Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 9 => Topic started by: bk on March 19, 2007, 01:39:54 AM

Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 01:39:54 AM
Well, you've read the notes, and in the words of Trevor Upland Hornswoggle, it is now time for you to post until the cows come home.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 01:40:54 AM
And the word of the day is: OMPHALOSKEPSIS!

Smoke on your pipe and put that in.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 01:42:44 AM
And a very happy haineshisway.com to former dear reader Jay.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 01:43:34 AM
Some favorite politically-themed motion pictures: All The President's Men, The Parallax View, JFK, The Manchurian Candidate.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 02:08:35 AM
The Manchurian Candidate...loved it!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 02:08:52 AM
The original, not the remake.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 02:53:42 AM
[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]**POSITIVE FEEBACK** vibes[/move]
for bk from his Muse
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 02:54:02 AM
Hoo and Ray for Shire CDs.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 02:58:55 AM
Quote from: George from Today at 02:20:24am
I liked Laura more than Ashley.

I like Laura Ashley!

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 03:02:21 AM
WOD, used in a sentence:

The only time Stanley ever practiced OMPHALOSKEPSIS was when he needed  to pull the lint out of it!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 04:39:04 AM
Yesterday, Jane posted:

Craig says Polish Air has the best prices, at the moment, for flights from Bucharest to the States.  I’m wondering where to go to find out the safety record in the pet section of their planes?

The only records I can find are kept by the US on US Domestic Airlines only!

The ASPCA (http://www.aspca.org/site/PageServer?pagename=press_060805) has tried to get improvemnt in pet transportation safety with limited success:
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® (ASPCA®) spearheaded the introduction and passage of the “Safe Air Transport for Animals Act.”

“The original legislation lobbied by the ASPCA would have required the airlines to change the cargo hold in which animals are transported from holds that are only pressurized, to the newer holds that are pressurized, temperature controlled, and ventilated, said Lisa Weisberg, senior vice president, Government Affairs and Public Policy for the ASPCA.  “This requirement, which was eliminated from the bill due to the opposition waged by the airline industry, would have better ensured the health and safety of the animals.”

Because of this change in the legislation, ASPCA is warning air travelers of the ongoing dangers of transporting their pets in the cargo hold.  Weisberg added, “Unless your pet is small enough to place under your seat in the cabin, travelers need to decide whether they want to risk the safety and life of their companion animal, or leave them under the security and care of someone at home.  Unfortunately, despite the increasing public demand of Americans wanting to travel with their pet, air travel is no safer today than it was before passage of the law.”

Among other requirements, domestic airlines are required to establish a tracking database for animals in the cargo hold separate from the current lost baggage claim system.  If and when a companion animal is injured, lost, or killed, the airlines are required to investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident, and take the necessary remedial action to prevent or minimize its occurrence in the future.  

“In theory this should lead to safer track records for airlines transporting animals, but do you want your companion animal to be the guinea pig in helping the airlines get there,” questions Weisberg.  “We had hoped the airline industry would have recognized the flourishing market for pet travel, and supported the upgraded cargo hold requirement.  Certainly, pet owners are willing to pay for the cost of a seat for their companion.  In the alternative, we suggested that airlines set aside an area in the cabin to safely store one or two kennel cabs.”  The airlines dismissed these ideas at the time.

Polish Air (LOT) has a 8 KG (17.6 lb) limit on carry-ons, so I expect Yogi would have to go in the cargo hold. There is no indication that they have a special cargo provision for pets.

POLISH AIR (http://www.lot.com/Portal/EN/aspx/Contact__FAQ_1342.aspx) says:

LOT Polish Airlines allow animals (dogs and cats only) to be transported as checked baggage in the passengers' cabin or in the aircraft's hold. The animal can be accepted for a carriage provided the following requirements are met:

Veterinary Vaccination Book, an Animal's Health Certificate and other documents required by the country of departure, destination or transit to be presented to the respective authorities;

Carriage must be performed in a suitable container in compliance with the size an weight of the animal;

The weight of the animal carried on board may not exceed 8 kilograms conteiner included;

If Craig must change aircraft on his journey, the problems magnify!.

The ASPCA has a good Pet Travel Check List (http://www.aspca.org/site/PageServer?pagename=pets_airtraveltips) that has good suggestions to minimize the risk to pets on air planes.

Sorry I could not be the bearer of better news,

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 05:31:19 AM

It's pretty hard to quibble with bk's list; I think the highlights of the genre.

I would just mention two films which are not great, but guilty pleasures nonetheless: Dave, and The American President.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 06:23:23 AM
Good Morning!

I'm up... I'm up...

And after basically two weeks straight of having to awaken in the wee hours of the morning - well, "wee" for me - I have to say, I'm still not used to it.  But, heck, I only have three more weeks of this go.  For now.  ;)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 06:23:52 AM
And today's breakfast selection: yogurt and granola.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 06:24:50 AM
Hmm... As for the Topic of the Day... What bk and DR singdaw said.  For now.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 06:27:35 AM
DR MusicGuy - You mentioned Daniel Craig, nude and tied to a chair last night...  Do you have a copy of this?:


Bond on Set: Filming Casino Royale (http://www.amazon.com/Bond-Set-Filming-Casino-Royale/dp/0756622727/ref=pd_bbs_9/103-4997729-8163855?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1174306371&sr=8-9)

It's actually quite a nice behind-the-scene look at the movie.  And the photography is quite nice.  As is Mr. Craig.  Especially in the torture scene set-ups.  ;)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 06:31:02 AM
Well, I think that's about it for me for now.  I have to get ready to head downtown to hear those "Tapping feet" and singing voices.  Alas, I'll be working on 26th Street and not 42nd.  But at least they'll be singing about and from 42nd Street.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Michael on March 19, 2007, 06:32:15 AM
I don't think I can add to the above list, but I suppose Mr. Smith Goes To Washington but I have never actually seen the movie except for the climatic seen where he collaspes after doing the fillerbuster. (sp?)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: elmore3003 on March 19, 2007, 06:46:36 AM
Good morning, all!  I have to deal with the bank this morning, something I could not do on Saturday, and my schedule for the day has gone to hell.  I've also got a few estate matters requiring phone inquiries, and then I have to finalize the mix for ONCE UPON A MATTRESS at noon. I will have to pass up a trek to Toyland this morning that I'd already planned.

I got an email from Donna Lynn Champlin that she and Michelle Pawk are in an Off-off-Broadway production of DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS, which I've never seen as a play or a movie, so I need to make plans for that.

TOD: Oliver Stone's  JFK is too full of lies and homophobia, glorifying pedophile Jim Garrison as a straight hero and his homophobic charges against Clay Shaw, for me to ever appreciate anything about Mr Stone's work.  I do like ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN and THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE (original) enormously.  I'd also thrown in TOKILL A MOCKINGBIRD, INHERIT THE WIND, and, for political satire, LI'L ABNER and, for crimes against humanity, OH, WHAT A LOVELY WAR!

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 06:51:05 AM
Oh... And just to put this out there...

As for "Grease..." and "American Idol":  People - like DR Jennifer (and I'm not singling you out, DR Jennifer) - have complained that some contestants get more air time than others. Consequently, you - and "America" - do not get a chance to know them.

What one has to keep in mind is that those contestants do have a lot of control over what gets on camera.  And what does not.  They choose which parts of their life they wish to talk about.  Or not talk about.  Conversely, their parents, brothers, sisters, friends, teachers, coaches, etc., also have a choice as to whether or not they want to be on camera (they have to sign a release), and as to what to say about the contestants if they do choose to be on camera.

There are some private people out there.  People who do not want their face plastered over millions of TV sets.  People who do not want to be put up for some admiration and/or ridicule - most likely ridicule.

So, just because we don't see and hear about a particular contestant and their background doesn't necessarily mean that the producers of the show may not have totally made that decision.  The contestant may have simply chosen not to be so open and forthcoming about their background.  And there's nothing wrong or right about that.

In a "real Broadway audition", when someone walks into a room, all the people behind the table have to go on is a picture and resume, and the song(s) and monologue(s) that that person presents at that time.  -And, yes, we go by their reputation - good or bad - too.  We do not know whether or not they were fat when they growing up.  We do not know whether or not they had just recovered from some disease.  We do not know that their parents are praying for them.  All we know - and all we want to know - is how talented they are according to how they came across in their audition.  -Hearing about the tribulations and triumphs of their life comes after the fact, if at all.

What has really gotten to me about shows like "American Idol" and "Grease...." is that people are judging these contestants on parts of their life that may or may not have any bearing on just how talented they are.  And the shows are set up that way.  There is manipulation going on from every side - including from the contestants.  Does telling America that you came from a small town in the middle of nowhere a pre-requisite for having a beautiful voice?  Does telling a panel of judges that you LOVE singing and dancing mean that you can do eight shows a week?  Does knowing that you have a child mean your album will go right to #1?  No.

Unfortunately, I have a sense that some contestants may have been penalized in a sense by choosing not to be so open about their life.  And/or having friends and family who did not want to be put into the public eye.

Is there anything wrong with wanting and choosing to be primarily judged/chosen based on your talent alone?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 06:54:57 AM

I got an email from Donna Lynn Champlin that she and Michelle Pawk are in an Off-off-Broadway production of DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS, which I've never seen as a play or a movie, so I need to make plans for that.

That production is being presented by The Transport Group which happens to be run - and directed - by a dear friend of mine, Jack Cummings, III.  I was planning on seeing the show - and Jack usually offers me comps, so... We'll talk.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 06:55:21 AM
And now I really must get ready to head downtown.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ben on March 19, 2007, 07:00:22 AM
Fred, love the new avatar. Toby and Dylan represent you very well.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:01:21 AM
Is Jack Cummings III related to the MGM Jack Cummings?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:02:53 AM
Great and faboo and divoon party news from MR BK in the notes.  It seems a good time was had by ALL!!

Loved MBARNUM's home environment photos - pets included.

Loved the kitty pics.  

Congrats to DR MISS KAREN on 1000 posts!

And I am sure that the dinner with DR CASON and HEATHER will be just as lovely as the party last night.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:05:29 AM
And....well....to be brutally honest:

I don't even WANT a revival of GREASE!  Let alone want any of those people littering up the stage with their "performing."  The idea of casting a show via a television show (funny that DR FJL should mention QUEEN FOR A DAY!) is ludicrous.  
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:07:01 AM
I really dislike the First Place TAR team from last night.

But because of the delay, I did get to see about 40 minutes of GREASE:YTOTIW.

Who will go to see that show?  Is it a tourist show?  Do people who lived in NYC actually WANT to see it?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:07:46 AM
Yes, DR ELMORE - I now have in my possession a copy of THE SKIN OF OUR TEETH.....it is getting nearer to my television as the days go by...but I am very afraid.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:13:03 AM
DR ELMORE - "The Dark at the Top of the Stairs" is my second favorite William Inge play....very very close to "Picnic."

The movie with Robert Preston and Dorothy McGuire and Eve Arden is terrific.  There are a couple of subplots that are heart-breaking.  There are just some REAL people up there.

AND I am so glad the production company didn't decide to cast the play by producing a television show.  

STAIRS dialog:

Lottie:  My friend told me that the basement of the Catholic churches are just filled with guns, and they're just waiting for the word from the Pope to rise up and kill all the Protestant women.

Rubin:  You know Lottie, sometimes I think you're just too ignorant to live.


Lottie:  You know the way our parents kept warning us about the way men are....scarin' us to death?  Well I swear the first night Morris and I were together alone, I thought Momma and Daddy had been lying to us.


Rubin:  Be careful, Lottie.  Don't let any Catholics get ya on the way home!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 19, 2007, 07:14:53 AM
Good morning. That is all.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:14:55 AM

State of the Union
The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
Advise and Consent
The Farmer's Daughter
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Dan (the Man) on March 19, 2007, 07:18:15 AM

I like all the films mentioned so far.  I'll add to the list:

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:18:29 AM
Dark at the Top of the Stairs Page Two Dance.

And yes that IS Angela Lansbury with Mr Preston.   8)

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Dan (the Man) on March 19, 2007, 07:21:48 AM
Yes, DR ELMORE - I now have in my possession a copy of THE SKIN OF OUR TEETH.....it is getting nearer to my television as the days go by...but I am very afraid.

DR JRand--let go of your fear and become free!  Swing on the trapeze!  Become one of us!  Learn to love your inner stage dinosaur!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Dan (the Man) on March 19, 2007, 07:23:57 AM
I always confuse DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS with ALL THE WAY HOME.  It's been years since I've seen either.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Dan (the Man) on March 19, 2007, 07:41:44 AM
Re:  TAR

*****  SPOILERS   *****

I really dislike the team that won last night, too, but I guess I didn't mind them coming in first since it was a non-elimination race  (which I was also glad for since I like the last place team that was not eliminated.)

I'm getting a little annoyed at the amount of air travel time they are doing in this season.  I guess I can understand that they are in South America and that it's a continent that pretty much requires flying to get to various locations, but sheesh!--it seems that it's been nothing but go to the airport--search for a clue--go to another airport--do a Roadblock--go to another airport--do a Detour--run for the Pitstop in every episode.

And next week there's some drama involvong another air flight!  (And btw, I'm surprised how bland a team Eric and Danielle make.  With their former team members, they were pretty amusing.  But these two are dullsville as far as I'm concerned.)

Right now, I think Danny and Oswald are the team to beat, but I am pulling for the Beauty Queens (who really need to start keeping their brains running all the time.)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 07:49:53 AM
the Beauty Queens

Are they of Leenane?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:53:06 AM
Thunder in Indiana.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 07:54:20 AM
Ben, Dakota and George - Thanks for the avatar comments.  

