Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 15 => Topic started by: bk on November 07, 2008, 12:41:51 AM

Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 12:41:51 AM
Well, you've read the notes, the notes were like a day in the park, and now it is time for you to post until the cows come home - they're taking the day off, too.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 12:43:16 AM
And the word of the day is: NOSTOMANIA!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 12:55:22 AM

Espresso-hued West Elm bookcases, lined with art books (sans jackets) and various objects, create a focal point for the living room. “Book jackets just get torn anyway, you might as well get rid of them. It creates a more monochromatic, less chaotic look. It's easier for my eyes to focus on black-and-white.”

Good idea - get rid of those nasty dust jackets.

Books should blend in with their surroundings.

::listening for the sound of BK breaking glass::

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 12:57:17 AM
And the designer dog:


Russell says: "I think a dog is essential for the home whether they are color-coordinated or not. My Edde ... with his creamy coloring and black mask fits the monochromatic look I love.

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 12:58:59 AM
And the Water-Me-Not garden designed by DR Laura:


der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 01:02:19 AM
And just because....


der Brucer

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: S. Woody White on November 07, 2008, 03:27:56 AM
I have no idea where he finds this stuff.

I really don't.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: S. Woody White on November 07, 2008, 04:00:31 AM
Der B and I will be having an interesting Thanksgiving this year.

In previous years, Thanksgiving has involved my working at the store, merrily cashiering for all those souls who come in to a) pick up their pre-prepared Thanksgiving dinners, b) come in for the forgotten items, and c) come in because they have no place else to go and the store is one of the few places open where they can be not alone.  And then der B and I would either find someplace where we could get a dinner locally, or we would drive all the way to his daughter's for *ahem* her wonderful cooking.

This year, his son-in-law is in California, working on repairing der B's late wife's house so that it can be sold.  Der B was, in fact, planning on going to his daughter's house for a few days, to spend the Holiday with them and help them cope.  (I'm in a much better position to cope solo.  Hmmm, I seem to remember five years ago when that didn't turn out all that well... but I've got friends here, now, so I'm no longer alone, not really.)

But no, the daughter has decided that she's going to pack up the kids and they're all going to fly to California for the weekend, so that they can be with Daddy.

Beyond all the expense, and the madness of flying anywhere on Thanksgiving weekend...

This leaves der B and myself to work our way through Thanksgiving as a twosome.

I'll probably spend the day working a register.

I wonder what we'll be doing about dinner this year?

At least it won't be his daughter's cooking this time around.   ::)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: S. Woody White on November 07, 2008, 04:02:36 AM
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: FJL on November 07, 2008, 04:12:17 AM
Forgot to read the notes again before starting the new day!  Must remedy that.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: FJL on November 07, 2008, 04:12:48 AM
Hi Woody!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: FJL on November 07, 2008, 04:17:36 AM
So BK is taking Friday off but seems to be working up a storm on Saturday.  Nu, that's not really like taking a day off in my estimation, at least in the sense of getting extra time totally for yourself - but it made for a catchy  title for the notes.  :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 04:31:37 AM
Silk Stockings.....I like Hildegarde Knef's account of the making of that musical in her book THE GIFT HORSE.....
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 04:32:38 AM
Friday.....on my way to work.  Oh well.

Sounds like the Demy set is just up MR BK's alley....glad he is enjoying it.


DVD - The Shuttered Room, Senso & Ludwig
CD - Chad Everett Sings, thanks to DR MBARNUM
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Laura on November 07, 2008, 04:59:39 AM
Good morning. That is all. So far.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: vixmom on November 07, 2008, 05:03:19 AM
 Good Monring all!  Thank yo all for the vibes and prayers - please keep them coming..

I was a bit too drained, physically and emotionally, to get back on line yesterday -I picked up my sono films and brought them to the specialist, who read them and then- he  ran some optical tubes through my nose and down my throat

 (by the way, Elmore, I have a GREAT new torture device for the McBeths!)

took a look at some growth in the back of my mouth /top of my throat area and had a little feel around and decided he didn't like it - so he cut out four pieces for biopsy - then he sent me down the hall to get 2 CT scasn - a regular one and then one with dye running through my veins - and told me to wait for the films and the report and bring them back to him.

When I got back he read the films and the report and said that I had a solid mass that would definitely need to be removed in the near future, but that he wanted to be sure "what we were dealing with", he is "quite concerned" and wants to move forward "with speed".  So today I go for a fine needle biopsy of the lump.  Then I guess we wait until next week for the results on both sets of biopsies.

In the meantime we are not saying anything to the Vixter yet - may as well wait until we have definites to discuss....last night I just complained about a sore throat and that I was tired.

My mouth hurts a lot - last nigth Vixdad made me mac and cheese so I would have somthing soft to eat ..

The good news is that my GYN called and said that she was not at all concerned with the results of the breast sonogram...

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: vixmom on November 07, 2008, 05:04:53 AM
VIBES for Jed's Dad!!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: vixmom on November 07, 2008, 05:05:21 AM
VIBES for Michaels S's Mom & Dad
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: vixmom on November 07, 2008, 05:05:45 AM
VIBES for TCB's DF STan!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 05:07:22 AM
DR Vixmom - Good news from ONE of your doctors.   :)

Keeping you and your family in my prayers.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: vixmom on November 07, 2008, 05:07:34 AM
oh the other poeice of good news - the nodules the sono revealed on the remaining half of my thyroid are "of no cause for alarm"
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: vixmom on November 07, 2008, 05:08:01 AM
DR Vixmom - Good news from ONE of your doctors.   :)

Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

that means more to me than you know
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: vixmom on November 07, 2008, 05:10:47 AM
well I better shower and dress and get to work - I didnt get to the office yesterday until 1 and I am leaving today at 2 for the test so I had better be on time this morning.

 It looks as if I am going to be depending the goodwill of my employer in the next few weeks/months
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: vixmom on November 07, 2008, 05:11:54 AM
 :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

and youze guyz play nice while I am away
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 05:18:00 AM
Yes....vibes and prayers from Indiana to DR VIXMOM.  I will light a candle for you this morning.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: FJL on November 07, 2008, 05:18:06 AM
Continued love to vixmom
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 05:18:13 AM
Off to work.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Laura on November 07, 2008, 05:24:33 AM
Continued prayers and vibes for Vixmom


I am glad you got good news on some of the things.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ben on November 07, 2008, 05:26:12 AM
More love and good wishes to the Isle of Long!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: vixmom on November 07, 2008, 05:28:20 AM
oh and i just heard this:

DeepDiscountDVD.com started a day early Here are the codes to receive 25% off DVD & Blu-ray orders! As always shipping is free. Sale ends November 23. Post your deals here!


JMK what was the name of the "sister site" you recommended?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 05:35:18 AM
I think it was DVDPlanet.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Michael on November 07, 2008, 05:40:09 AM
Thanks Vixmom for the vibes.

It's hard being so far away from them.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Laura on November 07, 2008, 05:43:52 AM
Continued vibes to Michael Shayne and his parents.

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Michael on November 07, 2008, 05:43:57 AM

Have the "Smilebox" version of How the West Was Won. As spectacular the photography is I just can't get into this movie.

It's nice to see what the film would look like in Cinerama. I never had the opportunity to see a film in real Cinerama because by the time I started going to the movies it became Superpanavision 70 or one of its variants.

But will try to slog through the film.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Laura on November 07, 2008, 05:44:05 AM
And to Jed's dad.

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Michael on November 07, 2008, 05:44:34 AM
And a thank you to DR. Laura for the vibes
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 06:48:09 AM
Good morning, all! Today is an NYPL-MOST HAPPY FELLA day, and it should be rather calm and not too fraught.

I still remember from my childhood the entire McCarthy insanity, which was vague to me since I was too young to comprehend all of the madness and hatred. I had one demented uncle-by-marriage who came back from several years in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp completely deranged. It was my mother's sister's tragedy that she foolishly went ahead and married him since her life went completely downhill till her death around 1981, precipitated by a heart attack brought on by a vicious attack with a soda bottle from her son, who suffered most after her from his father's mental unbalance. At any rate, I remember in the early 1950s my insane uncle quoting from the booklets and pamphlets he carried about, titled things like "Roosevelt and the Jew Conspiracy," and other trash like that.  Last night around 11 o'clock, one of our generally E&T DRs showed up, and I felt her reappearance was only to continue the dissension and hostility lingering from this election. Her emergence fr some reason reminded me of my demented uncle. I suggest the DR in question might want to change the nom de site to Muckraker.

As to yesterday's reaction to DR Dan(the Man)'s comment about a losing candidate, I felt his comments echoed mine, mostly because I think she's being exposed more and more as an unqualified fraud (what's with all this un-hockey-mom-like spending on clothing being higher than $150,000?) and I still believe Mr McCain had a better fighting chance with a more qualified, and perhaps more intelligent, running mate. I also still resent her continuous mud throwing and innuendo in her attacks on Mr Obama: she reminded me of Richard Nixon's winning a senate seat by calling Helen Douglas a communist. And we still have one Joe the Plumber on site, cruising to keep the battle going, I do believe.

I support DR Dan(the Man); we seen for some time ruder things posted daily in news reports, photos, ands comments from other DRs.

   DVD: Cranford (Disc 2), several operas
   CD: MOST HAPPY FELLA (OBC), Lost in Boston, Guy Haines, Babes In Toyland
   VCR: short art films
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 06:52:46 AM

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vibes to our DR vixmom, DR Jed's fFther, DR MichaelS's Family, and All Others In Need!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ginny on November 07, 2008, 07:14:00 AM
Friday morning greetings!  I'm information waitressing today - something I will have to do only 5 more times (but who's counting?).

My first hour was spent sharing the reference desk with our new assistant manager, who has ZERO people skills.  I'm not really making any attempt to figure him out, but feel sorry for my co-workers who are not retiring at the end of next month.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ginny on November 07, 2008, 07:14:58 AM
Continued vibes, prayers, and {{{{{hugs}}}}} for our dear DR Vixmom.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 07:18:36 AM
Good Morning!

Greetings from Union Square! -Well, a block away from Union Square.

