Good morning, all! I'm going in early to work on the McGlinnventory since my paralegal Geri can only work till noon today. I figure with the delays I've given her the past month, this is the least I can do! If I leave by 8:30, I can be there by 9:15, which is an hour earlier than my usual schedule.
After that, back here to fret about some payment issues for which I could use some some Big Vibes: the asses at the Library of Congress haven't paid us, PHI has mysteriously not paid us today, which is usually the end of the invoice wait, and the recording check from last month hasn't arrived. I'm $2.00 overdrawn, and unless something magical happens in the post today or the PHI bank transfer, I'm royally screwed. So, DRs, I could use some vibes. Big ones.
Besides fretting, I have Brent Barrett's holiday album to work on and I need to talk to George about a possible day for next week's bookcase project.
I have no thoughts at the moment about a biographical movie, except that, because my mother was a mess and crazy, I would want a fearless actress who doesn't care if the audience hates her. Although he's not as well buit as my dad was in his prime, the closest actor I can think of to play him would be Randy Quaid. As for me, I could go the Harvey Fierastein-Wendy Wasserstein route and make myself irresistible and adorable with someone like Brendan Fraser or Brad Pitt playing me, but I truthfully think the whole pathetic package of humor, neuroses, and good and bad traits would be better portrayed by someone like Rainn Wilson. As for the White Trash Lady Macbeth, Jennifer Coolidge.