Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 17 => Topic started by: bk on January 01, 2010, 12:03:50 AM

Title: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 12:03:50 AM
Well, you've read the notes, the notes were very 2010, and now it is time for you to post until the cows come home - they assure me they will be home in 2010.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 12:05:08 AM
And the word of the day is: BEATIFIC!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 12:06:09 AM
I'm feeling very 2010.  I had a sip of champagne.  I hear fireworks in the distance.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 12:06:20 AM
I hear voices on the street.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 12:08:19 AM
There were a few fireworks that I could hear going off from my back window, but not many...and now it all seems to be over. :)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 12:11:09 AM
Where in tarnation IS everyone?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 12:12:01 AM
People are just getting "old."

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 12:12:24 AM
Welcome six GUESTS.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 12:12:37 AM
Well, I am not getting old.  I am not a WUSSBURGER.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 12:26:57 AM
I am Spartacus!!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 12:33:17 AM
Free association. :)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 12:39:38 AM
I just went to write the title page of my new book and I was determined to write the first couple of sentences - then suddenly I was on page four.  So, I'm off and running and should be able to finish the introduction tomorrow, and then move right into the prologue.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 12:41:57 AM
I just went to write the title page of my new book and I was determined to write the first couple of sentences - then suddenly I was on page four.  So, I'm off and running and should be able to finish the introduction tomorrow, and then move right into the prologue.

A great way to start a new year!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 12:48:47 AM
Had a nice text message from the darling daughter.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 12:51:26 AM
I've never sent a text to anyone.  Other than automated texts from my cell phone carrier, I've only received two texts...and they both were from a friend of mine.  It's just something that I've never gotten into.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 01:01:27 AM
And now, I must be going to sleep.  I can barely keep my eyes open, and that's not a good thing.  So, good night, BK and guests!

But before I go...

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DAW on January 01, 2010, 01:46:55 AM
Well, DR Edisaurus, you couldn't have gotten a better year, weather-wise, to do the New Year's Eve In Times Square thing!!    :)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DAW on January 01, 2010, 01:47:29 AM
Thank you for the astrological predictions, DR JRand59!!!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ginny on January 01, 2010, 05:38:48 AM
Friday morning greetings and Happy New Year!  I made it to midnight EST last night, but just barely.  The rest of my family is still sleeping, but I've been up long enough to get a hash brown potato crust baked.  Later, we'll fill it with ham, cheese, and eggs, bake it some more, and have a nice New Year's breakfast.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: elmore3003 on January 01, 2010, 05:51:44 AM
!!!!!!!!!! Happy New Year, Everyone !!!!!!!!!!
Good morning, all! The neighbor and his company arrived home shortly before midnight, dropping things, sliding furniture across the floor, and talking rather loudly. Then, to this cacophony, there arrived about 15-20 minutes of the Central Park fireworks,none of which amused me since I had been trying to sleep .

So, at 6:30 I awoke and decided to go back to bed for another hour. I am now up and moving slowly around the apartment. I have a holiday gift to wrap and around noon I will head down to Ben and Anthony's. I don't believe I have any other plans today, and that's fine with me. At some point over the weekend Joshie and I have to do some arranging for a singer/songwriter's act.

BK, I hope things progress smoothly with the Hofstetter producer; it would be nice to get a series based on the books and for you to derive a nice little income from it.

    DVD: the netflix items still sit here. Oy!
    CD: Caroline O'Connor, Guy Haines, Liz Callaway, Jacques Offenbach, Carmen
    VCR: pure unadulterated smut
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: elmore3003 on January 01, 2010, 05:52:58 AM
Thank you for the astrological predictions, DR JRand59!!!

Yes, indeedy, DR JRand1959! Thank you so much. Since I'm born near the cusp of Libra, I always check that out as well as Virgo, and I'm much more a Libra, I fear.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ginny on January 01, 2010, 06:02:22 AM
Friday media report:

Well, it's a TV day here.  In a couple of hours we'll watch the Rose Parade on HGTV.  Shortly after that's over, we'll begin an overlapping line-up of Brian Boitano's Skating Spectacular, the Rose Bowl (Go b-b-b-b-Bucks - that's not easy for me to say), and the Sugar Bowl (Go Bearcats!).

Maybe tomorrow I'll get around to watching the DVD I got for Christmas - Every Little Step - or listening to the 4 new CDs:

Michael Feinstein & Cheyenne Jackson - The Power of Two
White Christmas cast recording
Bryn Terfel - Scarborough Fair: Songs from the British Isles
Joshua Bell - At Home with Friends
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ginny on January 01, 2010, 06:03:15 AM
DR Elmore - please give New Year hugs from me to DRs Ben and Edi and to Anthony and Greg!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 06:05:12 AM
Good Morning and Happy New Year!

It's another gray day here, cold, too, but supposedly the clouds are going to go away by the late afternoon. We'll see.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 06:05:45 AM
I got no USPS mail yesterday (not a great way to end 2009), and, of course, we have no mail delivery today. Rats!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 06:09:01 AM
With my day so undecided at this point, it's hard for me to summon up any enthusiasm for watching anything. I have THE MARINE 2 on Blu-ray as a work project, and since it's not especially long (a little over 90 minutes), I should be able to finish the movie before I head out to pick up my friend at the airport (that is, if he takes his scheduled flight and doesn't opt for being bumped off it.)

I am a very regimented person in my habits and in my schedule, and although days like this don't happen often, I find them SO irritating when they do. Oh, well, might as well accept the inevitable.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 06:11:14 AM
Friday Media Check:

CD - SCROOGE soundtrack

DVD - THE MARINE 2 (Blu-ray)
         GLEE - Season 1, Volume 1: The Road to Sectionals
         VAN HELSING (Blu-ray)

DVR - last night's THE MENTALIST rerun (I hope it recorded at 3 a.m.)
         last night's SUPERNATURAL rerun (one of the funniest shows of the season)

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 06:12:08 AM
Right before I dropped off to sleep last night, I heard far in the distance some firecrackers (It was about 11:25 p.m.) If there were any other fireworks around midnight, I slept right through them.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 06:35:22 AM
I just realized that one thing I didn't get for Christmas this year was a page-a-day calendar for my desk. So, I just took advantage of an Amazon gift certificate and bought a JEOPARDY one for this year. (The last three years have been PEANUTS, THE WIZARD OF OZ, and I LOVE LUCY. I didn't see any of those for reduced sale at Amazon.)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 06:36:16 AM
Now I'm going to head downstairs and get ready to face the day ahead with whatever surprises it holds. I am planning of going to my usual ATM/grocery store stops today. Thankfully, the store is open.

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Druxy on January 01, 2010, 06:47:24 AM
I have no idea what I'll be watching over the weekend.

Maybe I'll take a jaunt up to the local Blockbuster.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Druxy on January 01, 2010, 06:52:47 AM
Like BK, I also started outlining my next book last night.

It's going to be a novelization of one of my screenplays, a horror/sci-fi script.

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: KevinH on January 01, 2010, 07:04:52 AM

Media Check: 

CD:  Cheyenne Jackson/Michael Feinstein: The Power of Two

DVD:  Barbra Streisand:  2006 Concert
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 07:05:15 AM

I thought DR DRUXY said he would take a joint up to the local Blockbuster.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 07:05:43 AM
I am going to get my hair cut.

I'll be back.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Dan (the Man) on January 01, 2010, 07:15:25 AM
And the word of the day is: BEATIFIC!

Beatific Straight was just terrice in NETWORK!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Dan (the Man) on January 01, 2010, 07:32:44 AM
Happy New Year, y'all!!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Laura on January 01, 2010, 07:34:23 AM
Happy New Year to us all!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Edisaurus on January 01, 2010, 07:36:44 AM
Good morning and Happy New Year to the West Coasters. I feel hungover and didn't even have any champagne! Could be the non-stop work before getting on a plane, hauling lots of heavy bags up a 4th floor walk-up, falling down stairs twice getting used to my new snow boots and wrenching my back saving the bottle of champagne I was carrying to the upper west side before going down to Penn Station and finding Greg and walking about 70 blocks...well, certainly a memorable NYE!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Dan (the Man) on January 01, 2010, 07:37:40 AM
A haircut for the New Year--I like that idea.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Dan (the Man) on January 01, 2010, 07:41:13 AM
It sounds like you had an adventurous time, DR Edi. Hope you can kick back and take it easy today.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Julie on January 01, 2010, 07:45:16 AM
Good mornng!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Dan (the Man) on January 01, 2010, 07:45:28 AM
I'm feeling kind of hungover myself but all I had to drink last night was a cup of mulled wine and two glasses of champaigne spread over a five hour period. More than likely I'm feeling the effects of walking around in the cold and drizzle for an hour and all the crabpuff thingys I stuffed in my mouth.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Julie on January 01, 2010, 07:45:42 AM
Happy New Year to us all!!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: ArnoldMBrockman on January 01, 2010, 07:55:25 AM
And the word of the day is: BEATIFIC!

And The Song Of The Day Is:  A CERTAIN SMILE
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ben on January 01, 2010, 07:56:36 AM
Happy New Year to us all!!!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Dan (the Man) on January 01, 2010, 07:56:44 AM
MEdia Check:


TiVo:  last nights LIVE AT LINCOLN CENTER with Thomas Hampson and some of the Thin Man movies on TCM last night

DVD:  I'm going to start in on the MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATRE 3000 set this weekend

CD: the NINE soundtrack 
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ben on January 01, 2010, 07:57:52 AM
Soon we will have guests. Larry, Amy and Greg will be here to help welcome in the New Year. I'm eating oatmeal and wearing my Kritzerland T-shirt, which I will wear when our guests arrive. What better way to greet them.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 08:08:20 AM
Good morning and Happy New Year to the West Coasters. I feel hungover and didn't even have any champagne! Could be the non-stop work before getting on a plane, hauling lots of heavy bags up a 4th floor walk-up, falling down stairs twice getting used to my new snow boots and wrenching my back saving the bottle of champagne I was carrying to the upper west side before going down to Penn Station and finding Greg and walking about 70 blocks...well, certainly a memorable NYE!

That makes me tired just to read it!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 08:08:39 AM
Encores Western Channel is showing episodes of THE VIRGINIAN all day today.  Most entertaining.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 08:10:36 AM
I think we should all offer MR BK ways he should NOT open his book.....such as....

Beulah was a plain girl.  She resolved at age 10 that she would never fall in love, never be involved in any scandal, never leave her home,  and in fact never have any friends.  She kept each resolution until she went to her reward at age 96.  This is her story.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: elmore3003 on January 01, 2010, 08:42:06 AM
"It was a dark and stormy night."
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 08:46:15 AM
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  I woke up to snow and 0 degrees outside.   I'm watching the Rose Parade.   My former neighbor is there somewhere.  It's a bucket list thing for her husband.  As she said, "He'll enjoy it while we're there.  He won't remember he was there, but I will."   I think it's pretty cool that even though he's got alzheimers, she still takes him places he's always wanted to go.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jeanne on January 01, 2010, 08:46:55 AM
Good morning, everyone!

My very best wishes for 2010 to all DRs. I wish you all health, prosperity, and good spirits! (Read that however you wish.)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 08:47:51 AM
I'm feeling great this morning. I made some french toast and had some fresh melon. Yummy
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jeanne on January 01, 2010, 08:48:05 AM
Thank you, JRand, for the astrological predictions. I quite liked mine. Do you offer some sort of guarantee?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Sandra on January 01, 2010, 08:48:32 AM
I had a Cherry Coke and some chocolate for breakfast.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 08:51:22 AM
Good Morning!

I'm up, I'm up... And it's 2010!!!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jeanne on January 01, 2010, 08:52:30 AM
It's a lovely day here.

Must walk the dog. That will tell us who had the big parties last night.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: elmore3003 on January 01, 2010, 08:52:44 AM
I'm off to Chelsea now.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 08:54:11 AM
I'm going to start some projects today and probably take some things down to the old office that will be moved to the new one on Monday. I called off all the help for the weekend because I don't want to HAVE to move things over the weekend, but if I feel like it, I will move a few things.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 08:54:22 AM
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 08:54:29 AM
Post Deleted
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 08:56:18 AM
My mom called a little while ago...

"Good Morning! Happy Birthday, Jojo!.. We're going... Oh.. Happy New Year!..."

Hmmm... I didn't realize my mom had started drinking. ;)

*Although, today is the birthday of my youngest brother, Jay. Happy Birthday, Jay!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Druxy on January 01, 2010, 09:00:44 AM
Just got back from Blockbuster.


