Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 2 => Topic started by: bk on May 23, 2004, 12:00:43 AM

Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 12:00:43 AM
Well, you've read the notes, you've gotten the announcements and pronouncements, and now the thing to do is post and then post again.  It's the ginchy thing to do, Gidg.  Really and truly and also truly and really.  I do feel that soon we will be the most popular site on all the Internet.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: JoseSPiano on May 23, 2004, 12:09:52 AM
As it says in the bible...

The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.

-Kind of appropriate for a Sunday...
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Noel on May 23, 2004, 12:11:31 AM
I'm predicting BK won't like Urinetown.  I'm sure he'll love the hard-working cast, but the show... not so sure.  This is a prediction and not a wish: I hope he'll enjoy the show.  I hope everybody enjoys every show they see, really.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: JoseSPiano on May 23, 2004, 12:13:38 AM
Ohh... before I head off to bed... I meant to mention that when a friend of mine went to see "Trembling Before G-d" in Baltimore, as soon as the lights came up at the end, a gentleman stood up and announced that he was one of the men profiled in the movie.  And thus began a truly impromptu discussion about the movie.  Apparently, it was the first time the gentleman had seen the movie with "regular" people - not studio execs, etc.  So...

-just wanted to mention that, that's all...
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Panni on May 23, 2004, 12:28:48 AM
I had a busy night. Went on the spur of the moment to see ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF A SPOTLESS MIND. I found it very moving --- toward the exit. It cost nothing as WGA members get in free. Good thing, too. I did not ike it. At all.  Not a bit. But I stayed to the bitter end hoping it would suddenly turn wonderful. It didn't. After that, I rushed over to a theater in Encino where I hoped to catch a filmmaker who was doing a Q&A after her film. I'd like to get the rights to the film (a docu). It was taking a total chance just showing up like that - but we talked and hit it off. After the Q&A we went out for a drink. Me on an empty stomach and a mango marguarita. Not a pretty sight. Shakalaka, baby!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Panni on May 23, 2004, 12:30:35 AM
Today I go to the matinee of COMPANY. Looking forward to it.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 12:44:37 AM
Somehow, I keep getting this image of Telly Savalas, taking a lollypop out of his mouth and saying "Who shakalakas you, baby!"

Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jrand73 on May 23, 2004, 04:21:49 AM
DRs JAY and PANNI - can't wait for the COMPANY posts!

BK Blech.....brother to Bertholt Blech, no doubt.

Open House at the Barn Theatre today - hot of course...and hopefully we will have lots of people to watch our "rehearsal" of STATE FAIR which opens in two weeks.  THEN auditions for FATHER OF THE BRIDE....perhaps I will get a small role in it.

I am holding out for Axel the neighbor in THE NERD, a role I have played before, and really really like!  I love comedy!!!

Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jennifer on May 23, 2004, 06:16:56 AM
I fell asleep early last night so I had a LOT of posts to catch up on.

I read DR Francois' summary of the Cannes winners.  I like to watch that on tv. I wonder when it will be on (I think they usually show it on Bravo or some station a few days/weeks after it is over).

Gotta run.  Very busy day.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Matt H. on May 23, 2004, 07:03:55 AM
Going to be an overcast day here, so I should get some relief from my air conditioning woes.

Have such a long list of things I want to watch on DVD today, but then I see that many shows are having season finales tonight including ALIAS so please excuse me from the unseemly live chat tonight. Sydney Bristow needs me.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: mrkdl73 on May 23, 2004, 07:45:15 AM
I started reading the columns soon after they started and I've done a lot a lurking since, along with an occasional rare post.  For some reason today I felt like joining in on the fun and registering.  

Though today I have nothing to say.  How odd that I should register on a day when I am speechless.  Or should I say type-less.  

There's always tomorrow.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Robin on May 23, 2004, 07:55:11 AM
There's always room for one more....and lemme be the first to welcome you aboard!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Robin on May 23, 2004, 08:00:00 AM
I went to hear a performance of Brahm's A German Requiem last night.  It was very good, but it was translated into English, which is never a good idea.  Still, the choir was game enough, and even though the translation itself was rather shoehorned into the music, they did what they could, and all things considered, did it pretty darn well.

Years ago, I attended a performance of Beethoven's Ninth that had the final movement in English translation, and it was just laughable...apparently, the translator was a frustrated pop-lyricist.  
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Matt H. on May 23, 2004, 08:01:45 AM
Yes, indeed. Welcome. There are days like that when nothing really comes to mind to talk about. I always try to at least say hello, and I'm glad you did, too.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Robin on May 23, 2004, 08:09:36 AM
About "stage names"...

Many years ago, I understudied both male parts in Jaques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris.  (Considering my incredibly limited singing ability, I'm assuming my presence as understudy was used as a threat to keep the two male cast members from missing any performances.)

Anyway, I decided to list myself in the program book under the name "Gary Crant".  It became sort of an in-joke amongst the community theatre folks, who actually listed me under that name the next time I appeared, in a production of The Importance of Being Earnest.  
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: elmore3003 on May 23, 2004, 08:11:47 AM

Though today I have nothing to say.  How odd that I should register on a day when I am speechless.  Or should I say type-less.  

Welcome, DRmrkdi73, even if you have nothing to tell us today except that you're here.  Having nothing to say has never stopped me from posting something.  To paraphrase Lorelei Lee's diary, I seem to be thinking all the time.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Sandra on May 23, 2004, 08:17:30 AM
Hello, mrkdl. I also have nothing to say. School is out, I have nothing to do, and I'm loving it.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jane on May 23, 2004, 08:20:38 AM
François. A little late, but –goodnight Gracie

SWW the store sounds perfect for you.  I just wonder if you will spend your first paychecks on purchases for yourself.  I know we could easily go crazy in a good kitchen store.  Looks like the Disney Store did you a favor when they didn’t like your beard.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: JoseSPiano on May 23, 2004, 08:24:20 AM
Good Morning!

-And Welcome to all the newly registered users - and the newest non-lurking poster!

Well.. I check my e-mail this morning, and I have one from my roommate... telling me that there's water leaking from our ceiling and "in"(!) our walls in the kitchen by the stove - apparently from the upstairs apartment...  UGH!!!...  And since it's the weekend... The landlord's office is closed... Just as long as there's no deluge when I get home tonight...  The only flood I want right now is the one we have on stage during the second of Eden.  -And even that one does not involve real water.  -(Sorry ;))

So... That's it for me right now...

Matinee and then the trip back down to Richmond... I should be able to make chat tonight, but I may also be dealing with placing pots and pans strategically throughout the kitchen....


Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jane on May 23, 2004, 08:24:50 AM
WELCOME mrkdl73!

Sandra enjoy your vacation. :D
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Panni on May 23, 2004, 08:32:56 AM
Good morning. Welcome, mrkdl!

