Barbie's birthday party was weird. Not very well organized.
We were next door and went over at 11am (it was supposed to start at 11am). There was a booth with 2 girls, but no cake and no balloons. She said they would be there in 10 minutes.
They did give out loot bags which were much more than i expected. They had Barbie tshirts, stickers, posters, bracelets, pins and something else.
The cake came at 11:15am but they would not give it to the adults. And no balloons. And they were not handing out loot bags very well. A lot of people had to ask for them! And some did not even know about them.
At 11:30am as we were leaving the store the balloons came. Very cheap white ones with an outline of barbie. They were helium. But guess what? After telling people we were waiting for them to blow up the balloons they decided those balloons were for the table display. And they wanted to just hand them out for you to blow up yourself??!!
They took pictures of megan for the toysrun website (they said). She was the first person to eat the cake at the store!