Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 2 => Topic started by: bk on August 20, 2004, 12:16:21 AM

Post by: bk on August 20, 2004, 12:16:21 AM
Well, you've read the notes, you've gotten through them quickly on account of them being abbreviated and all, and now it is time to post until the abbreviated cows come home.
Post by: bk on August 20, 2004, 12:22:44 AM
As promised, photographic proof of the Tammy mess, being cleaned up as I was taking said photographic proof.
Post by: Jay on August 20, 2004, 12:32:28 AM
As promised, photographic proof of the Tammy mess, being cleaned up as I was taking said photographic proof.

I am totally certain Miss Minoff thoroughly appreciated your documenting the scenario.
Post by: Panni on August 20, 2004, 12:33:13 AM
And a fine mess it is. Lucky it missed the cell phone which is lying just beyond it.
Post by: Jay on August 20, 2004, 12:35:21 AM
I was at the Hollywood Bowl Thursday night for a rare performance of Leonard Bernstein's Mass.  Miss Marin Alsop led the Los Angeles Philharmonic and Mr. Jubilant Sykes (what a splendid name!) took the part of the Celebrant.

Simply said, Mass is something of a period piece.  And quite a pastiche, musically, as well.  Mr. Stephen Schwartz revised some of the lyrics for this performance but, truth be told, much of what's sung veers into the dreadfully banal.  (Of course, I am not referring to the words of the Latin Mass.)  But Mass does have some wonderful moments, too, that warrant its being mounted.  The setting of The Lord's Prayer is particularly beautiful.

Large forces are required for Mass and there were hundreds of people--musicians, dancers and singers--on stage.  Despite limited rehearsal time for Bowl concerts, the performance came off as very well polished.  Although Mr. Sykes was somewhat miscast vocally, he nonetheless was quite impressive in a very demanding role.
Post by: bk on August 20, 2004, 12:43:22 AM
Jay, you are a gadabout town.  
Post by: George on August 20, 2004, 12:45:48 AM
Well, it's about a quarter to one (almost a 42nd Street reference) and I have nothing in my CD player, nothing in my DVD player, nothing in my record player, nothing in my VCR, and nothing in my CD burner...yet. ::) We'll see.

Anyway, later in the morning (after I've slept and woken up) I'll report on what's going to be in these apparati.  One of them has a connection to where I'm going tomorrow!!  Cryptic, ain't it?? ;D
Post by: George on August 20, 2004, 12:50:49 AM
And Congrats, BK on the good parts of the mixed reviews!  Now, I must sleep and get up early.  Good night!
Post by: bk on August 20, 2004, 12:59:55 AM
Welcome seven GUESTS!  We're talkin' about what's in our players.
Post by: JoseSPiano on August 20, 2004, 01:22:09 AM
Good Evening!  Good Morning!

-"An American in Paris" just finished playing on the radio...  I'm happy!

Yes, it was an interesting show.  The new speakers do sound better, if just a bit "smaller" to my ears -

-Oh, and now Schumann's "Widmung" - one of my favorite lieder...

I had a very good warm up before the show.  I got there early, and ran through some scales and other bits and pieces of stuff I usually warm up with.  Then I was able to run through the show backwards, playing bits and pieces of each number.  Then came the show itself...

One of the keys on the piano started sticking towards the end of the opening number - the D above middle C.  Thankfully, the second number of the show is in the key of "A" - so I didn't have too many D's to worry about, but then came the "Fiddler/Chorus Line" number which is in C... and has a couple of D's in it... Then came "Times Like This" which starts out in B-major, but modulates to C-major, so lots more D's there...  Etc., etc., etc.  Thankfully, it was not a consistent problem, and was most likely caused by the variable heat, A/C, humidity over the past few days and tonight... It happens from time to time.

In any case, as much as I kept telling myself to "deal with it", I ended up playing mind games with myself here and there.  And mind games certainly aren't the type of things one should be doing when one should be playing piano.  So...

I'm sorry, BK, for all the clams tonight.  *I was expecting you to come back during intermission... But I guess you had other issues to deal with.

Thankfully, I was able to realign the culprit damper during intermission, and there were no mechanical problems with the piano during the second half of the show.  *All those years of hanging out with concert hall piano technicians came in handy tonight.  I felt more relaxed during the second half, but there were still a few times where I "caught" myself expecting something to go wrong, but, of course, nothing did.

*And I'll be bringing a nail file tomorrow just in case the problem arises again.   Ssshh... trade secret.  :P
Post by: JoseSPiano on August 20, 2004, 01:37:36 AM
Oh.. and now Brahms' Second Piano Concerto... I'm not sure which pianist/recording they're playing right now, but I'm liking it.  -My favorite recording has to be Emil Gilels with Jochum conducting - which has been reissued a few times already on CD in various editions.  And if you listen closely - and really know the piece - he actually has some finger slips.  Very minor ones, but still some inaccuracies as it were.  But I digress...

After reading what I just posted, I started thinking about how rare it is has been for me to play a real, live, 88-key piano in a pit over the past few years.  I think the last two shows I've played a real piano were Godspell and Always, Patsy Cline - both at New Harmony Theatre in Indiana.

I've either been playing a keyboard part on an electronic keyboard/synth, or due to space and/or money limitations I've played on an electronic piano.  A piano can take up a lot of precious "real estate" in an orchestra pit.  *I remember for the Sondheim Celebration shows, we used the concert grands from the Opera House - talk about taking up space!!!  And the cost of piano tunings can add up really fast.

Arena Stage uses a real piano sometimes in the Kreeger, which is their proscenium space, but in the Fichlander, in the round, getting a real piano - grand or upright - into that pit area is basically impossible.  They would have to lower it in there before the set gets built on top and around it.  And having a set build on top and around a piano... hmmm...

I even remember "Marry Me A Little" many years ago at the Olney Theatre in Maryland.  The two pianists were positioned upstage - in two "apartment" windows.  Since they were elevated above the stage floor, they had to use electronic grands - or they would have had to do some serious reinforcing of the set.  Well, the set designer ended up building two fake cases for the electric keyboards so that it looked like there were indeed two baby grands on stage, up there in the windows.  It was a very effective facade.  And they actually got some pretty decent electric pianos for the production, and even some musicians in the audience were doing double takes: Was it Steinway or was it Kurzweil?
Post by: JoseSPiano on August 20, 2004, 01:52:16 AM
I guess I'll be my own frenzy right now... -And the Brahms' is still playing... Man is that Scherzo movement tough!!!

Another piano-related memory...

When I was in high school, I somehow got in on the circuit of pianists who would play for parties, receptions, etc.  Background music.  There was this one particularly busy period where I was having at least one if not two parties each weekend over the span of two months.  The one thing that most of these parties had in common was that the host(s) had just bought a new piano, and they wanted to show it off, so to speak.  And most of these pianos turned out to be Samicks.  Samick had just recently been introduced in the United States, and they were - and still are basically - a "bargain" line of pianos.  However, they had/have great finishes - from the standard black ebony, to the woodgrain finishes and stains.  They make very nice pieces of furniture - which were what most of these people had bought the piano for - for furniture, not necessarily as a musical instrument.

Well... After a few parties, I started noticing a trend among the pianos.  They all had loose damper pedal screws - which was easily remedied with a screw driver.  I almost thought I had broken the pedal assembly on one piano, then realized that a screw had simply come loose.  And they all had sticking notes.  The same sticking notes!  I think they were the F below middle-C and the A above middle-C.  ???

It got to the point where I would into a house, and tell the host/owner that they might have to get a piano technician in there to "fix" the keys - even before I touched the piano.  And, sure enough, as soon as I started playing, the same two keys would start sticking.  "How did you know that would happen?"  ;)

*I actually think I'm playing on a Samick for "What If?".  And, as I've mentioned before, it's not a bad instrument.  And I'm pretty sure tonight's problem was simply a matter of environmental variables as it were.
Post by: JoseSPiano on August 20, 2004, 02:10:55 AM
Yep!  I'm still up and I'm still posting... And the Brahms' is still playing... What a beautiful slow movement... The cello solo.. the quote from "Immer leiser wird mein schlummer"... :)

Before heading to the theatre yesterday afternoon, I Metro'd and bussed myself over to Hollywood Sheet Music to pick up some sheet music, and to finally meet Rick Starr in person.  Rick was a great help in trying to locate some of the songs that are a part of - and were considered for - What If?

He's a very nice guy - and he will be coming to see the show tonight.  I was also able to pass on a copy of the "Jeepers Creepers" CD that BK had promised him - and they started playing it in the store while I was browsing.  *And Rick says, "Thank You for the CD!" Bruce.  And what a store!  And with only a staff of three!  And they all know there stuff, and know where certain songs may be "hiding" in books and collections.

Well, since it was still about two hours before I had to be at the theatre, I decided to walk down Sunset Blvd to check out that part of it.  A few doors down was the Samuel French Bookstore which I avoided since I knew that if I went in there I would have dropped some cash on scripts that most likely would gather dust for a few weeks - if not months.

Then came In-N-Out Burger.  So... Suppertime!  And what a burger!  Very reasonably priced too!   And pretty decent fries - just fresh cut potatoes fried in peanut oil (I think).  Next time I'll have to try them topped with chili and their special sauce (at least I think that's what it looked like).

While I was there, there was some excitement at the outside tables.  Some wacko gentleman was pestering some young woman and her friends for no apparent reason.  The young woman eventually made her way inside, and asked the manager come out there right now to tell the man to go away, and to call the police.  However, I think by the time the manager had made his way outside, the pesterer had already left on his own accord.

But I'm glad I finally had my first - and probably not my last - In-N-Out burger!

The rest of the walk down Sunset was nice - it was a gorgeous afternoon, nice breeze blowing.  I ended up stopping in a neat little Russian bakery and picked up some small pastries filled with either poppy seeds, cherries or apples - one of each.  And each one was rather tasty!  I picked up two of the poppy seed ones, and all four were only $1.00!  They made a nice dessert - and a post show snack.

I eventually found myself on Highland, so I just walked the rest of the way to the theatre, and happened to run into BK who was on his way to Aron's to check things out there.

*I did find it very "funny" that Guitar Center and Sam Ash have opened across the street from each other.  These are two big music store chains, and when they opened stores in Richmond, they happened to open up in storefronts which are next door to each other.  I guess that makes for less travelling for the bargain hunters and price-comparers.  I know each chain has their brand "exclusives", but I have to wonder about the tactic of opening two very similar stores so near each other.  -And, of course, each store guarantees to have the "Lowest Prices on Sunset".  So, I guess each store's sale flyers must look the same too.  ;)
Post by: JoseSPiano on August 20, 2004, 02:21:47 AM
hmm... I certainly am being quite the verbose DR this early morning...

But before I go to bed, I do have to say that my current host certainly has been a most gracious host.  A very nice house - which is "located" a very comfortable walk to and from the Metro station - as well as some decent stores and restaurants (and I just spotted the Old Navy today!).  My own very tastefully appointed and decorated bedroom and bathroom.  A second phone line for those times when I need to get on-line whenever he is on-line himself.  Two wonderful dogs who have been fun to take care of when their master is away during the day.  And he's also very good company too - and keeps some pretty decent bagels in the freezer!

Post by: JoseSPiano on August 20, 2004, 02:24:56 AM
And now this frenzy must come to an end...