*And it's gonna be a long, slow day. Today's session goes until 5:30, and, so far, we've only had three people... And there are only three more people signed up for the rest of the day. Of course, one of those three signed up for the 5:10 slot. ::)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 07:21:53 AM
{{{{{{{{{VIXMOM, VIXDAD, VIXTER}}}}}}}

~~~~~~~~VIXMOM, VIXDAD, VIXTER~~~~~~~~
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ginny on November 07, 2008, 07:23:06 AM
TOD - CD(car) - audiobook:  American Wife, by Curtis Sittenfeld, read by Kimberly Farr.  This novel's main character is based on Laura Bush and she's about to give up her school librarian career to marry Charlie Blackwell.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 07:23:44 AM
DR Ben et al - What's for lunch today? I break at 1:00 for an hour. ;)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 07:24:44 AM
Good morning!

We're in for another warm November day with temps again supposed to be in the mid-70s. It got to 77 yesterday. Gotta love it.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 07:28:00 AM
I spent the morning getting a head's start on HAWAII FIVE-O which has 24 episodes on 6 discs, and these are 1972-73 episodes meaning they run 50 minutes instead of the 40+ that today's hour-long shows fill.

I watched two episodes. The first had George Chakaris and Michael Ansara as the principal guest stars. George still looked very good.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 07:29:45 AM
The second episode I watched this morning featured Ricardo Montalban as a Forumla 1 racer with Diana Muldaur as his finace. This was a murder mystery that was very easy to solve.

Paramount has remastered all of these shows for HD broadcasts, so these DVDs look really wonderful with just an occasional white speck (and the 4:3 aspect ratios) to give away the age of the programs.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 07:31:18 AM
On TV Tonight!™

ABC - reality shows, 20/20
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 07:31:34 AM
As for the Friday Media Check:

CD (via iPod/iPhone) -
Brent Dennen - "Hope for the Hopeless" A great album for these recent gray, Fall days - melancholia tinged with Hope from a truly distinctive voice. 

... Oh! Someone's coming in to sing... TBC...
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 07:33:09 AM
Friday Media Check:


          DIE ANOTHER DAY (Blu-ray)

DVR - last night's THE OFFICE
         last night's 30 ROCK
         last night's SUPERNATURAL
         last night's SMALLVILLE
        Wednesday night's CSI: NY
        Tuesday night's THE SHIELD
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Druxy on November 07, 2008, 07:34:51 AM
I've got a couple of DVDs to watch this weekend, both of which I have to review:


Now, isn't that a great double feature?

I also have to finish proof-reading my book, so that it can be sent off to the printers.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JMK on November 07, 2008, 07:38:10 AM
Love and prayers to Vixmom.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JMK on November 07, 2008, 07:39:04 AM
I've got a couple of DVDs to watch this weekend, both of which I have to review:


Now, isn't that a great double feature?

I also have to finish proof-reading my book, so that it can be sent off to the printers.

You mean we have three reviewers on this site (not including BK?).   I reviewed QV a few weeks ago and just did the Blu-ray of HBII a couple of days ago.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JMK on November 07, 2008, 07:39:57 AM
A couple of you expressed interest in my "lounge" reworking of "Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle."  Here it is, hot off the Alesis hard drive recording session:

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 07:55:23 AM
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 07:55:51 AM
Hello, again! (Ah, a Michael John LaChiusa reference.)

...Well, that was a nice trickle of auditionees...

DR Ben - Can Ant make it back into the City for an hour or so? Well, for at least 32 bars worth? And you still have your AEA card too, don't you? ;)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Cillaliz on November 07, 2008, 07:55:52 AM
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Cillaliz on November 07, 2008, 07:56:56 AM
I don't understand the surprise that Obama voters would vote in favor of Proposition 8. Obama is against gay marriage so why would it be a surprise that many of his supporters are as well?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ben on November 07, 2008, 07:58:37 AM
DR Ben et al - What's for lunch today? I break at 1:00 for an hour. ;)

I'll be back in the RH at 1pm

Anthony is back. He returned yesterday afternoon. When I go home for lunch I'll tell him.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ben on November 07, 2008, 07:58:59 AM
P.S. You know Michael Pizzi!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ben on November 07, 2008, 07:59:15 AM
And we've moved to Page 3
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ben on November 07, 2008, 08:00:14 AM
Are you working for the Mouse today?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 08:01:44 AM
Good morning, DR Ben! Are you thinking about a Princeton junket in the near future?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Dan (the Man) on November 07, 2008, 08:01:47 AM
* * * * *  Vibes and Hugs and Virtual Hand-Holdings to DR Vixmom!  * * * * *
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jennifer on November 07, 2008, 08:01:59 AM
More vibes for DR Vixmom. Good news on one count at least!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ben on November 07, 2008, 08:02:16 AM
If I auditioned I might have to sing that old standby Happy Birthday or something similar. I haven't auditioned for 17 years and it's been a few more since I auditioned for a musical.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jennifer on November 07, 2008, 08:03:38 AM
Tonight on tv for me:

Ghost Whisperer
Life (the episode that was on wed)
Lipstick Jungle

Also, Top Chef starts on wed (nov 12).  And in an usual turn of events the Food Network (canada) will be broadcasting it starting the same night. Yeah!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ben on November 07, 2008, 08:03:57 AM
Good morning, DR Ben! Are you thinking about a Princeton junket in the near future?

I'll have to look at the calendar. Our Saturdays for November are taken but perhaps Sunday the 16th or the 23rd.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 08:13:10 AM
Back to the Friday Media Check...

I'm still working my way through Gilels' Beethoven piano sonata cycle, and I'm still hearing many new and insightful things in his interpretations.

James Taylor - "Covers"
John Adams - "Hallelujah Junction: A Nonesuch Retrospective"
David Benoit - "Jazz for Peanuts"
Jennifer Hudson - "Jennifer Hudson"

And as a sort of "preview":
Kristin Chenoweth - "A Lovely Way To Spend Christmas"
Aretha Franklin - "This Christmas"
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: MBarnum on November 07, 2008, 08:13:17 AM

last night's THE OFFICE
last night's SURVIVOR
last night's LIFE ON MARS

A documentary on a 1930s/40s Bollywood actress.

Soundtrack of the 1980s Bollywood films DISCO DANCER, STAR, and DANCE, DANCE.

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ben on November 07, 2008, 08:14:29 AM
Is that Jazz for Peanuts as in the comic strip or inexpensive jazz
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 08:16:18 AM
P.S. You know Michael Pizzi!

Yes!  We finally reconnected a few weeks ago after almost 22 years! :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 08:16:44 AM
Very distressed to read this morning that Fox will be moving BONES to Thursday night at 8 in January once AMERICAN IDOL comes back on the air. HOUSE will move to Mondays at 8.

Argh! :(
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 08:17:34 AM
And now I'm headed downstairs to clean up so I can go out on my usual Friday errands.

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 08:18:16 AM
Are you working for the Mouse today?

Nope. I'm working for Jacob Sterling today. ;)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Cillaliz on November 07, 2008, 08:19:45 AM
VIBES TO VIXMOM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 08:21:01 AM
Is that Jazz for Peanuts as in the comic strip or inexpensive jazz

A little bit of both. It's another collection of Charlie Brown/Vince Guaraldi tunes by David Benoit and friends, and the album was on sale too. ;)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 08:21:49 AM
Having a computer that won't eject CDs has made my life with Frank Loesser hell.  I've come across two spots in Act One Scene One where notes have been changed in the vocal score from the full score and I can't get enough sound from the stereo without offending the neighbors to figure out what the original band is playing. Wjereas, if I had my iTunes working and earphones, perhaps I could hear it (G-flat or A-flat in the divisi celli under the cashier's opening dialogue).

I did find one major discrepancy between the score and the parts when Cleo sings "and one Canadian dime": in the score the strings get off the chord and the brass and reeds sustain it, but in the parts the strings hold the chord as well.  On the OBC its only the winds and brass; you can hear the celli play the pizzicato downbeat and there are no violins holding the chord.  Hmmm . . .
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 08:22:46 AM
Good morning, DR Ben! Are you thinking about a Princeton junket in the near future?

I'll have to look at the calendar. Our Saturdays for November are taken but perhaps Sunday the 16th or the 23rd.

I would be good for either date.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 08:27:44 AM
I would be good for either date.

I'd be surprisingly good for you...

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 08:28:45 AM
Good morning, good day, how are you this beautiful day?  I am up, the sky is blue, and I am sitting here like so much fish.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 08:30:31 AM
I would be good for either date.

I'd be surprisingly good for you...


In Ya Dreams!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 08:32:07 AM
I would be good for either date.

I'd be surprisingly good for you...


A couple of years ago, I had to deal with Rita Gam on a book she'd written, and I mentioned it to a colleague at the Drama Book Shop, and he said "Rita Gam is always dressed for a date."
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 07, 2008, 08:33:48 AM
I don't understand the surprise that Obama voters would vote in favor of Proposition 8. Obama is against gay marriage so why would it be a surprise that many of his supporters are as well?

From Wikipedia:

"Equality for All was the lead organization opposed to Proposition 8.[72] They also ran the NoOnProp8.com campaign.[73] The nonpartisan League of Women Voters of California opposes Proposition 8 because "no person or group should suffer legal, economic or administrative discrimination."[74]

Republican California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger stated that although he opposed and twice vetoed legislative bills that would recognize same sex marriage in California, he respects and will uphold the court's ruling and opposes the initiative and other attempts to amend the state's constitution.[75][76] While a Democratic presidential nominee and U.S. Senator, Barack Obama stated that he personally considers marriage to be between a man and woman,[77] and supports civil unions that confer comparable rights rather than gay marriage,[78] he stated that he opposed the proposition and other attempts to amend the federal and state constitutions.[79][80] Democratic vice-presidential candidate Joseph Biden opposed the proposition.[81] The U.S. House Speaker, California Representative (8th District), Nancy Pelosi[82] along with twenty other members of the 53 member California congressional delegation and both of California's U.S. senators, Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, voiced their opposition to Proposition 8,[83] as did the Lieutenant Governor, State Controller, 42 of 80 members of the state assembly, 20 of the 40 state senators and the mayors of San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego: Gavin Newsom, Antonio Villaraigosa, and Jerry Sanders respectively.[84][85][86][87]

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom speaks at an Anti-Proposition 8 Rally at Sproul Plaza.All ten of the state's largest newspapers editorialized against Proposition 8: the Los Angeles Times,[88] the San Francisco Chronicle,[89] the San Diego Union-Tribune,[90] The Orange County Register,[91] The Sacramento Bee,[92] the San Jose Mercury News,[93] the Contra Costa Times,[94] The Press-Enterprise (Riverside-San Bernardino),[95] The Fresno Bee,[96] and the Daily News (Los Angeles).[97] Other papers to have editorialized in opposition include The New York Times,[98] La Opinión (Los Angeles), [99] and The Bakersfield Californian.[100]

A coalition of Silicon Valley executives urged a 'No' vote on Proposition 8.[101] Google officially opposed Proposition 8 "as an issue of equality."[102] Apple Inc. also opposed Proposition 8 as a "fundamental" civil rights issue, and donated $100,000 to the No on 8 campaign.[103][104] Biotech leaders warned of potential damage to the state's $73 billion industry, citing Massachusetts as a top competitor for employees.[105]

All six Episcopal diocesan bishops in California jointly issued a statement opposing Proposition 8 on September 10, 2008.[106] Southern California's largest collection of rabbis, the Board of Rabbis of Southern California, voted to oppose Proposition 8.[107] Other Jewish groups who opposed Proposition 8 include Jewish Mosaic,[108] the American Jewish Committee, Progressive Jewish Alliance, National Council of Jewish Women, and the Anti-Defamation League.[56][109]

The Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education voted unanimously for a resolution to oppose Proposition 8.[110] The California Teachers Association donated one million dollars to fight Proposition 8.[111] Chancellor Robert Birgeneau of UC Berkeley urged a vote against the measure, citing the "likely" threat to California's academic competitiveness if Proposition 8 is passed.[112]

In general the entertainment industry was opposed to Proposition 8.[113]"
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: MBarnum on November 07, 2008, 08:34:14 AM
For the DeepDiscountDVD sale I will be getting

THE LITTLE RASCALS 80 episode set

the entire run of M SQUAD

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: MBarnum on November 07, 2008, 08:36:16 AM
Rita Gam was just a guest on THE NAME'S THE SAME the other night.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 07, 2008, 08:37:19 AM
For the DeepDiscountDVD sale I will be getting

THE LITTLE RASCALS 80 episode set

You're gonna LOVE this set.  I've been relishing it for a week. 

So far, I've been pretty impressed with the quality, even though some of the shorts show the ravages of time.  All have been watchable and IMMENSELY entertaining!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ben on November 07, 2008, 08:38:22 AM
Rita Gam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rita_Gam)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 07, 2008, 08:41:27 AM
And just because.......

Lada Edmund Jr.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 08:43:26 AM
DR elmore - Do you still have a CD stuck in your drive?  Have you tried the paper clip trick yet? Or the "emergency eject" procedure. --Just do a search on apple.com's Help/Support pages.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 08:45:09 AM
And just because.......

Lada Edmund Jr.

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 08:47:49 AM

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 08:48:47 AM
the paper clip trick

It's a little lumpy, but it rings!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 08:49:06 AM
Rita Gam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rita_Gam)

For some reason, although I can find no validation, I thought Miss Gam had died. She was Robert Kimball's neighbor on 58th Street, and she was a very lovely lady. I liked her. I liked her book, too; it had a lot of good interviews.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 08:52:03 AM
DR elmore - I'm trying to remember if they ever did a "correction" of the score and parts and piano/vocal score to GUYS & DOLLS. The two "major" times I've worked on the show, I was always surprised at the inconsistencies from one source to the other.

-And I still don't think that short duet between Sarah and Adelaide in the second act has ever been fixed. The version in the P/V is practically bi-tonal AND pan-tonal at the same time.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JMK on November 07, 2008, 08:52:25 AM
When Gabe was very small, he put in a Star Wars CD-ROM on top of a Disney's Magic Artist CD-ROM, which had Mickey Mouse on it, because he thought that would make Mickey have a light sabre.  Hilarity ensued (after my head exploded because the drive was jammed).
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 08:57:01 AM
My next memoir...

After My Head Exploded
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 08:58:18 AM
I got a response from the French online store - which I translated into English via google.  It said they'd tried to debit my cc and it hadn't gone through - several times - and they cancelled the order.  Nice of them to alert me.  I just placed the order from amazon.fr - same cc, went through fine.  I'm going to go check now to see what the deal is on the other French site - maybe I never updated the cc info with a new expiration date, but I find that doubtful.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 09:00:53 AM
Nope, all the info is current, and I've ordered from that site in the last four months without a problem.  And since that cc is linked to a bank account, there is always money there.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 09:04:08 AM