Now that it seems we know what we're doing with photos, a monster may have been created.  :)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:54:36 AM
I always confuse DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS with ALL THE WAY HOME.  It's been years since I've seen either.

Very similar settings and both have Robert Preston....STAIRS is in color.....and has Lee Kinsolving.  ;D
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:54:52 AM
I will try to embrace my inner dinosaur today.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 07:55:13 AM
I just don't get this pixel stuff.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:55:30 AM
Yes, lovely doggie avatar, DR FJL.

I think I will turn off the computer and let the storm pass by.....not the parade...but the storm.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Dan (the Man) on March 19, 2007, 07:56:39 AM
Are they of Leenane?

Aye, naught!  Neither wonna them be a fat bloody coaw.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: elmore3003 on March 19, 2007, 07:58:47 AM
Thunder in Indiana.

Try Beano?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 08:06:15 AM
OK, DR elmore3003, I'm finally going to ask -

Please explain the Toyland reference?

Thanks - :)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:06:22 AM
Thanks, JRand.

And I think I'm going to embrace my inner dinahshore today.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 08:07:32 AM
And I'm assuming it's not a naughty store in the West Village...
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 08:08:10 AM
I'm going to embrace my inner dinahshore today.

 ;D ;D
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ben on March 19, 2007, 08:21:03 AM
Larry isn't on right now and he can give a more complete detailing of his work, but he's working on a reconstruction of Babes in Toyland, the Victor Herbert 1903 Broadway extravaganza. The project is supported by the Packard Humanities Foundation. The work hasn't been released yet but those of us who know all the hard work that has gone into this project wait with baited breath for a complete recording and booklet explaining one of the early Broadway hits.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ben on March 19, 2007, 08:21:37 AM
You're right, it's not Toys in Babeland  ;D
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Adriana Patti on March 19, 2007, 08:24:33 AM
Good morning everyone-
Have a lovely day!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 08:32:36 AM
Cool!  Thanks, DR Ben.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 08:37:52 AM
Good morning!

Chilly here this morning but it's warming up to the 60s later today, and it should be sweater weather when I go out to lunch.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Cillaliz on March 19, 2007, 08:39:51 AM
Good morning all.  Well I'm not going to prison today. Boo has been throwing up a lot lately. Well, she has always done that occasionally, but the past few days it's been every time she eats.  When I cleaned I found a couple spots I'd missed - all undigested food so not a gross as it sounds.  

I also noticed over the weekend she isn't using her box as much as usual, so I have postponed the prison visits and we have an appointment in an hour at the vet. This will be our second trip for urping issues. Hopefully we can figure out the problem. The poor thing needs to eat.

No, she didn't get any bad food that I know of.  They eat Science Diet Savory Entrees which are different from Science Diet Savory Cuts (or is it Savory Select Cuts - that's on the list).
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Cillaliz on March 19, 2007, 08:41:24 AM
Right now I'm at the office and since I was running late and had to bring breakfast today, I shall carry on in the tradition of Ben and sign off to go wash my oatmeal bowl.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 08:45:53 AM
Since so many H/Ks appear to eat oatmeal on a daily basis, we ought to do a survey to find out what the most recommended brands are!  :)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 08:46:36 AM
DR JRand, I agree that casting a stage musical via TV auditions/game show is unconventional to say the least, but I'm not so sure it's ludicrous. The NBC series has been poorly produced, it's true, but they've had real talent on that stage, and for me, that's NEVER to be snickered at.

The initial foray into this unconventional method of casting - THE SOUND OF MUSIC reality show that led to its revival in London - worked like gangbusters over there. The show is a smash hit and a new star was born. I don't blame them for trying it over here, too, since the IDOL format has gone over so well there and here.

But GREASE is coming back too soon, I think, and I don't expect the show to run long. I think they were limited, however, by trying to find a very popular show that would connect with mainstream America as a TV vehicle first and then as a tourist show for Broadway. WEST SIDE STORY might have worked better since it hasn't been revived as recently as GREASE.

And, if nothing else, we've gotten to see a crop of talented guys and gals that I might never have gotten a chance to see. I hope some TV casting agents have been watching.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 08:46:46 AM
Cillaliz, sorry to hear about BOO...

And **quick diagnosis and recovery** vibes!!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 08:49:33 AM
The entire CBS slate of shows tonight are new, so I'll be tuning in HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER and OLD CHRISTINE along with CSI: MIAMI.

'24' is a new episode.

I'm sure some of you will be watching the return of DANCING WITH THE STARS, but I don't watch that show.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 08:51:44 AM
I have only last night's WITHOUT A TRACE left to watch on the DVR, so I'll be DVDing it today. Exactly what I'll watch will depend on what comes in the mail.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 08:54:03 AM
Page Three Hermione, Ron, and Harry Dance!!!

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ginny on March 19, 2007, 09:02:51 AM
Monday morning greetings!  Today's my day off, so I'll be running errands, working on the AAUW/Ohio state convention (which is just a month away - yikes!), and accompanying my DH Richard to a shape-note singing demo that his Dayton group is going at one of the branches of my library system.


The American President
Cradle Will Rock
Quiz Show - that one may be a stretch, but there are Congressional hearings...
Meet John Doe
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 09:08:28 AM
I'd have to put THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE at the top of my political movies list. ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN also ranks right up there.

Would JUDGMENT AT NUREMBERG qualify? If so, it ranks near the top as well.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 09:10:45 AM
Speaking of Hermione, I read that actress Emma Watson has declined to participate in the final POTTER films past the one that's opening this summer.

I haven't read the last two books, so I have to assume that Hermione doesn't die in THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jeanne on March 19, 2007, 09:14:47 AM
[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]WRITING VIBES TO BK...[/move]
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: elmore3003 on March 19, 2007, 09:15:32 AM
OK, DR elmore3003, I'm finally going to ask -

Please explain the Toyland reference?

Thanks - :)

I'm grateful to DR Ben for his explanation since it saves me from patting myself on the back.  I've been editing a new performance/critical edition of BABES IN TOYLAND for the Packard Humanities Institute.  I've been assisted by DR FJL's partner Skip, and some other wonderful musicians, copyists, and scholars.  

The orchestra score will be two volumes: final text of the Sept 1904 first-class tour with appendices of all cut material written between March 1903 and 1905 and the later rewrites that became part of the version that Tams-Witmark rents to today.  Volume Two will be everything else related to Toyland from a Victor Herbert concert overture to the German operetta version Spielland for which no lyrics currrently exist to a 1923 revue sketch Toyland Today, which contains a cynical foxtrot version of "Toyland" similar to Shostakovich's version of "Tea For Two." The volume also will contain all the stock orchestra dance medleys, selections, and palm court arrangements done by Herbert's associate and orchestrator Otto Langey.  Hopefully, there will also be a new libretto and vocal score for this edition.

In 2001, John McGlinn recorded 3 CD's worth of music for BABES, but he missed some things, such as a missing comedy number that I discovered at the Library of Congress in 2003.  Thesediscs have yet to be released.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 09:33:59 AM
In addition to the others mentioned, does ELECTION count for the TOD?  (Or was that already mentioned?)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 09:37:31 AM
I don't think I can add to the above list, but I suppose Mr. Smith Goes To Washington but I have never actually seen the movie except for the climatic seen where he collaspes after doing the fillerbuster. (sp?)

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is on my list, too, and:
3 Days of the Condor
Good Night, and Good Luck
All the President's Men
Wag the Dog
Fahrenheit 9/11
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 09:43:00 AM
The original, not the remake.

Yes, the original is a classic...the remake  :P
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 09:46:54 AM
Heading down now to clean up for lunch later.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ginny on March 19, 2007, 09:48:29 AM
Off to do errands in the SW Ohio dreariness.

Bye for now.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 09:49:13 AM
I'm grateful to DR Ben for his explanation since it saves me from patting myself on the back.  I've been editing a new performance/critical edition of BABES IN TOYLAND for the Packard Humanities Institute.  I've been assisted by DR FJL's partner Skip, and some other wonderful musicians, copyists, and scholars.  

The orchestra score will be two volumes: final text of the Sept 1904 first-class tour with appendices of all cut material written between March 1903 and 1905 and the later rewrites that became part of the version that Tams-Witmark rents to today.  Volume Two will be everything else related to Toyland from a Victor Herbert concert overture to the German operetta version Spielland for which no lyrics currrently exist to a 1923 revue sketch Toyland Today, which contains a cynical foxtrot version of "Toyland" similar to Shostakovich's version of "Tea For Two." The volume also will contain all the stock orchestra dance medleys, selections, and palm court arrangements done by Herbert's associate and orchestrator Otto Langey.  Hopefully, there will also be a new libretto and vocal score for this edition.

In 2001, John McGlinn recorded 3 CD's worth of music for BABES, but he missed some things, such as a missing comedy number that I discovered at the Library of Congress in 2003.  Thesediscs have yet to be released.

Listen to you, you little musical genius, you -- you make me so proud to have you as a friend.   :-*
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Dan (the Man) on March 19, 2007, 09:50:56 AM
[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]* * * * *  HEALTH VIBES FOR DC BOO  * * * * *  [/move]
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 19, 2007, 09:51:34 AM
« Reply #389 on: Yesterday at 09:49:52pm »  

Quote from: FJL on Yesterday at 09:48:44pm
It's official:  Patti LuPone will play Rose in GYPSY at City Center trhis summer.  ARTHUR LAURENTS will direct.

To which François replied:
Good casting but.... GYPSY again?!?!?

What about a drag version of it for a change?!

Which part of "Patti LuPone will play Rose" wasn't clear to you?


Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 09:53:37 AM
DR FJL -- Awwwww, how cuuuute to your avatar -- but why aren't you in the picture with them...just like DR Naomi needs to be in the tank with his fish ? ...we want to see your smiley faces (and not the icons, your real faces)...
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 09:57:14 AM
Healthy Vibes...and Happy Vibes ... to all DRers and their families, their pets and themselves

Everybody be well and happy out there!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 19, 2007, 09:57:59 AM
Oh... And just to put this out there...

Does telling America that you came from a small town in the middle of nowhere a pre-requisite for having a beautiful voice?  Does telling a panel of judges that you LOVE singing and dancing mean that you can do eight shows a week?  Does knowing that you have a child mean your album will go right to #1?  No.

Does being hunky or cute or "just the sweetest thing" mean that this person -- in real life -- would ever have anything to do with the voters who cast hundreds of votes each week just for their "crush"?  

No.  In fact, most would run from their fans screaming in terror.

Talent should be the ONLY factor.  And most voters should wake up and check their hormones.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 19, 2007, 09:58:35 AM
Everybody be well and happy out there!

Thanks, Sarge!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 09:59:03 AM
...wish I could go to dinner tonight with Boo-Key, his ever lovin' and our fearless leader ... :'(
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 10:00:28 AM
Thanks, Sarge!

Now, hit the ground and give me sixty!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 19, 2007, 10:02:06 AM
Good morning. That is all.

Insufficient data....
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 10:08:41 AM
Oh... And just to put this out there...

As for "Grease..." and "American Idol":  People - like DR Jennifer (and I'm not singling you out, DR Jennifer) - have complained that some contestants get more air time than others. Consequently, you - and "America" - do not get a chance to know them.

What one has to keep in mind is that those contestants do have a lot of control over what gets on camera.  And what does not.  They choose which parts of their life they wish to talk about.  Or not talk about.  Conversely, their parents, brothers, sisters, friends, teachers, coaches, etc., also have a choice as to whether or not they want to be on camera (they have to sign a release), and as to what to say about the contestants if they do choose to be on camera.

There are some private people out there.  People who do not want their face plastered over millions of TV sets.  People who do not want to be put up for some admiration and/or ridicule - most likely ridicule.

So, just because we don't see and hear about a particular contestant and their background doesn't necessarily mean that the producers of the show may not have totally made that decision.  The contestant may have simply chosen not to be so open and forthcoming about their background.  And there's nothing wrong or right about that.

In a "real Broadway audition", when someone walks into a room, all the people behind the table have to go on is a picture and resume, and the song(s) and monologue(s) that that person presents at that time.  -And, yes, we go by their reputation - good or bad - too.  We do not know whether or not they were fat when they growing up.  We do not know whether or not they had just recovered from some disease.  We do not know that their parents are praying for them.  All we know - and all we want to know - is how talented they are according to how they came across in their audition.  -Hearing about the tribulations and triumphs of their life comes after the fact, if at all.

What has really gotten to me about shows like "American Idol" and "Grease...." is that people are judging these contestants on parts of their life that may or may not have any bearing on just how talented they are.  And the shows are set up that way.  There is manipulation going on from every side - including from the contestants.  Does telling America that you came from a small town in the middle of nowhere a pre-requisite for having a beautiful voice?  Does telling a panel of judges that you LOVE singing and dancing mean that you can do eight shows a week?  Does knowing that you have a child mean your album will go right to #1?  No.

Unfortunately, I have a sense that some contestants may have been penalized in a sense by choosing not to be so open about their life.  And/or having friends and family who did not want to be put into the public eye.

Is there anything wrong with wanting and choosing to be primarily judged/chosen based on your talent alone?