I have a feeling I'll finally be succumbing to the sale at Macy's tomorrow/today.  There were already some pretty decent deals and clearances going on when I was there on Monday and Tuesday, and now that the Clearance stuff has been further marked down...  Jojo needs some new shirts!  We shall see...

Boy is it late/early!  And I need to rest up for my shopping!

Post by: JoseSPiano on August 20, 2004, 02:28:25 AM
DR SWW and DerBrucer and the rest of your "family" - My condolences.  It's very nice and heartening to know that Kelsey was loved and is still loved.
Post by: JoseSPiano on August 20, 2004, 03:01:06 AM
Well... I was going to bed, and then I remembered that Dracula, The Musical opened last night...

The New York Times review was actually kind of fair - and fun.  Albeit, still an out and out pan.

And I liked this phrase from the New York Post:

"Wildhorn's score remains at his usual level of bombastic mediocrity, with the best songs allotted to Errico, who performs them beautifully. Even while she's singing, though, one imagines the ice-skating routines that will eventually be performed to them."

And The Washington Post called it a "snoozical".

Who knew there were so many creative phrases and euphemisms for the words "bad" and "boring". ;)

... And, now, again, Goodnight.
Post by: Jrand73 on August 20, 2004, 04:05:54 AM
Welcome to the Jose Show!!!!  

LOL....and thanks for the "Dracula" quotes!

Hmmmmmmmm.....today we will have a thousand or so students ALL in our little store looking for their books, so I probably won't be able to post.  And tonight I am seeing NUNSENSE and working at the box office, so I won't be home until late.... *sigh*....

Anyway...farewell to Kelsey....who now joins my dachshund, Gretchen....I know they will have fun....just get out of the way when the doorbell rings...dachshunds like to be the first ones to the door!

CD Player - Forever Plaid
DVD PLAYER - Anand (A Bollywood present from MBARNUM) and HERE'S LUCY the box set, AND next up HOUSE OF THE BASKERVILLES written by HHW's own DR CHARLES EDWARD POGUE.
VHS - BACK STREET with Susan Hayward, John Gavin, and Vera Miles! (again)

Still working on my lines...whew!!

Happy Friday, everyone!  And have a great show tonight, WHAT IF!

DRPANNI thanks for the WI reviews yesterday!
Post by: Michael on August 20, 2004, 04:28:11 AM
DVD Player

The Babylon 5 Movies
ALF Season 1
The Naughty Earl Years of Benny Hill Complete and Unadulterated. (These are the ful length episodes from 1969-1971 including three "rare" ones filmed in B & W)
Post by: Michael on August 20, 2004, 04:43:42 AM
Also got Laverne and Shirley, but I am returning it. I thought BK did them in season 1.
Post by: Ben on August 20, 2004, 04:59:40 AM
I'm ODing on Nancy LaMott today. I have 5 of the 6 CDs here at work (I should have brought the Christmas CD, just for fun). I also have the 2 CD Patti LuPone Live in which she runs the gamut (IMHO-in my humble opinion) between wonderful and head-shakingly bad.

I saw Dracula on Wednesday. I read many reviews today. I agree with all of them. As Jose mentioned, the Times review was cute. I won't bash Wildhorn, that's not why I mention seeing Dracula. I will say that the entire production has problems, it's not just the music. It certainly wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen. It's not even in the top five worst things I've ever seen and I've seen some real garbage over the past 24 years. As the Times said, the real problem with the show is that it's boring. There is good talent involved, Tom Hewitt and Melissa Errico to name two, but they are wasted. For all the talk of special effects, there was little to impress. For all the talk of sexual and sensual, again, it seemed pretty dry and asexual to me. That's probably the biggest problem. Dracula should be dripping sensuality, sexual tension, eroticism. There isn't a drop of it in the entire show. The nudity is not integral at all. It's there but if it wasn't, you wouldn't say "Oh, she should be naked here" or "she should bare her breast" (I only saw one and it was more n****e than anything else). There are design elements that really "suck" (sorry, I had to do it, I'm talking about Dracula after all) from an audience point of view. Do directors no longer sit in many different vantage points throughout the house to see what the audience might (or might not) see? This was also a problem for me in the late, lamented Assassins. Overall, it's a misfire. It's not a Dance of the Vampires but it has a fairly pedestrian book and silly lyrics (sorry Don Black and Christopher Hampton) and overamplified sound (sound problems seem to be a problem on both coasts). I'll go back to the Times and my initial reaction as I left the theatre. It's boring. That's probably the worst thing you can say about a show.

I do want to say something else, after all this negative talk. I WANTED to like the show. I did go in with an open mind. There are some good people involved and I was hoping for something to like. I always want to at least LIKE a show. I try not to go in with preconcieved notions based on gossip. I really think I gave Dracula a fair chance. It just didn't work for me. Perhaps I have a different outlook on things, since much of the audience I was with adored the show and jumped up at the end cheering and applauding wildly. I don't do that normally. As I've mentioned in the past, I need to be blown away to stand up and cheer, but then I can be an old crank sometimes  ;)

I'm approaching the gold standard of post length here (Jose has set that standard, BTW or by the way ;D) so I will move on to Miss LaMott and off to the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Later, folks.
Post by: Ben on August 20, 2004, 05:00:48 AM
My, my, my. 21 posts so early on a Friday. Perhaps it will be a hot day (even beyond the temperature here in NYC).
Post by: beckon on August 20, 2004, 05:55:47 AM
Media Check

VCR- Ray Charles In Concert (taped for a friend)
Car Cassette: Lost In Boston II (by BK), Flirtations
CD Player: Seventh Heaven (OBC), Anyone Can Whistle (OBC)
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 05:55:58 AM
And a fine mess it is. Lucky it missed the cell phone which is lying just beyond it.
My own very first thought!  :)
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on August 20, 2004, 06:01:12 AM
My, my, my. 21 posts so early on a Friday. Perhaps it will be a hot day (even beyond the temperature here in NYC).

That's a sure jinx. An hour without a post.

Thanks for the Dracula review (thanks DRs for both the East and West coast reviews). In fact, I just read the other Ben's review, and found yours more enlightening. (One question, and I hope I'm not embarrassing myself too much: What's n****e?.)

Not much mediawise. I finally acquired WICKED, and enjoyed listening to it earlier in the a.m.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 20, 2004, 06:02:40 AM
I was at the Hollywood Bowl Thursday night for a rare performance of Leonard Bernstein's Mass.  Miss Marin Alsop led the Los Angeles Philharmonic and Mr. Jubilant Sykes (what a splendid name!) took the part of the Celebrant.

Simply said, Mass is something of a period piece.  And quite a pastiche, musically, as well.  Mr. Stephen Schwartz revised some of the lyrics for this performance but, truth be told, much of what's sung veers into the dreadfully banal.  (Of course, I am not referring to the words of the Latin Mass.)  But Mass does have some wonderful moments, too, that warrant its being mounted.  The setting of The Lord's Prayer is particularly beautiful.

Large forces are required for Mass and there were hundreds of people--musicians, dancers and singers--on the stage tonight.  Despite limited rehearsal time for Bowl concerts, the performance came off as very well polished.  Mr. Sykes was somewhat miscast vocally, but he still was quite impressive in a very demanding role.

Jay, have you ever heard any of the Bernstein/Sondheim A Pray By Blecht (aka The Race To Urga aka The Exception and The Rule)?  I thought I'd plotz the first time I did.  I had always imagined that Bernstein, having been commissioned by Jackie O to write the commencing work that would open the Kennedy Center, worked far into the night, slaving away in order to set his devotion to JFK to music.  Instead, he apparently simply recycled the score from the abandoned Blecht project.  It was very disappointing for me to discover that.

But I still love listening to Mass.  Yep, it's very much a product of its time and I doubt that any tinkering that Schwartz might do with his lyrics would help.  But all of the music is gloriously theatrical and it ranges through Bernstein at his most majestic to his most subtley sweet and simple.  I'm hearing the score in my head now as I type.  I wish I had brought the CD to work today.
Post by: Ben on August 20, 2004, 06:03:25 AM
D-I-T LOL, it's not a nickle. Just add pp after the i and before the l and you'll have the word (this is a family site after all ;-)
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 06:05:10 AM
S.O.B. is in the dvd player.

In the cd player is a lovely compilation disc from Down Under featuring the vocal stylings of Renee Geyer, Joe Cocker, Jimmy Webb, Van Morrison, Randy Newman and Dionne Warwicke.
Cocker's two tracks are fascinating, first there is a live recording of Jimmy Webb's "The Moon's a Harsh Mistress," followed by a readical rethinking of Bruce Springsteen's "Human Touch."
Later, I have a Live Concert cd from 2003 of Renee Geyer to listen to.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 20, 2004, 06:06:17 AM
As promised, photographic proof of the Tammy mess, being cleaned up as I was taking said photographic proof.

I hope that it was a light chocolate shake that spilt on a dark brown table top and not a dark chocolate shake on a white table top, cause that would have really been a mess.
Post by: Stuart on August 20, 2004, 06:37:54 AM
I finally acquired WICKED, and enjoyed listening to it earlier in the a.m.

I also acquired this earlier this week, but have OD'd on it a bit, as I was playing it to and from work every day.  Finally had to take it out of the car this morning, before I listened to "Defying Gravity" one more time.

Quote from Jay:
The Dear Mother and I recently purchased adjacent pieces of 20 square foot property.  The area of the cemetery where the plots are located was still being developed when we purchased them, and the Dear Mother has expressed a desire to check and see how the "neighborhood" is progressing.

Boy, when Mom says she doesn't want to fly back east, she really means it!

Condolences to the DB/SWW household.  My thoughts are with you.

Media Check:
CD/Office: Liz Callaway: On and Off Broadway
VCR: I think BB5 from a couple of nights ago.
DVD: Empty
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 20, 2004, 06:40:52 AM
The Check of Media:

CD Player (at home):  Bonnie Raitt (not sure of the title--it's the one that won her all the Grammys)

CD Player (at work):  Lorelei cast recording

DVD Player:  Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore

VHS:  nothing

Post by: William E. Lurie on August 20, 2004, 06:42:42 AM
Jubilant Sykes (no relation to Bill Sykes from OLIVER!) was in BLOOMER GIRL at Encores a couple of years ago and was quite impressive.  I'm surprised we haven't heard more from him.

CD - Several months ago, Donald played a couple of selections from GRIND that I really enjoyed and I realized I didn't have that CD.  I came across it recently and just got around to playing it.  It has instantly become one of my favorite scores, though from reading the plot summary in the booklet I can see why it flopped.  But you can say that about most Larry Grossman scores.  Maybe someday he will write a score to a good book and finally have the hit he deserves.  Also listening to JOHNNY GUITAR.  Since the show's main problem was that the score and book were totally different in tone (serious score, camp book) the CD is quite enjoyable.

DVD - Several 20th Century Fox comedies from the very late 40s and early 50s that all feature Marilyn Monroe in a 4th or 5th billed supporting role.  In all cases, Marilyn is a delight, and each of these films --- MONKEY BUSINESS, WE'RE NOT MARRIED, YOU'RE NEVER TOO YOUNG, etc. --- is a well cast, highly entertaining example of the kind of light comedy that is not made today.

VHS - An ABC special with clips of unsold pilots.  While it is obvious why these pilots were never sold, they are no worse than most of the ones that do end up on network television, one reason I am thankful for cable and DVD.
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 06:46:48 AM
In a couple of strange twists of fate, Renee Geyer has done a lot of back up for Bonnie Raitt; Jennifer Warnes has done back up work for Jubilant Sykes.  

