Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 6 => Topic started by: bk on May 26, 2006, 12:11:03 AM

Post by: bk on May 26, 2006, 12:11:03 AM
Well, you've read the notes, you luxuriated in the notes, and now it is time for you to post until the luxuriating cows come home - they're off pondering Gladiator: The Musical.
Post by: bk on May 26, 2006, 12:12:37 AM
And the word of the day is: FLIPPANT!
Post by: S. Woody White on May 26, 2006, 03:11:27 AM
Thirteen weeks in Sacramento can indeed seem like five years.
Post by: S. Woody White on May 26, 2006, 03:12:06 AM
Post by: S. Woody White on May 26, 2006, 03:13:38 AM
My stitches were taken out yesterday.  While I'm still nowhere near drop-dead gawjuss, I don't look that much the worse for wear.
Post by: Cillaliz on May 26, 2006, 03:14:41 AM
Good morning DR Woody
Post by: Cillaliz on May 26, 2006, 03:15:40 AM
Glad to hear the stitches came out and things are well
Post by: S. Woody White on May 26, 2006, 03:30:23 AM


No, really, books.  It's all I've got time for these days.

Anthony Bourdain's The Nasty Bits, and Michael Ruhlman's The Stretch of a Chef.

Yep, more food stuff.

Here's the fun part.  Bourdain and Ruhlman are real-life buds, even though Bourdain is this six-four booze-swilling hooligan from New Yawk with a leather jacket and tats, and Ruhlman is a six-four family man from Cleveland Heights with a button-down collar, total opposites.  

Nasty Bits is a compilation of articles that Bourdain has written for various others, plus some new stuff.  Dipping into it, I found him raving rapturously about a meal he had at Masa, a mucho expensive sushi restaurant at the Time Warner building in NYC.  One of his pals for the dinner happened to be Ruhlman.

Wait a sec.  Chapter index, in Reach of a Chef, yep, there it is, a chapter on Masa.  And what meal does Ruhlman just happen to be writing about?  The one he shared with Bourdain, of course.  (Bourdain, in his account, admits to cribbing from Ruhlman's notes as to exactly what they ate.)

Ruhlman is a journalist, cool, examining.  Bourdain is a sensualist, raging, a living exclamation point.  All the same, these two books, just released, are begging me to read them at the same time, flipping from one to the other.

I'm going to have fun!
Post by: S. Woody White on May 26, 2006, 03:30:52 AM
Good morning, Cillaliz!
Post by: S. Woody White on May 26, 2006, 03:44:42 AM
And now I must prepare for work.  I'll try to catch up when I get back.
Post by: Danise on May 26, 2006, 04:16:07 AM
Good morning all!

S. Woody White, I am so glad that everything turned out ok for you with your stitches.  Just be glad it wasn't a mean dog and do to you what that dog did to that lady who lost her face.

Jane, I'm also sorry for your friends health problems.  I'm glad that she doesn't have cancer.  Just the mention of the C word is enough to scare someone half to death.  Remember how frightened I was when it was mentioned a time or two.  

Matt, I still would have liked to have seen Meat Loaf.  If he has lost some of his voice, so be it.  I still like him.

Good morning, Elmore and DearReaderLaura!
Post by: Danise on May 26, 2006, 04:17:21 AM
School has ended for the summer here in Florida so the roads shouldn't be as crowded as they used to be.  That might affect the amount of time I can be on the computer on the bus.
Post by: Danise on May 26, 2006, 04:19:17 AM
I can't speak for anyone else but I am really looking forward to this 3 day weekend off.  I know I had the whole month of March off but it still feels like forever since I've had any time away.
Post by: Ben on May 26, 2006, 04:23:01 AM
Good morning all.

I have no plans to view anything video or audio this weekend. I am listening to the BBC right now but soon I will be on a bus to DC where I shall laugh and relax and have a wonderful time with dear friends and on Sunday we shall see Mame at the Kennedy Center.

I, like Woody, do have a book right now. Something to read on the bus and also before I go to sleep each night. I'm reading Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections. I began it yesterday. I'm also re-reading Josh Logan's autobiography but I'm leaving that one home on the night table.

I will pop in and out before I leave but after that I won't be around until Monday afternoon.
Post by: Danise on May 26, 2006, 04:24:07 AM
Cillaliz, I am glad that you are taking it easy.  Sometimes we all need a break from work.  I think we should have the summer off like the kids do.  Either that or I propose changing the work week to 5 days off, 2 days work.  Of course we still would receive the same (or better!) pay.
Post by: Danise on May 26, 2006, 04:24:42 AM
Just as I thought, we're getting off the interstate early.  Gotta go!
Laters all!

Post by: Ben on May 26, 2006, 04:25:35 AM
I had a wonderful, albeit short, time with Tom and Antonia at Dusk last night. I left early because I needed to pack for the DC trip but it was fun to raise a glass to Antonia's great accomplishment. Whether she works for the Jewish Board or some other organization, the people for whom she works will be getting a real gem. Congrats, again TPunk and good luck with the job search. Have fun this long weekend!
Post by: Ben on May 26, 2006, 04:29:11 AM
Back in the day my office used to have what they called "Summer Hours". What a treat. You chose to take either Monday or Friday off and to do that you worked extra hours the other four days. Once you chose your day you couldn't change it but that was never a problem. Ah, those long 3-day weekends in the mid-80s. It allowed for a lot of extra travelling. I was in DC so much it was like a second home. We don't have that luxury anymore. As much fun as it was, I don't miss it. I don't know if I could get all my work done even with the extra time four days a week. I would rather be able to take off all of December (which I do anyway).
Post by: Ben on May 26, 2006, 04:29:46 AM
Larry was here but he seems to have popped out. I'm about to pop out also.

So long for now.
Post by: elmore3003 on May 26, 2006, 04:38:44 AM
My stitches were taken out yesterday.  While I'm still nowhere near drop-dead gawjuss, I don't look that much the worse for wear.

DR SWW, I know you will be your handsome self in no time at all!

Good morning, all!  I'm shortly on my way to Toyland and Dylan on his way to Barnes & Noble.  Last night Dylan and I watched THE HOUSE OF WAX on HBO; celebutramp Paris Hilton is as pathetic in a role as she was as herself on THE REAL LIFE.  We also watched Mario Cantone's LAUGH WHORE, which made me laugh a lot.  All else is quiet on this western front.

   CD:  Jule Styne in Hollywood, Mr Guy Haines, Defying Gravity
   VCR:  locked up until Septemberr
Post by: elmore3003 on May 26, 2006, 04:40:04 AM

Wait a sec.  Chapter index, in Reach of a Chef, yep, there it is, a chapter on Masa.  

And here I thought Masa was in the cold, cold ground!
Post by: elmore3003 on May 26, 2006, 04:48:48 AM

I have no plans to view anything video or audio this weekend. I am listening to the BBC right now but soon I will be on a bus to DC where I shall laugh and relax and have a wonderful time with dear friends and on Sunday we shall see Mame at the Kennedy Center.

I, like Woody, do have a book right now. Something to read on the bus and also before I go to sleep each night. I'm reading Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections. I began it yesterday. I'm also re-reading Josh Logan's autobiography but I'm leaving that one home on the night table.

Good morning, DR Danise and DR Ben!  

I'm reading the new British publication BRITTEN'S CHILDREN, about composer Benjamin Britten and his friendships with children, especially those who performed in his works or studied with him.  The book began as a BBC tv documentary, based on interviews with the late actor David Hemmings, pianist Ronan Magill, and other children with whom he formed friendships throughout his life.  It's a nice alternative to Britten's last biographer's broad hints of pedophilia.  I'm also beginning Luke Yankee's bio of his mother Eileen Heckart, oneof my favorite actresses,
Post by: elmore3003 on May 26, 2006, 04:49:50 AM
DR Ben, have a great weekend!
Post by: Jrand73 on May 26, 2006, 04:59:16 AM
Bio of Eileen Heckart....hmmmm.....what does it have to say about THE BAD SEED play and movie?

BUS STOP.....hmmmm....she certainly had an interesting career.
Post by: Jrand73 on May 26, 2006, 05:00:34 AM

DVD - Prime Time.  A movie from the late 70's that has some funny things in it, some talented people....but isn't much to see.


CD:  Mario Frangoulis The Tampa Concert!
Post by: Jrand73 on May 26, 2006, 05:05:21 AM
Yes MR BK - the pilot for YOUNG LOVE is indeed included in the Season Three Box Set of The DORIS DAY Show!
Post by: Jrand73 on May 26, 2006, 05:06:06 AM
I am working today as well, DR SWW.  

Cat vibes and friend vibes to ALL!
Post by: Tomovoz on May 26, 2006, 05:12:05 AM

DVD:  DP and I have been enjoying Series One of "Arrrested Development".

CDs:  Some surprises in preparation for DR MBarnum!
Post by: Ben on May 26, 2006, 05:25:56 AM
I'm listening to the Highlights CD of Unsung Irving Berlin. I took it to the office since I've just transferred the complete series from tape to CD.

