Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 2 => Topic started by: bk on September 28, 2004, 11:59:43 PM

Post by: bk on September 28, 2004, 11:59:43 PM
Well, you've read the notes, you know you are either Rock or Troy or both, and now it is time to post until the Rock Cows come home.
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 12:26:46 AM
Seeing as how I'm all alone here, I can do anything I please. And I please NOT to be Rock or Troy. I want to be TAB. Tab Panni. IMHO Tab has much more gravitas. It just shouts out strength of character and dignity. "We can always rely on good old dignified Tab." or "Tab will come through when the Rocks and Troys of the world are wussing out." Of course I'll be "Tabby" to my close personal friends.  Tabby Panni. And Abie will be Tabby Panni's Abie.

Post by: George on September 29, 2004, 12:42:42 AM
BK, I just posted a message on yesterday's day.  I wasn't locked out.  Something's wrong...that's definitely a plot twist of a different ballgame!
Post by: Noel on September 29, 2004, 01:17:20 AM
There was a recent NK question that went unanswered about whether my father's happy back east.  I'd have to say that the answer is yes.  It seemed, for about thirty years, that he had show business in his blood.  Leaving that all behind seemed an unlikely move at the time, but, the more I think about it, the more I think the change did him some good.  Only those who remember the game Careers will understand when I say he traded in $ and fame (stars) for happiness (hearts).
Post by: Noel on September 29, 2004, 01:33:11 AM
Ask BK: What's your history with homes with swimming pools?  You seem to be enjoying this new one.  Been in houses with pools before?
Post by: Jrand73 on September 29, 2004, 01:42:50 AM
DR Tab Panni - you took the name I wanted...so today I will not be Troy or Rock....or TAB....I will be Dash....Yes Dash....hyphenated:

Dash-Jrand54 - like Ann-Margret....I feel so great.  Wow....it is liberating to get a new name, a new persona.

And thanks for posting the TC review, DRPANNI.  Oh my, very similar to what we heard from DRJOSE....oh my.

Well MR BK - I ordered the same DVD you did.  I cannot resist seeing BRAINIAC again, wherein I think a lot of Mexican men are taken over by a brain eating organism....who steals their clothes but leaves them dead in their socks, t-shirts, and boxer shorts.  The alien obviously eschews undies.

I love CAREERS, DRNOEL....and I know what you mean.  $$$ and *** are important.....but become less so as time goes by.

My question for AskBK day - this was sort of answered yesterday.  I just watched a movie called GAS-S-S which featured Miss Cindy Williams and was kind of a mess.  But it seemed to me that everyone in it was someone you might have known...including Mr Bud Cort.  I was going to ask you how you escaped being in this disaster....but you were in New York when it was filmed....would be my guess.  Have you seen this film....what do you think of it?
Post by: Jrand73 on September 29, 2004, 01:43:15 AM
DRNOEL what are you doing up so late?
Post by: JoseSPiano on September 29, 2004, 03:25:49 AM
Good Morning!  And, yes, I mean Morning!  Although, right now it's really not that good... -I'll explain eventually...

DR Tab Panni - Thanks for posting the review of 10Cs.  I actually "gave in" and signed up for the free trial period for the LATimes CalendarLive section.  What a fun and accurate review.  Actually, I think it may be a little too fun.  The writer's tongue sure is planted firmly in cheek, but I have a feeling some people may end up mis-reading his intentions.  We shall see.  I also was at least able to read the first paragraph of the Variety review on-line... OK?  Who has a membership to Variety.com? ;) -And, so far, nothing in the NYTimes or Washington Post.

Hmmm.. So should I be Rock or Troy?  Hmm...  How about Sammy?  Sammy Simbulan... Hmm... OH!! I know!  I know!  I want to be Sal!  That's right, Sal!  Sal Simbulan!  That's the ticket.
Post by: JoseSPiano on September 29, 2004, 03:47:38 AM
Good Not-So-Good Morning again...



Right now, it's about 6:30AM EDT for me.  I tried to go to bed around 2:00AM, but I was a little restless - must have been the coffee I had at dinner earlier...  Well, I started to drift off and I thought I heard something rustling in my room.  I got out of bed, turned on the lights and the rustling stopped.  Hmmm... -Must just be some of the plastic-krinkly bags on my floor just "settling"...  I turn out the lights, get back into bed... A few minutes later, I hear some more rustling.... Hmmm... Sounds like mice... -I remember there were mice crawling in the "ceiling" before...  Hey, but this sounds different...  I get up again, and the sound stops again...  So, I just go back to bed, but the sound starts again...  This time I get out of bed and move some bags around...

I noticed some "dust" on the floor, little bits of paper... gold foil in fact...  I move some more bags around, and that's when I noticed all the "stuff" behind one of the bags...  Mice droppings and more chewed up paper and foil.... Foil?!?!... I carefully look into one of the bags, and notice that there are some chocolate bars in there... And one of them has been chewed up...  YUCK!!!!

So... I start moving the rest of my bags and stuff around... I take some things out to the back porch...  I carefully sort through the bags... I throw out anything anything that may possibly be contaminated...

*I had happened to buy some pantry supplies before I got the call to come out to L.A. back in July, and since I had no real time to put them away in the kitchen, I just placed the bags on the floor of my room....  Never again!!!!

I get out the vacuum cleaner, and start cleaning...  I open my closet and vacuum in there too... I move the small bookcase and vacuum...  I was just cleaning up anything that possibly might be there...  Unfortunately, I started looking behind other things in my room, and I think I saw "evidence" in a few other places...

Then I headed out to CVS to buy some mouse traps and/or bait, but they don't have anything "good"... I'll go to the hardware store in a few hours...

Any DRs have any suggestions?  Humane or not so humane? ;)

Then I call my landlord... Well, at least his office...  I leave a "nice" message about what I came across earlier this morning, and how his lack of repairs to the floor in the bathroom among other things have probably contributed to this problem.  Yes, I did leave food in the bedroom, but there's some other "history" involved here which is just too much to go into right now.  -A back door that doesn't close properly.  -A refrigerator that has a bad seal, so that's there's extra condensation inside and outside... UGH!!!

Frankly, I'm a bit surprised I'm as "calm" as I am right now.  Especially considering I have to drive down to Norfolk this afternoon to audit Mamma Mia! tonight.  I do have a "plan" in mind, and I think it's a good one.  Once I put it into action, I'll keep you all posted.

I'm sorry if this did gross anyone out...  I just needed to vent right now.  Not exactly the nicest welcome home.

At least I didn't scream when I saw the "mess".  Although, I might have screamed if I had seen a mouse.

Well, I'm gonna try to get some sleep - at least a few hours.

Goodnight.  Good Morning.
Post by: JoseSPiano on September 29, 2004, 03:56:51 AM
...Of course, some of you may be asking, "Why are you still living there, Jose?... I mean, Why are you still living there, Sal?".... Well... Since I'm never really "here"... And the rent is very reasonable... I have off street parking... And just when I think the landlord is not going to fix something, he goes and fixes something... Unfortunatley, he hasn't fixed everything.

OK... Well, it's now 7:00AM... I think I'm going to head over to the hardware store...

Post by: Ben on September 29, 2004, 04:29:52 AM
Well, I'm not sure how to address myself this morning, Rock-Ben or Troy-Ben or Ben-Troy or Ben-Rock. How about RockBenTroy. OK. That's what I'll be for now.

Here is a link to the Reuters review of 10 Cs. The name of the reviewer is Jay Reiner and he seemed to really like it.

http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=801&ncid=771&e=1&u=/nm/20040929/stage_nm/review_stage_commandments_dc (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=801&ncid=771&e=1&u=/nm/20040929/stage_nm/review_stage_commandments_dc)
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on September 29, 2004, 05:03:06 AM

Post by: JoseSPiano on September 29, 2004, 05:33:16 AM
Back from the hardware store... More moving around of stuff... More vacuuming... More cleaning...  Much better... for now...

Time to get some sleep.  I hope.
Post by: beckon on September 29, 2004, 05:34:18 AM
Re: SWEENEY discussion yesterday.

Well I am glad to hear that there are/were some people who were surprised at the Beggar Woman's identity.  And what a hoot to hear that audiences of the original production were even surprised to hear the new "ingredients" of the meat pies!  Dark humor at its finest.
Post by: JoseSPiano on September 29, 2004, 05:34:37 AM
Good Morning, Mr. Moore.

Good Morning, DR beckon.
Post by: beckon on September 29, 2004, 05:35:53 AM
And Good Morning to you DR JoseSPiano! :)
Post by: JoseSPiano on September 29, 2004, 05:37:37 AM
Good Morning, DR Dan (the Man).
Post by: JoseSPiano on September 29, 2004, 05:38:33 AM
OH!  I guess I should be saying:

Good Morning, Troy.

Good Morning, Rock.
Post by: Ben on September 29, 2004, 05:38:47 AM
Sal/Jose, go to bed, young man! But not before you read the Reuters review of 10C ;)
Post by: JoseSPiano on September 29, 2004, 05:41:06 AM
And Thanks for the Reuters review, DR Ben.
Post by: beckon on September 29, 2004, 05:46:27 AM
Ask BK:

This is a follow up to my question to you last week.

You mentioned you were happy to have a web site with polite and civilized conversation.  I agree strongly with you on this.  I have visited many other sites on the web, both theatrical and non-theatrical.  The level of conversation is just not as high as at HHW.  More to the point, I can't believe how people argue with each other on the internet.   Disagreement is fine and natural, but the level it is taken to is something to see.  Personal insults and obscenities are the norm.  I am sure you and other posters have seen and know what I am talking about.

This doesn't seem to happen at HHW.  So...

What has occurred to allow HHW be a haven for intelligent conversation and a place where people can disagree with respect?
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 05:50:22 AM
Good morning, all!  

Yes, Dear Friend BK, it's true:  there's no one like Henry Willson in Hollywood today with a flare for finding handsome young wannabes and renaming them Tab, Rock, Troy, Guy, Rory, etc.  How sad to be only a Ben or a Tom!  What were their agents thinking?

That isn't my question of the day, but I really don't have one right now.  Maybe later, since my question for the morning is to my landlord:  where's the hot water?

Post by: Dan (the Man) on September 29, 2004, 05:52:58 AM
Top of the morning to you, DR Sal.  Jeeze, you squeeze more out each day than most people do in a week's time!  You must have been in the army!  I can't even imagine going out to a hardware store that early in the morning! (This is a compliment, BTW (Internet lingo!)

And just so you all know, I'm Zack!  Dan Zack, System Architect and Runway Model!
Post by: Ben on September 29, 2004, 06:06:00 AM
RockBenTroy here with another vacation picture. We're almost done with them.

We went to the Science Museum of Minnesota. A very good museum, IMHO. There is/was an exhibit on the body, and Anthony, always looking for interesting photo ops, came up with this one.
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 06:11:20 AM
DR Jose, excuse me, Sal, it seems like all hell's breaking out with your life right now.  I'm really sorry.  But you were going to move, weren't you?  To NYC?  That's my memory from the Spring.

It's been heavily raining here, and I and my crutches managed to hit two heavy rains yesterday.  I woke up in the middle of the night, and it sounded as if heavy rains were still going on.  It reminded me of my childhood, visiting my paternal grandmother in Appalachian Kentucky, and listening to the rain on the tin roof (almost a FOLLIES reference), a very peaceful sound, I thought.

Today, it's back into the rain, and more work on Eubie Blake.  I look forward to getting back to BABES IN TOYLAND.  After finishing A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN and reading SHIP ABLAZE about the 1904 boating disaster on the East River, I feel rather at home in 1900.