In all fairness to the film, just want to add to my earlier negative musings about ETERNAL SUNSHINE... A number of people whose opinions I respect really liked the film. I didn't. C'est la vie.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Panni on May 23, 2004, 08:36:26 AM
Jose - Sympathies on the leak. Hope it stays managable.
I feel your (wet) pain, man. When I was a very young actress, I lived for a while in a rooming house. Above my bed on the floor above was a bathroom. You can fill in the rest...
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jason on May 23, 2004, 08:42:43 AM
Bienvenidos a mrkdl73! Do tell us all about yourself. Inquiring minds want to know...

Sandra--are you kidding me with that Bookworm score!?!?! I can't even break 200,000!! And how did you capture the image of the scorebox?

I went to bed at 5:00 this morning. I was up reading a friend's new script. I have to read stage directions for her reading this afternoon. It's a great start, but it definitely needs some tweaking. That's what readings are for, though, so they'll be fine. And they're buying us pizza afterward!

I got up at 9:30 and finally got around to putting my laundry in to wash. It's amazing how much space there is in that laundromat when Senora Lavadora isn't there. Perhaps I should start washing earlier EVERY week...

And now, Bookworm...
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Sandra on May 23, 2004, 08:49:38 AM
That score is totally, one hundred percent real, Jason. Like I said, school is out and I have nothing better to do than to play this game. And to capture the image, all you have to do is hit the "Print Screen" button toward the side of your keyboard. It's in that cluster of buttons there that you never seem to use. That will copy everything on your screen. That is the one useful thing I learned in that Computers class they made me take.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 08:55:59 AM
Welcome, Mr. KDL73.  Sundays are occasionally slow here at haineshisway.com, what with people off doing various and sundried things.  But we must keep the home fries burning.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Robin on May 23, 2004, 09:05:42 AM
In all fairness to the film, just want to add to my earlier negative musings about ETERNAL SUNSHINE... A number of people whose opinions I respect really liked the film. I didn't.

I didn't either.  Far too much self-indulgent, post-modernist posing on display in it.  But that's par for the course when it's a Charlie Kaufman-written film...weirdness for the sake of weirdness.  

Gimme John Waters, anyday.  At least his weird streak has amusing moments.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Robin on May 23, 2004, 09:06:56 AM
The best I've managed on Bookworm is 220,000 points or so.  I think it qualified me as "Master Archivist", or something like that.  
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 09:22:11 AM
Might I just say where in tarnation IS everyone?  You'd think it was a Sunday or something.  

New Juliana is up for your mental delectation.  
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Panni on May 23, 2004, 09:38:15 AM
Just read Juliana's new journal entry. Once in a while I feel lucky that I have a job which doesn't entail having to tap dance when I'd rather be in bed. Although having to write when you'd rather be in bed is no picnic either.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: George on May 23, 2004, 09:52:48 AM
Welcome, mrkdl73!

Well, working backstage at the tour of RENT that came to Olympia pretty much went off without a hitch.  It was fun and a great cast.  A friend of mine who ushered and actually saw both performances said that the cast was the most consistent between the two shows that she had seen.  For most shows that I've ushered, you can tell differences between two (or more) performances, but these guys and gals performed at the same excellent level both times.  I wish I could have seen them, but hey, I'm getting paid for being backstage!  I like that part. :D

And speaking of RENT, yesterday Jason wrote:
Re. theatre groupies: I don't really understand it myself. I look at RENT-heads and think, "why!?"

My sentiments, exactly.  After both shows, quite a few people came to the back of the theater to get autographs and pictures (some were even in costume!) and most of them were teenagers and a few were a little younger.  Maybe RENT is this generation’s "Rocky Horror Picture Show. "  (just without the audience yelling back at the stage...one hopes ::))
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 09:56:10 AM
Greetings, Dear Readers!  As requested, a brief review of the Reprise! production of Company, which I saw last night:

In a word, it was excellent!  No one here needs me to say that the score is nothing short of a marvel, and it's terrific to hear it sung by a talented and attractive cast, backed by a 24-piece orchestra.  (A whole string section!  Imagine that!)

Yes, there are moments in the book that come accross as a bit dated or out of place today (i.e., drug use, reference to the "generation gap" and the "kids" who are "protesting.")  The show's keen and oftentimes acerbic perspectives on relationships and marriage, however, are as accurate today as when they first appeared 34 years ago.  The non-linear structure of the piece, groundbreaking in 1970, remains fresh (sometimes startling, even) and effective.

The cast was uniformly strong.  Mr. Christopher Sieber ably conveyed Robert's conflictedness over settling into a significant relationship.  It was clear that in his heart he wanted to, but the collective portrait of marriage painted by the five married couples who constitute his circle of friends in the show was enough to hold him back.  Mr. Sieber's voice fit the role well and his delivery of "Being Alive" beautifully conveyed this dichotomy of his situation.  He was at his best using his deep-set eyes and rubber face to superbly convey the astonishment/shock/puzzlement he experiences while witnessing his friends' various marital antics.

Miss Judith Light played Joanne as icy.  She was fine and a little scary (which is a good thing) in the part, and handled her big "Ladies Who Lunch" number quite well, though I would have liked to have a heard a bit more grit in the delivery.  (It's hard not to compare any rendition of the song to that by the one who introduced it; no one will ever top Miss Elaine Stritch with this number.)

Miss Jean Louisa Kelly was a standout as the neurotic Amy and she nailed "Getting Married Today."

Miss Deborah Gibson (as Marta), Miss Cady Huffman (as Kathy) and Miss Amy Pietz (as April) were rich in their individual roles as Robert's girlfriends and brought down the house with their joint rendition of "You Can Drive A Person Crazy."

The direction, by Mr. David Lee, was good and the choreography, by Miss Kay Cole, was fresh and made good use of the unit set.

This was by far the strongest show in Reprise!'s season this year.  Their next season, which starts in August, consists of Brigadoon, Pippin and Applause.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Panni on May 23, 2004, 10:30:01 AM
Glad you enjoyed COMPANY so much, DR Jay. I'm looking forward to seeing it this afternoon. Does this make me one of the ladies who lunch?
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 11:06:41 AM
The home fries are going out.  And so am I.  I do hope upon my return that we have loads of lovely posts for my mental delectation.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 11:07:22 AM
What I did yesterday afternoon, before I went to see Company:  I went to the movies at Old Town Music Hall in El Segundo.  Going to the movies at Old Town Music Hall in El Segundo, Dear Readers, involves a great deal more than just watching a film.

First, a word about the burg of El Segundo, California.  The name itself translates as "The Second."  I think it has to do with the fact that the city contains Chevron's second oil refinery in the state, or something like that.  In any event, the city, which is in the southwestern coastal part of Los Angeles County, promotes itself as an ideal small town environment that is close to a big city.  Of course, this would-be Mayberry is bordered on the north by Los Angeles International Airport, on the south by its namesake oil refinery, and on the west, between the city proper and the beach, by an enormous sewage treatment plant.  Tres charmant, n'est-ce pas?

Old Town Music Hall is a small theatre in the center of El Segundo's charming business district.  (I know, with the buildup I've given the town, that's hard to believe, but it is a charming village.)  One enters a small lobby with a pressed tin ceiling and then passes through velvet drapes to a small auditorium illuminated with crystal chandeliers.  In the front of the auditorium--in the stage area--are the exposed workings of a Mighty Wurlitzer organ.  The organ's console sits front and center.

