Back from a VERY long memorial, which was my fear. The program itself was fine - a few of us spoke and a couple of songs were sung. But then they opened it up to anyone who wanted to speak, limiting them to two minutes. Since most of the people were former acting students of the deceased I think you can imagine that they did not limit themselves to two minutes. I have to imagine that nearly twenty-five people spoke. Nice anecdotes and all, but way too long. After, there was a reception - I stayed for a little while and then headed home. I got a filet o' fish and a Big Mac from MacDonald's on the way. I took two bites of the filet o' fish and wish I hadn't swallowed them - something was terribly wrong - it was like eating hard rubber with tartar sauce - in all my years I have never had a dud filet o' fish, but this was inedible. I saved it and will be delivering it back to them tomorrow. Big Mac was fine, though.