Have a good day, all!
Post by: William E. Lurie on September 29, 2004, 06:15:53 AM
BK - Will there be a CD of some sort with the new book for those of us who buy it direct from this here site?
Post by: Dan (the Man) on September 29, 2004, 06:23:07 AM
Question for BK and all--what are you favorite currently running comic strips?  What are your favorites from the past.  And which ones do you just stare at and go "Huh?"
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on September 29, 2004, 06:28:51 AM
Mad Magazine has a great time with these names. I remember one parody in which Hollywood came up with a new name for Roy Harold Scherer: "Pebbles Mississippi."

And then there's the September issue which takes on Brad Pitt's new movie: Troy-Vey.
Post by: MBarnum on September 29, 2004, 06:32:49 AM
I think today I will be known as Race...RaceBarnum...which is fitting as I must, in just a few minutes, race up to the Ard of Tig (Tigard) to babysit my grandneice Taylor. We have a big day planned...I have a Gumby DVD for her along Gumby and Pokey dolls and the ALICE IN WONDERLAND Disney DVD that DR Elmore3003 gave me awhile back...hope to have time to watch one or the other or both...but the weather is supposed to be nice so we may also be playing in the backyard a lot and perhaps taking the dog for a walk.

Wow, I am exhausted already!
Post by: MBarnum on September 29, 2004, 06:35:03 AM
the only comic strip I read much anymore is Dilbert...the Salem paper doesn't have a very good selection of comics.

As a kid I loved Blondie and Peanuts, but just don't find them that funny as an adult.

There is a comic about some dogs and cats that I love but can't think of the name of the strip. It is in the Portland paper and I do read that one also when I have the opportunity.
Post by: MBarnum on September 29, 2004, 06:39:33 AM
OH, THE BRAINIAC...fun movie! I love those 1950s/60s Mexican horror films!! Cheesy and fun! My favorite being CURSE OF THE DOLL PEOPLE!

Here is my question for BK...are you going to visit at the Hollywood Collectors Show in Burbank this weekend?

If you do, please stop by Laurie Mitchell's table and say hello! Tell her Michael Barnum sent you!
Post by: MBarnum on September 29, 2004, 06:41:07 AM
Yikes, it is 6:40 am and I must not climb into my Toyota Tercel and speed along I-5! Don't know if I will have an opportunity to check in much today, but will catch up (ketchup) tonight!
Post by: Stuart on September 29, 2004, 06:56:01 AM
In today's name game,  I shall be known as Clay.  Or Ford.  I can't decide.

Clay it is.  (Go with your first instinct.....)  ClayStuart.

DR DiT (or whatever your name-day moniker is or will be....)  Was that cheesecake from Junior's in my home borough of Brooklyn?  Or perhaps Miss Grimble's, also well known for their cheesecake?  I don't particularly care for cheesecake, myself...  (And no comments about beefcake....)

DR TabPanni:  I will look forward to hearing about who called you from the Pantages last evening.  Is there a tour in town playing there?
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on September 29, 2004, 06:59:52 AM
DR Clay,

The cheesecake bakery - and said to be superior to Juniors - is S&S Cheesecake in the Kingsbridge area of the Bronx. As well as running its own bake shop, it's said to supply some of the top restaurants.

- DR Merle-dit
Post by: Jennifer on September 29, 2004, 07:12:31 AM
DR Jose, I don't subscribe to Variety.  But the Cast Recording List usually posts all reviews.  So I could email it to you if they post it.  Do you still want it?

Also at broadwaystars.com they have most of the 10 Comm reviews grouped together.  It makes it much easier than looking them all up individually.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on September 29, 2004, 07:15:58 AM
DR Jose,

You do know how to catch my attention - "Gross Out Alert" makes for must-reading. Sorry about the mouse problem. There were suggestions way back for DR Jason (you may want to go to his Member page and search mouse/mice?) - one of them being the electric plug-in things that emit mini-sounds that drive a mouse wild (a sort of Sugar reference). IIWY (if I were you), I'd persist with your landlord. BTW (and can you tell I have direct experience here?), did you check the kitchen drawers? oven? under the cushions? bread basket?

Good luck.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on September 29, 2004, 07:19:20 AM
Comic strips? The last one I read regularly was "Abbie an' Slats - Featuring Bathless Groggins."
Post by: Ben on September 29, 2004, 07:24:05 AM
I read Doonesbury. Some people (and some newspapers) don't consider it a comic strip but it's the only one I read every day. Of course, I read the NY Times and they have no comics, except for editorial cartoons in the Sunday section, so I don't even see Doonesbury in the newspaper. It's part of my Yahoo page. I also go to the Doonesbury/Slate site to read sometimes, because as I get older (sigh) I find I have trouble (even with glasses) reading the small print on some of the panels.
Post by: Jennifer on September 29, 2004, 07:38:51 AM
I think I'd like to be called Veronica.

Post by: Jennifer on September 29, 2004, 07:41:04 AM

BK, were you disappointed that Sloane was only Syd's dad for that one episode?

That was an interesting twist.  One episode he says he's her father.  Then we find out he's the FATHER OF HER SISTER.

Okay, so you've seen the final episode.  What do you think happened at the end?
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 08:20:53 AM
DR Clay-Stuart - I may never know who called me from the Pantages. It may have been a wrong number. Or perhaps Twyla or Billy were calling to schmooze.  (MOVING OUT is playing there at the moment.)
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 08:22:13 AM
DR Sal-Jose  ("Do you know the way to Sal-Jose?") - I'll post Variety excerpts in a few minutes.
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 08:26:25 AM
BTW - Later in the day I may add "Tuesday" to my moniker. Depending how I feel. I may metamorophose into...
Tab Tuesday Panni.
Or am I being greedy?
Post by: Ben on September 29, 2004, 08:33:19 AM
I like Tuesday Panni, even Tab Tuesday Panni. Except for the child on the Addams Family, I don't remember ever hearing of a child named Wedneday.
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 08:44:29 AM
From Tab Tuesday Panni - as requested by Sal

The Ten C's - Variety - Excerpts
'The Ten Commandments'
Val Kilmer, as Moses, listens for the voice of God in 'The Ten Commandments.'

Ads and billboards touting the U.S. premiere of this biblical extravaganza proudly proclaim, "Val Kilmer is Moses!" Well, uh, not exactly. In this sung-through musical, Kilmer's passive Moses appears to be following the commandment "Thou shalt not express passion," since he responds with somnambulistic detachment to every situation, even underplaying in the face of killer plagues and the parting of the Red Sea.

Launched in Paris as "Les Dix Commandments" and rewritten for American consumption, the elaborate $12 million show, co-produced by celebrated costume designer Max Azria, surrounds its passive hero with eye candy. Unfortunately, Maribeth Derry's lackluster lyrics often yank us from 3,300 years ago to the present with clunky modern lines that offer awkwardly rhymed cliches in place of plot development or character.

Patrick Leonard (who co-wrote Madonna's "Like a Prayer" and collaborated with Elton John and Fleetwood Mac) occasionally offers a listenable tune ("The Horns of Jericho"), although the numbers rarely rise to any height of theatrical excitement and lean too heavily on ballads.

"If I Can Let You Go" kicks the story off quickly when Moses is rescued and adopted by Queen Bithia (Luba Mason) after his mother, Yokebed (Michelle Pereira), reluctantly surrenders him to save his life. A love-hate relationship later ensues with brother Ramses (Kevin Earley), and before long, they're competing for seductive, scheming Nefertari (Lauren Kennedy).
…Earley, as ruthless Ramses, goes a long way toward compensating for the fact that Kilmer's colorless vocals don't soar. (Even with the aid of two teleprompters, Kilmer still made noticeable slips.)
Fresh from a Broadway stint in "Thoroughly Modern Millie," Earley, a magnificent singer, confronts Kilmer with smoldering rage and competitiveness (even if such lines to Moses as "you're acting kinda strange" destroy any illusion of reality). It's an unequal contest, since Earley acts up a storm and Kilmer gives him nothing to play against.

Earley's solo "Glory of Ra" spells out his lust for power, and he projects as much blazing heat as the vividly staged burning bush (designed by Robert W. Rang) when defying Big M and refusing to free his slaves.

Second-act opener "Light of a New Day" features a superb vocal by Alisan Porter; Adam Lambert, as Joshua, does a knockout version of "Is Anybody Listening?," the show's bid for a top-40 hit. Director Robert Iscove has chosen a group of brilliant singers, and they hit notes expansive enough to fill the enormous Kodak stage. In general, the numbers would land even more strongly if musical director Greg Chun capped them with explosive climaxes, rather than letting them trail off tamely and dissipate.

….Few of the show's effects deliver on their promise of excitement. After Moses announces, "I will stretch forth my hand and tell the sea to part," the sight of the Red Sea is a letdown. Inexplicably, the water -- composed of plastic walls made to look like ice -- looks like a setting for the Titanic instead of a biblical backdrop.

…One story choice is massively misguided: the decision to let a young boy (Graham Phillips) sing a solo revealing the contents of the newly discovered commandments. It's a sweet interlude, but hey, Chuck Heston wouldn't have handed that historical moment to a child or anyone else. It would increase Moses' stature immensely and leave a crucial impression of heroism if Kilmer personally passed along these trailblazing tips to his followers.

Post by: Dan (the Man) on September 29, 2004, 08:50:16 AM
Dan Zack has decided henceforth that Dan Zack will refer to himself in the third person in order to enhance the coolness and allure that is Dan Zack.
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 08:52:18 AM
BK, I just posted a message on yesterday's day.  I wasn't locked out.  Something's wrong...that's definitely a plot twist of a different ballgame!

What an incredible plot twist that was - and in an even MORE incredible plot twist yesterday's postings are now locked.  Yesterday was the Houdini day of plot twists.
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 08:53:17 AM
Tab Tuesday Panni thinks that Dan Zack is on to something way cool. Furthermore, TTP feels that ALL the DRs should refer to their dear selves in the third person to add to the coolness of it all.
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 08:54:37 AM
Ask BK: What's your history with homes with swimming pools?  You seem to be enjoying this new one.  Been in houses with pools before?

This is the first house I've ever lived in that has had a swimming pool.  Right now there's something wrong with the heater again - seems it's just stopping and starting of its own accord and what it's doing is definitely not normal or what it was doing, so we have to get the pool guy out here to fix it up good, then I'll enjoy it again.  But, it's fun just to go outside and jump in the pool, or take a hot tub before bed - really liking that a lot.
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 08:56:35 AM

My question for AskBK day - this was sort of answered yesterday.  I just watched a movie called GAS-S-S which featured Miss Cindy Williams and was kind of a mess.  But it seemed to me that everyone in it was someone you might have known...including Mr Bud Cort.  I was going to ask you how you escaped being in this disaster....but you were in New York when it was filmed....would be my guess.  Have you seen this film....what do you think of it?

Gassss was filmed before I really had my foot in the door in the business and I do think I was in NY at the time.  I've never seen it but from what I understand it was barely releasable and was one of Corman's few unmitigated bombs.
Post by: Stuart on September 29, 2004, 08:56:36 AM
ClayStuart is defintely one for referring to himself in the third person.....who knows what sort of personailty traits he might take on.....
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 08:59:16 AM
Well, I'm not sure how to address myself this morning, Rock-Ben or Troy-Ben or Ben-Troy or Ben-Rock. How about RockBenTroy. OK. That's what I'll be for now.

