Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 2 => Topic started by: bk on August 04, 2004, 11:59:43 PM

Post by: bk on August 04, 2004, 11:59:43 PM
Well, you've read the notes, you've fried the notes, the notes have fried you, and now it is time to post until the fried cows come home.
Post by: bk on August 05, 2004, 12:06:01 AM
Welcome fifteen GUESTS (!).  We're talkin' about fried foods.
Post by: Panni on August 05, 2004, 12:13:27 AM
Fried cows? Ewwww.

I can't discuss fried foods at midnight.  Discussing fried foods at midnight will make me vomit on the floor.
Tomorrow I will talk about wiener schnitzel. But not tonight.
Post by: Joey on August 05, 2004, 12:13:39 AM
I love fried biscuits! Oh so good! Especially with some homemade apple butter. I also enjoy Fried mozarella sticks very much.

This isn't fried but I thought I'd share. Today for lunch I made a Grilled Pizza sandwich. I made it just like grilled cheese except I put tomato sauce, mozarella, and pepperoni in it. It turned out to be very good and is something I will have to try again sometime soon. It probably isn't a new idea but it certainly was delicious.
Post by: S. Woody White on August 05, 2004, 12:15:57 AM
Fried foods, for me, come in two varieties.  There's deep fried, and then there's pan fried.

Deep fried isn't as nasty as some people make it out to be.  The key is that the oil has to be sufficiently hot, at about 375 degrees, so that the outside of the food being fried gets nice and crispy, while the steam escaping from the food keeps the oil out of the food itself.

That's why french fries are so tasty.  They shouldn't be oily at all, but crisp on the outside, and tender on the inside.  The same is true with fried chicken (and I agree, Popeye's is great, but somehow it tasted better on the left coast than on the right, I don't know why...yet).

Let's try a couple of other fried foods, things people may not think of.  I love a good Fondue Bourguignonne, tender pieces of beef and shrimp fried by der Brucer and myself at the table in our electric Fondue pot.  (I'm really keen on the electric pot, because it has a good temperature control, and the cord is held to the pot magnetically, preventing any disasters if something should pull on the cord).  A neat variation on this is Tempura, great with shrimp and all sorts of veggies.

And, another deep fried food that some people forget is fried, is Sweet and Sour Pork.  Or Chicken.  Or Shrimp.  Yep, the meat is coated in a batter, deep fried, and then sauced with that Sweet and Sour stuff.  Yummers.

Pan frying is another beastie altogether.  I love a nice pan-fried pork cutlet.  All it takes is a little oil in the pan, maybe with some garlic for flavor, and add the meat.  I love a good stir-fry, too, but have to confess that I don't do it often enough.

I'm hoping someone out there has some fried desserts they want to talk about.
Post by: bk on August 05, 2004, 12:17:10 AM
I love me my fried foods.  And Joey's grilled pizza is something I'm simply going to HAVE to try.
Post by: S. Woody White on August 05, 2004, 12:20:38 AM
The thunder is rolling here in Rehoboth, has been for the last ten minutes or so, and a downpour has just begun.

Maybe the weather will be better tomorrow, or not.  Der Brucer and I will be spending most of the day with the grandlads, hopefully teaching the older to play chess and the younger to play checkers.  And we'll be playing music, too.  I'm taking along a recording of The Carnival of the Animals, and one of The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra.  (I don't think they're yet ready for the score for The First Nudie Musical, and their mother wouldn't understand if we did play it.)
Post by: M. Brandon on August 05, 2004, 01:43:05 AM
Well, I try to avoid the fried foods now, but french fries have always been and will always be my favorite snack.  I really love all sorts of fries, and Í'm a salt man.  NO KETCHUP!  And fries can go with anything!  Pizza, sandwiches, scrambled eggs!  And they go well with the second all time best fried food of all time: cheese sticks.

Good Cheese Sticks + Curly Fries = happy, if somewhat bloated Brandon.

Before I turned vegi, Popeye's was my favorite fast food place.

But by just cutting down on fried foods, I've lost 20 pounds!  I gave up High Fructose Corn Syrup completely-no-exceptions and lost 10 more.

And now I crave fries!  Damn you Bruce and your suggestive ways!
Post by: M. Brandon on August 05, 2004, 01:48:14 AM
and now i go to bed.  so goodnight from hollywood of the west.  i must be up early tomorrow (well, around noon, which is early to me) and i must be at the theatre at 1330 hours to prepare the sound cues of life.

Post by: S. Woody White on August 05, 2004, 03:43:14 AM
Ah, yes, sleeping in until noon, Pacific Daylight Time.  That's three, EDT.  You'll be lucky to see any of the sunlight at all!

I'm up already, and we're about to head out and be E&T.  Have fun, all!

(Added to the tunestack: Callaway's And the Beat Goes On.  Always start 'em with the classics, I say!   :D 8))
Post by: Jrand73 on August 05, 2004, 03:46:49 AM
Loved the rehearsal picture.  Four people are looking in one direction and one person is looking the other way!

I crispy French Fries with salt....no ketchup here either....maybe a bit of Brooks, but not much!

I love fried bacon sandwiches with tomatoes and Kraft slices.

At times we had fried corn...it does taste different, but it is a nice side dish.  Sliced fried potatoes, of course.  

Fried hot dog!  And of course the famous fried Spam!

I will try to get onto my Apple computer at work again.  We shall see!
Post by: Michael on August 05, 2004, 04:10:28 AM
fried foods
weimer schnitzel

and mcdonald's fries are sprayed with sugar solution and then deep fried so that's why they are the way they are
Post by: Ben on August 05, 2004, 04:19:30 AM
I do love good French Fries. I also love Corn Dogs! I will have at least one in August when we go to the Minnesota State Fair (The Great Minnesota Get Together). Nothin' like a Corn Dog while you're wandering around Machinery Hill. Also fried cheese curds (not). Fried Calamari with a good dipping sauce - umm, umm, umm (that's 3 umms)
Post by: Ben on August 05, 2004, 04:19:54 AM
Hi, Michael and D-I-T
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on August 05, 2004, 04:27:16 AM

and mcdonald's fries are sprayed with sugar solution ...

... and beef extract (which is listed as "natural flavor").
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on August 05, 2004, 04:30:59 AM
Latkes, battered perch, and fried chicken are my favorites; followed by french fries (lots of pepper and ketchup - no vinegar) and onion rings. But I'm fussy about the oil that's used. Purists say the best fish and chips are fried in beef tallow, but I can't handle that.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on August 05, 2004, 04:32:30 AM
Hi Ben. I've never tried a corn dog. In fact, I haven't a clue what it is.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on August 05, 2004, 04:35:13 AM
Add tempura to the list, but not fried green tomatoes. And when I fry the breaded eggplant for eggplant parmesan, I always eat several pieces before I add them to the casserole.
Post by: Ben on August 05, 2004, 04:51:29 AM
Michael's question from yesterday

My Votes are in bold

The Sound of Music and Fiorello or Gypsy (no question here)

Two Gentlemen of Verona or Follies (this one is a no brainer - I can't sit through a playing of Two Gentlemen, never saw a production, it's all based on the recording but yuchhhhh! Although my vote would be Follies up against most any other show, I believe)

Man of La Mancha or Sweet Charity or Mame (hmmm, 3 shows that I like but none of them are GREAT shows in the style of Follies or Kiss Me Kate or Little Night Music or Music Man, etc.)

1776 or Promises Promises (1776 is one of my all-time favorite shows. I really enjoy PP and always wanted to play the role but stacked against 1776, it's easy for me)

A Chorus Line or Chicago (I know I've committed heresy here but I don't consider ACL to be the greatest musical ever written. Perhaps if I had seen it at the Public or even early in the Broadway run I would feel differently but by the time I saw it - almost two years after it opened in a bus and truck dragging it's behind through Minneapolis - I was not as impressed as I thought I would be. There are elements of the show which I find brilliant and beautiful, but for me the show as a whole is not the earth shattering experience I've heard it to be)

Ain't Misbehavin or On the 20th Century (I love AM but I think 20th Century is the better show

Nine or Dreamgirls (Again, I risk the wrath of the Theatre Gods. I never got Dreamgirls - I called it Screamgirls)

Cats or Merlin (you dog, making me choose between these two shows. I never saw Merlin so I'm flummoxed)

La Cage Aux Folles or Sunday in the Park With George (I love La Cage, saw it more than once but Sunday touches me in ways that La Cage never did)

City of Angels or Grand Hotel (another no question. COA is one of my favorite 90s musicals)

Crazy For You or Falsettos (I have friends who expressed annoyance at the "easy manipulation of AIDS" as a plot device in the second act Falsettoland but the beauty and passion of the second act make it moot for me)

Passion or Beauty and the Beast (I loved the film version of BATB and when I heard the overture I thought immediately of old-fashioned Broadway musicals but when it's put up against Passion, I choose the drama)

The Lion King or Ragtime (I find Ragtime beautiful, intelligent and moving. There are some wonderful pictures on stage in Lion King and the manipulation of the puppets as people/animals is inventive but again, perhaps because I saw it so long after the opening, I'm not transported the way I am by Ragtime.

Fosse or Parade (Another one of those hard choices. Both shows have admirable qualities but I guess I usually fall on the side of a story)
Post by: Ben on August 05, 2004, 04:54:22 AM
I don't know if Corn Dogs are mostly Midwestern. They are hot dogs on sticks dipped in a corn batter and then deep fried. Sometimes you get more batter than dog and you can't eat it right out of the deep fry or you'll burn your tongue off but they are a taste treat (for me anyway) at least once every 20 years (probably the last time I had a corn dog and the last time I was at the Minnesota State Fair).
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 05, 2004, 05:39:35 AM
Loved the rehearsal picture.  Four people are looking in one direction and one person is looking the other way!

