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 on: Today at 05:12:12 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by Jane
Well darn, our friends are stuck in the traffic from Portland and are not even moving.

 on: Today at 04:52:25 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by Jane

 on: Today at 04:45:59 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by Jane
Once they arrive we will visit for a bit then walk over to the nice restaurant near us.

 on: Today at 04:45:29 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by Jane
We are waiting for company to arrive to help us celebrate us.

 on: Today at 04:44:42 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by Jane
Then Macy's. I found a shirt I liked that was the same basic price of what I was returning. The guy doing the transaction said he had to know what cc I used even though I'd printed out the online receipt. I tapped the one I thought it was, which was correct, and before I could say anything he credited it back to the card - SEVEN DAYS till it shows up. I said why did you do that? I'm buying an item and want to use the credit. He cancelled the credit back and the new shirt cost me in cash one penny.

Great price for the new shirt ;)

 on: Today at 04:43:44 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by Jane
I got there at about 12:45, but the house manager saw that I had left a message, so it was all good.


 on: Today at 04:43:30 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by Jane
I woke up on my own right at 12:15!  Yikes!!


 on: Today at 04:42:40 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by Jane
Off the reunion. I've decided I'll act as if I'm starring in Follies.


 on: Today at 04:42:27 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by Jane

Number one is easy to do.  Why are there soooo many today? ;D

 on: Today at 04:36:53 PM 
Started by bk - Last post by Jrand73
My review has been submitted......and now we wait.

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