Here is a link to the Reuters review of 10 Cs. The name of the reviewer is Jay Reiner and he seemed to really like it.

http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=801&ncid=771&e=1&u=/nm/20040929/stage_nm/review_stage_commandments_dc (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=801&ncid=771&e=1&u=/nm/20040929/stage_nm/review_stage_commandments_dc)

Well, Mr. Reiner will have to live with that review, won't he?  There isn't a person I've talked to who has seen this show who hasn't thought it was total dreck.  Perhaps Mr. Azria has told the Hollywood Reporter that he'll be doing a lot of advertising with them, or perhaps Mr. Reiner just loved it, or perhaps Mr. Reiner is someone without critical standards, or perhaps Mr. Reiner is just plain silly.  I'd like to know some shows that Mr. Reiner DIDN'T like and some other shows he DID like.
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 09:01:44 AM
Tab Tuesday Panni has now lived for almost a year with a gorgeous pool right outside her front door. Never once has she set foot in said gorgeous pool. For one thing it's not heated -- although she's been told it's very pleasant. But TTP does NOT like cold water. TTP has owned two houses with pools and the pools were indeed heated so they were almost like bathtubs. In spite of that, TTP hardly ever went in the water. TTP must conclude that, although she's a Pisces, she's not a big fan of getting wet other than in the shower. TTP loves taking long hot showers.
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 09:05:29 AM
...Which reminds TTP that she has spent far too long posting this morning (it's been fun) and has not as yet showered - and she must be somewhere at 10:30.
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 09:08:10 AM
Ask BK:

This is a follow up to my question to you last week.

You mentioned you were happy to have a web site with polite and civilized conversation.  I agree strongly with you on this.  I have visited many other sites on the web, both theatrical and non-theatrical.  The level of conversation is just not as high as at HHW.  More to the point, I can't believe how people argue with each other on the internet.   Disagreement is fine and natural, but the level it is taken to is something to see.  Personal insults and obscenities are the norm.  I am sure you and other posters have seen and know what I am talking about.

This doesn't seem to happen at HHW.  So...

What has occurred to allow HHW be a haven for intelligent conversation and a place where people can disagree with respect?

I have simply done my best to keep this from becoming like that, and thanks to the level of person who visits here, we have been mostly successful, especially since the introduction of this particular board.  In the old days we used to post directly after the notes, there was no board, there was no registering and I had no control over Uncouth Interlopers of which we had our share.  They came from two places, these Uncouth Interlopers did - place one simply could not stand that I had good humor and a popular website in the midst of the personal turmoil I was being put through at the time.  They were obvious and sickening and karma has and will continue to take care of them, one would hope.

Place two is more interesting and has to do with a former dear reader and a "friend" of the former dear reader.  It was a very sick situation and again people came here (a person, really) to do nothing but inflame and cause trouble and even I lost it a few times and threatened to shut us down.  Ironically, the former dear reader, for whom the situation had gotten unbearable, said that they really wanted to stay on the site and would if I would get us a password-protected board so that it wasn't as easy for these cretins to cause trouble.  I did that so that I ultimately could shut the cretins down with the push of a button.  Since doing it, everything has been fine, but in a final twist of irony the former dear reader has never posted on this board.  I do believe the "friend" and perhaps even the dear reader visit this board regularly.  But with our registration process it is quite easy for me to trace where troublemakers come from and to instantly do something about it - that is why they haven't registered and that is why they haven't posted.  

And it's not that we haven't had some "moments" even on this board, because tone is hard to discern on the Internet, and sometimes certain subjects bring out volatile reactions - but somehow it never ever turns ugly like it does elsewhere.  
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 09:10:33 AM
BK - Will there be a CD of some sort with the new book for those of us who buy it direct from this here site?

My original intention was for there to be a CD that accompanied all sales of the book, whether here or in stores or wherever.  I'm just not sure it's going to be possible.  I'd like to do it, and if I can get it together in the next few weeks I may - a CD of highlights from the musical featured in the book.
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 09:11:46 AM
Question for BK and all--what are you favorite currently running comic strips?  What are your favorites from the past.  And which ones do you just stare at and go "Huh?"

I haven't read a comic strip in forty years.  I used to like Terry and the Pirates, Prince Valient and Li'l Abner.
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 09:32:26 AM
Yes, I will be going to the Hollywood Collector's Show this weekend.  Can't wait!


It was an obvious cliffhanger to keep people guessing and wondering what she read.  I'm sure it will be good for a few episodes (the explanation) and then they'll just drop it and go on with what they were doing, which I hope doesn't get as silly as a few of these episodes were.  The reason I predicted the Sloane/dad plot twist was because of a look that Irina gave him.  And I think that may have been their original intention, but I think it would have probably painted them into a corner so they created the sister.  My feeling is the sister was a late addition - that originally they were thinking it was Sydney who was being the conduit.
Post by: Ben on September 29, 2004, 09:57:01 AM
RockBenTroy (or RBT as he know prefers to be called) had an enjoyable lunch of one half of a mushroom foccacia. RBT purchased it from what is fast becoming his favorite bakery, Baker's Bounty, a New Jersey company that only appears at his (RBT's) local greenmarket on Wednesday. After his mushroom delight, he had a wonderfully juicy plum. He is now back at his desk preparing to stare at another printout. He will also tune into the BBC for aural entertainment. He wishes everyone a good and productive afternoon and will check in later.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on September 29, 2004, 10:01:43 AM
Thanks for the update RockBenTroy.

Ages ago a friend told me that there was once an appearance by a Li'l Abner character by the name of Troy Vey. (Or maybe it was a reference to a relative of a character.) Does anyone know if that's true?
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 10:06:59 AM
And one for Rock Mahler.
Post by: Emily on September 29, 2004, 10:20:31 AM
Am I the only person who when reading BK's "rock mahler" thought of "rock lobster"?

Ahhh phonemes :)
Post by: JoseSPiano on September 29, 2004, 10:29:06 AM
Good Afternoon!

Whew!  I made it to the Afternoon... And I got a few hours of sleep.

I'm feeling a bit more level-headed about the whole mouse/mice situation.  At least it wasn't rats.  Yuck!

I do have one of those electronic, ultrasonic sound repellers and it actually does seem to help - at least in regards to bugs (spiders, roaches, crickets, etc.).  I almost bought another one to put in my room to help with the mice, but now that I've removed a "food source" I think that will do the most good.

The amount of "mess" I came across this morning most likely built up over the past couple of weeks, during the whole time I was gone in L.A.  This kind of stuff happens.  It was just a truly unpleasant thing to deal with at 4:00AM.  And at least it didn't smell - if that's a bright side to the whole situation.  And mouse droppings are small too.

DR elmoore - As for a possible move to NYC, it is still on the radar.  I currently have worked lined up through the end of February.  After Hallelujah, Baby closes...?? We shall see.  Some sort of move is in the works - I just feel it - and it will most likely be up to NYC.
Post by: JoseSPiano on September 29, 2004, 10:31:50 AM
As for comic strips - I still try to read "Peanuts" - or "Classic Peanuts" as it's called now when I get a hold of a comics section.  When I was younger, I used to go through the comic sections - two inserts! - in the Washington Post, and I would read almost everything including "The Hints from Heloise" and do the "Jr. Jumble".
Post by: Ben on September 29, 2004, 10:36:56 AM
Thanks to  Tab Tuesday Panni, RBT now has Do You Know the Way to Sal Jose running through his head!

SalJose, RBT wants to know if SalJose will be seeing James Earl Jones (AKA Rock - he seems like a Rock) and Leslie Uggams (hmmm, a Tuesday perhaps) in On Golden Pond? It's not one of RBT's favorite plays, but he does enjoy both of the actors and wonders how they will be in this play.

RBT is also trying to decide if he should spend $85 to see the new Sondheim review in limited performance at Carnegie Hall this week and next. All they have are $85 tickets. Perhaps the $35 tickets have sold out but RBT resents paying $85 for rear mezzanine seating.
Post by: JoseSPiano on September 29, 2004, 10:41:19 AM
And SS (Sal Simbulan) would like to thank all the DRs for the various posted excerpts and links to the other reviews for the 10Cs.
Post by: Jay on September 29, 2004, 10:46:52 AM
Now that Skippy Jay has determined his new moniker, he will embark upon his new career as a major rap artist.  (That is, if "rap artist" is conclusively determined to not be an oxymoron.)
Post by: Ben on September 29, 2004, 10:49:40 AM
RBT now "gets" SS's new moniker and for the rest of the day will refer to him thusly.
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 10:51:49 AM
Skippy Jay?  Is he related to Skip E. Lowe?
Post by: Ben on September 29, 2004, 10:57:56 AM
Or Skip E. Pea Nut?
Post by: Jay on September 29, 2004, 11:01:46 AM
Skippy Jay was fascinated by last week's discussion of how "more Inge" rhymes with the supposedly unrhymable "orange."

At Dame Kiri Te Kanawa's recitial on Sunday, she sang a song by Hector Berlioz called "L'Ile inconnue," or "The Unknown island," which contains these lyrics:

J'ai poir lest une orange
Pour voile une aile d'ange...

which translates as

I have for ballast an orange,
for a sail, the wing of an angel...

So, his mind reeling with rhyming conundrums (conundra? conundri?), Skippy Jay's question for Ask BK Day is this:

When writing lyrics in this day and age, does the word "again" rhyme with "a pen" or "a pain?"

And when singing a song that rhymes "again" with "a pain," does one sing it as "a gain" (long A) to complete the rhyme, or as "a gen" (short E) to make it recognizable as it is spoken in common parlance?
Post by: Jay on September 29, 2004, 11:03:07 AM
Skippy Jay is, without argument, completely and totally sui generis.
Post by: George on September 29, 2004, 11:23:34 AM
Question for BK and all--what are you favorite currently running comic strips?  What are your favorites from the past.  And which ones do you just stare at and go "Huh?"

I loved "Peanuts," "Garfield" and any Berkeley Breathed strips.  Now, I only read "Get Fuzzy."  I love this comic strip!
Post by: George on September 29, 2004, 11:25:33 AM
Good Not-So-Good Morning again...



I get out the vacuum cleaner, and start cleaning...  I open my closet and vacuum in there too... I move the small bookcase and vacuum...  I was just cleaning up anything that possibly might be there...  Unfortunately, I started looking behind other things in my room, and I think I saw "evidence" in a few other places...
Post by: William E. Lurie on September 29, 2004, 11:28:22 AM
When I was in Washington a couple of weeks ago to visit Julia Child's kitchen (and other Smithsonian exhibts) I noticed what a great comic section the Washington Post had (both weekday and Sunday).  There were strips I didn't even know were still being published any more as well as many of the more popular recent strips.  I was very impressed with the whole paper actually... it has the seriousness of the New York Times with the more fun features the Times doesn't bother with and it had none of the gossip or other tabloid garbage that the other NY papers have.
Post by: Jennifer on September 29, 2004, 11:32:56 AM


It was an obvious cliffhanger to keep people guessing and wondering what she read.  I'm sure it will be good for a few episodes (the explanation) and then they'll just drop it and go on with what they were doing, which I hope doesn't get as silly as a few of these episodes were.  The reason I predicted the Sloane/dad plot twist was because of a look that Irina gave him.  And I think that may have been their original intention, but I think it would have probably painted them into a corner so they created the sister.  My feeling is the sister was a late addition - that originally they were thinking it was Sydney who was being the conduit.

It was sort of funny to me that you stopped on the episode where Sloane told the psychiatrist that he was Syd's father.  Then next episode he says he thinks he is her father.  Then after that it turns out he fathers her sister.

On the ABC website they say this about the ending:

"In Wittenberg, Syd opens the safe deposit box and finds a top secret document. She cries as she learns that Jack wasn't in prison after Irina betrayed him, that Vaughn's father William worked for him, and that he has documented her entire life, as well as Nadia's. Jack appears and says she was never supposed to have found these documents. "

Not sure if we were supposed to know any of this.  I guess I was wondering what you saw on those documents Syd was looking at when Jack came in and said she wasn't supposed to know.

Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 11:40:07 AM
I'm going to be Stone today, since Clay's been taken, I believe.