BK I'm just enjoying this CD so much again! I haven't listened to it for quite a while. Now that I have the whole thing on two CDs I'll be listening often. I love your take on You're a Sucker for a Dame and I love the last number. If You Haven't Got An Ear for Music which was Donald's old opening and closing song for the other radio show at  :-X  :-X  :-X  :-X    ;)
Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 26, 2006, 05:29:44 AM
My Media Check

iPod:  Huey Lewis and the News Greatest Hits

Tivo:  nothing of particular interest

DVD:  Jim Henson's THE STORYTELLER.  I don't know if this has been out for a while or not, but I spotted it on the New Release rack at Target this week and picked it up.  I loved this shot series when it first appeared on NBC years ago--a wonderful blend of storytelling and visuals.  This is a 2-disc set, which also contains THE STORYTELLER:  GREEK LEGENDS, a series I've never laid eyes on.

It would be nice if they released Shelley Duvall's Fairy Tale Theatre on disc.
Post by: Matthew on May 26, 2006, 05:45:36 AM
bk - neat to hear that Peter Musante read for you last night.  Peter was one of my students while he was in high school and middle school and I'm very good friends with his family.  He played the title role in "Sweeney Todd" when he was a Senior and he was fantastic.  His mom teaches drama and I've musical directed for her before - it's a small world. (after all)  I'm very proud of Peter's accomplishments - Oh -- he was Matt in the "Fantasticks" for me a few years ago, also.  I'm so glad he had the opportunity to work with you.
Post by: Ginny on May 26, 2006, 06:21:10 AM
Friday morning greetings!  Just putting one foot in front of the other, heading toward 5:30pm and the beginning of my 4-day weekend.

Media report:

DVD - The Smartest Guys in the Room, which was recommended by DR Elmore and which we will watch to celebrate yesterday's convictions.  Also, season 1 of Boston Legal, which we started watching just this past January.

CD - The Harry Connick dual disc set that has Pajama Game; in my car, still listening to Emma - oh, I also have the Gwyneth Paltrow movie version on DVD at home, so that should be added to my list above.
Post by: Ginny on May 26, 2006, 06:22:57 AM
DR Ben - have a great trip to Washington!
Post by: Ben on May 26, 2006, 07:13:40 AM
Speaking of The Smartest Guys in the Room, while I don't often express political sentiments here I will now.

Hoo and Ray, those slime buckets were convicted. Every so often a ray of sunshine appears through the clouds.
Post by: Ben on May 26, 2006, 07:14:59 AM
Thanks, Ginny. I'm looking forward to the trip. Haven't been to DC for a couple of years and we always have a good time with our old college friend. It's a pretty open calendar. We are seeing Mame on Sunday evening but the rest of the time is open to whatever happens.
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 07:21:05 AM
Good morning!

It's muggy here and very summery-feeling. Going to be in the 90s this weekend. I'm sure those off for Memorial Day will be enjoying the sun and heat and humidity. I long for spring (or fall).
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 07:23:38 AM
After reading Peter Filichia's review of the Eileen Heckhart biography, I've been tempted to pick it up also. I'm currently reading S IS FOR SILENCE, but this is one of the few Sue Grafton's that I've had a hard time getting into. And the book got the best reviews she's gotten in years, so I guess the problem is just my being restless and the heaps of reading and viewing materials that are here ready to be consumed.

All I need is 50 hour days, and I'd be set!
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 07:26:44 AM
Friday Media Check:


DVR - last night's CSI rerun (with Faye Dunaway)


laserdisc - DEEP IN MY HEART

Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 07:29:06 AM
I finshed listening to JERSEY BOYS yesterday, and I enjoyed hearing the Frankie Valli songs my brother used to listen to all the time. I'm sure the show is fun, and I'm not surprised it's doing well nor will I be surprised when it does well on the road tours with my Baby Boomer generation of ticket buyers hungry for nostalgia.

But I was really surprised in some early dialog lines on the CD that the "F-word" is said twice. Was that really necessary to include that on the CD?
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 07:37:28 AM
I meant to mention this yesterday but kept forgetting. NBC has shaken up the schedule it announced a week ago once it got a gander at the schedules of the other networks.

The Aaron Sorkin dramedy about the making of a Saturday Night Live type show (with Matthew Perry) which was slated for Thursdays at 9 has now been moved to Mondays at 10.

So what happens to MEDIUM? Gone from the schedule until midseason when it will return on Sunday night after football season!

NBC is putting DEAL OR NO DEAL on Thursdays at 9.

CROSSING JORDAN will now rejoin the schedule in the fall on Fridays at 8.

LAW & ORDER:CRIMINAL INTENT and LAW & ORDER are now moving from their announced places on the schedule. CI will go to Tuesdays at 9 making a two hour LAW & ORDER block with CI and SVU.

The original LAW & ORDER will be moving from WEdnesday at 10 to Friday at 10.

THE BIGGEST LOSER, which had been scheduled for Tuesdays at 8 has been shifted to Wednesdays at 9, and the two comedies that were going to be there have been moved to WEdnesday at 8.
Post by: DERBRUCER on May 26, 2006, 07:37:45 AM
Dorothy Gale visits Portland last night:


der Brucer

Post by: DERBRUCER on May 26, 2006, 07:45:05 AM
Speaking of The Smartest Guys in the Room, while I don't often express political sentiments here I will now.

Hoo and Ray, those slime buckets were convicted. Every so often a ray of sunshine appears through the clouds.

I didn't know Hoo and Ray were on trial!

To suggest Skilling and Lay got what they deserved is not a political sentiment; it is an ethical observation that I suspect most of us of all political persuasion share. This was capitalism at it's finest - they earned jail, they got jail.

der Brucer

Post by: DERBRUCER on May 26, 2006, 07:46:35 AM
Friday Media Check:


Wouldn't THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST make a better pairing with MOMMIE DEAREST?

der Brucer
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 08:09:14 AM
Wouldn't THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST make a better pairing with MOMMIE DEAREST?

der Brucer

Thematically, yes.

But I have absolutely no interest in seeing THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST.
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 08:09:42 AM
Off to get cleaned up now so I can run my usual Friday errands.

Post by: vixmom on May 26, 2006, 08:14:01 AM
Good morning all! I don't know if it the low cloud cover keeping in the pollen or the wallpapering they're doing in the hallway here at work but my eyes are burning and I have a headache that won't quit.

Since we're working on half staff today and I'm the half that's in for my department I'm stuck here for the duration.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 26, 2006, 08:18:38 AM
I want to pick up the latest MOMMIE DEAREST because it sounds like good campy fun--John Waters in on the commentry track.
Post by: vixmom on May 26, 2006, 08:19:21 AM
I just finished listening to the book on tape "Agatha Raisen and the Perfect Paragon"  (Agatha Raisen books are a guilty pleasure my mom & I share, a  formulatic ,"chocolate for the mind"  series that follows the adventures of a retired female PR rep turned amateur sleuth living in the British Cottswells .

I have just started listening to my new Books on Tape  "A Widow of the South"  this morning.

In my DVD player at home the Boston Legal Finale which Danise so kindly burned and mailed to me.  I was too tired to watch it last night and plan to see it tonight if my eyes get better.

In my CDplayer at work New Guy In Town  
Post by: bk on May 26, 2006, 08:25:03 AM
I'm up, I'm up.  

It's nice to know that Aaron Sorkin's "new" idea about the backstage at a Saturday Night Live type show is coming.  I pitched that very idea to ABC back in 1985 - it got close, but no ceegar.
Post by: DERBRUCER on May 26, 2006, 08:29:42 AM

But I was really surprised in some early dialog lines on the CD that the "F-word" is said twice. Was that really necessary to include that on the CD?

Yes, if you want to keep your CD out of Wal-Mart and appeal to the "No Taste is Good Taste" crowd.

der Brucer (old-fashioned Grandpa!)

Speaking of which:

Last night my third-grader Grandson informed us all that Classmate A "showed her hole" to Classmate B (another girl). Classmate A also convinced Classmate B to join her in lifting her top to show off her chest to those assembled. [And the boys din't even have beads to throw!]

Earlier, when I check with the School faculty about sex education, I was informed that it had been removed as "too controversial" Even "Good Touch/Bad Touch" had been abandoned.

Grandson's Day Care provider lets her 8 year-old wear a bra to school because "that's what she wants".

This is the same provider who introduced the Grandlads to the use of both the "S" and "F" words in film by showing them Adam Sandler's "Billy Madison".
Post by: Charles Pogue on May 26, 2006, 08:42:27 AM
BK, I too like both Sergeant Rutledge and Cheyenne Autumn.  Autumn has a melancholy majesty to it and Strode probably does his best work ever in Rutledge.  Yeah, the end of Rutledge is a little Perry Mason, but the film is still solid.

DVD: Watching George Bernard Shaw plays, from a boxed set from the BBC...first off, ARMS & THE MAN, starring Helena Bonham Carter and MAN OF DESTINY with Simon Callow.

CDs:  Lots of compiliations of cowboy songs my friend has downloaded for me.

BOOK: Men-At-Arms, by the hilarious Terry Pratchett.
Post by: DERBRUCER on May 26, 2006, 08:53:51 AM

It would be nice if they released Shelley Duvall's Fairy Tale Theatre on disc.

They have :) We have it - a six disc set.

It is now on super-sale (56% off) at  AMAZON (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00077BPH8/qid=1148658338/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/002-2041876-5755222?s=dvd&v=glance&n=130).

der Brucer
Post by: DERBRUCER on May 26, 2006, 08:56:19 AM
MAN OF DESTINY with Simon Callow.

