I am so glad to be home and in the AC! It is indeed treacherous out. My errands took me first to the barber for a haircut; I did not want to look shabby in Ohio this weekend. While I was waiting for the No. 7 bus at Sixth and 51st, I ran into Jane Klain of the Museum of Broadcasting and we had a nice chat. The neew MTA schedule is ridiculous for transport; the bus stop where I was wating has three buses stopping there, and I waited 15 minutes before any bus showed up. While I waited, three Limited Stop No. 5 uses drove past me since they don't stop there.
Then to the NYPL, where I will continue to look at OZ materials tomorrow after the McGlinnventory.
DR Thom, welcome to the group. Tell us more about yourself, what you do, what part of the country you inhabit, etc.
Jerry Ohrbach was wonderful and totally charming in PROMISES PROMISES. I saw him in the show on a Friday night in August 1969, and I saw 1776 on the following Saturday matinee. Can it be that his performance of "She Likes Basketball" from the Tony Awards of 1969 isn't on Youtube? He was equally wonderful and menacing in the 1966 Lincoln Center production of CAROUSEL. In fact, I think when I met him, he was more like Chuck Baxter in real life than any of his other characters, sweet, charming, very nice.