I know that PUBLIC ENEMIES is not suppose to be that good, but I'm a John Dillinger buff.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 09:01:38 AM
DR edisaurus - I'm glad you and Greg were able to make it past the barricades last night.  -Did you guys walk up from Penn Station? or take the subway up to 57th?  -And I hope your back is feeling fine today too.  Have a great visit today with DR Ben and his ever-lovin' Ant and DR elmore.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 09:01:55 AM
Post deleted.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 09:05:10 AM
I'm watching the Rose Parade right now - probably the first time in years I've watched it.  Some of these floats are truly incredible!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 09:06:59 AM
Is it possible to get a hangover from Sparkling Apple Cider?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Charles Pogue on January 01, 2010, 09:08:13 AM
Just got back from Blockbuster.


I know that PUBLIC ENEMIES is not suppose to be that good, but I'm a John Dillinger buff.

I watched this last night.  Was disappointing.  Like most Mann films...very visually stylish.  But somewhat cold and short on characterization.  The film they talk about in the extras sounded very interesting (and the history is fascinating as well as the movie's replication of events and places), but it's not really the one I saw on screen.  The most fascinating thing about it was Billy Crudup's Hoover...though it's never overt or even mentioned in any of the scenes, I felt the implication that he was a latent homosexual was very strong.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Charles Pogue on January 01, 2010, 09:11:11 AM
Encores Western Channel is showing episodes of THE VIRGINIAN all day today.  Most entertaining.

JRand59, I worked with James Drury twice in the halycon days of dinner theatre...THE RAINMAKER (also with Larry Drake and tony-winner Deanna Dunagan) and ONCE MORE WITH FEELING (again, also with Larry Drake as well).
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 09:11:13 AM
The dogs are snowboarding!!!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 09:19:07 AM
Snowboarding in a tutu.....
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 09:20:25 AM
Oy! I just heard the road grader go by, that means I'll have to clear the end of the driveway again....laters...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 09:20:53 AM
Encores Western Channel is showing episodes of THE VIRGINIAN all day today.  Most entertaining.

And Fox Reality Channel - which is still being carried on Time-Warner right now, I think - is re-running the whole last cycle of "Amerian Idol" all day today. Most... Well... most something.  ;)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 09:21:12 AM
Happy New Year, folks.

I had a swell time last night and got back to Rikki's at nearly 2 Ayem. The fireworks over the marina at midnight were just beautiful. Now I shall drink a lot of coffee (read an interesting article about the health benefits of caffeine yesterday - lower rates of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, certain cancers, other age-related ills, depression...) and watch what is left of the Rose Parade. Rikki is already knocking around in the kitchen, making yet MORE toffee... we did over $6000 this season, best year ever, and it's still going on.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Charles Pogue on January 01, 2010, 09:21:42 AM
I don't know if it was discussed last night, because I was busy celebrating New Year's Eve with The Lovely Wife.  But we did tune in for the big Ball Drop with Dick Clark and co.

There is something about retiring with grace.  While sympathetic about Dick's stroke a few years back and his valiant drive,  I think that maybe even if the stroke had not had happened, Dick's time may have passed.  Now I treasure our National Icons as much or more than anyone, but American Bandstand (which I grew up on) and even Bloopers and Practical Jokes were a loooong time ago.  Does Dick have any real cultural relevance for the last couple of generations?  Does anyone know? Did Guy Lombardo retire or did he have to die before he stopped ringing in the New Year?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 09:21:42 AM
And, Jose, even if your mom got it wrong, Happy Birthday Jojo, anyway.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 09:23:16 AM
And, Jose, even if your mom got it wrong, Happy Birthday Jojo, anyway.


Thank You, DR PennyO.

*Does Rikki ship that toffee? ;)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 09:25:36 AM
I don't know if it was discussed last night, because I was busy celebrating New Year's Eve with The Lovely Wife.  But we did tune in for the big Ball Drop with Dick Clark and co.

There is something about retiring with grace.  While sympathetic about Dick's stroke a few years back and his valiant drive,  I think that maybe even if the stroke had not had happened, Dick's time may have passed.  Now I treasure our National Icons as much or more than anyone, but American Bandstand (which I grew up on) and even Bloopers and Practical Jokes were a loooong time ago.  Does Dick have any real cultural relevance for the last couple of generations?  Does anyone know? Did Guy Lombardo retire or did he have to die before he stopped ringing in the New Year?

I was flipping back and forth between ABC and CNN last night, and missed Dick Clark's appearance(s).  However, I did catch a couple of reactions on Facebook and Twitter. In a way, I do admire his tenacity, but, as you stated, it does sound like he should step aside.  -Unless he somehow manages to make a few more bucks for appearing on his own production. :-\
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 09:25:56 AM
Oh my god, Jrand - did you make that up, or were you quoting someone?

Either way, thank you, that was great!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 09:26:41 AM
Well, I need to get my first day of 2010 in gear.  We're heading over to Steve's sister's place for a New Year's Day gathering.  Lots of food, lots of drink, and lots of food. ;)

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Kerry on January 01, 2010, 09:26:53 AM
A Happy first day to the fantastic new year for all of us!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Kerry on January 01, 2010, 09:29:21 AM
TOD:  Movies:
Love Finds Any Hardy"
"Widow's Peak"
"Make the Yuletide Gay"

Music-  Music I hqve downlosded onto my computer on shuffle:
Michele Nicastro and Guy Haines were just singing, "Be A Santa."  We now have Jaye P. Morgan singing, "The Longest Walk."
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Charles Pogue on January 01, 2010, 09:37:26 AM
Found the answer to my own question:  Guy Lombardo did the New Year's Eve broadcasts up until '76.  He died in '77.  The orchestra still did the News Year's Eve broadcasts on CBS for two years after that.   Talk about dying in the saddle.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JMK on January 01, 2010, 09:43:55 AM
Encores Western Channel is showing episodes of THE VIRGINIAN all day today.  Most entertaining.

Theme music by, of course, Persiflage.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Laura on January 01, 2010, 09:49:53 AM
I would go to a Guy Lombardo-type New Year's Eve Party.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 09:50:40 AM
Guy Lumbago would be more my style at this age.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DAW on January 01, 2010, 09:52:10 AM
I am also watching the Tournament of Roses parade.  On ABC.  I used to watch it on the Home & Garden network, but that and the Food Channel have been pulled from our cable lineup as of midnight due to a contract dispute between the distributer [Scripps] and Cablevision.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 09:55:10 AM
I hope it's Ok to park the next post here, so i can refer people to it.  If not, I'll delete it.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 09:56:18 AM
Here's something in case anyone is snowbound this weekend, my year in review:  (But seriously, hoping it's OK to park it here so that I can refer people to it.  I'll check with BK before linking it.)


If you have time to be selectively nostalgic about 2009 "current events" from a theater lover's parody perspective, here's my month-by-month recap of the year! 

"FISH!" -










But it turns out this was the month that my "BROOKLYN BOY" non-parody video ended up finding a renewed life on the site of a Jewish religious dating service, so in retrospect it became a highlight of November for me



Thanks if you have time to watch any of these!

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 09:59:34 AM
And that ends the shameless self-promo.  but I'll check with Bk before linking it to anyone.

Edit:  Looks like it's better not to link this externally, so i didn't.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on January 01, 2010, 10:00:19 AM
I got no USPS mail yesterday (not a great way to end 2009), and, of course, we have no mail delivery today. Rats!

I got no call back from the USPS concerning my MISSING vacation hold mail.



Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on January 01, 2010, 10:02:11 AM
But....I will get over it.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on January 01, 2010, 10:02:48 AM
Today's lunch:

Pork ribs
Black-eyed peas
Turnip greens

Now...to get to the kitchen to start things moving.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 10:02:55 AM
Ron - vibes everything is found
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on January 01, 2010, 10:04:42 AM
Last night, I made a "sort of" stew.

I cooked a chicken.  I reserved the stock while I deboned, defatted and deskinned the chicken.

I shredded the chicken and returned it to the stock (which I had strained).

I added lots of veggies...carrots, lima beans, broccoli, onions and peas.

I added two cans of tomatoes (diced).

I added chopped/diced onions.

I let it cook overnight.

And it smells like HEAVEN in the kitchen this morning.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on January 01, 2010, 10:05:45 AM
Thanks, Fred.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 10:11:51 AM
cilla....  lol i know what a blue moon is.  one beautiful clear night it really seemed to be blue making it extra special.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ginny on January 01, 2010, 10:14:06 AM
Well, the new recipe I tried this morning is a "keeper," but it needs some tweeking.  Next time, I'll leave out the half cup of melted butter drizzled over the crust (just made is soggy and too fattening).  After you add the cheese, red peppers, ham, and beaten eggs it needs to bake at a higher temp and for a longer time than the recipe indicates.  We ended up having a nice New Year's brunch instead of breakfast.  And we had to eat on our laps in order not to miss the Rose Parade.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ginny on January 01, 2010, 10:17:10 AM
Now we're watching the Capitol One Bowl, not because we care about the football but because the Cincinnati Bearcat was one of two finalists in their mascot competition.  We all voted online and the winner will be announced during halftime.  Go 'Cats!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 10:19:01 AM
To anyone who knows such things - So i see that if we link HHW to outsiders, they see our avatars and posts - but it looks like all the really private info is protected unless someone actually becomes a logged-in member.  Am i right about that?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 10:19:40 AM


I love it!  :D :D :D
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 10:22:15 AM
edi i hope you are feeling better by now.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 10:24:20 AM

youngest brother of DR Jose
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 10:26:02 AM
penny i love fireworks and rarely get to see them, wish i had been at the marina with you.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ginny on January 01, 2010, 10:26:13 AM
Now we're watching the Capitol One Bowl...

Actually, the women in the house are watching football, but the men are not.  What's up with that?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: TCB on January 01, 2010, 10:30:11 AM
Is it midnight yet?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: MBarnum on January 01, 2010, 10:32:24 AM
Happy 2010 to all!!


Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JMK on January 01, 2010, 10:33:16 AM
Ron, I know it's not likely, but is it at least possible that you didn't receive any mail during your vacation?  Every so often we go through a spell of no mail at all (an almost Pippin reference).
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 10:33:22 AM
Well, the new recipe I tried this morning is a "keeper," but it needs some tweeking.  Next time, I'll leave out the half cup of melted butter drizzled over the crust (just made is soggy and too fattening).  After you add the cheese, red peppers, ham, and beaten eggs it needs to bake at a higher temp and for a longer time than the recipe indicates.  We ended up having a nice New Year's brunch instead of breakfast.  And we had to eat on our laps in order not to miss the Rose Parade.

it all sounds good, even eating while watching the parade.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: MBarnum on January 01, 2010, 10:33:55 AM
My New Years Eve consisted of driving ove to Winco (which was devoid of customers, as I had hoped....no waiting in line!) to do my grocery shopping then home to watch an episode of IRONSIDE...now I know why I didn't care for the show when I was a kid. I couldn't get through even one episode.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 10:34:46 AM
No DR JEANNE sorry - no astrological guarantees. *-)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 10:36:36 AM
DR CP - Mr Drury does a nice job and the color on these episodes is very good.  Lee J. Cobb is bombastic and Doug McClure is very handsome and Gary Clarke is fine as well.  And of course Roberta Shore.  The episode with Lee Marvin was written and directed by Sam Fuller.

Episodes continue until 6 p.m. EST I think.  Not a bad way to spend 90 minutes.....and NO commercials on ENCORE.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 10:37:38 AM
DR FJL - I made it up.....however it was suggested by "First lines of novels we never want to read" - which I read years ago....including:

"I liked being a virgin better," she said.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 10:38:06 AM
Very cold here but not much else happening.  Work tomorrow....but until then....NOTHING!!!  Hurray!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 10:41:19 AM
Good morning, good day, how are you this beautiful day?  I am up.  I slept very late.  I didn't get to sleep until about one-thirty, and then my mind was filled with thoughts of the book and I kept waking up.  But a good night's sleep was gotten and I will try to jog at some point - looks a little cloudy out, but we'll give it the old college try.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 10:41:27 AM
Post deleted.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 10:41:37 AM
Nut clusters.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: TCB on January 01, 2010, 10:42:33 AM
Life is good!  I have just started a very small (mini) pot of Velveeta Taco Dip.  And it is all for me, myself, and I.  Yumm!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Druxy on January 01, 2010, 10:43:26 AM
Just got back from Blockbuster.


I know that PUBLIC ENEMIES is not suppose to be that good, but I'm a John Dillinger buff.