In his pre-American Idol days ::)

der Brucer
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 09:03:58 AM
Tina Fey is also doing a sitcom about a Saturday Night Live program, too, and it's also on NBC this season (one of their Wednesday comedies). Overkill if you asked me, though, of course, I haven't seen either show, and they both may be marvelous. I will certainly be watching to find out.
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 09:06:46 AM
RE: the JERSEY BOYS cast album

Understand please that I'm not a prude about profanity. I certainly use my fair share of it, but I just found its use unnecessary on a cast album with songs that could appeal to all ages (not just us Baby Boomers), but that was a REAL turn-off for me when I heard it, and I suspect it might be for parents of potential musical theater kids to come.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 26, 2006, 09:08:33 AM
They have :) We have it - a six disc set.

It is now on super-sale (56% off) at  AMAZON (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00077BPH8/qid=1148658338/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/002-2041876-5755222?s=dvd&v=glance&n=130).

der Brucer

Whoa!  Thanks DR DB!  I am ordering this right away!
Post by: DERBRUCER on May 26, 2006, 09:08:52 AM
...but that was a REAL turn-off for me when I heard it, and I suspect it might be for parents of potential musical theater kids to come.

and Grandparents!

der Brucer
Post by: bk on May 26, 2006, 09:10:15 AM
I think we finally have a cover design for Deceit - we're trying to play up Matt's involvement, and Doug finally found a way to do that and still have it look like a movie poster design.  
Post by: MBarnum on May 26, 2006, 09:15:57 AM
TOD: Media Check

With what looks like a rainly 4 day weekend I hope to get lots of DVDs watched!!

         LATTER DAYS


CD: Some lovely compilation CDs titled TAKE FIVE parts 1 and 2 courtesy that dear reader Tomovoz!!!
Post by: FJL on May 26, 2006, 09:22:30 AM
Matt - I absolutely admired and greatly enjoyed JERSEY BOYS, but I don't think a cast album of that pop song material will be useful towards developing musical theater kids to come.  They are not musical theater songs, either in fact or in the way 90% of them are used in the show, and I think they won't encourage kids to be more interested in musical theater, unless it's to make them more interested in seeing more catalog musicals (a terms I prefer to the derogatory-sounding "jukebox musical" term).  

And I think including the rough language sends a clear signal to parents before they pay $110 a ticket to be confronted with an extremely gritty, parental guidance suggested IMHO, show.  The grit is part of what makes the theatrical experiecne of the show so special, and I'm glad the cast recording reflects that grit.
Post by: MBarnum on May 26, 2006, 09:23:31 AM
As for books, I am currently enjoying the book CONVERSATIONS WITH THE DEVIL, DIALOGUES WITH THE SOUL...a fascinating look at religion by one of my interviewees, written under his pen name of JON CHRISTIAN EAGLE.
Post by: MBarnum on May 26, 2006, 09:26:39 AM
Page 3 Mari Blanchard, DON'T KNOCK THE TWIST dance!

Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 09:27:00 AM
Off to get lunch prepared.

Post by: Ginny on May 26, 2006, 09:39:02 AM
I think we finally have a cover design for Deceit - we're trying to play up Matt's involvement, and Doug finally found a way to do that and still have it look like a movie poster design.  

Looking forward to seeing it, BK!
Post by: PennyO on May 26, 2006, 09:50:55 AM
Hiya, hiya! Woods, glad the stitches came out okay, and you have a happy face to put on, should the mood strike you. I still feel so sorry about that poor dog - who can't be fixed with some antiseptic and stitches... ah, me.

I watched a DVD of MY BLUE HEAVEN last night - well, slept to it, anyway... I've seen it before and like it a lot, when I can stay awake. I'm a big Steve Martin fan, and will sleep to virtually ANYTHING he's in. Ask me why I never go to movies at night - $10 just down the drain. I can sleep at home for free!

It's cloudy and drizzley here - no surprise. The feral cat came in for a few moments. The birds screeched me awake at 6, as they have been fairly peanut-less for 9 days. No raccoons last night - I put out grapes for them, which are still in their bowl. I expect they'll find out I'm back within a few days. But they did let me sleep last night.

No gardening for me today. But I have wads of old papers to throw out, nine-year-old bank statements to burn, stuff like that. And a nice book I have salted away for a leisurely rainy day read! Oh, joy! What fun I shall have today.

Bruce - I'm really glad the reading went so well. And rather sorry to hear that the fifty-ish sidekick part was so well handled... it's a very good play, and there are lots of good actors in LA for ALL of the parts. But I agree - you should do the lead for the first production.

Just an aside: be extra generous with your grades for the musical theater class participants. Remember that it's an elective, with lotsa homework...
Post by: Ginny on May 26, 2006, 09:57:25 AM
OK, I have an entire afternoon of information-waitressing ahead.  Will try to log in later.

Bye for now!
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 09:58:16 AM
Yes, if you want to keep your CD out of Wal-Mart and appeal to the "No Taste is Good Taste" crowd.

der Brucer (old-fashioned Grandpa!)

Speaking of which:

Last night my third-grader Grandson informed us all that Classmate A "showed her hole" to Classmate B (another girl). Classmate A also convinced Classmate B to join her in lifting her top to show off her chest to those assembled. [And the boys din't even have beads to throw!]

Earlier, when I check with the School faculty about sex education, I was informed that it had been removed as "too controversial" Even "Good Touch/Bad Touch" had been abandoned.

Grandson's Day Care provider lets her 8 year-old wear a bra to school because "that's what she wants".

This is the same provider who introduced the Grandlads to the use of both the "S" and "F" words in film by showing them Adam Sandler's "Billy Madison".

Aargh!!!!! sex ed is "too controversial" and yet kids are curious and clearly have a need to explore and gather information about it.  Wouldn't it make sense for them do so in a supportive and controlled atmosphere?? With people who are educated and can appropriately answer their questions?? Of course not, let's just stick our heads in the sand.

And scene.
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 10:00:30 AM
Fun was had by all last night at Dusk Lounge.  We did remember our camera and pictures were taken but I didn't have time to load them on the computer before leaving for work this morning.  I promise to post some later tonight or early tomorrow.
Post by: DERBRUCER on May 26, 2006, 10:00:32 AM

And I think including the rough language sends a clear signal to parents before they pay $110 a ticket to be confronted with an extremely gritty, parental guidance suggested IMHO, show.  The grit is part of what makes the theatrical experiecne of the show so special, and I'm glad the cast recording reflects that grit.

GOOD POINT! Imagine a G-Rated CD of "Avenue Q"!

Using Cast Albums to introduce kids to Musical Theatre is a challenge. The job is made easier when there are DVD versions of the shows (like "Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat") or movies which closely mirror the show ("Music Man", Li'l Abner, "The Lion King" -[musically])

Even without any visual references, the kids love "Frog and Toad" and "Charlie Brown".

Since we have the DVD of "Last Starfighter", maybe we introduce the grandlads to some "no yet on B'Way" musicals.

The present household debate is which version of "Peter Pan", Disney movie or B'Way show.

der Brucer
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 10:01:18 AM
DR SWW, I'm glad that the stitches came out and that you are on the road to recovery.
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 10:02:03 AM
I don't believe that Rodzinski is able to post today because the computers at his office have all gone screwy.  I believe that is the technical term for it.
Post by: vixmom on May 26, 2006, 10:07:01 AM
OK, I have an entire afternoon of information-waitressing ahead.  Will try to log in later.

Bye for now!

But, but.... the woman in my dream said you didn't do that anymore!!!
Post by: DERBRUCER on May 26, 2006, 10:07:06 AM
Aargh!!!!! sex ed is "too controversial" and yet kids are curious and clearly have a need to explore and gather information about it.  

This Grandpa gets particulary nervous considering he was sexually active at 9 (the age of the eldest Grandlad) and was a sexual predator by 14.

der Brucer
Post by: DERBRUCER on May 26, 2006, 10:10:19 AM
I don't believe that Rodzinski is able to post today because the computers at his office have all gone screwy.  I believe that is the technical term for it.

No, the correct term is "fercockt'!

der Brucer
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 10:12:48 AM
This Grandpa gets particulary nervous considering he was sexually active at 9 (the age of the eldest Grandlad) and was a sexual predator by 14.

der Brucer

Case in point, kids need support around sex and body issues.

In many European nations, they begin some form of sexual education at age 5.  These countries have significantly lower rates of unplanned teenage pregnancies and HIV infections among other things.  I'm willing to guess that those kids also grow up with higher self esteem and body image, but that's just my opinion.  I feel like our country's puritanical roots are still strongly felt in these kinds of policies.
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 10:13:18 AM
What was that that Ben said about not getting political on this site?? :)
Post by: Ginny on May 26, 2006, 10:23:11 AM
But, but.... the woman in my dream said you didn't do that anymore!!!

LOL, DR Vixmom!  She was 80% correct:  4 days out of 5 will be mine to schedule as necessary to carry out the duties of Grants Specialist.  The fifth day (alternating Fridays and Saturdays) will be ALL information-waitressing  :P
Post by: DERBRUCER on May 26, 2006, 10:23:50 AM
What was that that Ben said about not getting political on this site?? :)

If we're agreeing it can't be political ;D

der Brucer
Post by: Danise on May 26, 2006, 10:26:33 AM
A very quick good afternoon to all.  I'm at lunch but work is a ghost town.  Everyone who is here has a bad case of the "I don't wanna be here's", myself included.

