Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 6 => Topic started by: bk on May 19, 2006, 01:31:42 AM

Post by: bk on May 19, 2006, 01:31:42 AM
Well, you've read the notes, the notes have both imploded and exploded, and now it is time for you to post until the cows come home - they're currently imploding and exploding at the same time.
Post by: bk on May 19, 2006, 01:35:58 AM
And the word of the day is: RECUMBENT!
Post by: Maria on May 19, 2006, 01:54:51 AM
It's almost 2 a.m. and I should be in a recumbent position. But I was doing notes on typos, etc. in the production script. Gremlins always seem to get into this stuff. Anyway, the notes have been emailed and I'm going to bed.
Post by: Michael on May 19, 2006, 04:12:46 AM
Catching up on some new cds

Michael McAssey (Requests)
La Miont Ridgill (Intimacy)
Daniel McBryde (Molly Boy)
Second City Divas (The WOmen of Chicago Musical Theatre)
Willis Moore (So Far)
DC Anderson (Ballad)
Volume 4 & 6 of Jamie de Roy & Friends
Post by: Danise on May 19, 2006, 04:15:55 AM
Good morning all!   Yes, I am on the bus on my way to school with the rest of the kiddies.  Sometimes it really feels that way.

I forgot to say "Happy Birthday to Francois!  I am so sorry!  

So Happy Belated Birthday Wishes to Dear Francois!

I hope both DR TCB and Jennifer are feeling much better.  When is your surgery, TCB?

And I love the new avitar, TCB.  It's really nice.

Good morning, Michael S!  Another early rise and shinner this morning!
Post by: Michael on May 19, 2006, 04:20:53 AM
As some of you know I have been battling some health problems which sometimes explains some of my lengthy absenses. Well I am winning the war.

This picture was taken in the Spring 2005 when I was in NYC for BK's book reading. I was very overweight.
Post by: Michael on May 19, 2006, 04:23:17 AM
Well with diet, exercise and medication since September 2005 I am winning battle and here I am 55 bound lighter.

And more to come.
Post by: Danise on May 19, 2006, 04:29:05 AM
Wow!  Wonderful news, DR Michael!  You look GREAT!
Post by: Danise on May 19, 2006, 04:32:22 AM
Well we're almost to my stop.  Gotta sign off now.

Laters all!  Have a wonderful day!
Post by: elmore3003 on May 19, 2006, 04:39:47 AM
Good morning, all!  No, I am not awake yet, and it's looking quite gray outside.  I would prefer to stay in bed all day.

No trip beyond the apartment today; I've got some Mario Frangoulis work, some choral stuff, and some work on the new Toyland libretto to juggle here.

DRDanise, it's fun sharing your rides to and from school.  What a great way to use your travel time!

DR MichaelShayne, fantastic!  Good news about the diet and better news about your health.

  CD:  Rebecca Luker "Leaving Home," Susan Egan "Coffee House," Guy Haines, The Bartered Bride. Mozart piano sonatas
  DVD:  Tristan & Isolde, Oliver Twist (Polaski), Arms and the Man
  VCR:  I'm packing it up for the summer while the intern's here, but THE DA VINCI LOAD sounds awfully enticing!
Post by: Ben on May 19, 2006, 04:50:42 AM
Opening next week, a thriller to shock your senses!

Guy Haines IS The Bartered Bride  ;D
Post by: Ben on May 19, 2006, 04:51:51 AM
Michael, congrats on the weight loss and the health news. You had begun the change when we had dinner many months ago at the diner on 42nd Street and 9th Avenue. Glad to see it's progressed so well.
Post by: Ben on May 19, 2006, 04:53:38 AM
Anthony returns to the city today before he leaves for Virginia. That will be on Sunday morning. We don't have any viewing plans or CD plans and I don't have any CDs at the office right now.
Post by: Tomovoz on May 19, 2006, 04:53:40 AM
Hello Ben and Larry.
Post by: Tomovoz on May 19, 2006, 04:58:39 AM
For those with long enough memories - This time last year I was in hospital.  For a few reasons my view of the world and indeed of life and death have changed somewhat since then. HHW has had a positive effect with its links to so much goodness in this world. Many of us have been helped through some rough times in the knowledge that our friends are there for us.

Thank you Bk for making it all possible.
Post by: Tomovoz on May 19, 2006, 05:00:36 AM
TOTD:  DVD - Washington Square (not to be confused with The Washignton Square Dance)

Music:  Neil's Heavy concept Album (Nigel Planer)
Post by: Tomovoz on May 19, 2006, 05:02:39 AM
Was the sequel to "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" - "The Battered Bride"?
Post by: Tomovoz on May 19, 2006, 05:04:43 AM
I just realised the double meaning there. Please yourself about which battered. (I was thinking flour etc!)
Post by: Tomovoz on May 19, 2006, 05:05:30 AM
Good morning DR Jack.
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 05:09:12 AM
Good morning DR TOMovOZ!
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 05:10:32 AM
I exploded last night when I arrived home at 7:30 pm and COMCAST was giving me neither Television OR computer service.  Didn't get either until after 3 am....at least that's when I woke up and the modem lights were all blinking.

So...no W/G finale.  No loss, I guess....I am only thankful that it didn't happen on Wednesday night!
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 05:11:49 AM
Sound like the busy BK will have no time to be recumbant today - or this weekend.

Call Adam.  You don't have anything else to do.

The concert last night sounds wonderful.  LOGAN'S RUN....what a great way to open!!!

What was strange about PETER GUNN?  Did they play it differently?
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 05:14:02 AM

DVD:  Hitler's SS - with Miss Carroll Baker, John Shea, Bill Nighy, and Tony Randall  tv miniseries that is not TOO bad.

CD: Il DIVO - Ancora

VHS:  1900 & XANADU

The final musical number in XANADU is one berserk mess, but it is a lot of fun to watch (even seeing the used sets from THE WIZ....).
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 05:14:20 AM
Off to work today, hopefully I can check it now and then.
Post by: DearReaderLaura on May 19, 2006, 05:55:47 AM
Good morning, fellow Dear Readers. Looks like I will be in meetings the next two and a half days. I am quite excited to spend my time in more meetings. Can you tell?

Perhaps I shall shock them all with my latest cd acquisition: Wing Sings Elvis.
Post by: FJL on May 19, 2006, 06:20:04 AM
They were talking on CNN that Cirque du soleil is going to be doing some sort of Elvis Presley-related show.  This following the Beatles show that's about to open.  I'm wondering if there'll be as much kvetching about jukebox circuses as there has been about jukebox musicals.
Post by: MBarnum on May 19, 2006, 07:02:47 AM
Media Check for the TOD:

Sounds of the World: "33 Artists from 28 Countries"

I haven't watched a Bollywood movie in several weeks now and I am beginning to have withdrawals. Hopefully I can fix that this weekend.

Probably catch up on the mega amounts of episodes of Lassie, What's My Line, and Most Extreme Elimination Challenge which are rapidly accumulating.
Post by: PennyO on May 19, 2006, 07:29:47 AM
just a quick hi to my pals on HHW - Michael, you look mahvelous!!! Oz, yes, quite a year - and I agree that life and death look different once you get to know them...

Okay - so off into this wedding weekend. I notice how much more relaxed i have been up at the cabin, all alone with my stream and forest and the little animals... I love being among these family folk... but the hustle and bustle and driving and people and noise and traffic and conversation and appointments and and and... I am looking forward to these wedding events, and looking forward to heading north once again...
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 07:38:56 AM
Good morning!

We had our rain last night, and so today is marvelously beautiful with cloudless blue skies and a nice breeze. Only in the 70s today, but we'll start to see a rise in temperatures tomorrow. I suspect summer is on the way!
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 07:41:37 AM
Congratulations, DR Michael Shayne! Continued good wishes for improvement in health and inlosing more weight or at least maintaining what you've already accomplished.

The VERY hardest thing about losing weight is keeping it off. This is what makes the battle for me so frustrating. I can feel good about myself for awhile, but I know full well if I'm not continuously careful, the weight will come right back. And for someone who enjoys eating as much as I do (and all the wrong things), it's very frustrating.
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 07:43:50 AM
Friday Media Cheeck:


DVD - STARGATE (courtesy of DR Ron - THANK YOU!)
          THE PRODUCERS (2005)
          KISMET (1955 on a DVD-R)

DVR - Wednesday night's LAW & ORDER
          last night's CSI season finale
          last night's CSI rerun
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 07:46:14 AM
Page Two Snow White and friend Dance!!!

Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 08:05:22 AM
Yesterday Cilliliz said in reference  to:"Priscilla, Queen of the Desert"
Ah, yes, my name is finally used in a movie and....I am the bus....

Could be worse, try being a teenage girl called "Debby" in the 1970's when a certain risque film set in a certain Texas city suddenly went mainstream!


Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 08:09:30 AM
Li'l Debbie Goes Dallas?
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 08:09:47 AM
Congratulations on your wonderful achievement Michael S!  

~~~Continued Health Vibes~~~~~
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 08:10:06 AM
Series finale to "Will and Grace":



Post by: FJL on May 19, 2006, 08:10:37 AM
Vixmom - And I thought I had it rough when "Do the Freddy" was a popular song when I was a little kid.
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 08:11:51 AM
Li'l Debbie Goes Dallas?

The bane of my teenage existence...... :P
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 08:12:30 AM
Vixmom - And I thought I had it rough when "Do the Freddy" was a popular song when I was a little kid.

I feel your pain!  :D
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 08:13:03 AM
Vixmom - And I thought I had it rough when "Do the Freddy" was a popular song when I was a little kid.

I can just imagine how amused you were over the series finale to "The Golden Girls" when Dorothy (Bea Arthur) and Marcus (Leslie Nielsen) actually named the act of making love.

They named it "Freddy Peterson".  Marcus told the other girls about it, which led to a giggle when he asked Dorothy if she were ready to go and she replied, "Ready, Freddy!"
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 08:13:35 AM
Tomovoz.... I do remember you being inthe hospital last year...I trust all is well since then?

Post by: bk on May 19, 2006, 08:16:01 AM
I don't know why I can't sleep later, but I can't and so I am up earlier than I'd like to be.  
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 08:16:47 AM
Did anyone else watch the season finale to ER?

I had thought this was to be the last year but I certainly hope they aren't  planning on leaving us like that!!

Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 08:16:47 AM
In my VCR:  Tuesday night's "American Idol" competition, the finale of "Lost" and the series finale to "That 70's Show".

In my CD player:  Hilda Crane/Revolt of Mamie Stover, House of Bamboo and "Amazing Stories" Anthology. Vol. 1.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 08:17:44 AM
Did anyone else watch the season finale to ER?

I had thought this was to be the last year but I certainly hope they aren't  planning on leaving us like that!!

Nope, it's on their schedule for next year.  I can't recall any suggestion of this being its last season, actually.  But then, I don't follow these things closely.
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 08:18:38 AM
MBarnum... I keep forgetting to tell you that since the Vixter liked Bride & Prejudice so well when we rented it, she requested her own copy as one of her birthday presents.... it is currently in our DVD player along with The Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire

She also wanted me to ask you if you had any other suggestions for Bollywood movies that she would enjoy.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 08:19:51 AM
The ONLY thing I'm looking forward to, TV-wise, is this summer's "Big Brother All-Star" show.

Wowee!  I hope for a good mix of evil and good in the house.  
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 08:20:36 AM
Did anyone else watch the season finale to ER?

I had thought this was to be the last year but I certainly hope they aren't  planning on leaving us like that!!

Last year it was renewed for two more years, so next season is the last on its current contract. Whether it continues after that will involve how much more its ratings erode over another season. It's still NBC's second highest rated show (after DEAL OR NO DEAL), but it's a shadow of the ratings titan it once was.

Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 19, 2006, 08:21:09 AM
In my VCR:  Tuesday night's "American Idol" competition, the finale of "Lost" and the series finale to "That 70's Show".

In my CD player:  Hilda Crane/Revolt of Mamie Stover, House of Bamboo and "Amazing Stories" Anthology. Vol. 1.

Wednesday's LOST wasn't the season finale--that comes next week (two hour episode, natch')
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 08:21:26 AM
MBrnum... I keep forgetting to tell you that since the Voixter liked Bride & Predujice so well when we rented it wshe requested her own copy as one of her birthday presents.... it is currently on our DVD player along with The Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire

Have you been using the White-Out Thinner...or perhaps gluing something?


Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 08:21:38 AM
The ONLY thing I'm looking forward to, TV-wise, is this summer's "Big Brother All-Star" show.

Wowee!  I hope for a good mix of evil and good in the house.  

Oh, no!

I'm looking forward to another season of:





Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 08:22:59 AM
Now, I'm off to clean up a bit and head out on my usual Friday errands (bank and grocery store).

Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 08:23:12 AM
Oh, no.

I'm also awaiting the next season of

Stargate SG-1

Stargate Atlantis
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 08:24:08 AM
Wednesday's LOST wasn't the season finale--that comes next week (two hour episode, natch')

That's right....something ELSE to anticipate....any other shows still hanging?  I can't keep track!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 08:25:14 AM
Now, I'm off to clean up a bit and head out on my usual Friday errands (bank and grocery store).


Well I, for one, am breathlessly anticipating the weekly account of the kitchen floor having been mopped.

Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 08:26:00 AM
The bane of my teenage existence...... :P

Mine was baby fat and a few zits.
Post by: FJL on May 19, 2006, 08:26:50 AM
Vixmom - then I assume you had to endure these jokes as well.  :) :) :)

Did you hear about the new Jewish American Princess horror film?
-It's called Debbie Does Dishes.

Did you hear about the new Jewish American Princess porno film?
-It's called Debbie Does Nothing.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 19, 2006, 08:27:06 AM
DR Michael Shayne, congratulations on achieving Captain Carrot-ism!

(For those of you who remember, Captain Carrot was one of the correspondents on Evening Magazine during the 70s.  He was the barefooted, perfect picture of health and reported on such matters.)
Post by: elmore3003 on May 19, 2006, 08:28:14 AM
Yesterday Cilliliz said in reference  to:"Priscilla, Queen of the Desert"
 Could be worse, try being a teenage girl called "Debby" in the 1970's when a certain risque film set in a certain Texas city suddenly went mainstream!



I bet that just perked up your social life!
Post by: FJL on May 19, 2006, 08:29:32 AM
Of course, by the time the movie "Freddy Got Fingered" was released, I was old enough to find it amusing.  But I pity little kids named Freddy or Freddie who had to deal with that.
Post by: elmore3003 on May 19, 2006, 08:30:52 AM
Did anyone else watch the season finale to ER?

I had thought this was to be the last year but I certainly hope they aren't  planning on leaving us like that!!

Another show I'm totally over!  Why anyone would want to go to that ER where major trauma from falling copters to shoot-em-ups happen regularly, not to mention the daily angst among a lot of unhappy people, is amazing.

There have to be safer hospitals in Chicago.
Post by: FJL on May 19, 2006, 08:32:45 AM
Elmore - for the same reason anyone in their right mind would even go within miles of Jessica Fletcher.  :)
Post by: elmore3003 on May 19, 2006, 08:34:19 AM
Elmore - for the same reason anyone in their right mind would even go within miles of Jessica Fletcher.  :)

Another show I disliked intensely.  Lansbury was so fantastic on stage and so coy in that series.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 08:45:45 AM
Another show I'm totally over!  Why anyone would want to go to that ER where major trauma from falling copters to shoot-em-ups happen regularly, not to mention the daily angst among a lot of unhappy people, is amazing.

There have to be safer hospitals in Chicago.

Awwwwww....you have Chicago Hope!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 08:46:23 AM
Elmore - for the same reason anyone in their right mind would even go within miles of Jessica Fletcher.  :)

REVISED:  NOW I get it!  

Post by: bk on May 19, 2006, 08:51:44 AM
For those with long enough memories - This time last year I was in hospital.  For a few reasons my view of the world and indeed of life and death have changed somewhat since then. HHW has had a positive effect with its links to so much goodness in this world. Many of us have been helped through some rough times in the knowledge that our friends are there for us.

Thank you Bk for making it all possible.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - there is nothing like this site anywhere on all the Internet and I am proud to be its daddy.
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 08:59:15 AM
There is a wicked lightening storm that just started going on outside  with torrential rain....bye for now!
Post by: FJL on May 19, 2006, 09:00:09 AM
Ron - My point being that, just like the ER emergency room, being around Jessica Fletcher made a person (fictional or otherwise) about 1,000,000 times more likely to get killed or accused of killing someone.

(I do agree with Elmore about Lansbury on that TV show vs. Lansbury on the stage, but that's a different point.)
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 09:02:44 AM
Ron - My point being that, just like the ER emergency room, being around Jessica Fletcher made a person (fictional or otherwise) about 1,000,000 times more likely to get killed or accused of killing someone.

(I do agree with Elmore about Lansbury on that TV show vs. Lansbury on the stage, but that's a different point.)

Ohhhhhhhhh....now I'm starting to wake up.  I wasn't quite there.  

Thanks for the push.  


Many of us have never have had an opportunity to see Lansbury on stage.  "Murder, She Wrote" (plus a few mostly forgettable movies) are the only means we had of enjoying her.

But I take your word for it...I'm certain her stage appearances beat the socks off her TV work.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 09:07:58 AM
Actually, I feel a bit like Jennifer described herself last night after a half dose of her pain killer.

My eyes are heavy (allergies, I think) and I'm not as alert as I'd like to be (it's Friday and it's payday, so....).

At any rate...time for some CAFFEINE!
Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 19, 2006, 09:10:48 AM
my so-called media check

iPod:  Dire Straits -- BROTHERS IN ARMS -- one of the absolute best albums of the 80s
          Mae West -- WAY OUT WEST -- this is her 60's rock effort--she doesn't sound too bad, either (well, not Mrs Miller bad, anyway...)

Tivo:  OLD CHRISTINE and that's about it.

DVD:  THAT GIRL Season One
          THE PRODUCERS (at least to see the "King of Broadway" number)