I watched this last night.  Was disappointing.  Like most Mann films...very visually stylish.  But somewhat cold and short on characterization.  The film they talk about in the extras sounded very interesting (and the history is fascinating as well as the movie's replication of events and places), but it's not really the one I saw on screen.  The most fascinating thing about it was Billy Crudup's Hoover...though it's never overt or even mentioned in any of the scenes, I felt the implication that he was a latent homosexual was very strong.

My favorite Dillinger movie is the one with Warren Oates as Dillinger and Ben Johnson as Purvis.  It seems to stick closest to the facts.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: TCB on January 01, 2010, 10:44:15 AM
I'm feeling very 2010.  I had a sip of champagne.  I hear fireworks in the distance.

I wish we had a photo of BK drinking a small dollop of champagne.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 10:45:26 AM
Have been through e-mails and will now try to de-groggify so I can joggify.  Having already written four pages last night, I don't really need to write anymore today, but I think I will at least try to finish the introduction, maybe two to three more pages.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 10:49:23 AM
DR DRUXY - it would be the DILLINGER fans who are most disappointed with the movie.  I do agree with DR CP that Billy Crudup's J E Hoover is the best part of the movie.

Marion Cottillard's wart on her forehead throughout the movie drives me crazy!

And Mr Dillinger's grand nephew says that it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that John's last words were those in the film.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 10:50:16 AM
This New Years thought came in an e-mail, so I thought I'd share in case we haven't seen it here before.

Inner Peace for the New Year

I am passing this on to you because it definitely worked for me today, and we all could probably use more calm in our lives!
Some doctor on the TV this morning said that the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started. So I looked around my house to see things I'd started and hadn't finished and, before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of shhhardonay, a bodle of Baileys, abutle of vocka, a pockage of Pringlies, the res of the Chesescke a n a box a chocolets. Yu haf no idr ow frigin gud I fel. Peas sen dis orn to anyy yu fee ar in ned ov inr pece. O, un hab a havvy Nuw Yeer!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 10:50:51 AM
Thanks for the links DR FJL.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ginny on January 01, 2010, 10:51:03 AM
Life is good!  I have just started a very small (mini) pot of Velveeta Taco Dip.  And it is all for me, myself, and I.  Yumm!

DR TCB - that would go well with the crockpot-full of chili that's cooking here!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 10:51:51 AM
And remember - as I reported yesterday....according to Billy Jack - your inner self looks exactly like your outer self, except it is covered in blue greasepaint.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 10:54:57 AM
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 10:56:31 AM
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 10:56:35 AM
I am being very lazy.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 10:56:49 AM
I wonder if I'll like what I wrote last night.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 10:57:59 AM
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 10:59:31 AM
Jrand - Just wondering.  And taking your terrific joke to an extreme.  What if someone were trying hard to live that uneventful life, perhaps having seen the sorrow that fame and ambition brought to others, but great things kept coming her way totally by accident and interfering with the desire to not be accomplished and live a quiet life?

Or does that sound more like a ten-minute comedy sketch than a full story?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Laura on January 01, 2010, 10:59:38 AM
That's a great thought, FJL. I wonder what I things I have around here I should finish.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 11:00:14 AM
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 11:01:32 AM
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 11:02:52 AM
I'm entertaining myself while we talk to keith's brother.  we called to wish him a happy new year.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ginny on January 01, 2010, 11:04:10 AM
I'm enjoying your New Year greetings, DR Jane!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 11:09:31 AM
Had an e-mail from the darling daughter - sometime in the next couple of weeks she or her husband will fly to LA, get the car (my old motor car) and drive it back to their place of living.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 11:12:15 AM
And, Jose, even if your mom got it wrong, Happy Birthday Jojo, anyway.

Hiya - yes, she ships. You can see the product info at her web site:
If you like, you can order through the site, or just let me know how much you want and when you want it. We sell a lot from Thanksgiving through New Year, Valentine's Day week, Mothers' Day - otherwise, mostly bulk orders for caterers, gourmet candy/gift shops, event planners on a slow, regular year-round basis. The worst is over for now, so if you want boxes, it's very easy to fill a rush order.

Thank You, DR PennyO.

*Does Rikki ship that toffee? ;)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 11:13:12 AM
Sheesh... I didn't get that quote thing right... oy... can you spell severely tech-challenged???
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Dan (the Man) on January 01, 2010, 11:13:43 AM
I think we should all offer MR BK ways he should NOT open his book.....such as....

Beulah was a plain girl.  She resolved at age 10 that she would never fall in love, never be involved in any scandal, never leave her home,  and in fact never have any friends.  She kept each resolution until she went to her reward at age 96.  This is her story.

Dimitri Igor Devanayich could not stop his hands from trembling.  And upon making that realization, he knew that slowing his racing heartbeat or ceasing the flow of sweat from his brow were hopeless wishes as well.  As fultile as the dreams of the hundred peasants that slave out their days on his family estate at Mostkakobia.  Nevertheless, Devanayich needed to settle his jangled nerves.  He pulled himself up from his knees and, almost tripping over the lifeless body on the floor before him, lunged for the vodka bottle on the serving table.  He lifted the bottle quickly to his mouth and poured the stinging liquid in, swallowing with gulp unbefitting an Officer of the Royal Czarist Airforce.  Of the thousand thoughts that roared in his mind, only one was instantaneously comprehensible:  he must escape!  And quickly!

"But where?!?" Devanayich whispered through gritted teeth.  "Where can I go now?!?"

And his eyes focused on the headline of the scattered newpaper that laid on the floor next to his strangled lover, the Grand Dutchess Irina Maria Tschzykevzia:  "HMS HIBERNIA TO SAIL FROM VLADAVASTOK TO AMERICA"

Devanayich's hands at last began to steady and he smiled. "Yes," he hissed. "Where else can I hide but...Studio City..."
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 11:15:20 AM
penny i love fireworks and rarely get to see them, wish i had been at the marina with you.

It was spectacular!!! Made me so happy, I felt like a little kid.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DAW on January 01, 2010, 11:18:15 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jay, the DB of DR JoseSPiano!!!      :)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DAW on January 01, 2010, 11:18:42 AM
This post intentionally left blank.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 11:19:18 AM
I think we should all offer MR BK ways he should NOT open his book.....such as....

Beulah was a plain girl.  She resolved at age 10 that she would never fall in love, never be involved in any scandal, never leave her home,  and in fact never have any friends.  She kept each resolution until she went to her reward at age 96.  This is her story.

Dimitri Igor Devanayich could not stop his hands from trembling.  And upon making that realization, he knew that slowing his racing heartbeat or ceasing the flow of sweat from his brow were hopeless wishes as well.  As fultile as the dreams of the hundred peasants that slave out their days on his family estate at Mostkakobia.  Nevertheless, Devanayich needed to settle his jangled nerves.  He pulled himself up from his knees and, almost tripping over the lifeless body on the floor before him, lunged for the vodka bottle on the serving table.  He lifted the bottle quickly to his mouth and poured the stinging liquid in, swallowing with gulp unbefitting an Officer of the Royal Czarist Airforce.  Of the thousand thoughts that roared in his mind, only one was instantaneously comprehensible:  he must escape!  And quickly!

"But where?!?" Devanayich whispered through gritted teeth.  "Where can I go now?!?"

And his eyes focused on the headline of the scattered newpaper that laid on the floor next to his strangled lover, the Grand Dutchess Irina Maria Tschzykevzia:  "HMS HIBERNIA TO SAIL FROM VLADAVASTOK TO AMERICA"

Devanayich's hands at last began to steady and he smiled. "Yes," he hissed. "Where else can I hide but...Studio City..."

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DAW on January 01, 2010, 11:21:54 AM
"First lines of novels we never want to read"

Sounds very much like the Bulwer-Lytton (http://www.bulwer-lytton.com/) Awards!!        :D
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DAW on January 01, 2010, 11:22:57 AM
I would now like to eat a box of Rikki's toffee and some of DR PennyO's chocolate-covered strawberries.           :P
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DAW on January 01, 2010, 11:23:31 AM
But first.......
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DAW on January 01, 2010, 11:23:53 AM
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jeanne on January 01, 2010, 11:27:02 AM
Bruce, the chocolate I gave you wasn't Hershey's--it was SEE'S. Your favorite.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: TCB on January 01, 2010, 11:32:02 AM
Just got back from Blockbuster.


I know that PUBLIC ENEMIES is not suppose to be that good, but I'm a John Dillinger buff.

I watched this last night.  Was disappointing.  Like most Mann films...very visually stylish.  But somewhat cold and short on characterization.  The film they talk about in the extras sounded very interesting (and the history is fascinating as well as the movie's replication of events and places), but it's not really the one I saw on screen.  The most fascinating thing about it was Billy Crudup's Hoover...though it's never overt or even mentioned in any of the scenes, I felt the implication that he was a latent homosexual was very strong.

We get such a bad rap all the time, it seems like we should be able to un-include in our ranks any individuals (latent or otherwise) that we consider repugnant!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 11:33:38 AM
Yes, See's not Hershey's.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: TCB on January 01, 2010, 11:34:30 AM
Encores Western Channel is showing episodes of THE VIRGINIAN all day today.  Most entertaining.

JRand59, I worked with James Drury twice in the halycon days of dinner theatre...THE RAINMAKER (also with Larry Drake and tony-winner Deanna Dunagan) and ONCE MORE WITH FEELING (again, also with Larry Drake as well).

I had such a crush on James Drury.  I hope he was a nice guy.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 11:34:47 AM
Just went through what I wrote last night, and actually most of it seemed fine.  I smoothed it out, deleted a couple of things, and moved on and wrote another page.  I think I'll try to jog now, then do another page before I leave for the Pearl Partay.  I'm in the middle of the story of how I got the idea to write this book.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Sandra on January 01, 2010, 11:35:25 AM
I went to junior high with the grandson of the founder of See's Candies.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: TCB on January 01, 2010, 11:37:20 AM
I don't know if it was discussed last night, because I was busy celebrating New Year's Eve with The Lovely Wife.  But we did tune in for the big Ball Drop with Dick Clark and co.

There is something about retiring with grace.  While sympathetic about Dick's stroke a few years back and his valiant drive,  I think that maybe even if the stroke had not had happened, Dick's time may have passed.  Now I treasure our National Icons as much or more than anyone, but American Bandstand (which I grew up on) and even Bloopers and Practical Jokes were a loooong time ago.  Does Dick have any real cultural relevance for the last couple of generations?  Does anyone know? Did Guy Lombardo retire or did he have to die before he stopped ringing in the New Year?

I believe Guy Lombardo continued to play New Year's Eve until his death.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DAW on January 01, 2010, 11:46:22 AM
Watched the Judy episode with George Maharis:


And then the one with Barbra.   That's some singing!      :)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 11:47:24 AM
Had an e-mail from the darling daughter - sometime in the next couple of weeks she or her husband will fly to LA, get the car (my old motor car) and drive it back to their place of living.

:)  it feels good to be able to give a gift like this to a child.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 11:49:35 AM
Sheesh... I didn't get that quote thing right... oy... can you spell severely tech-challenged???

no, it is easy to do.  you can modify your post, cut your comments & put them back in under the quote.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 11:50:23 AM
penny i love fireworks and rarely get to see them, wish i had been at the marina with you.

It was spectacular!!! Made me so happy, I felt like a little kid.

:D I bet :)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: TCB on January 01, 2010, 11:51:36 AM
I think we should all offer MR BK ways he should NOT open his book.....such as....

Beulah was a plain girl.  She resolved at age 10 that she would never fall in love, never be involved in any scandal, never leave her home,  and in fact never have any friends.  She kept each resolution until she went to her reward at age 96.  This is her story.

Dimitri Igor Devanayich could not stop his hands from trembling.  And upon making that realization, he knew that slowing his racing heartbeat or ceasing the flow of sweat from his brow were hopeless wishes as well.  As fultile as the dreams of the hundred peasants that slave out their days on his family estate at Mostkakobia.  Nevertheless, Devanayich needed to settle his jangled nerves.  He pulled himself up from his knees and, almost tripping over the lifeless body on the floor before him, lunged for the vodka bottle on the serving table.  He lifted the bottle quickly to his mouth and poured the stinging liquid in, swallowing with gulp unbefitting an Officer of the Royal Czarist Airforce.  Of the thousand thoughts that roared in his mind, only one was instantaneously comprehensible:  he must escape!  And quickly!

"But where?!?" Devanayich whispered through gritted teeth.  "Where can I go now?!?"

And his eyes focused on the headline of the scattered newpaper that laid on the floor next to his strangled lover, the Grand Dutchess Irina Maria Tschzykevzia:  "HMS HIBERNIA TO SAIL FROM VLADAVASTOK TO AMERICA"

Devanayich's hands at last began to steady and he smiled. "Yes," he hissed. "Where else can I hide but...Studio City..."