This morning, Page Six (of the NY Post?) had a blurb about how awful the 10 C's  was as a musical and how unintentionally funny it was.  I saw CARRIE, and that was very unintentionally funny as well.  Dear Friend BK, what do you think is the reason behind these moronic ideas for a musical?
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 11:42:03 AM
Skippy Jay was fascinated by last week's discussion of how "more Inge" rhymes with the supposedly unrhymable "orange."

At Dame Kiri Te Kanawa's recitial on Sunday, she sang a song by Hector Berlioz called "L'Ile inconnue," or "The Unknown island," which contains these lyrics:

DR Jay, I worked on Kiri's Gershwin album.  Did she forget any melodies or words?
Post by: Jennifer on September 29, 2004, 11:49:58 AM
Hmmm, I have an interesting story.  I was almost hauled away by store security.

This is actually quite bizarre.

There is a store I frequent often (probably twice a week).  This is a huge chain store, and they have a section with jewelry.  I go to this one discount area, which has new jewelry discounted every week.  And they add to their discount (for instance one day it will be an extra 30% off or 40% off).

Anyhow when I went it was an extra 50% off. It is almost never an extra 50%.  So I decided to get something.  I am addicted to Guess jewelry.  But at $28-42 a pop, I try to wait for the discounts.

So I choose one item (it was 20$).  It had a tag that said $13.20. So it was supposed to be 50% off ($6.75).

Anyhow the guy scans it, and it scans at $5.50.  So he's happy and he gives me my total.

I ask him why he didn't take off the 50%. ANd he says that it is in the system.

Now I shop there a lot, and the discounts are not in the system.

I ask if he is sure. And he says yes.

So I ask him if he'd mind scanning a couple of other items from the rack. And they both scan at the price written on the tag.

So I ask him why those items weren't "in the system". And he says some items are and some aren't.

Okay this is total bs.

I told him I shopped there a lot and the discounts aren't in the system and I want my 50% off like the sale says.

He then tells me that I'm getting a great deal, since it was $5.50 and I should be paying $6.75.

I told him that wasn't the point.  And it wasn't my fault what the item scanned at.  Plus I've bought stuff there before that scanned at a lower price and I've always gotten the extra discount.

I mean otherwise why would I buy it today? If there is no additional discount, I could buy that item any day for the same price.

Now I am very persistent and really hate crap. I nicely asked if I could talk to a manager.

And the guy got mad and started to call security.

He kept saying, "i'm calling security on you".

This made no sense to me.  All I wanted was for someone higher up to tell him what the rules were.

And then he had the nerve to tell me that if an item scans at a lower price then he can change it back to the tagged price if he wants to.

Now I have never heard of this.  Usually if an item scans higher, you get the item for free or some discount. And if it scans lower, well they ALWAYS give it to you at that price.  Since maybe the last tag fell off.

Anyhow then he says, "okay you want me to give it to you for 50% off, i will". I say "fine" and then he starts talking about calling security again.

I really should have just demanded to talk to his manager then, since he was being ridiculous threatening me.

But I nicely said, "you said you'd give me the discount, fine". So he did it.

Then after I also nicely said, "i shop here a lot, and it's really not very good customer service to threaten to call security".  Then I also said, "i realize that you think I'm trying to scam you, but I'm really not. I buy things here a lot. And I've always gotten the extra discount for whatever it scans at."

Then comes the best. The guy totally changes his attitude and says that if i'm happy then he's happy, and he doesn't feel i was trying to scam him.

You know it was only $5.50, but that wasn't even the point.  The people at this counter never know their job.  Half of them don't even bother to give the discount unless you tell them.  And it just bugged me that he decided that the price was good enough and that i should be happy with it.

Okay rant over.
Post by: Matthew on September 29, 2004, 12:00:33 PM
Question for BK for the "Ask BK Day"... I recently finished listening to the new JAY recording of "Lucky Stiff" and while I found the reasoning for this recording necessary (recording the show as it was concieved... with just a piano) I found the performances rather bland and the whole thing lacked spunk.  So my question is what kind of stories do you have from your recording of the show?  Was it a positive experience, negative experince, how were the composers to work with... etc, blah blah blah.  Thanks!!!  
Post by: George on September 29, 2004, 12:07:58 PM
Skippy Jay was fascinated by last week's discussion of how "more Inge" rhymes with the supposedly unrhymable "orange."

I'd read that Isaac Asimov (I think) came up with orange...door hinge.  Works for me!
Post by: Jay on September 29, 2004, 12:08:04 PM
DR Jay, I worked on Kiri's Gershwin album.  Did she forget any melodies or words?

If she did, it was not apparent.  

I was surprised Dame Kiri stopped at two encores, given the ovations she received.  She did a Maori folk song and "O Mio Babbino Caro."  I was expecting at least one more encore, something from the Great American Songbook.  I can't quibble, though.  It was a lovely recital.
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 12:09:00 PM
Comic strips:  L'il Abner and Peanuts were probably my two favorites in high school
(early 1960s) although I followed Peanuts until I moved to New York in 1979.
I also loved Maggie and Jeeves and Beetle Bailey.

As a grade school student, I was an ardent comic book collector:   Little Lulu and Turok Son of Stone were my faves, along with the Carl Barks Donald Duck and Scrooge McDuck comics from Dell, and I later, probably junior high,  really liked Archie, Superman, and the Flash.  I still laugh over Little Lulu and Wich Hazel.

Good news today:  my first day since the first week of August without a pair of crutches.
Post by: Jay on September 29, 2004, 12:12:34 PM

Good news today:  my first day since the first week of August without a pair of crutches.

That's wonderful, Dear Reader elmore3003!  

And, if I might add, quite reminiscent of the last scene in Interrupted Melody.  Did you sing the Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde as you took your first steps?
Post by: George on September 29, 2004, 12:13:00 PM
So, his mind reeling with rhyming conundrums (conundra? conundri?), Skippy Jay's question for Ask BK Day is this:

When writing lyrics in this day and age, does the word "again" rhyme with "a pen" or "a pain?"

And when singing a song that rhymes "again" with "a pain," does one sing it as "a gain" (long A) to complete the rhyme, or as "a gen" (short E) to make it recognizable as it is spoken in common parlance?

RE:  "again/pain" vs. "again/pen" ... depends how pretentious you want to sound. ;) It still surprises me when I hear "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain"  "A-gen" (rhyming with pen).  I always just assumed that Alan Jay Lerner wrote it so that Higgins' one word would continue the rhyme scheme with "a-gain," but very few recordings are done that way.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on September 29, 2004, 12:19:23 PM
Off to take Archie - sorry, Butch - for walk.
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 12:27:45 PM
That's wonderful, Dear Reader elmore3003!  

And, if I might add, quite reminiscent of the last scene in Interrupted Melody.  Did you sing the Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde as you took your first steps?

I'd forgotten about Marjorie Lawrence!  No, I sang AMAHL AND THE NIGHT VISITORS!
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 12:35:26 PM
Tab Tuesday Panni feels that "Skippy Jay" it a totally perfect nom de HHW.
Abie, BTW, has decided on the nom de hound of Van (after TTP talked him out of Divine)
He seems to have fallen in love with a dog at the dog park. The dog's name is Eddie. Need I say more?
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 12:36:23 PM
Sorry - that should have been - "Need Tab Tuesday Panni say more?"
Post by: Jrand73 on September 29, 2004, 12:39:37 PM
Such lovely names today.

DRSAL S  those electronic zappers are great.  Usually in the fall we get a few mice in the house....but since using them NADA.  The only time I saw one in the last couple of years, was when the surge protector with the zapper on it got turned over and the zapper was pointed at the ceiling!

DR BEN - was the the Allison Hayes-Attack of the 50 Foot Woman exhibit you were at?
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 12:40:38 PM
Congrats, DR Stone Elmore!
Post by: Jay on September 29, 2004, 12:40:44 PM
Skippy Jay finds it interesting that the L.A. Times, which lacks a dedicated theatre critic, would send its classical music critic to review The Ten Commandments instead of one its theatre stringers.
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 12:41:19 PM
And one for Troy Rock Mahler.
Post by: Jrand73 on September 29, 2004, 12:42:23 PM
DRJENNIFER - you were right, he was wrong.  It will be great when you go back in a couple of days from now to see if he is still there.

I still miss THE FAR SIDE.  I sometimes read ZITS.....but so many of the strips just aren't funny to me, or have no point that I can see....and political cartoons that are NOT on the editorial page are a pain in the neck to me.
Post by: Stuart on September 29, 2004, 12:43:29 PM
I'm going to be Stone today, since Clay's been taken, I believe.

ClayStuart fowards you his sincere apologies.  But StoneElmore is a hip, happening name as well.  At least ClayStuart thinks so.
Post by: Stuart on September 29, 2004, 12:45:01 PM
That's wonderful, Dear Reader elmore3003!  

And, if I might add, quite reminiscent of the last scene in Interrupted Melody.  Did you sing the Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde as you took your first steps?

Sometimes, Dear Brother Skippy Jay, ClayStuart thinks you and he are the only people who ever saw this movie.  Or at least reference it in everyday converstaions.
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 12:45:19 PM
I find it interesting that the L.A. Times, which lacks a dedicated theatre critic, would send its classical music critic to review The Ten Commandments instead of one its theatre stringers.

If the 10 C's aren't classical, what is? They been around longer even than that Russian dude, Titichkowsky. (http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/musik/music-smiley-019.gif)
Post by: Jane on September 29, 2004, 12:45:45 PM
Panni, I throw out samples all the time.  And I try to avoid chocolate at night.

Hi elmore. :)

I will return later to read today’s posts.
Post by: George on September 29, 2004, 01:01:06 PM
If the 10 C's aren't classical, what is? They been around longer even than that Russian dude, Titichkowsky. (http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/musik/music-smiley-019.gif)

Tab Tuesday Panni, watch your phrasology! :o (a Music Man reference) ;D
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 01:02:49 PM

Hi elmore. :)

Hello, Jane. :)

I'm Stone today, and with the ache  in my leg, I wish I was stoned!
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 01:03:52 PM
DR TabPanni, I love the violinist.  Is he burning while Rome fiddles?
Post by: Jay on September 29, 2004, 01:15:38 PM

Ah, yes.  Titichkowsky.  The composer's little-known, large-breasted sister.
Post by: Jrand73 on September 29, 2004, 01:23:44 PM
Interrupted Melody....hmmmmmmmm.....Eleanor Parker....hmmmmmmm....I saw it...  

I think as movies go only Tony Polar and Neely O'Hara got more out of a scene in a wheelchair...  but Eleanor and ALL that hair....oh my!
Post by: Jrand73 on September 29, 2004, 01:28:43 PM
Gee - I had forgotten Glenn Ford was in that picture!  ;D

Post by: Dan (the Man) on September 29, 2004, 01:28:58 PM
Dan Zack had meetings all afternoon.  Dan Zack hates having meetings all afternoon.  Especially when Dan Zack has a brew (or two) at lunch.

Dan Zack now has to rush off to the House of Mom, where he will meet with a man who will replace the roof of the House of Mom.  Replacing the roof of the House of Mom has nothing to do with the wind that kicked up from the remnents of Hurricane Jeanne that hit New Jersey last night--it's just a necessary repair that's been put off for far too long.
Post by: William E. Lurie on September 29, 2004, 01:36:14 PM
All the classic LITTLE LULU comics are going to be reprinted with the first scheduled for early this November.  Check your local comic store.
Post by: S. Woody White on September 29, 2004, 01:36:52 PM
Hi, there!  I'm Rock White.  My friends call me "Salt."

Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 01:41:33 PM
Question for BK for the "Ask BK Day"... I recently finished listening to the new JAY recording of "Lucky Stiff" and while I found the reasoning for this recording necessary (recording the show as it was concieved... with just a piano) I found the performances rather bland and the whole thing lacked spunk.  So my question is what kind of stories do you have from your recording of the show?  Was it a positive experience, negative experince, how were the composers to work with... etc, blah blah blah.  Thanks!!!