          A double feature DVD containing THE OVER THE HILL GANG and THE OVER THE HILL GANG RIDES AGAIN, two favorites from ABC's Movie of the Week.
Post by: elmore3003 on May 19, 2006, 09:13:16 AM
Ohhhhhhhhh....now I'm starting to wake up.  I wasn't quite there.  

Thanks for the push.  


Many of us have never have had an opportunity to see Lansbury on stage.  "Murder, She Wrote" (plus a few mostly forgettable movies) are the only means we had of enjoying her.

But I take your word for it...I'm certain her stage appearances beat the socks off her TV work.

And she's so good in these films:

Any other excellent film performances?
Post by: elmore3003 on May 19, 2006, 09:14:22 AM
Actually, I feel a bit like Jennifer described herself last night after a half dose of her pain killer.

My eyes are heavy (allergies, I think) and I'm not as alert as I'd like to be (it's Friday and it's payday, so....).

At any rate...time for some CAFFEINE!

DR RonPulliam, I sympathize completely:  the allergies on the East coast appear to be as terrible as those you're going through on the West one.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 19, 2006, 09:15:43 AM
DR Vixmom is currently getting the storm that we had here in Philly this morning.  The rain and the lightning and thunder were incredible.  Every time it storms like that, I think of Stephen King's "The Mists".
Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 19, 2006, 09:22:19 AM
And she's so good in these films:

Any other excellent film performances?

Two years ago, she did a Hallmark Hall of Fame called THE BLACKWATER LIGHTSHIP.  She was wonderful in it.

She was a lot of fun in MURDER ON THE NILE and very touching in DEAR HEART.

And here's something to track down--she did a guest appearance in an episode of THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (I don't recall that one, even though we watched MRU every week.)
Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 19, 2006, 09:24:02 AM
Illya Kuryakin--was there ever a cooler character name?
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 09:25:18 AM
And she's so good in these films:

Any other excellent film performances?

Yes, actually, she IS....but apart from the mostly fun (arguable, I know)  "Bedknobs and Broomsticks", Hollywood simply didn't give her great roles after she became a Broadway superstar.
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 09:27:14 AM
Have you been using the White-Out Thinner...or perhaps gluing something?


I do not understand to what you could be referring!

walks away whistling while looking innocent
Post by: elmore3003 on May 19, 2006, 09:27:53 AM
Yes, actually, she IS....but apart from the mostly fun (arguable, I know)  "Bedknobs and Broomsticks", Hollywood simply didn't give her great roles after she became a Broadway superstar.

It's so true.  Although after "Anyone Can Whistle," I suspect she thought her Broadway career was over as well.  I would kill to have seen her and Bert Lahr on Broadway in HOTEL PARADISO, which is one of my favorite Feydeau farces.
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 09:31:30 AM
The storm is over nearly as fast as it came.... it was miserable and rainy when I came to work then suddenly it was bright and beautiful and then the lightening storm came and now it looks like it want to clear up again.....

I feel like I'm in Florida in July (except for the lack of heat!)

Post by: Jennifer on May 19, 2006, 09:35:47 AM
My neck felt quite a bit better when i woke up. But that stopped after i got in the car and started driving. Wow, that sure aggravated things.

I ended up not taking the other half a pill last night, since i knew it would make me woozy all day today.
Post by: Jennifer on May 19, 2006, 09:38:04 AM
My sister called before to say that my little niece has done something pretty funny.  My sister went to her playpen and found the baby holding her pants in her hands. This is the second day in a row she has mastered this feat!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 09:41:46 AM
Some fun observations you each may agree or disagree with:

1. When I die, I want to die like my grandfather -- who died peacefully in his sleep.  Not screaming like all the passengers in his car."

-Author Unknown

2. Advice for the day: If you have a lot of tension and you get a headache, do what it says on the aspirin bottle:  "Take two aspirin" and "Keep away from children."

-Author Unknown

3. "Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so?  There's a support group for that.  It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar."

-Drew Carey

4. "The problem with the designated driver program is that it's not a desirable job.  But if you ever get sucked into doing it, have fun with it.  At the end of the night, drop them off at the wrong house."

-Jeff Foxworthy

5. "If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there is a man on base."

-Dave Barry

6. "Relationships are hard. It's like a full time job, and we should treat it like one.  If your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to leave you, they should give you two weeks' notice.

There should be severance pay, the day before they leave you, they should have to find you a temp."

-Bob Ettinger

7. "My Mom said she learned how to swim when someone took her out in the lake and threw her off the boat.  I said, 'Mom, they weren't trying to teach you how to swim.'"

-Paula Poundstone

8. "A study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal skills than men.  I just want to say to the authors of that study: "Duh."

-Conan O'Brien

9. "Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant??  I'm halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh my God....I could be eating a slow learner."

-Lynda Montgomery

10. "I think that's how Chicago got started.  Bunch of people in New York said, 'Gee, I'm enjoying the crime and the poverty, but it just isn't cold enough. Let's go west.'"

-Richard Jeni

11. "If life were fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead."

-Johnny Carson

12. "Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography."

-Paul Rodriguez

13. "My parents didn't want to move to Florida, but they tturned sixty and that's the law."

-Jerry Seinfeld

14. "Remember in elementary school, you were told that in case of fire you have to line up quietly in a single file line from smallest to tallest.   What is the logic in that? What?  Do tall people burn slower?"

-Warren Hutcherson

15. "Bigamy is having one wife/husband too many. Monogamy is the same."

-Oscar Wilde

16. "Suppose you were an idiot .. And suppose you were a member of Congress... But I repeat myself."

-Mark Twain

17. "Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student.   At least they can find Afghanistan."

- A. Whitney Brown

18. "You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog
will give you a look that says,  'My God, you're right!  I never would've thought of that!'"

-Dave Barry

19.  Do you know why they call it "PMS"? Because "Mad Cow Disease" was taken.

-Unknown, presumed deceased
Post by: Jennifer on May 19, 2006, 09:42:54 AM
I see the new CW network finalized their schedule:

sunday:everyone hates chris
monday: 7th heaven
tues: gilmore girls, veronica mars
wed: america's next top model, one tree hill
thurs:smallville, supernatural
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 09:42:56 AM
I do not understand to what you could be referring!

walks away whistling while looking innocent

It must be payday for somebody else, too!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 09:44:49 AM
I see the new CW network finalized their schedule:

sunday:everyone hates chris
monday: 7th heaven
tues: gilmore girls, veronica mars
wed: america's next top model, one tree hill
thurs:smallville, supernatural

Everyone is truly going to hate Chris if that's the only show they're airing on Sunday nights.

And when did "7th Heaven" get resurrected?
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 09:45:58 AM
There is a wicked lightening storm that just started going on outside  with torrential rain....bye for now!

Did everyone caught in the rain turn into a blond(e)?

Post by: Ginny on May 19, 2006, 09:47:12 AM
Friday greetings!  My book group had great fun last night comparing ourselves to the group in The Jane Austen Book Club.  The hostess had thought about serving gruel  :P, but went for cheesecake and strawberries instead  ;D

When I got home, my DH was watching the Will & Grace last episode.  Now, this is a man who's never before watched an entire episode of that program  ???

Media check:  CD(car) audiobook - Jane Austen's Emma, narrated by Donada Peters.
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 09:48:54 AM
Congratulations to DR MS!  You look mah-velous.

Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 09:49:42 AM
Slow day at the World of Wisdom.

Considering hairstyles for the cast of The Sound of Music.  Why is this my job?  Dramaturgy is certainly far reaching.....
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 09:50:11 AM
Have fun in your meetings DRLAURA....although fun and meetings are not two words that ever go together.
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 09:50:49 AM
PAGE FOUR The Sound of Music Laendler.....but I don't know the steps.
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 09:51:04 AM
Call Adam.
Post by: Ginny on May 19, 2006, 09:51:38 AM
The storm is over nearly as fast as it came.... it was miserable and rainy when I came to work then suddenly it was bright and beautiful and then the lightening storm came and now it looks like it want to clear up again.....

Sounds like yesterday in SW Ohio - we had hail a couple of times!
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 09:51:55 AM
Who knew the K in my name stood for "kvetch"?

DR MBARNUM you can never watch enough MXC!

Who said he had MY BROTHER NIKHIL and hadn't watched it?  
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 09:52:40 AM
Angela's movie work?

Don't forget her Mama Jean to Miss Carroll Baker's Jean Harlow.  Angela Lansbury had some very nice scenes, and clothes!
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 09:54:26 AM
Hail here, too, yesterday DR GINNY.

But it looks like an all clear today.
Post by: bk on May 19, 2006, 09:56:50 AM
Awaiting the arrival of one of my cast members - we changed the key of her song and she's putting on tape in the new key.
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 10:01:01 AM
Now its bright and sunny again!!

I'm being gaslighted (gaslit?) by the weather!!!!
Post by: Jennifer on May 19, 2006, 10:05:54 AM
7th heaven got resurrected last week i think. It was on the yahoo home page.

It should be pretty funny actually because the season finale (which they thought was the series finale) went WAY OVERBOARD.




Lucy, mary and matt's wife all reported they were expecting twins!
Post by: Jennifer on May 19, 2006, 10:06:41 AM

I'm just starting to read this article about the real reason EVERWOOD got axed. Hmmmm...

What the Hell! 7th Heaven Killed Everwood!

Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 10:07:38 AM
When did all the soap operas get girls who act and dress like Paris Hilton?
Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 19, 2006, 10:14:49 AM
Awaiting the arrival of one of my cast members - we changed the key of her song and she's putting on tape in the new key.

I just made up some dialogue for a backstage musical:

Producer's Girlfriend:  Could you change the key of my song?

Songwriter (muttering at piano):  Honey, if I could I'd change the locks.
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 10:14:53 AM
When did all the soap operas get girls who act and dress like Paris Hilton?

Hmmmm and I just read a headline on a grocery checkout "news stand" that she was touting how "unique" she was.  :P

Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 10:15:28 AM
I just made up some dialogue for a backstage musical:

Producer's Girlfriend:  Could you change the key of my song?

Songwriter (muttering at piano):  Honey, if I could I'd change the locks.
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 10:23:43 AM

Considering hairstyles for the cast of The Sound of Music.  Why is this my job?  Dramaturgy is certainly far reaching.....

How about this?

Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 10:24:13 AM
or this?
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 10:24:42 AM
or even this?
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 10:25:14 AM
just trying to be helpful!!
Post by: Danise on May 19, 2006, 10:27:48 AM
Hi every one.  I don't know how long the connection will last in this room but at least I will have made an appearance.

Those are some really far out hair styles there, Vixmom!

I will confess that somedays I feel like my hair looks at least as bad as that last one.
Post by: elmore3003 on May 19, 2006, 10:29:37 AM
When did all the soap operas get girls who act and dress like Paris Hilton?

About the same time they started casting the young men for their pecs.  Don't tell me there is no casting couch for PASSIONS!
Post by: Danise on May 19, 2006, 10:30:09 AM
Dear TomovOz, I do remember last year and I am just so happy you are safe and sound and with us.
Post by: elmore3003 on May 19, 2006, 10:31:52 AM
I just made up some dialogue for a backstage musical:

Producer's Girlfriend:  Could you change the key of my song?

Songwriter (muttering at piano):  Honey, if I could I'd change the locks.

Paul Muni was once in a play with a young lady who was the producer's girlfriend.  Every day her part got bigger and every day she proved she couldn't act.

One day, in a bit of camaraderie, she said, "Mr Muni, do you have any acting advice for a young talent like I?"

And he said:  "Yes, dear.  Remember that you can't screw the audience."
Post by: elmore3003 on May 19, 2006, 10:32:37 AM
Hmmmm and I just read a headline on a grocery checkout "news stand" that she was touting how "unique" she was.  :P

Paris Hilton is unique:  she's a celebutramp.
Post by: Danise on May 19, 2006, 10:32:47 AM
Yikes!  Where did this half hour go?  I have to leave already.  

Talk to ya'll this evening on the bus!

Post by: JMK on May 19, 2006, 10:44:04 AM
Was the sequel to "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" - "The Battered Bride"?

Don't know about that, but the little-known sequel to "Babette's Feast" was "Babette's Botulism."  :)
Post by: elmore3003 on May 19, 2006, 10:45:25 AM
Here's the link to the ABC interview with the two leads of TARZAN about the musical.

Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 10:52:23 AM
or even this?

I think this is the one!  ;D Thanks DR VIXMOM.
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 10:53:02 AM
About the same time they started casting the young men for their pecs.  Don't tell me there is no casting couch for PASSIONS!

You didn't hear it from me!  8)
Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 19, 2006, 10:56:36 AM
Here's the link to the ABC interview with the two leads of TARZAN about the musical.


So which one plays Tarzan and which one plays Jane?
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 11:13:25 AM
PALM CITY, Fla. - Martin F. Dardis, the chief investigator for the Dade County state attorney who linked the Watergate burglars to President Nixon, has died. He was 83.

Dardis died Tuesday at a Palm City nursing home from a vascular condition, his daughter Erin Dardis told The Associated Press.

Martin Dardis traced money found on the Watergate burglars to the Committee to Re-elect the President. The 1972 discovery led to further misdeeds, which ultimately forced the resignation of Nixon.

"He was always for the underdog," Erin Dardis told the AP. "He did things like help people get out of prison that were wrongly convicted. He would get involved for free and spend his time investigating. He always sought the truth."

In 1972, Dardis was tipped off to a Miami bank's cash connection with the Watergate burglars and subpoenaed its records. He learned that one burglar, Bernard L. Barker, had worked with the CIA during the Bay of Pigs and held an account with a recently deposited $25,000 check from a major Republican fund-raiser.

Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward has called that check the "connective tissue" that linked the burglars to Nixon's re-election campaign, The Miami Herald reported.

Dardis later said he was misrepresented in Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward's book "All The President's Men" the and subsequent movie of the same title, in which he was portrayed by Ned Beatty. He told the Miami Herald last year the movie made him seem like a shabbily dressed "buffoon."

Dardis, a high school dropout who lied about his age to join the Army at 16, was awarded a Bronze Star, two Purple Hearts and Silver Stars for gallantry after rescuing an American pilot in World War II, the Herald reported.

He will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors this summer, his daughter said.

Post by: Ben on May 19, 2006, 11:16:20 AM
Here is a link to a column talking about the lack of Tony nominations for recreating a role award (it was discussed briefly here earlier in the week). It's Michael Riedel's column from the post. This isn't a link to the Post because you have to register to read the paper on-line. It's a link to a discussion group where someone posted the column. When you get to the page scroll down and click on Replacement Tony Mess

Michael Riedel (http://groups.google.com/group/rec.arts.theatre.musicals?hl=en)
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 11:17:09 AM
[/]Maybe it's something in the water[/b]

WALDRON, Ark. - The 72-year-old mayor was arrested this week on charges he sought sex from two women in exchange for preventing their water from being turned off.

One of the women told investigators she had been having sex with Troy Anderson for money for eight to 10 years, according to an affidavit.

She said Anderson paid her $25 per encounter and $60 for a late water deposit. He also allowed her to change the name on her overdue water bill to keep the service running, the affidavit said.

In February, the woman wore a recording device when Anderson picked her up for a sexual encounter, authorities said.

Anderson was released on bond Wednesday. He did not return repeated calls seeking comment.

In January, a second woman with a late water bill wore a recording device when she met the mayor at an apartment to seek his help getting custody of her granddaughter from the state Department of Health and Human Services.

Anderson offered her $100 for sex, grabbed her and exposed himself, the affidavit said.

The mayor was charged with abusing the public trust and patronizing a prostitute. An arraignment was scheduled for July 6.

Waldron is 100 miles west of Little Rock.

Post by: Ginny on May 19, 2006, 11:23:40 AM
Just finished my one and only hour of information waitressing for today and I managed to encounter a girl who only wanted to read about serial killers and a guy, seemingly right out of Deliverance, who wanted books about snipers and firearms.
Post by: Jennifer on May 19, 2006, 11:27:04 AM
It's pretty funny that i'm all excited about the new CW's Fall tv schedule. Because I"m sure I won't get the station. We don't get the WB or UPN right now.

Although our local FOX station shows 2 hours of WB programming every night from 10pm-midnight. So i'm just praying that they continue with the new CW shows.

Somehow I don't think my sis would be too happy having to tape Veronica Mars, America's Next Top Model, Gilmore Girls and the other WB shows each week! :)

Btw, yeah for me. I managed not to find out the winner of America's Next Top model before finally watching the finale!  It always happens that whenever you haven't watched something they show the winner everywhere you look.
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 11:32:10 AM
Just finished my one and only hour of information waitressing for today and I managed to encounter a girl who only wanted to read about serial killers and a guy, seemingly right out of Deliverance, who wanted books about snipers and firearms.

I sent them both to you, they were in earlier this morning at the World of Wisdom.  ;D
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 11:32:56 AM
Well...I am intrigued, so I am finally going to ask the all-knowing mavens here at HHW.

What the hell is The Drowsy Chaperone about?  What is the music like?  What IS it?
Post by: Ginny on May 19, 2006, 11:34:25 AM
Off to a meeting at the United Way and then - home, a little early ;D

Bye for now!
Post by: George on May 19, 2006, 11:35:30 AM
Well with diet, exercise and medication since September 2005 I am winning battle and here I am 55 bound lighter.

And more to come.

CONGRATULATIONS!!  A few weeks ago, I started NutriSystem to lose some weight and so far have lost seven pounds.  I still have a very long way to go.  You are an inspiration for me!
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 11:43:12 AM
Well...I am intrigued, so I am finally going to ask the all-knowing mavens here at HHW.

What the hell is The Drowsy Chaperone about?  What is the music like?  What IS it?

Post by: elmore3003 on May 19, 2006, 11:45:43 AM
I sent them both to you, they were in earlier this morning at the World of Wisdom.  ;D

Can we assume they didn't learn a thing?
Post by: Maria on May 19, 2006, 11:50:50 AM
Congrats DR Michael Shayne!
Post by: Maria on May 19, 2006, 11:51:50 AM
I just made up some dialogue for a backstage musical:

Producer's Girlfriend:  Could you change the key of my song?

Songwriter (muttering at piano):  Honey, if I could I'd change the locks.

Post by: Maria on May 19, 2006, 11:55:18 AM

And he said:  "Yes, dear.  Remember that you can't screw the audience."

A trip down memory lane.... Back in the Ice Age when I was in Theater School in Canada, that was virtually our motto. We'd say it to each other constantly.
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 12:03:17 PM
Just got my tickets to see Lestat on the 28th at 3.... I hope the principals won't be taking the Memorial Day weekend off!!