Not much new to report but I do want to send out vibes to everyone who needs them!
Post by: Charles Pogue on May 26, 2006, 10:42:28 AM
In his pre-American Idol days ::)

der Brucer

Simon CALLOW, respected British actor, not Simon COWELL.
Post by: vixmom on May 26, 2006, 10:56:20 AM
Thanks for talking about the Fairy Tale Theatre DTM and thanks for the link DerB... I have just ordered a set.

Post by: vixmom on May 26, 2006, 10:58:16 AM
Glad to hear everyone's faces are healing well.  Any TCB updates today?
Post by: Jrand73 on May 26, 2006, 11:05:09 AM
THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST MOMMIE DEAREST is the title of my new Sex Education Book aimed at preschoolers.
Post by: Jrand73 on May 26, 2006, 11:06:05 AM
I must say that when YOUNG LOVE came on one night INSTEAD of the DORIS DAY SHOW, I switched the channel....so when I see it in a week or so, it will be my introduction to MR BK's performance!
Post by: Jrand73 on May 26, 2006, 11:06:49 AM
Glad the reading went well....yes different actors can illuminate a script in different ways....
Post by: Jrand73 on May 26, 2006, 11:07:36 AM
OMG DRPENNYO - when you mentioned MY BLUE HEAVEN, I immediately thought of the movie with Anne Baxter and Dan Dailey....I am definitely MY AGE!
Post by: Jennifer on May 26, 2006, 11:10:40 AM
DR MattH, I read about the NBC shake-ups this morning in my local paper. Let's just say i was not happy about them pulling MEDIUM till january.

What the heck is the point of submitting a schedule only to pull it a week later. I am really annoyed at them. I don't even think I watch anything else on that channel, and now i'm glad.

I wonder if the season finale ratings were not good?
Post by: vixmom on May 26, 2006, 11:37:02 AM
LOL, DR Vixmom!  She was 80% correct:  4 days out of 5 will be mine to schedule as necessary to carry out the duties of Grants Specialist.  The fifth day (alternating Fridays and Saturdays) will be ALL information-waitressing  :P

Whenever you say you are doing this I imagine you sitting on the set of "Desk Set".    Do you have Amarac there to help you out?
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 11:51:00 AM
And the word of the day is: FLIPPANT!

Ain't that the name of a new Disney character, an insect which thinks it's a purpoise and keeps jumping and jumping with no purpose at all?!
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 11:52:33 AM
My stitches were taken out yesterday.

For a walk?! ;)
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 11:55:06 AM
Good morning all!

S. Woody White, I am so glad that everything turned out ok for you with your stitches.  Just be glad it wasn't a mean dog and do to you what that dog did to that lady who lost her face.

Yes, and she kept smoking and smoking just after the surgery even when the surgeon was asking her not to! Talk about dumb!
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 11:56:30 AM

Matt, I still would have liked to have seen Meat Loaf.  If he has lost some of his voice, so be it.  I still like him.

You sound so much like Sancho Panza! ;)
Post by: elmore3003 on May 26, 2006, 11:59:39 AM

in my car, still listening to Emma - oh, I also have the Gwyneth Paltrow movie version on DVD at home, so that should be added to my list above.

Too coy and pretty; get the Kate Beckinsale/A & E adaptation from Netflix.
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 12:01:07 PM
Larry was here but he seems to have popped out. I'm about to pop out also.

So long for now.

Well... next time you pop in, bring an umbrella, and we"ll call you Mary! ;)
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 12:02:22 PM
DR SWW, I know you will be your handsome self in no time at all!

Ummmm... is this really a compliment??! :D
Post by: bk on May 26, 2006, 12:03:07 PM
My face is healing nicely, too - there was nothing wrong with it, but I like to jump on the bandwagon every now and then.

Back from Mr. Grant Geissman - we discussed everything we needed to, I think he has a clear picture of what we need, and I'll hear something in the next day or three.  Now, to work up the proper jogging frame of mind.
Post by: Cillaliz on May 26, 2006, 12:04:09 PM
In memoriam...Mr. Nilla the cat  October 2000-May 26, 2006
Post by: Jane on May 26, 2006, 12:04:18 PM
Thank you all for the much needed good vibes.  Fortunately my friend’s daughter, newly graduated from medical school, can spend the next few weeks with her.

SWW, glad to hear your aren’t worse for the wear.  Will your mustache eventually cover the scar (or whatever space you are left with)?
Post by: elmore3003 on May 26, 2006, 12:09:45 PM
I just received an email from our DR TCB!  He is home but not receiving guests today.  He says he's very tired and sore.  
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 12:22:49 PM
Case in point, kids need support around sex ....

I KNOW where TCB is so I won't ask for him!!! :o ;D :D
Post by: Jane on May 26, 2006, 12:24:00 PM
Cillaliz, I'm so sorry.   It is always terribly painful when we loose our furry family members and to loose one as you just did is exceptionally difficult.  I wish I could give you a big hug.
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 12:24:43 PM
Glad to hear everyone's faces are healing well.  Any TCB updates today?

His face is healing well too! :D
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 12:26:15 PM
Cillaliz, I'm so sorry.
Post by: Ginny on May 26, 2006, 12:28:23 PM
DR Cillaliz - I'm so sorry for your loss.
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 12:31:57 PM
In memoriam...Mr. Nilla the cat  October 2000-May 26, 2006

Sorry to read that, Cill!

At least you'll only have good memories of him!
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 12:33:01 PM
I just received an email from our DR TCB!  He is home but not receiving guests today.  He says he's very tired and sore.  

But happy to be back with his cats I'm sure!
Post by: Ginny on May 26, 2006, 12:34:18 PM
Whenever you say you are doing this I imagine you sitting on the set of "Desk Set".    Do you have Amarac there to help you out?

One of my favorite movies, DR Vixmom!

We have lots and lots of computer resources, but, as in the movie, sometimes it's just easier and faster to use a book.
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 12:36:17 PM
In memoriam...Mr. Nilla the cat  October 2000-May 26, 2006

He already was in cat heaven on earth!
See that black circle "above" his head?! :)
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 12:38:18 PM
Cillaliz, I'm so sorry.   It is always terribly painful when we loose our furry family members ...

Yes, my uncle Harry was very hairry!! ;)
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 12:39:04 PM
I do believe I am done testing for the day.  That means I get to devote the next four hours to catching up on paperwork.  Oh joy.
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 12:41:01 PM
Now, To Work Up The Proper Jogging Frame Of Mind.

Title to my next book of aerobics, with a forword by Jane F.! 8)
Post by: Ginny on May 26, 2006, 12:41:37 PM
I do believe I am done testing for the day.  That means I get to devote the next four hours to catching up on paperwork.  Oh joy.

Working late tonight?
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 12:42:21 PM
 Oh joy.

She has not posted for quite a while now!! Where's the b.slap machine?? ;)
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 12:44:22 PM
Title to my next book of aerobics, with a forword by Jane F.! 8)

My mom saw Jane Fonda speak as part of a speakers package she subscribes to.  She'd really been looking forward to it, but when she told me about it today and said that Miss Fonda seemed a little hyped up and was very ansty, moving and fidgeting all over the place.  (Actually I believe her words were, she seemed like she was on crack) She wondered if it was simply that Miss Fonda was nervous or if there was something else going on.
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 12:46:05 PM
Working late tonight?

Not too late, 7:30.  Although I realized earlier when Rodzinski told me that his office was closing at 2, that I haven't worked this late on a pre-memorial day friday in quite some time.
Post by: Ginny on May 26, 2006, 12:49:06 PM
Not too late, 7:30.  Although I realized earlier when Rodzinski told me that his office was closing at 2, that I haven't worked this late on a pre-memorial day friday in quite some time.

For a few years, the scheduling rotations here determined that I worked on the Saturday of both Memorial and Labor Day weekends.  Lately, I've gotten lucky and not had those Saturdays.
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 12:49:43 PM
My plans for this weekend include: sewing, couch sitting, wine and cheese, and re-intro to Spanish 101 with an emphasis on HIV vocab.
Post by: bk on May 26, 2006, 12:54:26 PM
Had a nice jog (almost quit two blocks ahead of what I've been doing, but duked it out until the very end.  That's what happens when you watch a bunch of John Ford movies in a row.
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 12:55:00 PM
For a few years, the scheduling rotations here determined that I worked on the Saturday of both Memorial and Labor Day weekends.  Lately, I've gotten lucky and not had those Saturdays.

Ew, working holiday weekends is never any fun.  I'm glad that you've gotten off the hook this year.  I suppose calling out sick on a holiday weekend doesn't work.  ::)
Post by: Ginny on May 26, 2006, 01:03:43 PM
Ew, working holiday weekends is never any fun.  I'm glad that you've gotten off the hook this year.  I suppose calling out sick on a holiday weekend doesn't work.  ::)

Nope, not very well.

The added delight is that when I have Saturday off I also have the following Monday, which is a paid holiday.  So, they have to give me an alternate day off.  When they're being nice, I get Tuesday and a 4-day weekend   :D

My plans include lunching Sunday with a college friend, Monday watching DH Richard march in a parade with the American Legion Honor Guard, and visiting a newly-opened Border's store (replacing an old one).
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 26, 2006, 01:13:01 PM
I had a wonderful, albeit short, time with Tom and Antonia at Dusk last night. I left early because I needed to pack for the DC trip but it was fun to raise a glass to Antonia's great accomplishment. Whether she works for the Jewish Board or some other organization, the people for whom she works will be getting a real gem. Congrats, again TPunk and good luck with the job search. Have fun this long weekend!