I don't think the "piano" thing was the justification for the JAY recording - I think it was cheap to do, that was the justification.  Haven't heard it and don't intend to.  We all loved making our recording and Lynn and Steve and I got along famously.  It's the only album of mine that Vinnie didn't work on and I wish he had - it would sound a bit better, although it sounds pretty good as it is.
Post by: Matt H. on September 29, 2004, 01:44:56 PM
I've been E&T all day today taking care of various chores around the house since this is my "bum day" (i.e. no rehearsal, no appointments, no dates), and I come on late in the day to find I've been re-christened TroyMattH.

OK, I'll take it. Any association with a hunk that good looking has got to be positive!
Post by: Matt H. on September 29, 2004, 01:47:19 PM
I have got several things on the DVR that I've just got to find time to watch today so I can clear that hard drive off.
Post by: Jane on September 29, 2004, 01:47:35 PM
There was a recent NK question that went unanswered about whether my father's happy back east.  I'd have to say that the answer is yes.  It seemed, for about thirty years, that he had show business in his blood.  Leaving that all behind seemed an unlikely move at the time, but, the more I think about it, the more I think the change did him some good.  Only those who remember the game Careers will understand when I say he traded in $ and fame (stars) for happiness (hearts).

I asked the question and I'm pleased to read a happy ending to the story.  :)
Post by: S. Woody White on September 29, 2004, 01:53:00 PM
RockBenTroy here with another vacation picture. We're almost done with them.

We went to the Science Museum of Minnesota. A very good museum, IMHO. There is/was an exhibit on the body, and Anthony, always looking for interesting photo ops, came up with this one.
It's so nice to see a man who's good with his hands.
Post by: DearReaderLaura on September 29, 2004, 02:00:13 PM
This morning I went for a walk at Pioneer Arizona Living History Museum, and this is what I saw:
Post by: S. Woody White on September 29, 2004, 02:00:33 PM
Question for BK and all--what are you favorite currently running comic strips?  What are your favorites from the past.  And which ones do you just stare at and go "Huh?"
Since we don't get a daily newspaper these days, I use a couple of internet sites to keep up with my faves.

Currently, I regularly check in at Comics.com (http://www.comics.com/) for For Better or For Worse, Luann, and Pibgorn.

On a weekly basis, I'm fond of Adam and Andy, (http://www.adamandandy.com/) which now has a spin-off called Zuma's Diner. (http://www.adamandandy.com/zuma.html)

And I really do miss Leonard and Larry.
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 02:00:44 PM
Just read that ROSEMARY'S BABY is going to be remade as a 4 hour ABC miniseries (incorporating the sequel, SON OF ROSEMARY).
I (or Tab-Tuesday-Panni) can hardly wait for RockTroyBruce's comments.
Post by: Jane on September 29, 2004, 02:03:58 PM
Sal it isn’t fun when you have a mouse in the house.  Less fun when you have generations of mine running around.  I believe I have told my story of the mouse running up my arm.  You bet I screamed.  The poor mouse was just as scared as I was.   ;D

I have always wanted to be Elizabeth Jane.  And now Keith has uncovered a number of Elizabeth Jane’s while researching my family.  Today a birth certificate arrived for a Rebecca Jane.  I like that too.  So for today I will be Rebecca Jane.

Dash-Jrand is great.  I like Dash.

Rock Ben Troy such a fun photo. :D

RaceBarnum (another good name even if it sounds like a dogs name) did you take off work to spend the day with your grandniece?  

Post by: Charles Pogue on September 29, 2004, 02:05:56 PM
Since Calvin and Hobbes left, I rarely visit the comics page for very long anymore.  How about your vote for the worst comic strips ever...

Top of my list for Worst Comics:

HENRY (Did he always go fishing every week?  Did he always catch an old boot or old tire?  Why was it funny?  Why did he have no mouth? Rick Moranis did an hilarious Henry take-off on SCTV once)

THE LITTLE KING (almost as stupid as Henry)

DONDI (Anyone remember this dreary strip?  Extra points if you remember the bad movie with David Jansen.)

NANCY (why did Aunt Fritzi Ritz always appear only around corners?)

MARMADUKE (Typical script...Dog does something stupid or destructive or supposedly cute.  Someone says or shrugs or gives that look that seems to imply: "Ohhh, that Marmaduke!")
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 02:07:48 PM
All the classic LITTLE LULU comics are going to be reprinted with the first scheduled for early this November.  Check your local comic store.

Well, DR WEL, that is great news!  Tubby Tompkins and the clubhouse will be back to plague Little Lulu.  I don't remember the name of the kid to whom she told the Witch Hazel stories.  Speaking of comics, it was a Scrooge McDuck comic about the search for the golden fleece that got me interested in mythology, which probably led to my getting a B.A. in Latin.  But I also was mad about the 1955 Robert Wise film of HELEN OF TROY, which I prefer to the Brad Pitt version, so maybe that did it?
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 02:10:37 PM

DONDI (Anyone remember this dreary strip?  Extra points if you remember the bad movie with David Jansen.)

One of the great horror films!  Isn't that boy playing Dondi a zombie of Mora Tau?
Post by: Matt H. on September 29, 2004, 02:13:05 PM
I think remaking ROSEMARY'S BABY is a ridiculous idea. The film could NOT be better. Extending into a 4 hour miniseries is dragging out an already slim story. I smell disaster on the same level as THE SHINING miniseries remake for TV.

They're also remaking ALL THE KING'S MEN, another dead brain idea.
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 02:20:02 PM
They're also remaking ALL THE KING'S MEN...

With Meryl Streep! You'd think MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE would be enough for her. I guess it's like eating peanuts... Once you've done one pointless remake of a perfect film, it's hard to stop.
Post by: Jane on September 29, 2004, 02:20:13 PM
RockBenTroy how many Tuesday’s have you known? :D

Rebecca Jane had a lovely yard and pool in Michigan.  The pool had a diving board she used almost every day the first summer there.  She also swam laps after diving.  She was so delighted to have a pool I’m sure the neighbors could hear her laughter.

Beckon, when we first switched to this format I groaned.  It does take longer to read and there was more to learn, such as posting photos.  Whatever the reason to make the switch, I believe it has made this site more intimate beginning with the personal avatars and photos.  The ability to send private emails is another.  I think it is wonderful how many new friends I have now.  Thank you Bruce for inviting us here everyday.

Post by: S. Woody White on September 29, 2004, 02:20:27 PM
If the 10 C's aren't classical, what is? They been around longer even than that Russian dude, Titichkowsky. (http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/musik/music-smiley-019.gif)
You refer, of course, to the sinfully handsome Tyrone Titichkowsky.
Post by: S. Woody White on September 29, 2004, 02:29:36 PM
Dear BK:

Yesterday, while der Brucer (who used to be known as "Buddy") and I were running errands and getting drenched, we played the revival cast recording of Guys and Dolls on the car's CD player.  This got me to thinking, and it ties in with an earlier question:

Since you've produced your fair share of revival recordings, how much attention to you pay to the original cast recording before you head into the studio?  What do you do to make sure your recordings (such as the classic revival of The King and I with Donna Murphy) aren't simply the same as the original, with a different cast?
Post by: Jrand73 on September 29, 2004, 02:29:53 PM
Well dRELMORE, I know that Allison eventually became one of those Zombies of MT....I actually thought, as bad as the kid who played DONDI was, the harmonica musical score was the backbreaker!  WA-wa-WAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Post by: Jane on September 29, 2004, 02:30:48 PM
RockBenTroy how many Tuesday’s have you known?

Rebecca Jane had a lovely yard and pool in Michigan.  The pool had a diving board she used almost every day the first summer there.  She also swam laps after diving.  She was so delighted to have a pool I’m sure the neighbors could hear her laughter.

Beckon, when we first switched to this format I groaned.  It does take longer to read and there was more to learn, such as posting photos.  Whatever the reason to make the switch, I believe it has made this site more intimate beginning with the personal avatars and photos.  The ability to send private emails is another.  I think it is wonderful how many new friends I have now.  Thank you Bruce for inviting us here everyday.

Skippy Jay ;D

I think Stone is a great name!  AND YEA FOR NO CRUTCHES!!!!  

Veronica I believe the guy finally realized he was in the wrong and you could get him fired.

Post by: Jane on September 29, 2004, 02:32:51 PM
Hello, Jane. :)

I'm Stone today, and with the ache  in my leg, I wish I was stoned!

I'm finally on page four-very funny. ;D
Post by: S. Woody White on September 29, 2004, 02:34:26 PM
The devoted dogs, Buster and Bonnie, have decided that they henceforth will be known as "Zeus" and "Aphrodite."

Marty and Mikey have chosen to be known as "Spin" and "Mikey."  (Terriers can be so stubborn.)

Fletcher, being deaf, really doesn't care.
Post by: Matt H. on September 29, 2004, 02:35:20 PM
I agree with you, DR Jane. The avatars and photos give a VERY personal touch to the website so that it becomes more than just anonymous strangers posting opinions and news. Even when some of us here disagree strongly, the nature of the relationships here usually make mudslinging seem petty and unnecessary.
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 02:42:06 PM
When I do a revival such as Dolly or The King and I, I make certain that I am true to the spirit of the production I'm recording.  With Dolly it was the same old same old so despite Jerry Herman's reticence, I insisted we include dance music that had never been recorded before (Dancing, The Waiter's Gallp, I Put My Hand in Here, etc.).  With King and I, I really wanted the recording to tell the story more, which is why I put on "The Letter" and the montage at then end, so that the finale would work better than it ever had on disc (most recordings end with Shall We Dance).  I also insisted that the Kralahome (Randall Duk Kim) be part of the recording, which also had never been done before.
Post by: Jane on September 29, 2004, 02:44:27 PM
I love all these names-Rock White aka Salt. ;D

DearReaderLaura the museum is very pretty.

CharlePogue I remember DONDI.  He was so cute and I was very young.  I don’t get any extra points though.  As for MARMADUKE maybe you just need to have a large dog to truly appreciate the cartoon.  Some of them were so funny, and true, I would put leave them out on the frig.

Matt H your avatar is a great example of keeping this site personal.  We can watch the changes of you with a mustache, without, and the soon to be posted the avatar with your new mustache. :D Oh and the ability to put laughter and smiles into our posts helps keep the mood light.  :)

Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 02:46:53 PM
As to Rosemary's Baby - Hollywood and the TV industry are so devoid of an original idea that all they can do these days is revisit classic films and do them worse, all pandering to the "me/now" generation that doesn't have the sensibility to watch an older film without thinking it dated.  The fact is, there is NOTHING dated about Rosemary's Baby - it is one of the most perfect films ever made with a cast that cannot be bettered and it is also the best adaptation of a novel ever done for the screen - it IS the novel.  Including Son of Rosemary is inane for many reasons.  First reason, most people HATED Son of Rosemary.  While I liked it better than most (for me Ira Levin can do very little wrong), I think they're using it specifically for its trick ending, a big bad mistake.  Re that trick ending, I think I was one of the few who saw it coming a third into the book, when Rosemary is watching a movie on TV.  Normally it wouldn't have tipped me, except that the movie she's watching has a trick ending and I thought "why, out of all the movies he could have chosen is she watching that one".  I was right.  

Bottom line: You don't have any Ruth Gordons, Sidney Blackmers, John Cassavetes, Patsy Kellys, Maurice Evans anymore.  And television certainly has no Roman Polanskis, William Frakers, or Richard Sylberts.  
Post by: Jane on September 29, 2004, 02:54:42 PM
This morning Echo and I joined our hiking group.  The leader of our group forgot his promise to me to make the drive short (for my back) and the hike long.  Up the mountain we went on the bumpy gravel road.  Then the two cars in front turned off the road, but didn’t wait for me to see where they went. (I'm sure they expected me to know where I was going-no one should ever expect such a thing from me ;D). I did hesitate at the turn and look for them, then continued up the bumpy road.  Eventually I had to stop.  After much discussion with the occupants of the car behind me we continued on a bit when I stopped again and said “this is not the road”.  Back down we went, finally parking where we were pretty sure we would find the trail.  As we hiked we passed the two cars but never found the people.  They did leave a note on my car saying “sorry we missed you”.  They missed us, they didn’t wait for us!  