Of course as long as we are treated to the glorious keyboard  playing talents of DR JoseSPiano all will be well!!
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 12:11:21 PM
Can we assume they didn't learn a thing?

That goes without saying.  :P

Thanks for the link, DR VIXMOM and the file DRELMORE.  ;D
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 12:12:25 PM
How do French physicians get to the Emergency Room?

Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 12:13:10 PM
DR DtM - I see a future for you in Libretto writing.
Post by: bk on May 19, 2006, 12:20:35 PM
Just got a call from the Music Center, where they'll be doing Kander and Ebb's Curtains, the musical that got resurrected two weeks after Writer's Block came out.  My pal Rupert Holmes has done a new book for it.  They've asked me to create a music bed for their radio spots - not much dough, but I get free opening night tix, and I like everyone down there, so I said okay.  Grant Geissman will be helping put it together, and I'll be doing the arrangement of the music - none of which will be from Curtains.
Post by: MBarnum on May 19, 2006, 12:22:40 PM
MBarnum... I keep forgetting to tell you that since the Vixter liked Bride & Prejudice so well when we rented it, she requested her own copy as one of her birthday presents.... it is currently in our DVD player along with The Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire

She also wanted me to ask you if you had any other suggestions for Bollywood movies that she would enjoy.

I will try to think of some...there are plenty that a girl her age would love....but most are in Hindi rather then in English. LOL! (Bride and Prejudice was only a semi-Bollywood movie).

If the Vixter does not mind subtitles then I have many suggestions for her....otherwise I will need to do some research on the topic.
Post by: George on May 19, 2006, 12:24:36 PM
Yesterday Cilliliz said in reference  to:"Priscilla, Queen of the Desert"  

Ah, yes, my name is finally used in a movie and....I am the bus....

Could be worse, try being a teenage girl called "Debby" in the 1970's when a certain risque film set in a certain Texas city suddenly went mainstream!


At least now, it's legitimate!  It's become a musical (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00007MB7Y/qid=1148063655/sr=11-1/ref=sr_11_1/002-7701208-5864855?n=5174)! ;D
Post by: François de Paris on May 19, 2006, 12:28:42 PM
Good morning all!   Yes, I am on the bus on my way to school with the rest of the kiddies.  Sometimes it really feels that way.

I forgot to say "Happy Birthday to Francois!  I am so sorry!  

So Happy Belated Birthday Wishes to Dear Francois!

Thank you very much Danise, but no need to feel sorry because my Bday really is TODAY! It's today, Mame! Yep, May 19th!
And that's how young I feel! :D

I haven't had cake yet because I live alone and my family is far away and... long ago! ??? And it's no fun having cake all alone...

I'll go and see my family next week, you know.... all those nephews and nieces and sister who don't even send a greeting card!

Oh well! So is life! :-\

Hope things improve soon for your mother, Danise!
Post by: MBarnum on May 19, 2006, 12:30:15 PM
Who said he had MY BROTHER NIKHIL and hadn't watched it?  

Actually, as of today, there will be two DRs who have this movie to watch! Only she probably doesn't know it yet!
Post by: George on May 19, 2006, 12:39:25 PM
In my DVD player:  several DVDs that I've gotten recently, but can't remember what they are. ::)

In my VCR:  last night's "Will & Grace" retrospective and final episode (I did watch the last 20 minutes or so).

In my CD player (I went a little crazy over the last couple of weeks :)):  Patti's "The Lady With the Torch," Julia Murney's "I'm Not Waiting," Maria Friedman's "Now and Then," Martin Charnin's Upstairs at O'Neils', the live concert cast recording South Pacific with Reba and Stokes, the newly remastered original Broadway cast recording of Sail Away from DRG, the 25th anniversary cast recording of Her First Roman, "The 25th anniversary edition of the hit musical revue" Pins and Needles with Babs, Kean with Alfred Drake (but I have to return it, it's scratched :P), the "Harry on Broadway" 2-CD set of The Pajama Game and "Songs from Thou Shalt Not" with Harry and Kelli O'Hara, and my final selection, the original cast recording of There's No Place Like Hollywood on Ducy Lee Recordings (I just got this one last night).

I got a lotta lis'ning to do! (almost a Bye Bye Birdie reference ;))
Post by: François de Paris on May 19, 2006, 12:43:50 PM
Well with diet, exercise and medication since September 2005 I am winning battle and here I am 55 bound lighter.

And more to come.


I guess you meant "LESS" to come!! :D
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 12:43:55 PM
Actually, as of today, there will be two DRs who have this movie to watch! Only she probably doesn't know it yet!


Watch it, folks!

My friend Adam just called from LA.  He is driving on Rodeo Drive.  A friend has a CD Release Party tonight and he may have a gig lined up on Sunday evening.....

But the MOST important thing he is going to do is still tentative!  8)
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 12:44:50 PM
Que esta "music bed"?
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 12:48:52 PM
Today is FRIDAY!!!!!

I am hungry.

That is all.
Post by: François de Paris on May 19, 2006, 12:50:22 PM
I just realised the double meaning there. Please yourself about which battered. (I was thinking flour etc!)

2nd flour? 4th flour?
Can't you tell I work in a hotel?

(I know!! Corny jokes :-\ but, hey, It's my birthday and i do what pleases me! :P ;))
Post by: François de Paris on May 19, 2006, 12:51:46 PM
Anthony returns to the city today before he leaves for Virginia.

Virginia!! There's always a woman!! (Oh a.... never mind!)
Post by: bk on May 19, 2006, 12:54:28 PM
Just lost one of my leading players - strep throat, or so I'm told.  I don't really know what to do about it (I don't even know if I already posted about this) - this guy is in three major numbers, so even if I replace him, and even if I "sing" his role, the replacement would still have to learn everything in two days.
Post by: François de Paris on May 19, 2006, 12:59:55 PM
Ron - My point being that, just like the ER emergency room, being around Jessica Fletcher made a person (fictional or otherwise) about 1,000,000 times more likely to get killed or accused of killing someone.

(I do agree with Elmore about Lansbury on that TV show vs. Lansbury on the stage, but that's a different point.)

Yeah, but how many of us were lucky enough to see Angela live unless we traveled to the States or England!
That Fletcher character was not that bad after all! :D
Post by: François de Paris on May 19, 2006, 01:01:19 PM
Ohhhhhhhhh....now I'm starting to wake up.  I wasn't quite there.  

Thanks for the push.  


Many of us have never have had an opportunity to see Lansbury on stage.  "Murder, She Wrote" (plus a few mostly forgettable movies) are the only means we had of enjoying her.

But I take your word for it...I'm certain her stage appearances beat the socks off her TV work.

Oh, I hadn't read your post yet, Ron and I second that, of course!
Post by: François de Paris on May 19, 2006, 01:08:49 PM
Paris Hilton is unique:  she's a celebutramp.

And Ivanka is a celebuTrump! ;)
Post by: François de Paris on May 19, 2006, 01:10:33 PM
So which one plays Tarzan and which one plays Jane?

ME is tarzan and YOU is Jane! 8)
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 01:16:10 PM
Sensational Lansbury film performances not yet mentioned:





Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 19, 2006, 01:20:04 PM
Hey--if you go to the Tony Awards website (http://www.tonyawards.com/en_US/interactive/wallpaper/index.html), they have a very nice wallpaper that features the posters of all the Best Play and Best Musical winners during the past 60 years of the awards.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 19, 2006, 01:26:03 PM
ME is tarzan and YOU is Jane! 8)

He's got a girl named Jane with no last name,
Kinda homely and plain but he loves her just the same,
Cuz she kindles a flame and it drives him insane,
When he hears her sing, she really does her thing,
It's her claim to fame, come on, sing one Jane!

Ow, baby!
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 01:26:03 PM
Well, I've made no secret here of loving MURDER SHE WROTE. The last few years were lame and repetitive (after over 200+ episodes, most shows are), but she did excellent work in those first few years.

I think she gave her most touching performance as Jessica in "The Last Flight of the Dixie Damsel." Her late husband's downed plane from the Korean War is discovered in Alaska with a dead body on board. Evidence seems to point to husband Frank as the killer, and Jessica must move heaven and earth to prove he wasn't the murderer with no help at all from either former or current Air Force brass. She gets to be tender, angry, and extremely emotional in defending her husband's honor. She should have won one of those 12 Emmys she was nominated for this series for this performance.
Post by: TPunk on May 19, 2006, 01:26:38 PM
ME is tarzan and YOU is Jane! 8)

I believe that Me Tarzan, You Lame was the headline from one of the reviews.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 01:29:01 PM
It's a most unusual day.
Post by: TPunk on May 19, 2006, 01:29:22 PM
Well, I've made no secret here of loving MURDER SHE WROTE. The last few years were lame and repetitive (after over 200+ episodes, most shows are), but she did excellent work in those first few years.

I think she gave her most touching performance as Jessica in "The Last Flight of the Dixie Damsel." Her late husband's downed plane from the Korean War is discovered in Alaska with a dead body on board. Evidence seems to point to husband Frank as the killer, and Jessica must move heaven and earth to prove he wasn't the murderer with no help at all from either former or current Air Force brass. She gets to be tender, angry, and extremely emotional in defending her husband's honor. She should have won one of those 12 Emmys she was nominated for this series for this performance.

I too love Murder, She Wrote, and grew up watching it every sunday night.  When I first started watching it I had a bedtime of 8:30 (I was in grade school) which meant I would become involved in the plot but had to leave before finding out who the murderer was.  I would make my mom describe the rest of the episode on my way to school the next day.  I wonder if that impacted her decision to make my bedtime later- maybe she was just tired of having to recap each week.
Post by: FJL on May 19, 2006, 01:29:46 PM
Francois, your "Virginia" joke reminds me of one of my favorite Johnny Carson jokes, about the starlet who wanted to audition to play Grace in THE SAILOR WHO FELL FROM GRACE.

I'm sure I've mentioned that one before, but still....
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 01:31:32 PM