Exclusively at Williams-Sonoma, while supplies last...

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 09:05:07 AM
DR elmore - I'm trying to remember if they ever did a "correction" of the score and parts and piano/vocal score to GUYS & DOLLS. The two "major" times I've worked on the show, I was always surprised at the inconsistencies from one source to the other.

This is why I'm now editing the new score.

-And I still don't think that short duet between Sarah and Adelaide in the second act has ever been fixed. The version in the P/V is practically bi-tonal AND pan-tonal at the same time.

I think Jo Loesser's next project for me is GUYS AND DOLLS. She mentioned it when we were talking about MHF.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 09:05:45 AM
Perhaps if I stopped shopping at Williams-Sonoma, there would always be money in my bank account, too.   ;)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 09:06:02 AM
DR Vixmom, Thank goodness for the good news you did receive!!!


May your employers be very kind!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 09:06:55 AM
I remember how frustrated Bernstein was in the documentary about his recording of West Side Story at what a shambles the pit parts were in.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 09:07:11 AM
Perhaps if I stopped shopping at Williams-Sonoma, there would always be money in my bank account, too.   ;)

and perhaps if DR MBarnum stopped buying all of his DVDs at the Piggly-Wiggly and BollywoodOnDemand and joined Netflx, he could afford to visit Manhattan more and terrorize Indian and Pakastani taxi drivers and local gyms.

And retirement homes.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 09:09:33 AM
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: MBarnum on November 07, 2008, 09:09:44 AM
I do have Netflix.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 09:11:13 AM
I have to walk to the library now. I'm still finding more info on the original scene designers and costume designer for BABES IN TOYLAND.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 09:11:20 AM
Very distressed to read this morning that Fox will be moving BONES to Thursday night at 8 in January once AMERICAN IDOL comes back on the air. HOUSE will move to Mondays at 8.

Argh! :(

I hope the move will improve the show.  We don't care for the changes this season.

Last night we went to watch LIFE & found it had accidentally been deleted. :(
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: MBarnum on November 07, 2008, 09:13:37 AM
Miss Rita Gam was in a movie with Miss Allison Hayes titled SIGN OF THE PAGAN.

She is alive and well and living on W 58th ST in Manhattan. I believe she turned 80 this year.

Maybe I should interview her.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 09:15:12 AM
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JMK on November 07, 2008, 09:19:40 AM
Repeating my post from last night:

What is everyone getting at the DDD sale?  MattH, I'd especially love a list from you of "big" releases over the past few months--I always forget what stuff has come out.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ann on November 07, 2008, 09:20:13 AM
Good morning all.

Well, DFIL should be coming home today.  This morning he's scheduled for his bone marrow biopsy to figure out what's going on, and then hopefully it'll just be a mater of prescribing him the right drugs.

Toby has his two month check up today, which means I get to watch them use my son as a pin cushion as he gets his first round of immunizations.  Hard to guess who will cry more.

I have a busy day ahead.  Meeting one friend for lunch at noon, Toby's appointment at 3, and another friend for dinner.  I might not be around much today as a result. 
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ann on November 07, 2008, 09:21:59 AM
Oh TCB, I think the sirens I was hearing might have had something to do with this -


Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ann on November 07, 2008, 09:22:27 AM
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ginny on November 07, 2008, 09:31:14 AM
Brave Mommy vibes to DR Ann!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Druxy on November 07, 2008, 09:44:35 AM
I've got a couple of DVDs to watch this weekend, both of which I have to review:


Now, isn't that a great double feature?

I also have to finish proof-reading my book, so that it can be sent off to the printers.

You mean we have three reviewers on this site (not including BK?).   I reviewed QV a few weeks ago and just did the Blu-ray of HBII a couple of days ago.

Maybe we should form a club?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Druxy on November 07, 2008, 09:49:39 AM
Miss Rita Gam was in a movie with Miss Allison Hayes titled SIGN OF THE PAGAN.

I remember SIGN OF THE PAGAN.  I saw it 1st run at the (long gone) Orpheum Theater in Seattle.  Jack Palance played Attila the Hun and, I think, Rita Game played his sister.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 09:52:02 AM
DR Ann - You may want to make a slight cut to your vibes. ;)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 10:01:16 AM
Maybe we should form a club?

Oooh!  And a secret handshake!!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 10:07:41 AM

a.k.a. The continuation of the "break" I've been on for the past hour or so. ;)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ann on November 07, 2008, 10:08:46 AM
DR Ann - You may want to make a slight cut to your vibes. ;)

There, I tried again.  I made fewer of them than I did the other day when it sent us in to widescreen, so I thought I was safe. 
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 10:10:35 AM
Maybe we should form a club?

Oooh!  And a secret handshake!!

Or at least a funny hat.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Druxy on November 07, 2008, 10:11:58 AM
Maybe we should form a club?

Oooh!  And a secret handshake!!

Or at least a funny hat.

I like the funny hat idea.

Will it have ears?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 10:13:14 AM
DR Ann - You may want to make a slight cut to your vibes. ;)

There, I tried again.  I made fewer of them than I did the other day when it sent us in to widescreen, so I thought I was safe. 

Oh, there I go causin' trouble again. *I forgot that my iPhone window is smaller than my laptop's, so... Spoo!

*You may replenish those Vibes if you wish. ;)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Dan (the Man) on November 07, 2008, 10:16:13 AM
Repeating my post from last night:

What is everyone getting at the DDD sale?  MattH, I'd especially love a list from you of "big" releases over the past few months--I always forget what stuff has come out.

I've been thinking of getting both Busby Burkley sets (thought I'm not sure if the 2nd one has come out yet.)  Also, the THIN MAN set.  And I'm hemming and hawing on the 3rd and 4th seasons of THAT GIRL (do I really need them?)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 10:18:50 AM
Yeah! It looks like I'll be going to The Met (again) tonight to attend the Opening Night of Berlioz's LE DAMNATION DE FAUST! Which means I'll also get to hear Patrick Carfizzi sing "The Brander". It will be the first time I get to hear him live and in person since I played for his grad recital at Catholic University almost 12 years ago! And I'll get to head backstage after the show too!!  :)

*And this production will be using some pretty cool and advanced computer-image trickery. The Met's website has a great video clip of the new technology.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: MBarnum on November 07, 2008, 10:20:18 AM
Miss Rita Gam was in a movie with Miss Allison Hayes titled SIGN OF THE PAGAN.

I remember SIGN OF THE PAGAN.  I saw it 1st run at the (long gone) Orpheum Theater in Seattle.  Jack Palance played Attila the Hun and, I think, Rita Game played his sister.

Yep, it was one of those good 'ole Universal-International films of the 1950s that I love so much! Allison offs Palance with a sharp knife during the final battle scene.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: MBarnum on November 07, 2008, 10:21:11 AM
Repeating my post from last night:

What is everyone getting at the DDD sale?  MattH, I'd especially love a list from you of "big" releases over the past few months--I always forget what stuff has come out.

I've been thinking of getting both Busby Burkley sets (thought I'm not sure if the 2nd one has come out yet.)  Also, the THIN MAN set.  And I'm hemming and hawing on the 3rd and 4th seasons of THAT GIRL (do I really need them?)

Marlo is hard to resist!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 10:22:11 AM
Calling DR George...    :)

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 10:23:04 AM
Back from the annoying but quick errand.  Am now on hold with paypal.  I went to a gas station and filled up the car (2.65 for gas - pretty good and a lot better than the 4.70 I was paying for the entire rehearsal period of the Brain in Anaheim).  I used my debit card - normally, when you go inside and do that you say something like fifty on number eight.  They charge the card fifty and that's that.  If you use less gas than fifty they give you the cash back.  Not Shell.  They do that sickening thing I loathe of pre-authorizing the card for fifty, then charging you the exact amount - but the fifty stays debited from your account for at least five days.  Happily, I'd used my paypal card and I called them and they removed the pre-authorization charge and that money is now back in my account.  I think someone should sue these companies for doing the pre-authorization and then the charge because basically you are out whatever the amount of the pre-authorization is for five business days - they have no right to take your money for one hour let alone five days.  So, for five days instead of having paid $37 you've paid $87.  Seems illegal to me.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 10:25:53 AM
And is no one getting the Fox/MGM Hollywood Musicals Collection?  50 films on 61 DVDs - only $375.00!!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Druxy on November 07, 2008, 10:31:02 AM
Miss Rita Gam was in a movie with Miss Allison Hayes titled SIGN OF THE PAGAN.

I remember SIGN OF THE PAGAN.  I saw it 1st run at the (long gone) Orpheum Theater in Seattle.  Jack Palance played Attila the Hun and, I think, Rita Game played his sister.

Yep, it was one of those good 'ole Universal-International films of the 1950s that I love so much! Allison offs Palance with a sharp knife during the final battle scene.

I think it starred Jeff Chandler.  Terrible actor, but likable.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ben on November 07, 2008, 10:31:31 AM
Calling DR George...    :)


Ooh, Ooh, I could go for that one too. George has more video and foreign MT stuff than me but I have all the CDs, including a Japanese Christmas CD. I've loved them since I first heard them in the 70s.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Druxy on November 07, 2008, 10:32:04 AM
And is no one getting the Fox/MGM Hollywood Musicals Collection?  50 films on 61 DVDs - only $375.00!!

Unfortunately, with the exception of 1-2 Eddie Cantor films, every title is a re-release. 
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: MBarnum on November 07, 2008, 10:34:19 AM
Oh gosh, yes, Jeff Chandler is one of my favorites!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Druxy on November 07, 2008, 10:42:04 AM
Oh gosh, yes, Jeff Chandler is one of my favorites!

The original Cochise. 

The funny thing is that my friend, Michael Ansara, who did the role on TV, is better remembered for that part.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Dan (the Man) on November 07, 2008, 10:46:55 AM
Calling DR George...    :)


Ooh, Ooh, I could go for that one too. George has more video and foreign MT stuff than me but I have all the CDs, including a Japanese Christmas CD. I've loved them since I first heard them in the 70s.

I wonder if DR George has a copy of MARY'S INCREDIBLE DREAM--a Mary Tyler Moore song and dance CBS special about the history of mankind and its Armageddon.  The Manhattan Transfer were among the special guest stars (yep, TMT + MTM.)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 10:47:46 AM
Brave Mommy vibes to DR Ann!


Vibes the the biopsy for DFIL finds an easy fix for the problem.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 10:49:48 AM
  Busby Burkley sets (though I'm not sure if the 2nd one has come out yet.) 

It has.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 07, 2008, 10:51:40 AM
And is no one getting the Fox/MGM Hollywood Musicals Collection?  50 films on 61 DVDs - only $375.00!!

Since I have them ALL, the "collection" is not on my shopping list.  ;)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 07, 2008, 10:53:39 AM
Oh gosh, yes, Jeff Chandler is one of my favorites!

The original Cochise. 

The funny thing is that my friend, Michael Ansara, who did the role on TV, is better remembered for that part.

Not surprising...Ansara was seen by millions of people weekly over many years.  Chandler's portrayal was in a movie that isn't on the all-time list of boxoffice champions.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 10:54:02 AM
  I used my debit card - normally, when you go inside and do that you say something like fifty on number eight.  They charge the card fifty and that's that.  If you use less gas than fifty they give you the cash back.  Not Shell.  They do that sickening thing I loathe of pre-authorizing the card for fifty, then charging you the exact amount - but the fifty stays debited from your account for at least five days.  Happily, I'd used my paypal card and I called them and they removed the pre-authorization charge and that money is now back in my account.  I think someone should sue these companies for doing the pre-authorization and then the charge because basically you are out whatever the amount of the pre-authorization is for five business days - they have no right to take your money for one hour let alone five days.  So, for five days instead of having paid $37 you've paid $87.  Seems illegal to me.

That is annoying enough on a credit card, but a CASH debit! :o
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 07, 2008, 10:56:01 AM
Very distressed to read this morning that Fox will be moving BONES to Thursday night at 8 in January once AMERICAN IDOL comes back on the air. HOUSE will move to Mondays at 8.

Argh! :(

That negates my capacity to record it as I've two other shows recording at that time.  Oh, for a DVR that records 4 programs simultaneously!!!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 07, 2008, 11:01:27 AM
Exclusively at Williams-Sonoma, while supplies last...


I've seen shows on which chefs ooh! and aah! over potato ricers and exclaim that EVERY kitchen should have one.

But.....I've never yet read a recipe that said "rice your potatoes".

What dishes would I make that would cause me to spend $32 (plus tax and shipping) on a potato ricer?  (And that's not a trick question -- I've bought plenty of gadgets that I might have only an occasional use for).
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 11:02:13 AM
Good Afternoon!

Pumpkin Whoopie Pie!!!  YUM!!!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 11:02:27 AM
Repeating my post from last night:

What is everyone getting at the DDD sale?  MattH, I'd especially love a list from you of "big" releases over the past few months--I always forget what stuff has come out.

I've been thinking of getting both Busby Burkley sets (thought I'm not sure if the 2nd one has come out yet.)  Also, the THIN MAN set.  And I'm hemming and hawing on the 3rd and 4th seasons of THAT GIRL (do I really need them?)

Marlo is hard to resist!

Not if you had to deal with her and her secretary at the Drama Book Shop!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 11:04:16 AM
  Pumpkin Whoopie Pie!!! 

Is that a euphemism?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 07, 2008, 11:04:20 AM
Repeating my post from last night:

What is everyone getting at the DDD sale?  MattH, I'd especially love a list from you of "big" releases over the past few months--I always forget what stuff has come out.

I've been thinking of getting both Busby Burkley sets (thought I'm not sure if the 2nd one has come out yet.)  Also, the THIN MAN set.  And I'm hemming and hawing on the 3rd and 4th seasons of THAT GIRL (do I really need them?)

Marlo is hard to resist!

Not if you had to deal with her and her secretary at the Drama Book Shop!

I see.  An "Oy¡  No joy!" experience, eh?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 11:05:56 AM
What dishes would I make that would cause me to spend $32 (plus tax and shipping) on a potato ricer? 

Beats me!  [pun intended]

I was posting it more as a lark than anything.  I don't own one, myself.  And at $32+,  I'm not likely to anytime soon!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 07, 2008, 11:06:07 AM
If I auditioned I might have to sing that old standby Happy Birthday or something similar. I haven't auditioned for 17 years and it's been a few more since I auditioned for a musical.

P.S. You know Michael Pizzi!

Yes!  We finally reconnected a few weeks ago after almost 22 years! :)

"Reconnected"?  Is that a euphemism?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 11:06:11 AM
Oh gosh, yes, Jeff Chandler is one of my favorites!
Oh gosh, yes, Jeff Chandler is one of my favorites!

In or out of Esther Williams' dresses?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 11:07:40 AM
Repeating my post from last night:

What is everyone getting at the DDD sale?  MattH, I'd especially love a list from you of "big" releases over the past few months--I always forget what stuff has come out.

I've been thinking of getting both Busby Burkley sets (thought I'm not sure if the 2nd one has come out yet.)  Also, the THIN MAN set.  And I'm hemming and hawing on the 3rd and 4th seasons of THAT GIRL (do I really need them?)

Marlo is hard to resist!

Not if you had to deal with her and her secretary at the Drama Book Shop!

I see.  An "Oy¡  No joy!" experience, eh?

