Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 2 => Topic started by: bk on June 18, 2004, 11:59:50 PM

Title: SPENT
Post by: bk on June 18, 2004, 11:59:50 PM
Well, you've read the notes, having read the notes you are now spent, but not spent enough that you can't post until the spent cows come home.  To it, I say.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: S. Woody White on June 19, 2004, 12:21:25 AM

Of the current crop of action films (meaning, those released since I became an adult):

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Die Hard

And, with a totally different sense of pacing, from a totally different generation:

The Adventures of Robin Hood (Errol Flynn).

(Edited for spelling)

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: BEEKAY on June 19, 2004, 12:27:54 AM
Best action movies include the James Bond movies, Indiana Jones series and Matrix series, although I don't really understand that much about the action particularly with the burrowing machines etc.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: BEEKAY on June 19, 2004, 12:29:07 AM
and I agree with DR S Woody White about the Die harder movies too
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: BEEKAY on June 19, 2004, 12:30:42 AM
I have really gone off Arnold Swartz... since he's become governor of California...is he really such a homophobic pig as he's portrayed?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 12:33:10 AM
The Matrix had me in a totally "No go zone". Didn't really follow the concept and far too much pace in the camera angles etc for me. Loved the Indiana Jones films.
For a fast action film that I enjoy - "Run Lola Run" was great.

I think the last Bond Movie I really enjoyed was "Never Say Never". Of course it had a Lani Hall theme song so I was bound to like it.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 12:40:17 AM
I can claim to have never seen an Arnie film! Don't think I have seen a Stallone film either.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: BEEKAY on June 19, 2004, 12:42:35 AM
not much on Stallone either
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 12:45:21 AM
Looking forward to David Wenham movie on TV tomorrow night Beekay. Wenham was the only thing that was good about Van Helsing. A scene stealer.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 12:47:02 AM
DR Jed must be waiting for young ladies from the East Coast to make an appearance!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: BEEKAY on June 19, 2004, 12:51:22 AM
think David Wenham is such a good actor...Not too hard on the eyes either. Loved him in ist series of Sea Change and also the movie he played a released prisoner...can't remember the title of that one...something about the Boys???
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Charles Pogue on June 19, 2004, 12:52:01 AM
I'm not sure what an action film is anymore.  Can I say Gunga Din?  My favourite adventure film of all time is the one Woody mentioned Adventures of Robin Hood.

BK, what's the play you're directing?  Stop teasing us by withholding the title.  The Hudson Theatre is close by, guess I'll be there for your opening.  Is it already cast?  Is it musical?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 12:57:09 AM
Know the movie Beekay but can't remember the title - reviews were great (AFI awards I think) but I did not catch it.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jed on June 19, 2004, 12:59:39 AM
DR Jed must be waiting for young ladies from the East Coast to make an appearance!

No no!  I was merely taking my time catching up on yesterday's posts!

...while chatting with young ladies from the east coast...
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 01:00:33 AM
It was called "The Boys" Beekay. I guess his appearance in LOTR has now led him on to an international audience. He was also in "The Bank" with Anthony Lapaglia.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 01:01:48 AM
Does your father approve Jed?
And do you have any good news to share. Remember emigration is still an option.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jed on June 19, 2004, 01:05:00 AM
I'm sure my father is quite proud of his son's nefarious ways.  No news yet, but a promising lead that popped up today, so hopefully some news down the road.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 01:08:10 AM
Best of OZ vibes Jed.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: bk on June 19, 2004, 02:02:19 AM
I can't reveal the title for a few more days, for various reasons.  I can say it's a straight play, a three-hander, a serio-comedy by a current writer of both stage and screen.  It is cast - Tammy Minoff, and two young men whose names I will post in the next day or so.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Michael on June 19, 2004, 02:45:27 AM
Actions film I have really enjoyed

The Matrix
Termiantor 2
A Better Tomorrow
The Killer
Once a Thief

The last three are John Woo films made in Hong Kong and starring Chow Yun Fat
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Michael on June 19, 2004, 02:46:18 AM
Wasn;t Paycheck a remake of Total Recall but not down a a science fiction film?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Michael on June 19, 2004, 02:51:27 AM
Like to add Hard Boiled another John Woo film with Chow Yun Fat. His unique style at the time (since ripped off) was unique. His films were well paced action thrillers and exciting to watch.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Panni on June 19, 2004, 03:33:29 AM
Well, DRs, it's 3:15 in the a.m. and I'm UP. Fell into bed at 11:30, exhausted and fell asleep quickly. ...And woke at 3, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed or whatever one is at 3.

Re yesterday's notes, FS Pogues mentioned AMBER'S and bk responded with
 "Amber's - wonderful place with great Broasted Potatoes.  Gone."
Well, I haven't thought about Amber's in a coon's age (whatever that is) - but in my other life, when we first moved to LA in 1989 and were living at the Oakwood while renovations were done on the huge and eventually much hated house we had purchased (a few doors down from the Jackson compound in Encino) - we ate a lot of Amber's delish fried chicken and those great broasted spuds. Yum. ...Well, that was a trip down Memory Lane (or Abee Lane) and I'm now almost tired enough to return to bed. ...But now I'm thinking of Xavier Cugat and dancing...

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Panni on June 19, 2004, 03:38:35 AM
Okay - I have a question - do VAMPIRES bite on the upper thigh? This isn't just a random query. I woke a few days ago with two huge bites on the upper thigh. They didn't itch, but hurt like hell. Now they've become quite red with what look like ugly bite puncture marks in the middle. Hmmm... Come to think of it, I woke up very thirsty at 3 a.m., as mentioned above. Not for blood - but that may follow.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Panni on June 19, 2004, 03:58:25 AM
Just one more comment and then to back to bed...

bk - I'm surprised that being a native of LA, you haven't seen out-of-car-vomiting before. I've always thought of it as a particularly LA phenomenon. People spend so much time in cars that it's bound to happen. In the other life I mentioned in one of the above posts, when driving DD to school early in the mornings, we used to go through routes on the backstreets going toward Mulholland. We'd regularly see people vomiting out of their cars after a hard night out. Rachel even used to identify "the vomit guy's street" and other disgusting places. Just thought I'd share.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Panni on June 19, 2004, 04:02:24 AM
As I recall, FACE/OFF, directed by Mr. John Woo, was sort of weirdly fun. More action flicks later. To bed before it's time to get up.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jason on June 19, 2004, 04:31:37 AM
Well, Dear Readers, here it is--7 o'clock in the morning on a Saturday and I'm fully awake! I guess I fell asleep last night around 8:30 and I slept all the way through!Wow. Anyway, I'm gonna get my hair cut in a couple of hours, then it's off to the City to do some clothes shopping and I might even treat myself to a movie. Isn't that exciting? Isn't it just too too?

TCB: I had the exact same thing happen with my AOL account. I even had people IMing me asking me who the hell I was and why I was sending them emails (a few of them actually went through). I changed my password and then did a spyware/adware sweep and a virus check. It hasn't happened since then.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Robin on June 19, 2004, 04:59:52 AM
Some of my favorite action movies:

I love Jackie Chan, especially his Hong Kong chop socky fests, like Police Story, Police Story 2 and Supercop: Police Story 3.  The two Project A flicks are great, too.  Oh, and Armour of God, Jackie's version of an Indiana Jones movie.

John Woo was also better in Hong Kong, before he Went Hollywood.  My favorite Woo flick is called Bullet in the Head.  Subtle, huh?

Both Woo and Chan did their best stuff in their homeland.  These movies are entertainingly non-American, it's almost disappointing to see them (and Chow Yun-Fat) in American-made films.

And I must confess...I think I was the only person on Earth that liked Arnold Schwarzenegger's Last Action Hero.  

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jennifer on June 19, 2004, 05:01:08 AM
Good morning all!

Well I need to get going, but first my comments on the notes.

I am not really a big action movie fan.  But I'm sure I'll come up with at least a few that I enjoyed.

I have heard of Paycheck.  It actually got a fair amount of press when it was released.  I hope to rent it on dvd soon.

I also want to see the chick flicks: 50 First Dates and Along Came Polly.

Has anybody seen either of those?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Robin on June 19, 2004, 05:02:27 AM
Oh, and unless I'm mistaken:

The title of today's Daily Column just may be the shortest Daily Column title I can remember.  

Short 'n' sweet!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Robin on June 19, 2004, 05:05:23 AM
Today, I want to go see the new version of Around the World in 80 Days.  I like Jackie Chan, even in American-made movies.  He's got more charisma than just about anyone.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 06:01:49 AM
Yes TCB....run adaware...it's free and it will help rid your system of the problem.