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 11:51:37 AM
Bruce, the chocolate I gave you wasn't Hershey's--it was SEE'S. Your favorite.

now that i can eat!!!  :D
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 11:52:51 AM
I went to junior high with the grandson of the founder of See's Candies.

interesting bit of trivia.  had see's already been sold by then?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Sandra on January 01, 2010, 11:55:29 AM
I went to junior high with the grandson of the founder of See's Candies.

interesting bit of trivia.  had see's already been sold by then?

Yeah. It was sold some time in the '70s.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: TCB on January 01, 2010, 11:56:39 AM
Bruce, the chocolate I gave you wasn't Hershey's--it was SEE'S. Your favorite.

now that i can eat!!!  :D

So, it is safe for me to now start spreading the word that Hershey's Chocolate is not Kosher?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DAW on January 01, 2010, 11:56:46 AM
See's was sold?  By the seashore?  By Sally?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ginny on January 01, 2010, 12:01:39 PM
Cincinnati's Bearcat is Capital One's Mascot of the Year!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 12:04:02 PM
Bruce, the chocolate I gave you wasn't Hershey's--it was SEE'S. Your favorite.

now that i can eat!!!  :D

So, it is safe for me to now start spreading the word that Hershey's Chocolate is not Kosher?

is that the reference to the jewish comment?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jennifer on January 01, 2010, 12:17:50 PM
Yes, thanks to DR JRand for the astrological predictions. Very interesting.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jennifer on January 01, 2010, 12:19:14 PM
DR Jane, I am about half way through the book you recommended (the Girl with the dragon tattoo). I like it very much. The only parts i did not care for so much are 1: all the swedish names (i am so unused to them and find them hard to pronounce, and 2: some of the business stuff near the beginning (i found it overly complicated).

I have book 2 waiting for me at the library!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jennifer on January 01, 2010, 12:20:49 PM
I thought the Rose Parade was quite lovely in HD.

Only thing is i wish they would change the hosts. Not crazy with them doing sports people on ABC. And while i like nancy o'dell fine, i am not crazy about her co-host (al roker).
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: TCB on January 01, 2010, 12:23:15 PM
Bruce, the chocolate I gave you wasn't Hershey's--it was SEE'S. Your favorite.

now that i can eat!!!  :D

So, it is safe for me to now start spreading the word that Hershey's Chocolate is not Kosher?

is that the reference to the jewish comment?

I am just trying to stir up some trouble, Jane.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jennifer on January 01, 2010, 12:27:24 PM
I don't know if it was discussed last night, because I was busy celebrating New Year's Eve with The Lovely Wife.  But we did tune in for the big Ball Drop with Dick Clark and co.

There is something about retiring with grace.  While sympathetic about Dick's stroke a few years back and his valiant drive,  I think that maybe even if the stroke had not had happened, Dick's time may have passed.  Now I treasure our National Icons as much or more than anyone, but American Bandstand (which I grew up on) and even Bloopers and Practical Jokes were a loooong time ago.  Does Dick have any real cultural relevance for the last couple of generations?  Does anyone know? Did Guy Lombardo retire or did he have to die before he stopped ringing in the New Year?

I mostly watched Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper last night. But i did watch parts of Ryan Seacrest and Dick Clark. I used to watch him all the time on New Year's eve.  But it makes me uncomfortable to watch him now. Although i think he looks fine.  I know it's tradition.  But i can't imagine that the younger generation would want to watch him.  I would be okay with having him on for a few minutes. But they seemed to spend a lot of time showing him.

I am also very sympathetic to his condition.   I'm curious what viewers thought.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: TCB on January 01, 2010, 12:32:20 PM
I don't know if it was discussed last night, because I was busy celebrating New Year's Eve with The Lovely Wife.  But we did tune in for the big Ball Drop with Dick Clark and co.

There is something about retiring with grace.  While sympathetic about Dick's stroke a few years back and his valiant drive,  I think that maybe even if the stroke had not had happened, Dick's time may have passed.  Now I treasure our National Icons as much or more than anyone, but American Bandstand (which I grew up on) and even Bloopers and Practical Jokes were a loooong time ago.  Does Dick have any real cultural relevance for the last couple of generations?  Does anyone know? Did Guy Lombardo retire or did he have to die before he stopped ringing in the New Year?

I mostly watched Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper last night. But i did watch parts of Ryan Seacrest and Dick Clark. I used to watch him all the time on New Year's eve.  But it makes me uncomfortable to watch him now. Although i think he looks fine.  I know it's tradition.  But i can't imagine that the younger generation would want to watch him.  I would be okay with having him on for a few minutes. But they seemed to spend a lot of time showing him.

I am also very sympathetic to his condition.   I'm curious what viewers thought.

As long as ABC continues to contract with DICK CLARK PRODUCTIONS to do their New Year's Eve coverage, I guess they can spend as much time focussing on him as they want.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 12:35:51 PM
DR Jane, I am about half way through the book you recommended (the Girl with the dragon tattoo). I like it very much. The only parts i did not care for so much are 1: all the swedish names (i am so unused to them and find them hard to pronounce, and 2: some of the business stuff near the beginning (i found it overly complicated).

I have book 2 waiting for me at the library!

i'm glad you are enjoying it, certainly enough to read the second book that both my brother & i agree is much better.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 12:36:42 PM
"First lines of novels we never want to read"

Sounds very much like the Bulwer-Lytton (http://www.bulwer-lytton.com/) Awards!!        :D

That's exactly what it was, but I couldn't remember the name of it.

DR FJL.....yes I think that is a good premise....sort of like that wacky Shirley MacLaine movie...WHAT A WAY TO GO!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 12:37:01 PM
Bruce, the chocolate I gave you wasn't Hershey's--it was SEE'S. Your favorite.

now that i can eat!!!  :D

So, it is safe for me to now start spreading the word that Hershey's Chocolate is not Kosher?

is that the reference to the jewish comment?

I am just trying to stir up some trouble, Jane.

lol,i'm just trying to get the comment from last night.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 12:39:13 PM
Happy Birthday to JAY brother of DR JOSE and by definition - the Monkey's Uncle.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 12:39:40 PM
DR DtM - your novel sounded too interesting to be part of the competition.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 12:39:50 PM
Post deleted.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 12:40:39 PM
I think DR CP has said good things about Mr Drury in previous posts.  And perhaps DR DRUXY has as well.  It was Mr Robert Horton who didn't pass the nice test among those who worked with him, I think.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 12:40:59 PM
This is 2010, and I think it is the year we make contact, if I remember my movie lore.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jrand73 on January 01, 2010, 12:41:38 PM
Bette Davis next up on THE VIRGINIAN....which doesn't sound seemly at all.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Charles Pogue on January 01, 2010, 12:45:58 PM

Just got back from Blockbuster.


I know that PUBLIC ENEMIES is not suppose to be that good, but I'm a John Dillinger buff.

I watched this last night.  Was disappointing.  Like most Mann films...very visually styl

My favorite Dillinger movie is the one with Warren Oates as Dillinger and Ben Johnson as Purvis.  It seems to stick closest to the facts.
Just got back from Blockbuster.


I know that PUBLIC ENEMIES is not suppose to be that good, but I'm a John Dillinger buff.

I watched this last night.  Was disappointing.  Like most Mann films...very visually stylish.  But somewhat cold and short on characterization.  The film they talk about in the extras sounded very interesting (and the history is fascinating as well as the movie's replication of events and places), but it's not really the one I saw on screen.  The most fascinating thing about it was Billy Crudup's Hoover...though it's never overt or even mentioned in any of the scenes, I felt the implication that he was a latent homosexual was very strong.

My favorite Dillinger movie is the one with Warren Oates as Dillinger and Ben Johnson as Purvis.  It seems to stick closest to the facts.

Druxy, I said precisely this same thing to my wife last night while watching Public Enemies.  Dillinger was written and directed by John Milius.  There was also a series of Melvin Purvis television movies, I believe, with Ben Johnson in the role. 

I also told my wife I've never seen the Dillinger movie with her pal Lawrence Tierney in it.  I tease her about Lawrence Tierney being her pal, because shortly after she came to LA, she had an unusual encounter with Mr. Tierney outside of the now-defunct La Brea Circus.  She had no idea who he was until I told her.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Charles Pogue on January 01, 2010, 12:52:40 PM
TCB, I got along with Jim Drury just fine.  He was a big drinker at the time...but though I never saw him without a drink close by (even in his dressing-room), I never saw him drunk nor did it seem to affect his work or performance.

Years later, Larry and I saw him in LA and he was off the booze entirely.  I believe BK and I (I know I have) have encountered him a few times at the Ray Courts memorabilia shows we used to go to.  Always treated his casts very well.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 01:17:24 PM
Back from the long jog.  Can't say it was the easiest long jog but I did it and I'm back, so those are two positives.  I shall now shave and shower and be on my way to the Pearl Partay, after which I shall return.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 01:49:03 PM
Did I miss it?  Of what is this "Post deleted" thing a parody?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Druxy on January 01, 2010, 01:51:57 PM
DR DRUXY - it would be the DILLINGER fans who are most disappointed with the movie.  I do agree with DR CP that Billy Crudup's J E Hoover is the best part of the movie.

Marion Cottillard's wart on her forehead throughout the movie drives me crazy!

And Mr Dillinger's grand nephew says that it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that John's last words were those in the film.

I just finished watching this (i.e. PUBLIC ENEMIES).

The true story of John Dillinger is fascinating.  This movie was a bore.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Druxy on January 01, 2010, 01:58:30 PM

Just got back from Blockbuster.


I know that PUBLIC ENEMIES is not suppose to be that good, but I'm a John Dillinger buff.

I watched this last night.  Was disappointing.  Like most Mann films...very visually styl

My favorite Dillinger movie is the one with Warren Oates as Dillinger and Ben Johnson as Purvis.  It seems to stick closest to the facts.
Just got back from Blockbuster.


I know that PUBLIC ENEMIES is not suppose to be that good, but I'm a John Dillinger buff.

I watched this last night.  Was disappointing.  Like most Mann films...very visually stylish.  But somewhat cold and short on characterization.  The film they talk about in the extras sounded very interesting (and the history is fascinating as well as the movie's replication of events and places), but it's not really the one I saw on screen.  The most fascinating thing about it was Billy Crudup's Hoover...though it's never overt or even mentioned in any of the scenes, I felt the implication that he was a latent homosexual was very strong.

My favorite Dillinger movie is the one with Warren Oates as Dillinger and Ben Johnson as Purvis.  It seems to stick closest to the facts.

Druxy, I said precisely this same thing to my wife last night while watching Public Enemies.  Dillinger was written and directed by John Milius.  There was also a series of Melvin Purvis television movies, I believe, with Ben Johnson in the role. 

I also told my wife I've never seen the Dillinger movie with her pal Lawrence Tierney in it.  I tease her about Lawrence Tierney being her pal, because shortly after she came to LA, she had an unusual encounter with Mr. Tierney outside of the now-defunct La Brea Circus.  She had no idea who he was until I told her.

I think it was Dale Robertson who played Purvis in the TV movies and my friend, Steve Kanaly (who played Pretty Boy Floyd in the Oates DILLINGER), was his assistant.

Forget the Lawrence Tierney DILLINGER.  It's not very good and even more inaccurate than PUBLIC ENEMIES.

I recall meeting Tierney years ago.  Interesting man.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 02:11:40 PM
Now we're watching the Capitol One Bowl...

Actually, the women in the house are watching football, but the men are not.  What's up with that?

This IS a problem worth pursing!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 02:16:11 PM
Well, my day turned out exactly as had been originally planned.

I began by watch the "Witch" episode of THE MENTALIST from the first season box before I headed out to do my usual Friday errands. Always like that episode.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 02:18:52 PM
The grocery store was like a ghost town. The shelves were stocked but there were very, VERY few people there. I guess people have other things to do on New Year's Day besides grocery shop. I was in and out of there in record time.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 02:21:16 PM
When I got back, I had a very light snack (a box of raisins) and watched THE MENTALIST from the DVR. The CBS affiliate preempted it last night and showed it at 3 a.m. except it was late starting, and the last few minutes of the show got chopped off. Made me furious. Sure, I've already seen it and knew how it turned out, but I wanted to see final justice delivered, and I only got to the part where the guilty party was trapped and Patrick started presenting his explanation of the case.

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 02:23:33 PM
At that point, I still didn't know if we'd be picking my friend up at the airport or not, so I went ahead and started watching my work project for the day - THE MARINE 2.