Last night Panni asked if they were singing "Happy Days Are Here Again".  To me it looks like "Happiness" from Your A Good Man, Charlie Brown.

I love fried foods, but aside from enjoying a side of french fries once a week or so, I tend to avoid them.  But I do love things like Fried flounder, fried chicken, deep fried turkey and duck, fried shrimp, corndogs, onion rings, hash browns, tater tots, mozzerella sticks, cheese poppers and zuchini sticks.

And then there are the dessert items:  donuts, corn and apple fritters, deep fried bananas and funnel cake.

What I have yet to try:  deep fried ice cream, cheesecake, Oreos, Milky Way bars, and White Castle hamburgers.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 05, 2004, 06:03:41 AM
I love fried chicken, fried okra. fried green tomatoes and pan fried cornbread.

I adore fried mozzarella...but the only truly great fried mozzarella I've had was in Naples, Italy.  There, the mozzarella is made fom buffalo milk.  It has a texture unlike any I've found in the U.S. and it's perfection.  It fries up crisp on the outside while the cheese becomes  gooey on the inside.  That and some salsa makes for a delectable, heavenly treat.

Oh, yeah:  Pan fried pork chops can be to die for!

DR Panni:  Please try not to vomit.
Post by: Stuart on August 05, 2004, 06:20:58 AM
I also loves me my fried foods.

Corn Dogs
Chicken Fried Steak
Onion Rings
Apple Fritters
Donuts (or Doughnuts, whichever you prefer)
Have I mentioned Corn Dogs?  :-)
Spring Rolls
Fried Chicken Dumplings/Potstickers
Corn Dogs
I imagine that French Toast qualifies, under the "pan-fried" category.
Fried Mozzarella Sticks
A good Friday Fish Fry (Does this make it obvious that a nice Jewish boy from Brooklyn now resides in Western NY?)

French Fries?  Take 'em or leave 'em, but when I take 'em, it's without ketchup.
Post by: William E. Lurie on August 05, 2004, 06:22:26 AM
I like Tempura which mixes fried shrimp and several fried vegies.

The wonders of the internet:
Several months ago a lesser known actor's name was mentioned on this here site.  I had worked with this actor about 30 years ago and was friendly with him at the time so I posted this.  Yesterday I got an e-mail from him saying he came across my post (he probably googled himself) and we are renewing our friendship.
Post by: Stuart on August 05, 2004, 06:23:32 AM
A good Friday Fish Fry (Does this make it obvious that a nice Jewish boy from Brooklyn now resides in Western NY?)

Just to clarify, I don't mean a Fish Fry that is eaten on Good Friday.  I just mean a good Fish Fry that is eaten on any ol' Friday.
Post by: Matt H. on August 05, 2004, 07:09:12 AM
Thank you, DR MBarnum, for the info about the death of actress Virginia Grey. She was under contract to MGM for awhile in the late 1930s-early 1940s, and she made a memorable appearance in the third THIN MAN feature, ANOTHER THIN MAN, as one of the murder suspects.
Post by: MBarnum on August 05, 2004, 07:10:08 AM
anything that is fried is good in my book, although I rarely have it anymore! But my faves are:

Corn Dogs
Chicken Gizzard
Sliced Potatoes
Fries (with ketchup)

Post by: Joy on August 05, 2004, 07:42:08 AM
On the subject of fried foods, I have three words:

[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]LONG JOHN SILVER'S[/move][/color]

and mcdonald's fries are sprayed with sugar solution and then deep fried so that's why they are the way they are
Burger King, not McDonald's.  McDonald's fries are only one of seven items on their menu that don't contain sugar.  The other six are Water, Diet Coke, Tea, Coffee, sausage, and....I forget the other one.  Maybe the hamburger patty.
Post by: Joy on August 05, 2004, 07:42:47 AM
Evidently my super-sizing of the text didn't work.  How ironic.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on August 05, 2004, 07:43:19 AM
I love fried chicken, fried okra. fried green tomatoes and pan fried cornbread.

I adore fried mozzarella...but the only truly great fried mozzarella I've had was in Naples, Italy.  There, the mozzarella is made fom buffalo milk.  It has a texture unlike any I've found in the U.S. and it's perfection.  

Funny, but just last week I purchased for the first time Italian buffalo milk mozzarella. I didn't fry it - just added it to a salad. You're right, it is perfection (probably because it's 52% butterfat).
Post by: Stuart on August 05, 2004, 07:44:44 AM
On the subject of fried foods, I have three words:

DR Joy, I have four, that I can't believe I forgot to mention before:

Arthur Treacher's Hush Puppies!

Or (also four words):

Hush Puppies in general!
Post by: Stuart on August 05, 2004, 07:48:32 AM
Ah!  A Page Two Dance:

Post by: Matt H. on August 05, 2004, 07:49:29 AM
Ditto. If it's fried, it's GOT to be good. I ate WAY too much fried food, but one of the hazards of living in the South is that it's a part of most menus and ingrained into the brains of most of our best cooks here.

Fried chicken and I have always had a very close, personal relationship. I have a deep fat fryer here and that's the only way I prepare the chicken for myself. I can eat any style of fried chicken, but I'll only cook it one way.

Fried shrimp is probably my second favorite fried food, but I don't cook it for myself.

I don't know about the rest of the country, but here in the South, we have what they lovingly call "fish camps." Here you can get fried fish and seafood of all types along with fried chicken, and of course potatoes, onion rings, and hush puppies all fried to golden perfection. It probably lessens your life span by a year or two to go to a fish camp and eat one of their totally fried meals (well, they do serve cole slaw on the side, not fried), but you will die with a smile on your face.
Post by: Matt H. on August 05, 2004, 07:53:22 AM
For the last year or two, frying turkeys at Thanksgiving has been a BIG fad. I've never had deep fat fried turkey, but I'd be curious as to what it tasted like.
Post by: Ben on August 05, 2004, 07:55:48 AM
A casualty of the Broadway season. Caroline, or Change is closing August 29th according to Playbill On-Line

Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on August 05, 2004, 07:57:41 AM
I hope today's topic encourages DR Jason to make an appearance. And speaking of AWOLs, where is DR Robin?

DR MattH, what's your "one way" of preparing fried chicken?
Post by: Matt H. on August 05, 2004, 08:04:04 AM
Well, deep fried after soaking in a batter with secret ingredients. Sometimes I'll flour it, sometimes not, depending on how much crust I want. But it MUST be deep fried.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 05, 2004, 08:07:12 AM
Did y'all know that, in addition to the already playing Broadway: The Golden Years documentary, that there is a similar work being broadcast on PBS this fall called Broadway: The American Musical.  I remember when we were talking about The Golden Years that I had thought that there was an extended documentary also in the works and this one appears to be it.  It's a six part series that's due to run in October.  Here's the  link    (http://www.pbs.org/previews/broadway/).
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 05, 2004, 08:16:15 AM
For the last year or two, frying turkeys at Thanksgiving has been a BIG fad. I've never had deep fat fried turkey, but I'd be curious as to what it tasted like.

Dr Matt, deep fried turkey is so moist and tender that turkey prepared any other way will taste dry to you.  Of the three times that I've been invited to dinner where it was served, there was nothing left but bones and cartlidge.  By all means try it when you can.
Post by: bk on August 05, 2004, 08:20:06 AM
I forgot about corn dogs.  I haven't had one in over fifteen years but I do love them and may now have to reintroduce myself.

I said quite loudly that if they moved Caroline to Broadway it would close in three or four months.  Producers get talked into the most amazing things when it's clear to anyone with an unbiased eye that they will lose their entire investment.  I don't know when it all changed but it seems producers ENJOY losing money now.  They keep shows open because their ego precludes them from closing things right away - they just would rather lose a million more than lose face.  In the old days, had Caroline made it to Broadway (it wouldn't have) it would have closed in a day or a week.  Of course, today's Internet chat room rebuttal is, "They should keep it open because it's work for the actors and crew."  That, of course, is the most ridiculous rationale of all - nothing would or should ever close according to these wags.  So, if they had their way we could all book tickets to Kelly.
Post by: Panni on August 05, 2004, 08:30:09 AM
Funny - I didn't think of desserts in terms of fried foods. I love apple fritters.
Tempura didn't occur to me either. Yummy.
And my mother's Hungarian fried chicken was the best.
Recipe: first you steal a chicken... (an OLD joke)
However, it's still too early for me to think about fried foods. Except apple fritters. Apple fritters and coffee - an excellent breakfast.
Post by: bk on August 05, 2004, 08:31:17 AM
Donuts are fried, aren't they.  I love me my donuts.  And beignets.  I love me my beignets.  
Post by: Jrand73 on August 05, 2004, 08:43:04 AM
Hmmmmm.....Virginia Grey was also in the movie that made MR BK lose his flip flop at (I think) the Wiltern Theatre.....TARGET:EARTH!!!

I liked her especially in BACK STREET as Susan Hayward's sister and in MADAME X as Lana Turner's friend Mimsy: "You have to come to my party, Holly, you'll throw my seating off!"

Post by: William E. Lurie on August 05, 2004, 08:43:58 AM
Speaking of missing DRs, where is Lulu?

Regarding CAROLINE... despite its flaws, there is much to admire in this show.  The big problem is that it is "through sung" and the connecting recatative is not as interesting as the main music (especially on CD).  I would not have seen this if it had not moved to Broadway, and I am glad I did get to see it. It's just a show with little commercial appeal.   And it is no KELLY.  Mufti made the mistake of doing KELLY a few years ago,and it is obvious why that show closed on opening night.  Bad book and bad score.  At least Tonya Pinkins still has her day job on the soap so she won't have to go back on welfare.  She is a very talented lady, and I'm sure it won'tbe long before she is back on Broadway, hopefully in a more commercial vehicle.  Actually, she would make a good replacement for Donna Murphy when Donna leaves WONDERFUL TOWN.
Post by: William E. Lurie on August 05, 2004, 08:45:01 AM
Donuts can be fried, but there are other ways of making them as well (though they aren't as good).
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 05, 2004, 08:47:25 AM
My mother's fried chicken is, of course, the "best" I've ever eaten.  I fry chicken the same way she does, but it's not the same.