ALSO....add a fictitious name to your address book beginning with numbers such as 00000111@TCB.edu   any system that tries to use your system to send email will stop when it reaches a bogus email...and this will be the first one in your book.  
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 06:02:15 AM
I liked all the Three Stooges shorts that John Woo directed....oh wait....that was John WooHoo.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Michael on June 19, 2004, 06:13:56 AM
I liked all the Three Stooges shorts that John Woo directed....oh wait....that was John WooHoo.

Grooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn nnnnnn
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Matt H. on June 19, 2004, 06:49:04 AM
Favorite action films:

DIE HARD (my favorite BY FAR)



GOLDFINGER and GOLDENEYE (my two favorite James Bonds)


Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 06:51:07 AM
Favorite action films:

Where Eagles Dare

Ice Station Zebra

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: mrkdl73 on June 19, 2004, 07:01:05 AM
I'm not really into action/adventure movies.

DR JoseSPiano - wasn't ignoring you yesterday, I'm just online in the am usually and didn't see your questions until today.  Yes, I'm in the actor house, at the end of the hall, across from the stairs to the basement.  It's the only house I know of where the entrance to the basement is on the second floor.  The spiral staircase is still there and two of our actors live up there in the "suite".  Brad is still here.  Don't know Tammy, so I'm guessing not.  Actually Brad is in the show playing assorted characters (Pete and Fair Barker).  Regarding cute bartenders, I'm not sure what your taste is, but one's a girl and the other (matinees) is a guy with a semi-mullet (sp?).  I'm not sure how one can have a "semi-mullet"  but I've seen it and it does exist.  

You may have played for me at UPTA's.  I auditioned there in '98 and '00.  I've never been to SETC's, though may go this fall.  What show did you MD here?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Michael on June 19, 2004, 07:12:04 AM
Favorite action films:

Where Eagles Dare

Ice Station Zebra

I forgot about Where Eagles Dare. I really love the plot and Clint kills more people in this film than all of his other films put together
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: PennyO on June 19, 2004, 08:26:42 AM
Hiya, gang!

Been slaving in the garden since I got home two weeks ago - it finally stopped raining about 3 days ago, and I tell ya, the weeding is a lot more pleasant.

Update on PennyO's audition in Noo Yawk - yes, I'm on the "high notes" list. Whether they ever do call me for a replacement gig is another story.... speaking of which I started another story yesterday... www.jewishculture.org has grants to theaters for commissions of new plays by Jewish writers - so I've sent a proposal to a few theaters who have benefitted financially from programming my show, along with the grant ap. The new piece is based on the life of Lyuba Levitsky, Polish opera and radio star who worked with the Partisan Brigades in the Vilna ghetto, arrested for smuggling food, executed in truly operatic last scene, singing her trademark song as she calmly walked the gauntlet to the firing squad, who finally silenced her voice. I've started to write this piece several times in the last 15 years - but there are precious few jokes in a story like this, and y'all know how I need the laughs... okay, so maybe it's time.

Another proposal I prepared (oy, to assemble THIS one!) was to take Jewish Thighs On Broadway (either the PG-13 version: strong language, brief partial nudity) or the Family Aundiences version (Brucer, Woody - that's what you saw at BRT) to the 5th annual Chutzpah Festival in Vancouver. And, of course, catching up on the book promotion by blitzing all the Northwest independent book stores with piles of intoxicating references from other bookstores around the country who made money by having me in to read. So this is semi-retirement, eh?

SPENT! Just spent! Oh, action films... love Raiders of the Lost Ark and Star Wars (the original); Bruce Willis is usually good for a thrill or two; loved Terminator, of course. I tend to prefer quieter films. Was North By Northwest an action film? I love that.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Panni on June 19, 2004, 08:42:04 AM
Good morning. Again. Thought I'd check in mid-walk. No, I don't carry my laptop on my walks. But I started out, went a few blocks (checked out a yard sale - can't resist) and decided I was freezing my a-s off. (It's overcast and drizzling.) So I've come back for another layer of clothing. Now off I go once more.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: MBarnum on June 19, 2004, 09:00:00 AM
I have thought and thought and thought and I cannot come up with a favorite action  movie. Maybe some of the early James' Bond movies and some vintage Fay Wray movie about airplane pilots...that is the best I can do at this moment.

I am now eating a bowl of low-carb Total and listening to my Friends of Distinction CD. Will soon go out and weed 'n feed my back and front yards...then shower and scoot up to Wilsonville to meet my buddy Mark. After our unseemly visit to the "beach" we will go out on the town and meet our friends Terry (a.k.a Steve Cochran) and Jim ( a country boy from Indiana).
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jason on June 19, 2004, 09:06:29 AM
MBarnum: Remember, we want PHOTOS! Hehe...

PennyO: Welcome back! Hope Carlotta works out for you, and even if she doesn't, it sounds like you've got your hands full already with other fun stuff.

My hairs are cut. It took less than 20 minutes. It doesn't look too bad...just a generic boy's haircut. Add a little sculpting mud and I'm ready to head out to Grand Central Station (am I insane??) to the Banana Republic and see if I can scrounge up something that fits me to wear for DR MusicGuy's concert. Then I'm off to Times Square (again--am I nuts?) to get a new pair of dress shoes and then I believe I will treat myself to a motion picture. Don't know what yet, but I'm hoping to miss the matinee crowds today, so I better skee-daddle. Ciao!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Kerry on June 19, 2004, 09:37:16 AM
I don't know that I have a favorite action film.  It's not my favorite genre, but there may be one I like and just don't think of as an action film.  I need to think.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: William E. Lurie on June 19, 2004, 10:03:02 AM
I prefer my action films animated... Road Runner, Bugs Bunny et. al.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: bk on June 19, 2004, 10:04:24 AM
I, too, like Mr. Woo's Hong Kong films, especially the oft imitated The Killer.  I also find Face/Off fun.  Silly, but fun.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: bk on June 19, 2004, 10:05:25 AM
And might I just ask, where in tarnation IS everyone?  You'd think it was an overcast drizzly Saturday.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: S. Woody White on June 19, 2004, 10:13:03 AM
I have really gone off Arnold Swartz... since he's become governor of California...is he really such a homophobic pig as he's portrayed?
Portayed by whom?  He's never been a homophobe, to my recolection.  Someone's putting spin on him.  Again.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 10:13:45 AM
Good Afternoon!

Well, after waking up at 7:00AM yesterday, I ended up sleeping in today.  I guess it all evens out in the end.  But since I didn't get to sleep until around 3:00... I got my eight hours.

Topic of the Day: -All already mentioned - DIE HARD, RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, and that's all I can really think of - well, I think that's all I've ever seen.

DR mrkdl73 - No worries.  I didn't think you were ignoring me.  -I had forgotten about the stairway to the basement being on the second floor - very unique.  Is the basement still set up like "La Grand Jatte"?  *They had a party there once where each resident - or residents - of each room had to decorate their room in a theme of a country.  It was an international party.  Since they had props leftover from "Sunday in the Park With George", the basement became France.  *OH, and each resident also had to provide light food and drinks from each country.

As for UPTAs... Hmmm... I can't recall right now if I've done for now for four or for five years.  So, if it's been for five, I've played for you.  If it's only been for four, I haven't.

Well, I want to get up to school to get some more practicing in today - gotta keep that proverbial ball rolling.

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 10:17:21 AM

Broasted Chicken... Broasted Potatoes (or Potatos, if you prefer).... YUM!!!

*The Food section of The Washington Post did a "search" for Broasted Chicken a few months ago.  Very fun article - and informative.  Unfortunately, the closest true, approved Broasted Chicken place to DC is not that close.  Do you have Broasted Chicken near you?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: S. Woody White on June 19, 2004, 10:20:27 AM

Dear DR Michael Shayne: Love your new pic with Jason Graae!  You look great as a blond!!!

 ;D ;D ;)
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: S. Woody White on June 19, 2004, 10:28:23 AM
And, speaking of pics, DR Jason, YOU ARE SO CUTE!

