Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 2 => Topic started by: bk on July 28, 2004, 12:00:16 AM

Title: BKs ARE GO
Post by: bk on July 28, 2004, 12:00:16 AM
Well, you've read the notes, you know the notes are go, so now it is time to asketh your questions so that we can answereth your questions.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Panni on July 28, 2004, 12:11:25 AM
A better red carpet photo:
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Panni on July 28, 2004, 12:12:26 AM
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: S. Woody White on July 28, 2004, 12:39:55 AM
Is it just me, or are the photographers lining the red carpet (behind the velvet ropes) all dressed like tourists?
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jrand73 on July 28, 2004, 02:09:15 AM
I was gonna say....those photographers are a well dressed bunch are they not?

Thanks for the pics, DRPANNI, and congratulations on the adulation!

I can always think of a question when it is NOT as BK day....hmmmmmmI will go to sleep and think some more.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Ben on July 28, 2004, 04:21:31 AM
Listenin to Donald's radio show at this moment. I was finally was able to get to it. I usually do it on Monday. I LOVE the Butler Song from So Long 174th Street. What a treat to hear it again.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Michael on July 28, 2004, 04:41:14 AM
To answer your question about Thunderbirds voices.

They were always "American". It is explained in the commentary that they found Canadians and Americans living in England at the time to do the voices. They even had Australians from what I understood in the commentary were better doing accents. They were actually going for a "Mid Atlantic" sound than "American"

Perhaps you are mixing up one of their other many series they did with marionettes like Supercar, Fireball, Captain Scarlett, Stingray et al. I have not seen all their shows and other than Thunderbirds movies and series have not since some of them since I was a young lad living in Canada.

Trivia: The Tracy family were named after the astronauts in the American space program
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Michael on July 28, 2004, 04:42:11 AM
And it is Thunderbird 6 (not 9)
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Michael on July 28, 2004, 04:44:50 AM
Just read this interesting bit of info about the TV Series

According to ITC, the early 1990s Fox Network rebroadcasts had to have new vocal and music tracks recorded due to Michael Jackson owning the rights to ITCs music libraries, new music and voices were used for some episodes, which upset a lot of long-time fans of the show. Edits were also made to remove scenes of characters smoking and drinking, and to shorten the individual episodes to 30 minutes from 60 due to the short attention span of American kids! In 1994, a completely altered version of the series was syndicated under the title "Turbocharged Thunderbirds." Live-action footage of two teenagers in Thunderbird 5 (renamed Hacker Command) was shot, while events from the 1964 series were said to be taking place on "Thunder-World." It was cancelled in 1995.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Michael on July 28, 2004, 04:48:22 AM
Ask BK questions later.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Noel on July 28, 2004, 05:31:12 AM
Caroline, or Shange -- a little boy must choose between his beloved maid and the author of For Colored Girls Who Considered Suicide.

made me laugh, Dan.  Produced by The New York Shakespeare Festival, of course.

My ask BK query: What makes you think Tracey Ullman isn't 44?  (She plays old people so convincingly!?)

For relaxation, I like an extremely hot bath.  Of course, there was no hot water in my building when I got home last night.  Nor this morning.  A walk in Riverside Park can do the trick, too.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on July 28, 2004, 06:49:25 AM
I baked a batch of blueberry muffins this morning - my tribute to the first of the local wild blueberries.

So ... the question for the day:

What's your favorite muffin?
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jennifer on July 28, 2004, 06:49:39 AM
Hey Amazing Racers, anyone enjoy last night's show?

Um, why didn't some of those men offer to eat the caviar???
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jennifer on July 28, 2004, 06:53:43 AM
Favorite muffins, hmmm not sure.  The only kinds I usually make are banana-chocolate chip or blueberry.  I love both of those.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Panni on July 28, 2004, 07:09:54 AM
Muffin: I used to like all sorts of exotic muffins, but recently I've gone back to good old raisin bran. I also like corn muffins. Actually, I'm a big fan of muffins of all types.

Re the photogs: No, they're not exactly the best-dressed people on the planet.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Ron Pulliam on July 28, 2004, 07:10:35 AM
Muffins -- banana nut; blueberry; cranberry

Jelly: Grape

Jam: Strawberry

Preserves: Peach
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: DERBRUCER on July 28, 2004, 07:13:26 AM
News of Tom's neighbors:


 Discovery News (http://dsc.discovery.com/news/afp/20040726/kangaroo.html) reports, in part:

Kangaroos Not Laid Back After All
By Judy Skatssoon, ABC Science Online

July 27, 2004 — Kangaroos have an aerobic capacity comparable to highly athletic mammals like horses and antelopes, new research shows, which may dent their reputation as laid-back fixtures on the Australian landscape.
Marsupials, including kangaroos, have traditionally been believed to be primitive mammals because their basal metabolism, or resting energy rate, is about a third lower than that of placental mammals.
But Terry Dawson from the University of New South Wales in Sydney says analysis of the muscle physiology of kangaroos shows they stack up against their more energetic placental cousins.

Marsupials, and in particular kangaroos, may even be more efficient than placental mammals because of their ability to "rev up" very quickly.
"Instead of being primitive they've got the benefits of not using much energy when they're resting, but they have the capacity to really rev themselves up," he said. "We've probably shown that instead of being primitive they probably have advantages in terms of energy uses." [/size]

der Brucer (invisisoning ROO DNA shots for NBA players)
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: MBarnum on July 28, 2004, 07:19:14 AM
DR Jennifer, I watched Big Brother, but I always have to tape Amazing Race because it comes on so late.

BK, there are several DVDs of the Thunderbirds TV series available. I highly recommend them! TECH TV was showing the series as well, don't know if they still are or not.

I have the DVD sets of Stingray and Fireball XL5 and all the characters have American accents...more of less, although the gal in Fireball XL5 seems to speak in a French accent.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: DERBRUCER on July 28, 2004, 07:19:29 AM
Good news for Guy Haines fans - his early recordings may be salvagable!

Discovery News (http://dsc.discovery.com/news/briefs/20040719/recording.html) reports, in part:

High Tech Lets Old Recordings Speak Again
By Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News

July 23, 2004 — A high-tech system originally developed to track down elusive subatomic particles is now being used to digitize old records and cylinders previously thought to be unplayable, according to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Early music and spoken word recordings at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., will benefit from the technology. It also may one day allow us to hear Abraham Lincoln and Mark Twain speak since, according to written accounts, both notables made recordings during their lifetimes.

The new system, created by Berkeley Lab scientists Vitaliy Fadeyev and Carl Haber, originally was used to determine particle path collisions in research on the Higgs boson, a theoretical particle believed to give objects mass. Now the technology plays and preserves records and tin and wax cylinders without even touching their grooves.

Fadeyev and Haber first tested it out on two LPs: "Goodnight Irene" by The Weavers and "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen" by Marian Anderson. The albums, full of pops, skips, and scratches, played like new.

Sam Brylawski, head of the recorded sound section of the Library of Congress' Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division, told Discovery News that some cylinders in the collection are not presently playable due to excessive mold or breakage.

"We do not know what is on (these) unplayable ones, but we expect it to be popular music of the late 19th and early 20th centuries," Brylawski said.
Already the Berkeley team has brought one mystery cylinder from 1912 back to life. It contains a recording of a song called "Just Before the Battle, Mother," crooned by what sounds to be a barbershop quartet.

"There are many promising aspects of the research being conducted at the Lawrence Berkeley Labs," Brylawski said. "One is the development of non-contact playback of fragile sound recordings. Not only cylinders, but radio transcription discs and 78-rpm shellac pressings."

He added, "If their work pans out to enable efficient and accurate transfers, we will be able to hear broken recordings; be able to restore deteriorating recordings without the addition of digital audio 'artifacts;' and play back obsolete formats without having to acquire or restore specialized machines and identify highly trained, i.e. costly, specialized engineers."

The new technology might also one day allow the voices of Abraham Lincoln and Mark Twain to be heard again.

Fadeyev explained that Lincoln (1809-1865) is believed to have made a recording on a phonoautograph, a device invented before Edison's experiments in sound. The recording, which has not yet been found and may be in private hands, probably could be reproduced using the optical method, according to Fadeyev.

Brylawski further indicated that Mark Twain (1835-1910) recorded a cylinder for the Bettini Company. It too remains lost, but once found, it now has a chance at being played with the same, or perhaps better, quality produced when it was new.

Wow - Lincoln, Twain, and Haines - preserved for posterity!

der Brucer (the site has some nice before and after audio tracks)

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Dan (the Man) on July 28, 2004, 07:42:05 AM
Favorite Muffin? Corn, with Banana Nut and Blueberry close seconds.  And the muffin must have a sizable top to pull off and eat first.