I soak the chicken pieces (sans skin) in buttermilk overnight.  When I'm ready to start frying, I remove the pieces and let them drain on paper towels.  I salt and pepper the chicken.  I take a plastic bag (an empty bread bag does the trick), put in Bisquick, add a few pieces of chicken, gather the bag at the top, and shake the bag for all I'm worth.  I fry in a chicken fryer (a deep frying pan) starting with medium heat, browning on both sides.  I turn heat down to medium-low and let cook thoroughly -- about 10 minutes each side.  It's done when you get a clear discharge from the chicken piece when inserting fork tines.

Sometimes I add corn meal to the Bisquick...adds an interesting flavor to the crust.
Post by: Stuart on August 05, 2004, 08:51:19 AM
I liked her especially in BACK STREET as Susan Hayward's sister and in MADAME X as Lana Turner's friend Mimsy: "You have to come to my party, Holly, you'll throw my seating off!"

Two of my favorite movies!
Post by: Matt H. on August 05, 2004, 08:53:28 AM
I remember reading last November that a woman burned down her house because she tried to deep fry her turkey inside on her stove top. There was a BIG article in the newspaper about how it should only be fried outdoors.

I look forward to having it one day.
Post by: Matt H. on August 05, 2004, 08:55:33 AM
I've mentioned this before here, but in CHarlotte there is a carry out restaurant called Price's Chicken Coop that makes the best fried chicken I've ever eaten, and that includes my mother's version and mine. It's scrumptuous. They also have fried fish (trout and catfish, I think), but a chicken dinner comes with fried potatoes (round dots, not long and thin), a couple of hush puppies, cole slaw, and a yeast roll. It's to die for.
Post by: DearReaderLaura on August 05, 2004, 08:58:03 AM
This morning I went for a walk, and this is what I saw:
Post by: Jrand73 on August 05, 2004, 08:58:15 AM
DRSTUART - both of these Ross Hunter specials have pleasures that movie-goers nowadays are completely denied!

Isn't it wonderful in BACK STREET when Susan (as rae smith) has an outfit that matches her draperies?  Does she change her curtains when she changes her clothes?  Does she only wear that outfit in that room?  So many questions!!!  And boy is Vera Miles mean to her....whew!   But the ending ALWAYS makes me cry because Susan Hayward is so good!!!

And MADAME X is another one that always makes me cry.  What a combination of story and music and design...oh and acting.   Anyway who accuses Lana Turner of being old fashioned ought to take a look at the Gladys George version....  "If I were her son...I would want to know," says Keir Dullea to Lana Turner....not knowing...that he is...her own...son!  

I have to watch those movies again this weekend!

What are some of the DR's other favorite tear-jerkers...that you can watch while eating fried foods?
Post by: DearReaderLaura on August 05, 2004, 08:59:24 AM
And this:
Post by: Jrand73 on August 05, 2004, 09:01:34 AM
DRLAURA....those of us stuck indoors today send you thanks!  Hmmmm...is there such a thing as fried pelican.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on August 05, 2004, 09:15:30 AM
Tearjerkers? Two that appear on my list are I WANT TO LIVE & A STAR IS BORN.
Post by: Stuart on August 05, 2004, 09:36:32 AM
DRSTUART - both of these Ross Hunter specials have pleasures that movie-goers nowadays are completely denied!
And boy is Vera Miles mean to her....whew!   But the ending ALWAYS makes me cry because Susan Hayward is so good!!!

I don't claim to be any great student of film, but I know what I like, and I like Douglas Sirk (or Douglas Sirk-ish) overblown Universal sudsers.

That being said, two of my favorite bits of cinematography are:
1)  Vera Miles' French-heeled pump putting the "pedal to the metal" in BACK STREET, and

2) Dottie Malone doing the Dance to beat all Dances (while her father is dying below) in WRITTEN ON THE WIND.  (Yes, Dannnnsssssssse, Dottie, dannnnssssse!)

In a bit of updated synchronicity, one of my favorite recent shots like that was the empty Miami pool in FAR FROM HEAVEN, the homage to those Universal pics.

As for tearjerkers, that's a long list, coming from one who cries at commercials.  But:

STELLA (yes, the Midler one)

would top the list.
Post by: divarobbie on August 05, 2004, 09:38:57 AM
Personally, my favorite color is fried.
Post by: MBarnum on August 05, 2004, 09:47:05 AM
Ah, I forgot about fried trout...had that a lot when I was a kid out camping with my family! Yumm!!

Favorite tearjerkers:

the Bollywood movie Anand. I don't think I have ever cried as much at a movie in my life!

All that Heaven Allows (the scene when Gloria Talbott tells her mom she is getting married to David Janssen)

A Child is Born (the ending)

Imitation of LIfe (the Lana Turner version; the funeral)

That fairly recent Maureen O'Hara TV movie that I think is called THE LAST DANCE (and which I would give both arms for a 1st generation copy of since my sister accidently taped over it when I loaned it to her!!!!)

Post by: bk on August 05, 2004, 09:47:07 AM
I'm back with my new do.  I look rather boyish in a non-boyish way.

Best fried chicken I've ever had: The Golden Lamb in Lebanon, Ohio.  
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 05, 2004, 09:59:23 AM
I, too, love Ross Hunter's "Imitation of Life" -- when the funeral scene comes on I blubber hopelessly knowing that lady got the funeral of her dreams, including the horse-drawn hearse...and when Susan Kohner runs to the hearse and declares the dead woman to be her mother, my heart breaks over and over and over.

I saw this in a theater when I was a kid.  My mother and a friend of hers blubbered while I only sniffled a bit.  But now.............look out!
Post by: DearReaderLaura on August 05, 2004, 10:29:17 AM
Glad you liked the pelican photos. They were a wonderful sight.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 05, 2004, 10:53:11 AM
I'm having a wierd day at work.  Everyone keeps coming into my office with issues or problems that they can easily handle themselves.  It's at the point where the next person who asks me somthing is either going to get a Joan Crawford bitch slapping or a John Wayne powerhouse that propels them down the length of the saloon bar.  The problem with the latter is the lack of a saloon bar here in our department, an indication of the deplorable conditions under which I'm forced to deal with every day.
Post by: Jennifer on August 05, 2004, 10:59:03 AM
I love tempura!

And I could live off of french fries.

But my pants are getting tight again, so diet and exercise for me! (and no more fried foods :))
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 05, 2004, 10:59:23 AM
DR Dan (the Man): The Joan Crawford "bitch-slap" sounds like the ticket to me!

Either that, or waving a wire hanger in the air when someone looks as if he is about to enter your office.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 05, 2004, 11:00:18 AM
You could also put a sign on your door:

"Welcome to Mommie Dearest Day Care!"
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 05, 2004, 11:02:36 AM
The Joan Crawford Bitch Slap Dance

Post by: Jennifer on August 05, 2004, 11:08:01 AM
I still have never eaten fried chicken.

But that totally makes me think of DR Jason.  Does anyone know where he is?  He had started posting so often, and then poof he was gone again. :(
Post by: Jrand73 on August 05, 2004, 11:09:16 AM
That Joan, she was a caution....and a cham-peen Charleston dancer!

DtM you don't have a bar where you work?  I think there is a law against that.

And now my question is:  What, MR BK, were you doing in Lebanon, Ohio?
Post by: Jennifer on August 05, 2004, 11:17:07 AM
Wow, it has been so long since I've had fried clams.  But OMG do I love those.
Post by: bk on August 05, 2004, 11:25:10 AM
I was touring in a show in 1966, I believe (maybe it was early '67) with two other people.  We played all over the US and were driving from Cincinatti to Cleveland.  We stopped in Lebanon for some reason.  The Golden Lamb is a very famous hotel - presidents stayed there and they've kept the rooms kind of the way they were, as a museum.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 05, 2004, 11:31:50 AM
I still have never eaten fried chicken.

But that totally makes me think of DR Jason.  Does anyone know where he is?  He had started posting so often, and then poof he was gone again. :(

I remember he was upset about being forced to take an unpaid vacation from MTI, but that wasn't supposed to happen until the GOP Convention.
Post by: Jennifer on August 05, 2004, 11:34:09 AM
Any other BB watchers waiting for tonight's show when Natalie is revealed. Should be funny.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 05, 2004, 11:35:39 AM
...or, Jason could be making time with the dude he met through Craiglest.com, in which case, more power to him!
Post by: Matthew on August 05, 2004, 11:53:18 AM
The Blue Bayou restaurant at Disneyland makes the BEST Monte Cristo Sandwhich ever.  Basically, a ham and cheese sandwhich dipped in batter and deep fried, sprinkled with powdered sugar. and served with some sort of jam.  It's to die for.  I love Apple Fritters, too, and good fries.  But the Monte Cristo takes the cake.  Also, I'd love to try a Deep Fried Twinkie.  You can get them at  County Fairs and places like Las Vegas.
Post by: elmore3003 on August 05, 2004, 11:55:50 AM
Hello, all!  I'm sorry I was E&T yesterday I had a really bad health day, back to the doctor for a new perscription and most of the day in bed.  He recommended a surgeon to lance this abscess and when I called to schedule an appointment, I was told the surgeon was no longer taking HIP referrals!  So, today I'm waiting for a new referral.  It looks like I missed a lively time, so I'll have to check out the posts.