 :D :D 8)
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Matt H. on June 19, 2004, 10:30:34 AM
Whow! No drizzle here. It's going to be a blazing hot 90 today (85 now) with not a puff of wind in the air. Argh!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Matt H. on June 19, 2004, 10:32:08 AM
Going to attempt q new pic here in a minute. Not the greatest but more colorful than the one now on view.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: S. Woody White on June 19, 2004, 10:34:56 AM
...the other (matinees) is a guy with a semi-mullet (sp?).  I'm not sure how one can have a "semi-mullet"  but I've seen it and it does exist. ...
Short in the front, thinking about getting long in the back?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: S. Woody White on June 19, 2004, 11:04:48 AM
I'm not sure what an action film is anymore.  Can I say Gunga Din?  My favourite adventure film of all time is the one Woody mentioned Adventures of Robin Hood.
Yes, Gunga Din is an action film.  The difference between the older action films and the current generation is that the older films didn't have to be constant action; they were able to take their time to establish character and motivation.

I guess it's easy to say that the MTV videos changed all that, with the visual editing style becoming rapid and "shocking."  But Raiders of the Lost Ark was released prior to the real MTV revolution, so blaming MTV doesn't really work.

On the other hand, compare Raiders with Spielberg's earlier Jaws, which was much more leisurely in establishing it's premise and tone.  Is Jaws an action film?  Absolutely.  But it follows a different set of rules.  So does the original Star Wars, which gave us time to understand Luke before plunging him in a race across the galaxy.  

This is also why, with the exception of Goldeneye, I included no sequels in my original list of favorites.  Sequels cheat, even when they don't mean to, because they don't have to take the time setting up their stories.  (All right, T2 is a sequel, but it fortunately takes it's time in establishing the kid at the front of the film, a rarity for the form.)

The storytelling suffers when the director and screenwriter are instructed to "cut to the chase" from the very beginning of the film.  Without establishing an environment for the action, the action makes little sense.  And is it any wonder that so many of the current action films have more than one screenwriter?  How can any one writer be expected to come up with a plethora of ideas for action set-pieces?  Easier, by far, to harvest the ideas from a field of writers, and then bale them together, hoping it will all make sense to the audience.

I haven't seen the film, but I understand this year's Hellboy took an interesting slant on creating an action film.  What was released to the theaters was the producer version, with quick-cutting to the chase.  The DVD release, I've heard, will include sequences that explain how the characters get from one chase to the next, provicing more detail and motivation.  If this is true, I hope the DVD release becomes a major success.  Maybe it will help pave the way for a return to those ancient storytelling devices.

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: bk on June 19, 2004, 11:17:49 AM
Well, there's no drizzle here, despite what dear reader Panni has said.  I see no trace of drizzle whatsoever.  Perhaps she walked through some sprinklers.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: TCB on June 19, 2004, 11:19:04 AM
MattH -- I love your new photo.

Jason -- Your new photo is an improvement over Tonya's photo (did you sell that other photo to Panni?), but not as cute as the real Jason.

Robin -- I prefer your real photo, but I am a traditionalist.

Michael S -- You change your photo more frequently than my ex used to change his underwear.  Do you rearrange your living room furniture once a month?


All three DIE HARD films (yes, even the much maligned III)

For some strange reason, I really enjoy INDEPENDENCE DAY.  It is mindless and corny, but damn, it is a lot of fun.

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Sandra on June 19, 2004, 11:29:12 AM
Hey, I can answer this topic of the day question. The Princess Bride is an action movie. Fencing on the edge of a cliff is as exciting as it gets.

BK, at least when I threw up on Sunset Boulevard, I had the decency to do it into a bag.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Panni on June 19, 2004, 11:31:32 AM
Well, there's no drizzle here, despite what dear reader Panni has said.  I see no trace of drizzle whatsoever.  Perhaps she walked through some sprinklers.

Actually I did walk by (not through) some sprinklers and got sprayed a bit. But the drizzle to which I referred came from the sky. Honestly! Would I lie to you? It was earlier in the day, not now, earlier, much earlier. I have witnesses - the people at the yard sale at which I stopped commented on the DRIZZLE. ...It's still overcast, though. Can't argue about that.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: TCB on June 19, 2004, 11:41:41 AM
Let's kick this puppy over to Page 3!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: TCB on June 19, 2004, 11:42:44 AM

There!  Much better.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Noel on June 19, 2004, 11:43:46 AM
I'm TOTALLY AMAZED that Mr. BK found something to admire in Paycheck, which is perhaps the least thrilling "thriller" I've ever seen.  Affleck and Uma Thurman are leaden (no surprise) but the main problem is that the hero's cleverness is never seen.  It's a time travel piece, so he's placed items that will help him accomplish certain goals.  We don't see the placement; we see the hero with no memory, but, whenever he's in a jam, voila, the thing he needs is right there waiting for him.  I'm sure that provided some excitement in the Dick story, but this Woo movie has no laughs, no thrills, no wondering what will happen next.  My thumb is so far down on this one, I'm actually scratching the earth's core.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: TCB on June 19, 2004, 11:49:15 AM

Page 3 sing and dance!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: bk on June 19, 2004, 11:57:27 AM
Well, you see, I was expecting so little from Paycheck that I found it fun to watch, mostly because of Mr. Woo, not because of the script or its problems.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: TCB on June 19, 2004, 12:34:58 PM

Alone Again, Naturally.

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Matt H. on June 19, 2004, 01:05:21 PM
Thank you, DR TCB.

Finished that John Woo action film I mentioned yesterday BROKEN ARROW. I've watched and treasured the laserdisc for years, but I found the DVD for $6 used so I sprang for it even though it wasn't an anamorphic transfer. Still quite well done transfer-wise even if it was simply a port from the laserdisc. The sound I was a bit disappointed with for the first half hour thinking Fox didn't get the most out of the 5.1 sound, but suddenly, things start exploding in all directions and every speaker gets a solid workout.

Lots of fun. Not wonderful enough to be in my top shelf of action flicks but I'll watch this many more times with pleasure.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Maya on June 19, 2004, 01:13:48 PM
I'm really not a fan of action films...I tend to measure the quality of a movie in reverse proportion to the number of explosions and car chases, hehe.  Let's see though--

Run, Lola, Run
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Star Wars

I'm working at a movie theatre now (mostly doing concessions, blech), so I've gotten to see a lot of free movies lately.  I saw the remake of "Around the World in 80 Days," a few nights ago, and aside from a few cameos that I enjoyed, I really wasn't too impressed.  I've heard the original is much better; I need to check that out.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: bk on June 19, 2004, 01:15:16 PM
I also like Run, Lola, Run.  And Raiders is, of course, terrific.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: bk on June 19, 2004, 01:15:56 PM
And might I just ask where in tarnation IS everyone?  You'd think it was an overcast but not drizzly Saturday.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Ann on June 19, 2004, 01:29:01 PM
Actually it is a beautiful Saturday up here in Washington.  

Well, I had a really fun time planned for yesterday, but it was not to be.  A few friends were going camping, so I decided to join them.  I woke up yesterday with what I assumed were allergies...but by the time we got out to the campsite last night, I realized that it was a bit more than that.  After a sleepless night tossing and turning, I got up at 4:30 and drove home.  I then took some cold meds and slept until 12.  I feel a bit better now, but still achy and sick.  Feels like a sinus infection...old territory for me.  Arghhh
But now I am back and caught up on the posts,  so that's good :)
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Matt H. on June 19, 2004, 01:51:25 PM
Just wanted to mention that the Chinese lunch I had today was simply superb. Buffets offer such variety, and I love mixing trying different things. They had some sort of Thai noodles today that were really excellent.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Dan (the Man) on June 19, 2004, 01:51:32 PM
Weather is beautiful in Philly and in New Jersey, where I spent the morning trimming hedges and whatnot in my mother's front yard.  As I was pruning some under-branches from our huge fir tree, I spotted somthing that looked like a wadded-up ball of vomit stuck to the trunk of the tree about twelve feet up.  If my life were an action movie, I would have taken a stick and poked at it and, of course, that would have been the end of me.  But since I don't do bit parts in action movies that take place in my own life, I left it alone.

Favorite (actual) Action Moives:
Raiders of the Lost Arc I and III
The first two Star Wars films (I always hated Return of the Jedi)
La Femme Nakita
Alien and Aliens
X-Men 2
The Poseidon Adventure

Time to wash up and get ready for dinner and a movie tonight with friends.  Either Shrek 2 or the new Harry Potter, though I am in the mood for something more adult-oriented.  But what is out there playing?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Panni on June 19, 2004, 01:52:54 PM
I have nothing to say - perhaps the overcast but not drizzly day has addled my brain.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jennifer on June 19, 2004, 02:12:59 PM
DR Ann, that sounds terrible.  Hope you feel better soon.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 03:17:25 PM
I prefer my action films animated... Road Runner, Bugs Bunny et. al.