Our small group of four had a good time and laughed a lot, mostly because we kept making wrong turns.  

But now I must take my aching back and do more driving to pick up some meds for Bogie.  The good news is he doesn’t have to make the journey with me since we finally made a second entry into his journal.
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 02:57:15 PM

Bottom line: You don't have any Ruth Gordons, Sidney Blackmers, John Cassavetes, Patsy Kellys, Maurice Evans anymore.  And television certainly has no Roman Polanskis, William Frakers, or Richard Sylberts.

Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 02:59:14 PM
I'm finally on page four-very funny. ;D

So, DR Jane, Stone wants to know if you've finalized your trip yet? ???

We're all agog, simply agog, at your visit.
Post by: Jane on September 29, 2004, 03:05:39 PM
LOL-nope.  I'm off to the vet now.  By tomorrow-I promise. :-[
Post by: George on September 29, 2004, 03:12:59 PM
Since Calvin and Hobbes left, I rarely visit the comics page for very long anymore.

I totally forgot about Calvin and Hobbes!!  I loved this, also!!
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 03:37:30 PM
DD and her bf are going to be doing some serious traveling around Europe in the next while. She just sent me an article about an undiscovered "hidden Riviera" section of Italy they're going to visit. Sounds DEE-vine. Here it is:

Post by: Charles Pogue on September 29, 2004, 04:01:00 PM
Randall Duk Kim! There's a name I haven't heard in forever.  Though I never saw him before, I know he ran a Shakespeare Festival somewhere like Michigan or Wisconsin...with himself playng most of the leading parts.  I had a friend who worked with him.  I gathered he found the fellow rather eccentric.  What were your impressions, BK?
Post by: Jennifer on September 29, 2004, 04:05:50 PM
For those who watch the Apprentice, it's on tonight instead of Thursday.

Also on tonight is a show I thought I would hate, Wife Swap.  But it's actually quite interesting.  They take two wives and have them switch familes.  But the interesting part is that these women are opposites.

Last week one was messy and the other was a clean freak. The messy one loved animals and they clean one didn't.

This week one woman is a multi-millionaire with nannies and maids. And the other chops logs, and drives a bus.

The other interesting part is that for the first week the wives must live by the old wife's rules. Then week two the new wives get to make the rules.

Those rules make for a very interesting show. And apparently it got great reviews.
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 04:08:54 PM
Randall Duk Kim! There's a name I haven't heard in forever.

And a name better than Vince or Tor. If I weren't already heavily into Tab-Tuesday, I'd consider Randall Duk Panni.
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 04:12:41 PM

Last week one was messy and the other was a clean freak. The messy one loved animals and they clean one didn't.
...And apparently it got great reviews.

With all due respect to the esteemed reviewers, I may just gag.
Post by: TCB on September 29, 2004, 04:21:26 PM
TC Steele had to stop by the library today to return some overdue books, so he, of course, wanted to take a moment to say hello to all of his favorite people at HHW.  Unfortunately, TC Steele is his favorite people.  Pity!

Anyway, TC Steele is still without a computer, but he is looking into a repair place that is quite reasonable -- like, FREE.

Favorite comic, THE BORN LOSER.  It often reminds TC Steele of his own life.  It is sad that so few of the comics available in the papers these days are ones that can be read and understood by children.  I have always believed that getting children to read the comics, was the first step in getting them to read the newspaper.
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 04:23:42 PM
Whatever happened to DR Jed?  This is not a Bette Davis reference, just curiosity.
Post by: Michael on September 29, 2004, 04:25:01 PM

Recently watch an episode of Donny and Marie you did with Cindy Williams and Paul Lynde. (The Babes in Arms one) My question is were you dubbed when it came to the singing? It sure as heck did not sound like you and except for a tiny solo that Cindy had most of the singing did not sound like her either. Care to discuss?
Post by: TCB on September 29, 2004, 04:27:20 PM
DR elmore3003 -- How wonderful to see you back at HHW.  You have been in my thoughts and prayers!

Post by: Dan (the Man) on September 29, 2004, 04:36:42 PM
Just read that ROSEMARY'S BABY is going to be remade as a 4 hour ABC miniseries (incorporating the sequel, SON OF ROSEMARY).
I (or Tab-Tuesday-Panni) can hardly wait for RockTroyBruce's comments.

For some reason, Dan Zack immediately thought of Elaine Stritch in the Ruth Gordin role.  

Dan Zack doesn't understand why things like this pop in his head.
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 04:39:08 PM

For those who watch the Apprentice, it's on tonight instead of Thursday.

DR Jennifer, thank you for the reminder!  I would have forgotten about it and I thought I had missed it since I have to be out tomorrow night.
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 04:40:40 PM
DR elmore3003 -- How wonderful to see you back at HHW.  You have been in my thoughts and prayers!

DR TCB, that's the sweetest thing I've heard since my Dear Friend BK ordered me to get my butt cheeks back to the site.  You're all the most wonderful nuclear family anyone could wish.
Post by: Charles Pogue on September 29, 2004, 04:42:19 PM
The internet is turning people into idiots...or idiots are over-running the internet.  I just got off the IDMB reading some of the comments about my films.  One on PSYCHO III has this whole idiot debate,pondering who the real killer is...The killer's identity was never in doubt, never a question, not meant in any way to be oblique or obscure or a mystery.  Yet here are these idiots actually discussing it...and one referring to some movie trivia site where he picked up this relevatory insight on who the killer (It isn't who he says it is!  It's obvious, you cretin!  No mystery).  Tell me that all these maroons are 12-17 year old boys.  They can't really be adults, can they?  The trouble with the internet is that uninformed opinions can spew all over it, spreading disinformation and idiocy and lowering the general IQ's of its users.
Post by: George on September 29, 2004, 04:46:00 PM
[move=up,scroll,6,transparent,100%][shadow=red,down]Page Six Dance!![/shadow][/move]
Post by: Dan (the Man) on September 29, 2004, 04:49:00 PM
With Meryl Streep! You'd think MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE would be enough for her. I guess it's like eating peanuts... Once you've done one pointless remake of a perfect film, it's hard to stop.

Dan Zack wouldn't mind if Meryl Streep added one more peanut by doing a remake of The Rose Tattoo.
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 04:59:51 PM
Randall Duk Kim! There's a name I haven't heard in forever.  Though I never saw him before, I know he ran a Shakespeare Festival somewhere like Michigan or Wisconsin...with himself playng most of the leading parts.  I had a friend who worked with him.  I gathered he found the fellow rather eccentric.  What were your impressions, BK?

He was a bit strange in the studio, but I loved his performance and he was VERY grateful I fought to have him on the album.  But he started to do "studio" acting and I went in and said, "No, no, I want just what you do in the show - bring in the Kralahome."  Then he was fine and he's wonderful on the album in his two short bits.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on September 29, 2004, 05:00:18 PM
DD and her bf are going to be doing some serious traveling around Europe in the next while. She just sent me an article about an undiscovered "hidden Riviera" section of Italy they're going to visit. Sounds DEE-vine. Here it is:


DR Panni,

Did you read the entire article? That's quite a beach, Guvano.

Just out of Corniglia on the high trail to Vernazza, you'll see the well-hung Guvano beach far below. The nude Guvano beach made headlines in Italy in the 1970s, as clothed locals in a makeshift armada of dinghies and fishing boats retook their town beach. But big-city nudists still work on all-around tans in this remote setting.
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 05:01:15 PM

Recently watch an episode of Donny and Marie you did with Cindy Williams and Paul Lynde. (The Babes in Arms one) My question is were you dubbed when it came to the singing? It sure as heck did not sound like you and except for a tiny solo that Cindy had most of the singing did not sound like her either. Care to discuss?

I most certainly am NOT dubbed (and neither is Cindy) - we prerecorded everything with the marvelous Tommy Wolf, the music director of the show (if I'm remembering the episode correctly).  It's us all the way.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on September 29, 2004, 05:04:35 PM
Also on tonight is a show I thought I would hate, Wife Swap.  But it's actually quite interesting.  They take two wives and have them switch familes.  But the interesting part is that these women are opposites.

Dan Zack can't wait until they do Celebrity Wifeswap.  Dan Zack would like to see Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston play switchies with Phil Donahue and Marlo Thomas.
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 05:04:42 PM
The internet is turning people into idiots...or idiots are over-running the internet.  I just got off the IDMB reading some of the comments about my films.  One on PSYCHO III has this whole idiot debate,pondering who the real killer is...The killer's identity was never in doubt, never a question, not meant in any way to be oblique or obscure or a mystery.  Yet here are these idiots actually discussing it...and one referring to some movie trivia site where he picked up this relevatory insight on who the killer (It isn't who he says it is!  It's obvious, you cretin!  No mystery).  Tell me that all these maroons are 12-17 year old boys.  They can't really be adults, can they?  The trouble with the internet is that uninformed opinions can spew all over it, spreading disinformation and idiocy and lowering the general IQ's of its users.

I have been complaining about this very thing, these 12 year old jerks who clog up the imdb with their inanities, for years.  In fact, I will sometimes go on and post my own thing which is never a review of the film in question but a review of the idiots who post.  I would say that many in the current generation border on illiteracy - they cannot construct a single coherent sentence, they mis-spell the simplest of words (the most amusing of which is the constant usage of "loose" for "lose") and their "thoughts" are childish and stupid.  I know there are exceptions and that some youngsters (especially the ones who visit here) are very bright, but the majority of today's youth doesn't read, doesn't know how to write and only knows from things that happened in the last five years.
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 05:07:50 PM
And yes, where in tarnation IS dear reader Jed?  Not to mention dear reader Ann, both of whom have probably run off together and are living in torrid sin.  Perhaps I'll drop dear reader Ann a little note and bitch-slap her from here to eternity and hell and back.

The pool man was here and the little heater problem was a simple one - the water level in the pool had gotten just a bit too low and the machinery shuts off when that happens.  I now know how to add water to make sure it doesn't happen, and I'd also been keeping the pool just a shade too warm (heat evaporates water).  Another problem solved.  Now if we can just get a garage door opener that works, figure out the timers on the outside lights, and figure out the pool lights I'll be all set.
Post by: Jane on September 29, 2004, 05:16:49 PM
Oh darn, I missed TCB Steele. :(

Panni it looks beautiful.  We should have a HHW gathering there. :)

Elmore I too want to know what happened to Jed and Ann.

CharlePogue are you going to post on the site and explain who the killer is? ;D
I recently read Amy Tans book “The Opposite of Fate: A Book of Musings” where she talks about her reaction to discussions of her books and the “meaning or message” in them.

Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 05:20:49 PM
The internet is turning people into idiots...or idiots are over-running the internet.  I just got off the IDMB reading some of the comments about my films.  

I didn't even realize there was a discussion section on IMDB until you mentioned it.  I only go there to look up casts and other credits.  After your experience, I 'll never check out the discussions.  Long before I had a computer, while I was working with BK on a recording in LA, a friend showed me his computer and we logged on to a musical theatre site.  After reading questions, and seeing the number of responses, to questions such as "who was the worst Fantine you ever saw?" or "I'm looking for a song 'I Could Have Danced all Night'; where can I find it?", I knew the internet was run over by a bunch of morons, and I've never gone to any musical theatre chat room since then.