Right now I'm listening to the latest kd lang CD, Hymns of the 49th Parallel.  It's absolutely beautiful!  What a voice she has!

Ask BK day:  BK (and everyone)  Do you like any current rock or pop music?  

Myself, I'm a huge Dave Matthews Band fan--I love everything they do.  All I have to hear is a few snippets of their music and I'm dancin' and groovin'.  If it weren't for the fact that I have a job I could possibly be one of those people who follow him around the country, concert to concert, wearing hemp clothing.  Only problem with that is that hemp  shrinks and I'd have trouble finding enough of it in my size.

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: bk on July 28, 2004, 07:50:02 AM
Noel: I think Miss Ullman is a bit closer to fifty.  I don't know this for a fact, but she's been doing what she's doing for a long time.

I don't like much of today's pop or rock music.  It all seems so overproduced and everything sounds the same to me, and I'm so tired of singers who do nothing but riff on the melody.  As to rap - can't stomach any of it unless you consider Shaft rap.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Matt H. on July 28, 2004, 07:53:46 AM
I have been known on more than one occasion to eat cereal directly out of the box, and raisin bran has always been one of my favorites to do that with. Yes, I know it's weird, but I'm not a great fan of milk, but I do like cereal.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Matt H. on July 28, 2004, 07:55:36 AM
Mulling over which DVD will pop up in the player today. So far no decisions. More later.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on July 28, 2004, 08:24:37 AM
DR Panni,

Did you ever have a Mars muffin? Mars is a greasy spoon in a less-than-desirable part of town. But its bran muffins are celebrated. Mars has never revealed its secret ingredient. Some speculate it's chocolate; others think it may be prune juice.

That probably is my favorite muffin - a Mars bran muffin. But I do like blueberry muffins, and have a good recipe that uses honey instead of sugar. I occasionally make nutmeg muffins. They're good but something of a novelty, so you wouldn't want them too often. I've read that nutmeg contains a hallucinogen. That may account for their popularity.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: bk on July 28, 2004, 08:34:10 AM
I do not like muffins, although I occasionally will eat the top of a chocolate chip muffin if it suits my fancy.  
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Ron Pulliam on July 28, 2004, 08:34:43 AM
DRs Jane and Keith:  (Since I think I recall it was a joint recommendation)  Thanks for the heads up about last night's repeat of the 2-hour "Stargate: Atlantis" first episode on Sci-Fi.  I thought they did a great job on this show...but I'm not fond of the introducion of the Wraiths as a new species to worry about.  Still, I'm certain the new crew, with their new friends, will make amazing escapes fron the jaws of doom just as their SG-1 counterparts have done for seven years.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Stuart on July 28, 2004, 08:35:11 AM
Favorite muffin:  In general, corn, occasionally a raisin-bran, very rarely a blueberry.  I make a mean carrot/nut/coconut oatmeal muffin with a streusel topping.  Yum!

Ask BK (and other DRs) Day Question:

Lately, I have noticed that I will glance up at a (digital) clock, and I will notice that the numbers of the hours and minutes will correlate with the numbers of the month and day of my birth.

For instance, if one's birthday was, let's say...March 19th (which it isn't), one would wake up in the middle of the night (as one might occasionally do) and see that the bedside clock was reading 3:19 AM, or be on the task bar of your computer and notice that the online clock is reading 3:19 PM.  And it just seems to be happenstance....

Does this happen to anyone else out there?
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Ron Pulliam on July 28, 2004, 08:38:21 AM
Mulling over which DVD will pop up in the player today. So far no decisions. More later.

For pity's sakes!  Stop procrastinating and watch the expanded "LOTR: The Two Towers"!

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Dan (the Man) on July 28, 2004, 08:39:24 AM
Lately, I have noticed that I will glance up at a (digital) clock, and I will notice that the numbers of the hours and minutes will correlate with the numbers of the month and day of my birth.

For instance, if one's birthday was, let's say...March 19th (which it isn't), one would wake up in the middle of the night (as one might occasionally do) and see that the bedside clock was reading 3:19 AM, or be on the task bar of your computer and notice that the online clock is reading 3:19 PM.  And it just seems to be happenstance....

Does this happen to anyone else out there?

I find that this happens a lot to me except the time is 9:11.  It spooks me out.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on July 28, 2004, 08:46:17 AM
Lately, I have noticed that I will glance up at a (digital) clock, and I will notice that the numbers of the hours and minutes will correlate with the numbers of the month and day of my birth.

For instance, if one's birthday was, let's say...March 19th (which it isn't), one would wake up in the middle of the night (as one might occasionally do) and see that the bedside clock was reading 3:19 AM, or be on the task bar of your computer and notice that the online clock is reading 3:19 PM.  And it just seems to be happenstance....

Does this happen to anyone else out there?

Funny, but my mom used to mention this. She also got a kick out of seeing 12:34 (1,2,3,4) on the digital clock, and also 11:11. When I look at a clock and see these times - and it seems to happen more often than it really should - it makes me smile.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jennifer on July 28, 2004, 08:47:11 AM
I have a recipe for apple strudel muffins that are so good.  Only problem is they taste more like cake than a muffin.  But they are still delicious.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Stuart on July 28, 2004, 08:49:48 AM
Only problem is they taste more like cake than a muffin.  

And the problem with this is....?
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jennifer on July 28, 2004, 08:53:37 AM
DR MBarnum, if you really want to enjoy Big Brother you must read the canoe updates.  It makes the show a 100 times better.


(click on the here link right under the chat logo).
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on July 28, 2004, 08:57:27 AM
I was most impressed with Teresa Heinz Kerry's speech at the Democratic convention. She's bright, compassionate and funny; supportive, yet very much her own person.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: George on July 28, 2004, 09:05:43 AM
Ask BK (and other DRs) Day Question:

Lately, I have noticed that I will glance up at a (digital) clock, and I will notice that the numbers of the hours and minutes will correlate with the numbers of the month and day of my birth.

For instance, if one's birthday was, let's say...March 19th (which it isn't), one would wake up in the middle of the night (as one might occasionally do) and see that the bedside clock was reading 3:19 AM, or be on the task bar of your computer and notice that the online clock is reading 3:19 PM.  And it just seems to be happenstance....

Does this happen to anyone else out there?

Not exactly like this, but something similar...when I'm ordering books for the library (where I work), we have many review journals and I usually glance through the reviews to see if the book is anything I'm interested in.  As I order, I also have the luxury of listening to my CDs.  It seems to me that more often than one would think, when I hear a word in a song, I will glance or read the exact same word in the journal at the exact same time!  Sometimes (but not as frequently) I'll be listening to the radio in my car and I'll read a word on a bumper sticker at the exact same time that I hear it in a song!  Amazing, ain't it??
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jennifer on July 28, 2004, 09:07:03 AM

Quote from: Jennifer on Today at 08:47:11am
Only problem is they taste more like cake than a muffin.

And the problem with this is....?

Well it's not a problem per se.   It's just usually when I want a muffin, it's to eat in the morning.  And I don't normally eat cake in the morning.

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Dan (the Man) on July 28, 2004, 09:11:25 AM
Speaking of  digital clocks... (http://www.lares.dti.ne.jp/~yugo/storage/monocrafts_ver3/03/hand.swf)
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: George on July 28, 2004, 09:17:04 AM
I was most impressed with Teresa Heinz Kerry's speech at the Democratic convention. She's bright, compassionate and funny; supportive, yet very much her own person.

I thought so, also.  HOWEVER, I was switching through the channels this morning and I stopped for a moment on channel 11 (UPN local affiliate) but in the morning they broadcast CBN (I'm guessing Christian Broadcast News).  Anyway, the "newscaster" said that Teresa Heinz Kerry's speech "put some people to sleep." :o  They can't just report on the substance of her speech, they have to hurl insults anyway they can.  How rude! (a Scrambled Feet reference)
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: William E. Lurie on July 28, 2004, 09:44:21 AM
I find the numbers on my digital clocks usually correspond with the time of day.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: MBarnum on July 28, 2004, 09:45:29 AM
Love Blueberry muffins and cranberry muffins! Chocolate Chip muffins are great as well!
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Matt H. on July 28, 2004, 09:51:49 AM
For pity's sakes!  Stop procrastinating and watch the expanded "LOTR: The Two Towers"!