I'm with you there WEL.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jason on June 19, 2004, 03:18:06 PM
Well, Dear Readers, you won't believe what I'm about to say. Are you ready? Are you sure you're ready? Here goes: This has been the most gorgeously gorgeous day in New York that I can think of in recent memory. It's absolutely beautiful out...not too hot...not too humid...a light breeze. I can't believe it. I wish every day could be like today.

I went shopping, Dear Readers, and I managed to spend $316.48, which ain't too bad since I was hoping to stay somewhere around $300. I got two (yes, TWO) shirts and a pair of pants at Banana Republic (thank you, Abdul, for your help) and then I headed to Times Square to pick up a pair of dress shoes at Sketchers. Each of those four items cost $78...give or take a couple of bucks...but I got a 10% discount at B.R. for opening an account with them. Huzzah!

After my day of shopping, I went to the AMC Empire and saw "The Terminal." It was pretty decent. Kinda slow on the uptake...well, throughout...but if Mr. Spielberg was hoping to give the sense of what it feels like to be waiting for something, he accomplished it. Mr. Tom Hanks was, as usual, pretty stellar and Mr. Stanley Tucci was perfectly perfect at being horrible. A few misty moments and a sense of relief when it was over--both for the character and for yourself.

I'm now listening to my brand-new copy of LA CAGE AUX FOLLES, a CD that I shamefully didn't have in my collection. I picked it up because I need to learn "The Best of Times" for DR MusicGuy's concert. I also need to learn a song from THE GRAND TOUR, but I couldn't find that CD. :-\ Oh, well...he's faxing the music to me at work, so I'll try to plunk it out on the piano there. It'd be nice to be able to hear it, though.

I have rented a few movies for this evening's entertainment (I'm just spending money all over the place, aren't I?). I rented "Around the World in 80 Days" (the original), "Wet, Hot American Summer" starring our very own Jason Graae's friend David Hyde Pierce and for some reason I decided to pick up "Bridget Jones' Diary." Don't ask my why--I don't know. And now, I think, it is time for some food and a flick.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 03:21:09 PM
Schwarzie, err, sorry, Governor Schwarzenegger a homophobe? ???

That's preposterous!
I'm shocked!

Arnold, err, sorry, Mr Schwarzenegger, I mean Governor Schwarzenegger is a decent man; a hero, a loving husband, who adores birds and bees, and little children, hates drugs, violence etc, etc....

... and whoever spreads rumors like that is a liar and mean!
Mr Schwarzenegger is from the Old Europe, hence can only be a good and decent gentleman; let it be known! ;)

Oh.... I saw Last Action Hero when it came out (... of the closet?!) here, in a fancy, huge, air-conditioned theater on the Champs Elysées...
I left frozen from the cold inside and with a huge headache from the blasting soudtrack music, thinking the kid in the movie was good and Mr Not Yet Governor of California was... electable!! :D

Action Movies are not really my cup of wine; I did like the first Indiana Jones epic, but thought the second episode -- Temple of DOOM (that says it all!) was quite evil and unnecessary violent...

Spiderman is ok but pretty violent too!

Peace and love! :)
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 03:26:58 PM
Good Afternoon!

-Well, mine hasn't been too good...

I went up to school to get some more piano practice in.  However, it's very hard to practice your Bach and Haydn when the music you left in the studio on the piano yesterday is no longer there when you step into the studio.  And I've been leaving my music on the piano for the past few weeks - actually, I used to leave my music in the studio all the time - that's what it's there for!  I'm just hoping that another person in the studio - I still use my piano teacher's studio - has just borrowed my music for the night and/or weekend.

Normally, I wouldn't be too upset about missing music, but I happen to be missing four volumes from my very nice, pristine library of Henle Editions - in hardcover!  Each volume runs about $50.00 each, and since I'm missing four of them - three Bach, one Haydn... You do the math.  They truly are beautiful editions.  And they better be there when I go back tomorrow and/or Monday!

However, I did so some scale work today.  Reviewed my C Major, and went on to F Major and G Major.  -My fingers are really starting to get back to proper playing condition. :)  I also played through the transcription of "The Carousel Waltz" - wow! there are a lot of notes.  It's a beautiful transcription, and even though there are the requisite virtuosic flourishes, the heart of the music remains intact.  I may make it one of those "learn a few measures" at a time execise/piece.  And I think I'm going to put "Hello Young Lovers" on my "must learn" list this summer.  It's just short enough - three pages - and most of the technical passages are withing my current technical grasp.

*As I mentioned yesterday, these transcriptions are by Stephen Hough, an amazing English pianist.  He has two albums of miniatures and encore pieces simply entitled "The Piano Album, No. 1" and "The Piano Album, No. 2".  Quite a wonderful and varied selection, and the playing is a true example of effortless virtuosity.  There are two R&H transcriptions on each album alongside some other transcriptions and standard - and not so standard - classical repertoire.  The "March of the Siamese" children is the other R&H song that he has transcribed.

After all of that, I tried going through my teacher's library, pulling copies of the Bach and Haydn I've been studying.  However, she didn't have the same edition.  I tried reading through the Haydn, but it just didn't feel the same, because it didn't look the same.  Every time I would look up at the page, I was just reminded of my missing music.  After a read through of the first movement of the Haydn, I packed my stuff up and headed out.  *And on the piano, I left a note that simply said, "Please return the hardcover Henle editions.  Thank you, Jose".

I really did want to get some more practicing in today too.  Ah, well...

On the way back to the apartment, I treated myself to another bubble tea.  Today's flavor: Tapioca Cappucino.  And I also stopped at the Chinese take out place (again) and picked up a Mala Chicken Combo for dinner.  (It was very good.)  -All this talk of Chinese food this past week.

So, now I'm back at my apartment.  I had my Chinese food dinner, and I started a load of laundry.  And I'm feeling very mopey right now.  I was planning on heading back up to Fairfax tonight so that I could spend Father's Day tomorrow with my family, but now I'm not so sure.  -I also called home this afternoon, and, apparently, there are no Father's Day plans/festivities planned for tomorrow, so...  And I also have to go up next weekend anyway, so...  We'll see how I feel after I get the laundry done since I wasn't planning on heading up until it got dark - and cooler.


 >:( :( :-\ :'(
 :( :-\ :'( >:(
 :-\ :'( >:( :(
 :'( >:( :( :-\
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 03:28:35 PM
Bridget Jones????

I did not know Indiana got married? When?!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 03:31:39 PM
DR Jason - Don't you just love those perfect days in NYC?  Love 'em!

It's actually not too bad here in Richmond either.  It could be a few degrees cooler, but nothing to complain about.  It's supposed to be in the mid-70s tomorrow.  I'm very much looking forward to that.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 03:33:06 PM
DR Ann - I hope you're continuing to feel better.  Many of those sure-to-cure-ya' HHW Good Health Vibes being sent your way!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 03:38:03 PM
RE: "The Last Action Hero"

Wasn't that the movie where the filmmakers got "lazy" during the filming that they went ahead and left all the continuity errors intact for the final release?  I seem to recall a promotion where they had a contest to see which filmgoer could spot the most continuity errors in the film.  I guess that insured some sort of repeat business.  Alas, I don't think that many people entered the contest, but someone did win.  And the number of errors was quite high - again, if I recall correctly.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jason on June 19, 2004, 03:40:34 PM
Considering they were predicting nearly 90 degrees with 93% humidity and a chance of storms, yes, this has turned out to be a perfect day with the current temperature at 77 with 52% humidity. I can't complain.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 03:47:52 PM
RE: "The Last Action Hero"

Wasn't that the movie where the filmmakers got "lazy" during the filming that they went ahead and left all the continuity errors intact for the final release?  I seem to recall a promotion where they had a contest to see which filmgoer could spot the most continuity errors in the film.  I guess that insured some sort of repeat business.  Alas, I don't think that many people entered the contest, but someone did win.  And the number of errors was quite high - again, if I recall correctly.

That shows the respect they had for their craft and the moviegoers! >:(
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 03:49:35 PM
I'm currently watch the Discovery Home Channel.  And the show I'm currently watching is "Cooking with Heart and Soul" which happens to be an import from Australia.  DR Tomovoz - and DR Colin - any opinions?  *Of course, I'm going to have to convert all the metric measurements for my home use.