Amen, brother!  I personally do like like being manipulated, so the more sappy the story, the more that contestant turns me off.  True talent is what turns me on -- if I want a soap opera, I'll turn one on during the day -- but hey, it's reality (albeit scripted and edited) TV  -- and we're eatin' it up!  ... hook, line and sinker!  Hee-Hah!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 10:11:43 AM
If we're including documentaries with a political theme, then Point of Order.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 10:12:08 AM
It's very gray out again - which means I may not jog again.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 10:12:19 AM
Oh, and I'm up again.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 10:13:58 AM
I think dear reader Jose's post about Grease was perfectly put.  In a real audition, people are judged on their talent.  Period.  But TV is TV and they need the drama - nothing has changed since the days of Queen For A Day - it's just slicker and more obnoxious and a lot more blatant.  
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 10:14:23 AM
Amen, brother!  I personally do like like being manipulated, so the more sappy the story, the more that contestant turns me off.  True talent is what turns me on -- if I want a soap opera, I'll turn one on during the day -- but hey, it's reality (albeit scripted and edited) TV  -- and we're eatin' it up!  ... hook, line and sinker!  Hee-Hah!

Of course, if DR Jane was on AI and showed us that baby picture of Sherlock, I'd be text-messaging like a fool...
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 10:16:43 AM
It's interesting to me that Hairspray the film is now doing exactly what Dreamgirls the film did - i.e. after some clips were shown at Show West, they are sending people all over the Internet to create positive, glowing buzz (and the people include composer Marc Shaiman, who posts on both of the big B'way boards).  This little tactic backfired on Dreamgirls ultimately, and if Hairspray continues to go down that road, it will backfire on them.  Let people find the movie.  
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 10:24:13 AM
Page flip
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 10:24:31 AM
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 10:24:56 AM

(although five went much better with jive...)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 10:25:48 AM
..or I should say the Page Five (I mean Four) Hand Jive in honor of DR ELmo!!

(are four hands better than one, Dr Elmo?)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 10:28:25 AM
...so much for my break, back to the study packet...
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 10:31:35 AM

The American President
Cradle Will Rock
Quiz Show - that one may be a stretch, but there are Congressional hearings...
Meet John Doe

I forgot about "Cradle Will Rock."  I like that movie.  I remember watching (and taping) the PBS broadcast of the stage production with John Houseman's introduction.  I LOVED that. ;D
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 10:35:07 AM
Miss Karen - I haven't had a decent photo of me smiling in many years.  Maybe I'll eventually put up that photo from 15 years ago which looks like Ron Pulliam's brother - if I can ever figger out how to work the scanner.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 10:36:56 AM
It's work time...until later!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 10:39:34 AM
Miss Karen - I haven't had a decent photo of me smiling in many years.  Maybe I'll eventually put up that photo from 15 years ago which looks like Ron Pulliam's brother - if I can ever figger out how to work the scanner.


What's a scanner?   ;)   If it weren't for Case, my avatar would still be the little gold stars sitting on top of a tiny computer.....
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 10:43:39 AM

spooo!  I keep doing that -- jumping ahead in the page numbers!  What a doof! Now I need to go back and edit then correctly! ERG!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 19, 2007, 10:43:41 AM
It's interesting to me that Hairspray the film is now doing exactly what Dreamgirls the film did - This little tactic backfired on Dreamgirls ultimately, and if Hairspray continues to go down that road, it will backfire on them.  Let people find the movie.  

Dreamgirls boxoffice, as of March 15, 2007:

Domestic:  $102,706,394    70.1%
Foreign:  $43,871,874    29.9%
= Worldwide:  $146,578,268  

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 10:53:13 AM
Dreamgirls boxoffice, as of March 15, 2007:

Domestic:  $102,706,394    70.1%
Foreign:  $43,871,874    29.9%
= Worldwide:  $146,578,268  

Post numbers again at the end of the year.  If you were to have posted Phantom of the Opera's grosses at this point from the same source, you would have posted about 85 mil for domestic and about 40 foreign.  At the end of one year, you would have had to amend your post and say SPOO, because the domestic was, in reality about 55 mil and the foreign was about 25 or something.  

But, let's say those Dreamgirls figures hold - the film is still a financial failure and not a small one - the simple Hollywood box-office rule of thumb is a film has to make two-and-a-half times its production costs, which, in the case of Dreamgirls was about 80 mil, from what I've seen.  The math is simple.  

The only people who will see profit from Dreamgirls are the composer/lyricists - the album has done fine and they make their publishing.  When you add on the at least fifty mil Dreamworks/Paramount spent (probably more) on over-publicizing the film, well, even if the DVD sells a million units it's not going to break even - not anywhere near.  And it did not gross that amount of money domestically - I said it about POTO and I was right, and I'm saying it about Dreamgirls.  This has nothing to do with the film itself - this is strictly about box-office and how studios and these silly box-office sites get it wrong (the studios reasons are obvious).

And the reason reality finally sets in at the end of the day is because they have to actually present real numbers to their shareholders.  That, or present them with a nice check.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 10:56:46 AM
Jersey Boys has announced more tour dates and there will, as I read it, be two additional companies sent out (if I'm mis-reading it, then it's one additional company).  And our very own Merissa Haddad is being flown to NY at this very moment for her callback for one of those companies.  Excellent vibes and xylophones to her.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Cillaliz on March 19, 2007, 10:57:50 AM

The only people who will see profit from Dreamgirls are the composer/lyricists - the album has done fine and they make their publishing.

It's not every day that the composer/lyricists come out ahead of everyone else.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jennifer on March 19, 2007, 11:06:59 AM

I agree with many things that DRs Jose and George said about last night's show.  I do think that on paper austin might be the more talented. But to me (and ashley does this too) it always seems like they are acting. I never feel their emotion or think they are the characters.  And this is a huge problem for me.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Cillaliz on March 19, 2007, 11:08:10 AM
Thanks for the vibes for Boo. We have been to the vet. She has lost weight, down to 7.6 pounds from 8.2 pounds.  The vet said if we really want to get a definitive diagnosis we can do an endoscopy and see what's happening. OR, I can change her food and see if that helps.  Hopefully it's a food sensitivity thing.  

The vet recommended Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance.   Since they don't sell it, I decided to try it.  Boo has eaten a little and so far so good.  Callie had to try it and she loved it too.  So, we may be having Natural Balance in our house now. It's been about a half hour since Boo ate, so I think we're ok for now. I'm going to go back to work and see how things are tonight.


Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: MBarnum on March 19, 2007, 11:16:11 AM
I knew someday it would happen...and today was the day....I accidently used my hair product on my face thinking it was moisturizing cream.

It took me a little over a half hour to figure out why my face felt so strange and stiff.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: MBarnum on March 19, 2007, 11:18:25 AM
Of course with that  glue like substance covering my face at least my skin won't flake, like it does when it gets too dry. Of course if someone were to hit me in the face it would be just like Vincent Price in HOUSE OF WAX.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 11:18:35 AM
Oddly, in the theater, there are cases of shows running and running and running and not making their investment back, where the investors don't even get paid back their entire investment, but the writers and director have gotten their advances and contractual weekly minimums, and have made a good living that way, at least for the run of the show.  We're certainly not complaining about that, though, and there are just as many (if not more) cases where the writers have been asked to waive their minimums.  
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: MBarnum on March 19, 2007, 11:19:30 AM
Mega vibes for Boo!! Let us hope that Dick Van Patten returns Boo to good health!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 11:21:49 AM
Don't-harm-that-face vibes for MBarnum
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 19, 2007, 11:22:02 AM
LOL, MBarnum!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 19, 2007, 11:22:33 AM
I hope the new food is just what Boo needs.

Those free cats can sometimes be the most expensive ones!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 11:22:35 AM
Healthy vibes for Boo
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 11:26:05 AM
Don't smile DR MBARNUM or you will look like dear Miss Allison at the end of THE HYPNOTIC EYE!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Dan (the Man) on March 19, 2007, 11:26:16 AM
It took me a little over a half hour to figure out why my face felt so strange and stiff.

Hmmm...are you sure it was hair product you applied to your face?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 11:27:12 AM
Good news about Boo from DR CILLA LIZ.

Vibes for Marissa.....JERSEY BOYS, indeed.

And DR MATTH - I agree with your "too soon" diagnosis on a Broadway revival of GREASE.  But for me 2090 would be too soon for such an enterprise.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 11:27:29 AM
Interesting SOUTH PACIFIC discussion linked by DR RLP yesterday.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jeanne on March 19, 2007, 11:27:42 AM
I knew someday it would happen...and today was the day....I accidently used my hair product on my face thinking it was moisturizing cream.

It took me a little over a half hour to figure out why my face felt so strange and stiff.

LOL, MBARNUM. I think most of us have done something similar once.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 11:29:21 AM
Bet you didn't know I was a BIG movie cowboy back in the day, didja?


Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jennifer on March 19, 2007, 11:29:46 AM
Vibes to boo. ~~~~~~
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 11:30:13 AM
DR ELMORE - "The Dark at the Top of the Stairs" is my second favorite William Inge play....very very close to "Picnic."

The movie with Robert Preston and Dorothy McGuire and Eve Arden is terrific.  There are a couple of subplots that are heart-breaking.  There are just some REAL people up there.


DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS is my favorite Inge play; and the movie is wonderful.  In addition to those mentioned by Jrand56, Angela Lansbury, Shirley Knight, Robert Eyer, and the incredible Lee Kinsolving give superb performances.  I also liked the additional scenes / subplots written into the film.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 11:32:21 AM
Watched some episodes of Hawaiian Eye and Surfside Six last night, courtesy DR MBARNUM.

John Gabriel sings!  All nice episodes.  SURFSIDE SIX suffers especially from rear projection sequences featuring the cast.  And the Leslie Parrish episode would have been MUCH more enjoyable without John Beradino in his swim trunks.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 11:38:19 AM
...wish I could go to dinner tonight with Boo-Key, his ever lovin' and our fearless leader ... :'(

You aren't the only one!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 11:41:41 AM
Haven't heard a bloody peep from anyone - not from Margaret, not from the pressing plant lady -
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Dan (the Man) on March 19, 2007, 11:42:00 AM
Watched some episodes of Hawaiian Eye and Surfside Six last night, courtesy DR MBARNUM.

John Gabriel sings!  All nice episodes.  SURFSIDE SIX suffers especially from rear projection sequences featuring the cast.  And the Leslie Parrish episode would have been MUCH more enjoyable without John Beradino in his swim trunks.

Well, it being the early 60s and all, I don't think national television audiences were ready for John Beradino without his swim trunks.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matthew on March 19, 2007, 11:43:05 AM
Meal one of the "Extreme Body Make-Over" project consisted of two 2oz. turkey sausage patties (no fat, no salt) and 1 medium potato.  First reaction, bland bland - a little "I Can't Believe It's not Butter" spray butter (no fat, no calories a little sodium) and some pepper, it was eatable.  Thank God for the coffee. (black of course) Mid-morning snack, more protein and fruit.  How does protein and fruit go together.  Lots of imagination required.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 11:44:22 AM
Well, it being the early 60s and all, I don't think national television audiences were ready for John Beradino without his swim trunks.


Lordy...I had never considered THAT alternative, you are of course, correct.  8)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 11:44:48 AM
Haven't heard a bloody peep from anyone - not from Margaret, not from the pressing plant lady -

Must be the waxing moon....  8)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 19, 2007, 11:47:07 AM
Interesting SOUTH PACIFIC discussion linked by DR RLP yesterday.

The link was to my post....the discussion was just a byproduct.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 11:47:29 AM
Hmmm.....another vote for POINT OF ORDER.

ALL THE KINGS MEN (original)


and has the political subtext in ATTACK OF THE 50 FOOT WOMAN ever been explored fully?

And CLEOPATRA was full of political shenanigans.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 11:47:52 AM
The link was to my post....the discussion was just a byproduct.

well....nice post...  ;D
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 11:49:10 AM
Thanks for the vibes for Boo. We have been to the vet. She has lost weight, down to 7.6 pounds from 8.2 pounds.  The vet said if we really want to get a definitive diagnosis we can do an endoscopy and see what's happening. OR, I can change her food and see if that helps.  Hopefully it's a food sensitivity thing.  

The vet recommended Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance.   Since they don't sell it, I decided to try it.  Boo has eaten a little and so far so good.  Callie had to try it and she loved it too.  So, we may be having Natural Balance in our house now. It's been about a half hour since Boo ate, so I think we're ok for now. I'm going to go back to work and see how things are tonight.


Cillaliz, I would, of course, do what your vet suggests; but I will never be able to thank Science Diet enough for their "Sensitive Stomach" Adult Cat Food.  It has given me back my beautiful girl, Angel, when I thought I would loose her over a year ago.  She now throws up only hairballs, and she has packed on a lot of healthy weight.  It might be worh keeping in mind.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 11:50:55 AM
I will try to embrace my inner dinosaur today.

As I'm sure you all know, I embrace mine every day.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Dan (the Man) on March 19, 2007, 11:53:52 AM
Good news for Boo, but I'm also a bit amused by the idea of Dick Van Patten putting his name on cans of cat food.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 19, 2007, 11:54:15 AM
well....nice post...  ;D

I'll take that as a compliment...especially given your feelings about Mitzi!

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Cillaliz on March 19, 2007, 11:56:26 AM
Cillaliz, I would, of course, do what your vet suggests; but I will never be able to thank Science Diet enough for their "Sensitive Stomach" Adult Cat Food.  It has given me back my beautiful girl, Angel, when I thought I would lose her over a year ago.  She now throws up only hairballs, and she has packed on a lot of healthy weight.  It might be worh keeping in mind.

I think I actually used that for awhile and switched to Indoor Cat thinking I was doing them a favor nutrition wise. They both dove right in to the new food I got today. I gave Boo some right away - not too much and not too quickly. She ate it and a half hour later when I hadn't heard or seen her getting sick, I gave her a little more.  The price is close to the same, so I'll see how this goes and will keep Sensitive Stomach in mind
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 11:56:35 AM
I knew someday it would happen...and today was the day....I accidently used my hair product on my face thinking it was moisturizing cream.