I started the afternoon watching the 1955 KISMET from a DVD-R I made from a TCM telecast (the image was sharper than the laserdisc though the color wasn't as saturated). Fordin's book states that Minnelli didn't really want to direct the movie and was itching to get to LUST FOR LIFE and thus did rudimentary work on KISMET, and it shows. This must be his most plodding directorial achievement.

I wonder if Charles Walters or George Sidney could have livened things up a bit. The cast is as perfect as the movies could have given us at the time, and certainly no money was spared to bring it to the screen. A lost opportunity, I guess.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 01:32:23 PM
"The Da Vinci Code" seems to be getting eviscerated by national critics today.

The N.Y. Times, the Washington Post and the San Francisco Chronicle (the three websites I visit daily) all yawned and suggested Ron Howard and Akiva Goldman were too cautious with the material...and took everything out of the story that had grabbed people's interest.

Ian McKellen seems to be getting some acclaim for his role....and one critic said he made the movie worth watching (not that he was recommending anyone go see it).    Tom Hanks doesn't seem to be doing so.

Anyone remember "Bonfire of the Vanities"?  Hanks should stay away from adaptations of phenomenal best-sellers.
Post by: FJL on May 19, 2006, 01:34:10 PM
I know MURDER SHE WROTE entertained many many people and made Angela Lansbury a superstar.  

I even enjoyed the MURDER SHE WROTE multi-theater experience at Universal Orlando.

Not sure what my point is, but it's a post.  :)
Post by: FJL on May 19, 2006, 01:37:01 PM
Since this is a most controversial day, I will say that when I saw BONFIRE OF THE VANITIES on the small screen, it didn't feel nearly the mess that it seems to have been on the big screen.

Time may end up being good to that legendary disaster.  Let's discuss it in 50 years or so.  :)
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 01:37:17 PM
Then I watched last night's CSI season finale. Two interesting cases: the decapitation of a Civil War enactment soldier and a man found dead in a hotel room with an alcohol level of .28. I enjoyed the cases, especially as the team was also on pins and needles following the shooting of Captain Jim Brass last week.

But that last scene, well, let's just say that I was extremely disgusted, disappointed, and outraged over the writers going against everything the show had built up about one character for the last seven years.
Post by: bk on May 19, 2006, 01:38:25 PM
Pogue just called and was available for lunch, which I would love to have done, but, of course, nooooo, I must go down to LACC now and try to find a replacement for the actor.
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 01:39:10 PM
"The Da Vinci Code" seems to be getting eviscerated by national critics today.

And yet not all national critics hate it. The ad in the newspaper today featured a quote from the NY Post critic with a 4 star rating.

Our local newspaper film reviewer gave it 3 1/2 stars out of 4.
Post by: Jrand73 on May 19, 2006, 01:42:00 PM
Terrible news
I think Adam can sing.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 01:42:01 PM
Then I watched last night's CSI season finale. Two interesting cases: the decapitation of a Civil War enactment soldier and a man found dead in a hotel room with an alcohol level of .28. I enjoyed the cases, especially as the team was also on pins and needles following the shooting of Captain Jim Brass last week.

But that last scene, well, let's just say that I was extremely disgusted, disappointed, and outraged over the writers going against everything the show had built up about one character for the last seven years.

I totally forgot about it....missed it.
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 01:42:21 PM
Finished off the afternoon with Wednesday night's season finale of LAW & ORDER. Another death of a major character in the show and the relentless operation to earn some justice for the deceased. Nice end to the season.

Allegedly there will be some major shake-ups on the show's cast next season, but since that episode won the timeslot for NBC for the first time all season, maybe Dick Wolf won't clean house as thoroughly as he was threatening to do.
Post by: MBarnum on May 19, 2006, 01:43:41 PM
Angela Lansbury was quite good in a couple of low budget film noirs that I have seen recently...A LIFE AT STAKE opposite Keith Andes and PLEASE MURDER ME opposite Raymond Burr...both, by the way, are now available on DVD.

PS: Keith Andes thought that A LIFE AT STAKE stunk...but I actually enjoyed it.
Post by: FJL on May 19, 2006, 01:44:51 PM
Speaking of Charles Walters, did I hear correctly that Walter Charles will be appearing in HELLO DOLLY at Paper Mill, starring Tovah Feldshuh as Dolly?

I'm really excited about seeing this for some reason.  I somehow managed to get 5th row center seats for this, and be it brilliant, adequate, or a train wreck, it'll be one hell of a show (or is that hello of a show).

Post by: Danise on May 19, 2006, 02:02:40 PM
Good evening all!  It's Friday!  And I'm on my way HOME!!!!!

I'm so happy I could just burst into song!

Tarzen swing though the air,
Tarzen lose underwear,
Tarzen say, "Me no care!  Tarzen needs no underwear!"

But I am sorry to hear about your actor, BK.

Vibes to find a wonderful replacement in time!
Post by: Danise on May 19, 2006, 02:05:45 PM
DR Elmore, I'm just glad that I finely figured out a way to be in touch with everyone.  It may not be for as long as I would like but at least I'm here and can read the posts.
Post by: Danise on May 19, 2006, 02:07:58 PM
We had a guy bring in something called "Jumping John" (I think--I know it was Jumping some guys  name"  Anyway, I've never had that before but I thought it was wonderful!  If you like I will try to post the receipe--he emailed to me and I forwarded it home.  
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 02:15:51 PM
We had a guy bring in something called "Jumping John" (I think--I know it was Jumping some guys  name"  Anyway, I've never had that before but I thought it was wonderful!  If you like I will try to post the receipe--he emailed to me and I forwarded it home.  

Might that have been "Hoppin' John"?  A black-eyed peas & rice dish?
Post by: Danise on May 19, 2006, 02:16:03 PM
“Hopping John”

1 pork roast (3# - 5#) in a crock pot covered in
1 tbsp salt or
Seasoning salt with garlic

Set crock pot on high for 8 hours or until pork falls apart.
Remove the meat and let it cool.
Strain the juices into a large pot.
Set on high heat and bring liquid to a boil.


1 cup water
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp black pepper
½ tbsp red pepper flakes
1 bunch green onions diced
1 10 oz frozen black eyed peas
1 10 oz frozen sliced carrots
1 ¼ cups of rice (or 1 10 oz package of Vigo® yellow rice)

Reduce heat to low and cover for 20 minutes for rice to cook.
Remove fat and bones from pork roast. Slice or shred pork.

Uncover and slow add a cup at a time on low heat:

8 cups/1 pound or more/one bunch of cleaned and shredded collard greens (USE FRESH ONLY)

Stir until each cup is wilted and well mixed into the vegetable mixture.
Place entire mixture back into the crock pot and place the pork on top.
Cover, warm and serve.

I guess it was hopping not jumping John!  LOL!

Gee you guys don't have to be so polite and let me do all the talking.  

I'm just about home.

Post by: Danise on May 19, 2006, 02:19:41 PM
We're driving by the local Walmart as I type.  Only a few more blocks to my stop.  Guess I'd better sign off for now.

Myabe I'll be able to stay up and post a bit tonight.

If not, I know I'll see ya'll on Monday morning.  Early!

Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 02:20:05 PM
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 02:23:50 PM
I've got two dates this weekend:

One is with a toilet tank.

The other is with a toilet bowl.

Bot require time, patience, *ANOTHER SPECIALIZED TOOL, and some replacement parts.

*Every fracking home repair I do requires a specialized tool without which the job cannot be done correctly.  A lot of time and money is expended in finding this tool, but the end result always makes it seem worthwhile.

But there is no other practical use for the tool until such time -- 10 or 20 years down the pike -- as I need to perform the same task again.
Post by: MBarnum on May 19, 2006, 02:26:14 PM
Hey, that sounds delicious DR Danise! I love crock pot recipes and I might try to make that one.
Post by: MBarnum on May 19, 2006, 02:29:17 PM
JRand, besides TCB and TPunk (who will have the DVD in a matter of hours) I think I sent a copy to DR Elmoore...I don't believe that either of the two gay male recipients has yet to watch it (My Brother Nikhil)...but they really should.
Post by: bk on May 19, 2006, 02:33:38 PM
I asked Pogue if he'd stay in town and do the part, but he can't change his flight.

I shall now be on my way to LACC.
Post by: François de Paris on May 19, 2006, 02:50:12 PM
I asked Pogue if he'd stay in town and do the part, but he can't change his flight.

I shall now be on my way to LACC.

A friend in need is a friend indeed! ;)
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 02:51:18 PM
Hey, that sounds delicious DR Danise! I love crock pot recipes and I might try to make that one.

MBarnum...note that only the pork is cooked in the crockpot.  Everything else is done on the stovetop.
Post by: Tomovoz on May 19, 2006, 02:57:31 PM
Two years ago, she did a Hallmark Hall of Fame called THE BLACKWATER LIGHTSHIP.  She was wonderful in it.

Thanks to DR Maria we got to see this wonderful film (it has not been shown in OZ).  It was wonderful to see no glimpse of Jessica Fletcher.  
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 03:06:07 PM
Angela has done exemplary work in several TV movies: THE SHELL SEEKERS, LITTLE GLORIA HAPPY AT LAST, SHOOTDOWN, and she earned two Emmy nominations for her work as host of the Tony Awards.
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 03:06:53 PM
Off to get to work on that kitchen floor as per DR Ron's earlier suggestion.

Post by: MBarnum on May 19, 2006, 03:13:44 PM
I now have tickets for myself and my little neice Taylor to see SWAN LAKE at the Keller Auditorium June 11th.

We have orchestra seats..that is good isn't it? I hope so 'cause they were expensive and I want her to have a good view of the dancers.
Post by: elmore3003 on May 19, 2006, 03:19:11 PM
I now have tickets for myself and my little neice Taylor to see SWAN LAKE at the Keller Auditorium June 11th.

We have orchestra seats..that is good isn't it? I hope so 'cause they were expensive and I want her to have a good view of the dancers.

Who's staging the production, DR MBarnum?  I hope it isn't Matthew Bourne!
Post by: MBarnum on May 19, 2006, 03:26:25 PM
It is being put on by THE OREGON BALLET....any more then that, I do not know.
Post by: TCB on May 19, 2006, 04:10:55 PM

I hope both DR TCB and Jennifer are feeling much better.  When is your surgery, TCB?

