Tonight's the night we go to my cousin Debra's for Christmas Eve Dinner.
My Uncle Rock is barbecuing chickens for it!! I have no idea what the rest of the menu will be. In years past, I have twice prepared spaghetti sauce for a nice spaghetti dinner. We've had hamburgers, steak and pork loin on other Christmases.
It promises to be loud, crowded, and Debra's hubby's brother will undoubtedly make his annual visit with his cousin and daughter in tow just as we are all eating. His daughter will undoubtedly have a plate and some dessert during the 10 minutes or so they will stay. She's a (perpetually) growing little girl.
My Mom will undoubtedly stay longer than I wish to...out of politeness/decorum, of course...but we will inevitably escape and come home where we will exchange our gifts before bedtime.
Tomorrow night, it will start all over again, with the same people (sans the brother/cousin/daughter of Debra's hubby) and more who cannot come tonight. It will be across the street. I shall stay just as long as I can stand it...hopefully to have some meaningful conversation with a few people during what promises to be several hours of confusion, chaos and perpetual self-congratulations/self-promotion/self-involvement of several of the attendees (it's the one-upmanship syndrome that requires each to trumpet himself to the skies at every gathering).
I will take what I can of it, and then I shall retreat to my home and the television.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!