It's basically DIE HARD on a resort island. OK action flick but the acting was not very good (and I don't mean the lead wrestler Ted Dibiase's acting. He was one of the better performers!)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 02:24:52 PM
During the movie I found out that Gregg would be coming in on time (3:40 p.m.), so I went ahead and finished and movie and watched all of the bonus features. There was no commentary, so that helped a lot in getting finished with the disc before we had to leave for the airport. In fact, I even had time to start another MENTALIST episode, but I didn't finish it so Ill save that for a later post.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 02:25:59 PM
We went to pick up Gregg and then stopped at a Chinese restaurant which has recently opened up near my house. It's buffet style, so I ate like the proverbial pig. Really! I feel like I'm about to pop out of my jeans at this minute.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 02:48:13 PM
I woke up, got out of bed at about 12:30, fed my cat, emptied the litter box, took a shower, got dressed, ate a meatball wrap thing (quite delish), and have now caught up with all the posts.

And that was my early afternoon. :)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 02:48:40 PM
I hope that everyone's day (and new year) is going well...so far.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 02:49:01 PM
Gratuitous Post #200!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 02:49:03 PM
Well, I must hop off-line now and write up today's work project. Then, it'll be back downstairs and likely just TV episodes for the remainder of the evening. Not sure I'll have time for an entire movie unless it was a short one.

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 02:51:28 PM
I had a Cherry Coke and some chocolate for breakfast.

Cherry Coke and chocolate...the Breakfast of Champions!!

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 02:53:26 PM
Encores Western Channel is showing episodes of THE VIRGINIAN all day today.  Most entertaining.

And Fox Reality Channel - which is still being carried on Time-Warner right now, I think - is re-running the whole last cycle of "Amerian Idol" all day today. Most... Well... most something.  ;)

BBC America is running nothing but the new "Doctor Who" until Sunday at 1:00 am...except for two showings of a new show called "Demons." 
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 03:03:47 PM
A Very Happy New Year's Day Birthday to DR Jose's DB Jay!!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 03:09:48 PM

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: TCB on January 01, 2010, 03:15:46 PM


I bet that Jo-Jo Joe-Joe is tasty!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: elmore3003 on January 01, 2010, 03:16:17 PM
I got no USPS mail yesterday (not a great way to end 2009), and, of course, we have no mail delivery today. Rats!

I got no call back from the USPS concerning my MISSING vacation hold mail.



On the positive side, USPS is back in business tomorrow morning. Do you have a phone number to call the supervisor of your carrier?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: elmore3003 on January 01, 2010, 03:19:05 PM
DR DRUXY - it would be the DILLINGER fans who are most disappointed with the movie.  I do agree with DR CP that Billy Crudup's J E Hoover is the best part of the movie.

Does he wear nice gowns?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 03:28:19 PM
Good Evening!

I'm back from Steve's sister's New Year's Day Do...

Baked ham, candied sweet potatoes, black-eyed peas, collard greens, corn bread (the kind made with a can of creamed corn, a stick of melted butter and a tub of sour cream!), and pasta with cheese.

Steve's sister, Becky, has recently discovered the "joys" on non-overcooked food, so her vegetables were especially tasty.

Oh, and for dessert, she made a "Chocolate Volcano" Cake. You basically cook a box-mix chocolate cake in the microwave along with a can of frosting that has been dolloped over the top of the batter.  As it cooks, the frosting sinks to the bottom of the pan and forms the "lava".  After cooling it in the pan for about 30 minutes, you invert it on a cake plate, take off the cake pan, and... Voilá!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: elmore3003 on January 01, 2010, 03:31:46 PM
I am back, obviously, from a lovely afternoon with DR edisaurus and Greg at the cozy apartment of DR Ben and his sparkling co-host Anthony. I had a wonderful time, and I've downloaded "EY Harburg Revisited" aka "Hold Onto Your Hats" unti my computer, courtesy of our DR Ben. I was great to see edi and Greg and I'm hopong to see them tomorrow after RAGTIME, which is where we will meet up with DR vixmom and The Vixter. If any DRs want to join us, I'm suggesting we meet on 52nd Street across from the theatre around 4:45.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: elmore3003 on January 01, 2010, 03:32:29 PM
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 03:38:19 PM
This New Years thought came in an e-mail, so I thought I'd share in case we haven't seen it here before.

Inner Peace for the New Year

I am passing this on to you because it definitely worked for me today, and we all could probably use more calm in our lives!
Some doctor on the TV this morning said that the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started. So I looked around my house to see things I'd started and hadn't finished and, before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of shhhardonay, a bodle of Baileys, abutle of vocka, a pockage of Pringlies, the res of the Chesescke a n a box a chocolets. Yu haf no idr ow frigin gud I fel. Peas sen dis orn to anyy yu fee ar in ned ov inr pece. O, un hab a havvy Nuw Yeer!

And I thought Miss Reardon drank a little...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ginny on January 01, 2010, 03:41:34 PM
We've just had our chili supper while watching Bucks v. Ducks in the Rose Bowl.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 03:47:25 PM
I'm watching the first episode of the first disc of the first season of "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" that I got from Netflix.  I never watched the show until about the time that they started to complete tear down the houses and build new ones.  In these early episodes, they gut the house and leave the frame up and rebuild everything in the existing house frame.

Ty Pennington is also a LOT less manic...he actually seems like a normal person.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 03:48:20 PM
And that ends the shameless self-promo.  but I'll check with Bk before linking it to anyone.

DR FJL - Could you also just place that listing on your YouTube channel homepage?

Does your home internet account/company "give" you a home web page?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 03:54:19 PM
Well, the new recipe I tried this morning is a "keeper," but it needs some tweeking.  Next time, I'll leave out the half cup of melted butter drizzled over the crust (just made is soggy and too fattening).  After you add the cheese, red peppers, ham, and beaten eggs it needs to bake at a higher temp and for a longer time than the recipe indicates.  We ended up having a nice New Year's brunch instead of breakfast.  And we had to eat on our laps in order not to miss the Rose Parade.

Were your eggs at room temp?  -Although, I've found the cooking times for quiche-like recipes seem to vary each time I make the same dish. ???

*Although, I have grown fond of Christopher Kimball's/"Cook's Illustrated" method of getting the custards started on the stove stop in a pan over very low heat (like you're making pudding), and then pouring the already-cooking mixture into a hot pie crust and into a hot oven to finish.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jennifer on January 01, 2010, 04:04:54 PM
Did I miss it?  Of what is this "Post deleted" thing a parody?

I was wondering the same thing!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ginny on January 01, 2010, 04:07:20 PM
DR Jose - Rob asked the same thing about the eggs.  I haven't had a lot of experience making this sort of thing, so today was a real learning opportunity.  Once we were convinced the eggs were fully cooked, no one had trouble eating it.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ben on January 01, 2010, 04:08:04 PM
We had a wonderful visit with Amy, Greg and Larry. Sparkling company and good times. The hours passed quickly and all of a sudden it was 5pm. Amy had a copy of a funny and scary documentary about a Southern family that lights their home every Christmas in honor of Elvis! OMG

Amy and Greg were going to try and catch a show (we keep forgetting it's Friday) and Larry is now safe at home.

I'm sorry we can't meet up with Deb and Vix et al but I'm sure there will be other chances as the year goes on.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 04:12:49 PM
I woke up, got out of bed at about 12:30, fed my cat, emptied the litter box, took a shower, got dressed, ate a meatball wrap thing (quite delish), and have now caught up with all the posts.

And that was my early afternoon. :)

DR Druxy, did you notice how late DR George slept, without having to get up to feed the cat? ;)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 04:14:27 PM
Did I miss it?  Of what is this "Post deleted" thing a parody?

I was wondering the same thing!

Just scroll back through bk's posting frenzy last night.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 04:15:57 PM


i've never had them.  i like the look of the package & it made me think of our Jo Jo :)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 04:19:33 PM
I woke up, got out of bed at about 12:30, fed my cat, emptied the litter box, took a shower, got dressed, ate a meatball wrap thing (quite delish), and have now caught up with all the posts.

And that was my early afternoon. :)

DR Druxy, did you notice how late DR George slept, without having to get up to feed the cat? ;)

My niece and sister have to get up very early to feed their three cats!  I don't get it.  My cat gets (and expects to be) fed when I get up to feed her...whenever that is.  I'm not a morning person, and fortunately my cat isn't either. :)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 04:20:19 PM


i've never had them.  i like the look of the package & it made me think of our Jo Jo :)

They are very good and have no trans fats.  My sister (the vegetarian) loves them, too.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 04:23:55 PM
I woke up, got out of bed at about 12:30, fed my cat, emptied the litter box, took a shower, got dressed, ate a meatball wrap thing (quite delish), and have now caught up with all the posts.

And that was my early afternoon. :)

DR Druxy, did you notice how late DR George slept, without having to get up to feed the cat? ;)

My niece and sister have to get up very early to feed their three cats!  I don't get it.  My cat gets (and expects to be) fed when I get up to feed her...whenever that is.  I'm not a morning person, and fortunately my cat isn't either. :)

i have had a total of 11 cats & i never woke up because they wanted to be fed.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 04:26:01 PM
And now for something completely different:

New WA law against puppy mills (http://www.king5.com/news/local/80475072.html).
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 04:31:03 PM
that is still a lot of dogs.  still, it is a good start.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Druxy on January 01, 2010, 04:32:58 PM
I woke up, got out of bed at about 12:30, fed my cat, emptied the litter box, took a shower, got dressed, ate a meatball wrap thing (quite delish), and have now caught up with all the posts.

And that was my early afternoon. :)

DR Druxy, did you notice how late DR George slept, without having to get up to feed the cat? ;)

My niece and sister have to get up very early to feed their three cats!  I don't get it.  My cat gets (and expects to be) fed when I get up to feed her...whenever that is.  I'm not a morning person, and fortunately my cat isn't either. :)

i have had a total of 11 cats & i never woke up because they wanted to be fed.

For the past several months, our cat has slept locked in our 2nd bathroom where we can't hear her.  When we get up, we let her out and feed her.

She is surviving just fine.

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 04:36:25 PM
cilla....  lol i know what a blue moon is.  one beautiful clear night it really seemed to be blue making it extra special.

Oh I agree.  IT was so bright out here last night with the moon and the snow, I probably could have read a book without turning on the light.  I just found it curious that more than one person mentioned it looked blue
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 04:50:28 PM

I mostly watched Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper last night. But i did watch parts of Ryan Seacrest and Dick Clark. I used to watch him all the time on New Year's eve.  But it makes me uncomfortable to watch him now. Although i think he looks fine.  I know it's tradition.  But i can't imagine that the younger generation would want to watch him.  I would be okay with having him on for a few minutes. But they seemed to spend a lot of time showing him.

I am also very sympathetic to his condition.   I'm curious what viewers thought.

I tried to watch Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin but she drives me nuts and I could care a less about whether she swears or whether she has to pay money back or really anything else about her.  I didn't find her funny at all.  I gave up and turned off the TV and took a nice hot bath.  I did watch Carson Daly for the countdown in central time
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 05:00:45 PM
I woke up, got out of bed at about 12:30, fed my cat, emptied the litter box, took a shower, got dressed, ate a meatball wrap thing (quite delish), and have now caught up with all the posts.

And that was my early afternoon. :)

DR Druxy, did you notice how late DR George slept, without having to get up to feed the cat? ;)

My niece and sister have to get up very early to feed their three cats!  I don't get it.  My cat gets (and expects to be) fed when I get up to feed her...whenever that is.  I'm not a morning person, and fortunately my cat isn't either. :)

i have had a total of 11 cats & i never woke up because they wanted to be fed.

For the past several months, our cat has slept locked in our 2nd bathroom where we can't hear her.  When we get up, we let her out and feed her.

She is surviving just fine.


and i feel bad not letting sherlock sleep on the bed ;)

Did i mention he began cuddling with me at night again & flopping on top of me.  keith was exhausted from rescuing me over & over, so sherlock is back to sleeping in his own bed on the floor next to me.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 05:03:38 PM
I woke up, got out of bed at about 12:30, fed my cat, emptied the litter box, took a shower, got dressed, ate a meatball wrap thing (quite delish), and have now caught up with all the posts.

And that was my early afternoon. :)

DR Druxy, did you notice how late DR George slept, without having to get up to feed the cat? ;)

My niece and sister have to get up very early to feed their three cats!  I don't get it.  My cat gets (and expects to be) fed when I get up to feed her...whenever that is.  I'm not a morning person, and fortunately my cat isn't either. :)

i have had a total of 11 cats & i never woke up because they wanted to be fed.