And I love the new avitar, TCB.  It's really nice.

Monday afternoon at 1:30 p.m., Danise.  Thank you for asking.
Post by: TCB on May 19, 2006, 04:14:55 PM

  VCR:  I'm packing it up for the summer while the intern's here, but THE DA VINCI LOAD sounds awfully enticing!

Post by: TCB on May 19, 2006, 04:21:46 PM
Media Check for the TOD:

I haven't watched a Bollywood movie in several weeks now and I am beginning to have withdrawals. Hopefully I can fix that this weekend.

A frontal lobotomy or a 12-step Program?
Post by: Cillaliz on May 19, 2006, 04:32:44 PM
Hi all...well as my sister has been telling everyone, I am liberated from the court room for awhile.   My boss called late this afternoon to say he's now decided to approve the leave in 2 week increments.  It's not that big a deal, but it's just  another little...we don't trust you....thing.  AHHHHHH it drives me nuts.   Anyway, I now have somewhere between 2 and 7 weeks to unwind.

Post by: Cillaliz on May 19, 2006, 04:35:18 PM
It hit 91 degrees here today. I'm thinking a margarita by the river with an order of fried oysters might be good.  But then again, a nap sounds good too
Post by: Cillaliz on May 19, 2006, 04:36:11 PM
A frontal lobotomy or a 12-step Program?

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 19, 2006, 04:42:01 PM
It hit 91 degrees here today. I'm thinking a margarita by the river with an order of fried oysters might be good.  But then again, a nap sounds good too

Lovely margaritas and fried oysters FIRST....THEN take the nap.
Post by: TCB on May 19, 2006, 04:56:44 PM
Who knew the K in my name stood for "kvetch"?

DR MBARNUM you can never watch enough MXC!

Who said he had MY BROTHER NIKHIL and hadn't watched it?  

Post by: TCB on May 19, 2006, 05:07:30 PM
Here's the link to the ABC interview with the two leads of TARZAN about the musical.


Don't tell me there is no casting couch for TARZAN THE MUSICAL!
Post by: François de Paris on May 19, 2006, 05:47:58 PM

20 million dollars for TARZAN, The Musical ?????

To me that's INSANE!

(Saw the ABC News video clip and it seems that Tarzan could also play Jane any day!!
I'm so bad!
TCB's influence I guess!)
Post by: François de Paris on May 19, 2006, 05:51:08 PM

For TARZAN, the casting couch was a casting vine!

Kinky isn't it?
Post by: Jane on May 19, 2006, 06:43:32 PM
Michael S, wonderful news.  :D I wish you continued success on both counts.
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 06:57:06 PM
I will try to think of some...there are plenty that a girl her age would love....but most are in Hindi rather then in English. LOL! (Bride and Prejudice was only a semi-Bollywood movie).

If the Vixter does not mind subtitles then I have many suggestions for her....otherwise I will need to do some research on the topic.

I just asked the Vixter she said "I'm cool withsubtitles"  so suggest away oh Bollywood Guru!!
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 06:58:51 PM
Could be worse, try being a teenage girl called "Debby" in the 1970's when a certain risque film set in a certain Texas city suddenly went mainstream!

 :P At least now, it's legitimate!  It's become a musical (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00007MB7Y/qid=1148063655/sr=11-1/ref=sr_11_1/002-7701208-5864855?n=5174)! ;D

make it stop! make it stop! :P
Post by: Jed on May 19, 2006, 06:59:17 PM
Many thanks to DRs Elmore and Jane for livening up our mailbox the past couple days!  You folks are the best!
Post by: Jane on May 19, 2006, 07:01:37 PM
ME is tarzan and YOU is Jane! 8)

That's me!
Post by: Jane on May 19, 2006, 07:09:15 PM

(Saw the ABC News video clip and it seems that Tarzan could also play Jane any day!!
I'm so bad!
TCB's influence I guess!)

He is very pretty.
Post by: Jane on May 19, 2006, 07:13:02 PM
Jed, :D

Cillaliz when will your first two week increment begin?

Our heat wave is over thanks to some rain.  The temps have dropped into the sixties.
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 07:13:07 PM

But that last scene, well, let's just say that I was extremely disgusted, disappointed, and outraged over the writers going against everything the show had built up about one character for the last seven years.

Hmmm... I seem to remember that when the second character in that scene was originally introduced there was some hints at a history of that type... I was suprised but not shocked
Post by: Cillaliz on May 19, 2006, 07:14:10 PM
Jed, :D

Cillaliz when will your first two week increment begin?

Our heat wave is over thanks to some rain.  The temps have dropped into the sixties.

Today was the last day of school for the summer....well that's how it feels.
Post by: Cillaliz on May 19, 2006, 07:18:04 PM
In other words, I'm off for the first 2 weeks, but with a note I can get the rest of the time my doctor says I need. Being treated like a high school student all the time is part of why I'm really sick of this.  My last boss really spoiled me...oh yeah, that was me.
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 07:18:33 PM
Today was the last day of school for the summer....well that's how it feels.

I'm jealous!!  Enjoy it!!
Post by: elmore3003 on May 19, 2006, 07:19:06 PM
Well, if the mediocre CONVICTION had been as good all season as it is tonight, it might have been on NBC's fall 2006 lineup.
Post by: Cillaliz on May 19, 2006, 07:20:44 PM
I'm jealous!!  Enjoy it!!

Thanks. I'm hoping the nightmares stop and I lose this edge of irritability with pretty much everything.

BTW,  they accepted my counter offer but the husband won't be back from fishing in Canada to sign everything until tomorrow night.   I lost money so I'm not too happy, but the market in Sioux City is so bad for sellers....that got me a great house cheap, but cost me selling the old one.  Oh well, it's only money
Post by: Cillaliz on May 19, 2006, 07:22:22 PM
Well, if the mediocre CONVICTION had been as good all season as it is tonight, it might have been on NBC's fall 2006 lineup.

It was lousy . I only watched one episode, but that was too much
Post by: Jane on May 19, 2006, 07:23:37 PM
That was fast!  :D
Post by: Cillaliz on May 19, 2006, 07:30:16 PM
Well, I think I'll celebrate my first night of freedom...with a hot bath and a good book.  Not quite sure on the book part....I'll have to check the "to read" bookshelf....
Post by: Jane on May 19, 2006, 07:30:40 PM
I spent most of the day in the kitchen cooking and cleaning as we are entertaining tomorrow night.  In the morning I still need to make clam dip and a sour cream bundt cake.  I purchased a rose bundt pan to make the cake a bit fancier.  I hope it comes out pretty.

Now I get to go wash the dinner dishes. :)
Post by: Jane on May 19, 2006, 07:31:11 PM
Cillaliz, nice way to celebrate-relax.
Post by: bk on May 19, 2006, 07:37:13 PM
I'm back - I rather feel like I've been hit by a large truck and then had said large truck roll over me about ten times.  I arrived at LACC to try to replace my actor, only to be told that one of the actors in the play that was supposed to open this evening had been hit while riding his bike - end result, broken leg, cancelled shows this weekend.  That meant we could get in the theater and work and that the two actors we shared would be able to rehearse with us this weekend.  That's what it meant until they decided to replace the injured actor and rehearse all weekend.  So, now I don't have two actors at all tomorrow and only sporadically on Sunday - and they both have substantial roles in my show.  On top of that, a couple of other cast members can't be at rehearsal tomorrow, and my pianist can only be there for two hours - and he has yet to play the entire show, nor have we set any of the background music.  Sunday, I'll have everyone (although sharing the two actors) for about five hours - in that time I'm supposed to have this show ready to perform on Sunday evening.  On top of that, we now cannot play our show in the theater that we were supposed to, since they'll be working in there.  The only problem with that is that I blocked the entire show to be performed on their set.  So, now I'm in the BIIIIG theater with no levels (the set we were supposed to do it on had levels), our audience of however many will barely fill the first two or three rows of the theater, and the actors will be doing a staged reading of a new musical in a CAVERN.   I have to reblock some stuff, and with five or six hours tomorrow (without a full cast), and with five hours on Sunday (sharing two actors), I don't know what the hell this thing is going to be, and I'm just all in and walking around like a zombie.
Post by: Jane on May 19, 2006, 07:41:09 PM
I’m done, nice & fast.   Everything except one frying pan went into the dishwasher.  Now I’m waiting for the clothes in the dryer to finish drying & I can go relax.
Post by: Jane on May 19, 2006, 07:46:31 PM
Bruce, you sure need some good vibes-sending them to you, the show & the entire cast.
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 07:46:49 PM
Oh Bruce!!! :-\

[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]~~~~~~~~~~~VIBES FOR A SUDDEN MIRACLE!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/move][/color]
Post by: George on May 19, 2006, 07:49:49 PM
~~~Show Vibes for our very own BK!!~~~
Post by: François de Paris on May 19, 2006, 07:52:51 PM
I'm back - I rather feel like I've been hit by a large truck and then had said large truck roll over me about ten times.  I arrived at LACC to try to replace my actor, only to be told that one of the actors in the play that was supposed to open this evening had been hit while riding his bike - end result, broken leg, cancelled shows this weekend.  That meant we could get in the theater and work and that the two actors we shared would be able to rehearse with us this weekend.  That's what it meant until they decided to replace the injured actor and rehearse all weekend.  So, now I don't have two actors at all tomorrow and only sporadically on Sunday - and they both have substantial roles in my show.  On top of that, a couple of other cast members can't be at rehearsal tomorrow, and my pianist can only be there for two hours - and he has yet to play the entire show, nor have we set any of the background music.  Sunday, I'll have everyone (although sharing the two actors) for about five hours - in that time I'm supposed to have this show ready to perform on Sunday evening.  On top of that, we now cannot play our show in the theater that we were supposed to, since they'll be working in there.  The only problem with that is that I blocked the entire show to be performed on their set.  So, now I'm in the BIIIIG theater with no levels (the set we were supposed to do it on had levels), our audience of however many will barely fill the first two or three rows of the theater, and the actors will be doing a staged reading of a new musical in a CAVERN.   I have to reblock some stuff, and with five or six hours tomorrow (without a full cast), and with five hours on Sunday (sharing two actors), I don't know what the hell this thing is going to be, and I'm just all in and walking around like a zombie.