It took me a little over a half hour to figure out why my face felt so strange and stiff.

Ahh, can I borrow that product?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 12:01:57 PM
Good Afternoon!

OH! Those Tapping Feet!!!

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 19, 2007, 12:02:10 PM
Good news for Boo, but I'm also a bit amused by the idea of Dick Van Patten putting his name on cans of cat food.

Given that he's a huge ham.....
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Cillaliz on March 19, 2007, 12:02:44 PM
Good news for Boo, but I'm also a bit amused by the idea of Dick Van Patten putting his name on cans of cat food.

Here's a link if you're interested. http://www.naturalbalanceinc.com/

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 19, 2007, 12:03:10 PM
Good Afternoon!

OH! Those Tapping Feet!!!


Makes you want to watch an Ann Miller routine...500 taps per minute!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 12:03:51 PM
And speaking of Grease... Sitting about seven feet away from me is the amazing Louis St. Louis, the musical director and arranger of the original Broadway production of Grease.


*And, yes, we have been talkin'.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 12:05:56 PM
Jose, did you pass on my greetings to Miss Kitt?

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 12:11:17 PM
Thanks so much for the background information, DR elmore3003 - fascinating!

That must have been most exciting when you unearthed the lost comedy number at the LoC.

I did a little research on the Packard Humanities Institute.  Very interesting...
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 12:12:48 PM
I'll take that as a compliment...especially given your feelings about Mitzi!


In the BIOGRAPHY of Mitzi (and maybe on the DVD) are some clips of her screen test for SOUTH PACIFIC - and she is much better and much more natural than in the movie itself.....I think it was Logan's fault.  Mitzi also has said that she couldn't say a line that was different from the line readings he gave her - so I guess what we're really seeing is Joshua Logan as Nellie Forbush.  :P
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 12:13:11 PM
Thanks for the vibes for Boo. We have been to the vet. She has lost weight, down to 7.6 pounds from 8.2 pounds.  The vet said if we really want to get a definitive diagnosis we can do an endoscopy and see what's happening. OR, I can change her food and see if that helps.  Hopefully it's a food sensitivity thing.  