When I was at Goodspeed, I looked up all my CD reviews on Amazon.com.  One idiot said UNSUNG MUSICALS was a great idea done poorly with syunthesized sounds and a drum track.  I rebutted the reviewer for two reasons:
  1.  I was there, as was BK, when we recorded and every instrument was played by a fine musician  (all right, one should havbe been replaced).
  2.  The reviewer suffered from terminal stupidity and tone deafness.
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 05:26:44 PM
DIT - Yes, I (and Tab-Tuesday) read about the nude beach. I've always been a rather free spirit of a mother. And actually it seems to have worked as DD is a very good person in every way. I've only been strict about the important things in life. And when you really think about it, there aren't that many. My motto in child rearing is choose your battles carefully. I doubt if DD would go on the nude beach, but if she did - why not?
Post by: Dan (the Man) on September 29, 2004, 05:28:01 PM
I know there are exceptions and that some youngsters (especially the ones who visit here) are very bright, but the majority of today's youth doesn't read, doesn't know how to write and only knows from things that happened in the last five years.

Dan Zack bemoans the state of this Generation Z.  Dan Zack hates to generalize, but Dan Zack finds most college-aged (and under) kids to be willfully anti-intellect, materialistic and socially exclusive (not to mention a horrendeous taste in music.)  Dan Zack doesn't have much hope that these kids are going to come out of the woodwork by the thousands and swing the election towards Kerry.  This generation values lay more on the side of the fabulous bling, the pimped up ride and the topdawg crib (MTV lingo!)

Dan Zack would love to be proved wrong here.  Can anyone give Dan Zack any signs of hope?
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 05:28:20 PM
I saw that review, too, elmore.  It was probably Robert Sher or one of his cronies.  Usually is.

Was just watching the extras on Murder on the Orient Express, and there was our very own Tony Walton.
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 05:30:15 PM
I'm off to get some supper and some vacuum cleaner bags. What a life!
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 05:32:28 PM

Dan Zack would love to be proved wrong here.  Can anyone give Dan Zack any signs of hope?

Tab-Tuesday-Panni's DD. That's one, anyway.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on September 29, 2004, 05:33:33 PM
Dan Zack is off to learn how life started on Earth on PBS.  
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on September 29, 2004, 05:36:04 PM
DIT - Yes, I (and Tab-Tuesday) read about the nude beach. I've always been a rather free spirit of a mother. And actually it seems to have worked as DD is a very good person in every way. I've only been strict about the important things in life. And when you really think about it, there aren't that many. My motto in child rearing is choose your battles carefully. I doubt if DD would go on the nude beach, but if she did - why not?

Of course why not.

It was described as a well-hung nude beach.
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 05:46:50 PM
I saw that review, too, elmore.  It was probably Robert Sher or one of his cronies.  Usually is.

Robert Sher? The young record producer lauded by James Lipton?

Dear Friend BK, did you see my rebuttal?  It was fast, but I was elated to do it.
Another question:  who has read your new book?  I can't wait.  I finished A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN last night, and I started Lawrence Watkins' ON BORROWED TIME, of which I found a first edition on Bookfinder.com.
Post by: DearReaderLaura on September 29, 2004, 05:48:28 PM
My question for Ask BK Day:

Are the Merry Searchers still searching?
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 05:51:14 PM
Dan Zack bemoans the state of this Generation Z.  Dan Zack hates to generalize, but Dan Zack finds most college-aged (and under) kids to be willfully anti-intellect, materialistic and socially exclusive (not to mention a horrendeous taste in music.)  Dan Zack doesn't have much hope that these kids are going to come out of the woodwork by the thousands and swing the election towards Kerry.  This generation values lay more on the side of the fabulous bling, the pimped up ride and the topdawg crib (MTV lingo!)

DR Dan Zack, I know we're in trouble when the idiots who run PBS think think that art is reruns of the Lawrence Welk Show and fill their fund drive weekends with Peter, Paul & Mary, Stars of the 7os, the Three Irish Tenors, the Three Tenors, and other reunions of that ilk.  While I enjoy some of these programs, they'd be more likely to get my money if I believed they knew that classical music has been performed by better singers than Sarah Brightman and they programmed more than fluff for their endless drives.
Post by: George on September 29, 2004, 05:54:12 PM
And yes, where in tarnation IS dear reader Jed?  Not to mention dear reader Ann, both of whom have probably run off together and are living in torrid sin.

Maybe they're not living in torrid sin but "delicious sin" (a Cabaret reference)!
Post by: Jane on September 29, 2004, 06:06:22 PM
Tab-Tuesday-Panni's DD. That's one, anyway.

And my DS's.  Now both past the "college-age" but both showed signs of the mature young men they have become.  

"Dan Zack hates to generalize, but Dan Zack finds most college-aged (and under) kids to be willfully anti-intellect,"  Bryan complained of that while he was still in high school.  ;D, let alone college.
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 06:54:58 PM
Not many people have read the new book.  A couple of them really loved it and one of them didn't love it.  It's all okay - it's the book I wanted to write.  I think people who love musicals will enjoy it, and I think some but not all mystery buffs will enjoy it.  At least that is my hope.
Post by: Jane on September 29, 2004, 07:02:28 PM
I look forward to reading your new book.
Post by: Michael on September 29, 2004, 07:06:30 PM
I saw that review, too, elmore.  It was probably Robert Sher or one of his cronies.  Usually is.

Was just watching the extras on Murder on the Orient Express, and there was our very own Tony Walton.

What does Robert Sher have against you?
Post by: Charles Pogue on September 29, 2004, 07:11:21 PM
Jane, I will not go on and rebut the morons.  First of all, these posts are ages old and who comes back to them? People who are stupid enough to believe stupidity, let them.  I can't really worry about them. Secondly, that could be come a lifetime time-waster, trying to refute all the mis-information and inaccurate idiocy that's out there.  You also have to remember that most of these folks are posting to be read by people just like them. Even on good messages boards like this one, you're talking to 100 to 200 people at the most.  It's rare that anything said on one of these sites is going to change the world.

I think for a many internet posters on a ot of these critique/review sites to be able to post their opinions probably for the first time in their life comes an illusion of power that just simply doesn't exist.   So why bother trying to enlightened idiots.  That's a no-win, frustrating fool's task.   If an ant gets in your way, just step over it.  After all, they're critiquing  an almost 20 year old movie.  Who cares?
Post by: S. Woody White on September 29, 2004, 07:15:32 PM
Dan Zack bemoans the state of this Generation Z.  Dan Zack hates to generalize, but Dan Zack finds most college-aged (and under) kids to be willfully anti-intellect, materialistic and socially exclusive (not to mention a horrendeous taste in music.)  Dan Zack doesn't have much hope that these kids are going to come out of the woodwork by the thousands and swing the election towards Kerry.  This generation values lay more on the side of the fabulous bling, the pimped up ride and the topdawg crib (MTV lingo!)

Dan Zack would love to be proved wrong here.  Can anyone give Dan Zack any signs of hope?
Salt would like to know why Dan Zack thinks the new generation should be any different from the generations that came before them.  Even the Flower Power generation didn't bother to vote, in spite of all their protestations.  In one era, out the other.

Salt takes all these things with a grain of, of course.
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 07:16:06 PM
What does Robert Sher have against you?

Oy!  This is not the place to discuss him!
Post by: Ann on September 29, 2004, 07:16:41 PM
Hello everyone!  Remember me?  I used to be a regular around these parts...I have been informed by our dear leader BK that I must return to the fold or face the consequences, so here I am!  I have been a bit busy lately...still trying to find a job.  I had a few interviews last week, got my hopes up, but nothing came of any of them.  Then I had to move upstairs to a different apartment, on account of my water heater blew up and flooded my apartment over Labor Day weekend.  That was a picnic and a half...argh

anyway, I'm back!
Post by: Jennifer on September 29, 2004, 07:21:10 PM
Welcome back DR Ann.

Another good Apprentice tonight.
Post by: TCB on September 29, 2004, 07:22:44 PM
Hark!  I see that TCB Steele's cyber-daughter, Ann, has returned.  Now, if we could just find jobs for her and my unemployed cyber-son, Jed, all would be right with the world.

Oh, and  a computer for me would be helpful!
Post by: George on September 29, 2004, 07:25:02 PM
And one for Ann! (a few minutes late)
Post by: elmore3003 on September 29, 2004, 07:31:01 PM
Yes, DR Jennifer, I loved Apprentice tonight.

Welcome back, DR Ann.
Post by: Jay on September 29, 2004, 07:33:44 PM
Skippy Jay played hooky this afternoon and went to see John Waters' new opus, A Dirty Shame.  It is.
Post by: TCB on September 29, 2004, 07:42:03 PM
Skippy Jay played hooky this afternoon and went to see John Waters' new opus, A Dirty Shame.  It is.

Does that mean, no thumbs up, Skippy???

Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 07:52:43 PM
Yay, Ann is back.  Maybe more people will be back this evening.
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 07:54:10 PM
I'm on my way to Mr. Grant Geissman's to do one little bit of reformatting so the book file can get fed-exed tomorrow.  Then we work on the cover - the front is done, but we have to do the flap copy and the back of the jacket.  I'm trying to figure out if I should have any blurbs or not - I don't know if anyone can read it that quickly to get me one.  We shall see.
Post by: TCB on September 29, 2004, 07:57:51 PM
I'm on my way to Mr. Grant Geissman's to do one little bit of reformatting so the book file can get fed-exed tomorrow.  Then we work on the cover - the front is done, but we have to do the flap copy and the back of the jacket.  I'm trying to figure out if I should have any blurbs or not - I don't know if anyone can read it that quickly to get me one.  We shall see.

Perhaps, Evelyn Wood?????

Post by: TCB on September 29, 2004, 08:00:58 PM
Yay, Ann is back.  Maybe more people will be back this evening.

Hey, I'm back............. at least until I finish doing my laundry at my friend's house.
Post by: Jay on September 29, 2004, 08:02:16 PM
Does that mean, no thumbs up, Skippy???

Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 08:13:59 PM
Welcome back, DR Ann! Tab-Tuesday-Panni is happy to see you. (If you haven't read the beginning of today's posts, you will think we have all gone crazy in your abence. And perhaps you would be correct.)
Post by: MBarnum on September 29, 2004, 08:15:45 PM
I, Race Barnum, am quite pleased to return from my babysitting duties to find so many wonderful posts...and lots of long lost posters...well, not all were long lost, but were rather not here as often! Anyway, nice to see you all!

I must now fix dinner.

By the way, Freddy the cat is now called Slats. At least for today.
Post by: Matt H. on September 29, 2004, 08:16:50 PM
The first theater chat room I went in, the users could only talk LES MIZ and especially PHANTOM. I casually said that for 1980s musicals, I clearly preferred SUNDAY IN THE PARK, DREAMGIRLS, THE RINK, and INTO THE WOODS (among others). Several people wrote to say they weren't familiar with these musicals, so I knew I was talking to 12 year olds. I knew nothing was going to be chatted about there that I would be the least bit interested in.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on September 29, 2004, 08:26:02 PM
Tab-Tuesday-Panni's DD. That's one, anyway.

In all seriousness, it was thoughtless of me to not to think of your DD (having just read of her latest adventures today) and the DO (Dear Offspring) of other DRs, along with the other young folk who visit this here site.  Excellent rays of light, all.

Sometimes, Dan Zack sees that the glass is half full and says, "What?  Only one glass?"
Post by: Michael on September 29, 2004, 08:28:26 PM
Question for BK or Jose:

What is the exact title of the Disco Song that Ryan sang and which song did it replace?

