Very productive weekend, organizationally...CD-wise.
I may have mentioned once or twice over the past year that I'm reorganizing my condo to eliminate CD/DVD storage problems. I've bought aluminum cases in which to store DVDs and CDs....which requires saving the art work and discarding all the keep cases and jewel boxes.
It's involved, it's a bit tedious. I've completed the DVDs, but I'm embarrassed to say I counted on having only 1,500 DVDs to store away...and found myself actually storing closer to 2,500....those are not individual titles...and many are multiple-DVD sets (i.e. TV shows -- complete seasons), which take up a lot more room than I figured on.
My CDs are another story entirely. I've just completed filling two 1000-CD cases. I've had to order two more. One will be "nearly" redundant but will allow growth room. I have growth room for the DVDs, as well...and perhaps the number of cases I have and the limited growth room will have an end result of forcing me to back off "procuring" OR weeding out things I'll never watch/listen to again (and that's the HARD part).