"Tom and Antonia at Dusk" -- that will be the title of my new oil painting...
Post by: PennyO on May 26, 2006, 01:13:46 PM
Cillaliz, I am so sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathy in such a sad time.
Post by: Jennifer on May 26, 2006, 01:14:26 PM
Good vibes to DR TCB. ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Good vibes to DR Cillaliz. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Post by: PennyO on May 26, 2006, 01:15:11 PM
I managed to get through a whole big box of stuff - and throw most of it out. Much more to come. A little at a time, then go through it all again and get rid of more. Something goes out every day from now on... lightening my load. I'm gonna die FREE of effluvia, and BROKE!!
Post by: PennyO on May 26, 2006, 01:16:05 PM
And now to get back to Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything!!!
Post by: FJL on May 26, 2006, 01:18:54 PM
Cilla, I'm so sorry about your loss.
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 01:20:23 PM
DR MattH, I read about the NBC shake-ups this morning in my local paper. Let's just say i was not happy about them pulling MEDIUM till january.

What the heck is the point of submitting a schedule only to pull it a week later. I am really annoyed at them. I don't even think I watch anything else on that channel, and now i'm glad.

I wonder if the season finale ratings were not good?

Far be it from me to try to defend NBC which has made one boneheaded move after another in the years since FRIENDS and FRASIER assisted it in becoming and staying #1 in the ratings.

However, in NBC's defense, it was the first network to present its schedule at the affiliate up-fronts and had to make decisions based on what it THOUGHT the other networks were going to do. NBC had no idea GREY'S ANATOMY was going to Thursday instead of Monday (which was the general concensus) or that CBS was going to move WITHOUT A TRACE to Sunday and do away with the movie that's been there for many years. The network is not working from a strong schedule to start with with no big hits on their list any more and trying desperately to find a relatively safe time period to launch what they hope will be a new hit to jump start them again (the way ABC got jump started by LOST and DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES last year).

So, I understand why they had to shake up their original schedule. And MEDIUM was down a bit from its ratings last year for its season ender. Of course, THE APPRENTICE has not provided it with much of a lead-in this year. Believe it or not, LAS VEGAS was a much more compatible lead-in for it than THE APPRENTICE has been. Sadly, when it comes back in January, guess what's going to be its lead-in? Right! THE APPRENTICE!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 26, 2006, 01:20:56 PM
In memoriam...Mr. Nilla the cat  October 2000-May 26, 2006

Cillaliz:  You have my deepest sympathy for your loss.  It's traumatic enough to lose a pet, but when something happens to them that cannot be treated, it's very frustrating, vexing and maddening.

I'm certain the vet took every necessary precaution to ensure Nilla did not suffer.  

Nilla had a loving home and a good life. Be at peace.
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 01:23:59 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed DEEP IN MY HEART this afternoon. I haven't watched it all the way through in awhile, and it's a nice laserdisc transfer with excellent surround sound and (for Eastmancolor) good, rich color.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 26, 2006, 01:24:28 PM
She has not posted for quite a while now!! Where's the b.slap machine?? ;)

It's being express-mailed to Paris and a DR from this forum!
Post by: George on May 26, 2006, 01:24:31 PM
In memoriam...Mr. Nilla the cat  October 2000-May 26, 2006

Cillaliz, I'm very sorry to hear about Mr. Nilla. :'(
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 26, 2006, 01:25:37 PM
I don't believe that Rodzinski is able to post today because the computers at his office have all gone screwy.  I believe that is the technical term for it.

Must be an invasion of Toons.
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 01:27:27 PM
I echo the sentiments, DR Cillaliz. Nilla had a good life, and you can feel happy and fulfilled knowing that.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 26, 2006, 01:31:41 PM
I slept in til 10:30 a.m. today.  It's nice having a four-day weekend.

Of course, I'd love to be productive...but the air is so cool and refreshing and the sleep was so deep and the bed so warm that I simply could not resist.

Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 01:31:43 PM
Next I put in SMALL TOWN GIRL. Again, hadn't watched it in quite a long time, and the VHS tape, unlike LOVELY TO LOOK AT, is not a new Technicolor restoration or anything close to it. Thus, it often looks washed out and there's definite print damage to have to endure.

Still, Farley Granger is "lovely to look at," and Jane Powell does a nifty dance with Bobby Van which helps us remember she was not always just about trilling.
Post by: Jrand73 on May 26, 2006, 01:32:05 PM
Sending sympathy vibes to DRCILLALIZ!
Post by: Jrand73 on May 26, 2006, 01:33:11 PM
Emerac is no longer available for office work, DR VIXMOM.  In case you didn't notice the Delambre brothers used it in there matter transfer experiments in THE FLY and RETURN OF THE FLY.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on May 26, 2006, 01:33:47 PM
Jane Powell does a nifty dance with Bobby Van which helps us remember she was not always just about trilling.

"She was not always just about trilling" -- That may be the title of my next murder mystery.
Post by: Jrand73 on May 26, 2006, 01:34:45 PM
DR DAKOTA CELT discussed CHEYENNE AUTUMN here at length a few weeks ago.

And I certainly agree with MR BK, that the Baker-Widmark relationship worked very well....but then Carroll is terrific in everything in my prejudiced opinion.
Post by: vixmom on May 26, 2006, 01:40:59 PM
Cillaliz, my condolences on your loss.  
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 01:48:49 PM
My mom saw Jane Fonda speak as part of a speakers package she subscribes to.  She'd really been looking forward to it, but when she told me about it today and said that Miss Fonda seemed a little hyped up and was very ansty, moving and fidgeting all over the place.  (Actually I believe her words were, she seemed like she was on crack) She wondered if it was simply that Miss Fonda was nervous or if there was something else going on.

Has your mother seen Julie Andrews on that program?
If she looked ... agitated it's because Julie is on... pixie- dust!! ;)
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 02:00:01 PM
"She was not always just about trilling" -- That may be the title of my next murder mystery.

"She was not always just about drilling"

Is that about an oil industry handbook?!

(I'm drilling for the one I love
To oil me today...."
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 02:02:23 PM
I managed to get through a whole big box of stuff - and throw most of it out.

Did you have to drill through it?! ;)

I now have a b.slap machine but I don't know how to use it!

(Say It With A Slap!)
Post by: Danise on May 26, 2006, 02:02:34 PM
Evening all!

Cillaliz--My most deepest condolances to you about your dear cat.  

Many vibes, hopes and good wishes to our dear TCB--may he continue to get better.
Post by: Danise on May 26, 2006, 02:07:00 PM
Freedom for 3 whole days!  Yippie!!!
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 02:07:30 PM

Yesterday's TOTD:

    So love is a hoax,
    A glittering string
    Of little white lies,
    But these are the jokes,
    And what if they bring
    The tears to your eyes?
    Well, love often shows
    A funny return,
    The brighter it glows,
    The longer you burn,
    And Lord only knows
    Love has little concern
    For the fools of the road.
    But that's how it goes,
    You live and you learn
    The rules of the road.
    (from "The Rules of the Road")

    From now on
    I promise to behave,
    I'll pack my gear and disappear from view.
    From now on
    I'll huddle in a cave,
    But if in case ya miss the face that used to pester you,

    Just give a little whistle, ring a little bell,
    Crook your little finger, honey, give a little yell,
    I'll leap over fences,
    I'll even leave my senses
    And I'll take, for your sake, to the air.
    Just give a little whistle,
    Say you want me, and I'll be there.
    (from "Give a Little Whistle," Wildcat

    I've got your number,
    I know you inside out,
    You ain't no Eagle Scout,
    You're all at sea.
    Oh yes, you brag a lot,
    Wave your own flag a lot,
    But you're unsure a lot,
    You're a lot
    Like me.
    Oh, I've got your number
    And what you're looking for,
    And what you're looking for
    Just suits me fine.
    We'll break those rules a lot,
    We'll be damn fools a lot,
    But then, why should we not,
    How could we not
    When I've got your number
    And I've got the glow you've got,
    I've got your number
    And, baby, you know you've got

Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 02:18:42 PM

Bits of trivia about Leigh:

- Around 1980, she briefly appeared as a cabaret artist, performing her own songs at Mike's Pub in New York.

- She and Coleman were among the songwriters who were considered by the producers of Gypsy. They wrote several songs to audition for the show; one of them, "Firefly," later became another hit for Tony Bennett, and another, "Be a Performer," wound up in Little Me.
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 02:20:45 PM

Leigh's lyrics for a Peter Pan song:

When I went home, I thought that certainly
Someone would leave the door or window open wide for me,
And surely there would be
A welcome light.
When I went home, I counted so upon
Somebody waiting up to ask me questions on and on
To ask me where I'd gone,
Was I all right?
But the door was barred and the window barred
And I knew with an awful dread
That somebody else, some other boy
Was sleeping in my bed.
When I went home, I found that sad to say
You must expect to be forgotten once you've gone away,
And so I couldn't stay
That lonely night when I went home.
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 02:23:29 PM
Once I finish SMALL TOWN GIRL, I'll be watching last night's CSI rerun. I remember liking the story (Faye Dunaway plays an ex-show girl). Then, I think I'll go back to musicals with Marge and Gower Champion in EVERYTHING I HAVE IS YOURS.