But enough of my health, I'd rather talk about Bruce's show or fried foods:
Fried shrimp
Fried chicken
Fried oysters
Fried potatoes
Fried onion rings
Fried chicken livers

I meant to welcome Bruce's lighting person, but I've forgotten his name!  Welcome anyway.  The folk here are wonderful.

Post by: Jrand73 on August 05, 2004, 11:56:27 AM
Now I am hungry again.
Post by: Jrand73 on August 05, 2004, 11:57:57 AM
oh, okay....as good a reason to be in Ohio as any, I guess.  At least you got some good fried chicken.

Another treat now at county fairs are fried Snickers Bars.

Does anyone know what is in a drink called Blood in the Snow?  It was ordered by a character in a movie from 1948, and I am baffled.
Post by: Stuart on August 05, 2004, 12:12:00 PM
Any other BB watchers waiting for tonight's show when Natalie is revealed. Should be funny.

You know I am looking forward to that.....!
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 12:12:40 PM
Panni every time now I shove pills down Echo I think of you and your experience with the barrette.

You could make a sitcom of your writing days, shades of Dick Van Dyke if Laura were also on the staff. :)
Post by: Ben on August 05, 2004, 12:13:03 PM
Second closing announcement from Playbill On-Line

Frozen is out of ice as of August 22nd.

Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 05, 2004, 12:14:10 PM
DtM you don't have a bar where you work?  I think there is a law against that.

There Oughta Be A Law!

Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 12:18:10 PM
WEL, nice story.  Enjoy your renewed friendship. :)

And where are Maya and Swishy Sara?

DearReaderLaura, love the pictures.  Did you see the wildflowers I posted on Saturday?  You are the one who inspired me to take my camera.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 05, 2004, 12:21:24 PM
[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]~^~^~^~^  VIBES O'HEALTH FOR DR Elmore ^~^~^~^~[/move]

I was told the surgeon was no longer taking HIP referrals!

That jive doctor is so squares-ville, man!  You gotta find a doc who's a cool cat who takes hip referrals! Ya dig where I'm commin' from, Daddy-Oh?
Post by: JoseSPiano on August 05, 2004, 12:21:24 PM
Good Morning!

Speaking of fried... I was a bit fried after rehearsal last night.  Which was/is a good thing.  I still have some of my own kinks to work out, but we're in great shape, and everything is progressing nicely as BK has been stating.

-And I allowed myself to sleep in today too!  Didn't get out of bed until 10:45 PDT!  It felt great to sleep in, and I can tell my body appreciated the full night's rest.

As for fried foods... Well, most of them have already been listed, but it couldn't hurt to list them again:

Appetizers and snacks: calamari, mozzarella sticks, jalapeno poppers, french fries, onion rings, zuchinni sticks, sweet potato fries, suppli (those Italian balls of rissotto and cheese), tidbit (this is found on some Thai and Chinese menus under various names - it's traditionally made by scraping off the layer of "stuff" that left on the bottom of the rice cooker after a batch of rice has been made - it's fried, and it puffs up - the original rice cake! - It's can be served with both savory and sweet dipping sauces), potato chips (fresh, warm ones are soooo good!), yucca (with some good salsa verde), okra (I like both deep-fried and cast-iron skillet fried versions), hush puppies (there's a place in Richmond that "coats" artichoke hearts and bits of fontina cheese in hush puppy batter - hmmm...), corn fritters (served with either black bean chili and/or pineapple salsa - another Richmond restaurant favorite)

Main dish foods: Monte Cristo sandwiches, chicken livers, chicken (I usually prefer a batter coating, but I've also had some VERY good "just dipped in flour" fried chicken too), eggrolls (especially the Filipino "lumpia" - much thinner wrapper, more meat filling than wrapper), tacos (yes, I know, it's only the shells), taquitos, shrimp, oysters, "fish and chips", tempura, turkey (the skin usually comes out black and inedible, but the meat is soo tender and not greasy if it's done properly)

Desserts and indulgences: donuts, apple fritters, blueberry fritters, twinkies, oreos, Snickers bars, Mars bars, churros, funnel cakes, "fried" ice cream, and the Citronelle restaurants in DC and Baltimore make a "Hot Chocolate Truffle" for dessert - they basically take some very good, homemade/kitchenmade chocolate truffles, coat them lightly in flour and sugar, chill them, and then give them a brief dip in some hot oil - the coating basically caramelizes around the center... when you pop them in your mouth, you get that wonderful crispy/crunchy bite from the coating, then that warm, melted chocolate, followed by just a bit of some still "solid" chocolate center.  Yummy, indeed!! - One of those "Chefs of..." series on PBS showed the recipe once.)
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 12:22:24 PM
Tofu fried in olive oil-a rather healthy fried food
French fried sweet potatoes
French fries
Falafil, another rather healthy fried food
Onions rings
Fried mashed potato patties topped with golden syrup
Tempura vegetables
Spring rolls

Joey I haven’t had fried mozzarella sticks in years.  Sounds good
RLP fried Buffalo mozzarella sticks in Italy, even better. :D

Brandon, you said you turned veggie- :)  How come you didn’t mention my first choice?

I needed Michael Shayne to remind me of potato latkes.  :-[

Bruce when was the last time you went to the Santa Monica Pier?  I mean fifteen years without a corn dog when the best ones, along with the best lemonade, are right there.  I use to love cheese on a stick, once I gave up the hotdogs.  Now they seem too rich.  I do have frozen soy dogs on a stick. Not the same but they satisfy a craving.

Stuart I forgot about dessert-Apple fritters from Stan’s donuts in Westwood. :-*

Matthew, Keith use to love the Monte Cristo sandwich at the Blue Bayou.  

Post by: JoseSPiano on August 05, 2004, 12:28:30 PM
OH, and if I may... As for the whereabouts of DR Jason...

Some congratulations are in order, actually.  He ended up starting his new position at MTI as a Licensing Agent (I think) about two weeks ago - it just sort of happened (finally).  A full-fledged, full-time position - with benefits!  Consequently, he will now be getting paid for the week that MTI will be closing down for the RNC.  So, he's basically in training and on the job right now.  And his new position also limits his personal internet access while at work.  Busy boy.  And a tired one.  I'm sure he'll resurface here on HHW once he's acclimated to his new schedule.
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 12:32:56 PM
Thanks for the good news on Jason. :D
Post by: Stuart on August 05, 2004, 12:37:16 PM
Well, good for DR Jason!  Mazel Tov, when you read this!
Post by: Stuart on August 05, 2004, 12:40:47 PM
Tofu fried in olive oil-a rather healthy fried food
Falafil, another rather healthy fried food

DR Jane, how did I forget these?  I love falafel!

(I also have to admit that I was a little embarassed to mention fried tofu....I am not vegetarian, by any stretch, but when we lived on Roosevelt Island, there was a take out Chinese place that did Sesame Tofu, along the same lines as Sesame Chicken, by frying nuggets of tofu, and dousing them with the same sauce.  And it was delicious!)
Post by: Jennifer on August 05, 2004, 12:44:20 PM

Quote from: Jennifer on Today at 11:34:09am
Any other BB watchers waiting for tonight's show when Natalie is revealed. Should be funny.

You know I am looking forward to that.....!

I cannot wait.  Although apparently Girl Power is thinking of turning on Adria, since they think she may have betrayed them (and voted out marvin).  Although now they are thinking she stayed with them and voted out scott.

But she won't tell then who she voted for.

I'm wondering if natalie will be guaranteed safe this week. Otherwise I wonder if the guys (if they win HOH) will put her and A up.  Should be a fun show.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 05, 2004, 12:44:51 PM
Back from lunch....and I had absolutely nothing fried:

Spicy meatloaf, rosemaried roast potatoes and a spinach salad.


I ate at the Oakland Art Museum (two blocks from my office building).  We got there before the docents (50, or so, blue-haired or balding senior citizens -- no offense implied for anyone here blue-haired or balding...or "senior"), so we breezed through the line and had leisurely lunch.
Post by: Jennifer on August 05, 2004, 12:48:30 PM
And what about Krispy Kreme!

Oh and I love mozzarella sticks.

And congrats to DR Jason.  Tell him to come post again.
Post by: bk on August 05, 2004, 12:52:42 PM
Yes, where ARE Swishy Sarah and Swishy Maya?  They come, they go, like Grand Hotel.  Swishy has actually IMd me a few times - she's been very busy with her summer.
Post by: JoseSPiano on August 05, 2004, 12:54:53 PM
OK... Now that I've caught up on a week's worth of e-mails, business and other various and sundried stuff, it's time for me to get the rest of my day in gear... Back after rehearsal.

Post by: MBarnum on August 05, 2004, 12:56:40 PM
Yes, Maya and Lulu and Jason and LC and SwishySara and Musicguy and Hapgood and Robin and on and on....Tarnation is so crowded it is spilling out into Sam Hill!
Post by: Matthew on August 05, 2004, 01:01:49 PM
Yes, Maya and Lulu and Jason and LC and SwishySara and Musicguy and Hapgood and Robin and on and on....Tarnation is so crowded it is spilling out into Sam Hill!

Their story goes on, and on, and on, aaaaand on!
Post by: Jrand73 on August 05, 2004, 01:15:03 PM
Geez even Sydney Carton found time to write home now and then.
Post by: Stuart on August 05, 2004, 01:17:25 PM
Their story goes on, and on, and on, aaaaand on!

Can I state how odd it is to come upon this to read as Miss Liz Callaway is singing it into my ears?  What a strange coincidence!

But she won't tell then who she voted for.