I would compare dealing with them both on phone and in person to hemorrhoid surgery and no anaesthesia.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 07, 2008, 11:08:31 AM
Oh gosh, yes, Jeff Chandler is one of my favorites!
Oh gosh, yes, Jeff Chandler is one of my favorites!

In or out of Esther Williams' dresses?

Why would Mike be wearing one of Esther Williams' dresses?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 11:09:45 AM
Wow.  I naively didn't realize that when you contribute to a candidate or a cause, your full name [or organization or company name], town, state, and donation amount are posted for all to see, right on the Internets!

Interesting to see who is a friend, and who a foe...
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 11:09:59 AM
Oh gosh, yes, Jeff Chandler is one of my favorites!
Oh gosh, yes, Jeff Chandler is one of my favorites!

In or out of Esther Williams' dresses?

Why would Mike be wearing one of Esther Williams' dresses?

According to Miss Williams' bio, Mr Chandler liked being in drag. DR MBarnum would, I suspect, prefer him out of her dresses and au naturel.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 11:10:54 AM
Wow.  I naively didn't realize that when you contribute to a candidate or a cause, your full name [or organization or company name], town, state, and donation amount are posted for all to see, right on the Internets!

Interesting to see who is a friend, and who a foe...

Thank you, castrecl!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 11:12:41 AM
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 07, 2008, 11:13:59 AM
Oh gosh, yes, Jeff Chandler is one of my favorites!
Oh gosh, yes, Jeff Chandler is one of my favorites!

In or out of Esther Williams' dresses?

Why would Mike be wearing one of Esther Williams' dresses?

According to Miss Williams' bio, Mr Chandler liked being in drag. DR MBarnum would, I suspect, prefer him out of her dresses and au naturel.

Ummm....I knew that.   I was being silly.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 11:15:57 AM
I was being silly.

Does not compute.

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: MBarnum on November 07, 2008, 11:22:31 AM
Oh gosh, yes, Jeff Chandler is one of my favorites!

The original Cochise. 

The funny thing is that my friend, Michael Ansara, who did the role on TV, is better remembered for that part.

Druxy, I think one of my interviewees had quite a crush on Michael Ansara. She guest starred on his show BROKEN ARROW once...and she just gushed about him...on and on.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 11:27:16 AM
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 11:36:29 AM

iPod: Bernstein's Mass

CD player:  new Christmas albums of Harry Connick Jr., Tony Bennett, Kristin Chenoweth, Sarah Brightman, and Yo-Yo Ma.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 11:38:43 AM
And I would LIKE to get the complete works of J.S. Bach in mp3 for importing into my iPod, but it's 500 Euros.   :-\
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 11:39:07 AM
Come on, Get Happy!

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 11:40:10 AM
My manager and co-workers are all out of the office this afternoon.

And the work day is dragging, very s-l-o-w-l-y, to its conclusion.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 11:43:02 AM

And a Whole Wheat Spinach Samosa!

I really like the Union Square Green Market. :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 11:43:41 AM
Back from the long jog - it's so beautiful out that I decided to continue on to Lankershim, and extra quarter mile, so today I ran a total of four and a half miles.  The last half wasn't so easy but I did it and I'm alive.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 11:44:04 AM
Gee, when you take a day off there's nothing to do, is there?  Oh, yeah, relax.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 11:44:40 AM
DR MBarnum - Oh... That Jeff Chandler...  Nevermind...  ::)

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 11:47:08 AM
My manager and co-workers are all out of the office this afternoon.

And the work day is dragging, very s-l-o-w-l-y, to its conclusion.

But isn't that a good thing in the larger scheme of things? I mean, you're able to post here on HHW this afternoon...

Oh... Nevermind...
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 11:47:38 AM
Here's a question that I should think is difficult to answer:  How come, in this horrible economic crisis, with people not able to make mortgage payments and people expecting to be helped to do same by this bailout package (funny, I received no such help when I was forced to sell my house during my legal problems), how come, I ask, are people eating out every single night in every sort of restaurant imaginable?  I go to restaurants and am astonished to see families of six eating out, and doing so consistently - does no parent cook anymore?  And these aren't inexpensive restaurants - there are no inexpensive restaurants any more and these people aren't eating light and the average meal with no extras is at least ten bucks for just the food part, so their spending over sixty or seventy dollars every time they eat out.  And that's ONE meal. 
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 11:47:38 AM
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ben on November 07, 2008, 11:49:42 AM

And a Whole Wheat Spinach Samosa!

I really like the Union Square Green Market. :)

It's good on Fridays but it's great on Wednesday and Saturday and on Monday there is a vendor who makes the absolute best foccacia! Things like goat cheese, spinach, fresh mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes and other fresh ingredients on whole wheat crusts. They are good either heated up or cold. I cut one in half and we have it for lunch on a Monday.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 11:49:55 AM
Here's a question that I should think is difficult to answer:  How come, in this horrible economic crisis, with people not able to make mortgage payments and people expecting to be helped to do same by this bailout package (funny, I received no such help when I was forced to sell my house during my legal problems), how come, I ask, are people eating out every single night in every sort of restaurant imaginable?  I go to restaurants and am astonished to see families of six eating out, and doing so consistently - does no parent cook anymore?  And these aren't inexpensive restaurants - there are no inexpensive restaurants any more and these people aren't eating light and the average meal with no extras is at least ten bucks for just the food part, so their spending over sixty or seventy dollars every time they eat out.  And that's ONE meal. 

bk - Answer: They are in the right business.

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JMK on November 07, 2008, 11:53:43 AM
BK, are you sure that the authorization is in addition to the actual charge?  When I've dealt with pre-authorized amounts, it's in lieu of the charge.  Not that it's any less annoying, but I don't think you would have been out $50 and $37, just $50, until the $37 cleared.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JMK on November 07, 2008, 11:54:15 AM
Druxy, for whom do you review?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 11:54:30 AM
...And with the cost of food, water and electricity nowadays, sometimes eating out is cheaper than eating in. Heck, the Chinese take out near my apartment offers a pint of steamed chicken and broccoli for just $3.25 - and that includes rice, sauce of my choosing on the side, a fortune cookie and all the soy sauce packets I desire (which I don't use). And it's enough food for two meals.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 11:56:03 AM
Answer: They are in the right business.

This porridge is too hot!

This porridge is too cold!

This porridge is JUST RIGHT!

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 11:58:08 AM
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 11:59:14 AM

What dishes would I make that would cause me to spend $32 (plus tax and shipping) on a potato ricer?  (And that's not a trick question -- I've bought plenty of gadgets that I might have only an occasional use for).

Bryan uses his on a regular basis & said we needed one.  I don't even know where it is ;D  I think the only time we used it was when Bryan was home cooking, maybe one other time.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 12:04:25 PM
RE: Ricers - The $10 one from Martha Stewart's Basics Kitchen Line, works just fine.

*And I do have to say that I'm getting a bit tired of W-S coming with high-end versions of low-tech kitchen tools and gadgets. -I have a feeling their new Ricer will be on the Clearance tables come January (which is when they start liquidating all their "old" merchandise too).
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 12:09:30 PM
bk - As for gas stations doing the authorization thing... Don't blame Shell, Exxon, BP, etc.  Blame all the criminals(!) who fill up their tanks and then drive away. The figures for that loss/theft are still astonishingly high. I think it's still in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's more of a security measure for the gas station owners.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 12:10:11 PM
BK, are you sure that the authorization is in addition to the actual charge?  When I've dealt with pre-authorized amounts, it's in lieu of the charge.  Not that it's any less annoying, but I don't think you would have been out $50 and $37, just $50, until the $37 cleared.

Incorrect - you're out the fifty AND the thirty-seven, until the fifty drops off five business days later (and how many people actually check to see that the fifty actually drops off?).
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 12:11:13 PM
I have no idea where he finds this stuff.

I really don't.

From my morning reads of the LA TIMES (http://www.latimes.com/features/home/)

An Aris affair in Laguna Beach
Retailer Trey Russell's second-story garden apartment is right behind his gift shop-boutique Aris

In the wee hours I try to find a news pic or two to bighten up our site in the morning.

I hope I am sometimes sucessful.

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 12:12:24 PM
bk - As for gas stations doing the authorization thing... Don't blame Shell, Exxon, BP, etc.  Blame all the criminals(!) who fill up their tanks and then drive away. The figures for that loss/theft are still astonishingly high. I think it's still in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's more of a security measure for the gas station owners.

Actually, in this day and age, I don't see how it's possible to fill up a tank and drive away, since you have to pay before you pump.  There is NO excuse to do what they did when the customer is using a debit card and you're going inside to do the transaction.  I understand when you use the machines they do what they do.  But most gas stations who do debit cards charge exactly what you tell them to charge and if you use less, they give you the difference back in cash - which is the ONLY way that should work. 
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 12:13:05 PM
*And some gas stations are charging even more for the use of credit, even debit, cards due to the increase in service charges from the credit card and processing companies. It may be inconvenient, but if you're going to fill up your tank, stop at an ATM first.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 12:20:20 PM
On TV Tonight!™

ABC - reality shows, 20/20

And for SCIFI fans, new episodes of Stargate-Atlantis and Sanctuary

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 12:22:39 PM
bk - As for gas stations doing the authorization thing... Don't blame Shell, Exxon, BP, etc.  Blame all the criminals(!) who fill up their tanks and then drive away. The figures for that loss/theft are still astonishingly high. I think it's still in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's more of a security measure for the gas station owners.

Actually, in this day and age, I don't see how it's possible to fill up a tank and drive away, since you have to pay before you pump.  There is NO excuse to do what they did when the customer is using a debit card and you're going inside to do the transaction.  I understand when you use the machines they do what they do.  But most gas stations who do debit cards charge exactly what you tell them to charge and if you use less, they give you the difference back in cash - which is the ONLY way that should work. 

You get change from a debit card transaction? I've never heard of nor had that happen (at least to me).

*And in most cases, the pre-authorizations fall off as soon as the charge is processed and cleared, so it's always better to fill up in the morning so that the charges clear that evening instead of hanging over a day or two.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 12:27:56 PM
If I auditioned I might have to sing that old standby Happy Birthday or something similar. I haven't auditioned for 17 years and it's been a few more since I auditioned for a musical.

I bet you could do a rousing rendition of "On the Good Ship Lollipop".

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 12:28:05 PM
And I believe I'm in the midst of Break #15 since we got back from lunch. ;D ::)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 12:28:44 PM
RE: Ricers - The $10 one from Martha Stewart's Basics Kitchen Line, works just fine.

*And I do have to say that I'm getting a bit tired of W-S coming with high-end versions of low-tech kitchen tools and gadgets. -I have a feeling their new Ricer will be on the Clearance tables come January (which is when they start liquidating all their "old" merchandise too).

I don't know that we spent $35 on the ricer, just that we got one.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 12:29:41 PM
If I auditioned I might have to sing that old standby Happy Birthday or something similar. I haven't auditioned for 17 years and it's been a few more since I auditioned for a musical.

I bet you could do a rousing rendition of "On the Good Ship Lollipop".

der Brucer

But only with the proper wig and the strategically placed lollipop(s).
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: FJL on November 07, 2008, 12:35:54 PM
Break #15 and you're still on the clock?

Some people ARE in the right business.  :)  :)  :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 12:36:36 PM
Hilarity ensued (after my head exploded because the drive was jammed).

I'm sure the drive recovered - I'll reserve comment on your head :D

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 12:36:37 PM
But only with the proper wig and the strategically placed lollipop(s).

I want pictures, DR Ben!    :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: FJL on November 07, 2008, 12:37:35 PM
I read that as "Hilary ensued" and was about to chide JMK for his spelling.  :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Dan (the Man) on November 07, 2008, 12:40:47 PM
Wow.  I naively didn't realize that when you contribute to a candidate or a cause, your full name [or organization or company name], town, state, and donation amount are posted for all to see, right on the Internets!

Interesting to see who is a friend, and who a foe...

The data on these sites can't be complete.  I've just searched through two sites and my name did not come up, no matter what criteria I entered.  In fact, I entered just my zipcode and found only ten names.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 12:42:57 PM

Well, on the site I was searching, I found my full name, city, state, and the amount I contributed.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 12:56:31 PM
DR DtM, maybe you clicked on the box that keeps your donation private ;)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 01:00:17 PM
I gotta tell you.  I'm having fun doing nothing.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 01:00:39 PM
I'm listening to the four CD Michel Legrand compilation - haven't played it since I first got it - it's great.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 01:01:31 PM
And next I'm going to dunk my tired and sore feet in the jacuzzi, then I'm making lunch, then I'm finishing the movie Parking.  Not really expecting any packages today, given the French site acknowledging mine was never sent.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: MBarnum on November 07, 2008, 01:01:49 PM

And a Whole Wheat Spinach Samosa!

I really like the Union Square Green Market. :)

That sounds delish!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: MBarnum on November 07, 2008, 01:06:08 PM
I never even have to get out of my car at the gas stations I go to.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 01:12:05 PM
And is no one getting the Fox/MGM Hollywood Musicals Collection?  50 films on 61 DVDs - only $375.00!!

Unfortunately, with the exception of 1-2 Eddie Cantor films, every title is a re-release. 

Which makes box sets like that SO infuriating. I am NOT going to double dip on so many titles I've already bought once or twice before. Same with the Gregory Peck Collection and the upcoming Natalie Wood Collection. Yes, I want some of the titles but not enough to rebuy some I've already bought once or twice before.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 01:13:42 PM
I never even have to get out of my car at the gas stations I go to.

That means your gas stations have gas jockeys who are one of the following:
  1. bodybuilders
  2. retirees
  3. of various ethnicities
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 01:14:30 PM
It was another beautiful day here, and I sat on my side porch while my lunch was cooking. Gorgeous November day.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 01:17:27 PM
While I ate lunch I first watched last night's THE OFFICE. Very funny episode, and I am nervous about what's going on in Pam's mind. And I think Angela is the cruelest character on a network TV comedy. Makes me laugh, but boy am I glad I don't know anyone like her.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 01:18:17 PM