Events at the Old Town Music Hall come in two parts.  Part one consists of a brief concert on the Mighty Wurlitzer, with music connected to the feature film in one way or another, followed by a community sing-along (accompanied by the Mighty Wurlitzer.)  After the sing-along, a smallish screen drops from the ceiling and a two-reel comedy (usually Laurel and Hardy or Little Rascals or some other film of that ilk) is run.  Following the comedy is an intermission, and then part two of the experience, the screening of the feature film.  

The film repertoire at the Old Town Music Hall is an eclectic mix of old and classic (sometimes not one and the same) pictures, some of them silent and accompanied by, yes, you guessed it, the Mighty Wurlitzer.

Yesterday's feature film was Night and Day.  With De-Lovely being released soon, I thought I would catch up with this film--"Based on the career of Cole Porter," according to the opening titles--which I had never seen before.

I know I am not the first to say this, but a more ludicrous biopic I have never seen before.  To say that the facts were handled with a considerable degree of elasticity understates matters considerably.

My favorite risible moment in the film:  Mr. Porter, as a soldier in the army during WW I, in some muddy camp somewhere, hearing the music being pounded out by the natives (the scene must take place in the jungles of France), being inspired to write "Begin the Beguine," the title of which he had already written across the top of the paper on which he had just begun to mark the musical notes.

Mr. Cary Grant makes for a rather long in the tooth Yalie, and poor Miss Alexis Smith doesn't even get a chance to belt out one of Mr. Porter's fine ditties.  Mr. Monty Wooley (As himself? Or not?  One can't tell, which is indicative of what kind of picture this is) is given far too much screen time.

Still, the film is a hoot to watch (fictional though it may be), filled as it is with Mr. Porter's music and a string of fun cameo appearances by folks like Miss Eve Arden and Miss Mary Martin.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Sandra on May 23, 2004, 11:52:50 AM
Went out and picked tomatoes and made lunch. Fresh gazpasta. Yummy.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Robin on May 23, 2004, 12:01:27 PM
Old Town Music Hall is a small theatre in the center of El Segundo's charming business district.  (I know, with the buildup I've given the town, that's hard to believe, but it is a charming village.)  One enters a small lobby with a pressed tin ceiling and then passes through velvet drapes to a small auditorium illuminated with crystal chandeliers.  In the front of the auditorium--in the stage area--are the exposed workings of a Mighty Wurlitzer organ.  The organ's console sits front and center.

Here in Minneapolis, we have a monoplex (that's a theater with one screen, as G-d intended!) called the Heights.  And they've got a beautifully-restorted Wurlitzer, that gets played during the theater's special events, usually fundraisers, and silent movies.  The interior of the theater is gorgeous, too.

Usually, during the summer, the Heights plays the summer blockbusters (like Troy and the new Harry Potter film), but during the other three seasons, the special events scedule heats up.  Last year, they had a Marie Dressler triple-feature...how cool is that?

The Significant Other and myself will go out of our way to see every movie we're inclined to see at the Heights.  It's a great place!

Check 'em out...and if any of the HHW folks are ever in the area, we'd be tickled pink to take you.  


Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Robin on May 23, 2004, 12:04:33 PM

Night and Day

I know I am not the first to say this, but a more ludicrous biopic I have never seen before.  To say that the facts were handled with a considerable degree of elasticity understates matters considerably.

Using the same latitude, I'm betting I can prove that Superman is based on my life story.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Sandra on May 23, 2004, 12:12:46 PM
That's funny Robin, because my dad swears Superman was based on HIS life story.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: William E. Lurie on May 23, 2004, 12:34:25 PM
If you are in the NYC area run, do not walk, to the Bowerie Lane Playhouse in the next two weeks to see the Best Off-Broadway musical of the season.  Although not advertised as such, the produiction of Molliere's THE BOURGOIS GENTLEMAN is a full scale musical comedy with a delightful score and as many laughs as THE PRODUCERS.  All the show is missing to become one of the biggest hits of the season is a good publicity/advertising campaign.  I went expecting to see a new translation of a funny Moliiere comedy.  I knew they added "a little music" but I was in no way prepared for the amount of music and the quality of the score.  A pure delight.

We finally got to the original Jananese version of "Godzilla".  The whole theme of the film is that the H Bomb (read "America") was responsible for the monstor.  No wonder had only been shown here in the Americanized version for the last 50 years.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 12:38:31 PM
I went to hear a performance of Brahm's A German Requiem last night.  It was very good, but it was translated into English, which is never a good idea.  Still, the choir was game enough, and even though the translation itself was rather shoehorned into the music, they did what they could, and all things considered, did it pretty darn well.

Years ago, I attended a performance of Beethoven's Ninth that had the final movement in English translation, and it was just laughable...apparently, the translator was a frustrated pop-lyricist.  
You've just made a good case for why, when English lyrics are being substituted for those of another language, supertitles in the original language should always be projected.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 12:53:38 PM
I am leaving now for a vocal competition.  It's of the operatic variety, not the AI variety.  A friend of mine, a very talented up and coming tenor, is one of the contestants.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: TCB on May 23, 2004, 12:58:21 PM
Glad you enjoyed COMPANY so much, DR Jay. I'm looking forward to seeing it this afternoon. Does this make me one of the ladies who lunch?

Well, I guess when you take off for the theater, you will be one of the ladies who launched.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 12:59:16 PM
Curiosity piqued, I went over to IMDB for a little information on Herr Hans Christian Blech.  Turns out, he was quite busy as an actor in film and on television over in Germany, from the late 40s until his death in 1993.  For English audiences, his work would be more familiar because of Morituri, The Longest Day, and The Battle of the Bulge (I get a sense of typecasting going on here), but also with Ingrid Bergman and Antony Quinn in The Visit.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Noel on May 23, 2004, 01:01:50 PM
DR WEL - who was responsible for the music and lyrics of this musicalization of Bourgeois Gentilhomme?

That spelling looks wrong.

These monoplexes with Wurlitzers sound well and good, but, you know, sometimes a fellow wants variety.  So, if I amble over the the multiplex closest to me, the Loew's 84th Street Six, I have my choice of seeing Shrek 2, which sounds like it might be a fun film OR Shrek 2, which also sounds good.  But, if I'm in the mood for something totally different, their third screen is playing something called Shrek 2.  I've heard nothing about the film on the fourth screen, Shrek 2, so I may pass that over for what's on the fifth, Shrek 2.  Finally, I might do something really radical and opt for screen Six, which is showing Shrek 2.  Yes, a multiplex can be a wonderful thing.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: TCB on May 23, 2004, 01:06:27 PM
DR WEL - who was responsible for the music and lyrics of this musicalization of Bourgeois Gentilhomme?

That spelling looks wrong.