The vet recommended Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance.   Since they don't sell it, I decided to try it.  Boo has eaten a little and so far so good.  Callie had to try it and she loved it too.  So, we may be having Natural Balance in our house now. It's been about a half hour since Boo ate, so I think we're ok for now. I'm going to go back to work and see how things are tonight.

~~~Continued Vibes for Boo!!~~~
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 12:14:12 PM
Michael Worcel who was in the Broadway company and several touring companies of DR JOSE's show 42nd STREET, is currently choreographing (again) the Indianapolis Civic Theater's production of the show.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 12:14:36 PM
Jose, did you pass on my greetings to Miss Kitt?

She was doing a concert in Sarasota over this past weekend, so... But when she comes back to rehearsal tomorrow, I shall pass on your greetings.

-Would you like an autograph too?  Or would she like yours?  ;)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 12:15:03 PM
Interesting discussion on the extent of editing and manipulation by the producers of the reality shows to create drama.  I wonder what the limits of their storytelling really are.  

I mean, at some point, do the producers paint themselves into corners by editing to tell "stories" that aren't supported by the audience vote tallies?  And then: do they edit and manipulate the vote tallies in the interest of the drama?  Are they really accountable to anyone?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Dan (the Man) on March 19, 2007, 12:17:19 PM
And speaking of Grease... Sitting about seven feet away from me is the amazing Louis St. Louis, the musical director and arranger of the original Broadway production of Grease.


*And, yes, we have been talkin'.

And OVER HERE! (One of my faves.)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ginny on March 19, 2007, 12:18:21 PM
I forgot about "Cradle Will Rock."  I like that movie.  I remember watching (and taping) the PBS broadcast of the stage production with John Houseman's introduction.  I LOVED that. ;D

The University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music will be doing a free production of Marc Blitzstein's The Cradle Will Rock as part of their Studio Musical Theater Series, May 10-12.  I have been interested in this piece and its controversial history ever since I did a major history paper on the Federal Theatre Project in college.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 12:18:55 PM
I knew someday it would happen...and today was the day....I accidently used my hair product on my face thinking it was moisturizing cream.

It took me a little over a half hour to figure out why my face felt so strange and stiff.

MBarnum, please know that I'm laughing with you and not at you, but...ROTFLMAO!! ;D
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 12:19:11 PM
Thanks so much for the background information, DR elmore3003 - fascinating!

That must have been most exciting when you unearthed the lost comedy number at the LoC.

...And I was there!

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ginny on March 19, 2007, 12:19:25 PM
Welcome to Page 6!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 12:20:05 PM
DR GINNY that sounds great!!!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 12:21:02 PM
Louis St. Louis

And who was it who said, "Just think...if Alice Tully had married Mr. Hall, we'd have Alice Tully Hall Hall."   :)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 12:21:32 PM
Not a peep from anyone.  I've left a message for Margaret (isn't that a Bacharach/David song) and I've sent an e-mail to the pressing plant lady, but I guess I won't be getting them by noon.  
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 12:21:47 PM
Will we never get to page seven?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 12:22:22 PM
Maybe I'll just mush on and begin the next chapter.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 12:22:39 PM
...And I was there!

Helping, or hindering?   :)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 12:22:46 PM
And OVER HERE! (One of my faves.)

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: S. Woody White on March 19, 2007, 12:23:11 PM
And the word of the day is: OMPHALOSKEPSIS!

Smoke on your pipe and put that in.

SPOOKS HIP MALES when all they see is lint.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 12:23:56 PM
Well, look at this, a full house..wish I could stay and play but I'm just taking a quick brain break and thought of another TOD movie I love:

Dr. Strangelove
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 12:24:35 PM
My LUCY DESI set arrived today!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 12:26:02 PM
HIS GIRL FRIDAY has a funny political subtext about the Mayor and his minions.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 12:30:31 PM
Jersey Boys has announced more tour dates and there will, as I read it, be two additional companies sent out (if I'm mis-reading it, then it's one additional company).  And our very own Merissa Haddad is being flown to NY at this very moment for her callback for one of those companies.  Excellent vibes and xylophones to her.

Most Excellent Vibes and Xylophones and any other Percussion Instruments for Merissa!!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: S. Woody White on March 19, 2007, 12:31:27 PM
...And I think I'm going to embrace my inner dinahshore today.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 12:32:58 PM
"Charlie's Place" from OVER HERE is one of my all-time fave instrumentals.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: S. Woody White on March 19, 2007, 12:33:43 PM
You're right, it's not Toys in Babeland  ;D
Toys in Babeland

That's the name of my next pornographic shoppe in the West Village.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 12:36:37 PM
Not a peep out of anyone.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 12:36:42 PM

I agree with many things that DRs Jose and George said about last night's show.  I do think that on paper austin might be the more talented. But to me (and ashley does this too) it always seems like they are acting. I never feel their emotion or think they are the characters.  And this is a huge problem for me.

I was thinking about this and was wondering if it really would matter in a theater.  I mean, during this competition, we can see up close and personal and tell (and feel) that Austin is "acting," but if we're 10, 30 or 50 rows back, would we be as cynical about his performance?  Maybe on TV he's actually been "acting" for the back row, and if he were in a theater, his performance would come across as genuine.  Just a thought.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 12:36:51 PM
Are we still on page six?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 12:37:01 PM
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 12:37:38 PM
I'm quite looking forward to dinner this evening, which is happening early, at six.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 12:38:05 PM
Not a peep out of anyone.

And what are we, chopped liver?   :)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 12:39:11 PM
I understand what elmore is saying about JFK and I normally abhor Mr. Stone's films, but that one is well-directed, and considering its running time, extremely well-paced.  As a FILM, it works for me, despite its problems with truth.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 12:39:37 PM
And speaking of Grease... Sitting about seven feet away from me is the amazing Louis St. Louis, the musical director and arranger of the original Broadway production of Grease.


*And, yes, we have been talkin'.

:D Talkin' Vibes for Jose!!

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 12:40:03 PM
How does protein and fruit go together.

They go together just fine; I eat protein all the time!   ;)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 19, 2007, 12:41:23 PM
Not a peep out of anyone.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: S. Woody White on March 19, 2007, 12:41:54 PM
Speaking of Hermione, I read that actress Emma Watson has declined to participate in the final POTTER films past the one that's opening this summer.

I haven't read the last two books, so I have to assume that Hermione doesn't die in THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE.
You're ASKING for a spoiler?

The character who dies in Half Blood Prince is...

someone else.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 12:42:13 PM
Did you know, for example, that peep spelled backwards is peep?  Have Palindrome, Will Travel.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 12:42:56 PM
So it is written, so it shall be done - page seven.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 12:43:10 PM
Will we never get to page eight?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 12:43:21 PM
-Would you like an autograph too?  Or would she like yours?  ;)

I have told Eartha on several occasions, that my agent prefers that I only give autographs in person.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: MusicGuy on March 19, 2007, 12:43:50 PM
DR MusicGuy - You mentioned Daniel Craig, nude and tied to a chair last night...  Do you have a copy of this?:


Bond on Set: Filming Casino Royale (http://www.amazon.com/Bond-Set-Filming-Casino-Royale/dp/0756622727/ref=pd_bbs_9/103-4997729-8163855?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1174306371&sr=8-9)

It's actually quite a nice behind-the-scene look at the movie.  And the photography is quite nice.  As is Mr. Craig.  Especially in the torture scene set-ups.  ;)

DR dear studly and vampish Jose.... Is the DVD you mentioned, a "stand-alone" disc?  I got the 2-DVD issue of Casino Royale, and I haven't watched anything on the 2nd disc yet.....might it be to what you refer??

I got some very good ideas for you, watching parts of that movie.... :)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 12:44:04 PM
Is anyone else planning to re-read Potter I - VI before the last book is published in July?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 12:47:06 PM
They go together just fine; I eat protein all the time!   ;)

Thank you singdaw for your comments, you have taken the pressure off of me.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 12:49:56 PM
DR TCB - glad as always to oblige my friends and neighbors!

(a Sweeney reference)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 12:51:44 PM
Washed down with Ovaltine.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: MusicGuy on March 19, 2007, 12:53:58 PM
I knew someday it would happen...and today was the day....I accidently used my hair product on my face thinking it was moisturizing cream.

It took me a little over a half hour to figure out why my face felt so strange and stiff.

Dear DR MB..... your strange and stiff face would be just as cute-as-a-button.  And.... how is that big tree of your's doing this morning?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 12:55:37 PM
I think I actually used that for awhile and switched to Indoor Cat thinking I was doing them a favor nutrition wise. They both dove right in to the new food I got today. I gave Boo some right away - not too much and not too quickly. She ate it and a half hour later when I hadn't heard or seen her getting sick, I gave her a little more.  The price is close to the same, so I'll see how this goes and will keep Sensitive Stomach in mind

Oh, I forgot to mention, that my girl Angel turns 14 at the end of this month.  And she has more energy and appetite than she has had for years.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 12:56:00 PM
Jersey Boys has announced more tour dates and there will, as I read it, be two additional companies sent out (if I'm mis-reading it, then it's one additional company).  And our very own Merissa Haddad is being flown to NY at this very moment for her callback for one of those companies.  Excellent vibes and xylophones to her.

...And they're actually holding those auditions down the hall from us.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 12:58:06 PM
DR dear studly and vampish Jose.... Is the DVD you mentioned, a "stand-alone" disc?  I got the 2-DVD issue of Casino Royale, and I haven't watched anything on the 2nd disc yet.....might it be to what you refer??

I got some very good ideas for you, watching parts of that movie.... :)

That is actually a coffee table book.  Lots of nice pictures.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: S. Woody White on March 19, 2007, 01:03:31 PM
A late shift for work today.  But still, I must go.

Der B and I will probably dine out tonight.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 19, 2007, 01:05:37 PM
In the BIOGRAPHY of Mitzi (and maybe on the DVD) are some clips of her screen test for SOUTH PACIFIC - and she is much better and much more natural than in the movie itself.....I think it was Logan's fault.  Mitzi also has said that she couldn't say a line that was different from the line readings he gave her - so I guess what we're really seeing is Joshua Logan as Nellie Forbush.  :P

Her screen tests are on the DVD...and her performance in the film is light years better than the tests, IMO.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 19, 2007, 01:11:23 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention, that my girl Angel turns 14 at the end of this month.  And she has more energy and appetite than she has had for years.

TCB, send me your address in a private message, and I will send some homegrown catnip for Angel. Maybe she can use up some energy on it.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 01:15:23 PM
some homegrown catnip

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!   :)

(a bk reference)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 19, 2007, 01:24:43 PM
Or anyone else who has a cat and would like some.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jeanne on March 19, 2007, 01:28:35 PM
I think I actually used that for awhile and switched to Indoor Cat thinking I was doing them a favor nutrition wise. They both dove right in to the new food I got today. I gave Boo some right away - not too much and not too quickly. She ate it and a half hour later when I hadn't heard or seen her getting sick, I gave her a little more.  The price is close to the same, so I'll see how this goes and will keep Sensitive Stomach in mind

CILLALIZ, so glad to hear that the change in food is making a difference.

My cats would always want the same food, but, with humans at least, we now know that it's best to vary our diets--too much of any food can cause allergies. I wonder if the same holds true for animals.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jeanne on March 19, 2007, 01:30:05 PM
As I'm sure you all know, I embrace mine every day.

I never doubted it for a second, EDI! Given how creaky my bones have been feeling lately, I think I may need to join you!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jeanne on March 19, 2007, 01:30:58 PM
EMBRACING ONE'S INNER DINASAUR sounds like the title of something, surely.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 01:35:11 PM
CILLALIZ, so glad to hear that the change in food is making a difference.

My cats would always want the same food, but, with humans at least, we now know that it's best to vary our diets--too much of any food can cause allergies. I wonder if the same holds true for animals.

I've been feeding my cat the same brand of food...Friskies dry and canned.  I have been getting a whole bunch of different flavors of canned, but still it's all be Friskies (from Costco and Fred Meyer).  Should I branch out into different brands??
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jeanne on March 19, 2007, 01:35:28 PM
And who was it who said, "Just think...if Alice Tully had married Mr. Hall, we'd have Alice Tully Hall Hall."   :)

SINGDAW, we had an interesting discussion here a few weeks ago about comical names. See what you missed before becoming one of us!!!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ginny on March 19, 2007, 01:35:39 PM
EMBRACING ONE'S INNER DINASAUR sounds like the title of something, surely.

A book that would definitely get the author on Oprah's show!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jeanne on March 19, 2007, 01:39:08 PM
And what are we, chopped liver?   :)

Said in true BK fashion. Singdaw, are you sure you've only been with us a few weeks???  :)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jeanne on March 19, 2007, 01:40:49 PM
They go together just fine; I eat protein all the time!   ;)

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 01:43:02 PM
Singdaw, are you sure you've only been with us a few weeks??

It only seems like an eternity...
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jeanne on March 19, 2007, 01:43:59 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention, that my girl Angel turns 14 at the end of this month.  And she has more energy and appetite than she has had for years.

Can humans eat this stuff???
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jeanne on March 19, 2007, 01:47:33 PM
I've been feeding my cat the same brand of food...Friskies dry and canned.  I have been getting a whole bunch of different flavors of canned, but still it's all be Friskies (from Costco and Fred Meyer).  Should I branch out into different brands??

I honestly don't know, GEORGE. But if it was me, I think I'd try it.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jeanne on March 19, 2007, 01:48:15 PM
EMBRACING ONE'S INNER DINASAUR sounds like the title of something, surely.

Maybe an AARP manual.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jeanne on March 19, 2007, 01:50:50 PM
A book that would definitely get the author on Oprah's show!

Really?? I've never watched Oprah. Maybe I should...
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 01:53:57 PM
Jose - Are you free to take a phone call?  Do you have your phone with you?  Skip just left a message re a computer set-up question which would I think be quick.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 02:02:28 PM
Well, I've heard peep one at least.  Margaret called - I guess she got hung up doing other things yesterday.  Happy to report that she loved the new pages and, most importantly, was never bored (because this is a mystery and one of detection, a lot of it is conversations, and it's hard to keep that interesting).  She only had two tiny little comments, which she's right about (I knew she'd have the reaction to one thing in particular, and I'd almost taken it out, then forgot about it), so I'm fixing those, then moving on to Chapter Thirteen.

Now I need to hear peep two from the pressing plant lady.  I'm not having good feelings about the CDs arriving today - probably tomorrow now.  But, she's going to have to pay for this little screwup or this will be the last job she does for me.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 02:02:58 PM
Now I must go to the mail place, then I shall try to write a page.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matthew on March 19, 2007, 02:14:33 PM
Mid morning snack (yes, I'm behind) -  - egg whites, seasoned with Mrs. Dash, garlic powder and a little dry mustard with some green onion tops... FANTASTIC - and a 1/2 cup of pineapple.  Good times Good times
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: singdaw on March 19, 2007, 02:15:27 PM
Now I must go to the mail place

While you are at the Post Office [if that is indeed where you're going], check out the FBI's 10 Most Wanted posters.  You may recognize several of the mugs as familiar avatars.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 02:20:14 PM
TOD: Bob Roberts, in addition to many others already mentioned.

But...No votes for one of the highest ranking political films on imdb: THE INTERNATIONALE?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 02:38:39 PM
Will we never get to page seven?

Certainly we shall.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 02:39:05 PM
Will we never get to page eight?

Already accomplished.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 02:40:43 PM
I also adored OVER HERE! Such a simple, fun show.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 02:41:47 PM
I didn't get any packages today in the mail. Not a happy camper about that.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 02:43:12 PM
I did watch last night's WITHOUT A TRACE, an okay episode but as it became pretty clear early that the missing girl was not in any real danger, it lessened some of the tension. Still, a teenager who had been lied to her entire life by her grandfather (who was raising her), it certainly had some poignance.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 02:43:46 PM
Back from the mail place (not the post office) - got one nice thing.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 02:44:02 PM