Perhaps that is because she doesn't know who she voted for!  (In other words, I don't know if all the switches take place in order for A to be the only one of the two of them who votes....)
Post by: bk on August 05, 2004, 01:17:32 PM
Yes, where in tarnation IS Robin?  They come, they go, like Grand Hotel.
Post by: Matthew on August 05, 2004, 01:24:17 PM
People come, people go. people post quotes.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 05, 2004, 01:26:39 PM
I never met Sydney Carton, but I did know his brother Milk.

Post by: Stuart on August 05, 2004, 01:28:07 PM
I never met Sydney Carton, but I did know his brother Milk.

You are too funny, DR RLP.   ;D ROFL
Post by: bk on August 05, 2004, 01:30:49 PM
I shall be back after rehearsal.  Keep the home fries burning.  And frying.
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 01:31:09 PM
(I also have to admit that I was a little embarassed to mention fried tofu....I am not vegetarian, by any stretch, but when we lived on Roosevelt Island, there was a take out Chinese place that did Sesame Tofu, along the same lines as Sesame Chicken, by frying nuggets of tofu, and dousing them with the same sauce.  And it was delicious!)

I want this NOW!  It sounds sooooo good.  

The way we talk about food here we need a drooling happy face.
Post by: Jrand73 on August 05, 2004, 01:36:01 PM
You can make tofu taste like a lot of things by dousing it in it - but it is still tofu.  Like putting Ragu on spaghetti squash....why not just have some spaghetti?
Post by: Panni on August 05, 2004, 01:36:50 PM

       [move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]***GOOD BACK VIBES TO DR ELMORE!!!***[/move]
Post by: Panni on August 05, 2004, 01:38:09 PM
Jane - I was much more outrageous than Laura Petrie. but, yes, it would make a cute sitcom.
Post by: Panni on August 05, 2004, 01:39:58 PM
Jennifer - What do you mean you''ve never had fried chicken?! Unless you're a vegetarian, there is NO excuse for missing out on this glorious treat.
Post by: MBarnum on August 05, 2004, 01:43:59 PM
Aack! DR Jennifer I hope you aren't talking about tonights BB5 episode! I haven't seen it..don't spoil it for me!
Post by: Jay on August 05, 2004, 01:49:43 PM
I never met Sydney Carton, but I did know his brother Milk.

I'm thinking it's time for a time out for Dear Reader RLP now.
Post by: Jrand73 on August 05, 2004, 01:53:55 PM
At least RLP didn't bring up the twins Cardboard and Fiberboard.  And then there's the cousin no one talks about...Coke.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 05, 2004, 02:05:48 PM
I think DR Stuart and I shall be fast friends.

DR Jay, I know turnabout is fair play.

JRand53, you're a man after mine own heart.

I also knew the cousins, Egg and Cigarette

Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 05, 2004, 02:14:36 PM
Aack! DR Jennifer I hope you aren't talking about tonights BB5 episode! I haven't seen it..don't spoil it for me!

Never fear...there's a site that tracks the doings in the house all day long.  Today, they've each been voting, but folks are being close with the information about whom they voted for.  I believe that's where Jennifer got her information, but there is no danger of results being spilled by those of us who read it.  Plus, the voting results are announced live, east coast time, and that site won't be able to discuss it until the live show reveals the results.  Of course, we all hope our "easter" friends will be thoughtful of us "westers".

Will has told Diane he believes Adria is with the girl alliance (which, natch, includes Will).

There was not supposed to be another switch since the last one (which we witnessed on Tuesday evening's show, but which probably took place over the weekend).

Tonight we shall be treated to the introduction of both twins and all sorts of "heck" should erupt among the "Four Horsemen" -- :D
Post by: Matt H. on August 05, 2004, 02:27:27 PM
Love tearjerker movies, and all of the ones named thus far from IMITATION OF LIFE to NOW VOYAGER and TERMS OF ENDEARMENT are top favorites of mine. I'd add DARK VICTORY and ALL THIS AND HEAVEN, TOO as a couple more Bette Davis tearjerkers that always work their spell on me.
Post by: Jrand73 on August 05, 2004, 02:31:12 PM
LOL RLP!  I forgot about those two!

I am now off to rehearsal myself.  But first I am doing the display case for NUNSENSE.  The director has decided that the display case in the lobby of the theatre should be for Grease! since this is the show that the Little Sisters are doing....or at least they are on the set of their production of Grease at Mount St Helens School.....I think that perhaps a few patrons will be startled and confused especially when they see said case and then walk in to the theatre and see the thrust stage with the GREASE set on it....they will start looking at their tickets and talking and will come back to the box office to make sure that they are seeing NUNSENSE.  But that is what this director wants...so before rehearsal, I am doing a display case for GREASE!

Tonight we are rehearsing the infamous  "shoes and socks" scene in THE NERD!  "I don't want to say anything, but somebody hasn't even found his eyehole yet."
Post by: Matt H. on August 05, 2004, 02:32:33 PM
I only got about 30 minutes of THE OWL AND THE PUSSYCAT watched this afternoon. Had a late lunch with friends and then went to renew my driver's license, always a long line to contend with.

I did notice the PG (rather than R) rating on the keepcase, so I'm sure DR TD was correct last night when saying the "offensive" language was gone. Of course, Babs uses every epithet imaginable to call George Segal gay within the first two minutes of meeting him, and I found that OUTRAGEOUSLY OFFENSIVE, but not worthy of an R rating.

The MPAA, you gotta love 'em (not).
Post by: François de Paris on August 05, 2004, 03:06:23 PM
PBS and Musicals...... continued!

July 2004 (www.thirteen.org)
PBS Stages An Unprecedented History Of "The Great White Way" With Broadway: The American Musical, Premiering In October
Landmark Six-Part Series, Hosted By Julie Andrews, Brings Alive The Epic Story Of Musical Theater And Its Inextricable Link To 20th-Century American Life

With Mel Brooks, Carol Channing, Betty Comden, Joel Grey, Kitty Carlisle Hart, John Lahr, Arthur Laurents, Harold Prince, Stephen Sondheim, Tommy Tune, Ben Vereen, George C. Wolfe, And Many More, Includes An Extraordinary Collection Of Rare Archival Footage, Private Home Movies, And Original Cast Recordings

Today, with new musicals such as Wicked enjoying phenomenal success with 10 recent Tony Award nominations, revivals like Fiddler on the Roof filling the house, and the Hollywood adaptation of Chicago winning the 2003 Oscar for Best Picture, Broadway is proving once again that its vitality and magic endures. Now, Thirteen/WNET New York presents BROADWAY: THE AMERICAN MUSICAL, an unprecedented six-part, six-hour PBS documentary series premiering Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, October 19, 20 and 21 at 9 p.m. (ET) (check local listings).

The first comprehensive documentary series on the history of the American musical ever created for television, BROADWAY: THE AMERICAN MUSICAL is a co-production of Ghost Light Films, Thirteen/WNET New York, NHK, and BBC in association with Carlton International. A signature event this fall on PBS, the series was produced by Michael Kantor, who recently created Quincy Jones: In the Pocket for the American Masters series, and who has worked on PBS long-form series such as Ken Burns' The West and Ric Burns' New York: A Documentary Film.
Julie Andrews, Academy Award-winning star of stage, film and television - and public television's unofficial "ambassador for the Broadway musical" - will serve as series host.

BROADWAY: THE AMERICAN MUSICAL tells two stories: the 100-year history of musical theater, and the story of its relationship to 20th-century American life. Kantor's chronological approach begins with the immigrant experience at the turn of the century, when a melting pot of voices and styles gave rise to a popular new form of entertainment. The series ends with today's Broadway, where big budget new productions and revivals of classic favorites compete side by side for box office success.

Peppered throughout are legendary moments in Broadway history: George Gershwin's sojourn to Folly Island, where he began to compose his legendary score for Porgy and Bess; the thrill of Oklahoma!'s opening night; comedienne Fanny Brice's heart-grabbing performance of "My Man." From the titillating yet artful spectacle of The Ziegfeld Follies to Ethel Merman's brassy rendition of "I've Got Rhythm," and from Julie Taymor's visionary staging of The Lion King to a behind-the-scenes look at Wicked's opening night, the series enlightens, educates and offers unique insight into this truly American art form.

BROADWAY: THE AMERICAN MUSICAL assembled first-person accounts from dozens of theater luminaries ®¢ among them late greats such as Adolph Green, Brendan Gill, Peter Stone, "Ziegfeld Girl" Dana O'Connell, Al Hirschfeld, and Frances Gershwin Godowsky. The whole of Broadway is represented: writers, lyricists, producers, performers, directors, and scholars. Among them are Mel Brooks, Carol Channing, Betty Comden, Kitty Carlisle Hart, Jerry Herman, Margo Jefferson, John Kander and Fred Ebb, Joel Grey, Harvey Fierstein, Robert Kimball, Chita Rivera, John Lahr, Rocco Landesman, Jerry Orbach, Arthur Laurents, Harold Prince, Gerald Schoenfeld, Stephen Sondheim, Tommy Tune, Ben Vereen, George Wolfe, and many others.

"There's no place in the world like Broadway - it's where the American dream is realized eight times a week, and even though it's become an expensive ticket, it continues to embody the optimistic heartbeat of American culture," says Kantor. "As Times Square celebrates its 100th anniversary, it's crucial to hear from the key Broadway figures who actually had a role in shaping the course of American culture - to document the stories of these creative legends in their own words - before it's too late."

Executive producer Jac Venza says the series is a sterling addition to Thirteen's four-decade tradition of showcasing musical theater and its creative talents on PBS with such series as Great Performances, Theater in America, Dance in America, and Stage on Screen. "With offices just a few blocks from the heart of Broadway, it's not surprising that Thirteen is in a unique position to bring this ambitious project to a national television audience," Venza says. "Our long history of collaboration with the theater community, as well as our extensive track record in performance programming, has provided us with the access and relationships necessary to tell the complete, epic story of Broadway."