I always put some food out before I go to bed and they don't try to wake me up to eat...to  play, yes,. but not to eat
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 05:04:53 PM
cilla....  lol i know what a blue moon is.  one beautiful clear night it really seemed to be blue making it extra special.
Oh I agree.  IT was so bright out here last night with the moon and the snow, I probably could have read a book without turning on the light.  I just found it curious that more than one person mentioned it looked blue

got it, not that we thought it was called a blue moon because it is blue, but that it looked blue to us ;D   only once did i see a blue moon with a blue tint.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 05:07:45 PM
I woke up, got out of bed at about 12:30, fed my cat, emptied the litter box, took a shower, got dressed, ate a meatball wrap thing (quite delish), and have now caught up with all the posts.

And that was my early afternoon. :)

DR Druxy, did you notice how late DR George slept, without having to get up to feed the cat? ;)

My niece and sister have to get up very early to feed their three cats!  I don't get it.  My cat gets (and expects to be) fed when I get up to feed her...whenever that is.  I'm not a morning person, and fortunately my cat isn't either. :)

i have had a total of 11 cats & i never woke up because they wanted to be fed.

I always put some food out before I go to bed and they don't try to wake me up to eat...to  play, yes,. but not to eat

all my cats have woken me up to play and to cuddle.  bogie was notorious for waking me up to snuggle under the covers, at least several times a night.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 05:09:09 PM
i'm with you cilla, i do not like kathy griffin.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 05:10:16 PM
I have had a very busy day. I started by attacking some of the ice buikd up on the roof by opening up the upstairs window and literally going at it with a hammer (the ice not the roof) Then I put these hockey puck size things of roof melt in several places.  We'll see if that helps any.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 05:13:27 PM
Then I decided to start preparing the things that need to go from the house to the new office - which led to putting my old kitchen table and 4 new wooden chairs in the Prius (yes it all fit) and taking them to the old office space.  I went up to the new one while I was in the buiding.  The carpet isn't completely in, but it's looking just as I hoped it would.   I ran into the computer guy who was going to work today on finishing the newtwork jacks.  Who knew on a holiday?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 05:14:17 PM
Back from a marvelously marvelous party at Barry Pearl's and his ever-lovin' Cindy.  I saw a few people I hadn't seen in ages, so that was grand fun.  My old pal Joel Zwick, who directed many Laverne and Shirley episodes was there and it was fantastic seeing him again.  Don Petrie was there, as was writer Sam Bobrick (we talked about Walter Willison, who was in Sam's play Norman, Is That You? on Broadway).  Sheldon Epps was there and we reminisced fondly about recording his production of Play On.  I met a few new people, including a sweet gal, an aspiring actress named Kristen.  Food was excellent and I did not overeat - in fact, I had a piece of ham, one shrimp cocktail shrimp, a couple of bites of broccoli salad and a half of a deviled egg.  That was it.  I did have a small slice of chocolate mousse cake, but all in all, I ate very little.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 05:14:24 PM
Post deleted.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ginny on January 01, 2010, 05:14:32 PM
We watched Carson Daly last night.  I liked the Times Square parts, but could have done without the segments from Rockefeller Center and Los Angeles (didn't like the music).
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 05:15:20 PM
I still need something to put the microwave on, so I went to 4 different stores and couldn't find what I want. The stores were all busy, but since we were snowed in right after Christmas, I'm not surprised.  I did get a good humidifier for the house.  I've needed one for a long time and just didn't break down and get one.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Druxy on January 01, 2010, 05:15:23 PM
It looks like Time Warner & Fox resolved their differences.

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 05:15:35 PM
Yes, perhaps if FJL hadn't been such a WUSSBURGER, not even lasting until the East Coast midnight, and then perhaps if he'd actually read last night's posts, he'd know what Post Deleted is all about.  That's MY story and I'm stickin' to it.  Miss the festivities and don't read posts at your own peril.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 05:15:36 PM
I agree Ginny
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 05:15:46 PM
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 05:16:49 PM
I'm a little tired now, but maybe I'll write another half page or so.  But even if I don't, seven pages is more than I thought I'd write this first day.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 05:18:10 PM
I came home, made a little pork roast. I never think of making a pork roast, but my mother makes them often, and I thought of it for some reason while I was in the store.

Then I assembled the humidifier, ate dinner and am finally sitting down.   Boo perks her head up every time the humidifier clicks on, she'll get used to it and I'm sure she already appreciates the fact that I can pet her and not shock her
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 05:19:18 PM
Now I'm thinking about making cranberry sauce.  I've been thinking about it for days but never when I'm in the kitchen where the cranberries are  ;)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 05:21:44 PM
It looks like Time Warner & Fox resolved their differences.


Now if Scripps and Cablevision could come to an agreement.  -I'm not affected, but I can't imagine not having the Food Network! ::)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 05:22:16 PM
I would now like to eat a box of Rikki's toffee and some of DR PennyO's chocolate-covered strawberries.           :P

Right now I would like to hand said yummy comestibles to yer fine self!!!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 05:25:49 PM
I would now like to eat a box of Rikki's toffee and some of DR PennyO's chocolate-covered strawberries.           :P

Right now I would like to hand said yummy comestibles to yer fine self!!!

YUM!!!  Me too?  I mean I would love to have some too. 
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 05:25:55 PM
Sheesh... I didn't get that quote thing right... oy... can you spell severely tech-challenged???

no, it is easy to do.  you can modify your post, cut your comments & put them back in under the quote.

Hahahahahahahahaaaaa!!! As I said, tech challenged!!! "Modify" my post!!! "Cut my comments" and "put them back in under the quote"!!! Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 05:28:57 PM
I didn't get my newspaper today. Hrumph
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 05:30:39 PM


and i feel bad not letting sherlock sleep on the bed ;)

Did i mention he began cuddling with me at night again & flopping on top of me.  keith was exhausted from rescuing me over & over, so sherlock is back to sleeping in his own bed on the floor next to me.

Ohhhh, poor little doggy!!! He must be so sad...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 05:32:12 PM
It was very cold today...it's currently -6 with a -20 wind chill and is supposed to get down to -20 not counting the wind chill.  It will be a record cold.  Ok, I know there is global warming but you wouldn't know if living here.   But never fear, we'll be up to a balmy 2 degrees tomorrow
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 05:32:47 PM
You're catching on DR Penny O!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 05:33:23 PM
I would now like to eat a box of Rikki's toffee and some of DR PennyO's chocolate-covered strawberries.           :P

Yes! Absolutely you, too!!!

Right now I would like to hand said yummy comestibles to yer fine self!!!

YUM!!!  Me too?  I mean I would love to have some too. 
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 05:33:45 PM
Egad! I did it again! Sheesh...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 05:34:15 PM
PennyO - do a little experiment right now - respond to this post by hitting the word "quote" up there in the right-hand corner.  You will then get a response window to type your response to my post.  You will see my post.  If you have to, scroll down until you see the final use of the word quote (in brackets) or end quote or whatever it says in the brackets of the very end of the post that's being quoted.  Type your response AFTER the bracket that says end quote or quote - NOT before it - AFTER it.  See if that works.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 05:34:23 PM
Catching on???? Oh, yeah, sure...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 05:35:01 PM
PennyO - do a little experiment right now - respond to this post by hitting the word "quote" up there in the right-hand corner.  You will then get a response window to type your response to my post.  You will see my post.  If you have to, scroll down until you see the final use of
or end quote or whatever it says in the brackets of the very end of the post that's being quoted.  Type your response AFTER the bracket that says end quote or quote - NOT before it - AFTER it.  See if that works.

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 05:35:38 PM
No AFTER the bracketed "end quote" not before.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 05:35:54 PM
PennyO - do a little experiment right now - respond to this post by hitting the word "quote" up there in the right-hand corner.  You will then get a response window to type your response to my post.  You will see my post.  If you have to, scroll down until you see the final use of
or end quote or whatever it says in the brackets of the very end of the post that's being quoted.  Type your response AFTER the bracket that says end quote or quote - NOT before it - AFTER it.  See if that works.


Ohhhhh.... like this???
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 05:36:08 PM
Nope, guess not...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 05:36:40 PM
Do not type your own "quote" and brackets.

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 05:36:54 PM
Hey, don't feel bad about this -- I've been coached by EXPERTS until they pulled their hair out...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 05:37:05 PM
PennyO - do a little experiment right now - respond to this post by hitting the word "quote" up there in the right-hand corner.  You will then get a response window to type your response to my post.  You will see my post.  If you have to, scroll down until you see the final use of
or end quote or whatever it says in the brackets of the very end of the post that's being quoted.  Type your response AFTER the bracket that says end quote or quote - NOT before it - AFTER it.  See if that works.


Ohhhhh.... like this???

DR PennyO - I think you're doing this on purpose. ;)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JMK on January 01, 2010, 05:38:02 PM
You must get past this code:


in order for your comment to appear outside of the blue quote box.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 05:38:06 PM
And maybe there's something screwy with the machine -- I see your quoted quote post also has a little glitch, there...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 05:38:13 PM
Hey, don't feel bad about this -- I've been coached by EXPERTS until they pulled their hair out...

See, this is how it should look.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 05:38:49 PM
Both JoJo and Bruce had a similar quote snafu...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JMK on January 01, 2010, 05:39:04 PM
The problem with this latest iteration is that this code:


frequently appears below the bottom "lip" of the reply box and if you don't scroll down, you don't see it.  I've made that mistake numerous times.  IIRC, the previous version of the board s/w did not have this particular problem.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 05:39:15 PM
I think the snafu happened because you typed your own quote and brackets.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JMK on January 01, 2010, 05:39:30 PM
Both JoJo and Bruce had a similar quote snafu...

I think that's what called humor 'round these parts.  ;)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 05:39:33 PM
Hey, don't feel bad about this -- I've been coached by EXPERTS until they pulled their hair out...

See, this is how it should look.

Yes, I see -- it seems that when one quotes a quote, that's where the problem may lie...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 05:39:44 PM
Or not...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 05:39:46 PM
I just quoted the post where you weren't trying to quote a post and did exactly as I told you, and it worked perfectly.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 05:39:50 PM
Both JoJo and Bruce had a similar quote snafu...

Mine was on purpose.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 05:40:06 PM
Finished the intro to the book and wrote the first paragraph of the Prologue.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 05:40:25 PM
Post Deleted
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JMK on January 01, 2010, 05:40:50 PM
It's all about scrolling past:


That's the only thing that will make your comment appear outside of the quote. 
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 05:41:07 PM
Hey, don't feel bad about this -- I've been coached by EXPERTS until they pulled their hair out...

See, this is how it should look.

Yes, I see -- it seems that when one quotes a quote, that's where the problem may lie...

There won't be a problem if you scroll down and find the very last bracketed "quote" sign.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 05:41:22 PM
Nut clusters.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 05:41:53 PM
anyway, I have a low frustration threshold where technology is concerned, so I will stop addressing the problem and pretend everyone just 'gets it' when attempt to post.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 05:41:56 PM
I tried looking at a different weather forecast, but it was only a colder forecast.  Time to stop watching the weather!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 05:45:38 PM
Sheesh... I didn't get that quote thing right... oy... can you spell severely tech-challenged???

no, it is easy to do.  you can modify your post, cut your comments & put them back in under the quote.

Hahahahahahahahaaaaa!!! As I said, tech challenged!!! "Modify" my post!!! "Cut my comments" and "put them back in under the quote"!!! Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

;D ;D
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Laura on January 01, 2010, 05:47:55 PM
I tried looking at a different weather forecast, but it was only a colder forecast.  Time to stop watching the weather!

I guess I shouldn't mention our weather today.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 05:48:45 PM

and i feel bad not letting sherlock sleep on the bed ;)

Did i mention he began cuddling with me at night again & flopping on top of me.  keith was exhausted from rescuing me over & over, so sherlock is back to sleeping in his own bed on the floor next to me.

Ohhhh, poor little doggy!!! He must be so sad...

lol, he really is fine on the floor.  half the time he goes down there on his own.  it is poor keith who couldn't get much sleep worrying about helpless me.  there is no way i can move Sluggo with one arm, heck i can barely do it with 2 arms.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 05:50:33 PM
penny, that sure quoted oddly-lol
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 05:51:27 PM
I tried looking at a different weather forecast, but it was only a colder forecast.  Time to stop watching the weather!

I guess I shouldn't mention our weather today.

I'd love to hear about it
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 05:52:27 PM
Hey, don't feel bad about this -- I've been coached by EXPERTS until they pulled their hair out...

See, this is how it should look.

Yes, I see -- it seems that when one quotes a quote, that's where the problem may lie...