Will we never get to page nine?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 02:44:31 PM
Then I watched Jules Dassin's 1950 masterwork NIGHT AND THE CITY. What a super movie, and apart from one slight scratch about 3/4 of the way through, a beautiful transfer from Criterion. Will watch the special features before prime time TV begins tonight.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 02:44:54 PM
Will we never get to page nine?

Rest easy; it will happen.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ginny on March 19, 2007, 02:44:55 PM
Two developments as a result of last Friday's incident that caused me to mouth off to the library director:

1)  3 (only 3?) people have been banned for 6 months from all system locations

2)  The head of the Main Library will be at our departmental meeting tomorrow to "hear staff concerns and ideas regarding the Main Library’s security."  He'll get an earfull, unless my coworkers clam up.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 02:45:29 PM
Speaking on nine, welcome nine GUESTS.  Who are you people?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 19, 2007, 02:50:07 PM
Back from the mail place (not the post office) - got one nice thing.

A box of scorpidos?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 19, 2007, 02:51:05 PM
Ginny, were any library employees threatened? Any other library patrons? Any weapons?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: elmore3003 on March 19, 2007, 02:51:24 PM
..or I should say the Page Five (I mean Four) Hand Jive in honor of DR ELmo!!

(are four hands better than one, Dr Elmo?)

Meaning four people or wo, Miss Karen?  Are you speaking from some experiences you never want Boo-key to hear of?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: elmore3003 on March 19, 2007, 02:52:59 PM
I knew someday it would happen...and today was the day....I accidently used my hair product on my face thinking it was moisturizing cream.

It took me a little over a half hour to figure out why my face felt so strange and stiff.

Surely not the first time?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: elmore3003 on March 19, 2007, 02:55:04 PM
Well, it being the early 60s and all, I don't think national television audiences were ready for John Beradino without his swim trunks.

They were, but they were too repressed to admit it.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: elmore3003 on March 19, 2007, 02:56:15 PM
Good news for Boo, but I'm also a bit amused by the idea of Dick Van Patten putting his name on cans of cat food.

Or putting his can on the face of cat food!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 02:57:56 PM
The movie with Robert Preston and Dorothy McGuire and Eve Arden is terrific.  There are a couple of subplots that are heart-breaking.  There are just some REAL people up there.

I agree---great film! For some reason I was remembering it as in black and white. I remember watching it when I was a kid and thinking it would be a horror film.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: elmore3003 on March 19, 2007, 03:08:34 PM
Helping, or hindering?   :)

Much as I kick the ole ho around the block, our DR Jose is a dear friend, trusty ally, and always a helping hand to anyone in distress!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 03:08:38 PM
Good morning all.  Well I'm not going to prison today. Boo has been throwing up a lot lately.

I never had this problem with my ancient cat in the 20 years we lived together, but these new-fangled cats hurl all the time, especially one in particular who is timid and probably has a sensitive tummy. So I'm going to try some of the foods mentioned and see if they help the situaiton. I hope Boo continues to keep dinner down!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 03:12:29 PM
Since so many H/Ks appear to eat oatmeal on a daily basis, we ought to do a survey to find out what the most recommended brands are!  :)

Unclie Sam's instant oatmeal with flax seed for me, adding dried cranberries and pecans or sugar-free maple syrup. Sometimes blueberries, if they're on hand.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 03:15:25 PM
I also love DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS. I'm waiting impatiently for a DVD of it.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 03:15:39 PM
Quiz Show - that one may be a stretch, but there are Congressional hearings...

I love this film...every frame of it.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 03:20:48 PM
I forgot about "Cradle Will Rock."  I like that movie.  

Featuring Bill Murray with a ventriloquist dummy, singing THE INTERNATIONALE.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 03:21:01 PM
And one for Murray.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 03:22:33 PM
The vet recommended Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance.

Where did you buy it, Cillaliz?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 03:23:17 PM

Is there anything wrong with wanting and choosing to be primarily judged/chosen based on your talent alone?

Well, no,...but...

If we add to "talent" the ability to engage a multitude of avid fans we get a better picture of the nature of these contests.

Record producers are not concerned with who can make the "best" records, rather who can sell the most records.

A Broadway Star must have a certain "wow" that sells tickets.

In most of the "talent" categories, posters seem to rank Austin over Max. If I were buying an Album, it would probably be one by Austin; if I were buying tickets to Grease, I'd much prefer to see Max than Austin - Austin is just
 "so perfect", but Max has that engaging
"bad boy" persona that personifies Danny.

Something the TV judges get that the viewers do not is a sense of how a performer projects "live".

I suspect all the attention the Grease show has garnered will translate into initial ticket sales.

der Brucer

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: elmore3003 on March 19, 2007, 03:23:26 PM
Back from the mail place (not the post office) - got one nice thing.

You sound like DR MBarnum after a trip to the retirement home!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 03:26:38 PM
Meaning four people or wo, Miss Karen?  Are you speaking from some experiences you never want Boo-key to hear of?

Moi?  I don't know nothin' bout nothin'....
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: MBarnum on March 19, 2007, 03:27:51 PM
Don't smile DR MBARNUM or you will look like dear Miss Allison at the end of THE HYPNOTIC EYE!

Uh, oh...and I best stay off the catwalk!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 03:28:28 PM
always a helping hand to anyone in distress!

You are a hand man... ;)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: elmore3003 on March 19, 2007, 03:31:01 PM
You are a hand man... ;)

This hand man ain't handy any more!  
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 03:31:40 PM
Thanks, JRand.

And I think I'm going to embrace my inner dinahshore today.

There you go with the damn Eggcorns (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eggcorn) again!

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 03:32:17 PM
der Brucer ~
St. Wallis -- never heard of him.  Is that an alias? Or do you need to cut and paste a bio for the dude so I can decide if I value his quote or not....
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Tomovoz on March 19, 2007, 03:32:21 PM
Cradle Will Rock
The Internationale
The Official Story
City of God
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 03:34:16 PM
This hand man ain't handy any more!  

That ain't what I heard.... ;D
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 03:34:50 PM
...with baited breath...

Lordy, it's contagious - another Eggcorn!

It's "bated breath" (as in held, abated...)

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 03:39:03 PM
Off to clean the dining room, sort through some tax stuff, and then head back to the den for more TV. I got no packages today, so I'll be watching another Lucy-Desi hour when I fire the home theater back up.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 03:40:10 PM
Lordy, it's contagious - another Eggcorn!

It's "bated breath" (as in held, abated...)

der Brucer

No, it's "baited breath" cause he was talking about something fishy going on...
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Miss Karen on March 19, 2007, 03:42:13 PM
Lordy, it's contagious - another Eggcorn!

der Brucer

Lordy, it is contagious -- it's ERGcorn not eggcorn!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 03:43:15 PM

I suspect all the attention the Grease show has garnered will translate into initial ticket sales.

der Brucer

"All the attention"???  This thing has died in the ratings, and the only attention it's gotten is on chat boards, most of said attention being negative.  I suspect if they actually do the show, that it will die a painful death - whether that death is slow or fast is wholly dependent on how much money the network is willing to sink into it.  Ultimately, it will lose money.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 03:54:07 PM
Look at all those people just sitting there like mackerals.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Tomovoz on March 19, 2007, 03:54:21 PM
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 03:54:47 PM
I wrote a half-page, but now have to wait for some research information before being able to continue.  Hopefully that will arrive shortly.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 03:55:18 PM
Obviously CDs will not be arriving today.  I now suspect tomorrow in the late afternoon.  The bitch will PAY.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 04:01:32 PM
The Internationale

Thanks, DR Tomozoz!  ;D
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 04:02:25 PM
I just don't get this pixel stuff.

A pixel is like a Georges Seurat brush stroke; it's the smallest discrete part of a digitized image - the more pixels per inch, the finer the picture's resolution. The more pictures in an image, the larger the file size. Computer screens have fixed pixel sizes - so a pixel becomes a unit of measure for the screen. Your HHW post area is about 620 pixels wide - posting pictures wider than that is what drives the board into Cinerama mode. (Actually, the available post size varies from poster to poster because the board creates variable "poster identity panes" on the left side. Folks like you or Jane (short screen names) have smaller identity screens, hence more room for pics. DearReaderLaura and I have longer screen names and we have wider identity panels and have a smaller posting area.

Now you really have a reason to be confused!

der Brucer

PS Digital cameras usually save a picture in a mega-pixel size, and the file is very large (usually much too large to post) so you need to use photosoftware to reduce the picture file size (i.e the number of pixels) so it can be better ahndles. Large file size take up more computer space and take longer to load. The quality of a picture on the screen, however, is not a function of the number of pixels, but rather the pixels per inch (that is why a 400KByte file reduced to a 20Kbyte file looks just as good on the screen).
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 04:12:13 PM
The entire CBS slate of shows tonight are new, so I'll be tuning in HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER and OLD CHRISTINE along with CSI: MIAMI.

'24' is a new episode.

I'm sure some of you will be watching the return of DANCING WITH THE STARS, but I don't watch that show.

FX has a new The Riches at 10 (which I'll try again)

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 19, 2007, 04:14:47 PM
...if I were buying tickets to Grease, I'd much prefer to see Max than Austin - Austin is just  "so perfect", but Max has that engaging "bad boy" persona that personifies Danny.

Hmmm.  Max doesn't do any of that for me.  I still remember him with the bad hair...and the continual struggle to try to "look" the part.

He will always be "Slacker" Danny....and the term wasn't applied to him because he looked like a bad boy.  I think he tries too hard, actually.  He seems far more phony to me than folks seem to think Austin is.

I don't know if Austin can be a "bad boy", but he could be a "nasty boy."  Max seems lacking for me, although his fan base has "willed" him to succeeed thus far.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 19, 2007, 04:16:41 PM
Lordy, it's contagious - another Eggcorn!

It's "bated breath" (as in held, abated...)

der Brucer

If they who are waiting were chewing on some fish, then "baited" would be appropriate.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matthew on March 19, 2007, 04:26:31 PM
Lunch - 4oz of chicken breast, 2/3 cup of rice and veggies - very yummy.  Drinking water like it's going out of style, and it's coming out that way, too (TMI, sorry)  The hardest thing is getting over the sugar  crash that's slowly happening.  Luckilly, caffeine is allowed!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 04:28:42 PM

Same choices when you last asked the same question on Oct 6, 2006 (RIGHT BRAIN)

Advise and Consent
A Man For All Seasons
Born Yesterday
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Fail Safe
Seven Days in May

der Brucer

And the INTERNATIONALE to keep peace in the family.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 04:40:46 PM
I knew someday it would happen...and today was the day....I accidently used my hair product on my face thinking it was moisturizing cream.

It took me a little over a half hour to figure out why my face felt so strange and stiff.

I remember youthful experiments with hair products that got similar non-hair related results 8)

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 04:55:11 PM
-Would you like an autograph too?  Or would she like yours?  ;)

You can tell Miss Kitt that she has a fan who almost wore out his 45 RPM recording of "I Want to Be Evil" - and that was over 50 years ago!

der Brucer

And it's been almost 30 years since I saw her in TIMBUKTU
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 04:55:40 PM
TCB, send me your address in a private message, and I will send some homegrown catnip for Angel. Maybe she can use up some energy on it.

Thank you, Laura, she will love it.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 05:04:26 PM
Not a peep out of anyone.

Nor nary a poop, either! (A Mayor Shinn reference)

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 05:08:09 PM
Well, I've heard peep one at least.  Margaret called - I guess she got hung up doing other things yesterday.  Happy to report that she loved the new pages and, most importantly, was never bored (because this is a mystery and one of detection, a lot of it is conversations, and it's hard to keep that interesting).  She only had two tiny little comments, which she's right about (I knew she'd have the reaction to one thing in particular, and I'd almost taken it out, then forgot about it), so I'm fixing those, then moving on to Chapter Thirteen.

Shouldn't you skip Chapter 13, and just rename it Chapter 14?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 19, 2007, 05:10:07 PM
TOD:   Working Girl
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 05:13:59 PM
Ben, my compliments on the MARY POPPINS review.  You were wonderful as always.  It would be so cool to actually here one of your broadcasts sometime when I am in Great Britain.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 05:14:39 PM
Got peep number two - not a total disaster, but won't get the bulk of the CDs until tomorrow, hopefully in the morning.  The good news is I got enough to package up all CDs and get them out first thing in the morning.  I just finished said packaging.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 05:20:36 PM
Back from the mail place (not the post office) - got one nice thing.

I haven't gone to the male place in a long time!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 05:26:25 PM
der Brucer ~
St. Wallis -- never heard of him.  Is that an alias? Or do you need to cut and paste a bio for the dude so I can decide if I value his quote or not....

Not "him", "her". Not "dude", "duchess".

Bessie Wallis Warfield Spencer Simpson Windsor - the main squeeze of Eddie Eight.

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 05:27:52 PM
This hand man ain't handy any more!  

....and he is the only one who would know.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Tomovoz on March 19, 2007, 05:28:30 PM
I'm always late in hearing "new" artists.
I've just discovered the music of UK group "The Puppino Sisters"  What fun.

Someone maybe able to locate and post a music link.  It's way beyond me.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Tomovoz on March 19, 2007, 05:30:38 PM
DR Elmore:  June of Brokenhill will be sending discs today.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ginny on March 19, 2007, 05:31:28 PM
Greetings from the library in New Lebanon, OH!  If you put your ear up against your computer, you might hear DH Richard's sacred harp (shape-note singing) group raising the roof on this little building.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ginny on March 19, 2007, 05:32:18 PM
Can y'all hear that?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ginny on March 19, 2007, 05:33:25 PM
Gotta get back in there so they don't think I'm being anti-social.

Bye for now.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 05:35:03 PM
Can y'all hear that?

Why yes ............. yes I can!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 05:39:46 PM
I'm always late in hearing "new" artists.
I've just discovered the music of UK group "The Puppino Sisters"  What fun.

Someone maybe able to locate and post a music link.  It's way beyond me.

Are you sure of the name?

I can find neither hide nor hair of them on the internet.

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Tomovoz on March 19, 2007, 05:48:23 PM
Whoops.   Puppini Sisters. The album was released in the UK in about July.  Great version of Blondie's "Heart of Glass" (Think Andrews Sisters!)

Track was played on radio here this morning. I checked on the HMV shop site  London.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Tomovoz on March 19, 2007, 05:49:56 PM
The Cd is called "Betcha Bottom Dollar".  It is available in Oz.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 19, 2007, 05:50:42 PM
Are you sure of the name?

I can find neither hide nor hair of them on the internet.

der Brucer

[shadow=color,glow width,#characters wide][size=8] The Puppini Sisters  (http://www.thepuppinisisters.com/)[/size][/shadow]
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 19, 2007, 05:52:00 PM
I "Googled" the words "Puppino Sisters"....and Google asked if I meant "Puppini Sisters"...I said "OK" and "voila!"
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Tomovoz on March 19, 2007, 05:55:58 PM
Thank you Ron.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 05:57:40 PM

CNN (http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/europe/03/19/polar.bear.ap/index.html?eref=rss_topstories)

Cuddly polar bear cub better off dead, activist says

BERLIN, Germany (AP) -- Berlin Zoo's abandoned polar bear cub Knut looks cute, cuddly and has become a front-page media darling, but an animal rights activist insisted Monday he would have been better off dead than raised by humans.

"Feeding by hand is not species-appropriate but a gross violation of animal protection laws," animal rights activist Frank Albrecht was quoted as saying by the mass-circulation Bild daily, which has featured regular photo spreads tracking fuzzy Knut's frolicking.

"The zoo must kill the bear."

When Knut -- or "Cute Knut," as the 8.7 kilogram (19 pound) bear has become known -- was born last December, his mother ignored him and his brother, who later died. Zoo officials intervened, choosing to raise the cub themselves.

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Cillaliz on March 19, 2007, 06:02:59 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention, that my girl Angel turns 14 at the end of this month.  And she has more energy and appetite than she has had for years.

That's wonderful TCB.  I came home and no messes on the floor. Both girls tried the new wet food and both really seemed to like it.  They are now busy looking out the open window at the squirrels in the yard.  I am very happy that Boo seems to be keeping her food down and hopefully we can get her over her little binge and purge problem
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Cillaliz on March 19, 2007, 06:04:31 PM
TCB, send me your address in a private message, and I will send some homegrown catnip for Angel. Maybe she can use up some energy on it.

It's good stuff....at least that's what Callie and Boo said
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Cillaliz on March 19, 2007, 06:05:37 PM