These monoplexes with Wurlitzers sound well and good, but, you know, sometimes a fellow wants variety.  So, if I amble over the the multiplex closest to me, the Loew's 84th Street Six, I have my choice of seeing Shrek 2, which sounds like it might be a fun film OR Shrek 2, which also sounds good.  But, if I'm in the mood for something totally different, their third screen is playing something called Shrek 2.  I've heard nothing about the film on the fourth screen, Shrek 2, so I may pass that over for what's on the fifth, Shrek 2.  Finally, I might do something really radical and opt for screen Six, which is showing Shrek 2.  Yes, a multiplex can be a wonderful thing.

I understand that Shrek 2's last name is also Blech.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 01:06:37 PM
DR Jane sent me an e-mail, commenting on how late der Brucer and I usually have dinner.  'Tis true.  It's a habit we got into back when he was picking me up from work in Orange County, CA.  The problem was that, while I had a regular work schedule, he'd get in a late meeting where he worked, and wouldn't get around to meeting me until quite late.  So dinner would have to wait...and wait...and wait...

Weren't we chuckleheads then!  (If Robin can make Alexis Smith references, so can I!)

Even after der B retired, we would still have late dinners.  It's proven to be more awkward here in Rehoboth, where everyone seems to be on a much earlier schedule, but it will come in handy with my work schedule.  Often I won't be getting off work until six or seven in the evening, sometimes not even until nine!  This will make planning dinner ahead of time a little tricky, but at least it'll be interesting.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Danise on May 23, 2004, 01:16:54 PM
I made it!  I'm in NYC!!!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 01:20:45 PM
Well, as they say, if you can make it there, you'll make it anywhere...

Sometimes, just travelling is the tricky part.  Have a great time!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Sandra on May 23, 2004, 01:31:55 PM
Hey Danise! Have a good time in New York. Don't get into too much trouble.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Tomovoz on May 23, 2004, 01:59:42 PM
I started reading the columns soon after they started and I've done a lot a lurking since, along with an occasional rare post.  For some reason today I felt like joining in on the fun and registering.  

Though today I have nothing to say.  How odd that I should register on a day when I am speechless.  Or should I say type-less.  

There's always tomorrow.

Welcome indeed. Your first post has much more depth and information than many of mine. Not having much to say does not usually prevent many of us from writing .
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 02:11:42 PM
Dear DR Matt:  We seriously need to start considering what the plot options are for the Alias season finale tonight.  Given that we're about to face a much longer than ususal gap between seasons, I propose this:

Vaughn gets in a big battle with Lauren, who head butts him and knocks him into a coma.  When he reawakens, he finds that Sydney has married...and married Sloane!

That would get the audience hooked for the next season!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Matt H. on May 23, 2004, 02:40:19 PM
This has not been my weekend. First my A/C is inoperative, and then my receiver for my home theater died a painful death. Argh! Yep, I've spent all afternoon with a new receiver trying to get things trasnferred over - a MAJOR undertaking. Why is every receiver on the face of the earth different to set-up? I have dealt with four or five different receivers in my life (some of mine and some helping other people with their set-ups), and IO've never seen a single one that works the same way as the other, even receivers by the SAME manufacturer.

I had to get surround sound up and working for the ALIAS season finale tonight.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Matt H. on May 23, 2004, 02:46:23 PM
Dear DR Matt:  We seriously need to start considering what the plot options are for the Alias season finale tonight.  Given that we're about to face a much longer than ususal gap between seasons, I propose this:

Vaughn gets in a big battle with Lauren, who head butts him and knocks him into a coma.  When he reawakens, he finds that Sydney has married...and married Sloane!

That would get the audience hooked for the next season!

I would hope this episode will wrap up all the Rambaldi mythology and be done with it, but I'm willing to bet it won't.

Your scenario isn't as far-fetched as some they've actually HAD on ALIAS (fake Francie, etc.) :D

Really can't wait to see what they do with Lauren, her mother, Sydney's aunt, etc.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Matt H. on May 23, 2004, 02:47:30 PM
In the VARIETY review for DE-LOVELY, it was mentioned that Kevin Kline (as Cole Porter) looks at and comments on NIGHT AND DAY. That should be fun to see.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: elmore3003 on May 23, 2004, 03:11:11 PM
I just spoke to Danise.  I think she told me she was in a taxi heading to Joe's Pub.  I thought we might try to get together late tomorrow afternoon.  I told her I would call her after 2:00 pm.  Are there any other East Coast Hainsies who might want to join us for a couple of hours, drinks, possibly dinner?
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jason on May 23, 2004, 03:17:50 PM
Just in from my friend's reading. She wants my comments. I'm not sure what to say. Read that any way you choose...

A fun little side note: One of the cast members of DANCE OF THE VAMPIRES who later on went into TABOO read one of the leads today. Poor guy--he just may have the worst taste in shows of anyone I've ever met! But he seems to be a very nice man--and he is very talented. I'm sending my good vibes to him for future projects.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Noel on May 23, 2004, 03:30:27 PM
Actually, Jason, there's not much I admire more than an actor making a commitment to NEW musical theatre.  One could do the umteenth Brigadoon or take a leap of faith and be part of a creative process.  Of course, most new musicals are terrible but it's like Roulette - every once in a while your number comes in
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jason on May 23, 2004, 03:37:50 PM
Noel: I never said it wasn't admirable to commit to new musicals. But let's face it, some people have track records of having to suffer through less-than-stellar material. I was part of POOP: THE MUSICAL, for God's sake. I'm all for taking risks, doing new shows...I'm just making a statement: He's been in a run of bad stuff and I hope that his next project has a nice run.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 04:21:07 PM
In the VARIETY review for DE-LOVELY, it was mentioned that Kevin Kline (as Cole Porter) looks at and comments on NIGHT AND DAY. That should be fun to see.
Does he allude to the film's star being a closet case?

 ;D 8) ::)
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 04:23:55 PM
Just in from my friend's reading. She wants my comments. I'm not sure what to say. Read that any way you choose...
The proper response, according to Merrily We Roll Along, is "Congratulations."
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 04:32:25 PM
Don't mind me, I've been lugging 40 pound bags of soil from place to place.  I got der B to lift one.  He put it right back down again.

Hopefully we'll get the two rose bushes planted tomorrow.  And HE can repot those danged tomato plants.

There's a side effect of living in Rehoboth: different allergies than I'm used to.  I've been expecting them, since I've had spring tours of DC with disasterous results (fortunately, the winters there and here are sneeze-free).  They've started kicking in over the last couple of days.  Fortunately, we've stocked up on the meds, which work pretty well.  I'll just have to track when the pollens go away, so I can plan for next year.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 04:34:07 PM

[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%][size=20]Have a nagila
Have two nagilas
Have three nagilas
They're fairly small
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: MBarnum on May 23, 2004, 04:35:54 PM
Back from my first trip to Seattle! Had a blast! The weather was pleasant and we had a lot of fun. Didn't have time to do too much but we did go through Pike's Market and walked on the pier.

We stayed at The Westin downtown, which was quite an impressive place, I must say. Had lunch at the marketplace and dinner at Jade Pagoda up on Capitol Hill. Then we went to a bar called CUFFS which was a lot of fun. Got back to the hotel around 3 am and crashed!