That was one of the DVDs I was contemplating. Still no decision yet, however. I have some stuff I taped last week while I was gone that needs to get watched, too, so I might have to do that and then watch something shorter tonight, like a RETURN OF SHERLOCK HOLMES episode.

Off to lunch now with a friend but will decide when I get back.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Matt H. on July 28, 2004, 09:54:06 AM
I just read that Jerry Falwell is going to give the opening Invocation at the Republican National Convention. No further comment necessary.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Matt H. on July 28, 2004, 09:54:58 AM
I'll eat just about any kind of muffin offered me, but I don't seek them out and never order them.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: George on July 28, 2004, 09:57:32 AM
I just read that Jerry Falwell is going to give the opening Invocation at the Republican National Convention. No further comment necessary.

Will he also give the Instructions to the Audience? ;) (a Sondheim reference)
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: bk on July 28, 2004, 10:16:28 AM
I so rarely look at clocks it's never something I've noticed.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jennifer on July 28, 2004, 10:23:31 AM
This season's Amazing Race is pretty good.

But I have a question for those who watch.  Didn't they say there was supposed to be some special thing each team could use to stop a team ahead of them for one hour.

Sort of like the Fast Forward from other years.

What happened to that?  And how come nobody has used it?
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Panni on July 28, 2004, 10:50:50 AM
DerBrucer - Forgot to mention that I laughed yesterday when you twisted the titles of a number of my filums.

Dan-in-TO - I do believe I've had Mars muffins.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: DERBRUCER on July 28, 2004, 11:01:27 AM

So ... the question for the day:

What's your favorite muffin?

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: bk on July 28, 2004, 11:22:04 AM
Through with my morning stuff.  Getting ready to lunch with our very own Mr. Mark Rothman (aka Machhus), who still hasn't figured out how to post here.  I will, of course, bitch-slap him from here to eternity and hell and back.

Then I've got tons of other stuff to do before rehearsal starts.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Stuart on July 28, 2004, 11:32:37 AM
This season's Amazing Race is pretty good.

But I have a question for those who watch.  Didn't they say there was supposed to be some special thing each team could use to stop a team ahead of them for one hour.

Sort of like the Fast Forward from other years.

What happened to that?  And how come nobody has used it?

I believe this was called a "Yield," and thus far Allison and Donnie (I believe) were the only ones to have found one, in the first episode.

From the way they happened upon it, it seemed that these truly were only to "found," as opposed to the old "Fast Forwards," about which information was in everyone's clue envelopes, but could only be used by one team.

I would also think they may be more of a factor in non-elimination episodes....
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jrand73 on July 28, 2004, 11:32:41 AM
DtM that is a very FUNNY clock....and I know just how that writer feels somedays.

I went to help my uncle and aunt set up their new computer yesterday and didn't get very far.  Their phone lines and the instructions didn't seem to coincide....so my brother in law Jason is going over this afternoon to finish what I started.  BUT I did get started.

I love banana nut muffins!

Lady Penelope in The Thunderbirds and her butler were both definitely British - and I seem to remember the MJ induced re-dubbing story.  Hopefully the discs  are all returned to original!

MY question for ASK BK day.....what is the BEST movie souvenir book you have ever purchased, the one that you enjoyed the most after seeing the movie!  I like the books/magazines I got at Ben-Hur and Oklahoma! but my favorite is the pink hardback book from My Fair Lady!
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Sandra on July 28, 2004, 11:33:03 AM
Ask BK (and other DRs) Day Question:

Lately, I have noticed that I will glance up at a (digital) clock, and I will notice that the numbers of the hours and minutes will correlate with the numbers of the month and day of my birth.

For instance, if one's birthday was, let's say...March 19th (which it isn't), one would wake up in the middle of the night (as one might occasionally do) and see that the bedside clock was reading 3:19 AM, or be on the task bar of your computer and notice that the online clock is reading 3:19 PM.  And it just seems to be happenstance....

Does this happen to anyone else out there?

For me, it is in the afternoon while Arthur is on TV, so I'm not looking at the clock.

I am right now eating my favorite breakfast of leftover pizza and Cherry Coke.

We got some of those Swoops candy things. They're like Pringles chips, only chocolate. They melted in the car and then hardened again so it was just a big chunk of chocolate. Not that I'm complaining.  ;D

My favorite muffin is still in the planning stages in my head. I call it a "mookie." It's a cross between a muffin and a cookie. I've only made one batch and it didn't turn out too well.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: bk on July 28, 2004, 11:44:16 AM

MY question for ASK BK day.....what is the BEST movie souvenir book you have ever purchased, the one that you enjoyed the most after seeing the movie!  I like the books/magazines I got at Ben-Hur and Oklahoma! but my favorite is the pink hardback book from My Fair Lady!

By far my favorite souvenir book from a movie is much more obscure that Ben-Hur (which I loved) and even King of Kings (which I also loved) - it's the souvenir book from Scent of Mystery in Smell-o-Vision.  I have two of them, both gotten off eBay (who knows where my original went to), but both are the softcover variant.  I originally had a hardcover copy that we bought when seeing the movie.  The souvenir book not only contained beautiful stills from the movie, but also a complete list of the smells, and a 45rpm record of the title song and something called The Chase, both sung by Eddie Fisher.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Dan (the Man) on July 28, 2004, 11:44:23 AM
My favorite muffin is still in the planning stages in my head. I call it a "mookie." It's a cross between a muffin and a cookie. I've only made one batch and it didn't turn out too well.

Hmmm...I had an idea a while back about breakfast cookies--cookies that looked and tasted like pancakes, waffles or french toast.  They would be ideal for the busy mom-on-the-go to serve to her kids in the morning as they rushed off to school.  I couldn't come up with a catchy enough name, though.  Breakfast + cookies = Brookies?  It doesn't exactly trip off the tongue.  

Where's Darrin Stephens when you need him?
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jay on July 28, 2004, 11:50:53 AM
I really don't have much to add at this point, but I don't want to run the risk of being bitchslapped, either.

Favorite muffin:  lemon poppy seed
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: JoseSPiano on July 28, 2004, 11:58:19 AM
Good Morning!

Will someone please remind me to stretch out my legs after sitting at the piano all night long at rehearsal?  I noticed a few days ago that my lower back was acting up, and that it felt like my sciatica was also acting up in my left leg again, so...  When I got up this morning, I was feeling a bit "twinge-y", but after some good stretching and deep-breathing, all is better now.  Now if I can just find some Advil or Aleve...  It just always amazes me what kind of symptoms can result from tight hamstrings.  In any case...

Favorite muffins: Chocolate-Chocolate Chip, Blueberry-Lemon, Orange Cranberry, Banana Nut, Black Bottom Muffins (well, I guess it's more of a cupcake at Starbucks - kind of a half and half affair, yellow cake and chocolate cake), Cinnamon Spice...

-Although, I do have to say I'd pick a cupcake over a muffin anytime - frosting!  Hmmm...

As for a breakfast type cookie, there are companies out there that do make "muffin tops" - remember the Seinfeld episode?  And I've seen muffin top pans available in cookware stores - SWW?  And whenever I visit my family, I'm always amazed by all the new frozen breakfast, pop-it-in-the-toaster, foods in the freezer that they keep on hand for my nieces and nephews.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: DERBRUCER on July 28, 2004, 11:59:40 AM
DerBrucer - Forgot to mention that I laughed yesterday when you twisted the titles of a number of my filums.

Anything to please, have a bite:



Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: bk on July 28, 2004, 12:04:41 PM
I NEED some of that cake.  Shortly I will be off to Todai for a lovely luncheon.  Hopefully I will not overeat.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: JoseSPiano on July 28, 2004, 12:06:08 PM
OH!... And speaking of the Democratic National Convention...  Did anyone else catch "The Daily Show" last night?  It was their first broadcast from the DNC.  Very funny.  I watched it "live" at 11:00, and then watched it again right after it was done with my friend, Chris since he Tivo'd it too.  And I laughed both times!  Some truly funny stuff - political and non-political.

The whole hometown of Boston feature was particularly creative and funny.  And just a tad scandalous too - but in a good way.  There's one line that still has me cracking me up - but I don't think it's appropriate for this family site...  But just in case... As a tease... -And maybe another DR can fill in the rest of the line - and the joke...

"Here we are at Boston's famous Fenway Park, home of the Green Monster.  I had my own Green Monster growing up...."


Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: DERBRUCER on July 28, 2004, 12:10:23 PM

Dan-in-TO - I do believe I've had Mars muffins.