I've been feeding my cat the same brand of food...Friskies dry and canned.  I have been getting a whole bunch of different flavors of canned, but still it's all be Friskies (from Costco and Fred Meyer).  Should I branch out into different brands??

Not if it isn't causing any problems.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 06:08:13 PM
I "Googled" the words "Puppino Sisters"....and Google asked if I meant "Puppini Sisters"...I said "OK" and "voila!"


Pullima/Google - 1
der Brucer Yahoo - 0

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Cillaliz on March 19, 2007, 06:10:41 PM
Where did you buy it, Cillaliz?

Petco.   Man you should have seen the empty shelves from all the recalled food.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Cillaliz on March 19, 2007, 06:15:47 PM
Ok, my favorite contest show....Dancing With the Stars..
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 06:15:58 PM
Meeting vibes for tomorrow for DR GINNY.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 06:17:09 PM
Well.....I would just as soon watch a Mitzi screen test as a Mitzi movie performance....but I'm only going from what I remember.  Does the DVD have more than one test scene for MG?

I saw about 20 seconds on the BIO show....
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 06:19:02 PM
Loved watching the extras on the Lucy-Desi disks....the "strawberry" line was indeed in the show [the extras of deleted scens had Fred discussing putting the strawberry dessert on the sideboard].

Some very lovely color 16mm film shot by an audience member during a first season I LOVE LUCY episode.  The Tropicana set was lovely....with a lot of ORANGE!!!!

Boy the advertisers sure loved it when Desi and Lucy touted their products!!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 06:20:36 PM
Lucy-Desi Page Eleven Dance.

This is the sydicated opening...it was great seeing the original Westinghouse openings again (and the Ford ones, too) in the extras.  ;D

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 06:20:58 PM
News alert -

IDA LUPINO cannot do comedy.

That is all.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 06:29:19 PM
News alert -

IDA LUPINO cannot do comedy.

That is all.

And she could do drama?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 06:35:34 PM
USA Today (http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2007-03-18-xylitol-sweetener_N.htm?csp=23)
Popular sweetener is toxic for dogs
By Sharon L. Peters, Special for USA TODAY

A sugar substitute found in a variety of sugar-free and dietetic cookies, mints and chewing gum is proving highly toxic, even fatal, to snack-snatching dogs.

Xylitol, popular in Europe for decades but a relative newcomer to the U.S. alternative-sweeteners market, can be "very, very serious" to dogs when ingested, says Dana Farbman, spokeswoman for the Animal Poison Control Center of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 06:39:26 PM
USA Today (http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2007-03-18-xylitol-sweetener_N.htm?csp=23)
(http://images.usatoday.com/news/_photos/2007/03/18/altoidsx.jpg)der Brucer

Popular sweetener is toxic for dogs
By Sharon L. Peters, Special for USA TODAY

A sugar substitute found in a variety of sugar-free and dietetic cookies, mints and chewing gum is proving highly toxic, even fatal, to snack-snatching dogs.

Xylitol, popular in Europe for decades but a relative newcomer to the U.S. alternative-sweeteners market, can be "very, very serious" to dogs when ingested, says Dana Farbman, spokeswoman for the Animal Poison Control Center of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Do many owners give their dogs chewing gum?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 06:41:12 PM
spooo!  I keep doing that -- jumping ahead in the page numbers!  What a doof! Now I need to go back and edit then correctly! ERG!

Please, that should be  ERG®

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 06:43:14 PM
Will we ever get to Page 12???
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 06:45:00 PM
Good Evening!

Well, even though I had quite a fun day playing auditions, I have to say it really was quite a long one.  I am tired.  Since we had so many people to hear today - which is always a good thing - we basically worked straight from 10:00am right up to 6:00pm.  Thankfully, we did take a 20 minute break for lunch, but, otherwise, it was singer after singer after dancer after dancer...

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 06:46:05 PM
Do many owners give their dogs chewing gum?

I suspect not. But many, ours included, forage relentlessly for goodies. - leave a candy mint in a pocket and find a hole in your clothes >:(-

I just went back to my bedroom - the door, which had been closed, was opened, and on the bed was a ripped open bag of Ricolla Couch Drops I had carefully put on the top shelf of a six-foot book case!

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 06:47:54 PM
...it was singer after singer after dancer after dancer...


So many men, so little time :)

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 06:48:50 PM
And I'm sooooooo glad that I don't have to play the first part of the dance break of "Go Into Your Dance" for another week or so.  I must have played it at least 200 times over the past two days of dance calls.  -But at least having good tappers made all that repetition somewhat bearable.

*And after the last group danced, Louis St. Louis asked for everyone in the room to give me a round of applause.  :)  -And he asked for my business card too!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 06:49:32 PM
I shall now be on my way to sup, after which I shall return.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 06:49:40 PM
Argh. So after experimenting and running through several discs trying to crack the patch bay code at this post house (why there are TWO AVID 2 outputs is a mystery!) I finally hit on a combination that worked. Since I am here by myself, not only is there no technical support but I have to start the show, with enough black for me to run across to the machine room and start the DVD player. After figuring out all the variables, I was able to make the Brain DVD dub. I figured out how to finalize the disc and everything was good, until I checked the disc amd the end of the show wasn't there! I had been calling someone who worked here and
he finally called me back and told me that the discs only hold 1:45 of media. The show is longer than that. He said that he could run it through his system and compress it or there might be some settings on the DVD player to record it at a slower speed. Anyway, very frustrating outcome after I had just gotten everything working!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 06:49:57 PM
So many men, so little time :)

der Brucer

Well, it was men in the morning and women in the afternoon... Whatever that means.  ;)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 06:50:53 PM
BK...before you leave...if it's OK to have each act on a separate disc I can make these DVDs tonight. Otherwise it will be a few days before I can get back over here.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 06:51:37 PM
And I have to say Louis St. Louis certainly knows how to "comment" about an audition.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 06:53:22 PM
While I am waiting to hear, I will create the DV cam sequence. Since the vocals weren't recorded on it, I will pull in audio from one of the other cameras and patch all the audio holes from the tape changes.

Since the DV cam occasionally stopped shooting, (3 or 4 times) I will fill those holes with whatever the widest angle was at those points.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 06:54:18 PM
Well... I was watching the Ladies Night Edition of "Deal or No Deal", but when it became clear that the fireman were not going to take their shirts off, I switched over to "Dancing With the Stars".... Which I basically have on in the background.  My eyes are still recovering from reading music under fluorescent lights for eight hours.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 06:54:44 PM
I really don't understand why the camera would just stop recording sometimes, when he had plenty of tape.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 07:03:12 PM
Well, no,...but...

If we add to "talent" the ability to engage a multitude of avid fans we get a better picture of the nature of these contests...


My "question": "Is there anything wrong with wanting and choosing to be primarily judged/chosen based on your talent alone?" was referring to the actual contestants, and not to the mindset of the judges and/or "America".

Basically, if a contestant decides not reveal certain aspects of his/her personal life, and refuses to give into the pressure to "ask" his/her family if they can be interviewed... Is it right for the producers of the show to essentially disqualify him/her since they will not have "filler" reel to run on them during the course of the telecast?  -Even if he/she was considered to be more talented and qualified than some of the people who were passed on.

...And then there were those "Academy" attendees who were selected as 'filler' and 'color'...  :-\
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 07:04:44 PM
I really don't understand why the camera would just stop recording sometimes, when he had plenty of tape.

My fault, of course.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 07:13:20 PM
Well, since I don't want to be here until after 11 making DVDs that might not be used if bk wants it all on one disc, which it sounded like he did, I shall return another day and try to do this, or see if one of the minions can do it tomorrow if there isn't a session going on in this room.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 07:14:58 PM
Is Jack Cummings III related to the MGM Jack Cummings?

Hmm... I don't think so.  I believe Jack's family comes from Virginia - I know his parents still live in Richmond.  However, Jack is married to the wonderfully talented Barbara Walsh, who's currently playing Joanne in the John Doyle Company.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 07:15:17 PM
BK, the DV version is ready now, too.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 07:16:08 PM
Well, since I don't want to be here until after 11 making DVDs that might not be used if bk wants it all on one disc, which it sounded like he did, I shall return another day and try to do this, or see if one of the minions can do it tomorrow if there isn't a session going on in this room.

Well, do you think BK might want the show on a pair of discs for now?  And then a single disc version later?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 07:20:25 PM
Well... I just had dessert... A "leftover" from today's catered lunch - chocolate/peanut butter brownie.  It looked good, but tasted like cardboard.  And stale cardboard.  :-\
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 07:20:44 PM
I have no idea.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Cillaliz on March 19, 2007, 07:22:22 PM
I have eaten too much today. Maybe it's sympathy eating for Boo.  She seems to be doing quite well so far, unless there is a surprise somewhere I haven't discovered yet
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Cillaliz on March 19, 2007, 07:22:54 PM
She wants to sit on my lap...better go
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 07:24:25 PM
Can I sit on your lap?

-Oh, that was meant for DR MBarnum.  ;D
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 07:28:07 PM
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 07:29:05 PM
Well, time for me to take an e-break...

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Edisaurus on March 19, 2007, 07:29:23 PM
I'm heading out. As Jose now knows, this isn't the safest neighborhood to work after dark (unless you're a ho) so I'll leave before it gets too late.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 07:36:43 PM
Jose - Skip says thanks for the call and the help.  Very much appreciated.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:41:26 PM
Well....I have found that a business card can be the cheapest and yet most important item you can carry.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:42:55 PM
I am watching Joan Collins as Queen Esther....

That mean old Vashti did a wild strip tease at a party....throwing veils left and right until she was left in a pair of sequined granny panties and a brassiere...which she promptly ripped off in front of the king....who was NOT pleased.

Vashti is dead....and Esther is next in line!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:43:31 PM
Do you think I skipped the verse in the Biblical account that mentions  Queen Vashti ordering the Bedazzler?   ;D
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 07:50:46 PM
Oh Vashti wouldn't listen to the King
And so the King divorced her
Then Esther said she'd be the queen
When Mordecai endorsed her

Oh today we'll merry merry be
Oh today we'll merry merry be
Oh today we'll merry merry be
And nosh some hamentaschen

(Oh, wait, Purim was a couple of weeks ago.)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 07:51:21 PM
I don't remember Vashti being killed.  Is that what happened?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 07:53:32 PM
Pop quiz, from an actual yeshivah exam

The book which tells the story of Purim is the:

A.  Megillah
B.  Haggadah
C.  Hagganah
D.  Hahaha
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:55:09 PM
I don't remember Vashti being killed.  Is that what happened?

Actually, no....I think in the Biblical account, she just sort of disappears.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 07:56:10 PM
Haman insisted on being greeted by:

A.  the Jews bowing down
B.  the Jews throwing money
C.  the Jews throwing a fit
D.  the Jews crying out "Hey man, you're great"
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:57:23 PM
Oh Vashti wouldn't listen to the King
And so the King divorced her
Then Esther said she'd be the queen
When Mordecai endorsed her

Oh today we'll merry merry be
Oh today we'll merry merry be
Oh today we'll merry merry be
And nosh some hamentaschen

(Oh, wait, Purim was a couple of weeks ago.)

Yes, I am watching the movie about two weeks too late.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:57:48 PM
Haman insisted on being greeted by:

A.  the Jews bowing down
B.  the Jews throwing money
C.  the Jews throwing a fit
D.  the Jews crying out "Hey man, you're great"

D Final Answer, Meredith.  8)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 07:58:37 PM
Haman is about to get his gory comeuppance!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 08:00:42 PM
Esther 3:5 says that Haman was full of wrath.

Do you think that was anything like Ovaltine?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:01:15 PM
The name of the King in the Megillah is:

A.  Ahasuerus
B.  Antiochus
C.  Antisemite
D.  Antihistamine
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jane on March 19, 2007, 08:01:30 PM
DerBrucer thank you for helping me out with the research.  I will send Craig the ASAP link which has some good tips, some we are familiar with, some not.  

We know a woman who takes puppies home from Romania & suggested he fly Lufthansa.  I’m not sure because the airline is the best or that they have a layover in Frankfurt which has a special layover spot just for animals.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:02:33 PM
Let's let Wrath be full of Haman for a while  (or is that the answer to Haman was waxing wroth).
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 08:07:05 PM
The name of the King in the Megillah is:

A.  Ahasuerus
B.  Antiochus
C.  Antisemite
D.  Antihistamine

It's Richard Egan.  ;D
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: elmore3003 on March 19, 2007, 08:07:17 PM
I see on Broadwayworld.com that Timothy Gray, the co-writer of HIGH SPIRITS has died.  Timothy was also the singer on the recording of "Forver and a Day" that was heard both on the recording and in the show.  I don't know how much of "If I Gave You" is timothy's and how much Hugh Martin's, but it's one of my all-time favorite songs.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:07:30 PM
You know you've achieved the blessing of being drunk on Purim when:

A.  You don't know the difference between cursing Haman and blessing Mordecai
B.  You don't know your own name
C.  You can't tell Esther from Vashti
D.  Potrzebie
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jane on March 19, 2007, 08:07:44 PM
Of course, if DR Jane was on AI and showed us that baby picture of Sherlock, I'd be text-messaging like a fool...

LOL.  And I have been wanting to change my avitar to a puppy photo.  We have just been too busy with him, and I need Keith's computer skills to make the change.  After our high school reunion, which Keith will now have to miss in order to tend to our recovering baby, it will be time to leave the 60's.  :D
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 08:08:26 PM
I am thinking if they made this movie today and called it:


It would really be about this guy named Simon who was writing all about Esther and the King, and his marital problems and how much trouble he was having investigating what happened and what was going on....and his sad home life.....and how much he paid for his sandals.  Oh and what he had for breakfast.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 08:09:10 PM
You know you've achieved the blessing of being drunk on Purim when:

A.  You don't know the difference between cursing Haman and blessing Mordecai
B.  You don't know your own name
C.  You can't tell Esther from Vashti
D.  Potrzebie

Uh.....C!  :o
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 08:09:32 PM
DR JANE did you see the commercial yet?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:09:56 PM
Notes on a Sandal - that's the title of...oh, never mind
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 08:10:58 PM
Let's let Wrath be full of Haman for a while  (or is that the answer to Haman was waxing wroth).

A 1956 Wroth convertible.  8)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 08:11:34 PM
There are some pretty courageous babes in The Book.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jane on March 19, 2007, 08:12:27 PM

The vet recommended Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance.  


This is an excellent product, and IMHO much better than what you were feeding them.  I hope it works and both cats thrive on it. :)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 08:12:51 PM
Buy it now....only a buck!   Joan Collins/Esther Page Thirteen Dance.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:14:31 PM
Esther Page is one of my favorite yiddish theater stars.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jeanne on March 19, 2007, 08:16:19 PM

Record producers are not concerned with who can make the "best" records, rather who can sell the most records.

der Brucer

You did mean to say, "Present company excepted" I believe?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 08:22:08 PM
Haman was a swinger...to be sure.

It always gives me paws when I read that Haman and his ten sons were hung.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 08:22:32 PM
Esther Page is one of my favorite yiddish theater stars.

Was she LaWanda Page's sister?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:23:17 PM
Haman and his sons were the original "nasty boys."
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 08:23:20 PM
Feeling a bit dauncey.  I think I shall pummel the straw!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jane on March 19, 2007, 08:23:28 PM
Cilla Squeek & Hafer are very cute.  Thank you for sharing.

FJL & Cilla-This is my favorite item from the Peanut Shop of Williamsburg … http://www.thepeanutshop.com/vcart/itemblock/?itemblock=3
I don’t see the delicious peanut butter straws we used to get.
Whole Foods carry’s the peanuts as well as numerous gourmet & kitchen store.  Call around, you might find them locally.

FJL- A friend in Brooklyn sent us photos of her new brown & white Corgie pup named Bea, short for Beatrice.  And yup, we knew about the book.  It is missing one little letter in our name, or we might have been related.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jrand74 on March 19, 2007, 08:23:50 PM
Haman and his sons were the original "nasty boys."

"Ain't it the truth?" - Vashti.  8)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jane on March 19, 2007, 08:26:38 PM

JRand I haven’t seen the commercial yet. I have never heard of that dog food before, are you sure it is on the West Coast?

TCB-HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ANGEL!  I’m thrilled she is doing so well now.

Sometimes pet activist go way too far.  I wish they directed their energy on more important issues.    
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:28:11 PM
Is that a recent photo of Paula Dean on that www.thepeanutshop.com website?