Just thought you'd like to know.  ;)
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 20, 2004, 06:47:43 AM
A gentle Page Two Frolic on this hot and humid Friday morning:

Post by: Stuart on August 20, 2004, 07:10:53 AM
A gentle Page Two Frolic on this hot and humid Friday morning:

...in this congressional incubator.  Is the temperature hot enough to hatch a stone, let alone an egg?

(And send some of that warmth this way, DTM, would you?)
Post by: Stuart on August 20, 2004, 07:18:02 AM
But before I go to bed, I do have to say that my current host certainly has been a most gracious host.  A very nice house - which is "located" a very comfortable walk to and from the Metro station - as well as some decent stores and restaurants (and I just spotted the Old Navy today!).  My own very tastefully appointed and decorated bedroom and bathroom.  A second phone line for those times when I need to get on-line whenever he is on-line himself.  Two wonderful dogs who have been fun to take care of when their master is away during the day.  And he's also very good company too - and keeps some pretty decent bagels in the freezer!

How nice for you....

Quote from Jay:
The friend who is staying with me should win the World's Greatest Houseguest award.  He's got an interim job here in L.A. that keeps him busy in the evening several nights a week so we're not constantly underfoot with each other, he keeps the guestroom neat (he makes his bed every day!), he's quiet, he helps me look after Roller and Blackjack, he does his laundry when I'm not around so there's no conflict over the washer/dryer and--though he probably thinks I haven't noticed--he waits for me to be done on the computer before he hooks into the second phone line in the house.  All that and he's really pleasant company, too!

And how nice for you too.

How nice for you.....
How nice for Eve.....
How nice for EVERYBODY!
Post by: Stuart on August 20, 2004, 07:21:27 AM
VHS - BACK STREET with Susan Hayward, John Gavin, and Vera Miles! (again)

I know, I know.....you just couldn't resist that shot of Miles' french-heeled pump gunning the gas pedal that I mentioned last week, could you?
Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 07:25:14 AM
DVD player: The second DVD set of Abbott and Costello movies. So far this week I have watched HIT THE ICE, IN SOCIETY, and HERE COME THE CO-EDS.

VHS: I don't think I taped a darn thing this week!

CD: Nothing new  :-\  Guess I need to get to the store and buy something!
Post by: Jennifer on August 20, 2004, 07:25:56 AM
Wow, reading the end of yesterday's posts turned out to be quite depressing.  I am so sorry for DRs Der Brucer and S. Woody White.
Post by: Jennifer on August 20, 2004, 07:27:27 AM
Hey for all you BB fans, you can vote as many times as you want (voting is bottom right corner).


Not happy about new HOH.
Post by: Jay on August 20, 2004, 07:27:39 AM
Jay, have you ever heard any of the Bernstein/Sondheim A Pray By Blecht (aka The Race To Urga aka The Exception and The Rule)?

I cannot say I have.

I will say that there were sections of music I heard last night that had to have been cut from Candide and West Side Story that Lenny pulled out of his trunk and dropped into Mass.
Post by: Jay on August 20, 2004, 07:29:19 AM
D-I-T LOL, it's not a nickle. Just add pp after the i and before the l and you'll have the word (this is a family site after all ;-)

Dammit!  Now visions of Janet Jackson are running through my head.
Post by: Jennifer on August 20, 2004, 07:30:00 AM
Re: that disqualification yesterday at the Olympics

Do any of you who follow the Olympics think that the athlete being American had anything to do with the DQ being reversed?
Post by: Noel on August 20, 2004, 07:35:44 AM
The invidious annoyance of a sticking piano key can not be overstated.  It becomes a lightning rod of concentration; one can think of little else.  While I don't know the degree of difficulty of the What If score, I can say that Jose must be one amazing pianist if he can get through an entire show (of whatever difficulty) with a sticking key.  Or two!

Other instrumentalists are responsible for the conditions of their instruments.  A pianist is at the mercy of the hall in which he plays.  I know all the What If-ers have survived the trauma of a malfunctioning speaker.  Attend to this problem forthwith!  It's worse.

Now there are two sentences I wouldn't want to say three times fast.

Ben's pretty much on-the-mark about the musical that opened on Broadway last night.  Devoid of sensuality - true! (and an angle I hadn't thought of) - also devoid of any human (or inhuman) emotion and not a shred of wit.  Don Stephenson does pull some flies out of the air and eat them, which, I guess, is to be counted as the comic relief.

Media: A Class Act, Closer That Ever
Post by: Jay on August 20, 2004, 07:42:02 AM
In the CD player:

Maria Callas La Divina, La Divina 2, La Divina 3

A Jimmy Durante song collection (don't knock it 'til you've heard it)

A Della Reese 2-albums-on-one-CD collection, which includes a series of songs set to classical musical themes.  "Don't You Know," set to Musetta's arietta from La Boheme, is one of them.

Something else, but I cannot remember what.

I've been through all six discs over the course of this past week, so it's time to change them out with six new ones.
Post by: Matt H. on August 20, 2004, 08:06:31 AM
The VARIETY review of DRACULA was a deep, dark pan, and Charles Isherwood was particularly nasty to both Wildhorn and Don Black (especially understandable in the latter case based on past work). He had nice things to say about Melissa Errico and Tom Hewitt's talents, but as DR Ben noted above, they are just wasted in this endeavor. He particularly lamented Melissa Errico long string of Broadway appearances in flops when she has so much to offer.

Wonder how long the producers will keep this running? Six months? A year?
Post by: Matt H. on August 20, 2004, 08:10:08 AM
Re: that disqualification yesterday at the Olympics

Do any of you who follow the Olympics think that the athlete being American had anything to do with the DQ being reversed?

The article I read in the newspaper this morning said that the swimmer felt the Japanese judge was the one who had disqualified him after the swimmer had said some tacky things about the Japanese swimers a day or two ago. He believed the disqualification was completely nationalistic and not based on any evidence. Seemingly, the judge who lodges the protest remains anonymous.
Post by: Matt H. on August 20, 2004, 08:13:56 AM
Friday Media Check:

LP - TOGETHER WITH MUSIC (Noel Coward/Mary Martin) soundtrack

CD - Brent Barrett - THE KANDER & EBB ALBUM

laserdisc - THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER (have about 20 minutes left on it)

DVD - NIGHT & DAY (Cole Porter faux-bio I)
          KING SOLOMON'S MINES (Richard Chamberlain version)

Yep, a day of DVD artistic bombs at my house!  :D
Post by: Matt H. on August 20, 2004, 08:15:59 AM
Coming up later today - another fetching George Eads picture for those here who are fans.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 20, 2004, 08:19:35 AM
Hey for all you BB fans, you can vote as many times as you want (voting is bottom right corner).


Not happy about new HOH.

Really?  I'm totally stoked.

I hope she puts up Adria and Natalie.

Jennifer is out to kick some bigoted/racist butt, and I'm behind her 100%.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 20, 2004, 08:22:23 AM
Re: that disqualification yesterday at the Olympics

Do any of you who follow the Olympics think that the athlete being American had anything to do with the DQ being reversed?

I think it's obvious, for anyone who has seen the tape of the turn, that there was nothing amiss with Pierson's swim.  

In the past, the USA has protested some horrifically bad calls in various sports -- most notably an atrociously badly refereed basketball game against the USSR back in the early 80s -- and nothing was overturned.

In this instance, I'm confident justice was served.  The man who won the meet took the Gold.

Even the man who finished second to Pierson says the call was bogus, and he's also said he's not sure he could have accepted the gold if the call had not been overturned.

At least the competitors have a rational perspective on these things.
Post by: bk on August 20, 2004, 08:44:01 AM
I didn't pick up either Laverne and Shirley or Happy Days because I couldn't remember if I was in the first season or not - I suspect I might be on Happy Days, but I guess it's season two for the first of my three or four Laverne and Shirley's.
Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 08:59:45 AM
DR Jennifer, I am actually quite happy, also, about the new HOH! And I am hoping the twins go up, too!

I have to disagree, however, with RLP's assesment that the previous HOH was bigoted or racist. I really do not thing anything of that sort was going on....I just think Adria really thought of those two as being threats (and they definately were).

Of course I could be wrong!
Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 09:01:09 AM
PS: Jay, you should have a nifty Bollywood movie arriving for your temp. roomie anytime now...you may enjoy it as well as I know you like foriegn type entertainments!
Post by: George on August 20, 2004, 09:01:23 AM
In my CD player:  the three Benjamin Kritzer CDs that came with my three Benjamin Kritzer books.  (and thanks, BK!)

And today, August 20, is my dad's birthday!  He's 66 today.  I don't know what we're going to do tonight...probably take him out to Applebee's (he likes that place a lot).  For his present, I bought him the three Benjamin Kritzer books and BK autographed them for him!  My dad grew up in southern California and will probably recognize a lot from the books, although he's about 10 years older than both BKs.  I really think that he'll enjoy them. :)
Post by: Panni on August 20, 2004, 09:04:27 AM
Well, since it was still about two hours before I had to be at the theatre, I decided to walk down Sunset Blvd to check out that part of it.  A few doors down was the Samuel French Bookstore which I avoided since I knew that if I went in there I would have dropped some cash on scripts that most likely would gather dust for a few weeks - if not months.

Had you gone in, DR Jose, you would have seen the Benjamin Kritzer books prominently displayed near the front cash register!
Post by: Matt H. on August 20, 2004, 09:04:57 AM
Off to another pool outing this afternoon. Looking forward to a little sun and fun. Be back later this afternoon. The George Eads picture may have to wait until later tonight.
Post by: Jay on August 20, 2004, 09:07:24 AM
PS: Jay, you should have a nifty Bollywood movie arriving for your temp. roomie anytime now...you may enjoy it as well as I know you like foreign type entertainments!

I said exotic entertainments.  Exotic.
Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 09:13:42 AM
I said exotic entertainments.  Exotic.

Well, when you see the front cover of the DVD case, you will see that it is quite "exotic"! ;D  (that is if you consider handsome foreign men in skimpy swimwear, exotic).

Or maybe that is the other "E" word?
Post by: Jennifer on August 20, 2004, 09:20:45 AM
I think it's obvious, for anyone who has seen the tape of the turn, that there was nothing amiss with Pierson's swim.  

In the past, the USA has protested some horrifically bad calls in various sports -- most notably an atrociously badly refereed basketball game against the USSR back in the early 80s -- and nothing was overturned.

In this instance, I'm confident justice was served.  The man who won the meet took the Gold.

Even the man who finished second to Pierson says the call was bogus, and he's also said he's not sure he could have accepted the gold if the call had not been overturned.

At least the competitors have a rational perspective on these things.

I agree that he should not have been disqualified since he was definitely the best swimmer by far.  Even if he did what the official said, he still would have won the race.

I don't know that the 2nd place finisher had actually seen a replay of the race when he made those comments.  I heard him say though (right after the race) that he knew the USA swimmer was the best, and that he did not want to win a gold that way.  Plus they are really close friends.

I will disagree a bit though that there was nothing wrong with USA swimmers turn.  I don't know what qualifies as too much on a turn.  But he clearly was on his stomach for a very long time (maybe more than he should have been - this was backstroke).  But the Canadian announcer who calls the race (and who is very knowledgeable) said that even though he did that, he (the announcer) had never seen anyone disqualified for that.