So I didn't see a whole lot of Seattle, but sure enjoyed what I did see!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 04:43:38 PM
Now I've complicated der B's life.  

He was all set to watch Alias with me in the livingroom tonight, while taping the Lawn Order marathon on another set.  (That's the show where Ice T and Richard Belzer investigate people who don't water their front yards properly.)  Well, I made mention of a movie on CBS called Reversible Errors, starring William H Macy and Tom Selleck.  Now there's a question of how to tape that and the marathon at the same time.

Maybe I should have written that as Reversible Eros, same stars.  That I'd watch!   8)
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 04:46:09 PM
...Then we went to a bar called CUFFS which was a lot of fun....
Properly attired, I hope!

And I'm not talking FRENCH Cuffs!

 :o :o :o :o :o 8) ;D
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: George on May 23, 2004, 04:54:15 PM
I won't be at chat tonight. :( I have to get ready right now to usher for something downtown.  I don't know what group I'm ushering for, nor do I remember why I signed up for it, but I have to go.  Have a good chat.

On a personal note, Ben, I've been working on Candide today (finally I had time!).  Hopefully, I'll finish it up in the next few days! ;D
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 04:59:28 PM
Back from Urinetown, about which more later.  Must have some food before chat, which is in a mere hour.  I don't think there's a doubt given the dearth of posts that we will achieve a new low by the end of this fine evening.  
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 05:01:02 PM
Welcome eleven GUESTS and even more new registered users.  Come on in, the posting's fine.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jennifer on May 23, 2004, 05:15:13 PM
Okay I was going to leave without posting.  But I hate guilt trips. :)
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jennifer on May 23, 2004, 05:16:20 PM
It was supposed to rain this weekend, but instead it has been nice out.  Got lots of flowers, but have not planted a thing yet. :(
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jennifer on May 23, 2004, 05:18:25 PM
I was telling my sis today that I also cannot wait for the finale of Alias tonight.  But then she reminded me not to get too excited, since we will have to wait 8 months to see the next episode.

On a good note, that should leave BK and others enough chance to catch up.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 05:18:54 PM
Chat in a mere forty minutes - that is, if I feel like opening the room with this dearth of hainsies/kimlets.  A dearth, I tell you.  Miss Christiane Noll sends her love to one and all and also all and one.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jennifer on May 23, 2004, 05:19:54 PM
Okay I'm sure absolutely nobody here cares.  But I was so very happy on Friday that Y&R won two of the last three awards (best show and best actress). Yeah!
(the rest of the show pretty much stunk for me).
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jennifer on May 23, 2004, 05:21:00 PM
Okay I gotta run (not sure if i'll be back online tonight).  But does 5 posts count as a frenzy?

Tell us all about Urinetown BK.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 05:27:55 PM
Oh, I shall, I shall.

Chat in a mere thirty minutes.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jane on May 23, 2004, 05:32:28 PM
I just spoke to Danise.  I think she told me she was in a taxi heading to Joe's Pub.  I thought we might try to get together late tomorrow afternoon.  I told her I would call her after 2:00 pm.  Are there any other East Coast Hainsies who might want to join us for a couple of hours, drinks, possibly dinner?

Wish I could go.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Tomovoz on May 23, 2004, 05:35:44 PM
I am listening to "Bounce". I much prefer the new version to the other two I have. If we had not heard a Sondheim score would we enjoy it more! Maybe all the publicity has led me to expect less than I am getting. I can hear not only Sondheim but Ragtime, Applause and even some Jerry Herman style there. too.  I think it often more about the rhyming schemes used that make Sondheim sound so much like Sondheim. What do I know? I love "Passion".
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Tomovoz on May 23, 2004, 05:37:02 PM
A new low? There are over 6 hours to go!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jane on May 23, 2004, 05:38:19 PM
We saw an incredible movie this afternoon, TOUCHING THE VOID.  Has anyone else seen it?
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Robin on May 23, 2004, 05:40:28 PM
Watched a metric tonne of deeveedees today.

The Testament of Dr. Mabuse
Victory Through Air Power
on the Walt Disney on the Front Lines set.
Blade II
and three episodes of Star Trek: Voyager from the new Season Two boxed set.

Boy, when I vedge out, I do it right.  Ate lots of junk food, too.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Robin on May 23, 2004, 05:43:17 PM
I saw Nighthawks when it played in theaters, and I thought it was darned good.  When I saw it again today, I thought it a pile of slimy, greasy gopher guts.  Man, what was I thinking???
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Robin on May 23, 2004, 05:44:09 PM
I'm a one-man frenzy!!!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 05:51:46 PM
Frenzies, that's the ticket.  We've been Touching the Void right here at haineshisway.com.  

Chat in a mere nine minutes.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 05:53:35 PM
I think when it comes to Sondheim people are simply predisposed to like what they hear.  I go into every score or every recording I'm hearing for the first time without anything in my mind - I just want to like everything.  But much of what I hear today just eludes me, and Bounce just seemed stale and dull as dishwater and been there, done that.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 05:53:48 PM
Chat in a mere seven minutes.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 05:54:20 PM
I hadn't even noticed that I'd passed 4500 posts about forty posts ago.  Who knew?
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 05:54:33 PM
Chat in a mere six minutes.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jane on May 23, 2004, 05:57:11 PM
MBarnum Seattle sounds like fun.  We had a lovely afternoon there once and I would like to return someday.

Robin you reminded me, there was only ONE preview before our movie today.  Now you might be wondering why you made me think of this.  It’s because the preview had Colm Meany in the cast.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 05:57:20 PM
Chat in a mere three minutes.  Ready...
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 05:57:59 PM
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 05:59:29 PM
Chat is open.  Time for various and sundried butt cheeks to hie themselves in.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jane on May 23, 2004, 06:01:52 PM
SWW we noticed our allergies were better in LA than in Ashland.  Returning home to fresh paint in one’s bedroom doesn’t help either.  It rained the first few days after our return and we couldn’t leave the windows open.  One night I woke up and found I wasn’t breathing very well.  Thankfully it is better now but my eyes are still very itchy.  Aside from the allergy situation you make Rehoboth sound very charming.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 06:47:04 PM
Okay I'm sure absolutely nobody here cares.  But I was so very happy on Friday that Y&R won two of the last three awards (best show and best actress). Yeah!
(the rest of the show pretty much stunk for me).

Young & Rubicam?!?!?
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: MBarnum on May 23, 2004, 06:52:36 PM
Chat was hopping! Swishy Sarah got her drivers license and we were all warned to stay off the streets...

Panni ate spaghetti and sausage whilest Sandra chomped on chocolate...

...Robin got all excited about a Married Monster from Outer Space...

...and Jason inquired about Mexican wrestlers...

it was wild, baby, wild!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Tomovoz on May 23, 2004, 07:00:45 PM
Surely those topics can be woven into a film scipt MBarnum. Guess you did not check in on TCB and Ann as you drove through Tacoma.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jane on May 23, 2004, 07:08:11 PM
Swishy Sarah congratulations on your new driver’s license!! :)
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Panni on May 23, 2004, 07:17:54 PM
Here is the Wonderdog aka Abie aka Wussburger...
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Panni on May 23, 2004, 07:19:25 PM
Please excuse the stupid costume. the picture was taken at the Humane Society for the holidays.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 07:24:54 PM
So whassup wid dis?  Dear BK won't talk about Urinetown.  Dear Reader Panni holds back on Company.