Of course, the mopping of the kitchen floor must occur before anything else!  ;D
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 02:24:43 PM

This is for DR MBarnum:

Disney Studios is reported to be working on a Bollywood feature film version of a TV musical based loosely on Shakespeare's classic love tale "Romeo Juliet", starring actors from India and using Indian-flavoured songs.

The company will also consider re-shooting its made for TV "High School Musical" with Spanish speaking actors for Latin markets, according to a report in the Washington Times. Disney has shipped 1.8 million DVDs to retailers with plans to sell it in 100 countries.

The musical centers on Troy, a high school basketball star and wannabe singer, and the nerdy Gabreilla. The mismatched pair meet at a New Year eve karaoke contest, fall in love and decide to audition for their high school musical against the wishes of their friends, thus sealing their fate.

"High School Musical" was simply one of the 65 made for TV movies produced by the Disney channel since its January debut for a modest $4.2 million before its young audience learned the upbeat pop tunes and dance numbers from "behind the scenes' features and music videos. A hit was thus born.
Post by: bk on May 26, 2006, 02:25:13 PM
Waiting to hear from Matt Ashford about getting together, otherwise I'm through for the day and have only to see the show at LACC this evening.
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 02:26:07 PM

And now, I give you DR Matt H in

The Mopping Show!
Post by: Cillaliz on May 26, 2006, 02:27:48 PM
Thanks everyone.  I went to the vet this morning and he really didn't look like himself. He acted like he didn't even know me and started hissing again. There really wasn't a choice.  I'm sad but convinced that there is something seriously wrong with him and that I did the right thing.  Your support means a lot.  

It's probably a good thing I'm here, my mother's todo list for me is soooooo long I haven't had too much time to feel bad.  I've been trimming trees and moving furniture and soon will be painting the dock. Callie is sticking pretty close to me and purring a lot. I don't think she'll really start looking for him until we get home.

My former neighbor volunteers at the Humane Society. She told me they have a lot of kittens right now. So maybe I'll get Callie a little friend.  I don't really want to rush out and do it, but I have time right now to bring a kitten into the family.

Anyway, I have to run and do my next project. Thanks again....and laters
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 02:46:20 PM

It's Time To Wash The Bathroom
It's Time To Grab The Broom
It's Time To Do The Mopping
On The Mopping Show, my gloom!

Why Do I Always Do This
I Guess I'll Never Know
It's Like A Kind Of Torture
To Have To Wash And Go.
Post by: DakotaCelt on May 26, 2006, 02:46:36 PM
NBC has sunk to a new low, it renewed Passions.... YIKES!

Yep, the Cartoon Network is far better than passions!
Post by: DakotaCelt on May 26, 2006, 02:51:28 PM
Media check;

Car: Eagles

Home CD player: Kevin Spirtas, Dreamkeeper, and Chieftains
DVD Chicago
VHS.... I had to digress..... Classic clips of Matt AShford on Days circa 1989
Post by: DakotaCelt on May 26, 2006, 02:53:37 PM
DR MattH, I read about the NBC shake-ups this morning in my local paper. Let's just say i was not happy about them pulling MEDIUM till january.

What the heck is the point of submitting a schedule only to pull it a week later. I am really annoyed at them. I don't even think I watch anything else on that channel, and now i'm glad.

I wonder if the season finale ratings were not good?

THeir upfronts are really bad and they are trying to attract the advertisers.
Post by: DakotaCelt on May 26, 2006, 02:55:01 PM
In memoriam...Mr. Nilla the cat  October 2000-May 26, 2006

Cilla, I am truly sorry to hear of your loss. ((( Cilla  ))

May Nilla rest in peace....
Post by: DakotaCelt on May 26, 2006, 02:56:18 PM
Elmore, glad TCB is on the mend. Thanks for the updates
Post by: DakotaCelt on May 26, 2006, 02:57:07 PM
And now to get back to Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything!!!

Enjoy the read PennyO, it is a fun book to read. I greatly enjoyed it.
Post by: MBarnum on May 26, 2006, 04:09:12 PM
Cillaliz, as per my e-mail to you!

...and it is never too early to give a wonderful home to a new pet who needs one...I am certain both former and present cats would approve. :)
Post by: MBarnum on May 26, 2006, 04:09:46 PM
FLIPPANT was my favorite show when I was a kid! My goodness but that dolphin was smart!
Post by: MBarnum on May 26, 2006, 04:15:16 PM
Finished watching the 1956 film WORLD WITHOUT END...the moral of the story was, evidently, that women of the future are only attracted to me who like to kill and conquer..despite that fact that the world have previously been almost destroyed by men who waged war.....oh, and the other moral of the story is that I will watch any movie where Rod Taylor takes his shirt off.

Post by: Jane on May 26, 2006, 04:34:11 PM
Cillaliz I'm glad Callie seems okay for now.  Going home will be difficult for you both.  For now I'm glad you are with your family.
Post by: Jane on May 26, 2006, 04:47:47 PM
MBarnum too often I have seen people rush out to replace a pet before mourning the loss of the first one properly.  Unfortunately this often leads to an unwanted pet.  

A kitten when they return home might cheer up Cillaliz, most important will be what is best for Callie.  Some cats don’t take to other cats quickly.
Post by: MBarnum on May 26, 2006, 05:01:11 PM
You do have a point Jane. I guess it just depends on the individual's circumstances.
Post by: MBarnum on May 26, 2006, 05:02:59 PM
I am now watching WOMEN OF THE PREHISTORIC PLANET starring Wendell Corey, John Agar, Keith Larsen, Merry Anders, Paul Gilbert, Stuart Margolin, Robert Ito, and Irene Tsu.

I think a few agents might have been fired shortly after the making of this film.

I must say, however, that the moral of the story in this film seems much more sensible then in WORLD WITHOUT END.
Post by: Jane on May 26, 2006, 05:06:19 PM
DVD:  Boston Legal Season 1, disc 1
          As Time Goes By Series 6

TIVO:   nothing I want to watch :o
Post by: Tomovoz on May 26, 2006, 05:07:38 PM
We hope to watch your Bollywood movie this evening DR Mike.
Post by: Jrand73 on May 26, 2006, 05:16:59 PM
I always thought the poster art for WORLD WITHOUT END was terrific.  And of course it features the out of control spaceship and crash that was later used in QUEEN OF OUTER SPACE.
Post by: Jrand73 on May 26, 2006, 05:17:40 PM
Was tonight when DRS TPUNK and RODZINSKI were going to watch MY BROTHER NIKHIL?

Such a good movie and lovely music!
Post by: Jrand73 on May 26, 2006, 05:19:34 PM
Mr Adam Long came by the store today and said he enjoyed meeting MR BK.  And that THE BRAIN FROM PLANET X was one of the funniest things he had ever seen.  He especially thought Zubrek was outstanding....also enjoyed MR BK's portion of the evening.

Thanks for the invitation extended to him MR BK, Adam says to tell you he is getting a Theremin, no home is complete without one.....and on another note, I can send you his CD or two if you would like to hear him play....
Post by: Jrand73 on May 26, 2006, 05:20:22 PM
A few chapters of A SHORT HISTORY OF A SMALL PLACE will cheer you up, DR CILLALIZ.....I think.
Post by: S. Woody White on May 26, 2006, 05:21:04 PM
Quote from: S. Woody White on Today at 03:13:38am
My stitches were taken out yesterday.

For a walk?! ;)
They provided their own leash!   :o
Post by: S. Woody White on May 26, 2006, 05:24:29 PM
SWW, glad to hear your aren’t worse for the wear.  Will your mustache eventually cover the scar (or whatever space you are left with)?

The 'stache is already working it's way outward.
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 05:35:06 PM
Mr Adam Long came by the store today and said he enjoyed meeting MR BK.  And that THE BRAIN FROM PLANET X was one of the funniest things he had ever seen.  He especially thought Zubrek was outstanding....also enjoyed MR BK's portion of the evening.

Thanks for the invitation extended to him MR BK, Adam says to tell you he is getting a Theremin, no home is complete without one.....and on another note, I can send you his CD or two if you would like to hear him play....

I heard that Adam Long and Martin Short are to star in a new movie but I may be wrong!
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 05:38:09 PM
We hope to watch your Bollywood movie this evening DR Mike.

I'll send you a copy of mine when it's out and when they've paid me for my work in it! ;)

Hooray For Bollywood!

I heard that Miss Parton is to star in a new movie called Dollywood but I may be wrong! :)
Post by: Jane on May 26, 2006, 05:40:11 PM
We share our pet photos and stories here and I get attached to them.  I’m very sad Nilla about Nilla.
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 05:45:12 PM
I have some photos from last night's gathering.
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 05:45:56 PM
Some of you may recognize this friendly face
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 05:46:32 PM

Now I know what my mom was talking about all those years when she kept telling me to pull my hair back out of my face.
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 05:47:19 PM
And here's some of the gang

Post by: vixmom on May 26, 2006, 05:48:25 PM
Finished watching the 1956 film WORLD WITHOUT END...the moral of the story was, evidently, that women of the future are only attracted to me who like to kill and conquer..

