Mike Barnum... what can WE do to help you in your cause?
What a sweetie you are Vixmom,
Well, the foundation is running very low on funds...so donations of dollars and cents are very welcome and much needed right now! Until we can get the two heads of households decent jobs the foundation is paying rent, medical bills, etc for them, in addition to saving up for the next family that they are trying to get out of Jordan. There is a handy link for making monetary donations.
And sending good vibes to the families and to Jason are always welcome too! It's gotta be tough being a guardsman as well as working 40 hours a week, trying to have a home life with his family, and running this foundation! I certainly have to hand it to him.
Here is the website:
http://www.cponefoundation.org/And if you e-mail Jason, be sure to use the e-mail address link rather then the "form"...I don't thiknk the form is working as he never got my message that I sent that way.