Just had an e-mail that I somehow knew would be coming - I was waiting for it, and it arrived. From a lawyer asking me why I thought I could put out That Man From Rio without obtaining the rights from the recording rights holders - said lawyer representing the estate of the composer. Every time I put out a new soundtrack release I hear from someone and it's because there are two people who are trying to cause me grief on every release. Each time, I respond and I never hear anything again. This one was especially fun, though - I specifically left out of the press release any mention of how I was doing the soundtrack, knowing that one of these two creeps would do their dirty business. I gleefully answered the e-mail, suggesting that the missive might be better sent to Universal France and its producer of soundtracks who think that just because they get tapes from composers' estates that somehow gives them the "rights" to put out the CD. Universal France put out three selections from the Rio soundtracks, which was all they could get from the composers' cupboard, which, according to the booklet notes, was bare for Rio. Wonder why? Could it be that all the original elements were with the RIGHTS HOLDERS? Which is how I got them. By licensing them. From MGM Music, Inc. Oops. Think I'll hear back? I told him that any further correspondence should go to them, but somehow I don't think they want to open THAT can or worms. He wanted an immediate response and boy did he get one. Contracts are wonderful things.