For lonely days of writer's block, you can make your own:

(Recipe from  Chocoholic (http://www.geocities.com/chocoholic36/mars-muffin.htm))

Mars Bar Muffins
For this recipe I actually use a muffin mix....you can of course make your own muffins from scratch, but I find once you add the various ingredients, no one will ever know that these muffins came out of a packet!!!
2 x 60 gram Mars Bars
3/4 cup Vanilla custard (make your own or buy it pre-mixed)
500 gram packet Multi Purpose Muffin Mix (I use White Wings)
1/2 cup water
1 egg
Icing sugar for dusting

1.   Pre-heat the oven to 180C or 160C for a fan force ovens. Grease, or line with patty cases, a 2 x 6 whole muffin pan.

2.   Chop your Mars Bars in half lengthwise then finely chop.

3.   Toss the Mars Bars into a large mixing bowl with the muffin mix. Combine the custard, water and egg in a small mixing bowl and add the muffin mix. Using a spatula stir gently until mixture is only just combined.

4.   Spoon the mixture evenly into the prepared muffin pan. Bake in a pre-heated oven for 20 - 25 minutes or until golden and cooked when tested with a skewer.

5.   Serve warm dusted with the icing sugar.

der tempter Brucer
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: DERBRUCER on July 28, 2004, 12:17:06 PM
In the unlikely event you have some left-over muffins, try this:

(From The Recipe Cottage (http://www.recipecottage.com/desserts-misc/banoffi01.html)):



2 large chocolate muffins
4 tsp brandy
1 Mars bar
3 Tbs cream
25g butter
2 bananas, sliced
1 Tbs brown sugar
squeeze of lemon juice
vanilla ice cream to serve

Cut each muffin in half across the middle and pour 1 tsp brandy over each half.

In a small saucepan, heat the Mars bar and cream
over a low heat, stirring constantly. Melt the butter in a saute pan, add sliced bananas, lemon juice and brown sugar. Cook until the bananas are caramelised and golden brown. Arranger the bananas over the muffin halves and drizzle the chocolate sauce over the
top. Serve with ice cream immediately.

der Brucer (stay tuned for the real McCoy)

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on July 28, 2004, 12:23:50 PM
I've seen recipes for Mars bar crepes, but not muffins. Toronto's Mars muffins are from the Mars diner - which is decorated with a big picture of Saturn. It's not in the best part of town, but some nights I've seen limo's pull up for a six-pack. The diner opened a second store in an upscale part of town, but the muffins were not nearly as good at the new location. Maybe it's something in the air at the original spot - like the accumulation of grease.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: DERBRUCER on July 28, 2004, 12:24:59 PM
Anf for the purists amonst us, who disdain anything "Instant", here, from the Hungary Monk Cookbook (http://www.hungrymonk.co.uk/pages/banoffi.htm):


The Original Hungry Monk Banoffi Pie

Invented at the Hungry Monk in 1972, Banoffi Pie is still as popular today as it was the first time it appeared on the menu. There have been many imitations as far and wide as Russia and the United States; it is even rumored to be Mrs Thatcher's favourite pudding! Below is the original recipe as it first appeared in 'The Deeper Secrets of the Hungry Monk' in 1974.

Invented at the Hungry Monk in 1972, Banoffi Pie is still as popular today as it was the first time it appeared on the menu. There have been many imitations as far and wide as Russia and the United States; it is even rumored to be Mrs Thatcher's favourite pudding! Below is the original recipe as it first appeared in 'The Deeper Secrets of the Hungry Monk' in 1974.

To serve 8-10
12 ounces uncooked shortcrust pastry
1.5 tins condensed milk (13.5 ounces each)
1.5 pounds firm bananas
375ml of double cream
Half a teaspoon powdered instant coffee
1 dessertspoon caster sugar
A little freshly ground coffee

Preheat the oven to gas mark 5 (400F, ). Lightly grease a 10in x 1.5in flan tin. Line this with the pastry thinly rolled out. Prick the base all over with a fork and bake blind until crisp. Allow to cool.

The secret of this delicious pudding lies in the condensed milk.

Immerse the cans unopened in a deep pan of boiling water. Cover and boil for 5 hours making sure that the pan does not boil dry
* (see CAUTION) . Remove the tin from the water and allow to cool completely before opening. Inside you will find the soft toffee filling.

Whip the cream with the instant coffee and sugar until thick and smooth. Now spread the toffee over the base of the flan. Peel and halve the bananas lenghtways and lay them on the toffee. Finally spoon or pipe on the cream and lightly sprinkle over the freshly ground coffee.

It is absolutely vital to top up the pan of boiling water frequently during the cooking of the cans. 5 hours is a long time and if they are allowed to boil dry the cans will explode causing a grave risk to life, limb and kitchen ceilings.

Hint - Banoffi is a marvellous "emergency" pudding once you have the toffee mixture in your store cupboard. We therefore suggest that you boil several cans at the same time as they keep unopened indefinitely.

der ever-helpful Brucer
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: DERBRUCER on July 28, 2004, 12:41:16 PM
I just read that Jerry Falwell is going to give the opening Invocation at the Republican National Convention. No further comment necessary.

The Princeton Review (http://discuss.princetonreview.com/tm.asp?m=6995494) has posted the complete schedule:



The following is the "first final" list of events for the Republican National Convention in New York City, August 30 to September 2, 2004.


AUG. 30 - 6 p.m. - OPENING PRAYER read by Mel Gibson while being flogged with a spiked leather strap wielded by Ann Coulter

* TOM RIDGE raises National Alert Level to RED.

* LEST WE FORGET - HONORARY ROLL CALL of All Members (and Friends)of the Bush Administration Who Might Very Well Have Been Killed In Vietnam If It Hadn't Been For Nasty Trick Knees, Anal Cysts, Recurrent Headaches, and Highly-Placed,
Overly-Protective Parents.
(Sponsored by Tyson Chicken)


Opening Bid $1 million (cash, non-sequential bills, 20s or less)

Stirring fictionalized re-creation of Mr. Bush's actual dental appointment in Alabama in 1972, where he showed the incredible courage to allow "deep cleaning" of gums without anesthetic.
(Sponsored by Sinclair Broadcasting)

(Location TBD) (Sponsored by Pfizer)

der equal-opportunity pundit Brucer
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 12:46:21 PM
George, nice looking Roadshow ticket.  
I sure hope I find a pet sitter before then.  I’m sending you email.
Your word connection is very interesting.

RLP your welcome and I’m so glad you were able to catch the show.

Stuart, I can’t recall noticing the time correlating with my birthday but I bet I will from now on. :D

Dan (the Man) since my boys moved out of the house I haven’t been up too much of the current music. :-[

Panni, congrats on a successful movie.  :) Will there be more details of your evening later?  
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 12:59:54 PM

Jennifer apple strudel muffins sound good.  

Now I’m craving a muffin and I don’t have one in the house.   I did have blueberries so I mixed them with vanilla ice cream.  Not a muffin but it tasted pretty darn good. :)

Favorite muffins are bran and pumpkin.  I also like poppy almond, blueberry and marion berry.

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Matt H. on July 28, 2004, 01:00:34 PM
I loved the MY FAIR LADY sourvenir book, too. It seemed, well, so classy. MGM used to package souvenir books with their deluxe boxed LP soundtrack recordings. I got a BEN-HUR and a WONDERFUL WORLD OF THE BROTHERS GRIMM that way.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Matt H. on July 28, 2004, 01:04:13 PM
Didn't get to any DVDs this afternoon. Spent the time watching RENO 911! and MONK from last week while I was away in NYC.

BTW, I saw two celebrities on the street during my four days there:

1. Adam, the Average Joe contestant/leading man, who had several girls wanting his autograph. He was at THE BOY FROM OZ.

2. Kevin Weissman who plays the lovably nerdy Marshall on ALIAS. I saw him walking down Broadway Saturday morning.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: DERBRUCER on July 28, 2004, 01:26:12 PM


AUG. 30 - 6 p.m. - OPENING PRAYER read by Mel Gibson while being flogged with a spiked leather strap wielded by Ann Coulter

* TOM RIDGE raises National Alert Level to RED.

* LEST WE FORGET - HONORARY ROLL CALL of All Members (and Friends)of the Bush Administration Who Might Very Well Have Been Killed In Vietnam If It Hadn't Been For Nasty Trick Knees, Anal Cysts, Recurrent Headaches, and Highly-Placed,
Overly-Protective Parents.
(Sponsored by Tyson Chicken)


Opening Bid $1 million (cash, non-sequential bills, 20s or less)

Stirring fictionalized re-creation of Mr. Bush's actual dental appointment in Alabama in 1972, where he showed the incredible courage to allow "deep cleaning" of gums without anesthetic.
(Sponsored by Sinclair Broadcasting)

(Location TBD) (Sponsored by Pfizer)

AUG 31-- 6 p.m. OPENING PRAYER read by Our Lord
(The Passion Of) Jesus H. Christ, as channeled by Lt. General Boykin, the man who first revealed that Mr. Bush was chosen by God to lead this country into war against the heathens.
Mr. Boykin will then give a short, upbeat presentation on Islam called, "My God Can Beat Up Your God."

