As for the Topic of the Day...
I remember coming up to The City with my cousin, Richard, and his family when I was 11 or 12-years old. I think it was just for a long weekend. We drove up. I remember...
-The squeegee guys "attacking" their car as soon as we hit the Lincoln Tunnel. -Do the squegee guys even exist anymore?
-We stayed with one of Richard's aunts who lived in Queens. Her house was right by one of the elevated subway tracks. The first night, both Richard and I got a little freaked out the first time we started hearing things rattling and shaking. We then realized it was all the knick-knacks rattling each time a train passed.
-We took the train to the Statue of Liberty, but didn't realized and didn't understand that we had to be in the first four cars of the train in order to get out at the station. As soon as we noticed that the train was changing directions, well...
-There was also one of those "classic" subway moments: Three of us got onto a train... And then the doors started to close... while three others were still on the platform. Thankfully, one of the aunts was on the train, and one was on the platform, so we just got off at the next station, grabbed the next train back uptown, and rejoined our group. But I still remember the look of "horror" on their face - and my face - as the doors closed and the train started to move.
-I also remember Richard and I cracking up while we were watching TV. It was a "Hungry Jack" commercial. Mother rang the dinner bell, then one son ran up onto the porch, opened the screen door, then ran into the house. Then the next son - who was older and bigger - ran up onto the porch, opened the screen door and and ran into house. Then the oldest - and biggest - son ran up the porch, through the screen door, and into the house. -We just kept laughing and laughing and laughing.