I'm shocked!! Mike, you seemed such a nice, quiet, pleasant chap.  I would never have thought you only liked to kill and conquer.  Of course I was not suprised women of the future  are attracted to you, everyone from the present certainly seems to be!!! ;D
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 05:49:26 PM
Rodzinski is out with the boys for the evening.  Whatever is a girl to do. :)
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 05:50:06 PM
By the way, the reason you do not see Rodz in any of the photos is because he was the photographer for the evening.
Post by: Ginny on May 26, 2006, 05:50:29 PM
DVD:  Boston Legal Season 1, disc 1

DR Jane - that's what we're watching tonight, too!  We're half-way through.
Post by: Ginny on May 26, 2006, 05:52:11 PM
Rodzinski is out with the boys for the evening.  Whatever is a girl to do. :)

Watch Season 1, Disc 1 of Boston Legal?  ;)

Great photos from last night - looks like fun!
Post by: vixmom on May 26, 2006, 05:53:00 PM
Rodzinski is out with the boys for the evening.  Whatever is a girl to do. :)

We just picked up the DVD of High School Musical at Borders Books with the Vixter's birthday gift token.  She is going to put it on now.  You can come over and smother me with a pillow watch it with us
Post by: S. Woody White on May 26, 2006, 05:56:24 PM
The summer season is here.

The store was swamped, and I regularly had two- and three-hundred dollar checkouts.  What was originally scheduled to be a six-hour shift was rescheduled as seven and a half hours, then ended up stretching to eight.

The good news was that I had a co-worker bagging the groceries for me.  The bad news?  Harry is a WWII veteran, and nimble neither on his feet or in his head.  I ended up having to do some of the bagging for every customer that was in my line.  He's a nice guy, but he caused more problems for me than he solved.

By the end of it all, I was frustrated and bushed.  Der B decided it was time for us to see a movie.

So we went to see X-Men III.  

The franchise held up well for this round, much darker than the first two films, more apocalyptic.  Der Brucer compared it to a demolition derby, I thought it edged towards the operatic...put the two forms together, you've got a danged good comic book movie.  (And that should be enough commentary without giving any spoilers.)
Post by: Ginny on May 26, 2006, 05:57:51 PM
We just picked up the DVD of High School Musical at Borders Books with the Vixter's birthday gift token.  She is going to put it on now.  You can come over and smother me with a pillow watch it with us

Ooo, that bad, DR Vixmom?  I read about it in the paper the other day and wondered if I needed to see it.
Post by: S. Woody White on May 26, 2006, 05:58:09 PM
By the way, the reason you do not see Rodz in any of the photos is because he was the photographer for the evening.
Designated shooter.
Post by: vixmom on May 26, 2006, 06:00:08 PM
Ooo, that bad, DR Vixmom?  I read about it in the paper the other day and wondered if I needed to see it.

I have actually never seen it but I believe it is perfect for the target audience, girls 8 - 15.
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 06:00:27 PM

Now I know what my mom was talking about all those years when she kept telling me to pull my hair back out of my face.

You should do like Ben!
Wear a cap! ;)
Post by: vixmom on May 26, 2006, 06:00:30 PM
I am being paged to the viewing room..... laters!
Post by: Jane on May 26, 2006, 06:01:11 PM
Photos!!!  The first one is great!
Post by: bk on May 26, 2006, 06:02:45 PM
Jrand, sure send me a CD or two.  And thank Adam for his lovely comment.  Of course, had we done a program he would know it's Zubrick.  For those who've read Writer's Block, you'll know exactly from whence that name came.

I've just been to a horrid little place called myspace.com, which is like a kiddieland version of this here site, only populated by some of the biggest idiots I've ever seen.  Someone suggested I check out a blog there - blog meaning three lines every sixth day or something.  It was so peurile and infantile and every other ile - just a bunch of teens trying to be dirty and stupid - they fail miserably at the former and succeed perfectly with the latter.  It's really true - being twenty-five today is like really being fifteen - that's seems to be the way it is today, save for a handful of bright young folk, most of whom frequent this here site.  I'm just constantly astonished at the high school antics of people in their mid-twenties, all a product of this new century.  myass.com would be a better name for it.
Post by: Jane on May 26, 2006, 06:03:18 PM
DR Jane - that's what we're watching tonight, too!  We're half-way through.

Is it good?  We are exciting the show is now on DVD & we can see what we missed.
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 06:05:23 PM

By the end of it all, I was frustrated and bushed.

I will not comment! I will not comment! I will NOT comment!

I put a leash on my thoughts!! ;)
Post by: Jane on May 26, 2006, 06:06:04 PM
TPunk you are just beautiful and glowing.
Post by: Jane on May 26, 2006, 06:06:48 PM
DerBrucer thanks for the X-MEN report.  I'm looking forward to the film, maybe this weekend if it isn't too crowded.
Post by: bk on May 26, 2006, 06:13:20 PM
You know you're doing well on your diet when you put on a pair of pants that you couldn't even button for the last six months and they fit perfectly.  Size 33 jeans, if you must know.
Post by: bk on May 26, 2006, 06:13:47 PM
I shall now be on my way - I'm going to stop at a couple of stores on my way over to LACC.  I shall return after the show.
Post by: Cillaliz on May 26, 2006, 06:17:35 PM
A few chapters of A SHORT HISTORY OF A SMALL PLACE will cheer you up, DR CILLALIZ.....I think.

I started it and forgot to bring it with me. I do think it will be most enjoyable.  I bought a couple others today.
Post by: elmore3003 on May 26, 2006, 06:20:40 PM
Ooo, that bad, DR Vixmom?  I read about it in the paper the other day and wondered if I needed to see it.

I taped it for Charlotte when it was on the Disney Channel.  The villains are campy and funny (is that brother remotely straght?), Alyson Reed is the most pretentious teacher, with a few others I can think of, to be in a drama program, and the leading man seems too short for basketball and too light to take seriously.  Beyond that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?
Post by: elmore3003 on May 26, 2006, 06:22:29 PM
You know you're doing well on your diet when you put on a pair of pants that you couldn't even button for the last six months and they fit perfectly.  Size 33 jeans, if you must know.

Of corset is!
Post by: Jane on May 26, 2006, 06:23:01 PM
Bruce, exciting news-congratulations!  At the moment most of my jeans are too tight I'm working on correcting that problem.
Post by: Tomovoz on May 26, 2006, 06:23:07 PM
TOTD: update.

This morning's listening has been:

1.  "Surprise" - Paul Simon
2.  "Fundamental" - Pet Shop Boys
Post by: Cillaliz on May 26, 2006, 06:27:08 PM
TPunk, great photos....BK, congrats on the weight loss.

And thank you everyone who's been so kind today. It is deeply appreciated
Post by: S. Woody White on May 26, 2006, 06:36:29 PM
DerBrucer thanks for the X-MEN report.  I'm looking forward to the film, maybe this weekend if it isn't too crowded.
No, the report is from the taller one doing the Al Pacino impersonation.   ::)
Post by: Jane on May 26, 2006, 06:48:10 PM
No, the report is from the taller one doing the Al Pacino impersonation.   ::)

Sorry-  :-[ ;D
Post by: Maria on May 26, 2006, 06:48:15 PM
Sorry to hear about Nilla, Cillaliz. You did the only possible thing under the circumstances.
Post by: Jane on May 26, 2006, 06:50:47 PM
Off to read a bit & then watch a DVD.  
Post by: MBarnum on May 26, 2006, 07:05:07 PM
My (first) Bollywood movie of the weekend! DHADKANEIN..the gorgeous Bollywood newcomver Attin Bhalla has finally made his second film (his first film OM, flopped  :-\ ) and it was just released on DVD, and I have it! Woohoo!

....well, it is only sort of woohoo, as this movie certainly doesn't have the budget of a major Bollywood movie...in fact this one doesn't seem to even have the budget of a minor Bollywood movie...but I only got through 30 minutes of it last night...so we shall see what we shall see. I do know that it is a romance movie.

Post by: Ginny on May 26, 2006, 07:08:34 PM
Is it good?  We are exciting the show is now on DVD & we can see what we missed.

We've watched 3 of the 4 episodes on the disc and I can't stay awake for the last one.  So, now my DH is watching Numbers and I'm on my way to bed.

Has anyone heard anything about a new CBS show called Tuesday Night Book Club?
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 08:25:29 PM
A full night of video. First up, I finished SMALL TOWN GIRL. I had totally forgotten that the film ends in church with Jane Powell (and a choir) singing "The Hallelujah Chorus." I'm not sure any other musicals ended in that way.
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 08:26:44 PM
Jrand, sure send me a CD or two.  And thank Adam for his lovely comment.  Of course, had we done a program he would know it's Zubrick.  For those who've read Writer's Block, you'll know exactly from whence that name came.

I've just been to a horrid little place called myspace.com, which is like a kiddieland version of this here site, only populated by some of the biggest idiots I've ever seen.  Someone suggested I check out a blog there - blog meaning three lines every sixth day or something.  It was so peurile and infantile and every other ile - just a bunch of teens trying to be dirty and stupid - they fail miserably at the former and succeed perfectly with the latter.  It's really true - being twenty-five today is like really being fifteen - that's seems to be the way it is today, save for a handful of bright young folk, most of whom frequent this here site.  I'm just constantly astonished at the high school antics of people in their mid-twenties, all a product of this new century.  myass.com would be a better name for it.