The thing I found totally odd was how quickly the decision was overturned. I have never seen something happen so quickly.
Post by: S. Woody White on August 20, 2004, 09:26:55 AM
I cannot say I have.

I will say that there were sections of music I heard last night that had to have been cut from Candide and West Side Story that Lenny pulled out of his trunk and dropped into Mass.
Oh, what the heck, let's get catty.

From what I've heard, Lenny himself had to be pulled out of San Francisco to finish the Mass score, as he'd gone there to work on a revival of Candide, and been thoroughly distracted in either the Castro or South of Market!
Post by: Jennifer on August 20, 2004, 09:27:24 AM
DR Jennifer, I am actually quite happy, also, about the new HOH! And I am hoping the twins go up, too!

I have to disagree, however, with RLP's assesment that the previous HOH was bigoted or racist. I really do not thing anything of that sort was going on....I just think Adria really thought of those two as being threats (and they definately were).

Of course I could be wrong!

I'm not happy with the new HOH cause I don't want the twins to go.

I know why DR RLP made the racist comment (since she said the bible guided her and she nominated the black and the gay).  But I agree with you DR MBarnum.  Marvin had no alliance yet was a threat.  And Will/Karen/Jen needed to be stopped.  I really haven't seen any evidence of racism, except maybe in the case of Cowboy.

I was wanting Diane to win the HOH so that I could see which way she would go (since she has been playing both sides).

I think that Diane is full of crap though telling jen/karen how mad she is at drew for voting to evict will.  She knew full well that nat/cowboy/drew were gonna vote out will.  But Diane wanted ADRIA to have to make the decision.  And this way Diane can say she stuck with the karen/jen alliance.

I hate when people play both sides while giving away info to each side.  That is just tacky!

I cannot wait till Will realizes that it was DIANE who told Adria to nominate him.  I think he's probably going to the sequester house.  But when Adria told Will that someone in the group (diane/jen/karen) had made the decision, he DIDN'T believe her.

Say what you want about Adria, but she hasn't lied.
Post by: Jennifer on August 20, 2004, 09:30:34 AM

Okay spill it DRs RLP, MBarnum, and Stuart (and anyone else who watches BB).

Who are you voting for in the America's Choice?

If I knew there was someone who actually really wanted to do it, I would vote for them.

Jennifer, just excited that she can actually vote in a US based reality show contest.
Post by: S. Woody White on August 20, 2004, 09:37:32 AM
I'll let someone else post a dance.

Thanks to all for the helpful posts, from yesterday and today.  Der B. has found a pic of Kelsey and me, which he may post later.

As for the chihuahua bite, it's healing nicely already.  Bonnie has been washing it for him.

Marty is fine, as are Buster and Bonnie.  Little Mikey decided to cuddle with me last night, not his usual sleeping arrangement.

TOD: Heartfelt thanks to George, for sending us a fresh Weird Romance CD.  It sounds great.

Also in the CD stack are a couple of discs by Judy Holliday: Trouble is a Man and Holiday with Mulligan.  We'll be listening to those later today, on our way to Dover for shopping and then to visit with the grandlads.

Der B has been hiding something from me: he already bought the direct-to-DVD Disney Three Musketeers.  How he expects me to keep our DVD database up to date if he doesn't tell me these things...

Post by: S. Woody White on August 20, 2004, 09:44:37 AM
Re: that disqualification yesterday at the Olympics

Do any of you who follow the Olympics think that the athlete being American had anything to do with the DQ being reversed?
From what I heard, the disqualification was not presented properly (i.e., not written in the proper language, and stated in vague terms rather than specifics).

Given the added problems of nationalism, the disqualification itself was probably less than Kosher.
Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 09:49:26 AM
DR Jennifer, I haven't decided who to vote for on America's Choice. I am with you in that I would vote for someone who really wanted to do it...someone who maybe wants to make acting a career.

But since I don't know who, I am thinking maybe Drew would be a good choice. He looks the most like a soap actor and would fit in nicely I think. Anyway, it should be fun for whomever wins it.

By the way, I am starting to like Marvin more and more. I agree that Adria seems fairly up-front, but I do believe she lied to Will in that she told him she would not vote him out...at lest that is what Will said last night after being evicted.

So of those left, the ones I would be happy seeing win are Cowboy, Marvin, Karen or Drew.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 20, 2004, 09:53:54 AM
I know why DR RLP made the racist comment (since she said the bible guided her and she nominated the black and the gay).  

Say what you want about Adria, but she hasn't lied.

Re: racist/bigoted -- exactly.  Adria told both Marvin and Will that she prayed and she was given an answer in a dream that they should be nominated.  That one was gay and one was black has EVERYthing to do with the message she "purportedly" received via divine prayer.  Will and Marvin were not deceived.  I pray few others were, as well.

As for Adria:  Sorry, Jen, but I have to disagree with you on the lying.  She made a pact with Will.  By nominating him, she absolutely LIED.  Breaking a pact means she lied at some point.  I think she lied about why she put the two of them up.  I know she was lying when she was trying to get each of them to beg her to save them and saying she'd use the veto on whichever one talked to her.

She's done nothing but lie, deceive and backstab.

Will was probably the best ally the twins ever had or will have had in the house.  Diane is deceit.  Drew is a waste of breath.  Cowboy seems to be a joke, at best, but will probably be in the final two.

My hope is that Marvin survives and takes it all.  Even jurors who will have wanted him out would vote for him out of guilt for having put him on the block so many times.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 20, 2004, 09:57:30 AM
DR Jennifer, I haven't decided who to vote for on America's Choice. I am with you in that I would vote for someone who really wanted to do it...someone who maybe wants to make acting a career.

But since I don't know who, I am thinking maybe Drew would be a good choice. He looks the most like a soap actor and would fit in nicely I think. Anyway, it should be fun for whomever wins it.

By the way, I am starting to like Marvin more and more. I agree that Adria seems fairly up-front, but I do believe she lied to Will in that she told him she would not vote him out...at lest that is what Will said last night after being evicted.

So of those left, the ones I would be happy seeing win are Cowboy, Marvin, Karen or Drew.

I urge you strongly to vote for Marvin.  Drew and Diane have been quoted (at the Canoe site) as saying only they would get any real votes because only they have soap qualities.  Diane was particularly cruel in her dismissal of Marvin and she thinks Cowboy would be a joke.  Cowboy, on the other hand, believes himself to be a shoo-in.  He think he's America's favorite!  Go figure.

I think Marvin would be a kick...and a HUGE SLAP IN THE FACE to those who have exhibited prejudices against him, for whatever reasons they've stated.

Big Brother called Drew into the confession room and when he came back, he told Diane they really chewed him out over talking about the America's Choice reward.  I'm guessing they're not supposed to talk about it????  If that were the case, they should never have been told about it until the voting was over.  Meanwhile, that's all any of them are talking about.  Drew and Diane have been secretly dismissive of everyone but themselves regarding the competition.  Diane believes Big Brother will ignore vote that doesn't give the reward to one of the two of them.  

They're both really sick puppies, IMO!
Post by: JMK on August 20, 2004, 10:07:29 AM
Re:  Mass/Marin Alsop/Sheet music stores:  Wow!  I can respond to three comments with one anecdote.  I have performed under Marin's baton (no mean feat).  She was a lovely person, but I found her difficult to follow.  I think I have mentioned this story before (stop me if I have....TOO LATE), but one of my favorite moments in a sheet music store with an idiot clerk devolved something like this:

Moi:  Do you have 'A Simple Song' from Bernstein's Mass?

Clerk:  We might.  What's it called?

(Think about it for a moment--hilarity will ensue.  Saying it out loud might help).

Re:  sticking keys.  Those are, indeed bad, but I think this may be worse (and this involves Bernstein, too).  I was playing a Democratic Party fundraiser wherein we were parodying West Side Story.  The piano lamp went out half-way through Act I, and the tech crew had forgotten to place a replacement bulb on the piano!  I therefore had to play West Side Story from memory (with the many cuts/changes we had made to incorporate parody lyrics) in total darkness for about half an hour.  One of my worst nightmares as a Music Director.

Post by: Stuart on August 20, 2004, 10:22:17 AM
I'm not happy with the new HOH cause I don't want the twins to go.

I could not disagree with you more, DR Jennifer.  They both have got to go, and Jennifer knows it.

What I really mind is when people who you  have come to know and like (as best you can on a reality show) turn out to be just showing a facade, and are actually the diametric opposite of what you have come to believe.

Her nomination of Will and Marvin was blatant bigotry.  And pretty small minded.

I don't know that I will vote for anyone in the America's Choice poll.  I rarely do those sorts of things, even when I do tune into American Idol.
Post by: Stuart on August 20, 2004, 10:23:01 AM
If I did vote for anyone at all for America's Choice, it would be Karen.  I LOVE Karen.
Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 10:23:02 AM
JMK, have you heard anything from Ann or Jed regarding Saturday's HHW Hootennany?

Jane and I are not sure what time to arrive (or what to bring)
Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 10:23:57 AM
If I did vote for anyone at all for America's Choice, it would be Karen.  I LOVE Karen.

I love Karen too!
Post by: Stuart on August 20, 2004, 10:23:57 AM
Well, when you see the front cover of the DVD case, you will see that it is quite "exotic"! ;D  (that is if you consider handsome foreign men in skimpy swimwear, exotic).

I know this brother does......
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 20, 2004, 10:25:06 AM
Oh, what the heck, let's get catty.

From what I've heard, Lenny himself had to be pulled out of San Francisco to finish the Mass score, as he'd gone there to work on a revival of Candide, and been thoroughly distracted in either the Castro or South of Market!

Oh, gosh--that completely demolishes my visions of Bernstein relentlessly and somberly working at the piano, taking occasional, tearful glances at a framed photo of JKF, as he composed Mass.  Another cherished myth shattered.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 20, 2004, 10:27:43 AM
The thing I found totally odd was how quickly the decision was overturned. I have never seen something happen so quickly.

Don't forget the tape delay.  The actual time between the posting of the DQ and the resolution was about thirty minutes.
Post by: George on August 20, 2004, 10:37:57 AM
JMK, have you heard anything from Ann or Jed regarding Saturday's HHW Hootennany?

Jane and I are not sure what time to arrive (or what to bring)

I never thought of that...should I bring something??  And Ann e-mailed me that she won't be able to come. :'( I e-mailed that info to JMK.  I should have spread the word to the rest of you.  Sorry about that. ::)
Post by: Jay on August 20, 2004, 10:47:31 AM
Jane and I are not sure what time to arrive (or what to bring)

Cameras!  Bring cameras!  We're all waiting with eager anticipation to see photos from the Pacific Northwest convergence of Hainsies and Kimlets!
Post by: JMK on August 20, 2004, 10:49:09 AM
Just bring yourselves.  No one has verified times with me.  It really doesn't matter.  George is coming before AR and I would assume again after.  You all are welcome anytime.  Just call us (phone number was in email) to let us know you're on the way.
Post by: Jennifer on August 20, 2004, 10:59:25 AM
I agree that Adria seems fairly up-front, but I do believe she lied to Will in that she told him she would not vote him out...at lest that is what Will said last night after being evicted.

How come nobody has asked if maybe Natalie  made the pinky swear. :)
Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 11:00:22 AM
No Ann and no TCB! Well!

