I had no idea Corey Allen was still alive. I never mentioned in the book the two episodes of This Is The Life I did, both of which he directed. I didn't mention them because I really had no memory of them other than that I did them - well, there was a little funny story about finally seeing the legendary "Roll 'em, Sholem" Lee Sholem at work - Mr. Sholem directed hundreds upon hundreds of low-budget TV shows - like This is the Life, most of them shot in two or three days. This is the Life shot in two-and-a-half days. On the half-day, the show finishing would wrap at noon, and the new show would begin shooting shortly thereafter. So, I arrived on the set and got to see Mr. Sholem wrapping the final two shots of his show and I got to hear him say his immortal line, "Cut. Print. Over there."