Today, at about 2:30 or so, the antenna snapped off of my cell phone! My sister called me and left me a message at about 3:15. My cell phone never rang! AND my phone didn't beep to notify me that I had a message until about 4:45! That's not good! This had happened once before, earlier this year and in the four years that I've had this phone, this is the only problem that I've ever had with it.
So, since I was still having a craving for Panda Express, I hied myself to Capital Mall on the west side of Olympia where I purchased my phone and where there is also a Panda Express. After eating (orange chicken and chow mein), I went to the Verizon kiosk but they were very busy. I then went over to the Verizon store and they said that they don't have the antenna and I would have to contact Motorola directly. That's not good, either. I went back to the kiosk and they basically told me the same thing (I had to make sure). The woman at the kiosk, however, was very polite and suggested that I try some place like Radio Shack. I went there and they had exactly what I needed! It was an antenna made specifically for the model phone that I have! After I get paid, I'll get another for a spare.
And that was my afternoon/evening.