DR Jane should be on her Greyhound bus to Portland right now!

George what time do you figure you will be back at JMKs?
Post by: DERBRUCER on August 20, 2004, 11:00:27 AM
DR SWW and DerBrucer and the rest of your "family" - My condolences.  It's very nice and heartening to know that Kelsey was loved and is still loved.

And he, Kelsey, was quite the kisser:

Post by: Jennifer on August 20, 2004, 11:04:34 AM
Don't forget the tape delay.  The actual time between the posting of the DQ and the resolution was about thirty minutes.

Are you sure about that?  The french station here shows all events live.  And I believe the resolution was much quicker than that.  Although perhaps you are right.
Post by: Jennifer on August 20, 2004, 11:12:04 AM

Earlier I wrote:
I know why DR RLP made the racist comment (since she said the bible guided her and she nominated the black and the gay).  

Just to clarify for those who don't watch Big Brother.

I was not saying that DR RLP made a racist comment himself.

I was saying that he brought up that someone on BB was racist, (hence the "DR RLP made the racist comment").

I'm pretty sure DR RLP knew what I meant.  But I just wanted to clarify for anyone else.

Oh and btw,  I really don't like Karen.  I'm wondering if those who don't read the day to day of the show like her more?

And sorry DR RLP, but I really don't like Marvin.  I think it's great that he cooks.  And I appreciate that he speaks his mind.  But I don't really like how he talks about the women.  

Post by: Jennifer on August 20, 2004, 11:19:56 AM
Her nomination of Will and Marvin was blatant bigotry.  And pretty small minded.

I'm really surprised that people would say this.  Has Adria ever shown that she didn't like black or gay people.

It's funny but I don't see people as black or gay.

Marvin has been nominated the last 3 weeks.  Have all the HOHs been racist?

And I don't see how people think Will was nominated for being gay.  Adria trusts Cowboy.  And the ONLY other people to nominate were drew/diane (who are were in her alliance) and will/karen/jen.

Even Diane told Adria she had to break up the will/karen/jen alliance.

And since adria didn't think Karen could take being nominated.  And since Will is the mastermind behind Girl Power, I believe Adria made a strategic decision.

The ONLY thing I can think of that might prove the racism point is that she said that the bible helped her make the noms.

But I really think that people are misinterpreting that.

I don't think that her dream told her to nominate the black and gay people.  I think that Adria said that the bible guides her in all her decisions.  But I think that she made strategic choices.

IMO her biggest mistake was not who she nominated. It was not talking things thru with Girl Power before making the noms.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 20, 2004, 11:27:38 AM
Are you sure about that?  The french station here shows all events live.  And I believe the resolution was much quicker than that.  Although perhaps you are right.

Actually, I forgot that you can see the events live.  I was thinking that you were referring to the NBC broadcast last night in which the entire episode was edited to only about four or five minutes.  But I just double checked a news story through Google and it did say that it took about a half hour for Aaron Peirsol to be declared the winner.

Okay, I just came across another story that says:

"In the men's 200-meter backstroke final, the USA's Aaron Peirsol easily beat his competitors. But as he was waving to the crowd, making his way toward a row of television cameras, he saw the scoreboard list the second-place finisher as the winner. The reason: Peirsol had been disqualified for an illegal turn.

Peirsol weaved in a daze toward the warm-down pool, muttering "it seems bogus to me" as he passed a group of reporters. His mom, sobbing into a tissue, soon followed. Within minutes, the disqualification was overturned and mom was crying tears of joy."

So I have no idea what really happened.  I'll take your word for it since you were watching it live, Jen.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 20, 2004, 11:44:58 AM
How come nobody has asked if maybe Natalie  made the pinky swear. :)

Because Will made it a point, after Natalie entered the house, of verifying which of them had which conversations with him at different times.

Of all the people in the house, it is Will who would have a grasp on which twin did what at which time before Natalie was brought in.

As for Adria:  Her comment about the Lord showing her who to nominate was blatant.

As for alliances, she was in an alliance with Will, not with Karen or Drew.  Drew and Cowboy were the logical ones to nominate, but Adria showed her colors and stabbed Will in the back.

As for the mastermind behind girl power, you're overlooking the real talent:  Jennifer/Nakomis.  She was the mastermind behind the plot to evict Jase.  It was her plan, incorrectly attributed to Will at some point on the Canoe site, but cleared up on a telecast after Jase was thrown out.

Diane is a lowlife skunk.  Why Adria listened to her about evicting Will floors me...but Diane's motive may have been that she didn't like feeling threatened by Will...and that threat was Drew's friendship with Will, which I think threatened Diane's womanhood.  

I don't know whether to believe her change of heart now or not...but I think Drew voting for Will was his way of appeasing any suspicion she might have had.  Everyone thinks Drew is mindless and whipped...and I think Diane worried that Drew might be manipulated by Will in some way she couldn't counteract.

Mind you, it's just a theory I've concocted.  But I stand by my assertion that Adria violated her alliance with Will and that she was bigoted in her nominations of Will and Marvin.

It all boils down to "gut" -- mine tells me one thing, and yours tells you another.  We may both be wrong...or not...
Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 11:46:55 AM
I'm really surprised that people would say this.  Has Adria ever shown that she didn't like black or gay people.

It's funny but I don't see people as black or gay.

Marvin has been nominated the last 3 weeks.  Have all the HOHs been racist?

And I don't see how people think Will was nominated for being gay.  Adria trusts Cowboy.  And the ONLY other people to nominate were drew/diane (who are were in her alliance) and will/karen/jen.

Even Diane told Adria she had to break up the will/karen/jen alliance.

And since adria didn't think Karen could take being nominated.  And since Will is the mastermind behind Girl Power, I believe Adria made a strategic decision.

The ONLY thing I can think of that might prove the racism point is that she said that the bible helped her make the noms.

But I really think that people are misinterpreting that.

I don't think that her dream told her to nominate the black and gay people.  I think that Adria said that the bible guides her in all her decisions.  But I think that she made strategic choices.

IMO her biggest mistake was not who she nominated. It was not talking things thru with Girl Power before making the noms.

I concur with DR Jennifer!
I saw no evidence of any prejudice on Adria's part. Now that doesn't mean that Adria isn't prejudiced, she might be, but I have seen no evidence of it myself on the show. JMHO.

Now, Adria's belief that God is helping her to win the game, and no one else but her, leads me to question her sanity! Why would God like Adria more then any of the others in the house? In fact, if God exists, I would hope he had higher priorities right now then helping Adria win Big Brother! LOL!
Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 11:49:24 AM
I still can't tell which one is Natalie and which one is Adria...although I think Adria is the one who is more prone to look like she is about to burst into tears at any given moment...or is that Natalie...I don't know anymore! LOL!
Post by: Charles Pogue on August 20, 2004, 12:07:33 PM
Pogue,here.  We're computer testing again.  Hopefuly, we've got it beat this time.
Post by: Jennifer on August 20, 2004, 12:18:42 PM
Oh DR RLP one more thing about Big Brother (hmm this seems to be a popular topic today).

I believe that Drew voted to evict Will because Cowboy told him that he had a plan.  And for that plan to succeed, Will had to be evicted.

Also, I believe that Diane was playing both sides, and that she might have voted out Will.  But she wanted it to look like she was still with Jen/Karen.  And she wanted ADRIA to break the tie.  That way everyone would go after Adria/Nat this week.

I also believe that Diane did not want to win HOH. And neither did Jen.  My gosh they both got so many wrong at the end!  Probably on purpose.
Post by: Charles Pogue on August 20, 2004, 12:24:58 PM
Wellll...we're not sure, but this problem may be fixed.  My computer has been plagued with all kinds of stuff. The particular problem here... posting and then the thing either freezing on me or giving me an illegal operation message...seems to have been a driver problem on my modem.  The program has been re-installed and we're hoping that solves it.  But if I disappear again, we'll know it didn't.

I've been reading the reviews on WHAT IF...The ones I've seen -- LA TIMES, LA WEEKLY, BACKSTAGE -- have all praised BK's inventiveness and smart, witty lyrics, the performers, and the production in general, but seem to have a problem with the concept...feeling that it should have all been song parodies.  However, I agree with BK on this.  I think all parodies would pall pretty fast.  And I quite enjoy the rarities and rarely-heard glories of the review numbers. And again, BK,  in the opening number and in his program notes, expresses quite eloquently the "themeless" theme.
Post by: George on August 20, 2004, 12:46:00 PM
Wellll...we're not sure, but this problem may be fixed.  My computer has been plagued with all kinds of stuff.

A Pox on Pogue's Plague! ;D
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 12:48:32 PM
Thank you, Ben, for your bloody review of Dracula! ;)

I had to do it!
I HAD to do it!
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 12:49:25 PM
Page 4:

Dance of the Vampire!
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 12:50:37 PM
I can't wait for BIG BROTHER, the musical!

(Tits and all! OOOhhh!!!)
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 12:52:51 PM
I read -- and SAW -- that Miss Tammy did a mess last night, but it was in a restaurant, NOT on stage, thank goodness! ;D
Post by: Jrand73 on August 20, 2004, 01:32:26 PM
Whew...yes DRSTUART, you are correct.  I think everyone traversing the narrow streets of Gay Paree should drive 1961 Chrysler 300 autos, especially if your shoes match the interior upholstery!  And if you go really really fast you will be out of the city and on a country road surround by trees in a matter of seconds!

Off to NUNSENSE....
Post by: Jrand73 on August 20, 2004, 01:34:34 PM
Following this hyper-link will give you a picture of a couple of our nuns and a story about a group of people flying in especially for this evening's performance.

Oy!!!  And it's raining....oy....and it's a barn in the middle of a field in Putnam County....oy!    ;D

http://www.bannergraphic.com/ (http://www.bannergraphic.com/)
Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 01:42:27 PM
Having a tough time deciding on a Bollywood movie for the weekend...I have about 15 or so that I have not yet watched...I am thinking I might be able to get two of them in...maybe a new one and an old classic, perhaps...well here is the first one

AAN (2004) a brand new release starring two of my fav Bollywood hunks Akshay Kumar and Sunil Shetty. It is the story of a good police officer who runs into trouble when he uncovers corruption at the police station! Oh, my!

Post by: Panni on August 20, 2004, 01:47:15 PM
Having never watched BB, I have NO idea what all you dear people are talking about!
Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 01:47:40 PM
...and for Bollywood movie # 2 (if time permits) MERA SAAYA a suspense film from the 1960s. A lawyer returns home to find his wife dying. Later he meets a lady who is the spitting image of his dead wife. Hmmmm...I think there is a mystery afoot!

Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 01:48:28 PM
Having never watched BB, I have NO idea what all you dear people are talking about!

LOL Panni! I am sure you aren't the only one! LOL!
Post by: Panni on August 20, 2004, 01:50:05 PM
FS Pogue - The only reviewer I've seen so far who fully "gets" the theme of themelessnes is the woman writing for the Tolucan Times. I posted the review late last night.
Come to think of it, WHAT IF? would be a revue that Jerry Seinfeld would appreciate -- as it proudly proclaims that it's about nothing.
Post by: Panni on August 20, 2004, 02:05:39 PM
For fans of our very own DR Jose - the ENTERTAINMENT TODAY review - which is extremely positive ("a rib-tickling couple of hours") refers to "the amazing piano work by Jose C. Simbulan."
Congrats to the amazing DR!
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 02:18:14 PM

I have watched BB  -- Brigitte Bardot -- years ago! BUT I still don't understand what some kimlets talk about re:BB either.... and I don't want to!!! LOL!
Post by: Jennifer on August 20, 2004, 02:29:36 PM
Has anyone seen the preview for the new NBC show Joey?