Also what is the exact title of the Annie song that Tammy sang?
Post by: Dan (the Man) on September 29, 2004, 08:31:05 PM
Because of a number of distracting phone calls, Dan Zack was not able to watch PBS and learn how life began on Earth.  Instead, Dan Zack watched how Mr. Blandings finished his dream house.
Post by: Michael on September 29, 2004, 08:34:38 PM
Also this may have been discussed before: I saw the DVD of Darby O'Gillis and The Little People in the store today and the DVD insert says it says that the film was really shot 1:33 (full screen and it shown that way in its theatrical release) I find it hard to believe that a film made in 1959 was shot that way (unless it was originally meant for tv. )

My source (although not always correct) says it was shot 1:75 (Spherical)
Post by: Dan (the Man) on September 29, 2004, 08:50:28 PM
DR Dan Zack, I know we're in trouble when the idiots who run PBS think think that art is reruns of the Lawrence Welk Show and fill their fund drive weekends with Peter, Paul & Mary, Stars of the 7os, the Three Irish Tenors, the Three Tenors, and other reunions of that ilk.  While I enjoy some of these programs, they'd be more likely to get my money if I believed they knew that classical music has been performed by better singers than Sarah Brightman and they programmed more than fluff for their endless drives.

Dan Zack rolls his eyes when he thinks of the parade of euro-talent PBS has fobbed off as classical artists in the past ten years--Daniel O'Donnell, Brightman, Andre Rieu, Charlotte Church and the freakish Michael Junior.

Dan Zack did watch the Peter, Paul and Mary retrospective and came away depressed.  Seeing those clips from the early 60s when the three of them sang at the March on Washington--they so ernestly believed in what they were singing about.  And so many from that generation believed in it, too.  "I'm talkin' 'bout love between my brother and my sister."  What happened?
Post by: Jenny on September 29, 2004, 09:26:07 PM
Maybe more people will be back this evening.

(peeks head out of shadows)

Hi, everybody!  I apologize for being so very errant and truant lately.  School is back in session, which is...tolerable.  The good thing about school is that there's lots of time to be spent on lovely websites such as this when I'm supposed to be working during classes taught in the computer lab. :D  I'm glad to see that everyone has been doing well, despite crutches, mice, and obnoxious salesmen.

My errant and truant spree will have to continue for a few more hourse as it is late, and little girls such as myself should be in bed.  :)
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 09:34:13 PM
Tab-Tuesday-Panni is fond of round numbers. Especially...
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 09:34:38 PM
Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 09:36:34 PM
Hey, I just noticed that my last post was #4567.
Thought I would point that out. Simple as 1-2-3.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on September 29, 2004, 09:41:27 PM
Dan Zack has decided to end the evening by throwing caution to the wind and turning his back on the souless world of runway modeling and becoming the latest PBS eurotrash discovery.  Dan Zack will now be known as Danzaque, Master of the Zamfir.  Audiences will swoon as Danzaque allays his pouty lips against the Zamfir and plays the music of the ages.  Be sure to check local listings for Danzaque's first PBS special, Danzaque, Master of the Zamfir, filmed live at the Theatre am Kirchplatz in Liechtenstein.  Listen to Danzaque's interpretations of such timeless classsics as Strausses' "Tales from the Vienna Woods", Franck's "Panis Angelicus", Titichkowsky's "Waltz of the Flowers", Mendelssohn's "Ave Maria" and ABBA's "Fernando".  CDs and DVDs are available for a small pledge.  

Danzaque, Master of the Zamfir!

(Don't worry, this should all go away tomorrow...)
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 09:47:20 PM
Question for BK or Jose:

What is the exact title of the Disco Song that Ryan sang and which song did it replace?

Also what is the exact title of the Annie song that Tammy sang?

Tammy's song is called Annie.

Ryan's song hasn't had an official title yet, because I can't call it what it should be called which is At the Disco because that would give away the joke.  Perhaps I'll call it Born to Late.
Post by: bk on September 29, 2004, 09:47:49 PM
Hello, Jenny
Well, hello Jenny
It's so nice to have you back where you belong
Post by: Charles Pogue on September 29, 2004, 09:53:14 PM
Or maybe even call it Born Too Late
Post by: Jay on September 29, 2004, 10:08:41 PM
Dan Zack has decided to end the evening by throwing caution to the wind and turning his back on the souless world of runway modeling and becoming the latest PBS eurotrash discovery.  Dan Zack will now be known as Danzaque, Master of the Zamfir.  Audiences will swoon as Danzaque allays his pouty lips against the Zamfir and plays the music of the ages.  Be sure to check local listings for Danzaque's first PBS special, Danzaque, Master of the Zamfir, filmed live at the Theatre am Kirchplatz in Liechtenstein.  Listen to Danzaque's interpretations of such timeless classsics as Strausses' "Tales from the Vienna Woods", Franck's "Panis Angelicus", Titichkowsky's "Waltz of the Flowers", Mendelssohn's "Ave Maria" and ABBA's "Fernando".  CDs and DVDs are available for a small pledge.  

Danzaque, Master of the Zamfir!

(Don't worry, this should all go away tomorrow...)

Perhaps Miss Charlotte Church will appear as a special guest vocal soloist, singing the "Habanera" from Carmen, with zamfir obbligato.
Post by: S. Woody White on September 29, 2004, 10:12:30 PM
I kinda like the idea of "Born to Late."  I've known several people who late all the time.  It's a lifestyle for them.
Post by: Jrand73 on September 29, 2004, 10:28:42 PM
LOL.....this site is so funny.

I can read fast.

Jack Randall Earles - author of "The Real Allison Hayes"

DR ELMORE - three years ago when I was directing ON BORROWED TIME, I read the novel as well.  It is now a favorite of mine, as is the play....the movie slightly less so....but I really like it.  I had a nice set with a little gate on stage right, and when Mr Brink took someone, the gate opened and the went in....with some nice lighting....  At the end I had Pud run ahead and then had him motion to his grandfather so they could leave together as they heard Granny calling to them....that of course left Mr Brink alone onstage....he started to go off....then stopped and gazed out over the audience as if seeing if there was anyone else who should go...smiled for the first time and walked through the gate....to some lovely music by Mr Elmer Bernstein from TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD....hehehehe  One of my favorite moments.

Born to late....I know those people.   How subtle the loss of that second "o" becomes...... Sort of like born to lose only they wouldn't be there in time to play.

And of course there is Sandy Posey singing BORN A WOMAN....or is that sanging?
Post by: Jrand73 on September 29, 2004, 10:29:13 PM
Hello DRANN.  Did DRJED get a teaching position and move?
Post by: Jrand73 on September 29, 2004, 10:29:24 PM
Hi Jose!
Post by: JoseSPiano on September 29, 2004, 10:42:19 PM
WOW!!! PAGE 8!!!


-It's the "forbidden dance" you know!
Post by: Jrand73 on September 29, 2004, 10:46:43 PM
So I've heard.
Post by: JoseSPiano on September 29, 2004, 10:56:25 PM
Good Evening!

Mamma Mia! Here I go again...

Sal Simbulan apologizes for being errant and truant the past few hours, but SS had to drive down to Norfolk in order to audit a performance of Mamma Mia! - for the third time.  At least SS gets paid for auditing each time.

For some unknown reason, SS ended up on the wrong highway when he was driving down to Norfolk.  He noticed that he was passing by Petersburg.  Hmmm... I've never passed Petersburg before while driving down to Norfolk.... @!?%!&#@#!!!!!!  So SS proceeded to find his way in the right direction and ended up taking a sort of rural route, mainly SR 480 rather than I-64.  Since SS had left pretty early, he had the time to "get lost", and ended up enjoying the scenic route down to Norfolk.

SS passed the famous Virginia Diner which is the home of the famous Virginia Diner peanuts and peanuts products.  He did go inside the Virginia Diner, but ended up not buying any of the peanuts nor peanut treats.  SS is still puzzled by his "non-decision".

Then SS saw something he hasn't seen in a long time.  He saw cotton fields.  Acres and acres of cotton fields.  So beautiful.  Since it was twilight, the cotton plants looked more like "snow plants".  The cotton so white.  SS actually wanted to pull over to the side of the highway and pick a branch, but SS knew better than do such a thing.

The trip down to Norfolk did end up taking about two and half hours.  Via I-64, the trip normally takes an hour and a half.  But, again, since SS had left so early, he reached his destination by 5:30.  Curtain was at 8:00.  SS then proceed to get dinner at the MacArthur Center - a rather nice mall right across from Chrysler Hall.  After perusing the choices available at the Food Court, SS opted to dine at the Nordstrom Cafe, and he ended up having quite a tasty dinner - a chicken and pasta dish with portabella mushrooms and sundried tomatoes.

Then it was a short walk over to the theatre...
Post by: Jrand73 on September 29, 2004, 10:58:29 PM
Page Eight Dance.  ;D

Post by: Jrand73 on September 29, 2004, 10:59:42 PM
But how was the show?
Post by: JoseSPiano on September 29, 2004, 11:14:32 PM
Chiquitita, tell me the truth...

As SS was entering the stage door, SS was very flattered and surprised that the door man remembered who he was.  The doorman did not remember SS's name, rather he remembered that SS had subbed in for Mamma Mia! the last time it was in Norfolk.  Which was two years ago!  Consequently, SS was let into the stage door without any problems nor questions.

Dancing Queen...

Once SS found his way through the backstage maze to the orchestra pit, he proceeded to practice his book.  There have been a few changes since the last time he played, but nothing drastic.

Gimme, Gimme...

SS was then greeted by the players he played with last time.  The conductor, the keyboard player, the drummer, the percussionist and the guitar player.  All five of them have been with this tour since it began three years ago!  It was like a mini-reunion.  The conductor even asked why SS was auditing since this was the third or fourth time he has played the show.  And upon reflection, SS realized that he's probably played about 28 performances of Mamma Mia! over the past two years.  -But, again, SS gets paid to audit, so...  *And SS also noted that the guitar player and the percussionist were still as easy on the eyes as ever. ;)


As SS was auditing the show, SS didn't notice anything new.  Most of the cast had changed over since his last stint, but since most of the show is on click-track, there's only so much leeway one can have in regards to tempos and "styles".  He was also amazed at how well he still knew the show, even singing the back-up vocals from time to time and cueing the bass and drums for the entrances.

Knowing Me, Knowing You...

Towards the end of the show, SS started to feel tired, sleepy.  He also noticed that some of the other players in the pit were also looking tired.  The rigors of life on the road.  At the end of the show, SS was asked if he could play all four weekend shows, and SS heartily accepted the additional shows (and money) - he was originally only supposed to play the two shows on Sunday.  Then SS drove home - taking the right highway this time - and is now snacking on some roasted cashews and posting here on HHW.

The Winner Takes It All...

So, SS is still a bit tired, and will be heading to bed soon.  SS read through the plethora of posts, and a smile crossed his face many a time while perusing the plethora of posts.  Unfortunately, SS must get up early tomorrow in order to drop his car off at the service station so that it can get inspected - it was supposed to be inspected in August, but since SS was in L.A. during the month of August...  Sssshhh...

I Have a Dream...
Post by: Jrand73 on September 29, 2004, 11:21:44 PM
Sal - Otto wants you for EXODUS.
Post by: JoseSPiano on September 29, 2004, 11:22:30 PM
And now before heading to the Land of the Wussburgers, SS would like to share a few random tidbits:

Favorite sign spotted while taking the "scenic route":  (posted on a gymnastics camp) "If gymnastics were any easier it'd be called football".

SS's landlord - well one of his secretaries - finally called back this afternoon around 4:30pm - he had a message on his service.  Of course, SS had left his message at 4:30AM(!), so...  In any case, the landlord and/or a contractor is supposed to come over tomorrow afternoon to look at the still-in-need-of-repair repairs.

...And that's all for SS tonight...


Post by: Panni on September 29, 2004, 11:28:25 PM
Danzaque - You're hilarious.

Tab-Tuesday-Panni has nothing more to add to the two million faboo posts of today.