* TOM RIDGE raises National Alert Level to FLASHING RED.

* WAYNE LAPIERRE will pry Davy Crockett's Kentucky Long Rifle out of Charlton Heston's cold dead fingers (subject to Heston's death)
(Sponsored by Smith & Wesson)

* DESIGNATED BROWN PERSON (Hispanic or Muslim, or possibly an Hispanic-Muslim, if we can find one) will speak on how being a brown person doesn't automatically disqualify you from being a Republican (subject to finding a brown person capable of
being bribed to do this - may need professional actor, possibly brought in from third world country)

announces American plans to invade Iran, strip them of nuclear weapons, and turn over entire country to Bechtel to be run as a subsidiary. (Wolfowitz will tell anxious voters that the operation will involve 200 out-sourced "consultants", will
take one week and will be entirely funded by pocket change found in a White House couch.)
(Sponsored by Halliburton)

* SUGGESTED AFTER-EVENT - "RIDE THE WAVE WITH RUSH "Big Oxy" LIMBAUGH!" (Do a couple of 'ringers' with Big Pharma - sponsored by ROBITUSSIN)

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: DERBRUCER on July 28, 2004, 01:27:33 PM

PART Three

SEPTEMBER 1 - 6 p.m. -- OPENING PRAYER by the REVEREND JERRY FALWELL who will demonstrate the spirit of Compassionate Conservatism and the eternal mercy of God by wishing a horrible fiery death and an eternity in the pit of hell for all
non-white, non-male, non-Christian, non-heterosexual, non-Republicans.

* TOM RIDGE raises National Alert Level to PULSATING RED

* THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSANELY RICH PERSONS (AAIRP) will present LAURA BUSH with A PLATINUM CHAINSAW in thanks for the Bush Administration tax cuts (Sponsored by Gulfstream)

* ANN COULTER, BILL O'REILLY and SEAN HANNITY will lead a special TWO-MINUTE HATE-IN aimed at photo of John Kerry.

(JUSTICE ANTONIN SCALIA will certify vote results) Diebold Board member Wilbur H. Grafton will deny fraud, announce his retirement, and be named the new Ambassador to Jamaica.
(Sponsored by Diebold)

(sponsored by Eli Lilly)

SEPTEMBER 2 (nomination night) - 6 p.m. - OPENING PRAYER by ATTORNEY GENERAL JOHN ASHCROFT, who will then sing "Let the Eagle Soar" and light the ceremonial "TORCH OF FREEDOM with the (actual) Bill of Rights.

* TOM RIDGE raises National Alert Level to Fire Engine Red, and ANNOUNCES CAPTURE OF OSAMA BIN LADEN.


* PRESIDENT BUSH WILL GIVE ACCEPTANCE SPEECH, standing on Osama's dead body.

- "GET MAXED WITH RUSH "ROCKET CAP" LIMBAUGH!" (Sponsored by Glaxo Smith Kline)

* RICK SANTORUM 'DOG ON DOG' PETTING ZOO (adults only, please)


Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Ron Pulliam on July 28, 2004, 01:33:51 PM
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: William E. Lurie on July 28, 2004, 01:49:21 PM
As the HHW resident reality show expert, are you going to watch the new show where they put the Amish youth in with some Hollywood kids and see how they mix?  If so, please give your impressions tomorrow.  Unless Canada has the good taste not to show this explotive show of course.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Emily on July 28, 2004, 02:11:28 PM
WEL - we only get "Amish in the City" on delay on the Global station.

It'll start Sunday here instead of tonight.

Proof that bad taste does indeed cross the 49th parallel :)
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Emily on July 28, 2004, 02:12:55 PM
Snaps to Der Brucer for the hilarious RNC coverage.

John Edwards speaks tonight.  My mother has a not-so-secret crush on him.  Needless to say, the family room tv will be turned to CNN come 10pm :)
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: TCB on July 28, 2004, 02:14:28 PM
I baked a batch of blueberry muffins this morning - my tribute to the first of the local wild blueberries.

So ... the question for the day:

What's your favorite muffin?

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 02:21:54 PM
I have a question for Bruce and all Dear Readers, how do you open a CD case without damage to ones nails?
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: elmore3003 on July 28, 2004, 02:26:47 PM
I have a question for Bruce and all Dear Readers, how do you open a CD case without damage to ones nails?

DRJane, do you mean unwrap the cellophane or open a CD case?  I'm getting tired of all the plastic tape sealing CDs and DVDs before they shrink wrap everything,  I've just received DVD with plastic tape at top, side and bottom.  Seems an awful waste.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: MBarnum on July 28, 2004, 02:26:59 PM
I have a question for Bruce and all Dear Readers, how do you open a CD case without damage to ones nails?

I use a box cutter most of the time.

I have never figured out why they need to wrap those things up like Fort Knox!
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Panni on July 28, 2004, 02:29:33 PM
I have a question for Bruce and all Dear Readers, how do you open a CD case without damage to ones nails?

Get one of those little CD case openers (I guess that's what they're called). They're cheap and work like a charm.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 02:34:04 PM
DRJane, do you mean unwrap the cellophane or open a CD case?  I'm getting tired of all the plastic tape sealing CDs and DVDs before they shrink wrap everything,  I've just received DVD with plastic tape at top, side and bottom.  Seems an awful waste.

Yes, the cellophane, tape, etc.  How do you get into these things?  No wonder I don't buy CD's very.  The case itself can be difficult and crack when I open it, then I'm often afraid I'm going to break the CD when I pull it out of the case.  I case I'm pathetic. :D

How are you feeling?
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Ron Pulliam on July 28, 2004, 02:36:32 PM
I loved the MY FAIR LADY sourvenir book, too. It seemed, well, so classy. MGM used to package souvenir books with their deluxe boxed LP soundtrack recordings. I got a BEN-HUR and a WONDERFUL WORLD OF THE BROTHERS GRIMM that way.

A year before the film was released, Warner Brothers took out ads in major newspapers announcing the project which featured a cut-out section for a free subscription to a newsletter they would issue at regular intervals during production.  I duly filled mine out and sent it in.  I got all the wonderful newsletters and have them today.  There were six in all, I believe, and they were beautifully done.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Panni on July 28, 2004, 02:37:03 PM
Re TIGER CRUISE - I do not believe in reviews -- unless they're complimentary. In that vein, for those who still get the "official" TV Guide, in next week's issue (Beldar Conehead  and Cptn Picard on the cover) there's a very nice review (on Pg. 22 of my edition) and another rave for Friday Movie Pick of the Day (on Pg 163 of mine).

My agent just forwarded to me a very nice letter from the head of Disney Channel movies. Now if only my AC were working, it would be a pretty good day.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 02:38:50 PM
MBarnum, the box cutter I have doesn’t work.  I tried that after the first nail I broke.

Panni I will look for a case opener tomorrow.  Unfortunately that doesn’t help me at the moment.

I have two choices, save my nails or ruin them and listen to my new CD’s. ;D
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Ron Pulliam on July 28, 2004, 02:39:29 PM
MGM issued hardbound souvenir books for "Ben-Hur," "King of Kings," "Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm," "Mutiny on the Bounty" and "How the West Was Won."  The first four were also part of the deluxe soundtrack LP issues (boxed sets).  

From other studios, "El Cid", "Spartacus" and "The Big Fisherman," "The Greatest Story Ever Told" and "Hawaii" were issued as hardbacks.

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Panni on July 28, 2004, 02:42:03 PM
Tonight DD and I see HAIRSPRAY.
Now she's going to teach me to Parallel Park. A hole in my otherwise stellar education. :P
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 02:45:42 PM
Panni I just added TV Guide to my list of things to buy tomorrow.  I hope there are still some out there.  Is it for this week or next week and what is on the cover?

Is the landlord working on fixing your AC?
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: bk on July 28, 2004, 02:50:10 PM
Yes, a little CD case opener - available at most CD stores - just ask.  Simple to use.  Just back from a nice lunch with Macchus (Mark Rothman).  Still a million things to do before rehearsal.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 02:58:28 PM
Thanks Bruce.  Have a good rehearsal-wish I could watch.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Panni on July 28, 2004, 02:59:05 PM
Panni I just added TV Guide to my list of things to buy tomorrow.  I hope there are still some out there.  Is it for this week or next week and what is on the cover?