It played last night during the Olympics.

It featured Joey (from Friends) driving after arriving in LA.  He proceeds to say something about how crazy it is that they drive on the other side of the road (while cars swerve to stop from hitting him).

Very funny commercial.

I've always loved Joey so I hope the show is good.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 20, 2004, 02:34:50 PM
Ooh-la-la, Mssr. François, but you French have a version of Big Brother, too, n'est-ce pas?????

I understood this to be a very popular show within most European countries.
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 02:39:14 PM
Ooh-la-la, Mssr. François, but you French have a version of Big Brother, too, n'est-ce pas?????

I understood this to be a very popular show within most European countries.

Oh, yes! This kind of show is popular all over the world... and that is what is SAD, IMHO!
People love to peep through keyholes, I'm afraid, and BIG BROTHER = BIG BUCKS!

As Cole would say: Anything Goes!
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 02:45:13 PM
For a good laugh please check this!

Post by: Matt H. on August 20, 2004, 02:50:38 PM
Lovely afternoon poolside. Just hot enough to make sunning and then cooling off in the pool a perfect balance. We stayed about 3 hours. There were more clouds early in the afternoon so we didn't get a huge amount of direct sun.
Post by: Tomovoz on August 20, 2004, 02:51:09 PM
I do not watch BB or any such shows (I am one of those  go out and "Get a Life" critics!!).
BB was originally a Dutch programme based on a much shorter experiment from Sydney OZ called "The House Of Hell". I really have no comprehension as to why such voyeurism is seen as entertainment nor why there is such a market for 5 minute celebrities these days.
Guess I am not really much of a Televison watcher at any time.
"Frozen Lazerus" (Dennis Potter)should be required viewing. Is this the future we really want?

The above should not be seen as a criticism of the DRs who enjoy these programs. Just the views of a grump at 7.51 am OZ time.
Post by: Matt H. on August 20, 2004, 02:54:55 PM
JOEY shot a complete pilot episode in late spring (they have since recast one of the roles) so NBC could show it to broadcasters and TV critics over the summer. The show is supposedly very funny and should get the series off to a smashing start come September. I am very much looking forward to it as Joey became my favorite "friend" as the series ran.
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 02:54:57 PM
Hello, grumpy Tomovoz!

You mean, you don't enjoy looking at "real" people doing "real" things in a "real" environment?

Get "real"!
You're weird!!
Post by: Michael on August 20, 2004, 02:55:05 PM
Brooke Shields is taking over for Donna Murphy in Wonderful town.
Post by: Matt H. on August 20, 2004, 02:56:36 PM
As promised, the George Eads picture:

Post by: Michael on August 20, 2004, 02:59:13 PM
A snippet of the Where's Charley? review

The small orchestra, working under musical director Michael O'Flaherty and playing skillfully reduced orchestrations by Larry Moore, sounds fine except when the synthesizer clearly comes through as a synthesizer. Purists may lament the fact that the show's overture has been cut -- though, under the circumstances, it probably wouldn't have sounded terrific anyway. (A few bars of it are heard at the beginning of the entr'acte, for whatever that's worth.)

Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 20, 2004, 02:59:56 PM
JOEY shot a complete pilot episode in late spring (they have since recast one of the roles) so NBC could show it to broadcasters and TV critics over the summer. The show is supposedly very funny and should get the series off to a smashing start come September. I am very much looking forward to it as Joey became my favorite "friend" as the series ran.

One can only hope.  Personally, I've found the promos sadly lacking in cleverness, humor or anything remotely grin-worthy.  The one on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, in which Joey states his belief that the actors are buried under their stars, left me numb.

It made me think that Joey could only be funny when Chandler was around.

I hope I'm wrong.

I hope it a lot.
Post by: bk on August 20, 2004, 03:01:13 PM
Brooke Shields, at this point, is not official or anywhere near official.  They don't even know if they can last until Donna's contract runs out sometime in October.
Post by: Tomovoz on August 20, 2004, 03:07:23 PM
DR TCB is unable to log on the NET at home and is not allowed to do so from work.

Elmore receives some medical test results today (I think).

The best of good wishes to out Dear Friends.

Best wishes also to the "Portland Gang".

Post by: Matt H. on August 20, 2004, 03:32:19 PM
One can only hope.  Personally, I've found the promos sadly lacking in cleverness, humor or anything remotely grin-worthy.  The one on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, in which Joey states his belief that the actors are buried under their stars, left me numb.

Just goes to show how subjective humor is. That made me laugh out loud.
Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 03:56:25 PM
I am hoping that JOEY turns out to be a fun show too!

I never thought of Big Brother as being voyeuristic, it is nothing more then a game show in my opinion...one of the differences being that you get to know the contestant's personalities, which is something that I find very intriguing...but then I find people to be intriguing. That is one reason I have always liked YOU BET YOUR LIFE, because, to a lesser extent, you get to know the contestants a bit. I find people interesting, particularly what they will do in different situations, and also to what extents they will go to win a game.

I guess it is all in how you look at it. Some people might just watch BB to see some of the better looking contestants in skimpy summerwear...of course I wouldn't stoop to that depth!  8)
Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 03:59:49 PM
BK, have you watched the new YOU BET YOUR LIFE dvd set yet? I didn't even realize a new one was out until you had mentioned it the other day! I want to hear all about it...I will certainly be picking it up after payday...the first set was one of THE best DVDs I purchased this year!!
Post by: George on August 20, 2004, 04:03:25 PM
Just bring yourselves.  No one has verified times with me.  It really doesn't matter.  George is coming before AR and I would assume again after.  You all are welcome anytime.  Just call us (phone number was in email) to let us know you're on the way.
Well, the pre-Antiques Roadshow plans have changed (I hope this isn't a great hardship).  I was planning on going to JMK's place before the Roadshow just to waste time, but it looks like my friend Margo (who's going with me) and I are meeting a friend who just recently moved down to Portland.  After that, we'll go to the Oregon Convention Center, where Antiques Roadshow is being held (that is confirmed) and after THAT, go to Jeff's!!  Mike and Jane, did either of you have an idea of when you'd get to Jeff's??

George what time do you figure you will be back at JMKs?
As soon as it's over.  The website says to allow at least 1-2 hours once you get in, and the tickets are for 3:30 p.m.  We're not allowed to get there more than a half hour before our ticket time.
Post by: JoseSPiano on August 20, 2004, 04:09:11 PM
Good Afternoon!

And I'm back from Macy's...  Not too much damage.  I was hoping to find some clothes, but nothing really worked once I tried stuff on.  Ah, well.. There's always tomorrow... and the Macy's downtown.  But I did score some nice deals and discounts in the Housewares department - more stuff to ship back!

Thanks for all your "condolences" regarding my sticking key last night.  It truly was just a sticking key, at least - instead of a sticking note which would have kept on ringing/sounding/etc.  So, at least it wasn't adding an extra note where it shouldn't have been.  And, once I knew what was happening, it just took some sleight of hand - mainly with my left hand thumb - to push the key back up.  And, as I mentioned, I was able to fix it at intermission.

DR JMK - I made sure to buy TWO spare bulbs for my piano light - and they are in the piano bench as I type this!

Well, I need to get ready to head into town...

Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 04:13:49 PM
I was thinking around 5 or 6 pm to be at Jeff's. Jeff, does that sound ok? I will call DR Jane a little later to make sure she made the bus trip safely and find out what her plans are. I am very flexible so anytime is fine with me...I just wasn't sure when the others would be arriving...and where is DR Jed!!
Post by: MBarnum on August 20, 2004, 04:15:08 PM
Now, now Mr. Tom Guest, no grumpiness! LOL! Have a nice cup of tea and relax whilst I get your application to Big Brother Oz readied! LOL!
Post by: George on August 20, 2004, 04:19:27 PM
I was thinking around 5 or 6 pm to be at Jeff's. Jeff, does that sound ok? I will call DR Jane a little later to make sure she made the bus trip safely and find out what her plans are. I am very flexible so anytime is fine with me...I just wasn't sure when the others would be arriving...and where is DR Jed!!

I think that that would be good for me, too.  I just hope that getting from the Oregon Convention Center to Jeff's house is easy! :-\
Post by: Emily on August 20, 2004, 04:34:43 PM
Today Canada won a medal in trampoline.  That makes two when combined with the bronze in syncronized swimming.

Canada - where athletes succeed in sports you never though were actual sports

Post by: bk on August 20, 2004, 04:40:36 PM
On my way to the theater to do more sound checks.  Keep the home fries burning.
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 04:48:41 PM
A Pox on Pogue's Plague! ;D

That might possibly be Pogue's problem!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 20, 2004, 04:49:01 PM
Just goes to show how subjective humor is. That made me laugh out loud.

Well, it could just be my meds.

But the comment about Jack Nicholson -- "I didn't even know he was sick" -- come on!  That's the oldest line in the book!

Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 20, 2004, 04:49:55 PM
If our computers die, must we now say we've been "Pogued"?

Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 04:53:07 PM
I like the way your mind operates, DR RLP.
Post by: Michael on August 20, 2004, 04:53:56 PM
I just found a fab website to all the lovers of Cabaret music

http://www.cabaretdio.com/ (http://www.cabaretdio.com/)

I haven't scanned or listen to it but I wanted every one to know about it
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 04:58:01 PM
Great linkage, DR MDS!   8)
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 05:03:01 PM
It's 10:00am in the land down under, you'd think that DR tomovoz would be wide awake by now. . . 8)
Post by: Danise on August 20, 2004, 05:03:50 PM
Evening all!

My most sincere condolences to both DR SWW and DerBrucer.  The loss of a beloved pet is never easy.  You can take comfort in the fact that you gave shelter, comfort and love to a very special friend as well as having the courage to say “Farewell” when the time came.  

Jose, I really enjoyed reading all of your piano stories.  I confess I envy you very much.  I have always wanted to play but we couldn’t afford a piano when I was growing up and as I have told DR Elmore, I learned am cursed with an ear for music.  Play something for me once and I could play it back, by memory (as long as I remember it) or transpose it to what ever key and but I can’t read music to save my soul.

When I finely got a music teacher, I told her not to play the piece for me because I needed to make myself read/play what was written.  She always played it for me and thought I picked up reading music easy.  I gave myself away when I played something in the wrong key for her because I enjoyed it the way I was playing it and forgot to switch back for the lesson. I finely gave up.  

I will be getting the Babylon 5 movies this weekend.  My Babylon 5 collection should now be complete.  Yay!

I don’t remember if I told ya’ll that I bought few DVD’s from Deep Discount DVD that arrived yesterday.  Ever After, the original Father of the Bride with Spencer Tracy & Elizabeth Taylor.  I tend to think of Joan Bennett as Elizabeth Collins from Dark Shadows when I watch that movie.  I also cry buckets every time.  I keep thinking about my Dad.   I also went ahead and bought the sequel, Fathers Little Dividend and last but not least (I messed up a bit here)  DragonHeart:  2 Legendary Tales.  I forgot I had already had the Dragon Heart DVD.  I  knew I had the book.  