This is the first time I've seen the show, but they've been running promos for the past couple of weeks - it just started over here in the States.  So far, so good.  Kylie Kwong, the hostess, is Chinese-Australian, and on this episode she's preparing a Chinese-style roast chicken and some Moroccan lamb.  Quite eclectic.

OH!  And after checking the Discovery Home channels website, I see that there will be a "Designer Guys" coming up on Monday.  Hmmm...  It would be interesting to see these two guys get together with "Queer Eye's" "fab five".
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 03:52:08 PM
-I still want my music back! :(
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 04:05:33 PM
DR Jose: Ms Kwong's programme was quite popular - she is not as "correct" as some TV chefs - she really does seem to realise that enjoyment is important.
Colin says that she doesn't use much chocoalte in recipes so why are they of interest to you?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 04:07:48 PM
Our favourite TV Chef is England's Ainsley Harriott.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 04:11:04 PM
DR Jose,

I haven't found your music books -- silly goose! Why didn't you keep expensive stuff like that with you? -- but this link is for you!

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jason on June 19, 2004, 04:11:51 PM
Jose: I've been practicing a lot this week and I can completely understand what you mean when you say you're a little rusty at the "classical" stuff. I've been singing through "If I Loved You" and "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning" trying to get ready for this concert and I can tell ya...I can tell that I've been singing poppier scores of late. The high notes aren't too hard, but the lower register is slowly disappearing. I guess that's good, since I am more of a tenor than anything else, but still...those baritone songs are getting tough! I can't imagine if I had to sing an aria right now! But it sure feels good to be really PRACTICING rather than just singing through stuff. Makes me realize how much I've missed this stuff. But "Just In Time" is a little low for my taste. I hope I'll be miked...otherwise they'll never hear me.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 04:14:39 PM
I think that's "practising" Jason. Once a teacher...!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jason on June 19, 2004, 04:14:50 PM
And I understand what it is to be missing expensive music. I misplaced my entire Italian collection of arias and art songs and thought I was going to have a heart attack. And then there was the day someone walked off with my Musical Theatre Anthology Vol. II, and when I finally got it back, "Empty Chairs At Empty Tables" was ripped out--and that was the one into which I'd written the French lyrics! (Yes, I do the song in French). I do hope you'll get your collection back tomorrow...
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 04:15:02 PM
The Two Fat Ladies were quite a riot!

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jason on June 19, 2004, 04:15:42 PM
I think it's 'practicing' in the U.S. There we go, butchering the language once again. Well, not butchering...MODIFYING.

ADDENDUM: According to www.m-w.com (Mirriam-Webster Online), one can use either spelling of the word "Practicing." Or "Practising." Your choice.  ;)
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 04:16:05 PM
I shall of course delete my post when you replace the noun with the verb!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 04:16:43 PM
Henry Higgins was right!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 04:18:15 PM
I guess licence and license have met the same fate. Do you license the shows?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 04:19:11 PM
Of course I still enjoy colourful programmes too!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jason on June 19, 2004, 04:19:47 PM
LOL...yes, we are practicing the art of licensing.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 04:23:33 PM
We of course would practise the art of licensing so that people can have a licence to perform a given show.
Do I need to get a life this morning?
I make a worse mess of French grammar as DR François would be well aware.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Panni on June 19, 2004, 04:26:55 PM
Jason - You've become a white man! I'm confused. but you look happier than in your other incarnation, so that's good.

Jose - I will send "Find the music" vibes your way.

Tomovoz - In Australia, do they say "serviette" for paper napkin? That's the one word which did not travel well from Canada to the US. No one knew what the hell I was talking about if I asked for a serviette.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 04:28:37 PM
But we don't write French here, do we? ( No homophobe here, but there are some French-o-phobe, I've read!! And, NO, it's NOT Governator himself!!)

--Do we, translates into, doux oui, bien sûr?!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 04:30:03 PM
Jason pic is from a prod of KING & I, hence his oriental desorienting look!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 04:37:06 PM
Serviette it is Panni.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 04:38:34 PM
Colin thought that maybe Americans would think Serviette was a small waitress. He tries!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 04:42:58 PM
BUT serviette IS French!
We sure don't say NAPKINS here!
Must be something the British stole from us!
I want my serviette back, you hear?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 04:47:30 PM


a square piece of cloth or paper used while you are eating for protecting your clothes or cleaning your mouth and fingers!

Here we go again with that OLD thing story; old fashioned, old Europe! It's obsessive!

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 04:48:03 PM
I guess the Brits stole the word when they realised that the art of "Gracious living" is French. "Culture" was from the Courts Of France.
I still love that quote (was it Voltaire) about speaking to your servants in English, Talking to the dog in German, Making love in French and speaking to God in Spanish.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Ann on June 19, 2004, 04:49:58 PM
I think I'm done trying to kill this thing with drugs.  Every time I take them, all I do is fall asleep.  This would be fine except that when I wake up I feel worse instead of better.  Boo.

I think I should eat something.  My stomach is growling.  But nothing in my kitchen looks appetizing.  Hmm...it might be a Thai food day..
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 04:51:26 PM

serviette - 1818, from Fr. serviette "napkin, towel," perhaps from pp. of servir "to serve" (see serve)

"Your servant! Indeed, I'm NOT your servant!" --- oh, a K&I reference!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jason on June 19, 2004, 04:51:46 PM
Actually, Francois, that picture is from OKLAHOMA! when I was playing one Jud Fry. THIS picture is from THE KING & I...
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 04:51:49 PM
I have always found the American expression "Silverware" very funny. Cutlery!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 04:53:13 PM
Jud Fry was from Thailand!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 04:53:39 PM
A good dose of healthy OZ vibes to DR Ann.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 04:56:40 PM
Pardon my being French with you, but you should realize that "realize" has a Z, as in Zorro!, unless you are using the French spelling! ;)
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 04:56:44 PM
I still want my music!

But in the meantime, I was going through the pics on my laptop - thus my new avatar to the left - and I also came across this recent pic of my brother Michael's two children, my nephew and niece - John Michael and Alyssa.  -All is right with the world.  :)

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Robin on June 19, 2004, 04:57:29 PM
Robin -- I prefer your real photo, but I am a traditionalist.

The old photo is how I really look.  This pic is how I want to look...well, either like this pic or like Pat Suzuki.  But this one's certainly more plausable.  
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 04:58:34 PM
Btw, I have no idea what she is holding in her right hand... Hmm... ???
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 04:59:01 PM
I got my Jasons all mixed up, me, who wanted to show off!
The caption should have clued me in!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Robin on June 19, 2004, 05:00:25 PM
I caught the new version of Around the World in 80 Days today, and quite enjoyed myself.  It certainly didn't stick to Verne (but then, neither did the David Niven version), but it has it's own goofy charm.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 05:01:12 PM
it's Xmas time
In the drawer!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 05:01:46 PM
New page:
Dance of the Silverware fairy!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Robin on June 19, 2004, 05:02:03 PM
I also came across this recent pic of my brother Michael's two children, my nephew and niece - John Michael and Alyssa.  -All is right with the world.  :)


I do not think it's appropriate for a little girl to be smoking a cigar.  
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jennifer on June 19, 2004, 05:05:27 PM
Cute pic DR Jose.

DR Panni, I didn't even know serviette was used as an English word.  I knew what you meant because of what it means in french.  But I've never heard anyone in English use the word.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 05:05:36 PM
Well, she had borrowed it from her brother!!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 05:06:59 PM
Pardon my being French with you, but you should realize that "realize" has a Z, as in Zorro!, unless you are using the French spelling! ;)
In American English François!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 05:07:48 PM
Cute pic DR Jose.

DR Panni, I didn't even know serviette was used as an English word.  I knew what you meant because of what it means in french.  But I've never heard anyone in English use the word.


Only old people would use old fashioned English expressions ;D

Hmmm, your mouth is smirred with chocolate! Please use your serviette! :D
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 05:08:51 PM
Beautiful picture DR Jose. And the one of the children too!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 05:12:15 PM
Hmmm... Just flipping through the channels...

NBC is broadcasting the Apollo Theatre's 70th Anniversary Special... Natalie Cole just sang... WOW!  I haven't heard sing like that in years!... Then Ashanti - very good too... And now the incomparable Patti Labelle...  Sing it girl!

However, I think I'm going to go for a walk in a little bit... My ice cream level is a little low... Hmm.. Maybe even a cookie...  -I just don't feeling like spending almost two hours driving in a car tonight... But that could change after the ice cream... We'll see...

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 05:13:01 PM
Tom!......oh, a Mark Twain reference!!