Spill yer guts, Dear Friends!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 07:28:42 PM
Oh, and Dear BK, if you did not see Dear Reader Charles Pogue's post from yesterday, the antiquarian book fair in Pasadena is next weekend, on Saturday and Sunday the 29th and 30th.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jane on May 23, 2004, 07:28:55 PM
Abie is a cutie.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 07:30:13 PM
Here is the Wonderdog aka Abie aka Wussburger...

Cute puppy. Shakalakala!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 07:31:39 PM
Wasn't Donna Shakalakala a member of President Clinton's cabinet?
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Michael on May 23, 2004, 07:35:17 PM
i am accessing the site from another computer. my room where my computer is being redone so i had to take it apart and put it in another room.

So i will be posting a little less for the next week.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: elmore3003 on May 23, 2004, 07:39:19 PM
Hello, all!  I'm sorry I missed Chat, which I really look forward to.  I was attending a soiree at Mr Tony Walton's glorious apartment to meet the WHERE'S CHARLEY? cast.  Both the company and food were quite wonderful.   I liked  the cast very much and I spent a lot of time with Mr Noah Racey, who will play Charley, and Miss Mary Illes, who will play Donna Lucia.  I think it will be a lot of fun at Camp Goodspeed this summer.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jane on May 23, 2004, 08:01:13 PM
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 08:04:47 PM
It was supposed to rain this weekend, but instead it has been nice out.  Got lots of flowers, but have not planted a thing yet. :(
Maybe you and der Brucer can go on a planting splurge tomorrow!

It's an idea.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Panni on May 23, 2004, 08:08:04 PM
Some brief thoughts on COMPANY (I hate doing reviews; I hate being reviewed)…  I was strangely underwhelmed.  Didn’t grab me. I was not moved.
There were some nice star turns – Jean Louisa Kelly (the young girl who falls in love with Mr. Holland in Mr. Holland’s Opus) was an excellent Amy. Her “Getting Married Today” was not just a showstopper, but a character study of woman unraveling before our eyes. “
Amy Pietz was touching and hilarious as April the stewardess. And I liked Christopher Sieber as Bobby – although he never really seemed to enjoy the life he was living – there was sadness underneath everything in his performance right from the beginning - so his wanting out at the end was no big journey. I never truly believed Judith Light as Joanne. Mind you, they might as well hang up that part like the jersey of a famous football player. “Sorry-Grateful” worked well. Caddy Huffman’s sexy dance didn’t quite have the desired effect.  
Bobby’s brief homosexual encounter is mentioned and dropped in a scene that I gather was added in the 1996 production. Why do it then? Once you introduce the seal, you have to make it juggle balls, no?
Interesting note of another recent addition: In Act 2 Bobby is given some hash (I think) - which he eats - so that "Side by Side by Side," becomes a vaudeville-like dream/drug induced sequence. I'm just reporting, folks. Reasons I cannot give you.
The 24 piece orchestra was fine, but the sound system made everything sound a little tinny.
A general note - I think it’s a mistake not to put this piece back in the era in which it belongs. So much has changed that it’s silly to try and make this anything other than the 1970’s.
That’s it –I was glad to have a chance to listen to the wonderful score and lyrics again. So although the production was not as great as I would have wanted it to be – I’m still glad I went.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 08:09:21 PM
I will, of course, talk about Urinetown in tomorrow's notes.

The Sopranos  is heading toward its season finale in two weeks (no show next week as far as I can tell) - tonight's episode got good in its second half.  The first half, to me at least, was predictable - they're having to set things straight for the last show.  But there was one very surprising devolpment in the last half-hour.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 08:10:52 PM
Please excuse the stupid costume. the picture was taken at the Humane Society for the holidays.
HUMANE Society?  They've got the bow tied on so tight the poor pup's tongue is sticking out!

Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Matt H. on May 23, 2004, 08:15:24 PM
It took me all afternoon to hook up the new receiver, and I still haven't gotten the laserdisc machine hooked up, but all that in good time. I got enough hooked up to be able to see a seesaw season finale of ALIAS that was alternately gripping, frustrating, funny, and, of course, leaving us with a HUGE question mark not to be answered for seven months when the show comes back (January 2005). Argh!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 08:18:20 PM
Dear Panni (and others): What seems like ages ago, I wrote a comparison  (http://www.sondheim.com/commentary/company_rewritten_1.html) of the original Company script and the rewrite, which included the "gay" scene.  It's in six parts; the part commenting on that scene is in part five, I think, but the commentary reads better as a whole.

This is another way of boosting our post count for today, by the way.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 08:21:01 PM
My bad.  I cover the gay issues in part four of the commentary. (http://www.sondheim.com/commentary/company_rewritten_4.html)

What the heck, this is another post, to get our numbers up!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 08:21:21 PM
Dear Panni (and others): What seems like ages ago, I wrote a comparison  (http://www.sondheim.com/commentary/company_rewritten_1.html) of the original Company script and the rewrite, which included the "gay" scene.  It's in six parts; the part commenting on that scene is in part five, I think, but the commentary reads better as a whole.

This is another way of boosting our post count for today, by the way.

Needless to say, the lyrics in You Can Drive a Person Crazy were "I can understand a person if he happens to be gay" and not the ones that were originally written for that line.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 08:24:28 PM
Jane: Yes, Rehoboth Beach really is a nice place to live.  There are problems, of course, like too much development taking place and not enough infrastructure going in.  But so far, the good have outweighed the bad.

For example, we've got good, fresh produce in the area.  Just tonight, der Brucer and I had fresh, sweet corn for dinner.  Well, that and pork chops.  And taters.  But getting corn that's that fresh from the field is pretty good.  Lightly steamed, with a little melted butter (in my case, seasoned with a few splashes of Tobasco), and that's really yum!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 08:24:52 PM
And one thing I failed to mention in my earlier Company post:  I had forgotten until last night that Robert, as played by Mr. Christopher Sieber in the Reprise! production, is on stage for almost the entire show.  Talk about exhausting!  Talk about nasty two performance days!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 23, 2004, 08:25:10 PM
Needless to say, the lyrics in You Can Drive a Person Crazy were "You can understand a person if he happens to be gay" and not the ones that were originally written for that line.

You would think that Sondheim would be the last person to bend to PC-ness, particularly in this case.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Matt H. on May 23, 2004, 08:25:17 PM
I also got to see the first ninety minutes of the new THE LION IN WINTER. Perhaps it's unfair to judge it until I get to see the whole thing, but I found NOTHING whatsoever about this version that even came close to the original.

Glenn Close has been receiving raves for her performance, but she effects a British accent when it suits her and drops it when it doesn't. Yes, she has effective moments (she's much too talented NOT to have them with this wonderful material), but she just didn't have the requisite hardness for me.

