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 on: Today at 01:00:53 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by bk
Photos issue has been fixed.

 on: Today at 12:43:40 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by bk
Photo issue has been reported.

 on: Today at 12:42:52 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by bk
Must get the errands done.

 on: Today at 12:42:37 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by bk
I'm up, I'm up - eight and a half hours of sleep.

 on: Today at 12:38:53 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by Ron Pulliam
The son (Anderson) of a much-loved cousin (Ashely, my cousin Butch's daughter) is playing baseball tomorrow morning in Lexington SC.  Anderson is 16 and is one of the best players in the state.

The game is at 9:30 a.m., and I have been invited to go with my cousin Butch and his fiancée Sharon.  The thing is, they may leave as early as 6:30 a.m.   Butch wants to have breakfast at a Waffle House in Lexington, and they need to get to the Lexington High School early enough to get good parking.  Teams from all over the state will be playing, so it will be a mad house.

Afterward, Sharon wants to do some local shopping before returning home.

I appreciate being thought of, but gosh and golly and gee.

Will they mind if you nap or read in the car while they shop?

No, they wouldn't.  But I also wouldn't.  I can shop till I drop, but I don't neerd anything.

Hence, the "gosh and golly and gee" was shorthand for "I ain't goin'"!.

 on: Today at 12:32:52 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by elmore3003
I saw my neighbor Ann, who's being stretched thin between school and her mother's poor health and dementia in Boston, for the first time in weeks this morning. She had been out and brought me two Dunkin Donuts, a cinnamon apple and a French cruller, my faves. We had a nice visit in the laundry room.

 on: Today at 12:14:05 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by Jane
Of all the songs refashioned for ballroom, the cha-cha version of This Nearly Was Mine may be my favorite so far.


 on: Today at 12:13:05 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by Jane
Saturday morning greetings!

Still fighting this damn cough

So am I, DR Vixmom…

More no-cough vibes to Ginny and to vixmom!

Thank you, DR Freddie! 

I wimped out on the 3-hour shift I was supposed to work at the big AAUW sale that’s going on this weekend.  Don’t want to spread my germs or pick up any new ones.

I am very glad you did the smart thing and opted out of your shift.

 on: Today at 12:12:30 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by Jane
The son (Anderson) of a much-loved cousin (Ashely, my cousin Butch's daughter) is playing baseball tomorrow morning in Lexington SC.  Anderson is 16 and is one of the best players in the state.

The game is at 9:30 a.m., and I have been invited to go with my cousin Butch and his fiancée Sharon.  The thing is, they may leave as early as 6:30 a.m.   Butch wants to have breakfast at a Waffle House in Lexington, and they need to get to the Lexington High School early enough to get good parking.  Teams from all over the state will be playing, so it will be a mad house.

Afterward, Sharon wants to do some local shopping before returning home.

I appreciate being thought of, but gosh and golly and gee.

Will they mind if you nap or read in the car while they shop?

 on: Today at 12:10:28 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by John G.
Of all the songs refashioned for ballroom, the cha-cha version of This Nearly Was Mine may be my favorite so far.

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