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 05:53:54 PM
It's all about scrolling past:

That's the only thing that will make your comment appear outside of the quote. 

and why mistakes are easily made which need to be modified ;)

hey, try typing with just your 1st left finger.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Laura on January 01, 2010, 05:54:36 PM
It was sunny and 68 with nice clear skies so we could see all the mountains that circle Phoenix. We went for a short hike.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 05:56:56 PM
Iowa farmer says happy birthday to his wife with manure
Posted: Friday, January 1, 2010 10:00 am

ZWINGLE, Iowa (AP) - Nothing says "Happy Birthday" like 123,000 pounds of manure.

Dick Kleis, a farmer in the eastern Iowa community of Zwingle, used a manure spreader to write "HAP B DAY LUV U" to mark his wife Carole's birthday this week.

He says it took around three hours and four loads of liquid manure to create the message - that amounts to about 123,840 pounds of manure.

His wife says he's done strange things in the past to mark her birthday, "but maybe not this weird."

Dick Kleis says he'd intended to include a heart but ran out of manure.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 05:58:54 PM
BK - My last post last night was at 10:35 PM Pacific time, not Eastern time.  (I specifically waited to see  page 18, and to prove it, it's still there.  the post-deleted hilarity didn't happen until after that.)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 05:58:58 PM
anyway, I have a low frustration threshold where technology is concerned, so I will stop addressing the problem and pretend everyone just 'gets it' when attempt to post.

keith has a low frustration threshold where i'm concerned with technology.  he gets very tired of my yelling "KEITH, HELP" ;D
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DAW on January 01, 2010, 05:59:45 PM
I can't imagine not having the Food Network!

It stinks.          :(
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ginny on January 01, 2010, 05:59:53 PM
Bucks beat Ducks, now the Bearcats have their work cut out against the Gators.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 06:01:37 PM
Money, if you'll pardon the expression, is like manure.  (A Dolly reference)

In Hello Dolly, it's known as horace manure.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Laura on January 01, 2010, 06:01:55 PM
Too bad that farmer's wife's birthday wasn't in the spring when all that manure would have spelled out the greeting in flower blossoms.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DAW on January 01, 2010, 06:02:21 PM
Thanks for the thought, DR PennyO!!!!!!        :-*    :-*    :-*    :-*
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 06:02:51 PM
Jose -  Hmm, if folks would rather I not link to that list this way, i won't.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 06:03:35 PM
It poured and poured all night and morning.  this afternoon it was nice enough for me to go for a walk.  since i went by myself i walked around & around the outside of our house for 45 minutes.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 06:04:12 PM
Too bad that farmer's wife's birthday wasn't in the spring when all that manure would have spelled out the greeting in flower blossoms.

;D :D
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 06:06:12 PM
Bucks beat Ducks, now the Bearcats have their work cut out against the Gators.

oh, i should be rooting for the DUCKS.  i never heard of them before moving to oregon
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ginny on January 01, 2010, 06:07:35 PM
Bucks beat Ducks, now the Bearcats have their work cut out against the Gators.

oh, i should be rooting for the DUCKS.  i never heard of them before moving to oregon

Rob was surprised when I cheered for the BUCKS, but I was showing my Big Ten loyalty.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 06:07:58 PM
TO THE MANURE BORNE - that's the title of something or other
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 06:09:56 PM
It was sunny and 68 with nice clear skies so we could see all the mountains that circle Phoenix. We went for a short hike.

Sounds lovely
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 06:11:26 PM
Too bad that farmer's wife's birthday wasn't in the spring when all that manure would have spelled out the greeting in flower blossoms.

What a lovely thought
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 06:12:11 PM
Oh good grief I sound like the waitress we had at the Taliesin cafe...everything she said was "Lovely"
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 06:18:15 PM
"The Apartment," the movie upon which the musical Promises, Promises is based, is on MGM-HD right now.  I don't think I've seen it all the way through.  I will now. :)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 06:32:27 PM
FJL, I didn't mind the links.  I just looked at a little of The Apartment - not very HD looking, which means it's probably just an upconverted transfer - Irma La Douce looked the same way - however, The Fortune Cookie did look like HD.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 06:38:06 PM
FJL, I didn't mind the links.  I just looked at a little of The Apartment - not very HD looking, which means it's probably just an upconverted transfer - Irma La Douce looked the same way - however, The Fortune Cookie did look like HD.

Darn...but I wouldn't know, so it's good enough for me.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 06:41:21 PM
FJL, I didn't mind the links.  I just looked at a little of The Apartment - not very HD looking, which means it's probably just an upconverted transfer - Irma La Douce looked the same way - however, The Fortune Cookie did look like HD.

What I really hate (yes, HATE) is when movies are shown on HD channels that are full-frame but stretched to fill the screen!  How rude is that!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 06:41:41 PM
Maybe we can have our own HHW calendar - A.D. for Ante Deletum, and P.D. for Post-Deletum.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 06:43:29 PM
I’m so proud of myself.  Since we didn’t go anywhere today I skipped my mid-day pain pill.  twice i was tempted & didn't do it :)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 06:45:16 PM
Oh!  That's right - The SyFy Channel is having a "Twilight Zone" marathon today.  -"Masks" - which was directed by Ida Lupino - is on right now.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 06:46:38 PM
OMG,. is that Ron Jeremy on THE LAIR?

Must check imdb
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 06:47:01 PM
I’m so proud of myself.  Since we didn’t go anywhere today I skipped my mid-day pain pill.  twice i was tempted & didn't do it :)

I've been on Facebook too much.  I was looking for the "like" button when I read this.

congrats Jane!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 06:49:00 PM
funny cilla :D
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Dan (the Man) on January 01, 2010, 06:49:27 PM
Back from a wonderful day at my sister's where my family had our traditional New Year's Day meal of saurkraut and pork.  The dinner was delish as was the homemade chocolate cake my niece brought for her hubby's birthday celebration (which is actually on the 8th.). We ate and talked and laughed and laughed and a good time was had by all.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 06:50:53 PM
my time clock has been off for ages.  i finally went to my profile and set the auto clock.  i'm still 2 minutes fast.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 06:51:10 PM
OMG,. is that Ron Jeremy on THE LAIR?

Must check imdb

Yep! That is he.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 06:51:43 PM
And now.. "Eye of the Beholder"!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 07:10:44 PM
in the news:
For the third time this season, a family is rescued after a shortcut strands them in the Oregon back country.

i can believe it.  if you follow mapquest, etc, from california to our house it takes you the least amount of miles, down a winding road.  much easier, and safer at night, is to go past the mountain exit & get off at the next exit.  they both take the same amount of time to drive, unless driving conditions with the gps exit are poor.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jane on January 01, 2010, 07:11:29 PM
time to get this shoulder away from the computer....
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Julie on January 01, 2010, 07:24:51 PM
And now.. "Eye of the Beholder"!

One of the best - a classic. 
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 07:25:56 PM
Was happy to be done with THE MARINE 2 on Blu-ray and head down for some leisure viewing.

I started back with THE MENTALIST episode that I had started, the one dealing with art forgeries. Not my favorite episode of the series at all, but even the lesser ones have moments of fun and they're almost always light and pleasurable entertainment.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on January 01, 2010, 07:26:02 PM
I got no USPS mail yesterday (not a great way to end 2009), and, of course, we have no mail delivery today. Rats!

I got no call back from the USPS concerning my MISSING vacation hold mail.



On the positive side, USPS is back in business tomorrow morning. Do you have a phone number to call the supervisor of your carrier?

Actually, I've been dealing with the "supervisor"....who assumes the carrier has spirited my mail to a secret location known only to him.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on January 01, 2010, 07:27:01 PM
I drank a bottle of mineral water today.  I poured it into a plastic drinking vessel.  It was good.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on January 01, 2010, 07:27:46 PM
I then ironed two shirts and two pairs of trousers.  I used steam to facilitate the ironing.  I watched "2010" while I ironed.  It holds up well.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 07:27:51 PM
And now.. "Eye of the Beholder"!

One of the greatest of the series' five years on the air.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on January 01, 2010, 07:28:10 PM
Oh, I just had a slight belch.  Tasted a bit like lunch which was more than 7 hours ago.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 07:29:15 PM
FJL, I didn't mind the links.  I just looked at a little of The Apartment - not very HD looking, which means it's probably just an upconverted transfer - Irma La Douce looked the same way - however, The Fortune Cookie did look like HD.

What I really hate (yes, HATE) is when movies are shown on HD channels that are full-frame but stretched to fill the screen!  How rude is that!

It just goes to show that even though HD has been around for almost a decade, some channels still have not figured it all out yet. It's maddening.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: MBarnum on January 01, 2010, 07:29:29 PM
"My time clock has been off for ages" will be the title of my memoirs.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on January 01, 2010, 07:30:01 PM
QVC is on the telly right now. 

I turn it on QVC when I want to do something "other than" watch TV.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 07:31:29 PM
Next I watched that FAMILY GUY special Blu-ray release: it's a parody of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. Like all Seth MacFarlane stuff, some of it was hilarious, some of it was lame, some of it was tasteless, and some of it laid an egg.

But overall, it was pretty good. I got the disc to review, but as it's TV related, the Fox TV reviewer at the site had first dibs and claimed it. He declined GLEE which is why I am getting to do it.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 07:34:36 PM
Next I put in THE BAND WAGON. You know, some of the Warners Ultra-Resolution remasters of classcs are just splendid (MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS, EASTER PARADE to name two), but this one isn't quite in their same league sharpness and color-wise. Seemed a bit grainier than I remembered it, too.

I didn't quite get to the end. "Triplets" is the next number in the line-up, but I haven't gotten to it yet.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 07:35:43 PM
Oh, I just had a slight belch.  Tasted a bit like lunch which was more than 7 hours ago.

Thanks for sharing. :P

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: TCB on January 01, 2010, 07:36:37 PM
Those quote posts were really funny!

PennyO - do a little experiment right now - respond to this post by hitting the word "quote" up there in the right-hand corner.  You will then get a response window to type your response to my post.  You will see my post.  If you have to, scroll down until you see the final use of the word quote (in brackets) or end quote or whatever it says in the brackets of the very end of the post that's being quoted.  Type your response AFTER the bracket that says end quote or quote - NOT before it - AFTER it.  See if that works.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 07:39:13 PM
Happy New Year!!!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 07:41:35 PM
Those quote posts were really funny!

PennyO - do a little experiment right now - respond to this post by hitting the word "quote" up there in the right-hand corner.  You will then get a response window to type your response to my post.  You will see my post.  If you have to, scroll down until you see the final use of the word quote (in brackets) or end quote or whatever it says in the brackets of the very end of the post that's being quoted.  Type your response AFTER the bracket that says end quote or quote - NOT before it - AFTER it.  See if that works.

I read a few of them this evening... they were amusing
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 07:42:31 PM
It is VERY COLD here tonight... We are nearing -30 with -45 windchilll
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ginny on January 01, 2010, 07:44:33 PM
Well, the Cincinnati Bearcats have played about the ugliest half of football I've ever seen.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 07:49:30 PM
It was sunny and 68 with nice clear skies so we could see all the mountains that circle Phoenix. We went for a short hike.

Wanna swap weather??? I will take 68 over -25 any day...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Matt H. on January 01, 2010, 07:49:49 PM
I'm going to close up shop here and head downstairs to bed.

Tomorrow I get to start on the GLEE box set. Sometimes there are compensations for suffering through the likes of WRONG TURN, THE MARINE 2, and other such stuff.

Good night!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 07:49:52 PM
I’m so proud of myself.  Since we didn’t go anywhere today I skipped my mid-day pain pill.  twice i was tempted & didn't do it :)

I've been on Facebook too much.  I was looking for the "like" button when I read this.

congrats Jane!
I’m so proud of myself.  Since we didn’t go anywhere today I skipped my mid-day pain pill.  twice i was tempted & didn't do it :)

I've been on Facebook too much.  I was looking for the "like" button when I read this.

congrats Jane!

I have done that also Cilla...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 07:51:11 PM
DH and I had a nice supper last night and then watched a movie, Breakfast at Tiffany's

Our radio show went well today despite a small hiccup...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 07:52:51 PM
BTW  Frozen Cranberries...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 07:55:15 PM
Finishing up Anatomy Of A Murder.  Eight pages of book today, which was fun.  I'm struggling a little with the Prologue - not sure how detailed I want to be about certain events, although they're all part and parcel of what leads to the book proper.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 07:56:22 PM
DR Dakota, can you tell the difference between -25 and -40?  That's actually a serious question.  Once it gets that cold, I'm not sure I can tell the difference
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 07:57:16 PM
Jrand are you familiar with Numerology?  I have played around with it and it is interesting. I am fascinated wtih Astrology
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 07:57:38 PM
MEdia Check:


TiVo:  last nights LIVE AT LINCOLN CENTER with Thomas Hampson and some of the Thin Man movies on TCM last night

DVD:  I'm going to start in on the MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATRE 3000 set this weekend

CD: the NINE soundtrack 

I love MST3K...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 08:02:48 PM
DR Dakota, can you tell the difference between -25 and -40?  That's actually a serious question.  Once it gets that cold, I'm not sure I can tell the difference


With no wind, -20 is frigid and bone chilling and your car will start if you have heet and stuff in the tank

.... -40 is dangerous and you get cold faster...Buildings dry out faster and cars tend not to stop. Also you see a LOT more exhaust hanging close to the ground..