None of the three princes nor the King of France could hold a candle to their movie counterparts (and all of those men went on to wonderful careers in TV and films).

Patrick Stewart held up best in comparison to his movie counterpart, but young as he was at the time, I still bought Peter O'Toole completely as Henry II.

As a curiosity, it's nice to see a new version of the material, but it definitely is not a patch on Anthony Harvey's magnificent original film.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 08:25:25 PM
Needless to say, the lyrics in You Can Drive a Person Crazy were "You can understand a person if he happens to be gay" and not the ones that were originally written for that line.
I include that change in my commentary.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 23, 2004, 08:32:30 PM
For example, we've got good, fresh produce in the area.  Just tonight, der Brucer and I had fresh, sweet corn for dinner.  Well, that and pork chops.  And taters.  But getting corn that's that fresh from the field is pretty good.  Lightly steamed, with a little melted butter (in my case, seasoned with a few splashes of Tobasco), and that's really yum!

DR SWW, you just made my mouth start to water.  Up the pike a bit, we all travel across the bridges for the Jersey corn but it's not usually ready until late June.  Steamed, boiled or even barbequed, rubbed with the end of a stick of butter, then lightly salted and peppered--yummmmmmmm...

Excuse me while i go empty my drool cup...
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 08:32:47 PM
Here's an interesting tid-bit:

The company that owns the company I'm working for starting tomorrow, also owns York Forklifts!

Get the connections?  Forks in the Kitchen, Forklifts...

All right, groan if you have to.  Sheesh.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 08:34:00 PM
Page Five Dance!

Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 08:34:37 PM
I include that change in my commentary.

Which I have now read and on which I must compliment you, Dear Reader S. Woody White.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 08:36:47 PM
All right, groan if you have to.  Sheesh.

Groaning is forbidden at www.haineshisway.com!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 08:37:37 PM
No new record low tonight!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Matt H. on May 23, 2004, 08:37:54 PM
We had a nice rain tonight which cooled things off considerably. I should have no trouble sleeping with a humid house tonight. Thankfully, my A/C will get fixed tomorrow.

But, it's supposed to be in the 90s again tomorrow! This is May? I didn't turn my A/C on last year until the first week of July.

Global warming perhaps?
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 08:38:10 PM
No sir!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 08:38:32 PM
No ma'am!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 08:39:59 PM
I can't do this alone, Dear Readers!  (Oh.  A Kander and Ebb reference.)

(Hint, hint.)
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Matt H. on May 23, 2004, 08:40:02 PM
Page Three Dance!


Page Three? Try Page Five!!!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Matt H. on May 23, 2004, 08:43:02 PM
What to talk about? Well, due to previous mentioned home theater troubles, I didn't get any DVDs watched today. Still haven't gotten to open those Disney tins and I've also got DESK SET just staring at me wanting to be played. Tomorrow maybe?

BTW, was anyone here watching HBO's DEADWOOD. I was fairly interested in it until watching last week's show today, and all of a sudden I just got fed up with it, and erased it from my DVR. I guess I'm done with it.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 08:44:03 PM
Join us, seven guests!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 08:44:18 PM
And one for Mahler.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 08:44:39 PM
I have just one question.  Where in tarnation is everyone?
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 08:44:55 PM
End of my BK impression.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 08:45:33 PM
Here's something a little different:

Since I've been assigned the job of making potato salad for the younger grandlad's birthday party...

What does everyone here like to find in potato salad?  Other than potatoes?

And what does everyone here NOT like in their potato salad, that they will actually pick out of the salad in order to avoid eating that gunk?
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 08:47:34 PM
Page Three? Try Page Five!!!
I have no idea what you're talking about.

(My own BK impersonation.)

Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Sandra on May 23, 2004, 08:49:10 PM
My brother all of a sudden has decided that he likes Frank Sinatra. He has always only listened to heavy metal and all that other garbage. Right now we are listening to Night and Day. It's so nice to hear actual music.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Sandra on May 23, 2004, 08:49:39 PM
And one for Sinatra.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 08:50:06 PM
Here's something a little different:

Since I've been assigned the job of making potato salad for the younger grandlad's birthday party...

What does everyone here like to find in potato salad?  Other than potatoes?

And what does everyone here NOT like in their potato salad, that they will actually pick out of the salad in order to avoid eating that gunk?


Hard boiled egg, finely mashed
Very finely minced celery and onion

Black olive garnish
Thinly sliced (lengthwise) carrot garnish


Pickle relish
"Dressing" of any variety
Too much mayonnaise

Just a question:  How many hours have you put into this potato salad...before you've even gone to the store for ingredients?
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 08:51:38 PM
Looks like we made it - oh, a Barry Manilow reference.

You see, S. Woody, isn't it nice when people READ what you write?  Try it sometime.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: elmore3003 on May 23, 2004, 08:53:49 PM
Here's something a little different:

Since I've been assigned the job of making potato salad for the younger grandlad's birthday party...

What does everyone here like to find in potato salad?  Other than potatoes?

My mother and her sisters seemed to consistent about their midwestern recipe, which if I remember correctly included chopped green olive and pimento, hard-boiled egg, chopped celery, pickle relish, perhaps finely chopped onion (?).
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 08:54:48 PM
My brother all of a sudden has decided that he likes Frank Sinatra. He has always only listened to heavy metal and all that other garbage. Right now we are listening to Night and Day. It's so nice to hear actual music.

And to think:  you had given up all hope in him, Dear Reader and Dear Swiss Chef Sandra.  You see, there's a little bit of good in everyone.  (Oh.  Another Kander and Ebb reference.)
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 08:56:52 PM
elmore, I hope you said hello to T. Walton for me.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 23, 2004, 09:00:10 PM
But, it's supposed to be in the 90s again tomorrow! This is May? I didn't turn my A/C on last year until the first week of July.

Global warming perhaps?

Nope.  It's just part of the Day After Tomorrow hype.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Dan (the Man) on May 23, 2004, 09:07:17 PM
What does everyone here like to find in potato salad?  Other than potatoes?

And what does everyone here NOT like in their potato salad, that they will actually pick out of the salad in order to avoid eating that gunk?

I like what my dad put in his potato salad:  finely chopped bits of celery, onions and sweet pickles (and a splash of the pickle juice), a hint of grated carrots, salt and dill weed and plain mayonaise for dressing.  Mix it up with your bare hands.

What I really can't stand is hot potato salad made with bacon fat.  I'm also not fond of hard-boiled eggs, either.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jason on May 23, 2004, 09:18:04 PM
I could understand a person
If it's not a person's bag.
I could understand a person
if a person was a fag...

That's what he WANTED to say.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Sandra on May 23, 2004, 09:20:59 PM
He found out a few days ago that Sinatra was the one who sang the theme song on "Married... With Children" and has liked him ever since. Whatever works! I told him Luck Be A Lady is from a Broadway musical. So who knows? Maybe next he'll be wanting to borrow my Guys and Dolls CD. There's still hope for him.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 09:26:03 PM
He found out a few days ago that Sinatra was the one who sang the theme song on "Married... With Children" and has liked him ever since. Whatever works! I told him Luck Be A Lady is from a Broadway musical. So who knows? Maybe next he'll be wanting to borrow my Guys and Dolls CD. There's still hope for him.