The series traverses a century of national events with seismic reverberations on the Broadway stage, including recorded sound, the rise of Hollywood, the Great Depression, both World Wars, labor relations, the advent of television, civil rights, the sexual revolution, and AIDS. Each of the six films demonstrates how America's ever-changing cultural landscape is reflected back from the Broadway stage.

To bring this story to life, BROADWAY: THE AMERICAN MUSICAL will use an extraordinary collection of archival footage, newsreels, private home movies, original cast recordings, still photos, diary excerpts, personal correspondences, rare television and audio archives, and autobiographical material.

BROADWAY: THE AMERICAN MUSICAL is geared toward audiences of all ages, offering insights from Irving Berlin, Bert Williams and Yip Harburg through to Agnes DeMille, Hal Prince and George C. Wolfe, while spanning a century of musical productions from Show Boat, Anything Goes and On the Town to Company, Hair and The Producers.

"With this series, we not only showcase the magic of the musical theater, we discover its underlying connection to history," says executive producer David Horn. "And it's a history underscored by some of the most memorable music ever written - songs that are brash, unforgettably passionate and indelibly American."

To complement and expand the reach of the series, Kantor is creating a lavishly illustrated companion book with co-writer Laurence Maslon, to be published by Bulfinch Press in conjunction with the PBS premiere. Maslon wrote the 2001 American Masters special, Richard Rodgers: The Sweetest Sounds. The series will be released on home video and DVD by PBS Home Video. A companion five-CD box set, a dynamic Web site and a variety of educational outreach activities are also in development.

BROADWAY: THE AMERICAN MUSICAL is a co-production of Ghost Light Films, Thirteen/WNET New York, NHK, and BBC in association with Carlton International. Michael Kantor is series producer-director. Bill O'Donnell is supervising producer. Jac Venza and David Horn are executive producers.

Funding for the series was provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the National Endowment for the Humanities, Dorothy and Lewis Cullman, the Shubert Organization, the LuEsther T. Mertz Charitable Trust, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Ira and Leonore Gershwin Philanthropic Fund, Judith B. Resnick, Vivian Milstein, Rosalind P. Walter, Bob Boyett, the Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust, the Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation Inc., Mary and Marvin Davidson, Allen & Company, the DuBose and Dorothy Heyward Memorial Fund, the Karen A. and Kevin W. Kennedy Foundation, Mary Rodgers and Henry Guettel, public television viewers, and PBS.
Post by: François de Paris on August 05, 2004, 03:14:39 PM
Dear reader Elmore, do feel better soon!

I listened to my copy of A Tale Of Cinderella yesterday and noticed that dear reader Elmore did the orchestrations for that show!
Aren't we in good company here, folks?!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 05, 2004, 03:17:17 PM
DR MattH:  "The Owl and the Pussycat" original R rating may have been downgraded over the years.

Of course, you may be right that some of the language has been tamed, but let us know for certain.

I'm thinking that "Midnight Cowboy" no longer carries an "X" rating, but the content remains as it was (I think).
Post by: Jennifer on August 05, 2004, 03:21:31 PM
Aack! DR Jennifer I hope you aren't talking about tonights BB5 episode! I haven't seen it..don't spoil it for me!

Well DR Stuart and I are just speculating.  Because of course we haven't seen it either.

Although Julie Chen said last week that Natalie was coming in the house today.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on August 05, 2004, 03:23:36 PM

Of course, you may be right that some of the language has been tamed, but let us know for certain.

Talk about language being tamed. I caught Anger Management on TV last weekend. Not one coarse word. I wonder how "testicle" sneaked by the censors.
Post by: Jennifer on August 05, 2004, 03:27:09 PM
re: BB5

Perhaps that is because she doesn't know who she voted for!  (In other words, I don't know if all the switches take place in order for A to be the only one of the two of them who votes....)

As DR RLP said, they told us the last switch was already done.

And yes DR MBarnum, we get some info about what is going on in the house from various websites.  But since Adria hasn't said who she voted for, I figured it wasn't really a spoiler.

I would encourage you to check out the jam site (http://jam.canoe.ca/JamBigBrother5/home.html  click on "here" and then "transcript").  I must say BB is 100 times more enjoyable if you read this guy's stuff. Trust me.
Post by: François de Paris on August 05, 2004, 03:28:15 PM
GREASE and fried foods!!!

There's a match! ;)
Post by: Panni on August 05, 2004, 03:42:48 PM
I am breathing a sigh of relief as the Variety review for TIGER CRUISE has just come in (it appears tomorrow on the stands) and it is very positive. That's an important one in the biz so I'm a happy camper.
Post by: François de Paris on August 05, 2004, 03:43:24 PM
Doing the Fried Foods Frolic Foxtrot Dance page! ;D
Post by: Emily on August 05, 2004, 03:44:06 PM
All I am going to answer about today's topic is:

all of the above!

Is there such a thing as a truly BAD dish that's fried?  

Plus, am I the only one who likes fries greasy (that is to say, what many people consider to be cooked improperly)?
Post by: Jennifer on August 05, 2004, 03:45:41 PM
DR Panni, I have tried KFC, but as I've said before, I've never had home-made fried chicken. :(

Oh, and I wish I could watch Tiger Cruise, but I'm thinking nobody around here gets the Disney channel.
Post by: Jay on August 05, 2004, 04:06:38 PM
Congratulations, Panni!
Post by: DearReaderLaura on August 05, 2004, 04:09:52 PM
Jane, I must have missed your picture on Saturday. I can't remember now what I was doing on Saturday, but I know I was very busy!

Your flowers are simply beautiful. I think you should take your camera every time you go walking. Anybody second my motion?
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on August 05, 2004, 04:19:36 PM
That's great news, Panni. (Though are we really surprised?)
Post by: Danise on August 05, 2004, 04:23:27 PM
Something odd just happened.  I signed on, had a IM, answered it, tried to come to this board and got an error message that said, "Hacker?" Minus the quotes.    Weird.

Be that as it may---

Evening all!

I had a very nice day today.  We had our annual employee rally at work today.  That meant we got to go to the TBPAC (Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center).  Not the big mail Theater but one of the smaller ones.  The one I used to do show at.  It sure brings back memories every time I go there.  Sigh.  

Anyway, they did a horror theme this year so we had the Wolf Man, The Mummy, Dracula, the “Invisible Man (I could see him!  **Chuckle**) and the Phantom of the County Center.  

I didn’t win any of the awards but still a good time was had by all.  It’s a bit sad because one of the ladies I work with is retiring in September.  This was her last rally.    I’m really, really, really (that’s 3 of ‘em) going to miss her when she goes.  

I have learned so much from her and we got along famously.  

Good Vibes to DR Elmore.  I so hope you get well sooner than soon!

RLP—I hope the arm is doing better.  Vibes  and good wishes to you as well!

Fried food!  I love it!  Except anything to do with seafood.  No fried shrimp or fish for me, thank  you.

I must have missed something about you, Panni.  Something to do with Tigers?  Is it a book?  I’m confused.  
Post by: Danise on August 05, 2004, 04:24:15 PM
I second the motion!
Post by: George on August 05, 2004, 04:28:40 PM
The Topic of the Day:  Fried Foods We Love (in absolutely no particular order):

Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on August 05, 2004, 04:33:25 PM
Over the past several years, my closest friend from high school, Patty, has kept me up to date on obituaries from our class. As she says, "some classes are known for writers and others for historians; we're known for croaking." (Of a class of 30, five are gone - and we're talking mid-50s.) Her source is another classmate, Tina. They sometimes meet meet on the bus, and Tina, who's a bit of a yenta, provides the grim news. About a year ago, Tina told Patty that a nice guy from our class, Marc L., had passed on. This hit me hard because Marc went out of his way to be kind to me during some difficult high school years. Yesterday I received an e-mail from Classmates.com that a new classmate had just signed up. Yes, it was Marc L. He's a liberal, lives in the U.S., and has a pet cat. I Googled him, and discovered that he's very much alive - teaching political science at Boston College and writing articles. I told Patty the good news, and we're now hoping that Ellie H., another buddy on "Tina's List," will soon be returning from the dead.
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 04:37:02 PM
That's great news, Panni. (Though are we really surprised?)

Well said.

Jennifer I can tape the movie for you.
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 04:46:27 PM
DearReaderLaura thank you. :)  I enjoy your photos so much I decided to take my camera with me more often.  I still need to learn how to downsize the photos for posting.  Then I won't have to wait for Keith to do it for me.

Danise, Panni's movie TIGER CRUISE premiers on the Disney Channel Friday night.   If you miss it Friday night it will be on again Saturday night.  Check out this review- TIGER CRUISE REVIEW


Don't just click on the link.  You need to highlight the entire address and paste-sorry I don't know how else to do it.
Post by: Panni on August 05, 2004, 04:50:56 PM
Thank you, all. I'm ALWAYS surprised by nice reviews. I still don't believe in the whole review mystique, but I have to admit that if feels much better to get good reviews than lousy ones (and I've had my share of those, too).
Post by: Michael on August 05, 2004, 04:55:12 PM
Well I am off to Manhattan where I am meeting up with DR TD. I do not have tickets to see anything. I would have considered Avemue Q, but the lead actor is out for two weeks and I wanted to see him. No slight on his understudy Barrett Foa who was on BK's recording of Godspell.

Boy from Oz holds no real interest, but I just might go see it for Hugh J. If I can a decent seat.

Might consider Frogs, but it didn't get such great reviews.

Then there is Wicked which doesn't really float my boat. Am I getting too old and picky? 5 years ago maybe I would have made it a long weekend and seen them all, but now I won;t be devasted if I don't see a show.
Post by: George on August 05, 2004, 04:58:55 PM
DearReaderLaura thank you. :)  I enjoy your photos so much I decided to take my camera with me more often.  I still need to learn how to downsize the photos for posting.  Then I won't have to wait for Keith to do it for me.