My new contacts arrived in the mail today.  I won’t start wearing the first pair until the first of the month but I can and can’t wait.  Can because that puts Thelma closer to leaving but can’t because it will be so nice to be able to see the computer with out glasses.  It’s horrible to be so blind.  

It can lead to some funny moments, however.  I was reminded of that as I picked up a pizza for dinner tonight.  Some time ago the bus passed a fellow with a sign that read in large, large letters, HOT and READY!  Now, I knew it was an advertisement but forgive me if Pizza was not the first thought that popped in my head!  I almost gave myself whiplash trying to look back to see that sign again.  

I did, in fact, get to see it many times because it was an ad for the local Little Caesars pizza but I will always remember the shock of the first time.   ;D

It would appear that I was not the only person who had other thoughts about that sign because it soon changed to large letters that stated, PIZZA, HOT & READY.  

Happy Birthday to your Dear Dad, George!

I also want to wish Gods Speed to DR Jane on her journey to see her son and to meet with fellow members of HHW.  I hope you all have a wonderful time.  I want plenty of pictures!  I just hope you meet in something with a bit more light than a bat cave.  

I’ve see the BB5 reference and wondered how Babylon 5 fit into that—that’s what I thought it meant!

I want to know if I win the prize for guessing the ID of that picture from last night.  You have to admit that I was right about it.  Wasn’t I?  ???  :D

Good vibes to the cast/crew of What If?  for tonight!
Post by: Tomovoz on August 20, 2004, 05:13:43 PM
I am very awake td. I shall write in more detail about "Carousel" later today.
The week's fruit and vegetable shopping has been completed, the morning coffee has been consumed and I am far less grumpy.
Post by: Tomovoz on August 20, 2004, 05:15:01 PM
I am so pleased that the time difference is no problem for you now td. I have a friend in London who has given up completely trying to remember. I hope his Taxi is better at time keeping.
Post by: George on August 20, 2004, 05:17:57 PM
Evening all!
Happy Birthday to your Dear Dad, George!

Thanks! ;D  I thought that we were going to go out tonight, but it turns out that he has something else to do (with his church, I think).  So, since I'm going to be gone all day tomorrow, we'll celebrate with the family on Sunday.  Fine with me.  That actually gives me time to wrap the Benjamin Kritzer books that I got for him. :)
Post by: Tomovoz on August 20, 2004, 05:21:00 PM
DR Danise: I did consider placing a sign out at the front of the driveway saying "Hot And Ready" but I would probably have had people knocking on the door asking for Pizza.  Such is life.
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 05:21:22 PM
I am so pleased that the time difference is no problem for you now td. I have a friend in London who has given up completely trying to remember. I hope his Taxi is better at time keeping.

I had thought of listening to Renee Geyer's LIVE cd today, in an effort to hear here live at the same time that she's performing in Melbourne, but my no-probl time differential told me that I would have to start listening in the middle of MY night!  

Be sure that you tip your taxi drivers!
Post by: George on August 20, 2004, 05:23:07 PM
DR Danise: I did consider placing a sign out at the front of the driveway saying "Hot And Ready" but I would probably have had people knocking on the door asking for Pizza.  Such is life.

Wasn't it Wendy's hamburgers that had the slogan "Hot and Juicy?" :o
Post by: Danise on August 20, 2004, 05:34:40 PM
Just be very glad that you still have your dad, DR George.  I would love to spend this Sunday with my Dad.  

Yes, DR Tomovoz, I understand.  The same would more than likely happen to me!  
Post by: Tomovoz on August 20, 2004, 05:35:32 PM
Today's topic.
DVD:  "The Jewel In The Crown" boxed set of the UK series from Paul Scott's Raj quartet.

CDS:  1."White Men Can't Rap" Rhino compilation
          2. "My Colouring Book" Agnehta Faltskog
          3. "Forbidden City: Portrait Of An Empress"
                  (Original Cast - Singapore Repertory Theatre)
Post by: Jay on August 20, 2004, 05:36:41 PM
I saw Garden State today, Dear Readers.  It stars Zach Braff, who also wrote and directed the film, his first.  Either the luck gods were looking over Mr. Braff very closely as he made this film, or his is a talent of considerable potential.

The story is that of a somewhat troubled young man, played by Mr. Braff, who returns home for the first time in ten years for the funeral of his mother.  Over the course of his visit, he reconnects with his childhood friends, all of whom, it seems, have arrived a quirky young adulthood, each of them in a different way.  He also meets a young woman, played irresistably by Natalie Portman, who provides him with a life path that he could not have imagined before their encounter.

The film successfully depicts people struggling with their own identity at a transitional stage in their lives, along with the accompanying pains and pleasures of the process.  

There are a good number of supporting parts that are played just beautifully, by folks like Ian Holm, Dennis O'Hare, Jean Smart and the like.

Several of the shots are just breathtaking in their composition and precise communication.

No explosions.  No CGI characters.  No violence.  Just a little chapter of the human comedy played out in two hours.  See it when it comes your way.
Post by: Tomovoz on August 20, 2004, 05:56:47 PM
Despite that you are infused with an Opera Gene DR Jay, I shall watch out for the film's release here. A man of good judgement (and an excellent host it is rumoured!).
Post by: TCB on August 20, 2004, 06:03:41 PM

Three of my favorite men!

Post by: Tomovoz on August 20, 2004, 06:04:23 PM
How wonderful to see my DR friend TCB on line. Good luck. Please refrain from PM's DRs as it can cause him problems! (That's Private Messages OK!).
Post by: Tomovoz on August 20, 2004, 06:07:12 PM
And mine.
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 06:18:46 PM

Three of my favorite men!


As they sang in J&H:  So, let's bring on the men and let the fun begin!
Post by: TCB on August 20, 2004, 06:26:53 PM
My deepest sympathy to SWW, derBrucer, and family on their loss.

From TCB, Angel, and Nicky
Post by: William E. Lurie on August 20, 2004, 06:28:33 PM
Wouldn't Btooke Dhields be more appropriate for Eileen instead of Ruth.  Cast her as Eileen for the name value and then get someone who will be a great Ruth but without a ticket selling name (Debbie Gravitte?  Karen Ziemba?) as Ruth.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 20, 2004, 06:38:11 PM
Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!

It certainly looks as if DR TomovOz woke up gumpy this morning.  Even after his coffee, I'm guessing he has a gumpy leftover or two.

Cheer up,  Perk up,  and Buck up,  DR TomovOz.  You could be strapped into a chair and forced to watch "Steel Magnolias"!

Post by: Jay on August 20, 2004, 06:40:34 PM
I sent an e-mail to Faith Prince some time ago suggesting that she'd be a divine Ruth.  She never acknowledged my suggestion.  C'est la guerre.
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 06:45:33 PM
I am very awake td. I shall write in more detail about "Carousel" later today.

For your consideration, the Aussie press takes on David Campbell in CAROUSEL: (part one)
THE HERALD SUN critic, Xenia Hanusiak, wrote:

There is one good reason to see the Production Company's
concert  version
of Carousel.  His name is David Campbell.

The moment he steps on stage as Billy Bigelow, the night
belongs to him.

Here is a 21st-century, all-Australian male taking the flesh of an
1880s New England barker on a carousel and making it his
own.  There is a modernity and freshness in Campbell's
interpretation that immediately signals a vital and compelling
protagonist.  On opening night when he sang the tour de force
soliloquy with its infamous "My Boy Bill", the theatre was

A rousing applause could have lasted for five minutes had it not
been for the music that segued after him.

There is another reason to see Carousel – simply to give
yourself the opportunity to see an extraordinary musical which
has not had a professional production in
Melbourne for 40 years.

With its contemporary issues of physical abuse, frailties of
marriage and a tale of courage and hope, it would make a
welcome full-scale production.  It already has a leading man.  All
it needs is a producer.

THE AGE critic, Jim Murphy wrote:


High expectations of David Campbell singing the role of Billy
Bigelow are marvellously realised in this outstanding concert
staging of Rogers and Hammerstein's crowning work,
CAROUSEL, a perfect choice for concert dramatisation in the
Production Company style because music is the heart and soul
of this show, much more important than the story.

A sumptuous score by musical comedy standards is
sumptuously played by Orchestra Victoria, conducted by Guy
Simpson.  It is also brilliantly sung by a talented, spirited
company, but none better than Campbell, making his first music
theatre appearance in Melbourne since his triumph as rocker
Johnny O'Keefe in SHOUT!

Campbell could not give a more intense, focused performance
as the brooding, troubled carnival barker Billy Bigelow if he were
at a Method master class.

His acting when he sings "My boy, Bill", pondering the reality of
impending fatherhood, is exceptional and brings new life to a
familiar song.  And his singing is even better.  His incredibly
open vocal sound and thrilling top register go straight to the
hairs on the back of your neck in this famous "Soliloquy", which
may well prove the most electric seven minutes of Melbourne
theatre this year.  It is alone well worth the price of the ticket.

This is not to diminish the contribution of others in an extremely
good cast.  Danielle Barnes sings and acts beautifully as Julie,
and her "If I Loved You" duet with Campbell is another highlight.

Carrie Barr is equally fine as her friend, Carrie, with Derek
Taylor's choice tenor voice an asset as Enoch Snow, as is
Melissa Langton's big mezzo in "June Is Bustin' Out All Over"
and "You'll Never Walk Alone".

Fifteen-year-old Dena Amy Kaplan's acting and dancing is wholly
delightful as Louise, Billy and Julie's daughter, and there are
strong contributions from Adam Murphy (Jigger), Terence
Donovan (Narrator/Heavenly Friend/Doctor) and Anne Wood
(Carousel proprietor Mrs Mullin).  

Director Gary Young's staging is simple and honest, with
judicious touches of theatricality, and choreographer Andrew
Hallsworth does well to engineer effective dances – even a
microcosm of the lengthy fantasy ballet – in limited space.

Campbell in outstanding theatre debut

Author: Jim Murphy, Reviewer
Date: 20/08/2004
Words: 385
Publication: The Age
Section: A3
Page: 10

MUSIC/THEATRE REVIEW: CAROUSEL: A CONCERT Music by Richard Rodgers, book &
lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II, directed by Gary Young. The Production
Company, State Theatre until tomorrow

High expectations of David Campbell singing the role of Billy Bigelow are
marvellously realised in this outstanding concert staging of Rodgers and
Hammerstein's crowning work, Carousel, a perfect choice for concert
dramatisation in the Production Company style because music is the heart
and soul of this show, much more important than the story.

A sumptuous score by musical comedy standards is sumptuously played by
Orchestra Victoria, conducted by Guy Simpson. It is also brilliantly sung
by a talented, spirited company, but none better than Campbell, making his
first music theatre appearance in Melbourne since his triumph as rocker
Johnny O'Keefe in Shout!

Campbell could not give a more intense, focused performance as the
brooding, troubled carnival barker Billy Bigelow if he were at a Method
master class.

His acting when he sings about "My boy, Bill", pondering the reality of
impending fatherhood, is exceptional and brings new life to a familiar
song. And his singing is even better. His incredibly open vocal sound and
thrilling top register go straight to the hairs on the back of your neck
in this famous Soliloquy, which may well prove the most electric seven
minutes of Melbourne theatre this year. It is alone well worth the price
of the ticket.

This is not to diminish the contribution of others in an extremely good
cast. Danielle Barnes sings and acts beautifully as Julie, and her If I
Loved You duet with Campbell is another highlight.