You really are getting me foncused, consufed, err... confused! -- or is it "confuzed?!.

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 05:15:07 PM
I do not think it's appropriate for a little girl to be smoking a cigar.  

Well, I keep thinking it's a piece of beef jerky... for teething maybe...???  -But she has all her teeth already... Hmmm..
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Panni on June 19, 2004, 05:15:53 PM
Weather report from Studio City: NOT drizzling and NOT overcast. It's turned into a sunny day.

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Panni on June 19, 2004, 05:16:19 PM
Great pics, Jose.

Thanks for the serviette info, Tom.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Panni on June 19, 2004, 05:18:10 PM

              [move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]GOOD HEALTH VIBES TO DR ANN![/move]

 [move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]GOOD HEALTH VIBES TO DR ANN![/move]

 [move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]GOOD HEALTH VIBES TO DR ANN![/move]
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Robin on June 19, 2004, 05:18:44 PM
Portayed by whom?  He's never been a homophobe, to my recolection.  Someone's putting spin on him.  Again.

Didn't Arnold tell the world that "Gay marriage should be between a man and a woman."?  

I don't think he's a homophobe, but like altogether too many of our elected officials, Democrat and Republican, he's not going to go out of his way to do us any favors.  

Here in Minnesota, Arnold's close buddy Jesse Ventura was couageously (and vocally) pro-gay.  In fact, Ventura ensured that same-sex couples employed by the state of Minnesota were granted a whole lotta the same privileges extended to mixed-sexed married couples.  Which incoming Republican governor Tim Pawlenty promptly got rid of...and now, he's supporting a constitutional ban on gay marriage.  

Nice guy, eh?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jennifer on June 19, 2004, 05:20:04 PM
When you move from an apartment to a house, shouldn't you have more room?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jennifer on June 19, 2004, 05:20:58 PM
I have another question.  Why do men have the need to deal with problems alone?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jennifer on June 19, 2004, 05:22:51 PM
Re: the house comment

We moved my sister and her hubby to their new house today.  Well, I didn't move them.  I basically watched.  There was really nothing to do.

There were so many people helping, I basically just sat there and watched.  And took care of water and donuts!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jennifer on June 19, 2004, 05:26:35 PM
NY Times:
Workshopped to Death, Without Reaching a Theater

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 05:26:58 PM
Good link François. Not sure what the conclusion is and I would assume it is written by an American.
Language changes even here - the words borrow and lend are often interchangeable. So many children say "Can I lend your pencil" when of course they mean "May I borrow your pencil".
Most common errors here - I think as a result of lazy pronunciation by Australians in general -are where "have" is replaced by "of" in the expressions "could have" and "would have" etc. Australians tend to say "could've" which to the listener is "could of". Fascinating. No! But it keeps the home fries burning.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 05:29:45 PM
"And I took care of water and donuts!"

Nice name for pets!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 05:32:21 PM
"And I took care of water and donuts!"

Nice name for pets!
:) :) :)
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 05:33:26 PM

In my "old" days, i've learnt that one borrows FROM and one lends TO!
Now, you mean things evolve there too?
Too confusing for me!

Yes, from the tone of the writer, one can tell that the link is expressed from an American point of view!
In a somewhat arrogant way, i think!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: bk on June 19, 2004, 05:41:28 PM
Well, that's LA for you - like most of its citizens, it cannot make up its mind.  It wants to be one thing, can't commit, and decides to be something else.  
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 05:44:48 PM
I have another question.  Why do men have the need to deal with problems alone?
Is there another way? :)
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 05:45:09 PM
No, Tom,
We do not want the home fries to bur! No! :D
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Robin on June 19, 2004, 05:47:16 PM
Nice name for pets!

My buddy Derek had a dog who he'd named "Askem".

When someone would ask Derek what his dog's name was, he'd reply, "Askem!"

Usually, they'd repeat their question, and Derek would once again reply, "Askem!"

And some people would actually look at the dog, and ask, "What's your name?"

I've actually seen it happen.  More than once.  
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 05:49:22 PM
I have another question.  Why do men have the need to deal with problems alone?

Because they are SUPERIOR to women, and can do the job themselves, which is something women can't admit!!!! :o

Women create problems that men solve! ;D ;D

No, i'm not quotting Schwarzie ;)
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 05:51:07 PM
My buddy Derek had a dog who he'd named "Askem".

When someone would ask Derek what his dog's name was, he'd reply, "Askem!"

Usually, they'd repeat their question, and Derek would once again reply, "Askem!"

And some people would actually look at the dog, and ask, "What's your name?"

I've actually seen it happen.  More than once.  

Quite funny!!  :D :D
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 05:53:22 PM
No, Tom,
We do not want the home fries to bur! No! :D
Modify modify modify.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 05:59:03 PM
Great new avatar photos from Jason, DRJOSE, and MATTH.  Oh my we are celebrating the climb 60,000 posts with lively new photos.  And don't we all look great!

DRJOSE prepare the usual 3x5 card with a description of your books so that the "borrower" knows to bring them back, no questions asked.  

I went with some former co-workers to a small town of antique shops for browsing and eating.  Lots of the former, not so much of the latter.  Lovely weather here, warm but with a breeze.  The breeze and I were in great accord.  I bought, nothing!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: S. Woody White on June 19, 2004, 06:00:03 PM
Didn't Arnold tell the world that "Gay marriage should be between a man and a woman."?  

I don't think he's a homophobe, but like altogether too many of our elected officials, Democrat and Republican, he's not going to go out of his way to do us any favors.  
I don't know where you found that quote, Robin.  It smacks of something someone made up.

In California, it is currently against state law for two members of the same sex to marry.  This was put into the state constitution with Proposition 22.  As Governor of the state, Schwartzenegger is duty-bound to follow the laws of the state, which is why he said that marriage licences for same-sex couples issued in San Francisco were not legal.

However, as reported in the San Francisco Chronicle (http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2004/03/02/GOVERNOR.TMP) and in the Guardian, (http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12271,1160765,00.html) he is personally in support of gay marriage, and would back them if the voters in California support those marriages by changing the law.  He views this as being a states rights issue, and not one that should be determined by a national amendment.

It strikes me as odd, that Schwarzenegger is being targeted and labeled as a homophobe.  To my knowledge, he has not signed any anti-gay legislation.  He has not campaigned against gay rights, or against equal rights for any sector of society.  The question has to be asked: why is he being tarred with the homophobe label, when it doesn't apply?  Why is someone, or some group, putting this negative spin on him?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Robin on June 19, 2004, 06:00:07 PM
I wanted to bring up the movie Godzilla again, so I will.  

As I was watching this, it occurred to me that the young female lead, named Emiko and played by Momoko Kochi, was really the main character of the story.  She was a very lovely woman (and if I'm noticing it, I can only imagine the effect she has on straight guys!), with a wonderfully expressive face.  And she's terrific in the movie, as are all of the leading actors; only a bare hint of this survives into the American version.  

This really is one of the best SF movies of the fifties (and I adore fifties sci-fi movies!), but only in this version.  

Can't wait for the deeveedee.  

And La La Land Records, apparently, is releasing Akira Ifukube's original score.  Love that main title march!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 06:00:08 PM
Good link François. Not sure what the conclusion is and I would assume it is written by an American.
Language changes even here - the words borrow and lend are often interchangeable. So many children say "Can I lend your pencil" when of course they mean "May I borrow your pencil".
Most common errors here - I think as a result of lazy pronunciation by Australians in general -are where "have" is replaced by "of" in the expressions "could have" and "would have" etc. Australians tend to say "could've" which to the listener is "could of". Fascinating. No! But it keeps the home fries burning.

There you are!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 06:00:16 PM
Page Six Dance!!

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 06:02:01 PM
Ah yes the original GOJIRA is a much better movie.  And the music IS great.  There is of course a CD of GODZILLA music available.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Robin on June 19, 2004, 06:03:25 PM
I don't know where you found that quote, Robin.  It smacks of something someone made up.


Nope.  He actually said it.  
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 06:05:36 PM
A Eurovison Song contest reference. Thank you JRand.
It was Eurovision that gave "River Dance" to the world. It was a less than 10 minute entertainment during the voting when the contest was held in Dublin.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 06:16:04 PM
As we enjoy a cigarette.
To some exquisite chansonette....
Two hands are sure to shyly meet beneath
A serviette
With cocktails for two.

