Must have been the raccoons that came in while you were gone.
Missouri Valley, IowaAbout 75 miles south of Sioux Cityder Brucer
Oh - what about that mess all over the living room!der Brucer
We didn't have a tv during that whole thing. It broke, somehow, the day of the slow speed chase.
Food for thought...THAT's what I get here!
Misty had a lovely treat!
Tacoma, WA - dawn today
Jack, watch your mailbox for the next few days.
In that case...What does Levain's make you think of?
Jack, watch your mailbox for the next few days. I mailed the Playbill for Journey's End yesterday afternoon.
DR DtM - did you watch AVENTURERA? I didn't see your comments, but I might have missed them.
Nope. I had slated it for this past weekend but plans got waylayed. I will watch it at some point in the coming week. I like the opening music and titles which are spartan in a sort of Riefenstahl kind of way.