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 on: Today at 05:15:52 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by elmore3003
Great notes on Richard and on the funeral.

They sure were!

 on: Today at 05:15:13 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by elmore3003
I, too, hate funerals. The last one I attended was for Louis Aborn, who was - as far as I'm concerned - Tams-Witmark Music Library. He wasn't an easy employer, I gathered from my my friend there, librarian Dale Kugel, who brought me in for two projects, but I loved Louis. He was always respectful and very kind to me, and I behaved silly around him. Around 1995,I was working on the rental edition of Good News when he came into Tams-Witmark one winter morning. It was a cold and windy morning and his coat was open. He asked me how I was progressing and I started singing "Button up your overcoat . . ." as I started to button his coat, then I started dancing with him as I sang. Dale Kugel look aghast, Louis laughed and went off to his office.

From that point on, he and I were on friendly ground, and every time he passed me, he stopped to talk briefly. One day, when I was at Tams-Witmark, working on the debris John McGlinn left after being sacked from his recording debacle of 2001, Louis asked me what I was working on. Have A Heart, I told him. Ah, yes, he replied, Henry Savage produced that, and he headed off to the men's room.

Henry Savage produced that show in 1917, I thought. I remember saying later to Dale Kugel, his mind's sharper at 90 than mine is at 55!

At Louis' funeral, his wonderful son Sargent, whom I'd met at Tams-Witmark - it was a family business - introduced me to his wife, saying, Larry is the only person who ever got my dad to dance at work. Then he and I both burst into tears.

 on: Today at 05:15:12 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by John G.
Great notes on Richard and on the funeral.

 on: Today at 04:57:53 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by John G.
I have never seen Capricorn One. I should correct that.

 on: Today at 04:57:14 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by John G.
A bit more pain this morning. Hopefully, it will pass.

 on: Today at 04:56:40 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by John G.
Good morning, all.

 on: Today at 04:51:02 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by elmore3003
Today I do the small batch of laundry I have.

 on: Today at 04:49:49 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by elmore3003
I slept rather well. Thatch got a bit rambunctious around 5:00 or so when the room began to get light; around 6:00 Annabelle crawled under the blankets with me. I must have fallen back to sleep  for a bit; when I decided to get up, it was 6:45.

 on: Today at 04:48:59 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by singdaw
I'm sure you are all very disappointed.        :D

 on: Today at 04:48:45 AM 
Started by bk - Last post by singdaw
So no National Day calendar for the time being.

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