Them Frinch songs is elegant, ain't they?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Robin on June 19, 2004, 06:16:12 PM
However, as reported in the San Francisco Chronicle (http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2004/03/02/GOVERNOR.TMP) and in the Guardian, (http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12271,1160765,00.html) he is personally in support of gay marriage, and would back them if the voters in California support those marriages by changing the law.  He views this as being a states rights issue, and not one that should be determined by a national amendment.

It strikes me as odd, that Schwarzenegger is being targeted and labeled as a homophobe.  To my knowledge, he has not signed any anti-gay legislation.  He has not campaigned against gay rights, or against equal rights for any sector of society.  The question has to be asked: why is he being tarred with the homophobe label, when it doesn't apply?  Why is someone, or some group, putting this negative spin on him?

For the record, I don't think Schwarzenegger is a homophobe.  

However, though he says he's personally for gay marriage, I doubt he's going to actually do anything to get any pro-gay marriage legislation across.  He's not going to sign any gay pride proclamations or march in any Pride Parades this year.  Like so many of our elected officials (Republican or Democrat!), he simply doesn't have the courage to stand up for GLBT folks.  
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 06:16:47 PM
And actually, DRTOM, although the show is longer, is still actually contains about 10 minutes of entertainment!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 06:19:29 PM
Agreed JRand!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 06:21:37 PM
Question for BK!

Have you ever thought of writing books for children?
Dame Julie does it; you can do it too.... and Mr Tony Walton would do the illustrations!

How's that?!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 06:22:30 PM
Was that Spike Lee or Spike Jones. I always get them confused François.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 06:30:33 PM
Love the ads at the top of the page! I suppose it could have been Arnie movies instead.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Robin on June 19, 2004, 06:41:05 PM
Was that Spike Lee or Spike Jones. I always get them confused François.

Or was it Spike Jones or Spike Jonze?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Robin on June 19, 2004, 06:43:51 PM
By the way, I'm so impressed with the un-Americanized Godzilla, I pulled out the BK-produced Monster Mania! CD and gave it a few spins in the car player today.  

There's a lotta great music in these Kaiju flicks...!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jason on June 19, 2004, 06:44:31 PM
I wonder how MBarnum's day was at the nakey beach...? I do hope he gives details.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: bk on June 19, 2004, 07:01:51 PM
Yes, I do have an idea for a children's book, and I'd already thought of Mr. Walton do illustrate.  But first, I have another novel to write - have been formulating the idea and taking scads of notes for the last few weeks.  I'll also have news pretty soon about my latest, the mystery novel.

All the original Godzilla soundtracks have been available in Japan (and easy to import) for years.  Footlight usually has them in stock.  I have every single one of them, and also Mothra and Rodan.  Also all the new ones from the eighties on.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 07:02:47 PM
Bark Clackamore said we were to NEVER mention the ads.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 07:04:55 PM
I am watching THE QUIET MAN....referenced in Stone In His Pockets.  Such a fun movie....Maureen O'Hara and John Wayne were such a good movie pair!  And the Irish extras were terrific!  And the color!

What...what...what....does she whisper in his ear at the end of the movie?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 07:12:17 PM
Great new avatar photos from Jason, DRJOSE, and MATTH.  Oh my we are celebrating the climb 60,000 posts with lively new photos.  And don't we all look great!

DRJOSE prepare the usual 3x5 card with a description of your books so that the "borrower" knows to bring them back, no questions asked.  

DR Jrand - Thank you.  -But what do I do with that "usual 3x5" card?  I can tell you what I'd like to do with it, but this is a family site... :-X

Again, I'm hoping that someone in the studio just borrowed them for a while - maybe even to (ssshhh) copy them - or at least copy the performance notes.  Worst case scenario is that someone from outside of the studio took them, but since I also had a copy of the Franck Violin Sonata (also in Henle) and the collection of Stephen Hough's R&H Transcriptions (with the price tag of $34.00(!) still on it - ah, those imports), it "sounds" to me like another piano student may be baby-sitting them for me right now.  If they're not back by the end of next week, I'll check with the office and/or my teacher to see who's currently enrolled, and then start making some phone calls.  In the meantime, I have been wanting to pick out a Beethoven sonata, some Chopin, as well as relearn some of my favorite Debussy and Ravel.  Oh, and the scales too - and the arpeggios (which I do need to get back under my fingers).
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Ann on June 19, 2004, 07:17:41 PM
Nothing much to say, but I'll post anyway.  Hey, that rhymed!
Still feeling lousy, but not quite as lousy as before.
There is nothing whatsoever to watch on TV, so I decided to throw in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.  Great movie.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 07:20:27 PM
Good Evening!

Back from my walk...

Cookies: Those Archway Home Style cookies were still on sale so... Windmill Cookies and Frosty Lemon.

Ice Cream:  Got into Bev's before the post-movie rush from across the street came in.  Whew!  -The simple pleasures of Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.  A large scoop.  In a waffle cone.  All gone!

I got a little worried when I left the house... The skies were getting a little stormy looking.  However I couldn't really tell if the clouds were getting darker and/or if the sky was just getting darker as the sun was setting and the moon was rising.  The wind even picked up now and then.  Thankfully, no rain ever started falling from the skies.  However, I did walk a little faster than usual.  -And that's why I went ahead and got a large scoop and the waffle cone.  ;)

-I did have a few false alarms - I would feel some drops of water on my arm every now and then... I was just walking underneath someone's window A/C unit... Whew!

So, now I'm watching and taping (for DR Jason) "Trading Spaces"...  All I will say for now is: Gumballs!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 07:29:02 PM
Oh, I was thinking you could tape it to the door or the music holder....or put one on the bulletin board in the hall.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 07:33:56 PM
OMG Hilda Santo-Tomas should be fired from Trading Spaces and banned from decorating ANY room in anyone's house.  I cannot imagine after her horrible designs that ANYONE would call her to do anything!

She is out of control, an egomaniac, and completely untalented.

Heheheheh.  I love the internet!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 07:38:25 PM
OMG Hilda Santo-Tomas should be fired from Trading Spaces and banned from decorating ANY room in anyone's house.  I cannot imagine after her horrible designs that ANYONE would call her to do anything!

She is out of control, an egomaniac, and completely untalented.

Heheheheh.  I love the internet!

Of course, the "scary" thing about Hildy is that when she does a beautiful room - and she has done some truly beautiful room, imho - they really are beautiful.  -Did I really just use "beautiful" three times in that sentence.

However, tonight's room... I can't wait to see the finish project... And the homeowners' reactions.  Guaranteed to be an interesting "verdict". ;) :o
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jason on June 19, 2004, 08:00:47 PM
The gumball room isn't the one with the cardboard furniture, is it? That was frightening.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Michael on June 19, 2004, 08:12:02 PM
BK recorded a song called Silverware on Unsung Musicals. I have yet to hear a song called Cutlery
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Panni on June 19, 2004, 08:17:00 PM
I ate some ice cream a little while ago and now can't stop shivering...Grrrrrrr (that's me shivering, not growling)...
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Panni on June 19, 2004, 08:17:29 PM
And one for Mahler!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Matt H. on June 19, 2004, 08:17:55 PM
I spent a festive evening finishing the MONK boxed set and then mowving on to MY FELLOW AMERICANS. I hate that Warners full framed this transfer (the laserdisc is letterboxed), and I wish they'd go back and redo this, DEATHTRAP, and a few others. Still, it didn't look bad, and the film has always been ODD COUPLE/GRUMPY OLD MEN-like entertaining.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Matt H. on June 19, 2004, 08:19:34 PM
Looks like today was new profile picture day at HHW. Love your new pics, Jose and Jason. And Robin, you went artistic on us!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 08:23:23 PM
No DRJASON - the cardboard room was a different disaster!

Yes I have seen two rooms Hildi did that I liked.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 08:25:56 PM
I am very sad.   :'(

Madonna has just taken the name of one of the most beautiful and courageous Bible personalities.

The account of this woman's bravery is one of my favorites.   :'(

http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/afp/20040619/ts_alt_afp/afplifestyle_us_people_040619164949 (http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/afp/20040619/ts_alt_afp/afplifestyle_us_people_040619164949)
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 08:35:34 PM
Will Madonna now make "Swimming" movies?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 08:37:52 PM
LOL....so far her movies have been sinkers.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 08:41:54 PM
LOL....so far her movies have been sinkers.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 08:48:55 PM
Hmmmmm....I think we need a new picture to study.