I also watched last night's 30 ROCK which was eons better than last week's premiere episode. This one was actually funny, and I laughed more than usual at the show.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 01:20:38 PM
I managed to watch 3 1/2 more episodes of HAWAII FIVE-O this afternoon. In the first one William Shatner was guest star doing a MISERABLE Texas/Southern accent. He had his shirt off for part of the episode, and it's obvious the working out that he did during his STAR TREK TV years had been left far behind. (This episode was filmed in 1972).
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 01:20:52 PM
Page Eight Dance!!!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 01:21:45 PM
The next one had an impossible young John Rubenstein as the guest star and Louise Latham playing his mother.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 01:22:24 PM
I never even have to get out of my car at the gas stations I go to.

I love it :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 01:22:34 PM
The evil character Wo Fat popped up again in the next episode I watched. They only used the character once or twice a season. Don't know if he shows up any more in season five or not.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 01:23:39 PM
Clu Gulagher is the guest star of the show I only got halfway through before shutting everything down for awhile. Michael Conrad was also a crook, but he got killed in a shootout already.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 01:31:25 PM
But.....I've never yet read a recipe that said "rice your potatoes".

What dishes would I make that would cause me to spend $32 (plus tax and shipping) on a potato ricer? 

Many recipes for "perfect" mashed potatoes call for ricing (or using a food mill). They are also great for some potato soups and potato pancakes.

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 07, 2008, 01:33:16 PM
Not in my diet.  What else are they used for?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Tomovoz on November 07, 2008, 01:41:33 PM
I assume that it is USA remake of "Life On Mars" that people are watching.  I thought the UK was excellent but have as yet to see the third series entitled "Ashes To Ashes".

Kath & Kim is starting yet another season here.  I thought it had run out of steam after the first two (I think this is the fourth or fifth season).  The writers (and stars) are all from sketch comedy programmes here.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Druxy on November 07, 2008, 01:43:29 PM
Oh gosh, yes, Jeff Chandler is one of my favorites!

The original Cochise. 

The funny thing is that my friend, Michael Ansara, who did the role on TV, is better remembered for that part.

Not surprising...Ansara was seen by millions of people weekly over many years.  Chandler's portrayal was in a movie that isn't on the all-time list of boxoffice champions.

Agreed, but BROKEN ARROW is a great movie.  One of my favorite westerns.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Tomovoz on November 07, 2008, 01:43:40 PM
Most recent viewing here was "Helmut Lotti". He's about as interesting as André Rieu. Competent but that's all.  Musak!

What do I know - they are both major sellers!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 01:44:50 PM
Back from the annoying but quick errand.  Am now on hold with paypal.  I went to a gas station and filled up the car (2.65 for gas - pretty good and a lot better than the 4.70 I was paying for the entire rehearsal period of the Brain in Anaheim).  I used my debit card - normally, when you go inside and do that you say something like fifty on number eight.  They charge the card fifty and that's that.  If you use less gas than fifty they give you the cash back.  Not Shell.  They do that sickening thing I loathe of pre-authorizing the card for fifty, then charging you the exact amount - but the fifty stays debited from your account for at least five days.  Happily, I'd used my paypal card and I called them and they removed the pre-authorization charge and that money is now back in my account.  I think someone should sue these companies for doing the pre-authorization and then the charge because basically you are out whatever the amount of the pre-authorization is for five business days - they have no right to take your money for one hour let alone five days.  So, for five days instead of having paid $37 you've paid $87.  Seems illegal to me.

So much depends on area!

Out here the stations (at the pump) only pre-authorize $1.00 - which shows up immediately; the actually charge comes in a day or two later.

Either way, money does not move until an actual charge is complete; if your charge/debit card is associated with an interest bearing account, the pre-authorized amounts continue to bear interest; only cleared charges delete funds from the account. Often restaurants will pre-authorize the amount of your dinner bill prior to presenting you with the paper-work; if you add a tip to the charge it does not hit your account until the merchant clears the pre-authorization with the full charge.

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Tomovoz on November 07, 2008, 01:46:21 PM
DP Colin and I also watched the TV film of "The No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency".   Much better than we had expected and certainly more enjoyable than the over-rated (IMHO) "Atonement"
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Druxy on November 07, 2008, 01:48:47 PM
Druxy, for whom do you review?

I have my own newsletter that is sent to DVD retailers around the country.  Also, under a pseudonym on a different website.

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 01:49:57 PM
I never even have to get out of my car at the gas stations I go to.

Sounds like New Jersey - where it is illegal for you to pump your own gas.

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 01:51:24 PM
I never even have to get out of my car at the gas stations I go to.

And just how long does it take for your horse to eat a bucket of oats a half bushel of apples?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 01:53:39 PM
Just waiting for the 5:10 group (of two) to show up, and then it's back uptown to change into my fancy clothes for tonight's opera.

*Which means I'm swapping out my blue jeans for my black ones. ;$
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 01:53:54 PM
Jo Loesser always makes me laugh, God love her! When I did GREENWILLOW with her for the Utah Festival Opera in 1997, I had the best time. The score was wonderful and so was the production. Riding around Logan, Utah, with Jo was just the icing on the cake. She just called me about doing a quick chart of "Baby, It's Cold Outside" for her and Michael Feinstein, so that's my job for the next couple of days.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 01:58:58 PM
Not in my diet.  What else are they used for?

Any root veggie; also for super smooth guacamole - though I like mine a bit chunky

der Brucer

Oh, and applesauce!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 02:00:56 PM
Jo Loesser always makes me laugh, God love her! When I did GREENWILLOW with her for the Utah Festival Opera in 1997, I had the best time. The score was wonderful and so was the production. Riding around Logan, Utah, with Jo was just the icing on the cake. She just called me about doing a quick chart of "Baby, It's Cold Outside" for her and Michael Feinstein, so that's my job for the next couple of days.

I just hope - for her sake - that she pays you in a timely manner.

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 02:01:37 PM
bk - As for gas stations doing the authorization thing... Don't blame Shell, Exxon, BP, etc.  Blame all the criminals(!) who fill up their tanks and then drive away. The figures for that loss/theft are still astonishingly high. I think it's still in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's more of a security measure for the gas station owners.

Actually, in this day and age, I don't see how it's possible to fill up a tank and drive away, since you have to pay before you pump.  There is NO excuse to do what they did when the customer is using a debit card and you're going inside to do the transaction.  I understand when you use the machines they do what they do.  But most gas stations who do debit cards charge exactly what you tell them to charge and if you use less, they give you the difference back in cash - which is the ONLY way that should work. 

You get change from a debit card transaction? I've never heard of nor had that happen (at least to me).

Well, you can get $20/40 cash back when you use a debit card at many check-out counters

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 02:02:22 PM
Last one of the day!!!!!!

HOO and RAY!!!

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 02:03:43 PM
DR DER BRUCER - Yes, but Change?!?!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 02:11:18 PM
Ms Gam and Ms Hayes also co-starred in MOHAWK, the spectacular color western from Kurt Neumann.....

John Hoyt, Mae Clarke, Lori Nelson, and Vera Vague were also involved in the enterprise.

Allison appeared in her underwear and later fought the titular Indians with a Revolutionary War era blunderbuss.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 02:11:43 PM
A friend is coming over for drinks so I guess I'd better go downstairs to greet him.

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 02:11:44 PM
Actually, in this day and age, I don't see how it's possible to fill up a tank and drive away, since you have to pay before you pump. 

My daughter just complained about the pay-before you pump routine - she pre-paid for $30, but the price of gas was so cheap, her  car could not hold it all (she gave the balance away to the car next to her rather than fuss with the refund.

Imagine - complaints 'cause gas prices fell so much! ($2.31 nationwide average)

I avoid all the angst by filling up at the pump at the local Safeway - $1 pre-authorizarion and then only the exact amount post-pumping (also get a $0.03/gallon discount using my Safeway Club card)

der Brucer

But at $0.75 a puff, I do NOT fill my tires at Safeway.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 02:12:37 PM
If a company is doing something for the first time - wouldn't it be the "Inaugaral Whatsit'?  And then when they did it the next year it would be the "Second Annual Whatsit"?

There is a shopping center announcing its First Annual Holiday Whatsit.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 02:12:44 PM
DR JMK, I'm still compiling a list of things I want to the DDD sale. I'll write more about them when my list is complete.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 02:13:00 PM
A friend is coming over for drinks so I guess I'd better go downstairs to greet him.


In a flowing caftan I hope.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 02:13:11 PM
And now I'm REALLY going!

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 02:14:01 PM
A friend is coming over for drinks so I guess I'd better go downstairs to greet him.


In a flowing caftan I hope.

Auntie Mame, I ain't!

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 02:14:18 PM
Page Nine Dance!!!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 02:14:39 PM
I know, I know!

I'm outta here!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 02:21:56 PM
I never even have to get out of my car at the gas stations I go to.

Sounds like New Jersey - where it is illegal for you to pump your own gas.

der Brucer

You got it :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JMK on November 07, 2008, 02:23:49 PM
Druxy, I'm at DVDTalk, and DR Matt is at HTF.  Speaking of reviews, I got another huge stack in the mail today, so off I go.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Druxy on November 07, 2008, 02:27:01 PM
Druxy, I'm at DVDTalk, and DR Matt is at HTF.  Speaking of reviews, I got another huge stack in the mail today, so off I go.

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Druxy on November 07, 2008, 02:27:51 PM
I got KUNG FU PANDA today

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 02:28:22 PM
DP Colin and I also watched the TV film of "The No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency".  

Did you read the books?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 02:33:40 PM
Good Monring all!  Thank yo all for the vibes and prayers - please keep them coming..

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 02:35:24 PM
Home Theater Forum, I think DR DRUXY.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 02:35:47 PM
We haz had a slow down in customers for the evening.

But NOT a slowdown in TALKERS.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 02:36:12 PM
A friend is coming over for drinks so I guess I'd better go downstairs to greet him.


In a flowing caftan I hope.

Auntie Mame, I ain't!


LOL....are we all lit?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 02:36:55 PM
I think that I shall also get the LITTLE RASCALS box set at the DDD sale....
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 02:36:55 PM
HTF - home theater forum.  Someone there just posted a huge number of screencaps from the old DVD of Gigi and the new one.  Boy do they tell the Warners story in a nutshell.  Where the sky is blue on the old transfer it is poop brown in the new one.  Where skin tones are natural in the other, they're yellow on the new one.  It's an eye-opener.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 02:38:48 PM
Sounds like and eye-closer to me.

MR BK what is your favorite song from SILK STOCKINGS and do you have high hopes for this production?

Doesn't it have music and lyrics by Indiana's own Cole Porter?

Do we really expect anyone to eclipse Astaire, Charisse, and Paige?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 02:39:18 PM
Merlin the Magic Kat is sitting on top of the computer monitor giving HHW the upside down eye.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 02:39:28 PM
Talk about ridiculous, this man was arrested for cutting down weeds on public property. Click Here (http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/?rn=4226712&cl=10574613&src=news)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 02:39:53 PM
I cannot go home for an hour and 20 minutes.......I feel like DR BEN in the RH.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 02:40:00 PM
Cute Merlin :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 02:40:27 PM
Talk about ridiculous, this man was arrested for cutting down weeds on public property. Click Here (http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/?rn=4226712&cl=10574613&src=news)

That'll learn ya!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 02:40:54 PM
Cute Merlin :)

Darn I guess I should start bringing my caerma to work.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 02:41:08 PM
Or my camera.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 02:41:33 PM
Okay hold the phone, there's a mortal at the portal.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 02:43:05 PM
Jo Loesser always makes me laugh, God love her! When I did GREENWILLOW with her for the Utah Festival Opera in 1997, I had the best time. The score was wonderful and so was the production. Riding around Logan, Utah, with Jo was just the icing on the cake. She just called me about doing a quick chart of "Baby, It's Cold Outside" for her and Michael Feinstein, so that's my job for the next couple of days.

I just hope - for her sake - that she pays you in a timely manner.


Jo has always been a good employer, as have most of my jobs.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 02:44:45 PM
A friend is coming over for drinks so I guess I'd better go downstairs to greet him.


In a flowing caftan I hope.

Auntie Mame, I ain't!


Her is! (a PAJAMA GAME reference)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 02:46:12 PM
Talk about ridiculous, this man was arrested for cutting down weeds on public property. Click Here (http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/?rn=4226712&cl=10574613&src=news)

That'll learn ya!

Darn ya!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 02:48:07 PM
poop brown


Funny; I don't remember that color from the Crayola box of my childhood.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 02:49:55 PM
A friend is coming over for drinks so I guess I'd better go downstairs to greet him.


In a flowing caftan I hope.

Auntie Mame, I ain't!


The Funny Uncle?  :)

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ann on November 07, 2008, 02:57:37 PM
what a day!  I thought everything was going to be pleasant today, but it was not to be.  It began when I walked down to our fully carpeted basement and put my foot in a puddle at the bottom of the stairs.  Apparently the torrential rains last night left us a leaky basement and a partially soaked carpet. 
Then as I was getting ready to run to the store to rent a RugDoctor, I checked my cell phone to find a message saying that Toby's doctor has the flu and needs to cancel his appointment,  When I called back I talked to an absolute idiot who kept referring to Toby as a "she" and tried to schedule me an appointment with the wrong doctor for the 19th, which is just too long to wait.   Plus I wanted to see Toby's doctor, not whoever they happened to have available.  I gave up on her and e-mailed my doctor directly.  Her assistant e-mailed me back very promptly and got me in with the right doctor next Friday.  So that is that.

I had to cancel my lunch plans to deal with the carpet, and I rescheduled with our dinner guest because we will be spending the evening ripping up carpet and replacing the pad.  This afternoon I will continue to keep soaking up as much of the water as I can with the wet/dry vac.

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 03:02:28 PM
Talk about ridiculous, this man was arrested for cutting down weeds on public property. Click Here (http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/?rn=4226712&cl=10574613&src=news)

Well, one man's weeds are another man's indigenous species. And consider, "weeds" are often necesary for stabilizing the ground and provide natural habitat for wild life.