Danise, Panni's movie TIGER CRUISE premiers on the Disney Channel Friday night.   If you miss it Friday night it will be on again Saturday night.  Check out this review- TIGER CRUISE REVIEW

"CLICK HERE (http://www.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment/orl-tvtimehaltv01_tvrv080104,0,6811472.column?coll=orl-caltop)"
Post by: Panni on August 05, 2004, 05:09:44 PM
Thanks, George!
Post by: George on August 05, 2004, 05:21:18 PM
My pleasure!
Post by: Danise on August 05, 2004, 05:23:39 PM
Wow! That was a nice review!  Congrats, Panni!  I will try to watch it.  I think I get the Disney channel.

Thanks to Jane and George for the links!

Post by: td on August 05, 2004, 05:26:13 PM
Give me beer-battered deep fried cod!  That's my joy and pleasure when it comes to fried foods!  Though I do love a long-wise sliced fried zucchini, too with marinara sauce! Oh, and battered onion rings with BBQ sauce and parmesan cheese.

As stated, I am meeting up with DR Michael D. Shayne tomorrow afternoon in NYC! All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go.

A Dear Friend in Cincinnatti actually sent me the WICKED ticket as a birthday gift, the last time I was in NYC on my b'day I saw Julie Andrews in VICTOR/VICTORIA. Tomorrow I shall see WICKED after having met up with Michael, and a pal from Scarlet Street.  After the show, we're to meet up with an old buddy from carnegie mellon university.

I opted for THE BOY FROM OZ mostly because of Hugh Jackman.  I've always loved Peter Allen's songs, but, I don't think (judging from the cast recording) that they have been shoe-horned effectively into the book.  BUT, it is Hugh, the toast of B'way and I'm sure that he will deliver.

That's all from me until Monday, guys. . . .
Post by: Danise on August 05, 2004, 05:45:10 PM
Enjoy yourself, TD!  I wish I could say I saw the "Wonder of Hugh" but he didn't phase me.
Post by: DearReaderLaura on August 05, 2004, 05:54:46 PM
DR Jane, email me at DearReaderLaura@cs.com and I'll try to explain one way of smallerizing photos.
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 06:02:13 PM
"CLICK HERE (http://www.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment/orl-tvtimehaltv01_tvrv080104,0,6811472.column?coll=orl-caltop)"

How do you do that?   ???
Post by: François de Paris on August 05, 2004, 06:09:03 PM
How do you do that?   ???

You simply DO IT, Jane!

You click on the mention!

--I guess you're pulling our... mouse, right? :D
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on August 05, 2004, 06:11:22 PM
I opted for THE BOY FROM OZ mostly because of Hugh Jackman.  I've always loved Peter Allen's songs, but, I don't think (judging from the cast recording) that they have been shoe-horned effectively into the book.  BUT, it is Hugh, the toast of B'way and I'm sure that he will deliver.

That's all from me until Monday, guys. . . .

Have a terrific weekend DRS td and Michael. TD - you're in for a memorable performance. Michael, I think you should get a ticket.
Post by: Noel on August 05, 2004, 06:13:17 PM
What is this thing called operetta?
This funny thing, called operetta...

Just from looking at the word, you can tell that it's a little closer to opera than other non-opera forms of musical theatre.  One of the things that distinguishes musicals is that the music is no more important than the words or story.  (Well, sometimes the story's of less importance.)  In opera, music is king, and fans often care more how beautifully a role is sung than they do how well it's acted.  In musicals, acting is king, and some of the great stars of the genre (Gwen Verdon, Nathan Lane, Carol Channing) don't even have particularly pleasant voices.  Try getting away with that in opera!

Operettas, too, tip the balance in favor of the music.  Ultimately, in an operetta, the beauty of the music is somewhat more important than what's being said.  To our modern ears, operetta seem a bit silly, and my belief is that their stories were never meant to be taken all that seriously.  They're not down-to-earth; they're unashamedly over-the-top.

From reading Gerald Bordman's book on the subject I got the notion that operettas are set in exotic times and/or places.  The desert.  Ruritania.  An island in the Caribbean during the French revolution.  Company, for instance, is set in New York city, present-day.  You won't find an operetta doing that.

Now here's the statement everyone's going to argue with: there hasn't been a new operetta produced on Broadway in roughly 50 years.  I'm thinking of Kismet.  Actually, I think of Kismet as a musical, not an operetta (noting the great verbal wit in its lyrics) but I can see how a pretty good argument can be made that it's an operetta.  And spoofs, such as Little Mary Sunshine, Candide, and my own Pulley of the Yard, or, Murder of the Savoy - are just that: spoofs.  You've not really written an operetta if your attempt is to send-up the genre; you've lampooned the form, not embraced it.

Some say A Little Night Music is an operetta, and I'd agree that Scandanvia's a somewhat exotic place and the music aspires to an operetta-like frothiness.  But the lyrics are incredibly important, and the book scenes, most of them, play very realistically.  For these reasons, A Little Night Music isn't an operetta.

So, what operettas have been written and produced in the past 50 years?
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 06:22:53 PM
You simply DO IT, Jane!

You click on the mention!

--I guess you're pulling our... mouse, right? :D

Nooooo.  :-[  Where is the mention?  I can't find it.
Post by: George on August 05, 2004, 06:22:59 PM
"CLICK HERE (http://www.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment/orl-tvtimehaltv01_tvrv080104,0,6811472.column?coll=orl-caltop)"

How do you do that?   ???

I added here spaces so that it won't work and you can see the construction:

[url = http : // www .the_url_goes_here. com]Type what you want to show[ / url]

So, when it all works, you get this:  CLICK HERE (http://www.haineshisway.com).

And what I usually like to do is make it BOLD (http://www.haineshisway.com) so that it stands out!

Or you can make bold and CHANGE THE COLOR (http://www.haineshisway.com)!

If you quote my message, you can see exactly how it works!
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 06:32:23 PM
Thanks George.  I thought there was going to be a simple little "mention" to click on.  Give me a few minutes, or more, to try this.  :-\
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 06:35:13 PM
Must do the page six dance first-much more fun too.  :)

Post by: François de Paris on August 05, 2004, 06:37:07 PM
Dear reader Noël, I assuming you mean operettas written in the US of A!

Because, loads of them have been written in France in the past 50 years. I guess no one in the States has heard of composer Francis Lopez who has unfortunately monopolized the genre here!

But not all operettas were fluffy stuff; most of the old ones, mainly by Offenbach, were satires...

Operetta has always been considered a "sous genre", even here in Europe, home of the Eurotrash musical!
Post by: François de Paris on August 05, 2004, 06:48:42 PM
Something worth reading, say I!!

Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 06:56:20 PM
This is what I ended up with.  Are the open brackets from the site your are you typing them?

I'm not sure this is worth the effort  :-\  I do however want to suceed with this, without feeling like a total idiot.  ;D

(url=http://news.google.com/) CLICK HERE  (url)

Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 07:00:38 PM
Okay Mr. François de Paris, where is your “click here”?  You just transferred the website.FFrançois  :D
Post by: George on August 05, 2004, 07:04:51 PM
This is what I ended up with.  Are the open brackets from the site your are you typing them?

I'm not sure this is worth the effort  :-\  I do however want to suceed with this, without feeling like a total idiot.  ;D

(url=http://news.google.com/) CLICK HERE  (url)

I'm typing all of the brackets.  And what you've done is almost correct...you need a slash-url, "/url" to turn off the code, like you have "/color" and "/quote":

CLICK HERE (http://news.google.com/)
Post by: François de Paris on August 05, 2004, 07:04:58 PM
DR Jane!

I don't venture in those fields! With the previous system, I could post a "click here" to a page! Now, I just post a link!

I missunderstood your question; I thought you were wondering how to get to the link posted by the "click here" indication!
Excuse my French!
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 05, 2004, 07:06:34 PM
I am breathing a sigh of relief as the Variety review for TIGER CRUISE has just come in (it appears tomorrow on the stands) and it is very positive. That's an important one in the biz so I'm a happy camper.

!!!!! KUDOS (and Luna bars) TO DR PANNI !!!!![/move]
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 07:14:09 PM
Keith to the rescue ;D WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE (http://www.deadoraliveinfo.com/dead.nsf)
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 07:16:29 PM

I missunderstood your question; I thought you were wondering how to get to the link posted by the "click here" indication!
Excuse my French!

 ;D ;D I'm not THAT stupid!  ;D

Post by: Matt H. on August 05, 2004, 07:19:15 PM
I've read reviews that called MY FAIR LADY an operetta, so there is room for debate.
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 07:21:57 PM
Now to try this on my own. :-\

GOOGLE NEWS (http://news.google.com/)
Post by: Matt H. on August 05, 2004, 07:23:06 PM
I watched BIG BROTHER for the first time this season tonight (I had been keeping up with the results on other internet sites). Brought back some good memories about the scheming, backbiting, friendship, and ego trip that marks this show. The twist with the twins was handled superbly stretching out their amazement as long as possible until the twin revealed herself. Though I can't say I'll watch every episode each week, looks like I may pop in for additional Thursday episodes since those are eviction nights (and also HOH selection nights).
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 05, 2004, 07:23:59 PM
Keith to the rescue ;D WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE (http://www.deadoraliveinfo.com/dead.nsf)

Wow--Marilyn Monroe died 42 years ago today.

I don't mean this as a non sequiter--I found out about Monroe's anniversary from the site that Jane very nicely linked to.
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 07:26:35 PM
I'm typing all of the brackets.  And what you've done is almost correct...you need a slash-url, "/url" to turn off the code, like you have "/color" and "/quote":

CLICK HERE (http://news.google.com/)

Thanks George.  This may seem odd but I had never typed the brackets before.  