What is neat is taking a cup of boiling water outside and throwing it up ni the air and it comes down in flakes...

I have seen people hammer with frozen bananas...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 08:03:54 PM
Congrats to bk on his new lofty plateau... What a way to start the New Year
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 08:05:20 PM
the actual air temp of -40 usually means that cars will be very challenged for starting
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 08:06:04 PM
I've done the boiling water thing. That is really cool.   We're going to -20 tonight but it will also be windy. I won't be going outside
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 08:06:45 PM
I"m glad I have a garage.  It helps with the car starting issues
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 08:07:22 PM
cilla....  lol i know what a blue moon is.  one beautiful clear night it really seemed to be blue making it extra special.

Blue Moon of Kentucky keep on shinin'.....
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 08:08:02 PM
I did notice the house was getting very dry - even more so than usual., that's why I finally gave in and got a good humidifier
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 08:08:20 PM
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 08:08:56 PM
If your burp happenes to waffle for 7 hours before appearing, is that a belchin' waffle?

(Alas, puns are back in full force.  So much for resolutions.)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 08:11:19 PM
There was a polar bear dip today up in this part of the country...

When they had the dip in the lake it was -10 air temperature...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 08:11:48 PM
Resolutions are made to be amended....
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 08:12:12 PM
post deleted...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 08:13:22 PM
AH, the wind chill will be -40 to -45
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 08:19:27 PM
I made a tiny bit of pasta with butter and cheese.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 08:19:37 PM
And that has made me even more logey.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 08:19:56 PM
I always thought of resolutions of a starting point and could be amended at any time...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 08:20:00 PM
Have we done the Wind Chill Mahoney Time pun yet this year?
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 08:21:24 PM
I had an interesting pizza topping last weekend in Wisconsin: Macaroni and Cheese
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: PennyO on January 01, 2010, 08:35:25 PM
The above LA Weekly article is about the best theatre of the decade in Los Angeles and we at Rogue Machine Theatre make the list with only two years in operation - I think this is an extraordinary accolade for us  - there are only 10 theatres on this list and the honor is all the more significant when you begin to realize who is not on the list -
and last year?  We made that list too, after only one season!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 08:44:09 PM
The above LA Weekly article is about the best theatre of the decade in Los Angeles and we at Rogue Machine Theatre make the list with only two years in operation - I think this is an extraordinary accolade for us  - there are only 10 theatres on this list and the honor is all the more significant when you begin to realize who is not on the list -
and last year?  We made that list too, after only one season!

Congrats to you and your colleagues!!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 08:50:50 PM
I had an interesting pizza topping last weekend in Wisconsin: Macaroni and Cheese

There's a place in Alexandria, VA, Generous George's Positive Pizza & Pasta Place (http://www.generousgeorge.com/) that started serving Pasta Pies (http://www.generousgeorge.com/pasta_pies.html) back in 1987.  Tasty!

-It's basically like having your spaghetti served on top of your garlic bread. ;)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 01, 2010, 08:54:13 PM
Congrats DR PennyO
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 01, 2010, 08:55:11 PM

As "Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up?", I'm going to go head and log off, shut down and get ready for bed. I want to get up early enough to beat the brunch rush at Sidewalk Cafe - I want to see Edwina again.  I've also been fighting off a nap since I got back from Becky's mainly so that I would sleep well, better tonight, so...

I hope everyone had a wonderful First Day of 2010!

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 08:59:30 PM
I had an interesting pizza topping last weekend in Wisconsin: Macaroni and Cheese

There's a place in Alexandria, VA, Generous George's Positive Pizza & Pasta Place (http://www.generousgeorge.com/) that started serving Pasta Pies (http://www.generousgeorge.com/pasta_pies.html) back in 1987.  Tasty!

-It's basically like having your spaghetti served on top of your garlic bread. ;)

That does sound good....
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 09:00:48 PM
Congrats PennyO!!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jeanne on January 01, 2010, 09:14:16 PM
HHW wouldn't be the same without DR FJL and his puns. Very funny puns, I might add. I'm glad we'll continue to have Fred's puns. 
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jeanne on January 01, 2010, 09:15:54 PM
I had an interesting pizza topping last weekend in Wisconsin: Macaroni and Cheese

There's a place in Alexandria, VA, Generous George's Positive Pizza & Pasta Place (http://www.generousgeorge.com/) that started serving Pasta Pies (http://www.generousgeorge.com/pasta_pies.html) back in 1987.  Tasty!

-It's basically like having your spaghetti served on top of your garlic bread. ;)

Alas, GENEROUS GEORGE'S is no longer. Unbelievable! Great place, good food, good prices. An Alexandria landmark. Gone.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 09:18:06 PM
The resolution was to avoid BAD puns.  there is no way I could avoid puns altogether. 

But I find my censor of weeding out the bad puns is already failing me.  :)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jeanne on January 01, 2010, 09:18:28 PM
I watched the most charming movie, the 2007 version of BALLET SHOES. I read the stories as a child and loved them. This adaptation didn't disappoint. Very nicely done.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 09:18:38 PM
Hoo and ray for PennyO!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 09:19:29 PM
Thanks, Jeanne!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jeanne on January 01, 2010, 09:19:29 PM
The resolution was to avoid BAD puns.  there is no way I could avoid puns altogether. 

But I find my censor of weeding out the bad puns is already failing me.  :)

But even bad puns can be fun.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Jeanne on January 01, 2010, 09:22:40 PM
Off to finish reading my novel.

Good night!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Charles Pogue on January 01, 2010, 09:25:39 PM
BK, I haven't heard the name Sam Bobrick in forever...once a staple of dinner theatre plays.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 09:26:08 PM
The above LA Weekly article is about the best theatre of the decade in Los Angeles and we at Rogue Machine Theatre make the list with only two years in operation - I think this is an extraordinary accolade for us  - there are only 10 theatres on this list and the honor is all the more significant when you begin to realize who is not on the list -
and last year?  We made that list too, after only one season!

Congrats to Penny and Company!!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 09:27:45 PM
The resolution was to avoid BAD puns.  there is no way I could avoid puns altogether. 

But I find my censor of weeding out the bad puns is already failing me.  :)

And if your resolution was to just avoid bad puns, doesn't necessarily mean that you have to eliminate them, altogether. ;)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 09:31:33 PM
The resolution was to avoid BAD puns.  there is no way I could avoid puns altogether. 

But I find my censor of weeding out the bad puns is already failing me.  :)

But even bad puns can be fun.

I agree!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 09:34:44 PM
FJL has abs and puns of steel.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 09:34:57 PM
Finished with my viewing.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 09:37:11 PM
My resolution is to make some progress on stagnant projects...
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 09:38:48 PM
FJL has abs and puns of steel.

Alass..... I was looking for the like button....
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 09:39:04 PM
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 09:39:25 PM
Deleted post
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on January 01, 2010, 09:39:37 PM
Thoughts deleted.

Pithy ripostes torpedoed.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 09:45:54 PM
I deleted "The Apartment." 
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 09:46:52 PM
I liked the movie very much (and I enjoyed listening to the music), but there were some sound issues that didn't seem right.  In most of the outside scenes, there was a noise that sounded like a quiet jet plane flying through and also in a couple of the office scenes when they were in big rooms.  Very strange and just too annoying. :P

But I really liked the movie, itself.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 09:47:21 PM
And because I can...Gratuitous Post #400!!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 09:52:26 PM
Good observations about avoiding vs. eliminating!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 09:53:09 PM
I think the DVD of The Apartment had better quality than the hi-def broadcast.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 09:56:40 PM
There will be an interesting date this year...

10- 10 - 10
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 10:00:00 PM
I just had a bizarre thought

Frozen cranberries served with puns
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: DakotaCelt on January 01, 2010, 10:02:30 PM
Flipping through the channels... Cops is on.... there are some scary looking mullets
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: FJL on January 01, 2010, 10:19:12 PM
Time to wussberger
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: George on January 01, 2010, 10:31:40 PM
I think the DVD of The Apartment had better quality than the hi-def broadcast.

That's sad. :-\
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Edisaurus on January 01, 2010, 10:34:26 PM
DR edisaurus - I'm glad you and Greg were able to make it past the barricades last night.  -Did you guys walk up from Penn Station? or take the subway up to 57th?  -And I hope your back is feeling fine today too.  Have a great visit today with DR Ben and his ever-lovin' Ant and DR elmore.

We took the subway hoping to get off at 59th Street, but when the train didn't stop until 66th we thought we'd go back to the 42nd Street stop and walk up. But we kept walking and walking and walking and couldn't get past the barricades until 57th Street. About 10 minutes before midnight the barricades at 57th and Broadway were moves and everybody rushed south as far as they could. So we at least saw the ball drop on a big screen and were there for the countdown. We realized that this takes more planning and an earlier start than we were able to do. We should have just gotten off at 66th and walked down, but ...lesson learned....
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Edisaurus on January 01, 2010, 10:40:07 PM
We had the most wonderful day today---it was just perfect in every way. We had breakfast at a diner that I'd gone to last year with Ben, Ant, Jose and Elmore and then headed to chez Benthony. I didn't know LArry was going to be there so that was an extra thrill. Ben and Anthony are perfect hosts and had an array of treats awaiting us including all manner of cocoa, sparkling peach cider, an exotic assortment of teas, and yummy baked goods and fruit. We dished for hours; they are so much fun to talk to. And the apartment was festooned/swaddled/alive with Christmas. Since we didn't have much of a Christmas this year and worked the entire time, it was wonderful just to sit and relax and enjoy the company of dear friends. 

Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Edisaurus on January 01, 2010, 10:50:44 PM
We left with Larry about 4 or 5 hours later to take the subway up to the TKTS booth to see what shows were available. Of course, you can guess that we went to BYE BYE BIRDIE. Even though I'd heard negative things, I do love Bill Irwin so I had to go. I was glad, too, because it made me realize what stellar singers are in the cast of FINIAN'S RAINBOW. This show was obviously cast on star power, not vocal power. (Although I will say that Gina Gershon sang better than I expected and looks nice in lingerie.) John Stamos was pretty dreadful and hammed it up. I did like the sets, and the costumes were a little weird the way they were color coded, but it wasn't that bothersome. Conrad had no charisma and a weak voice; I'm not sure where they got him. Bill had his moments; singing wasn't one of them but he had a lot of great physical comedy. Afterwards we met him outside and he said that he didn't know what he was going to do next...I guess they hadn't expected the show to close that soon either. But he said it was a really fun show to do and he was going to miss it.

Oh, between buying tickets and the show, we had a nice Thai dinner at Pongi on 48th. I had been there a few times when I was mixing a film at Sound One, and had forgotten how good (and cheap!) it was.

Then we came home and opened our bottle of champagne and watched the first reel of our baseball film. I had been saving Greg because I value his opinion so much that I wanted him to see it with a fresh eye. But now the champagne is winning and we're crashing.
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Edisaurus on January 01, 2010, 10:54:52 PM
I would go to a Guy Lombardo-type New Year's Eve Party.

We were talking about Mrs. Miller today and thinking of you, DR Laura!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 10:56:40 PM
I worked a little more on the book - got over the little hump and wrote another couple of pages - over ten to be exact, certainly the most pages I've ever written on a first day of writing. 
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Edisaurus on January 01, 2010, 10:56:43 PM
And that ends the shameless self-promo.  but I'll check with Bk before linking it to anyone.

Edit:  Looks like it's better not to link this externally, so i didn't.

Thanks, Fred! I'd missed some of these. Nice to have them all collected in one place!
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: Edisaurus on January 01, 2010, 10:59:26 PM
edi i hope you are feeling better by now.

Thanks Jane---I am better but the flight really did a number on my ears, even with earplugs. But it will be a good reason to ignore comments form someone I'm working with on this project. :-)
Title: Re: WELCOME 2010!
Post by: bk on January 01, 2010, 11:19:05 PM
A Number On My Ears - that's the title of my next novel.