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 03:18:37 PM
Come on DR DB, you don't really think the golf course needed those weeds, or the guy should go to jail for cutting them down. ;D
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 03:19:36 PM
DR Ann-Ugh!  At least you have a wet/dry vac.  I have never had the luxury of one.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 03:20:44 PM
...(and how many people actually check to see that the fifty actually drops off?).

Well, if you're fortunate as I am, to have an account that provides you with real-time on-line access to your account, it's easy to keep up.

And I do mean real-time - not end-of-business day recap.

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ann on November 07, 2008, 03:21:13 PM
DR Ann-Ugh!  At least you have a wet/dry vac.  I have never had the luxury of one.

We don't either, but it's only about $25 to rent a RugDoctor from Safeway. 
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 03:32:41 PM
What a gloriously glorious lazy day I'm having.  I need to do this every now and then, I must say.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 03:32:45 PM
Come on DR DB, you don't really think the golf course needed those weeds, or the guy should go to jail for cutting them down. ;D

I didn't watch the whole clip, but it seems he was cutting things that were not his, and he should be sent to his room (jail seems a bit harsh!). I know I am in constant contention with my neighbors over my "weeds". The natual blackberry bushes that provide much pleasure to the birds are "weeds"; the swamp grass, clover, goldenrod and dandilions that anchor my bank are "weeds". They prefer I plant my lot with non-native invasive species, burn up energy and lower the water table by drenching the lot, and fertilize regularly with polutants that run into the protected marsh land - then keep it all nice and tidy running a polutant belching, noise poluting, lawn machine. And it's lucky I don't own a gun, or I'd use it on those idiots with their leaf blowers!

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 03:33:19 PM
Apparently, this production of Silk Stockings has a re-jiggered book by, I think, Stuart Ross.  I'll have a full report tomorrow night.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 03:33:53 PM
Made some eggs and an English muffin.  Not sure what else I'll eat later, but I'll definitely have to have something.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 03:34:09 PM
Finished watching Parking, which I enjoyed thoroughly.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 03:34:21 PM
Now on to Lady Oscar.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 07, 2008, 03:35:22 PM
Made some eggs and an English muffin.  Not sure what else I'll eat later, but I'll definitely have to have something.

Some sort of fritter might be tasty.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 03:45:52 PM
Mr Gadget returned today with 6 qt pressure cooker. The store had it marked down a third and he gets an employee 5% discount on top of that.

With all the Sous-Vide cooking going on on Iron Chef America I expect his letter to Santa will mention a vacuum sealer and a constant-temeperature immersion circulator.

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 03:48:58 PM
From the You Can't Win department:

President's Elect are expected to hold their peace on current legislation until they take office.

Sitting Senators are expected to speak their mind on current legislation.

Finding fault will be so easy.

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 03:52:48 PM
DR dB - You certainly enjoy playing Devil's Advocate, don't you?     :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 03:53:30 PM
And that was NOT in reference to the immediately preceding post.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 03:59:26 PM
Just had my flight booked, so I'm feeling much better about that.  After it was booked, I called Continental and gave them my claustrophobe spiel, and they changed my seat to aisle seats closest to the front, so that's good.  Now all I need is a place to stay and an invite from FJL for Thanksgiving :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 04:01:25 PM
DR dB - You certainly enjoy playing Devil's Advocate, don't you?     :)

'Tis better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven :D

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 04:02:49 PM
And that was NOT in reference to the immediately preceding post.

Well, you could find thousands of others that might apply.

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: TCB on November 07, 2008, 04:14:23 PM
Prayers and vibes to Dr Vixmom and her family!

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: MBarnum on November 07, 2008, 04:16:59 PM
Having to pump my own gas is the ONLY thing I dislike about visiting Los Angeles. Everything smells all gassy afterwards.

I don't know how you all can stand doing it all the time.

PS: DR Elmore, actually most of our gas station attendents here look like dope addicts (but then I do live in the bad part of town).

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 04:23:34 PM
Having to pump my own gas is the ONLY thing I dislike about visiting Los Angeles. Everything smells all gassy afterwards.

I don't know how you all can stand doing it all the time.

PS: DR Elmore, actually most of our gas station attendents here look like dope addicts (but then I do live in the bad part of town).

Poor Mikey!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 04:24:40 PM
I remember when I used to get $2 worth of regular for the WHOLE week, in my 1968 Rambler American.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 04:24:55 PM
I am SO sorry you have to deal with that basement, DR Ann!  I just went through something very similar.  It ain't fun, and can't be easy for you with Toby in tow, either.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 04:25:44 PM
DR JRand57, did they call you the RAMBLIN' MAN?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Ann on November 07, 2008, 04:25:52 PM
Having to pump my own gas is the ONLY thing I dislike about visiting Los Angeles. Everything smells all gassy afterwards.

I don't know how you all can stand doing it all the time.

PS: DR Elmore, actually most of our gas station attendents here look like dope addicts (but then I do live in the bad part of town).

Oddly enough, having to LET someone else pump my gas always weirds me out when I go down to Oregon.  I prefer to do it myself. :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 04:28:27 PM
DR JRand57, did they call you the RAMBLIN' MAN?

LOL yes, they did.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 04:29:29 PM
Wet basement vibes for DR ANN and JED and TOBY.....what an ordeal with the doctor....sometimes I wonder why some people in an office feel compelled to answer the phone just because it rings.....
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 04:30:23 PM
Watching Paul Ford and Shirley Booth as Horace and Dolly....no one like either of them, ever again....EVER.

When does the DDD sale start?  I tried to get to the site....and it's SLOW.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: TCB on November 07, 2008, 04:32:49 PM
Oh TCB, I think the sirens I was hearing might have had something to do with this -


Ann, I think you are correct.  Although why they needed to send hook and ladder trucks to a sunken car is anyone's guess.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 04:38:50 PM

OBAMA: CHOOSING FAMILY DOG IS A 'PRESSING ISSUE' (http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/11/07/obama-choosing-family-dog-pressing-issue/)

Barack Obama tells reporters he's trying to find just the right puppy to bring to the White House.

CHICAGO -- President-elect Obama promised his daughters a puppy after the election, but finding one is proving to be a bit of a challenge.

"This is a major issue," Obama told reporters at his news conference Friday. It's generated more interest on his Web site than any other topic. But 10-year-old daughter Malia has allergies, so the family is looking for a low-allergy dog.

"We have two criteria that need to be reconciled," said Obama. "One is that Malia is allergic, so it has to be hypoallergenic."

Unfortunately, there is really no such thing as an allergy-free furry animal.

They all shed some skin cells. And proteins found in their saliva or urine can also trigger allergic reactions in people.

Still, there is a good selection of low-allergy dogs. Some are short-hair breeds, but not all. And not all are little dogs.

It's the family's second criteria that may be the more difficult one to fulfill. Obama said the family would prefer to adopt a puppy from an animal rescue shelter.

"But obviously, a lot of shelter dogs are mutts like me," said Obama in a self-deprecating reference to his father from Kenya and mother from Kansas. "So whether we're going to be able to balance those two thing, I think, is a pressing issue on the Obama household."

I nominate the Portugese Water Dog: (with a different hairdo)


der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: TCB on November 07, 2008, 04:39:54 PM

Pumpkin Whoopie Pie!!!  YUM!!!

Sounds like a typical Friday evening for Jose.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 04:43:58 PM
I ordered The Little Rascals Complete Collection....and Iron Man.....of course The Little Rascals is out of stock....but the discount worked, so I saved some money....

I used Deep Discount.Com, not DVD Planet.....the code didn't work there.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 04:48:32 PM
Pump My Gas - that's the title of my next novel.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Laura on November 07, 2008, 04:48:49 PM
Good evening. That is all. For now.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 04:55:11 PM
We will wait, DR LAURA.

Really fine Jeopardy competition this evening.

What kind of credit does one get if he jiggers with a musical's book.....is it
Based on the Original Book by....
Additional material by.....
Screwed up by.....
Unnecessarily improved by....

But then, SILK STOCKINGS may have always needed some work....not ALL musicals from the past are perfect....but I have only seen the movie, and I haven't even read the script....so quien sabe?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: MBarnum on November 07, 2008, 04:57:26 PM
I remember when I used to get $2 worth of regular for the WHOLE week, in my 1968 Rambler American.

I want to see a picture of that car and you!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: td on November 07, 2008, 05:00:00 PM
LA DOLCE VITA - wow!  and va-va-va-voom!  and that's not even mentioning Marcello!
LA STRADA - brilliant.  simply brilliant. 
WHAT'S UP, DOC? - back before the lavender ascots, Peter Bogdonavich was a damned good director, as this screwball comedy proves.

WICKED - 5th Anniversary Edition, Disc Two; love those Japanese tracks.

Titanic's Last Secrets: The Further Adventures of Shadow Divers John Chatterton and Richie Kohler
Making Money - Terry Pratchett
Directed by Vincente Minnelli - Stephen Harvey
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 05:02:19 PM
Good Evening!

Greetings from The Met!

*And, yes, I am VERY excited about and for tonight's presentation of Berlioz's "Le Damnation de Faust".

**Although, if I get cruised one more time by a gentleman of indeterminate age...  Too bad you're not here tonight, DR MBarnum.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 05:04:43 PM
And here we go!

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: td on November 07, 2008, 05:05:24 PM
I only get my gas pumped for me if I need a small amount in a big hurry - and there are only two service stations around here with actual people manning the pumps!

I hope DR MBarnum remembers to tip the person who fills his tanks, it's a service and should receive a gratuity.

It's a very rare occasion that I pull into a full-service service station, here they're relics of a bygone age.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: td on November 07, 2008, 05:06:21 PM

**Although, if I get cruised one more time by a gentleman of indeterminate age... 

You'll end up with another date! ? ! ? !
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: FJL on November 07, 2008, 05:07:05 PM
Jrand - I tried to link to the way they handled the billing requirments for the musical NINE, but the link threw us into widescreen.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: FJL on November 07, 2008, 05:08:10 PM
BK - When do you fly in?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 05:09:09 PM
We will wait, DR LAURA.

Really fine Jeopardy competition this evening.

What kind of credit does one get if he jiggers with a musical's book.....is it
Based on the Original Book by....
Additional material by.....
Screwed up by.....
Unnecessarily improved by....

But then, SILK STOCKINGS may have always needed some work....not ALL musicals from the past are perfect....but I have only seen the movie, and I haven't even read the script....so quien sabe?

I saw a reading of a version by Larry Maslon around 10 years ago with Faith Prince as the movie star and former swimmer. It was very good and Faith was very funny.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: td on November 07, 2008, 05:10:35 PM
Jrand - I tried to link to the way they handled the billing requirments for the musical NINE, but the link threw us into widescreen.

DR FJL - do you know about tiny url? 
http://tinyurl.com/ (http://tinyurl.com/)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: td on November 07, 2008, 05:17:20 PM
poop brown


Funny; I don't remember that color from the Crayola box of my childhood.

You must've had Crayola for Children.  :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 05:19:47 PM
BK - When do you fly in?

I'm in on Sunday afternoon 11/23 and leave early morning on 12/3.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 05:20:26 PM
Normally I would skeedaddle on the second, but I know I'll be tired and it will be nice to have a full day and night to myself to visit and stuff.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: TCB on November 07, 2008, 05:20:33 PM
Jrand - I tried to link to the way they handled the billing requirments for the musical NINE, but the link threw us into widescreen.

DR FJL - do you know about tiny url? 
http://tinyurl.com/ (http://tinyurl.com/)

Is that how I got that?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: FJL on November 07, 2008, 05:20:35 PM
Thanks, td.  Let's see if tinyurl works for me:

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: FJL on November 07, 2008, 05:21:07 PM
Yup, it worked.  Thanks,. td.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 05:21:22 PM
Having to pump my own gas is the ONLY thing I dislike about visiting Los Angeles. Everything smells all gassy afterwards.

I don't know how you all can stand doing it all the time.

Well, if instead of standing we knelt while pumping, we'd smell even worse!

der Brucer

* sidenote: The Pennsylvania argument against requiring gas station attendents do the pumping is that it would raise the price to the consumer, Jersey requires it, PA does not. Gas is cheaper in Jersey than in PA.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: FJL on November 07, 2008, 05:25:04 PM
BK - We've got nine people coming so far for dinner plus two more joining us for dessert.  Will you be OK with such a crowd?  If so, we'd love for you to join us, but hate to put it this bluntly, we'd literally have no room for you to bring another person.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 05:26:06 PM
I remember when I used to get $2 worth of regular for the WHOLE week, in my 1968 Rambler American.

I want to see a picture of that car and you!

I am not sure that exists....but we shall see.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 05:27:03 PM
Thanks DR FJL....interesting.....
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 05:27:38 PM
You know the different kinds of Crazy in America are always on display on WIFE SWAP and SUPER NANNY each week......
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: td on November 07, 2008, 05:29:07 PM
Yup, it worked.  Thanks,. td.

You're welcome, FJL!  :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 05:45:33 PM
TELEGRAPH (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/debates/3394545/Oxford-compiles-list-of-top-ten-irritating-phrases.html)

A top 10 of irritating expressions has been compiled by researchers at Oxford University.

The top ten most irritating phrases:

1 - At the end of the day
2 - Fairly unique
3 - I personally
4 - At this moment in time
5 - With all due respect
6 - Absolutely
7 - It's a nightmare
8 - Shouldn't of
9 - 24/7
10 - It's not rocket science

Significantly absent:

Greatest Broadway Composer Andrew Lloyd Webber
Debra Messing - the Next Lucy
FOX News - Fair and Balanced

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 05:51:18 PM
... here they're relics of a bygone age.

Are we picking on poor Barnum's dates again :D

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 05:54:51 PM
BK - We've got nine people coming so far for dinner plus two more joining us for dessert.  Will you be OK with such a crowd?  If so, we'd love for you to join us, but hate to put it this bluntly, we'd literally have no room for you to bring another person.

If you have the room I'll come - alone.  If not, don't worry about it.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 05:56:10 PM
A couple of you expressed interest in my "lounge" reworking of "Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle."  Here it is, hot off the Alesis hard drive recording session:


Cool.  Who's the singer...or should I know?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 06:02:06 PM
Repeating my post from last night:

What is everyone getting at the DDD sale?  MattH, I'd especially love a list from you of "big" releases over the past few months--I always forget what stuff has come out.

I haven't really thought about this yet.  Do the rules for using the code specify that the title(s) need to be available or can pre-pub items be ordered with the code?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 06:10:20 PM