I've got a myspace page, of course I'm in my late 20's.  ;)
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 08:28:51 PM
I just finished watching Walk the Line and I really enjoyed it.  Reese Witherspoon was good, but Joaquin Phoenix was even better.  It's too bad the oscar couldn't have been a three way split between him, David Strathairn, and Philip Seymour Hofffman.
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 08:30:51 PM
While I was watching I started folding laundry, sorting through the mail, and then contemplated pulling out the sewing machine.  Then I reminded myself that school is over and that I'm supposed to be relaxing.  It's going to take me a while before I can break myself of multi-tasking.  The last 3/4 of the movie I just sat and watched.  Much better.
Post by: TPunk on May 26, 2006, 08:31:03 PM
And post 1000.
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 08:31:49 PM
Then, I went back to laserdisc for EVERYTHING I HAVE IS YOURS. This was Marge and Gower Champion's first starring roles in a movie (meaning their names were first in the billing). I really like the score for this film, and because they're the stars, not only do Marge and Gower get three duets, but each one gets his or her own specialty. Gower really wasn't a good enough singer to carry a musical number that involved singing as well as dancing, but the dancing is just fine; he's incredibly nimble. Marge's "Derry Down Dilly" is truly a tour de force for her and one of the best but least heralded solo musical numbers in the MGM library.

They do an impressive dream duet in the picture that's done in shades of pink, but it can't hold a candle to the beauty of "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" in LOVELY TO LOOK AT (done in a heavenly blue).
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 08:33:37 PM
Watched last night's Faye Dunaway episode of CSI next. It didn't end the way I remembered! So that was a nice surprise. (I did remember the dinner with Catherine and her parents but not the identity of the murderer.)
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 08:34:47 PM
And I finished the evening watching some of THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF THE BROTHERS GRIMM again. Didn't get far enough into the movie to get to the first (and my favorite) fairy tale - "The Dancing Princess." I'll watch more tomorrow.
Post by: FJL on May 26, 2006, 08:39:27 PM
And with TPunk speaking of Joaquin Phoenix, did anyone else do a double-take in the picture in reply #181 above thinking the guy on the right was a dead ringer for Joaquin Phoenix (maybe about five years ago)?
Post by: Cillaliz on May 26, 2006, 08:48:46 PM
Congrats on 1000, TPunk
Post by: Cillaliz on May 26, 2006, 08:50:29 PM
Thanks DR Maria.

And with this I think I will say good night. It's been a trying couple days and I didn't sleep much at all last night, so I'm going to try to rest.
Post by: vixmom on May 26, 2006, 08:58:09 PM
At the last minute Vixter decided to opt for Zathura instead of High School Musical and I quite enjoyed it. I did promise to was HSM with her sometime tomorrow though
Post by: vixmom on May 26, 2006, 08:59:44 PM
Sleep well dear reader Cillaliz!! You did do exactly what you had to do and you gave Nilla a good home and lots of love.  

~~~VIBES for a Good Nights Sleep~~~~
Post by: vixmom on May 26, 2006, 09:00:58 PM
Well I am going to go watch the Boston Legal that Danise so kindly sent me.  Good night all!!
Post by: DERBRUCER on May 26, 2006, 09:09:49 PM
At the last minute Vixter decided to opt for Zathura instead of High School Musical and I quite enjoyed it.

I found Zathura a special treat - since the Grandlads are about that age. (I wonder what was going thru their minds watching the film?)

der Brucer

PS - Watch the Xtras- they are neat!
Post by: FJL on May 26, 2006, 09:13:18 PM
There's word that at Friday night's LESTAT, Hugh Panaro did a flawless job in act one but wasn't well enough (a cold, apparently) to do act two, so his understudy went on in act two.
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 09:26:38 PM
There's word that at Friday night's LESTAT, Hugh Panaro did a flawless job in act one but wasn't well enough (a cold, apparently) to do act two, so his understudy went on in act two.

Blood curling news!

Two Lestats for the price of one!
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 09:32:09 PM

"Die young - Live Forever"

Ain't what Lestat the Musical is going to do?!
Post by: Matt H. on May 26, 2006, 09:41:22 PM
Going to go downstairs to bed now.

Good night!
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 09:47:42 PM

Dame Julie Andrews, her daughter and kimlet Tony Walton have a new book out:


You may recognize part of the art work cover from previous BK releases!

Now, that's news!!
Post by: PennyO on May 26, 2006, 09:55:14 PM
Great photos, TPunk - thanks for sharing your evening!

Happy continued sveltness, Bruce, you BABE, you!

Time to sleep to something like, oh, SOAPDISH... again...
Night, All.
Post by: Tomovoz on May 26, 2006, 09:55:33 PM
Unsung Irving?
Post by: DERBRUCER on May 26, 2006, 10:21:20 PM
Unsung Irving?

You can take out a second mortgage and buy BKs whole "Unsung" series.

der Brucer
Post by: François de Paris on May 26, 2006, 10:44:24 PM
Unsung Irving?

Yep, that's right and one Sondheim too! Tony W. keeps recycling the curtains! Even the 2 "S" can be seen!
Love it! :D
Post by: DearReaderLaura on May 26, 2006, 10:45:19 PM
Good evening, fellow Dear Readers. It has been a long day -- not a bad day, just a long one.

Cilla -- Rats! I was hoping for a better outcome. But I know he is at peace now. It's just so hard for the people left behind. I'm glad you have some time off to unwind. You deserve it.

Vix mom-- I hope your head got to feeling better.
Post by: George on May 26, 2006, 10:52:54 PM
Yep, that's right and one Sondheim too! Tony W. keeps recycling the curtains! Even the 2 "S" can be seen!
Love it! :D

Me too!  HOWEVER, the revised cover art (that's now on amazon.com) no longer has the "SS" on each of the curtains. :P

Here's the original "Unsung Sondheim" cover (scanned from my very own personal collection):
Post by: George on May 26, 2006, 10:53:48 PM
And here's the "Unsung Irving Berlin" CD:
Post by: George on May 26, 2006, 10:58:59 PM
So, here you can compare the two Sondheim CD covers:


and from amazon.com:
Post by: Maria on May 26, 2006, 11:00:32 PM

I've just been to a horrid little place called myspace.com, which is like a kiddieland version of this here site, only populated by some of the biggest idiots I've ever seen.  

Some "idiots" -- some not. Aside from TPunk, there are some other not so idiotic people on the site (like my DD and some of her very bright friends). Like most things of this type, there's good and bad involved.
Post by: George on May 26, 2006, 11:00:56 PM
About the changing of the Sondheim CD cover art: :P I say.  Why change a perfectly good thing?  I wonder if it has a different "art director" credited?? ;)

Post by: bk on May 26, 2006, 11:04:07 PM
Well, let me put it to you this way - the ones I saw were idiotic.  I mean, where do these people find the time - what with texting each other every two seconds, IMing each other every two seconds, calling each other every two seconds, going out and getting wasted - and now this.
Post by: DakotaCelt on May 26, 2006, 11:07:24 PM
some blog sites are just as wide ranging from brilliant to stupid... I think that goes for a lot of personalized type sites... this site is a creme de la creme.

I have been on some really good myspace and blog sites. Another that is a mixed bag is livejournal.
Post by: DakotaCelt on May 26, 2006, 11:08:10 PM
George, they both sound interesting...
Post by: DakotaCelt on May 26, 2006, 11:09:38 PM
I do have so say some my scariest experiences on are various message boards of some actors/actresses. Some are moderated well and people are treated with respect and others I have feared for my well being. I have been on some fanboards for different shows and genre that absolutely scare me.
Post by: George on May 26, 2006, 11:10:45 PM
About myspace.com... :P I say (yet, again ;)).  Most of them are so "busy" visually, that you really can't focus on anything.  And they have sounds imbedded into the pages, which makes them take a LONG time to load (even with my cable Internet access).
Post by: DakotaCelt on May 26, 2006, 11:11:03 PM
I have been on a few REALLY vicious soapboards....
Post by: Maria on May 26, 2006, 11:11:24 PM
I mean, where do these people find the time - what with texting each other every two seconds, IMing each other every two seconds, calling each other every two seconds, going out and getting wasted - and now this.

Post by: DakotaCelt on May 26, 2006, 11:11:58 PM
About myspace.com... :P I say (yet, again ;)).  Most of them are so "busy" visually, that you really can't focus on anything.  And they have sounds imbedded into the pages, which makes them take a LONG time to load (even with my cable Internet access).

I dont even attempt some of them with dailup
Post by: DakotaCelt on May 26, 2006, 11:13:04 PM

Yep and there are some who cant do it well.. It is amazing to watch kids, yaking on their cell phone and walk straignt into a wall or door.
Post by: DakotaCelt on May 26, 2006, 11:17:27 PM
I actually enjoy reading and posting here. Everyone here is bright and intelligent and downright lovable... Great personalities....
Post by: George on May 26, 2006, 11:27:52 PM
I taped it for Charlotte when it was on the Disney Channel.  The villains are campy and funny (is that brother remotely straght?), Alyson Reed is the most pretentious teacher, with a few others I can think of, to be in a drama program, and the leading man seems too short for basketball and too light to take seriously.  Beyond that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?

Okay, I have a question about the movie, "High School Musical."  I know that the brother and sister are the "stars" of the school and they really, really, really (that's three reallys) want to be the leads of this new musical that one of their fellow students is writing.  HOWEVER, the lead characters of the musical (within the movie) are romantic leads and the songs that the other couple have been learning (that are from the musical that they are going to perform) are very romantic lovey-dovey ballads.  NOW, why would the brother and sister want to play these romantic leads?  Is there some kind of incestuous subtext going on? :o And if the brother and the sister need (for plot purposes) to be auditioning rivals for the other couple, why would the authors of the movie have the musical (within the movie) be that romantic a story??

That's all I could think about as I was watching this.  Just curious.