't put up a new topic - but I'm not going to do it.  I'm happy that the people who bother to show up on Sundays show up and I'm certainly not going to punish them if the numbers suck (which they did up until about six tonight).  I will be fine and back to usual as soon as I get this galley stuff rectified.  Part of the problem is they sent it to me on Saturday so that there was no one I could vent to and I just got angrier and angrier yesterday and today as I had to go through and catch all their ridiculous mistakes, most of which weren't even IN the last galley.
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 11:11:56 PM
I was interested to read Jay's post re February 9 2003. I had no idea my visits to LOTR were a year apart - and with the same group of people (5 of us  -Not all the people in the cinema).
Post by: S. Woody White on February 08, 2004, 11:17:51 PM
And I hope, my dear BK, that it's the quality of posts, and not the quanitity, that will be part of your final decision on whether to continue the Sunday HHW.  I, for one, would miss the missives from DRJose.  I look forward to the comments from Jay, and Panni, and Pogue, and Tomovoz and all the rest.  This is another form of family that has collected here, and even my ever-cool scorekeeper's distancing habits have been shattered by the warmth.  

I'll have to tell the tales of scorekeeping at another time.  For now, let me simply say that I am grateful to you for being our host, our friendly uncle/brother.  You have helped so many of us through difficult times.

Damn, you make me wish I weren't disdainful of being maudlin!
Post by: bk on February 08, 2004, 11:19:28 PM
Of course it's the quality of the posts and always will be.  Everything is fine, Sundays will stay and what will be will be.
Post by: Tomovoz on February 08, 2004, 11:22:17 PM
Car service day for me tomorrow so I shall be away from home (and the computer) for quite a while. All very complicated but I drive to a mechanic about an hour away and then spend most of the day with a friend who lives in that area.  Thus I may be truant for a large part of the day. No doubt the world shall continue to turn. As usual, I shall be back in an hour or so for a post for the new day.
Final themes: "Medic". I don't think "Blue Star" was written for the show but that is where I know it from. "The Homecoming" (The Waltons) was also a lovley piece of music. Goodnight John Boy and everyone.
Post by: Jed on February 08, 2004, 11:24:55 PM
I also want to make clear that my posts to BK earlier were not intended to be snippy, if they came off that way.  They were an attempt to voice my opinions on the whole subject in a reasoned, respectful tone... if they possibly came across otherwise to anyone, I apologize.  I've been in a rather foul mood myself all weekend.

Here's to a week of better moods for all HHW denizens!!!
Post by: S. Woody White on February 08, 2004, 11:37:04 PM
Add to favorite TV themes: The Avengers,particularly with the trumpet counterpart when they rewrote it after introducing Tara (Linda Thorson).  The third season theme (except for the break) for Lost In Space.  And for some reason I keep flashing back to the theme from The Scarecrow and Mrs. King, probably because der Brucer was addicted to the reruns at one point.

And Buster has decided he likes popcorn.  I'll nuke up a bag, and he's right there, watching and listening to the popping.  He doesn't pest, but sits by my feet here at the computer, happily munching on the popped kernels I give him.  I do so love a happy dog!