"This is a major issue," Obama told reporters at his news conference Friday. It's generated more interest on his Web site than any other topic. But 10-year-old daughter Malia has allergies, so the family is looking for a low-allergy dog.

"We have two criteria that need to be reconciled," said Obama. "One is that Malia is allergic, so it has to be hypoallergenic."

Unfortunately, there is really no such thing as an allergy-free furry animal.

I nominate the Portugese Water Dog: (with a different hairdo)

I ones I have known were cute, but difficult to train. 

AKC is pushing a poodle, talk about bad haircuts.

I'm not sure they will be able to find an allergy free, or allergy free enough, puppy from a rescue group.  It would be horrible if they get a pooch & can't keep it.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JMK on November 07, 2008, 06:15:31 PM
A couple of you expressed interest in my "lounge" reworking of "Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle."  Here it is, hot off the Alesis hard drive recording session:


Cool.  Who's the singer...or should I know?

Ummm.....that would be me.  Hence the description as "my 'lounge' reworking."   ;D
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JMK on November 07, 2008, 06:16:02 PM
Repeating my post from last night:

What is everyone getting at the DDD sale?  MattH, I'd especially love a list from you of "big" releases over the past few months--I always forget what stuff has come out.

I haven't really thought about this yet.  Do the rules for using the code specify that the title(s) need to be available or can pre-pub items be ordered with the code?

Usually no pre-releases can be ordered with the discount.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 06:20:12 PM
Intermission... Hmmm... Hmmm....

That is all for now. 
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: FJL on November 07, 2008, 06:31:00 PM
BK - Great.  We'll see you then on Thanksgiving at 3.  You'll know a few of the people who'll be here, like Larry and Milla.  The claustrophobic aspect shouldn't be a problem during dinner; I don't think it'll get really really tight until Bill and Maureen arrive for dessert at about 6.

Will you have time to socialize on other occasions or will the benefit be an every-waking-hour kind of time commitment?  (And do you know what part of town you're staying in yet?)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 06:34:35 PM
The more the merrier!  That's what I always say!  Especially when there are lots HHW'ers present!

Intense sturm und drang on SuperNanny tonight.....
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 06:35:09 PM
DR JMK is correct.....you cannot use the codes for Pre Release orders.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 06:35:25 PM
Intermission from WHAT,  DRJOSE?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 06:36:30 PM
DR derBRUCER that list itself is annoying.   For me....a couple of the items on your addendum should have been advance up the scale.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 06:36:52 PM
But it's not rocket science, after all.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 06:37:19 PM
Topic of the Day:

In my CD player right now:  the movie soundtrack to "Little Shop of Horrors" and "Music from and Inspired by the Motion Picture 'good night, and good luck.'"  Dianne Reeves sings on this second disc and she's wonderful.  She performed here in Olympia at the Washington Center for the Performing Arts and put on an incredible show.

In my DVD player (when I get home):  the region 2/PAL DVD from England of "The Seven Per-cent Solution," featuring the song "I Never Do Anything Twice," written by Stephen Sondheim. ;)

On my DVR:  various things, not yet watched.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jennifer on November 07, 2008, 06:38:34 PM
Is it common everywhere in the US to pre-pay for gas?

Here we have a) those little devices that you swipe for a particular gas station.

or b) credit card you put it at the pump.

I don't believe you pay before unless it's at night.

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 06:40:00 PM
Calling DR George...    :)


Thanks, I just ordered this.  I actually had it "saved for later" in my Amazon shopping cart and forgot to actually pre-order it (it won't be released until next Tuesday).  However, what's disappointing is that they only sing five songs on it.  Great songs, but only five. :-\

I was hoping that I could use the DeepDiscount discount code, but even without the code, it's cheaper there than at Amazon, so I that's where I ordered it. :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 06:41:35 PM
WICKED - 5th Anniversary Edition, Disc Two; love those Japanese tracks.

The entire Japanese recording of Wicked is very good, too. ;D
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: FJL on November 07, 2008, 06:43:15 PM
IF PEOPLE CAN RESERVE THE DATE TUESDAY DECEMBER 2 FOR DINNER FOR AN HHW GET-TOGETHER WITH BK:  can we aim for that as a date for as many HHW-ers in the NYC area as possible to get together, at a relatively reasonably-priced restaurant - likely in the theater area.

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 06:46:35 PM
DR JENNIFER several of the service stations in my area are Pay First....but I go to Casey's General Store where I can pump the gasoline and then pay....to prevent the frustrations that several DR's have talked about today.  I am afraid that one morning I will pull into Casey's and see the DREADED "Pay Before You Pump" notice.....

My fingers are crossed.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: S. Woody White on November 07, 2008, 06:48:59 PM
TOD - CD(car) - audiobook:  American Wife, by Curtis Sittenfeld, read by Kimberly Farr.  This novel's main character is based on Laura Bush and she's about to give up her school librarian career to marry Charlie Blackwell.
...Who, from that point on, will tell everyone about the ten worst outfits in her closet.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 07:08:23 PM
DR Jennifer when we first began pumping our own gas (not Oregon, everywhere else we lived except New Jersey) you always had to go inside to pay, sometimes after-sometimes first.  Then it seemed you always had to pay first, until the credit cards could be done at the pump.  Now, unless we pay with cash, my guess when we travel is we used the credit card swipe more often than the pay inside method.

Why does paying at night make a difference as to where you pay?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: S. Woody White on November 07, 2008, 07:08:39 PM
Here's a question that I should think is difficult to answer:  How come, in this horrible economic crisis, with people not able to make mortgage payments and people expecting to be helped to do same by this bailout package (funny, I received no such help when I was forced to sell my house during my legal problems), how come, I ask, are people eating out every single night in every sort of restaurant imaginable?  I go to restaurants and am astonished to see families of six eating out, and doing so consistently - does no parent cook anymore?  And these aren't inexpensive restaurants - there are no inexpensive restaurants any more and these people aren't eating light and the average meal with no extras is at least ten bucks for just the food part, so their spending over sixty or seventy dollars every time they eat out.  And that's ONE meal. 
Home economists first taught us that cooking real food is a chore, and not worth the time.  The craft of cooking died out.

Industrialists stepped in and created television dinners, which spawned the entire frozen convenience foods industry.  Soon everyone was eating pre-made leftovers that had only to be rewarmed in the microwave.

Then someone had this ingenious idea, to have an entire network devoted to cooking shows.  Everyone developed a hankering for food that wasn't pre-made glop.

Since no-one knew how to cook any more, going to restaurants has become the sole recourse if you want something that is actually food.

It's good for the economy.  But only if you leave a tip.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jane on November 07, 2008, 07:29:15 PM
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 07:36:33 PM
Time for to go to bed......except I just for some reason thought of the line in a movie preview that caused the biggest laugh I have ever heard - that wasn't directed at a comedy....

The movie was THE CAR....and the preview was met with derision from the first frame.....but by the time we reached this line, the mirth was uncontained.....

"Oh my God, Wade....The Car....is in....the garage!"
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 07:36:56 PM
MR BK must be knee deep in Demy.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Jrand73 on November 07, 2008, 07:41:17 PM
Not exactly as I remember it....and my favorite line is not here.....

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: MBarnum on November 07, 2008, 07:43:29 PM
I don't believe I came across any "pay first" gas stations in Los Angeles. I just alwasy paid at the pump by instering my credit or debit card into the machine. Then joyously pumped away...once I figured out how to put the darn nozzle into the gas tank thing.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: MBarnum on November 07, 2008, 07:45:41 PM
DR S Woody White, you must live in a completely different world then me. Everyone I know cooks at home and always has...not that we don't go out dinner on occasion.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: S. Woody White on November 07, 2008, 07:46:14 PM
The next one had an impossible young John Rubenstein as the guest star and Louise Latham playing his mother.
John Rubinstein's father was, of course, the accomplished pianist, Arthur.  His mother, Nela, also had a claim to fame, however.  She was an accomplished cook, specializing in the foods of her native Poland, and at the urging of editor Judith Jones (who was working with Arthur on his memoirs) wrote Nela's Cookbook, considered one of the best books on the food of Poland (now, sadly, out of print).

Which, of course, raises the question:  How is it that John Rubinstein has never had more meat on his bones?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 07:47:56 PM
I wonder if DR George has a copy of MARY'S INCREDIBLE DREAM--a Mary Tyler Moore song and dance CBS special about the history of mankind and its Armageddon.  The Manhattan Transfer were among the special guest stars (yep, TMT + MTM.)

Yes, I have a videotape copy of a copy of a copy, etc., of "M.I.D." 

I am hoping beyond hope that this The Manhattan Transfer's summer replacement TV series are someday officially released on DVD...someday.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 07:48:38 PM
I've finally caught up with all the posts...
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 07:49:04 PM
So now I must comment...
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 07:49:36 PM
Very distressed to read this morning that Fox will be moving BONES to Thursday night at 8 in January once AMERICAN IDOL comes back on the air. HOUSE will move to Mondays at 8.

Argh! :(

That negates my capacity to record it as I've two other shows recording at that time.  Oh, for a DVR that records 4 programs simultaneously!!!

You could get two DVRs, like me. ;)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 07:50:00 PM
And I would LIKE to get the complete works of J.S. Bach in mp3 for importing into my iPod, but it's 500 Euros.   :-\

Have you tried your local library or your library's Inter-Library Loan department?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 07:51:42 PM
bk - As for gas stations doing the authorization thing... Don't blame Shell, Exxon, BP, etc.  Blame all the criminals(!) who fill up their tanks and then drive away. The figures for that loss/theft are still astonishingly high. I think it's still in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's more of a security measure for the gas station owners.

Actually, in this day and age, I don't see how it's possible to fill up a tank and drive away, since you have to pay before you pump.  There is NO excuse to do what they did when the customer is using a debit card and you're going inside to do the transaction.  I understand when you use the machines they do what they do.  But most gas stations who do debit cards charge exactly what you tell them to charge and if you use less, they give you the difference back in cash - which is the ONLY way that should work. 

You get change from a debit card transaction? I've never heard of nor had that happen (at least to me).

*And in most cases, the pre-authorizations fall off as soon as the charge is processed and cleared, so it's always better to fill up in the morning so that the charges clear that evening instead of hanging over a day or two.

I once had a pre-authorization charge of $50 on my debit card that lasted almost a week and the actual charge went through in just a couple of days! :P I read that if you pay at the pump, there is a hold put on the card...up to the maximum allowed by law.  What I do (when I'm able to, especially when I don't get my gas at Costco) is tell the person inside that I would like to fill up and then pay inside with my card.  There is no hold on my account if you don't pre-pay.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 07:52:00 PM
Jo Loesser always makes me laugh, God love her! When I did GREENWILLOW with her for the Utah Festival Opera in 1997, I had the best time. The score was wonderful and so was the production. Riding around Logan, Utah, with Jo was just the icing on the cake. She just called me about doing a quick chart of "Baby, It's Cold Outside" for her and Michael Feinstein, so that's my job for the next couple of days.

Cool!  I love that song. :D
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: S. Woody White on November 07, 2008, 07:53:25 PM
bk - As for gas stations doing the authorization thing... Don't blame Shell, Exxon, BP, etc.  Blame all the criminals(!) who fill up their tanks and then drive away. The figures for that loss/theft are still astonishingly high. I think it's still in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's more of a security measure for the gas station owners.

Actually, in this day and age, I don't see how it's possible to fill up a tank and drive away, since you have to pay before you pump.  There is NO excuse to do what they did when the customer is using a debit card and you're going inside to do the transaction.  I understand when you use the machines they do what they do.  But most gas stations who do debit cards charge exactly what you tell them to charge and if you use less, they give you the difference back in cash - which is the ONLY way that should work. 

You get change from a debit card transaction? I've never heard of nor had that happen (at least to me).

Well, you can get $20/40 cash back when you use a debit card at many check-out counters

der Brucer
At the store, you can get up to $50 back.  Which is bad news for us checkers, when we've just opened up our till on a Sunday morning and every customer in line has a hangover from the night before and empty pockets.  Bleh.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JMK on November 07, 2008, 07:53:48 PM
The next one had an impossible young John Rubenstein as the guest star and Louise Latham playing his mother.
John Rubinstein's father was, of course, the accomplished pianist, Arthur.  His mother, Nela, also had a claim to fame, however.  She was an accomplished cook, specializing in the foods of her native Poland, and at the urging of editor Judith Jones (who was working with Arthur on his memoirs) wrote Nela's Cookbook, considered one of the best books on the food of Poland (now, sadly, out of print).

Which, of course, raises the question:  How is it that John Rubinstein has never had more meat on his bones?

John Rubinstein is of course most famous for being my nephew's soccer coach in L.A.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: S. Woody White on November 07, 2008, 07:56:13 PM
...I avoid all the angst by filling up at the pump at the local Safeway - $1 pre-authorizarion and then only the exact amount post-pumping (also get a $0.03/gallon discount using my Safeway Club card)

der Brucer

But at $0.75 a puff, I do NOT fill my tires at Safeway.

Needless to say, this is the ONLY reason der B is allowed to go anywhere near Safeway!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 07:57:01 PM
what a day!  I thought everything was going to be pleasant today, but it was not to be.  It began when I walked down to our fully carpeted basement and put my foot in a puddle at the bottom of the stairs.  Apparently the torrential rains last night left us a leaky basement and a partially soaked carpet. 
Then as I was getting ready to run to the store to rent a RugDoctor, I checked my cell phone to find a message saying that Toby's doctor has the flu and needs to cancel his appointment,  When I called back I talked to an absolute idiot who kept referring to Toby as a "she" and tried to schedule me an appointment with the wrong doctor for the 19th, which is just too long to wait.   Plus I wanted to see Toby's doctor, not whoever they happened to have available.  I gave up on her and e-mailed my doctor directly.  Her assistant e-mailed me back very promptly and got me in with the right doctor next Friday.  So that is that.

I had to cancel my lunch plans to deal with the carpet, and I rescheduled with our dinner guest because we will be spending the evening ripping up carpet and replacing the pad.  This afternoon I will continue to keep soaking up as much of the water as I can with the wet/dry vac.



Been there, done that. :P
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: S. Woody White on November 07, 2008, 07:57:09 PM
John Rubinstein is of course most famous for being my nephew's soccer coach in L.A.
Well, that goes without saying, of course!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 07:57:42 PM