(There's No Business, Like Showbusiness!!)
Post by: Jane on May 19, 2006, 07:54:27 PM
I’m off to watch the Thai film ONG-BAK with Tony Jaa.

Post by: François de Paris on May 19, 2006, 07:54:41 PM
... the entire cast.

THAT'S the thing not to say... the ENTIRE cast!! :-\

Or is it the cast for the broken leg! (Break a leg did you say??)
Post by: François de Paris on May 19, 2006, 07:55:37 PM
I’m off to watch the Thai film ONG-BAK with Tony Jaa.


Does your husband know about... Tony Jaa? ;)
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 08:12:17 PM
Hello Francois!!! Happy birthday to you!!! (I hope it is not over already!)
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 08:13:17 PM
Well, if the mediocre CONVICTION had been as good all season as it is tonight, it might have been on NBC's fall 2006 lineup.

I agree completely. The best shows (both hours which were actually two episodes back-to-back) of the series by far.

I still object to everyone in that DA's office either wanting to or actually sleeping with one another. I was never all that interested in pursuing any of my co-workers and neither were any of the other single teachers I worked with. We all seemed to look elsewhere for companionship.
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 08:14:41 PM
I finished KISMET when I turned the TV back on. Always thoughr "Sands of Time" was an anticlimactic way to end the movie, my least favorite song in the entire score.
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 08:16:22 PM
I then put in THE OPPOSITE SEX, another DVD-R I reocrded off TCM. The picture was sharper than the laserdisc, but this time it was also just a tad more colorful (though the Metrocolor has faded pretty badly on this print and on the laserdisc, too.)
Post by: vixmom on May 19, 2006, 08:43:56 PM

Now this is fun!
Post by: Matt H. on May 19, 2006, 08:51:19 PM
Off to bed now.

Good night!
Post by: DearReaderLaura on May 19, 2006, 09:16:49 PM
Just home from a fun day of meetings. I am going to bed. Tomorrow is more of the same, only they start earlier.

Good night.
Post by: TCB on May 19, 2006, 10:21:41 PM
Many thanks to DRs Elmore and Jane for livening up our mailbox the past couple days!  You folks are the best!

I want pictures of Jane and Elmore inside your mailbox!
Post by: TPunk on May 19, 2006, 10:22:55 PM
Thanks. I'm hoping the nightmares stop and I lose this edge of irritability with pretty much everything.

BTW,  they accepted my counter offer but the husband won't be back from fishing in Canada to sign everything until tomorrow night.   I lost money so I'm not too happy, but the market in Sioux City is so bad for sellers....that got me a great house cheap, but cost me selling the old one.  Oh well, it's only money

I think that this is my biggest concern going into social work- burn out.  It's been hard even this year because I know that nobody wants to hear about my cases but I have to let some of it out or I feel like I will explode.  I suppose that is what therapy is for...
Post by: TPunk on May 19, 2006, 10:28:24 PM
I am home from a girls night out that consisted of drinks followed by sushi (and a lot of saki) for dinner, followed by more drinks and then a cab ride home with Rodzinski who was out with the boys.

My mom and younger sister are as we speak (so to speak) on a redeye flight from california and will be landing in approxmately 5 hours. Which means that they will be reaching our place sometime around 7 or 8 this morning, which means I should get some sleep.
Post by: TCB on May 19, 2006, 10:32:49 PM
Congratulations to

Michael S and George on your losses!