Is the landlord working on fixing your AC?

Jane - I modified my original post and it now has the info you need.
Yes, the landlord has called the AC people. Right at this moment the fan alone is working pretty well.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 03:01:33 PM
 ;D :-[ ;D Guess what I just found in the cabinet, sitting right next to the CD’s? ;D ;D
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Panni on July 28, 2004, 03:03:01 PM
;D :-[ ;D Guess what I just found in the cabinet, sitting right next to the CD’s? ;D ;D

A marzipan CD case opener? :-*
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Panni on July 28, 2004, 03:04:03 PM
DER BRUCER - I love Dobos Torta. have never tried Monk's Pie.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Panni on July 28, 2004, 03:04:40 PM
And one for Dobos!
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Ron Pulliam on July 28, 2004, 03:04:50 PM
DR Jane:  If you have a good pair of cuticle scissors, you can make short work of the cellophane and tape on a CD.

Insert the scissor blade in one of the seams on an end and then slice a bit.  The cellophane should start coming off and you can make fast work of the rest of it.

Use the blade, too, on the tape.  Run the edge of the scissor blade along the middle of the tape, trying to score it.  Then, pull tape from the middle and then down.  This usually results in a much cleaner removal with less residue left behind.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 03:05:11 PM
Great Panni, means I shouldn’t have any trouble finding it. :)

Yep.  And who do you suppose purchased said item? ;D
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Panni on July 28, 2004, 03:06:58 PM

Yep.  And who do you suppose purchased said item? ;D

If it were my house - ME - And I would have forgotten,
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 03:07:05 PM
RLP thanks for the suggestion.  It might come in handy when I can’t find the case opener or am traveling.

What is inside the Dobos Torta?
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jrand73 on July 28, 2004, 03:07:41 PM
off to rehearsal
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 03:08:51 PM
Glad I'm not the only one.  I could blame it on Keith since I don't live alone but I do believe I'm the guilty one.  I gave myself a good laugh anyway.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 03:09:28 PM
JRand you have fun too.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 03:25:51 PM
What are you reading and how do you like it?  

I’m reading Steinbeck’s THE WINTER OF OUR DISCONTENT to be followed by Anna Porter’s THE STORYTELLER.  

I thought the first 5-pages of Winter were tiresome and/or uninviting but once I got into the rhythm of the main character I have been enjoying it ever since.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jennifer on July 28, 2004, 03:34:07 PM
As the HHW resident reality show expert, are you going to watch the new show where they put the Amish youth in with some Hollywood kids and see how they mix?  If so, please give your impressions tomorrow.  Unless Canada has the good taste not to show this explotive show of course.

I was going to say that I don't get the channel that it is on (although some people in Montreal do).  But I read DR Emily's post that said it will be on next Sunday.

Um, I don't know if I will watch it.  I've only barely heard of it.  Maybe if someone else watches it and says it is good, I will.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Michael on July 28, 2004, 03:35:35 PM
My question is for Panni. How does one judge a script for the emmys? Does watching the show hinder or help in judging or do you just read them?
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jennifer on July 28, 2004, 03:36:39 PM
DR Jane, not sure if anyone mentioned this, you can use a letter opener.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 03:41:46 PM
Jennifer years ago I lost my letter opener and have yet to replace it.  One of these days.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Tomovoz on July 28, 2004, 03:49:43 PM
I have been reading very little lately - still reading "Life Of Pi". It has already taken me months. I must look out for some easy reading for that approaching 26 hour flight to Europe. I will not watch movies on the plane.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: DERBRUCER on July 28, 2004, 03:49:53 PM
What is inside the Dobos Torta?

According to my Torture Panni (http://www.dobosdelights.com/hungarian.htm) website:

Dobo's Delights Bake Shoppe

Piqua, Ohio's hometown bakery!


Dobos Torte

A Dobo's Delights Specialty!
[ DOH-bohsh ]

This rich torte is made by stacking 9 extra-thin layers of génoise (or sponge cake) spread with chocolate buttercream. The top is covered with a hard caramel glaze.

Available in traditional round  or rectangular shapes.

Dobo's <> dobos
Despite the similarity, dobos is not the same as Dobo's. Our Hungarian name is Dobo, while 'dobos' means 'like a drum' in Hungarian. Hence the drum shape of the traditional torte. However, The Dobos Torte was actually created by Austrian pastry chef Josef Dobos, which also isn't the same as Dobo.

der Brucer

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 03:56:32 PM
Sounds yummy.  It’s a shame I didn’t know about Dobo’s before I went to Budapest.  Maybe if I ever make it to Vienna. :)
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Danise on July 28, 2004, 03:56:44 PM
Evening all.  I have to report I had a bit of a set back.  I did not feel good today and was told by several people that I looked quite pale.  I almost used my pass to come home.  I think I just need to rest.  No worries.  I’m sure I’ll live.   :)

I always see my house number on the digital clock.  I either wake up just in time to roll over and squint at the clock or I seem to always seem to look at the clock on my computer at work at just the right time.  I thought that only happened to me.  How strange but how cool to know that happens to others.

I bought one of those CD/DVD package openers.  After I spend about an hour looking for the darn thing, I always give up and either go get a knife or a fork to get the dang package open.  

Of course, as soon as I don’t need it, the CD/DVD package opener comes out of hiding. Yes, I am firmly of the opinion that it does that on purpose.  And people wonder why I buy four and five of an item.  And I wonder why I STILL can’t find the whatever when I need/want it!

I fear I am woefully out of step/date with the music of today.  I don’t like Rap and most songs just sound like someone screaming.  I’m both floored and shocked at some of the language of some of the “songs” I hear coming out of cars that pass by.  One four letter word after another.  I’m honestly bewildered as to why that is considered necessary.  Gee, do I sound like an old lady?

My question(s) for the day is/are, I wonder what kind of computer do you all have?  What do you do with them besides going on the net and HHW?  Are you happy with the one you have?

I hope everyone else is doing better.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~ just in case they are still needed.  

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: MBarnum on July 28, 2004, 04:14:48 PM
I just started reading THE CAT WHO LIVED FOREVER by Peter Gethers. It is the third in a trilogy...THE CAT WHO WENT TO PARIS and A CAT ABROAD about the the author and his cat Norton. Wonderful books...have you read them Jane? I know you would enjoy them.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 04:17:32 PM
Danise I’m sorry you had a set back.  You just felt too good to begin with and probably over did it.  Yes, rest for a couple of days and feel better quickly.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 04:22:53 PM
MBarnum I haven't read them.  Do I begin with Paris?
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: DERBRUCER on July 28, 2004, 04:28:06 PM
As the HHW resident reality show expert, are you going to watch the new show where they put the Amish youth in with some Hollywood kids and see how they mix?  If so, please give your impressions tomorrow.  Unless Canada has the good taste not to show this explotive show of course.

Notes from MSNBC (http://msnbc.msn.com/id/5479455):

Cast members of UPN's new reality series, "Amish in the City," from left, Jonas, Miriam, Randy, Ruth and Mose.

The Associated Press
Updated: 3:03 p.m. ET July 21, 2004

LOS ANGELES - Television is not part of the traditional Amish world. But the Amish are now part of television, like it or not.

Amish in the City” gives five young adults the chance to explore the big city and discover what life is like outside their Amish communities.

In the first two episodes of the UPN reality series, they hit the beach for sun and fun, visit a mall and cultivate sometimes uneasy relationships with six non-Amish sharing their temporary Hollywood Hills home.

Compared to other fishbowl shows like “Big Brother” or “The Real World” the series is tame, at least in the early going. There’s no drinking, no sex and no knife-wielding roommates in the two-hour premiere airing 8 p.m. ET July 28.

But there are bikinis, they’re scanty and they’re worn by the Amish women.

“Oh, my, really?” said Amish cultural historian Joseph Yoder after hearing a description of the program.

Not something they typically wear?

“Heavens, no, not in public,” he replied.

Yoder is concerned the series will live down to his expectations and justify the protests he lodged as director of Menno-Hof, an Amish and Mennonite center in Shipshewana, Ind. Other groups and political leaders criticized plans for “Amish in the City.”

“Our concerns were that Hollywood would probably get it wrong with the Amish, and just the whole thing of televising the Amish and putting Amish people on TV,” Yoder said. “They don’t even believe in this kind of thing; they’re trying to stay separated from the world.”