Jrand - I tried to link to the way they handled the billing requirments for the musical NINE, but the link threw us into widescreen.

DR FJL - do you know about tiny url? 
http://tinyurl.com/ (http://tinyurl.com/)

On the old board, if you put the codes [ url ] and [ /url] around the link, it would shorten the displayed link.  That doesn't seem to be the case, now. :-\
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 07:57:56 PM
A couple of you expressed interest in my "lounge" reworking of "Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle."  Here it is, hot off the Alesis hard drive recording session:


Cool.  Who's the singer...or should I know?

Ummm.....that would be me.  Hence the description as "my 'lounge' reworking."   ;D

I was thinking that. ;)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 07:58:02 PM
Repeating my post from last night:

What is everyone getting at the DDD sale?  MattH, I'd especially love a list from you of "big" releases over the past few months--I always forget what stuff has come out.

I haven't really thought about this yet.  Do the rules for using the code specify that the title(s) need to be available or can pre-pub items be ordered with the code?

Usually no pre-releases can be ordered with the discount.

I was afraid of that. :-\
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 07:58:35 PM
If a company is doing something for the first time - wouldn't it be the "Inaugaral Whatsit'?  And then when they did it the next year it would be the "Second Annual Whatsit"?

There is a shopping center announcing its First Annual Holiday Whatsit.

That's like when something is "new and improved."  How can it be new AND improved? ???

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 08:00:21 PM
And that concludes my Friday Frenzy. :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 08:14:03 PM
Drinks went well and not too long since I had work to do.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 08:15:40 PM
The discount code at DVD PLANET is something like 25OFFSALE or simply SALE.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 08:17:51 PM
I watched 3 more complete episodes of HAWAII FIVE-O. In the latter two (the first two of a three part arc), Harold Gould and Luther Adler play father and son of a crime family who declare war on McGarrett. Very suspenseful episodes.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 08:19:48 PM
LOST GETS A PREMIERE DATE! (http://www.comcast.net/articles/entertainment-eonline/20081108/b67838/)


If the link doesn't work, here's the article:

Kristin Dos Santos, eonline
Sat Nov 8, 12:35 AM EST

Our prayers have been answered! ABC has just confirmed to me that Lost has received an official premiere date for season five, and even better, it's a smidgen earlier than expected.

On Wednesday, Jan. 21, Lost returns with a three-hour (you heard me, three-hour!) premiere. "Because You Left" and "The Lie" will air back-to-back, following a recap of the first four seasons (for the very few people who aren't already addicted and/or obsessed).

So what does this mean for ABC's Wednesday-night lineup?

After the Lost extravaganza premiere, the series will continue on Wednesday nights at 9. Reps at ABC have told me that a decision on new time slots for Private Practice and possibly Pushing Daisies (pleeease?) will be announced next week.

Episodes three through six are as follows: "Jughead," "The Little Prince," "The Place Is Death" and "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham."

This news comes on the heels of the casting scoop from earlier today about the part of a Lost man's lover.

By chance, anyone excited to find out where the Island went?

© 2008 E! Entertainment Television, Inc. All rights reserved.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 08:19:50 PM
So, I have watched 10 episodes of the show today leaving 14 more to watch. Since KUNG FU PANDA came today, I'll likely put aside HAWAII FIVE-O tomorrow and work on PANDA since it comes out on Sunday. Then, I'll go back to HAWAII on Sunday and see how close I can come to finishing it.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 08:21:30 PM
Also in the mail today was A STEPHEN COLBERT CHRISTMAS tied up in a gorgeous red, white, and blue bow. It doesn't come out until November 23rd so it went on the bottom of the pile.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 08:22:54 PM
I sped through yesterday's and today's episodes of AS THE WORLD TURNS. Nothing there of interest. Didn't get to see the previews since President-elect Obama came on with a news conference right before the previews were slated to run.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JMK on November 07, 2008, 08:23:06 PM
Just placed my first DDD order--got the complete Get Smart, Baraka on Blu-ray, the Peck Collection (yes, double dipping on Mockinbird, but I love Mirage and am fond of Arabesque), and the latest Looney Tune Golden Collection.  Saved about $65.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 08:23:44 PM
Then I watched tonight's GHOST WHISPERER. This was the episode I was simply dreading since reading a spoiler this past summer. The spoiler was indeed true.

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JMK on November 07, 2008, 08:31:40 PM
Then I watched tonight's GHOST WHISPERER. This was the episode I was simply dreading since reading a spoiler this past summer. The spoiler was indeed true.


Proactiv didn't cure her acne problem?   ;D
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 08:32:15 PM
what happened to our DR Ginny?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 08:32:53 PM
Then I watched tonight's GHOST WHISPERER. This was the episode I was simply dreading since reading a spoiler this past summer. The spoiler was indeed true.


Proactiv didn't cure her acne problem?   ;D

Killed David Conrad.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 08:36:58 PM
Then I watched tonight's GHOST WHISPERER. This was the episode I was simply dreading since reading a spoiler this past summer. The spoiler was indeed true.


Proactiv didn't cure her acne problem?   ;D

Killed David Conrad.

I had read about the rumors, but WHY??

He's so cute! ;)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 08:39:54 PM
I sped through yesterday's and today's episodes of AS THE WORLD TURNS. Nothing there of interest. Didn't get to see the previews since President-elect Obama came on with a news conference right before the previews were slated to run.

Today a corpse was stolen from the morgue, a man's been arrested for the murder on God knows what logical forensic evidence, several people are playing Nancy Drew to find the real killer, and the gay boys who can't/won't consummate their relationship once again are on the outs because one of them is pissed off because of dirty politics in the college election. DR MattH, why do you even care? This isidiocy of the worst order is beginning to make PASSIONS look intelligent.!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: elmore3003 on November 07, 2008, 08:42:10 PM
Then I watched tonight's GHOST WHISPERER. This was the episode I was simply dreading since reading a spoiler this past summer. The spoiler was indeed true.


Proactiv didn't cure her acne problem?   ;D

Killed David Conrad.

I had read about the rumors, but WHY??

He's so cute! ;)

I've become quite apathetic and stopped watching the show, but i suspect he got bored having so little to do on the program. I loved Disc 2 of CRANFORD; what a lot of great performances and high-flown emotions.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 08:48:42 PM
Then I watched tonight's GHOST WHISPERER. This was the episode I was simply dreading since reading a spoiler this past summer. The spoiler was indeed true.


Proactiv didn't cure her acne problem?   ;D

Killed David Conrad.

I had read about the rumors, but WHY??

He's so cute! ;)

I've become quite apathetic and stopped watching the show, but i suspect he got bored having so little to do on the program. I loved Disc 2 of CRANFORD; what a lot of great performances and high-flown emotions.

He pretty much said that in an interview in TV GUIDE several weeks ago. I think it will be a poorer show without him.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 08:49:01 PM
Page Fourteen Dance!!!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 08:50:01 PM
You're right about AS THE WORLD TURNS, DR Elmore. I may indeed give it up again and simply follow it at Elton instead.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Matt H. on November 07, 2008, 08:50:55 PM
Now, I have a bit more writing to do tonight and then I'm heading down to bed. I didn't have a great night of sleep last night, so perhaps tonight will be better.

Good Night!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 08:53:24 PM
Then I watched tonight's GHOST WHISPERER. This was the episode I was simply dreading since reading a spoiler this past summer. The spoiler was indeed true.


Proactiv didn't cure her acne problem?   ;D

Killed David Conrad.

I had read about the rumors, but WHY??

He's so cute! ;)

I've become quite apathetic and stopped watching the show, but i suspect he got bored having so little to do on the program. I loved Disc 2 of CRANFORD; what a lot of great performances and high-flown emotions.

That makes sense.  I hope he can find something that is more fulfilling for him.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: George on November 07, 2008, 08:54:48 PM
Time for me to leave, too.

Until later!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: S. Woody White on November 07, 2008, 08:59:29 PM
HTF - home theater forum.  Someone there just posted a huge number of screencaps from the old DVD of Gigi and the new one.  Boy do they tell the Warners story in a nutshell.  Where the sky is blue on the old transfer it is poop brown in the new one.  Where skin tones are natural in the other, they're yellow on the new one.  It's an eye-opener.
This sounds more like a reason to get those eyes closed.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: S. Woody White on November 07, 2008, 09:04:34 PM
Mr Gadget returned today with 6 qt pressure cooker. The store had it marked down a third and he gets an employee 5% discount on top of that.

With all the Sous-Vide cooking going on on Iron Chef America I expect his letter to Santa will mention a vacuum sealer and a constant-temeperature immersion circulator.

der Brucer
No.  Replacing our wooden spoons is the next priority.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: S. Woody White on November 07, 2008, 09:08:21 PM
DR dB - You certainly enjoy playing Devil's Advocate, don't you?     :)
You don't hear the half of it!
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: S. Woody White on November 07, 2008, 09:13:57 PM
TELEGRAPH (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/debates/3394545/Oxford-compiles-list-of-top-ten-irritating-phrases.html)

A top 10 of irritating expressions has been compiled by researchers at Oxford University.

The top ten most irritating phrases:

1 - At the end of the day
2 - Fairly unique
3 - I personally
4 - At this moment in time
5 - With all due respect
6 - Absolutely
7 - It's a nightmare
8 - Shouldn't of
9 - 24/7
10 - It's not rocket science

Significantly absent:

Greatest Broadway Composer Andrew Lloyd Webber
Debra Messing - the Next Lucy
FOX News - Fair and Balanced

der Brucer

And, for us cashiers:

Wait a second, I have the exact change...
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: S. Woody White on November 07, 2008, 09:19:50 PM
DR S Woody White, you must live in a completely different world then me. Everyone I know cooks at home and always has...not that we don't go out dinner on occasion.
I was being satirical. 

At least, I think I was.  Looking over some of the customers' purchases in my lane, it's hard to tell sometimes.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: S. Woody White on November 07, 2008, 09:27:13 PM
Dinner tonight was tempura tilapia and veggies, with cilantro rice.

I made some tempura green beans specially for der B, since he really really really likes them.

But I used up my supply of yuzu as a dipping sauce.  Looks like I've got to make a trip to Beautiful Foods sometime next week, to stock up again.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: S. Woody White on November 07, 2008, 09:29:13 PM
And, with that, I'm going to call it a night.  I'm on call for work tomorrow - due to the economy, our floor manager can't schedule me until the last minute (bleh).  So, it's time to get some shut-eye.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 09:38:16 PM
And people go on the HTF, these complete idiots, and say the color is better in the new transfer of Gigi.  What they're really talking about is sharpness - the new DVD is SHARPER, but the color is disgusting.  I mean, look at the two screencaps with the sky - one has a blue sky, one has a yellow/brown sky.  I happen to have a little secret - the sky is blue.  Not brown.  Skies are not brown except in LA because of the smog, and even here the skies are blue.  In Paris, in 1958 - sorry, blue.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 09:38:31 PM
I'm finishing up my third Demy today. 
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: Laura on November 07, 2008, 09:44:21 PM
Good evening. That is all.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 09:51:23 PM
Good Evening!

I'm back from the The Met.

...And I was able to head backstage for a brief reunion with my friend, Patrick Carfizzi.  He sang the part of "Brander" tonight - a part he has sang before with The Met Orchestra and Chorus in concert.  They were having an "opening night" party of sorts, so we didn't get to spend too much time tonight catching up.  His mother and managers were there tonight too, so... However, he will be giving a recital at the Morgan Library in two weeks, and I'll be sure to be there for that too.  :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 09:52:44 PM
After I left Lincoln Center, I ended up walking around for a bit.  It's a simply gorgeous, warm(!) Fall night here in NYC.

*Alas, when I walked by the Time-Warner Center, I noticed that they had just set up the Christmas Stars in the Atrium.  -It's just waaay tooooo early for that!?!?!!?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 09:53:27 PM
DR Ann - Dry basement Vibes to you and Jed and Toby.

*And continued Good Health Vibes to Jed's father.~~~~~~~~~~~
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 09:56:20 PM
Intermission from WHAT,  DRJOSE?

Berlioz's "Le Damnation de Faust" at The Metropolitan Opera.

For a Video Preview, CLICK HERE (http://www.metoperafamily.org/metopera/news/features/detail.aspx?id=5792).
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 07, 2008, 10:00:20 PM
Mr Gadget returned today with 6 qt pressure cooker. The store had it marked down a third and he gets an employee 5% discount on top of that.

With all the Sous-Vide cooking going on on Iron Chef America I expect his letter to Santa will mention a vacuum sealer and a constant-temeperature immersion circulator.

der Brucer
No.  Replacing our wooden spoons is the next priority.

So... I guess that means you won't be finding this under your Christmas tree this year:

Under Pressure: Cooking Sous Vide - by Thomas Keller

A friend of mine happens to be his agent at Artisan (the publisher), and he gave me a "desk copy".  Quite an interesting tome.  -Alas, the plans to market it along with a home sous-vide kit through Williams-Sonoma fell through.

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 10:34:03 PM
What a lovely day of postings we've had.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 11:22:54 PM
Why is it that when I say "what a lovely day of postings we've had" the postings stop dead?  Why is that?
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: bk on November 07, 2008, 11:23:19 PM
Welcome nine GUESTS.  We haven't had nine GUESTS in a 'coon's age.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: MBarnum on November 07, 2008, 11:25:09 PM
I am watching a very lovely MGM film from 1934 about a young girl who raises an orphaned puma cub and a fawn together, in the woods. The photography is beautiful and the scenes of outdoor life, particularly the deer, are breathtaking.

The film is titled SEQUOIA and it stars Jean Parker and, as a very handsome young Forest Ranger, Russell Hardie.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 11:26:38 PM
DR JoseSPiano...

Are you quite sure that your friend Patrick hasn't been moonlighting on Brothers & Sisters?     ;)

Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 11:32:27 PM
Why does paying at night make a difference as to where you pay?

Some stations provide attendants at the pumps to collect cash/credit cards during the day but move them indoors at night for safety reasons.

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 11:35:13 PM
I don't believe I came across any "pay first" gas stations in Los Angeles. I just alwasy paid at the pump by instering my credit or debit card into the machine. Then joyously pumped away...once I figured out how to put the darn nozzle into the gas tank thing.

Sticking in your card to enable pumping counts as "Pay First".

der Brucer

I am glad you finally learned how to put your nozzle in the hole.
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 11:38:07 PM
You could get two DVRs, like me. ;)

Sorry, my idea of a DVR (Dear Vivacious Reader) is shorter and blond.

der Brucer
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 11:44:05 PM

That's like when something is "new and improved."  How can it be new AND improved? ???

It can sure be new AND not-improved - remember the new COKE?

der Brucer

Or the new Trans-fat free" Oreos
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: singdaw on November 07, 2008, 11:46:00 PM
So now I must comment...

You must... you really must.      :)
Title: Re: THE DAY OFF
Post by: DERBRUCER on November 07, 2008, 11:48:23 PM

He (david Conrad) pretty much said that in an interview in TV GUIDE several weeks ago. I think it will be a poorer show without him.

I gathered from the interview that he would remain a character taking on a very different role as a ghost.

der Brucer