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 on: Today at 08:18:19 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by Freddie
Minor millstone moment!


 on: Today at 08:05:33 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by Ginny
Saturday morning greetings!

Still fighting this damn cough

So am I, DR Vixmom…

More no-cough vibes to Ginny and to vixmom!

Thank you, DR Freddie! 

I wimped out on the 3-hour shift I was supposed to work at the big AAUW sale that’s going on this weekend.  Don’t want to spread my germs or pick up any new ones.

 on: Today at 08:02:48 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by Ron Pulliam
Minor millstone moment!

 on: Today at 08:02:12 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by Ron Pulliam
The son (Anderson) of a much-loved cousin (Ashely, my cousin Butch's daughter) is playing baseball tomorrow morning in Lexington SC.  Anderson is 16 and is one of the best players in the state.

The game is at 9:30 a.m., and I have been invited to go with my cousin Butch and his fiancée Sharon.  The thing is, they may leave as early as 6:30 a.m.   Butch wants to have breakfast at a Waffle House in Lexington, and they need to get to the Lexington High School early enough to get good parking.  Teams from all over the state will be playing, so it will be a mad house.

Afterward, Sharon wants to do some local shopping before returning home.

I appreciate being thought of, but gosh and golly and gee.

 on: Today at 07:53:44 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by Ron Pulliam
There are many things I would like to do today. is day two of a three-day local event:  To wit, the annual "23-mile Yard Sale".  For a 23-mile stretch of U.S. 121, folks will have vast displays of stuff out on their lawns or in parking lots waiting for the thousands and thousands of folks driving by to peruse and purchase said stuff.

I absolutely hate it that the 23-mile stretch is also the route I need to use to go to the recycling center, the grocery, my cousin Debra's, and virtually anywhere else that has shopping.

The reason I hate it is that cars simply stop in the road to rubberneck a yard's display.  Never mind that they COULD pull over...but NO... they stop and gawk and slowly advance to see the next yard, etc.

Folks here expect that and don't seem to mind.

I may be "here", but I have no patience for that sort of thing.

 on: Today at 07:48:57 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by Ron Pulliam

Mac and cheese is a questionable taste for me.  My mom made terrific macaroni and cheese.  It was made from scratch and not from a box.  I have made that one a few times, and it's as far removed from the stuff you find in cafeterias as can be.  I have never liked the Kraft's variety.

The best I have had in a very long time I purchased at The Fresh Market, deli section.  It was a white cheddar mac and cheese and was extremely tasty!!

 on: Today at 07:46:27 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by Ron Pulliam
I also have an aversion to funerals.

My first experience at one was when my maternal grandfather died.  I loved my PaPa more than anything, and I was torn up when he died.  I was 17, and the funeral was in a large church.  I sat with cousins who fidgeted a bit, and then we drove some 26 miles in a funeral cortege to a neighboring city for the burial. 

I do not disrespect his memory by hating that process.  I would gladly have spent time at his gravesite without an audience. 

After that, it was 35 years before I attended another.  I have attended five since 2001, four in the past two years.

 on: Today at 07:38:37 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by Ron Pulliam
Beautiful notes today, Bruce. 

 on: Today at 07:10:04 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by Freddie
Saturday morning greetings!

Still fighting this damn cough

So am I, DR Vixmom…

More no-cough vibes to Ginny and to vixmom!

 on: Today at 07:04:57 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by Ginny
~~~COUGH BEGONE VIBES~~~ for DR vixmom and DR Ginny!!!!

Thank you, DR Singdaw!

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