Not the two women and three men from Midwestern Amish communities featured on the series, which is billed by its producers as a coming-of-age saga. They include (identified only by first names) Jonas, an Iowa native; Miriam and Ruth, both of Ohio; Mose of Wisconsin and Randy of Indiana, all between 18 and 24.

Sweet sixteen
Members of the Amish sect, concentrated in rural Pennsylvania, Indiana and Ohio, are known for simple attire and avoiding most technology. But at age 16 they’re allowed to break free of their strict code before deciding whether they want to be baptized as adults.
During the period of “rumspringa,” a Pennsylvania Dutch term that means “running around,” youths often date, drink, drive cars and move away from home. Most then return to the faith.

Most don’t roam as far as Los Angeles and have their adventures filmed by a TV network. But the series’ intent is not to typecast or offend the Amish, said one producer, Daniel Laikind.

“We certainly went in with an attitude that this was about the individual people and individual journeys that were going on,” Laikind said. “We’re not trying to say the five participants who grew up Amish are representative of every Amish person in existence.”

For the Amish, exposure to the sights and sounds of urban California life is mostly exhilarating to young people who have lived without electricity and other modern elements.

“If I’m going to go out and explore I’m going to go all the way,” says Mose after putting on a hip new wardrobe picked out by the “city kids,” the non-Amish roommates.
Ruth marvels at paintings in a gallery; such art, she says, isn’t part of Amish life. Even the most mundane aspects of the city, including parking meters, can stop the L.A. newcomers in their tracks.

The challenge to their emotional and religious core isn’t ignored. After a perilous first attempt at ocean swimming, the already baptized Mose fears for his soul outside the Amish community and seeks solace in the Bible.

Roommates receive the harshest treatment
If the Amish are treated gently, their roommates aren’t so lucky. Turns out they needed protection from TV scrutiny.

Ariel, a Los Angeles waitress and vegan who seems to be channeling Jessica Simpson, confronts her housemates about their eating habits. Eggs are “chicken abortions,” she informs them, dairy products are “cow pus” and cattle likely are space aliens.

Hollywood club promoter Reese and salesman Kevan demonstrate their maturity with a brief tussle that includes a sock used as a weapon. Ariel sensitively pronounces herself “a sexy little Amish girl” when she and the other city kids are instructed to wear traditional Amish clothing.

The impact on the Amish won’t be lasting, predicted Yoder, who’s Mennonite. But he can’t say the same for the TV audience.

“The Amish will survive this,” said Yoder. “They’re a strong Christian community and a few kids going astray and being lured by big money aren’t going to ruin them. But it will give a very false perception” to viewers.

© 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

"...“If I’m going to go out and explore I’m going to go all the way..." - shades of Agnes Gooch!

der Brucer

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: elmore3003 on July 28, 2004, 04:29:55 PM

How are you feeling?

Well, the muscle relaxant knocks me out and I have no idea if the ibuprofen is doing anything.  Occasionally I think it's clearing up, and then I find I'm wrong.  One of the problems I have with my HMO is that I've got a doctor in whom I have not much confidence, and I worry about decisions he makes without testing for alternatives:  for instance, what if it's not my back but kidney stones, a hernia, a tumor putting prressure on a nerve?

So, I resent the health insurance problem in this country a lot:  I don't get enough union work to have insurance with them, the Drama Book Shop changed health plans many years ago behind the employees' backs and left us with the HMO I have now.  I wasn't making enough money when they changed to keep the doctor I trusted along with the Guardian insurance plan.   When I left the Book Shop, it was because they were changing policies again and I was getting too much arranging work to stay with the Book Shop full time and deal with changing doctors again.  Most of my work right now is editorial, and non-union, and while I have to cough up my own insurance  money every quarter, I resent it that I'm at the mercy of an HMO who decides for me what my health situation is.

End of rant.

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: George on July 28, 2004, 04:33:30 PM
I have a question for today's Ask BK and Anyone Question Day:  I’d like to put together a Sondheim Tribute CD (for my own personal listening pleasure) and these are what I already have:

"Everybody Wants to Be Sondheim" by Alan Chapman, recorded by Alan Chapman, Amanda McBroom & Guy Haines
"Playbill" by John Bucchino, recorded by Patti LuPone
"A Little Complex" from The Musical of Musicals:  The Musical!
"Sondheim" from In Gay Company

These, plus songs from the Forbidden Broadway series, are recordings that I have that are tributes/spoofs/in the style of Stephen Sondheim’s music and/or lyrics.  Does anyone know of any other examples or suggestions?  I'd like songs that are NOT written by Sondheim himself, but are in his style.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: elmore3003 on July 28, 2004, 04:34:54 PM
"Amish in the City":  sounds like Must-Miss TV to me!

Having lived in Amish territory in Pennsylvania, I would rather see "The Devil's Playground" than something that sounds like "Plain and Fancy" meets reality tv.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Tomovoz on July 28, 2004, 04:35:15 PM
Hope you feel better very soon DR Danise.

Never really understood all that need for tape etc on CDs and DVDs  in America. We don't have it here - Just Shrink wrap if anything. I assumed there was security factor in the tape.

DR Danise. You can use computers for more than email and HHW access? Who'd have thought? I shall have to investigate.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: bk on July 28, 2004, 04:35:48 PM
From what I understand, there is The Musical of Musicals.  There is a Barry Kleinbort Sondheim song on his Big City Rhythm CD, and of course, if we record our show, you can have The Yiddish Sondheim.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: George on July 28, 2004, 04:40:01 PM
From what I understand, there is The Musical of Musicals.  There is a Barry Kleinbort Sondheim song on his Big City Rhythm CD, and of course, if we record our show, you can have The Yiddish Sondheim.

I have the Big City Rhythm CD...I forgot about that.  I'd love The Yiddish Sondheim.  If you don't do an "official" recording, what's the possibility of a (shh...don't tell anyone) bootleg??
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: elmore3003 on July 28, 2004, 04:40:21 PM
I have a question for today's Ask BK and Anyone Question Day:  I’d like to put together a Sondheim Tribute CD (for my own personal listening pleasure) and these are what I already have:

"Everybody Wants to Be Sondheim" by Alan Chapman, recorded by Alan Chapman, Amanda McBroom & Guy Haines
"Playbill" by John Bucchino, recorded by Patti LuPone
"A Little Complex" from The Musical of Musicals:  The Musical!
"Sondheim" from In Gay Company

These, plus songs from the Forbidden Broadway series, are recordings that I have that are tributes/spoofs/in the style of Stephen Sondheim’s music and/or lyrics.  Does anyone know of any other examples or suggestions?  I'd like songs that are NOT written by Sondheim himself, but are in his style.

Barry Kleinbort's got a Sondheim song on his album "big City Rhythm" (I hope that's the right title!
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: George on July 28, 2004, 04:42:17 PM
And one for Kleinbort!
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jennifer on July 28, 2004, 04:46:16 PM
I saw one of the Amish girls on tonight's Access Hollywood.  She was so excited to get to walk on sand for the first time.

I'm off to watch Canadian Idol and Simple Life2.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: bk on July 28, 2004, 04:49:34 PM
Off to rehearsal.  Keep the home fries burning you beautiful peoples.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 05:00:24 PM
I thought AMISH IN THE CITY was a new show, with actors, not a reality show.  

Tomovoz aren’t you lucky not to have all that stuff on your CD’s.  What a pain!

I forgot to answer the computer question.  Keith has all of our finances, including taxes, on the computer. He watches the stock market several hours a morning and can trade on line. He has generations of genealogy for both our families on there.  This includes supporting photos and documents that have been digitized.  All our photos, music and documents are there.  He has games in there and uses it for computer games.  Home entertainment is big now.  Honestly I don’t know everything that is stored on the computer.  If anything happens to him my older son will have much to teach me.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: DERBRUCER on July 28, 2004, 05:22:49 PM
Sounds yummy.  It’s a shame I didn’t know about Dobo’s before I went to Budapest.  Maybe if I ever make it to Vienna. :)

Dobo's, the bakery is in Ohio. For a yummy Dobos Torte you might want to stop in Gyor, half-way between Budapest and Vienna:


When there you can visit:
(http://www.gyor-online.hu/stat/mozart/images/mclogo.gif)  (http://www.gyor-online.hu/stat/mozart/images/9.jpg)

Gyor - online (http://www.gyor-online.hu/stat/mozart/index.html) reports:

In the heart of the city centre, Café Mozart can be found in the beautiful walking street of Gyõr. Furnished in period style, with excellent service and waitresses in period dress, Café Mozart awaits you from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day with 60 coffee specialties, 50 different bowls of assorted ice-cream, and cakes made from Hungarian and Austrian recipes. We also take orders and make cakes, pastry and cookies for parties.