The blue color came up all on its own-only needed bold.  

Thanks again.  I enjoyed learning something new.  :)
Post by: Jennifer on August 05, 2004, 07:33:31 PM
Jennifer I can tape the movie for you.

I'm gonna ask my sister if she gets that channel on her satellite.

DR Jane, I thought you taped using tivo.
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 07:38:20 PM
It doesn’t seem that long ago I wouldn’t even look at a computer.  It hurt my eyes and head to look at the screen for more than a few minutes.  I could turn the computer on and that was it.  If I wanted to type a letter I had the kids set everything up for me.  If I wanted something researched they or Keith did it for me.  As computers improved over the years I found I could look at them more and more without getting eye strain.

About seven years ago a friend of mine was going through chemo and I was motivated to use the computer since it was easier for her to communicate by email.  I was just getting the hang of google and doing research on the computer when I found HHW.   :)

Keith was always complaining I wouldn’t use the computer, now he complains I use “his computer” too much, which is one of the reasons we now have a lap top. :D
Post by: Jennifer on August 05, 2004, 07:41:06 PM
DR Jane, this might be easier for you to remember if it happens again.

If you type a link and it is too long (like what happened to you) and the end gets cut off, just modify your post.

Highlight the entire link and click on the "insert hyperlink" icon (it is the 3rd from the left on the bottom).  That will fix your link and make it workable.

If you don't understand what I wrote, email me.
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 07:44:02 PM
Jennifer, TIVO is a digital recording. I can transfer from TIVO to a tape.   I will save the show on TIVO until I know we don't need it anymore.

Bruce can you transfer your TIVO to a DVD?
Post by: Jennifer on August 05, 2004, 07:44:05 PM
Wow, Big Brother was good tonight.  I'm online now checking to see what they are talking about now that they know the twist. Should be interesting.
Post by: Sandra on August 05, 2004, 07:46:33 PM
I love Krispy Kreme! However, I do NOT love fried okra.  :P
Post by: Jane on August 05, 2004, 07:47:39 PM
Thanks Jennifer.  I will check that out tomorrow.  Off to watch something.

Post by: George on August 05, 2004, 07:48:27 PM
DR Jane, this might be easier for you to remember if it happens again.

If you type a link and it is too long (like what happened to you) and the end gets cut off, just modify your post.

Highlight the entire link and click on the "insert hyperlink" icon (it is the 3rd from the left on the bottom).  That will fix your link and make it workable.

If you don't understand what I wrote, email me.

Oh sure...give her a simple explanation! ::)  ;D
Post by: Jennifer on August 05, 2004, 07:48:57 PM
I didn't know you could transfer tivo to a tape.  That is cool.  My sis will be at home painting tomorrow. So I will call her and ask if her satellite has disney.  I know nobody around here gets disney.  But I forgot my sis got a satellite in june.  I have no idea what channels she gets.

I do know that is totally hokey.  For instance she doesn't get the WB.  And her fox station is not the same as mine (I don't get the WB, but my Fox station shows all their shows).  So she is not happy (since she is a WB addict like me).  I've been taping her summer show.  And apparently in September she will have to upgrade her package, just so she can get the WB. :)
Post by: Matt H. on August 05, 2004, 07:49:06 PM
DR Jane wrote: "TIVO is a digital recording. I can transfer from TIVO to a tape.  I will save the show on TIVO until I know we don't need it anymore.

Bruce can you transfer your TIVO to a DVD?"

I can transfer my digital recordings to a videotape or to a DVD. I really like being able to do either, though I have found that not all DVD players will play my DVD-Rs smoothly, so usually if I make a copy of something for someone, I recommend a videotape instead of a DVD-R.

Post by: Jennifer on August 05, 2004, 07:51:57 PM
Oh sure...give her a simple explanation! ::)  ;D

Well it won't give her the nice one word like you did it.  But I know I have often put up links and the end got cut off. So highlighting and clicking on the "insert hyperlink" icon helps!

Post by: François de Paris on August 05, 2004, 07:58:13 PM
For our L.A. kimlets:

Judy Kuhn, Alan Menken and Jodi Benson Salute Disney Music Aug. 20 and 21
By Andrew Gans/Playbill.com
02 Aug 2004
The Hollywood Bowl will offer The Great American Concert with Fireworks—Walt Disney: 75 Years of Music Aug. 20 and 21.
Part of the Bowl's "Weekend Spectaculars" series, the concerts will feature the vocal talents of Judy Kuhn, Jodi Benson, Paige O'Hara, Lisa Vroman and Stuart Ambrose. Tony-winning composer Alan Menken will also be part of the evenings, which feature Mary Costa as narrator and special guest Dick Van Dyke. John Mauceri will conduct the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, and the Disney salute will also boast the Cal State Fullerton University Singers under the direction of John Alexander. Show time is 8:30 PM.
According to the Bowl's official website, the concerts will "pay tribute to a true Great American icon — the inimitable Walt Disney. This weekend celebrates his commitment to orchestral music, from the beginnings with 'Steamboat Willie' to the drama of 'Fantasia' to the mega-smash 'The Lion King.' From old favorites to new hits to classic songs, there truly will be something for everyone at this first-time event that ends as only a Great American concert could — with fireworks." The concerts are produced in cooperation with The Walt Disney Company.
The Hollywood Bowl is located in Hollywood, CA, at 2301 N. Highland Avenue. For tickets, call (323) 850-2000. Visit www.hollywoodbowl.org for more information.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 05, 2004, 07:58:26 PM
I love Krispy Kreme! However, I do NOT love fried okra.  :P

Well!  That's probably 'cause you ain't never had none my momma done cooked!!!

Post by: Panni on August 05, 2004, 08:49:38 PM
Dan TM - Thank you for whatever you said! I couldn't read the yellow print - but I'm sure it was something nice.
Post by: Panni on August 05, 2004, 08:50:36 PM
And one for Mahler!
Post by: DERBRUCER on August 05, 2004, 09:00:28 PM
But I'm fussy about the oil that's used. Purists say the best fish and chips are fried in beef tallow, but I can't handle that.

Actually, the best stuff to cook up gourmet fries is horse fat.

der "loving-the-sharing" Brucer
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 05, 2004, 09:21:35 PM
Big Brother 5 WAS good tonight.

I loved it when Jase told Scott, after eviction, "It's ON!"

I loved it because I knew another vote against the horsemen would be introduced into the house.

What was even funnier was the fact that the remaining three horsemen were eliminated form HoH competition on the same question.  

I think "wild" Jase is going to be a lot quieter.  It will be interesting to see if he changes his tactics and attempts something new.  

My vote would be for Jase and "Cowboy" to go on the block in the next elimination nomination ceremony, but I don't know if Jennifer will put her half-brother on the block or not.  I do know HE wouldn't flinch if Jase told him to nominate his sister.   And Cowboy has said he's in it to win and won't let her get in his way regardless of their being related.

It might seem a logical move for the three horsemen to invite in Marvin, but apparently Cowboy has a great deal of animosity inside him toward Marvin that folks who subscribe to the website 24/7 have seen come into play but which hasn't been edited into the shows CBS airs.

The whole dynamic of the game shifted tonight.

Whether it's for the better remains to be seen.

Post by: bk on August 05, 2004, 10:24:47 PM
Back, but must get some food into my hungry gaping maw.  Might I just ask where in tarnation IS everyone?  I'll be back shortly.
Post by: Panni on August 05, 2004, 10:43:22 PM
Actually, the best stuff to cook up gourmet fries is horse fat.

Somebody clear the floor so I can vomit on it.
Post by: JoseSPiano on August 05, 2004, 10:45:53 PM
I'm back from rehearsal too!


DR George - Thanks for reminding me of Fried Pickles!!  I luv' em!!!  I prefer spears - battered or breaded - but I've been to a few places that have fried pickle chips/ slices instead.  Served with some ranch dressing on the side.. YUMMY!

And I still remember the first place I had fried pickles:  Duke University's Main Dining Hall.  I was down at Duke working on ELEANOR before it transferred up to Ford's Theatre, and I would frequently eat at the dining hall.  Pretty decent food, and since I was employed by the university at the time, they extended some of the staff discounts and benefits to us.  Well, as I was going through the line one day, they were offering a "fried vegetable bar".  A what?!?!? So... They had fried mushrooms, fried zucchini, fried baby carrots (which were pretty good too), those breaded and fried brocolli and cheese balls, and fried pickles!  Well, I just had to try to the pickles.... :)

Oh, and I've also had some some deep-fried olives too!  And, apparently, some food company has come out with deep-fried mac n' cheese?!?!?  Hmm.. even that sounds like overkill to me.  Hmm.. But that doesn't mean I won't give it a try should I come across it... :X
Post by: Panni on August 05, 2004, 10:48:14 PM
Hungarian homes always have lots of frying going on (of food that is). Weirdly enough -- or perhaps not so weirdly -- when I became an adult, I developed a real aversion to the smell of frying food. Whenever I would go over to my mother's house for a meal, I'd have to wash all my clothes or send them out to be cleaned when I got back home, because all I could smell on them was that certain fried food odor.
Post by: Panni on August 05, 2004, 10:49:50 PM
Nevertheless, I would walk a mile in my bare feet for a good Wiener Schnitzel.
Post by: Panni on August 05, 2004, 10:52:57 PM
The NY Times review of Tiger Cruise gets quite political in its conclusion. And I can't disagree with the reviewer.

(Too bad Tom Cruise and Penelope Cruz aren't in Tiger Cruise.)
Post by: Panni on August 05, 2004, 10:54:06 PM
I am a frenzy of one. I can see Jose out there. Probably frying up a pickle.