Archives > Archive 23


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And in about 12-13 hours, I shall be meeting DRs TCB and George for the first time! And now... I think I'm going to start winding down for the evening. I got up early today, probably a little too early, and with my jet lag finally hitting, well... I'm already quite sleepy. So... I may check in later, but just in case I don't...



--- Quote from: John G. on September 19, 2012, 06:04:09 PM ---
--- Quote from: George on September 19, 2012, 05:47:43 PM ---Well, I  must be off.  I'm going to the usher training at the Washington Center for the Performing Arts.  We're supposed to get refreshed every couple of years.  In the 15+ years that I've been ushering there, I've gone just once...and that was only about seven or eight years ago.  I learned "on the job."  But now, they want things a little more official, so I'll officially go through the training again.

Be back later!

--- End quote ---
You have to learn how to ration programs, treat customers rudely and show them to the wrong seats? Oh, those are the ushers here in San Antonio.

--- End quote --- need to see a show in Olympia.  You'll like our ushers. :D

Well, I need to go to bed now.  I must get up early so that I can be bright eyed and bushy tailed for our mini HHW gathering in Seattle!  I'll take pictures but won't be able to post until tomorrow night, at the earliest.

Have a good Thursday, all!


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