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 09:00:12 PM
Such idols we have nowadays!
Poor world of entertainment... more like a world of interment or internment to me!
A world of fools!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 09:04:37 PM
The original Guys Haines Fan Club!!   ;D

Front row, seated, L to R:
Jason, Jrand53, RLP, TomOvOz, SWW, Der Brucer,Kerry,George

Second Row, standing, L to R:
Jose,Danise, Panni,Noel,Joy,CharlesPogue,Lulu,Michael Shayne,td,elmore,Laura & Laura II

Third Row, Standing, L to R:
BK,MBarnum,Francois,TCB,Sarah,PennyO,Sandra, and Jay

Others not pictured were in gym class or absent or both.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Panni on June 19, 2004, 09:11:44 PM
...I was having a bad hair day.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: bk on June 19, 2004, 09:12:48 PM
Great photo of the GH fan club.  GH came and looked at it and was very teary-eyed with nostalgia.  

Also very nice new photos from various and sundried hainsies/kimlets.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 09:13:34 PM
Photo was obviously taken right after gym class for some us.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 09:14:46 PM
Nostalgia?  LOL
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 09:15:07 PM
I must see if I still have that skirt. It's cold enough to be wearing it today.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 09:38:04 PM
My Goodness, Jrand53!
You weren't not supposed to unearth that pic so soon!
My realtives don't know about it!
Gee, thanks! With friends like you...

I was a brunette, now i'm a blond..... and, as usual, GH is nowhere to be seen! Oh, he was on the tennis court, I remember!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: BEEKAY on June 19, 2004, 09:45:46 PM
perhaps Tomovoz needs to unearth the woollen stockings as well to keep the legs warm?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 09:50:07 PM
Oh.... that's TCB there alright!

I remember how busty he already was!!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 09:51:28 PM
So much so that we used to tease him:

"TCBusty! TCBusty! Remember?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 09:53:25 PM
But Francois, don't you remember, we later discovered the TCB stuffed!!!

And then we all sneezed when he came into class that day LOL LOL LOL!!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 09:55:14 PM
And Jose!

I think he was hidding some chocolate bar behind his back!

And I recall Danise, next to him, urging him to save some for her dog! LOL!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 09:57:57 PM
Well, come to think of it, i do, Jrand53 and a Half!
But it was not that part of his body that was stuffed then?
Or is it now?
Hummm, old age for me!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 09:59:08 PM
I need to darn them first Beekay. One of many talents of course.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 10:01:53 PM
Humm.... I might not have gotten your story right Jrand53 and 1/4!
Never mind! LOL!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 10:04:36 PM
You people are CRAZY!!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 10:08:24 PM
You are outnumbered by non North Americans JRand.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 10:09:07 PM
See above.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 10:09:49 PM
I'm surprised that RLP is not wearing his favourite sailor outfit!

He used to love that outfit!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: François de Paris on June 19, 2004, 10:11:48 PM
No, Jrand53 and 1/8,

Bark Marcarolle was not in our Club then!
Too young!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 10:21:51 PM
Your question is answered Beekay!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 10:24:04 PM
The gumball room isn't the one with the cardboard furniture, is it? That was frightening.

As DR Jrand already indicated... This is a new episode... And it's on tape.

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: BEEKAY on June 19, 2004, 10:25:41 PM
I need to darn them first Beekay. One of many talents of course.
hope you have saved some of the right coloured (yes spelled correctly) thread Tomovoz
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 10:28:38 PM
I guess I should be careful - you never know who is going to look at your legs Beekay. But then, I'm shy.(A "Once upon a matress reference")
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: BEEKAY on June 19, 2004, 10:30:05 PM
Yes but where's "Mary Ellen"?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: bk on June 19, 2004, 10:30:39 PM
Just finished Prince Valiant - I want a page boy like Robert Wagner.  I also ran two miles this evening and frankly I'm spent.  Now to choose another film to watch.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 10:32:22 PM
The original Guys Haines Fan Club!!   ;D

Front row, seated, L to R:
Jason, Jrand53, RLP, TomOvOz, SWW, Der Brucer,Kerry,George

Second Row, standing, L to R:
Jose,Danise, Panni,Noel,Joy,CharlesPogue,Lulu,Michael Shayne,td,elmore,Laura & Laura II

Third Row, Standing, L to R:
BK,MBarnum,Francois,TCB,Sarah,PennyO,Sandra, and Jay

Others not pictured were in gym class or absent or both.

Unfortunately(?), I remember that particular picture day very well...  Let's just say I entered womanhood shortly after that picture was taken.  At least the school nurse was very understanding.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 10:32:38 PM
May I suggest An Allison Hayes film?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 10:34:18 PM
Was that too much information? ;)
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 10:36:16 PM
Yes but where's "Mary Ellen"?
I didn't think you would be old enough to know Edwardian songs Beekay.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 10:36:27 PM
Well, I think....you can see the sophistication of the group even in that early photo....  The sense of purpose, the sense of showmanship, the sense of sense...well everything but the sense of fashion....it is all there.  I think this was shortly after Guy Haines had released "Cocktails for Two" his first 45 RPM EP.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 10:37:08 PM
Unfortunately(?), I remember that particular picture day very well...  Let's just say I entered womanhood shortly after that picture was taken.  At least the school nurse was very understanding.
Always first in the class Jose.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 10:37:30 PM
LOL JOSE....it was shortly after this picture was taken that you discovered your propensity for telekinesis......
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 10:39:33 PM
Never thought to ask Beekay. Is the second part of your name from your second given name?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: bk on June 19, 2004, 10:43:23 PM
My goodness, what a most excellent day of postings we've had.  I do feel that soon we will be the most popular site on all the Internet.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Panni on June 19, 2004, 10:46:17 PM

Our favorite teacher, Miss Jean Brodie, was away the day of the photo.  Little girls! I am in the business of putting old heads on young shoulders, and all my pupils are the creme de la creme. Give me a girl at an impressionable age and she is mine for life.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Jrand73 on June 19, 2004, 10:49:55 PM
OMG, I had forgotten Miss Brodie...that's right DRPANNI....she came on staff right after Our Miss Brooks married Mr Boynton and left.

Well...time to go to bed.  Nytol.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 10:51:23 PM
Good night Johnboy.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 11:08:10 PM
Always first in the class Jose.

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: S. Woody White on June 19, 2004, 11:14:13 PM
The original Guys Haines Fan Club!!   ;D

Front row, seated, L to R:
Jason, Jrand53, RLP, TomOvOz, SWW, Der Brucer,Kerry,George
The picture, it should be noted, was taken before my sudden growth spurt.

Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 11:22:43 PM
LOL JOSE....it was shortly after this picture was taken that you discovered your propensity for telekinesis......

Well, I thought it was telekinesis... It turned out that the girl who had the locker next to me in gym class actually had the "power".  I, on the other hand, started to find out my love of showtunes, cooking, decorating, giving fashion advice and lack of mechanical skills meant I was special in another way... That I was fabulous!
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 19, 2004, 11:30:16 PM
A friend of both Carrie and Dorothy. It is all toto too much.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 11:33:21 PM
OMG, I had forgotten Miss Brodie...that's right DRPANNI....she came on staff right after Our Miss Brooks married Mr Boynton and left.

Well...time to go to bed.  Nytol.

What about Mr. Chips?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: S. Woody White on June 19, 2004, 11:38:07 PM
What about Mr. Chips?
The guy who ran the cooking class?
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: S. Woody White on June 19, 2004, 11:41:08 PM
Time to get to bed.  We spent too much of the day trying to find an original Slinky (the steel coil, not the plastic crap they sell these days), to replace the one der Brucer gave to William for his birthday, but which some other kid immediately ruined by pulling it out of shape.

Yes, we found one, finally.  Only, now I want to keep it for myself.   :-\
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: JoseSPiano on June 19, 2004, 11:52:56 PM
OHH!!  I keep meaning to post this...

The title of today's notes.. SPENT...

Could this be the sequel to RENT?

-After the boys write their musical, and make lots and lots of money... But they start spending it all... Get into trouble with their banking institutions... They start to lose all their friends... They end up moving back to Alphabet City...

In short, they've "spent" all their money.  But also they are also "spent" after all their efforts and folly.

-Just like they guys had to pay "rent".  Like their lives were not their own - kind of "rent"-ed.  And how their lives got torn apart - "rent".

Just a thought.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Tomovoz on June 20, 2004, 12:00:20 AM
IMHO it wouldn't take much to make it more listenable than "Rent" Jose. There have been worse thoughts that have become musicals.
Title: Re:SPENT
Post by: Panni on June 20, 2004, 12:02:39 AM
I was going to post, but was waiting until tomorrow...