You can follow your Dobos with a slice of Sacher-Torte.

der Brucer (getting "hungary" pains doing the research)

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Michael on July 28, 2004, 05:27:53 PM
Did you work with Alan Timerman before, during, or after his Dell Dude days? And what was he like to work with?
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: DERBRUCER on July 28, 2004, 05:41:41 PM
I have a question for today's Ask BK and Anyone Question Day:  I’d like to put together a Sondheim Tribute CD (for my own personal listening pleasure) and these are what I already have:
 Does anyone know of any other examples or suggestions?  I'd like songs that are NOT written by Sondheim himself, but are in his style.

Madonnna's "I'm Breathless" contains, in addition to the three Sondheim "Dick Tracy" songs, 9 additional tracks by Madonna in the Sondheim-Tracy style - and they are quite nice.

der Brucer
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: DERBRUCER on July 28, 2004, 05:46:57 PM
I have a question for Bruce and all Dear Readers, how do you open a CD case without damage to ones nails?

A. Get a puppy.
B. Leave outside for the squirrels.

der Brucer (have had success with "A", have yet to try "B")
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jay on July 28, 2004, 06:10:17 PM
My news crawl just let me know that the Twins topped the White Sox.

Video at 11.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: MBarnum on July 28, 2004, 06:12:43 PM
Yes, DR Jane, the first book is THE CAT WHO WENT TO PARIS by Peter Gethers. You will love it and it is a true story. It is hilarious and heartwarming!
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 06:55:19 PM
MBarnum thank you.  I shall put it on my list of books to read.

DerBrucer the photo makes me want to return to Hungary.  I wonder if our train went past Gyor.  Unfortunately we couldn't see the towns from the train.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jennifer on July 28, 2004, 07:35:03 PM
Pretty good Canadian Idol tonight.  I wish all you American Idol fans could watch it.  This group is SO much better than last year.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Dan (the Man) on July 28, 2004, 07:43:28 PM
Cast members of UPN's new reality series, "Amish in the City," from left, Jonas, Miriam, Randy, Ruth and Mose."...“If I’m going to go out and explore I’m going to go all the way..." - shades of Agnes Gooch!

der Brucer

At the end of each episode, does the head Amish elder point to one of the young people and say, "You're shunned"TM?
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on July 28, 2004, 07:46:31 PM
That's a riot, DTM.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jane on July 28, 2004, 07:51:09 PM
I just hope it isn't true.  
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Matt H. on July 28, 2004, 08:18:34 PM
Finally got around to seeing last week's MONK. I think it's the best one of the season thus far. RENO 911! was also hilarious. Of course, the MONK episode I watched this afternoon was rebroadcast tonight on USA.

I also watched "The Priory School" episode of THE RETURN OF SHERLOCK HOLMES, one of its best episodes, too. The DVDs leave a lot to be desired quality wise (obviously taken from soft video masters), but I'm happy just to have them. I doubt they'll ever be remastered.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: S. Woody White on July 28, 2004, 08:48:38 PM

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: S. Woody White on July 28, 2004, 08:56:49 PM
As for a breakfast type cookie, there are companies out there that do make "muffin tops" - remember the Seinfeld episode?  And I've seen muffin top pans available in cookware stores - SWW?
We sell regular muffin tins, twelve muffin cups per tin.  We sell mini-muffin tins, twenty-four muffin cups per tin.  We sell Texas-size muffin tins, six muffin cups per tin.

And we do indeed sell the tins for making "muffin tops," again six per tin.  They come out the same size across as the Tesas-style muffins, but with a much shallower muffin.

Exactly how this works, I'm not sure.  I'm not up to speed on muffin making.  I'm pretty sure the poof to the muffin is because of the leavening, but whether this is cause by baking soda or baking powder, and whether the amounts of either has to be changed from a regular muffin recipe, all this is wierd science to me as of yet.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: S. Woody White on July 28, 2004, 08:58:32 PM
If we were to make a movie about the staging of What If?, would we be substituting muffin top jokes for the donut jokes?
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: S. Woody White on July 28, 2004, 09:11:40 PM
WEL - we only get "Amish in the City" on delay on the Global station.

It'll start Sunday here instead of tonight.

Proof that bad taste does indeed cross the 49th parallel :)
But, so far, in just one direction.

We need to work on that.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: S. Woody White on July 28, 2004, 09:13:12 PM
I have a question for Bruce and all Dear Readers, how do you open a CD case without damage to ones nails?
This is why one has a husband, silly!
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: S. Woody White on July 28, 2004, 09:16:02 PM
Re TIGER CRUISE - I do not believe in reviews -- unless they're complimentary. In that vein, for those who still get the "official" TV Guide, in next week's issue (Beldar Conehead  and Cptn Picard on the cover) there's a very nice review (on Pg. 22 of my edition) and another rave for Friday Movie Pick of the Day (on Pg 163 of mine).
It's too bad the Disney Channel is only watched by 'tween-aged girls.

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: S. Woody White on July 28, 2004, 09:20:14 PM
Jennifer years ago I lost my letter opener and have yet to replace it.  One of these days.
I don't have a letter opener, either.  I simply use my CD opener.  I so love a multi-tasker!
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Matt H. on July 28, 2004, 09:23:31 PM
I've never had a problem using a box cutter on CDs and DVDs. You just have to be careful.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: DearReaderLaura on July 28, 2004, 09:28:29 PM
Well, fellow dear readers, escrow closes on Friday, and I should be ready. Then maybe I'll have time to take a walk once again. I am very tired.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: S. Woody White on July 28, 2004, 09:31:34 PM
Quote from: Jane on Today at 02:21:54pm
I have a question for Bruce and all Dear Readers, how do you open a CD case without damage to ones nails?
A. Get a puppy.
B. Leave outside for the squirrels.

der Brucer (have had success with "A", have yet to try "B")
As I recall, "A" also required washing said CDs afterwards.   :(

We also went through something like three copies of The Little Mermaid, which was a favorite of our fondly remembered Jocko.  (He thought she was tasty, and would eat the jewel case, CD, and all.)
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: bk on July 28, 2004, 10:18:26 PM
I'm back and to prove it, I'm here.  I must eat something and then I shall post up a storm.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: bk on July 28, 2004, 11:01:03 PM
Forty minutes without a post - skammen.  Skammen, I say, and say again.

I ate some sort of "mix" - that always tastes good for about three handfuls then you want to vomit.  Unfortunately, that's all I have in the house.  I am totally out of everything, including Diet Coke.  What a revoltin' development this is.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Tomovoz on July 28, 2004, 11:12:04 PM
No news here to report.
I did watch an interview with Michael Moore earlier. No pedants I was not with Michael Moore. You know what I mean.

The "Amish" in reality TV - sounds like a reason for them having to leave their community as a result of such involvement.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jrand73 on July 28, 2004, 11:42:48 PM
COMPAQ Presario from WalMart almost one year old, and I am very happy with it.  I do a lot of promotional work for the Playhouse on it, and help administrate the website.  I also do my own writing, reviews and scripts.

Used a lot for personal communication EMAIL and IM, and research on anything that comes my way.

An endless supply of photos of everyone and everything.  And lots of information....not all of it true of course....but interesting.

And then there is EBAY!!
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jrand73 on July 28, 2004, 11:47:16 PM
So what is everybody's EBAY Score?

I am 904. 99.9% Positive Feedback. 1148 Positive Feedbacks. 1 Negative.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: Jrand73 on July 28, 2004, 11:51:03 PM
Page Six Dance!

Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: S. Woody White on July 28, 2004, 11:57:12 PM
I have never eBayed.  I don't plan on eBaying, either.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: S. Woody White on July 28, 2004, 11:57:53 PM
But I like the Page Six Dance.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: George on July 28, 2004, 11:59:57 PM
So what is everybody's EBAY Score?

I am 904. 99.9% Positive Feedback. 1148 Positive Feedbacks. 1 Negative.

Cool!  I have 311 - 100% Positive!  311 members left positive and 361 total feedbacks left.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: George on July 29, 2004, 12:00:19 AM
But I've never sold anything...yet.
Title: Re:BKs ARE GO
Post by: George on July 29, 2004, 12:01:23 AM
Anyone want a sealed copy of the original Japanese version of season one of "Star Blazers," (actually called "Space Ship Yamato") with Chinese or English subtitles?