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jennifer on March 19, 2007, 08:28:50 PM
I too like DANCING WITH THE STARS. Although not as much as SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:28:53 PM
Is 1980 recent?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jeanne on March 19, 2007, 08:29:25 PM
open bag of Ricolla Couch Drops

der Brucer

Der B, you give us the most interesting words! Couch drops! Hum...
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:29:48 PM
Favorite Paula Dean line:

You can use low-fat mayonnaise if you like.  I don't like.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jeanne on March 19, 2007, 08:30:50 PM
And I'm sooooooo glad that I don't have to play the first part of the dance break of "Go Into Your Dance" for another week or so.  I must have played it at least 200 times over the past two days of dance calls.  -But at least having good tappers made all that repetition somewhat bearable.

*And after the last group danced, Louis St. Louis asked for everyone in the room to give me a round of applause.  :)  -And he asked for my business card too!

What a nice compliment!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Jennifer on March 19, 2007, 08:31:24 PM
Well i have found my favorite team on Dancing With the Stars.

Apolo and Julianne.  I really think they have the most potential out of all of the dancers. Although i think ian and cheryl AND joey and kym are also quite talented.

I was actually quite scared for heather mills. But thought she did well. I was surprised john (of john and edyta) did as well as he did). What is it with karina? They got mad at her again for not doing the dance right!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Cillaliz on March 19, 2007, 08:33:29 PM
This is an excellent product, and IMHO much better than what you were feeding them.  I hope it works and both cats thrive on it. :)

Thanks Jane, they seem to really like it so I may not have to do any slow integration to the new food
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 08:36:04 PM
Jose - Skip says thanks for the call and the help.  Very much appreciated.

You're welcome.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:39:25 PM
Ten reasons for celebrating Purim.

10.  Making noise in shul is a mitzvah.

9.   Levity is not reserved for the Levites.

8.   If you're having a bad hair day, you can always wear a mask & no one will know who you are.

7.   Purim is easier to spell than Khanuka, Chanukah, Chanuka, Hanuka -- the Hebrew name for the Festival of Lights.

6.   You don't have to kasher your home and change all the pots and dishes.

5.   You don't have to build a sukkah and eat outside.

4.   You get to drink wine & you don't have to stand for Kiddush.

3.   You can't eat hamentaschen on Yom Kippur.

2.    You won't get hit in the eye by a lulav.

 And the number one reason

1.    Mordechai - 1; Haman - 0.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 08:40:16 PM
I am thinking if they made this movie today and called it:


It would really be about this guy named Simon who was writing all about Esther and the King, and his marital problems and how much trouble he was having investigating what happened and what was going on....and his sad home life.....and how much he paid for his sandals.  Oh and what he had for breakfast.

Or, the lurid tale of Esther Williams and Elvis, played by Lindsey Lohan and David Hasslehoff.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 08:40:32 PM
...And since I just woke up from an impromptu nap in front of the TV, I think I'm going to get ready for bed... Yes, I shall be taking an early trip to the WUSSBURGERVILLE tonight...

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:40:34 PM
Darn, I should've divided that list into ten posts.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 08:43:22 PM
-So what is your favorite flavor of hamantaschen?

Prune? Poppyseed? Raspberry? Apricot? ???

A couple of years ago, Gourmet Magazine had a recipe for an Apricot-Pistachio variety.  Quite good.

-Otherwise, I do like a good Poppyseed Hamantasch.  Although, I've also come across Chocolates ones too.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 08:44:31 PM
Darn, I should've divided that list into ten posts.

One for each day 2.4 hours of Purim?

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 08:46:14 PM
Hmmm... I wonder if Gruenbaum's is still selling hamantaschen...  -They also have the dough type ones which are more like pastries. -I like those ones too.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 19, 2007, 08:46:56 PM
Oh... That's right... I was going to bed...

But now I'll be dreaming of hamantaschen.  :)

Once again...

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:49:29 PM
I'll have five prune hamatashen - to go.

Oh wait, I used that joke a copula weeks ago.  :)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:49:43 PM
And one for Haman
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 08:49:47 PM
Ten reasons for celebrating Purim.


6.   You don't have to kasher your home and change all the pots and dishes.

I have never seen it spelled that way.  Is that a different tense of kosher?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:51:15 PM
I find any aspect of being kosher very tense.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:52:36 PM
But seriously, kashering your home is the act of making it kosher, normally used in ref. to Pasover..
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:53:56 PM
I think.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DakotaCelt on March 19, 2007, 08:53:57 PM
AFter reading bk's notes, I have never been a fan of Demi's even when she was on GENERAL HOSPITAL back in the 80s.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: TCB on March 19, 2007, 08:55:21 PM
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 08:56:53 PM
Some more ancient kashruth humor:

A rabbi who's been leading a congregation for many years is upset by the fact that he's never been able to eat pork. So he devises a plan whereby he flies to a remote tropical island and checks into a hotel. He immediately gets himself a table at the finest restaurant and orders the most expensive pork dish on the menu. As he's eagerly waiting for it to be served, he hears his name called from across the restaurant. He looks up to see 10 of his loyal congregants approaching. His luck, they'd chosen the same time to visit the same remote location! Just at that moment, the waiter comes out with a huge silver tray carrying a whole roasted pig with an apple in its mouth. The rabbi looks up sheepishly at his congregants and says, "Wow - you order an apple in this place and look how it's served!"
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 09:17:14 PM
Speaking of food, just a reminder to the NY HHWers:

Brunch at our place on Sunday, April 1 (no fooling) in honor of Edisaurus' being in NYC.  If you haven't RSVP'd already, please RSVP to my AOL address DYLAN43RD by this Saturday, March 24.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: MBarnum on March 19, 2007, 09:20:45 PM
Lots of posts...and I have learned more biblical stuff tonight then I ever did in Sunday school.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DakotaCelt on March 19, 2007, 09:22:03 PM

Manchurian Candidate (the original!)
Primary Colours
All the President's Men
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DakotaCelt on March 19, 2007, 09:22:22 PM
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: MBarnum on March 19, 2007, 09:23:55 PM
This evening I interviewd former child actor Gregory Moffett...star of the Betty Hutton movie LET'S DANCE and the 3-D cult classic ROBOT MONSTER. Very nice guy!

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: MBarnum on March 19, 2007, 09:25:00 PM
Now I must hie myself to the post office for the third time today and get a package in the mail for DR Elmore3003 so that he has something decent to list on his Friday TOD (Topic of the Day in internet speak)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: MBarnum on March 19, 2007, 09:25:38 PM
Army green slacks, yellow shirt, brown shoes. That is all.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DakotaCelt on March 19, 2007, 09:25:57 PM
Ben, Dakota and George - Thanks for the avatar comments.  

Now that it seems we know what we're doing with photos, a monster may have been created.  :)

FJL, dear, creativity must never be wasted.....

One of favorite creations I made for Matt Ashford and Missy Reeves fan...

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DakotaCelt on March 19, 2007, 09:26:17 PM
I actually made that banner for a fellow JnJ fan
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DakotaCelt on March 19, 2007, 09:27:45 PM
DR JRand, I agree that casting a stage musical via TV auditions/game show is unconventional to say the least, but I'm not so sure it's ludicrous. The NBC series has been poorly produced, it's true, but they've had real talent on that stage, and for me, that's NEVER to be snickered at.

The initial foray into this unconventional method of casting - THE SOUND OF MUSIC reality show that led to its revival in London - worked like gangbusters over there. The show is a smash hit and a new star was born. I don't blame them for trying it over here, too, since the IDOL format has gone over so well there and here.

But GREASE is coming back too soon, I think, and I don't expect the show to run long. I think they were limited, however, by trying to find a very popular show that would connect with mainstream America as a TV vehicle first and then as a tourist show for Broadway. WEST SIDE STORY might have worked better since it hasn't been revived as recently as GREASE.

And, if nothing else, we've gotten to see a crop of talented guys and gals that I might never have gotten a chance to see. I hope some TV casting agents have been watching.

Glad I work at night and I have not seen it!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 09:29:19 PM
Lovely work, Dakota
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Dan (the Man) on March 19, 2007, 09:30:11 PM
Esther Page is one of my favorite yiddish theater stars.

I liked LaWanda Page as Aunt Ester.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DakotaCelt on March 19, 2007, 09:32:40 PM
Vibes to DC Boo!!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 09:32:52 PM
Der B, you give us the most interesting words! Couch drops! Hum...

You think I'd know better!
Particularly since my favorite spelling word is GHOTI

GHOTI - a small creature of the sea

GH as in Cough
O as in Favor
TI as in Nation

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 09:35:48 PM
What a lovely frenzy to come home to.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 09:37:01 PM
What a lovelier than lovely supper with the likes of Cason, Heather, Adriana, and someone named bk.  We laughed and laughed and just when we thought we could laugh no more, we laughed again.  Heather is a delightfully delightful gal, and Cason is a delightfully delightful guy, so they are a perfect match.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 09:39:25 PM
And she could do drama?

She won the New York Film Critics Best Actress award for THE HARD WAY in 1943, so SOMEBODY thought she did drama very well.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DakotaCelt on March 19, 2007, 09:39:38 PM

Pullima/Google - 1
der Brucer Yahoo - 0

der Brucer

Try DakotaCelt!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DakotaCelt on March 19, 2007, 09:41:05 PM
USA Today (http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2007-03-18-xylitol-sweetener_N.htm?csp=23)
(http://images.usatoday.com/news/_photos/2007/03/18/altoidsx.jpg)der Brucer

Funny that is the only sweetener aside from sugar I can use. I am allergic to nutrasweet / aspartame.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 09:44:11 PM
Some more ancient kashruth humor:

A rabbi who's been leading a congregation for many years is upset by the fact that he's never been able to eat pork. So he devises a plan whereby he flies to a remote tropical island and checks into a hotel. He immediately gets himself a table at the finest restaurant and orders the most expensive pork dish on the menu. As he's eagerly waiting for it to be served, he hears his name called from across the restaurant. He looks up to see 10 of his loyal congregants approaching. His luck, they'd chosen the same time to visit the same remote location! Just at that moment, the waiter comes out with a huge silver tray carrying a whole roasted pig with an apple in its mouth. The rabbi looks up sheepishly at his congregants and says, "Wow - you order an apple in this place and look how it's served!"

Father Murphy to Rabbi Cohen:  C'mon, Max, you mean you've never even tried ham?

Rabbi Cohen: No, I haven't! Have you ever tried pleasuring a women, Mike?

Father Murphy: Certainly not!

Rabbi Cohen: You should give it a try; much better than eating ham.

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DakotaCelt on March 19, 2007, 09:44:44 PM

Congrats TCB on your new plateau!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DakotaCelt on March 19, 2007, 09:45:26 PM
Lots of posts...and I have learned more biblical stuff tonight then I ever did in Sunday school.

Same here and I had CCD as a kid!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 09:45:49 PM
I began my evening watching the remaining special features on the Criterion NIGHT AND THE CITY DVD. There were two interviews with director Jules Dassin, filmed many years apart. In the earlier of the two (looks to be in the 1970s), he does talk about his MGM years and the McCarthy period though when the conversation turns to discussing his former friend Elia Kazan, he cuts the interview off.

The other filmed much later is more about NIGHT AND THE CITY.

I enjoyed both of the interviews.

There was also an excellent documentary on the two different scores written for the film and excerpts down of the scenes with the two different scores. Amazing difference in feeling depending on the music (or lack thereof).

I also started the film over and watched about 12 minutes of it with Glenn Erickson's excellent commentary track running. He has a very pleasant voice for a commentary track, and he's so knowledgeable that it makes listening a real pleasure.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 09:46:23 PM
Funny that is the only sweetener aside from sugar I can use. I am allergic to nutrasweet / aspartame.

I bet you're glad your not a dog!

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DakotaCelt on March 19, 2007, 09:46:42 PM
Lovely work, Dakota

THanks, I can post some of the other things later I have on my home computer.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DakotaCelt on March 19, 2007, 09:47:53 PM
I bet you're glad your not a dog!

der Brucer

Woof!! Woof!!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 09:47:55 PM
Page Fifteen Harry and Hermione Dance!!!

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Tomovoz on March 19, 2007, 09:48:50 PM
Now I must tie myself to the post  for the third time today and get a package

As it will be read by some.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 19, 2007, 09:50:54 PM
Same here and I had CCD as a kid!

Chronic Church Dislike?

der Brucer
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 09:51:21 PM
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER had some cute things tonight as Ted and Robin decide to move in together. Barney, of course, objected and did what he could to thwart the plan. Marshall and Lily discovered they didn't want him gone either. Sweet show tonight.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 09:52:46 PM
OLD CHRISTINE had an off night, I thought. There were some comments and running gags about AMERICAN IDOL which I thought were funny, but otherwise, not a lot of laughs tonight.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DakotaCelt on March 19, 2007, 09:53:38 PM
Chronic Church Dislike?

der Brucer


It has to do with catechism and it stands for something but I do not recall...
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 09:53:42 PM
'24' certainly had a tension-filled episode as a drone carrying a nuclear device headed toward San Francisco. Very exciting.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 09:55:35 PM
CSI: MIAMI would have been so much better had my local newspaper and TV GUIDE not spoiled the huge surprise concerning Leslie Bibb's work on tonight's episode. It was nice seeing the handsome Colin Ferguson again. If he's been guest starring on shows since the lousy Americanized version of COUPLING went off, I've not been watching those shows.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 09:56:57 PM
The DVR is going to pick up a couple of movies being shown during the early morning hours, so I may watch one of them tomorrow. If not, more Lucy-Desi and probably Tati's PLAYTIME.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 10:04:08 PM
Favorite Paula Dean line:

You can use low-fat mayonnaise if you like.  I don't like.

That's funny!  Even though they've both become vegetarians, my sister and my niece love Paula's show.  She's funny and seems to be a good cook, but I've just never gotten into cooking shows...at least, not unless the men are cute. ;)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 10:05:11 PM
Army green slacks, yellow shirt, brown shoes. That is all.

So...going commando, huh??

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: FJL on March 19, 2007, 10:08:00 PM
Chris Knight of Brady Bunch fame guested on Paua Dean's evening show last week in a tribute to the 1970's, and he hung around for the segment on the 80's, too.   Mr. Knight is pushing 50, but I think he would still have met your requirements, George.  :)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DakotaCelt on March 19, 2007, 10:09:24 PM
Have never seen Paula's show.... reason: I dont have cable :)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 10:12:34 PM
You think I'd know better!
Particularly since my favorite spelling word is GHOTI

GHOTI - a small creature of the sea

GH as in Cough
O as in Favor
TI as in Nation

der Brucer

According to the Wikipedia entry for GHOTI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghoti):

Another interpretation of the pronunciation of ghoti which has been put forward is "..." (that is, no sound; silence): gh as in night; o as in people; t as in ballet; i as in business.

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 10:15:26 PM
Chris Knight of Brady Bunch fame guested on Paua Dean's evening show last week in a tribute to the 1970's, and he hung around for the segment on the 80's, too.   Mr. Knight is pushing 50, but I think he would still have met your requirements, George.  :)

I've seen him on TV recently, and you're right...he would have.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Tomovoz on March 19, 2007, 10:15:44 PM
Paula's not the reason for me not having cable. I blame Jose.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Matt H. on March 19, 2007, 10:16:55 PM
Heading down to bed now.

Good night!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 10:17:12 PM

It has to do with catechism and it stands for something but I do not recall...

I went to CCD when I was a kid (only for a couple of years ::)) and I have no idea what it means. :-\
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 10:19:50 PM
Well, it's more than past the time that I should've left work to go home, so I'm leaving now.  I need to do laundry when I get home.  Just had to share. :)
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 10:20:01 PM
But before I go...
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: George on March 19, 2007, 10:20:18 PM
Gratuitious Post # 444!!

Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 19, 2007, 11:19:32 PM
Ten o'clock and I'm the only one in the jernt?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: DakotaCelt on March 20, 2007, 12:16:44 AM
Paula's not the reason for me not having cable. I blame Jose.

I do too....
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: bk on March 20, 2007, 12:46:08 AM
Welcome eight GUESTS.  Who are you people?  And why don't you get off your complacent and ample butt cheeks and post?
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Adriana Patti on March 20, 2007, 01:18:52 AM
Hello Matthew
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Adriana Patti on March 20, 2007, 01:19:27 AM
Why am I still awake...
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Adriana Patti on March 20, 2007, 01:20:05 AM
I promised I would go to bed earlier, but then got caught in a good book I could not put down until I finished it.
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Adriana Patti on March 20, 2007, 01:20:19 AM
How exciting, page 16!!
Title: Re:IN THE WORDS OF...
Post by: Adriana Patti on March 20, 2007, 01:21:09 AM
I could use a good massage