Guys and Dolls one day, La Cage aux Folles the next.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 09:32:40 PM
Looks like we made it.  I can't keep up with all our brand spanking new registered users - welcome one and all and also all and one.  Be sure to check out all our lovely features, including the BK's Notes, our unseemly interviews and our photo gallery.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: singerdreamer on May 23, 2004, 09:32:45 PM
Hey everyone. New here, just decided to pop in. It looks like I've missed most of this discussion, so I'll try to take part in tomorrows! Goodnight all!

Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 09:33:20 PM
Welcome, Whitney!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: singerdreamer on May 23, 2004, 09:33:45 PM
Thanks! Love the site!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jason on May 23, 2004, 09:50:29 PM
Welcome, Whitney... Tell us about yourself.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 09:52:11 PM
Whitney, welcome to the site!  When you get a chance, by all means dip into the archived stuff.  What I would suggest is looking up through the "search" function whatever topic it is that seems to be reoccuring, in order to find out what had been said before.  It's a great way to catch up on the doings here!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 09:55:22 PM
Looks like we made it - oh, a Barry Manilow reference.

You see, S. Woody, isn't it nice when people READ what you write?  Try it sometime.
Now, BK, you know full well that, even if I never get to read another word that you write, my life has been that much fuller because I've known you.

Dang, even though I mean that, that sure sounded like a**-kissing, didn't it!   :-\  Big spoo!

We need someone to do a rewrite here!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Sandra on May 23, 2004, 09:59:29 PM
Hello Whitney!

My brother keeps trying to get me to feel his newly-shaved head. Ew!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 10:03:37 PM
My brother keeps trying to get me to feel his newly-shaved head. Ew!

Better that than tugging on jewelry filling newly acquired piercings.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 10:04:46 PM
Thanks to all for the potato salad ideas.  My big problem is der Brucer's son-in-law, who really WILL pick things out of the salad.  He's got some weird thing against texture, like celery.  He really did pick out all the celery bits when der B made a lobster salad one time.

However, if I chop the celery and other goodies really fine, or whirr them in a food processor and then drain them well, that should add the flavor component without adding the texture.

Jay: I've been working on this problem for about four or five days now, off and on.  The big challenges are, first) we've got to make sure I get back to home before I get to work that evening (this Saturday), which means making sure der B leaves the party early enough.  And second) this will be the first time der B has been with the son-in-law's family with me in tow!  These are Maryland Rednecks, who may not know that they've got queers married into the family.  My experience is that most people are far more tolerant than they're given credit for being, but it's still going to be an interesting afternoon.

(Lessee, cole slaw, potato salad, chocolate chip cookies...and keep smiling!  I feel like I'm entering a Miss America pagaent or something!  And I look terrible in my swimsuit!)
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 10:06:57 PM
My brother keeps trying to get me to feel his newly-shaved head. Ew!
Approach him from the rear, and without his knowing squirt some hand lotion on your fingers.

 :o 8) ;D
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: S. Woody White on May 23, 2004, 10:08:46 PM
Have to wussburger, too much to do tomorrow.

Love to all.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Sandra on May 23, 2004, 10:12:04 PM
Great idea, S. Woody. Good night.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jay on May 23, 2004, 10:23:07 PM
These are Maryland Rednecks, who may not know that they've got queers married into the family.  My experience is that most people are far more tolerant than they're given credit for being, but it's still going to be an interesting afternoon.

(Lessee, cole slaw, potato salad, chocolate chip cookies...and keep smiling!  I feel like I'm entering a Miss America pagaent or something!  And I look terrible in my swimsuit!)

Just wear a lace French maid's apron and announce yourself as Connie Casserole.  (Oh.  A Mart Crowley reference.)
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Jason on May 23, 2004, 10:23:25 PM
They're filming again down the street. I should go just hang out there til I see Ms. Kidman and Mr. Penn...or at least Mr. Pollack.

I really should be in bed right now. I have to be up at 7:00. YIKES! You all know that I'm terrible when it comes to getting up early.

I did forty minutes of strength training tonight. I don't know why, but I couldn't get motivated enough to do cardio. I guess I'll do that tomorrow night.  

And now, a little HOME IMPROVEMENT and I'm off to bed. Speaking of home improvements, did anyone watch EXTREME HOME MAKEOVER tonight? I swear, that show gets me every time I watch it. It's the only "reality" TV show I watch, and I'll shout it to the world--I'M OBSESSED!

And now, I'm really off. Goodnight, all!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: George on May 23, 2004, 11:34:58 PM
A lull...well, a lull no more:

Here's something a little different:

Since I've been assigned the job of making potato salad for the younger grandlad's birthday party...

What does everyone here like to find in potato salad?  Other than potatoes?

And what does everyone here NOT like in their potato salad, that they will actually pick out of the salad in order to avoid eating that gunk?

I'm obviously in the minority, but I hate celery and olives in potato salad! :P But then, I hate olives and celery at all...even with peanut butter in the celery.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Tomovoz on May 23, 2004, 11:35:21 PM
I'm back from Tarnation; Back from the movies. Went to see "Van Helzing" (or whatever it is called). Effects everywhere. Dialogue and story line - not much there at all. Had been made with 95% less effects and with sensitivity of "Young Frankenstein" it may have worked. David Wenham stole the movie.
The Brendon Fraser/John Hannah magic is not there. But then there "The Mummy" had less effects.
At least VH had two Australain actors in leading roles. Here's to OZ.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: Panni on May 23, 2004, 11:35:31 PM
No posts in an hour! Blech!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: George on May 23, 2004, 11:39:11 PM
And then three posts within 33 seconds!
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: George on May 23, 2004, 11:43:47 PM
Dear Panni (and others): What seems like ages ago, I wrote a comparison  (http://www.sondheim.com/commentary/company_rewritten_1.html) of the original Company script and the rewrite, which included the "gay" scene.  It's in six parts; the part commenting on that scene is in part five, I think, but the commentary reads better as a whole.

This is another way of boosting our post count for today, by the way.

S. Woody, I just read the entire comparison (I never go to sondheim.com...I don't know why) and it was quite informative!  I never thought about the time shift.  Anyway, I don't understand something.  You wrote "If Robert is 35 years old in 1995, that means that Joanne is also 35 or thereabouts in 1995...."

I always assumed that Joanne was older than Bobby.  Doing a little research on www.ibdb.com, I found that Dean Jones was born in 1931 and would have been 39 years old when Company opened, but he was playing a 35 year old.  Not much of a stretch.  Elaine Stritch was born in 1925 and would have been 45 years old in 1970.  That is more of a stretch for Stritch. ;) Does the script specifically say that Joanne is the same age as Robert?  I've never seen a production that gave that impression.  I've always seen her played as an obviously older woman.
Title: Re:BK BLECH
Post by: bk on May 23, 2004, 11:44:24 PM
Yes, most unseemly, no posts in an hour.   New notes up in a mere fifteen minutes.