Carrie Barr is equally fine as her friend, Carrie, with Derek Taylor's
choice tenor voice an asset as Enoch Snow, as is Melissa Langton's big
mezzo in June Is Bustin' Out All Over and You'll Never Walk Alone.

Fifteen-year-old Dena Amy Kaplan's acting and dancing is wholly delightful
as Louise, Billy and Julie's daughter, and there are strong contributions
from Adam Murphy (Jigger), Terence Donovan (Narrator/Heavenly
Friend/Doctor) and Anne Wood (Carousel proprietor Mrs Mullin).

Director Gary Young's staging is simple and honest, with judicious touches
of theatricality, and choreographer Andrew Hallsworth does well to
engineer effective dances - even a microcosm of the lengthy fantasy ballet
- in limited space.

The Australian

Edition 1 - All-round Country
FRI 20 AUG 2004,

Page 015

When you walk through a show
By Lee Christofis


Carousel By Rodgers and Hammerstein. The Production Company. State
Theatre, The Arts Centre, Melbourne, August 18. Tickets: $32-$69.
Bookings: 1300136166. Until Saturday.

ABOUT seven years ago, at a Melbourne Festival masterclass, one of the
most famous of all Broadway musical stars, Barbara Cook, told singer David
Campbell that she had nothing to teach him, that he had it all. And he'd
sung just one song. She'd be thrilled with him now, playing the tough
talking, thin-skinned anti-hero Billy Bigelow, a fairground barker, in
Rodgers and Hammerstein's 1945 classic Carousel, a darkly romantic show in
which Cook was adored across America.
Like the people who get in Billy's way, Campbell takes the role by the
shirt front and makes it entirely his own and of today, without
undercutting Carousel's essential qualities of Middle European operetta
and American music theatre. He sweeps aside any memories of Gordon
MacRae's swooning baritone in the 1956 movie version and carries this
Production Company semi-staged show beyond the nostalgia trip it seemed to
be under Gary Young's direction.
Campbell sings Carousel's romantic melodies and ambivalent conversational
duets (there's very little speaking), investing sweep and sweetness in the
nuances evident in both words and music. These qualities surround this
cocky wife-beater with a basically good heart, who commits suicide when he
gets caught trying to kill a man for money to feed his pregnant wife,
He's winning all the way, nowhere so visceral, so thrilling as when he
flies into the top notes of the great first act soliloquy -- the expectant
father's dreaming -- My Boy Bill. He stops the show, his tone, posture and
facial expression shifting ravishingly through the moment when he realises
that his boy Bill might be a girl. This number deserves a longer ovation
than conductor Guy Simpson allows; curtailing the applause seems somehow
ungenerous, even un-theatrical, but reflects Simpson's approach -- rather
four-squared, lacking rubato, space and subtlety, more contemporary
musical than 1940s classic.
Overall, the male parts are good, but the women don't fare well under
Young's direction; all but two (Danielle Barnes's diffident Julie and Anne
Wood's possessive carousel owner Mrs Mullin) over-act themselves into
caricatures. Worse, the overloud amplification make them sound metallic
and shrill. Even the hallowed anthem, You'll Never Walk Alone, sounds
Fortunately, Campbell has some fine company here: veteran Terence Donovan
makes the perfect narrator and guide for Billy when he returns to earth
for a day to sort out the mess he has left behind, while Adam Murphy is a
splendid, bumptious Jigger, Billy's mate and downfall in crime.

Section:  FEATURES Type:  Review

(c) News Limited. All rights reserved.

Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 06:46:21 PM
More Takes on David Campbell in CAROUSEL:

Herald Sun

Edition 1 - FIRST
FRI 20 AUG 2004,

Page 090

By Xenia Hanusiak

THERE is one good reason to see the Production Company's concert version
of Carousel. His name is David Campbell.
The moment he steps on stage as Billy Bigelow, the night belongs to him.
Here is a 21st-century, all-Australian male taking the flesh of an 1880s
New England barker on a carousel and making it his own. There is a
modernity and freshness in Campbell's interpretation that immediately
signals a vital and compelling protagonist. On opening night when he sang
the tour de force soliloquy with its infamous My Boy Bill, the theatre was
A rousing applause could have lasted for five minutes had it not been for
the music that segued after him.
There is another reason to see Carousel -- simply to give yourself the
opportunity to see an extraordinary musical which has not had a
professional production in Melbourne for 40 years.

With its contemporary issues of physical abuse, frailties of marriage and
a tale of courage and hope, it would make a welcome full-scale production.
It already has a leading man. All it needs is a producer.

Where: State Theatre, the Arts Centre When: ends tomorrow

Edition 1 - Melbourne
THU 19 AUG 2004,

Page 026

Stage experiment loses classic plot

Carousel Stars: David Campbell, Danielle Barnes, Carrie Barr
Where: State Theatre, until Sat
Director: Gary Young

When does a musical need a grease and oil change?
When the classic musical Carousel, often touted as Rodgers and
Hammerstein's most poetic piece, appears to be on slow rotation.
Perhaps it is just the lacklustre atmosphere created by The Production
Company's latest version a semi-staged
concert where the n the 1956 movie version and carri 36-piece orchestra
takes centre stage to the storyline.
While there is no denying the obvious vocal ability of Campbell as bad-boy
carousel barker Billy Bigelow, at times he appears lost on stage among the
musicians and minimalist set.
Set in a small fishing village in Maine in the 1880s, Billy marries naive
millworker Julie Jordan (Barnes).
In keeping with the original work, politically incorrect issues like
domestic abuse and suicide surface as the cash-strapped Billy is coerced
into a robbery after learning Julie is pregnant.
Caught in the act, he takes his own life and is sent to heaven, where he
is granted one day's leave to visit his daughter.
In a lighter moment, Campbell and Barnes deliver with the endearing duet
If I Loved You, but Barnes is otherwise outdone by best friend Carrie
Pipperidge (Barr).
And what is with Terence Donovan's Where's Wally narrator role? On stage
at all times, he annoyingly pops into focus every now and again.
It took support star Melissa Langton to deliver the stand-out song of the
night the powerful You'll Never Walk Alone.

Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 06:48:02 PM
Ah! Mon ami, Francois!  
What do they call CAROUSEL en Paris? ? ?   ???
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 06:50:41 PM
Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!

It certainly looks as if DR TomovOz woke up gumpy this morning.  Even after his coffee, I'm guessing he has a gumpy leftover or two.

Cheer up,  Perk up,  and Buck up,  DR TomovOz.  You could be strapped into a chair and forced to watch "Steel Magnolias"!


I see!
We're into SM here tonight!
SM: Steel Magnolias, of course!
What were you thinking TCB? :D
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 06:51:19 PM
I have just watched the dvd of THE BAD SEED.  As someone who has directed Maxwell Anderson's stageplay, I've gotta say, I like the movie more.
But, shame on Charles Busch! ! !  He didn't do ANY homework at all for the commentary track!  Trivia-wise, he's an ace, but, as a film commentator, he's a dunce.
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 06:52:39 PM
We're into S & M on HHW? ! ? ! ? ! :o
Call me a cab, I'm outta here!  :o
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 06:52:51 PM
Ah! Mon ami, Francois!  
What do they call CAROUSEL en Paris? ? ?   ???

Carousel? A Paris?
Paris only?
Carousel du Louvre!! ;D
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 06:53:15 PM
C'mon Francois!  Frenzy with me! ;)
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 06:54:01 PM
Carousel? A Paris?
Paris only?
Carousel du Louvre!! ;D

Is it true that the Holy Grail rests at the base of the Louvre's inverted pyramid, too?
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 06:55:32 PM
You don't believe me?
Ask Sally!


--I am your host! Je suis votre compère!
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 06:57:02 PM
Is it true that the Holy Grail rests at the base of the Louvre's inverted pyramid, too?

Only when I'm there in person!
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 06:58:31 PM
C'mon Francois!  Frenzy with me! ;)

I can only Frenchy with you! ;)

--Nobody's perfect! --
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 07:00:51 PM
I can only Frenchy with you! ;)

It's all Greek to me, Francois. . .  ::)
Post by: Jay on August 20, 2004, 07:05:35 PM
We're into S & M on HHW? ! ? ! ? ! :o
Call me a cab, I'm outta here!  :o

You're a cab, Dear Reader td.
Post by: JMK on August 20, 2004, 07:06:35 PM
MB and George:  Yes, five-ish is fine, but it's also fine if you want to come earlier (MB, if you come earlier, we might be able to chat with JR).

George:  We were going to mention this when you got here before AR, but will do so now--you might want to park downtown then take MAX (the lightrail) over to the Convention Center (it will be free--it's in "fareless square").  I have a feeling that parking by the Convention Center is going to be a nightmare.  If you decide to do that, call me and I'll give you new, improved directions to get to my house from downtown.  There are several "Smart Parks" downtown where it will only cost you .95 hour.
Post by: Tomovoz on August 20, 2004, 07:10:48 PM
Now I don't have to write that email to you td.

Right on the ball reviews and they love to NOT like musicals etc..

I am not grumpy..

Coffee with a friend who has dropped in to raid our lemon tree.  Stealing  a few minutes to check on my other friends.
Post by: George on August 20, 2004, 07:28:13 PM
MB and George:  Yes, five-ish is fine, but it's also fine if you want to come earlier (MB, if you come earlier, we might be able to chat with JR).

George:  We were going to mention this when you got here before AR, but will do so now--you might want to park downtown then take MAX (the lightrail) over to the Convention Center (it will be free--it's in "fareless square").  I have a feeling that parking by the Convention Center is going to be a nightmare.  If you decide to do that, call me and I'll give you new, improved directions to get to my house from downtown.  There are several "Smart Parks" downtown where it will only cost you .95 hour.

Why don't you e-mail me directions, just in case.  However, my friend Margo is bringing a couple of smallish tables so she's going to park as close as she can.  She's also driving her own car, but I should help her with the tables.  I'm bringing a collection of music in a metal case that weighs about 30-40 lbs.  I have it on a furniture dolly that I'm going to pull, so I don't know how convenient it'll be on the lightrail.  AND since I've never driven in Portland before, I think I'll need it to be as simple as it can be.  But I'll call you tomorrow, either way.  
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 07:28:29 PM
It's all Greek to me, Francois. . .  ::)

You're so...Olympic!
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 07:35:02 PM
You're a cab, Dear Reader td.

And you, kind sir, are a gentleman and a consort. . .I mean scholar.
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 07:36:10 PM
You mean... Glenn Campbell sings Carousel in Melbourne, Oz??

Isn't he too old for the part?
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 07:37:20 PM
Now I don't have to write that email to you td.
I am not grumpy..

Yes, you do have to write that email to me.  I want YOUR reaction.
'twasn't me that called you grumpy. . . .but now I might just have to.

Oh, the Renee Geyer concert begins at 5:00am (my time) I don't think I'll listen to her cd at that time. . .
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 07:40:44 PM
You're so...Olympic!

Help!  Francois thinks that I am a luxury liner!
(I have been called "Titanic" before, but only in the throes of passion).


It could've been worse, he called have called me the Queen Mary.   :o
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 07:43:22 PM
Coffee with a friend who has dropped in to raid our lemon tree.  

Is that Trini Lopez???
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 07:46:33 PM
(I have been called "Titanic" before, but only in the throes of passion).

Oh, please, stop bragging!

you're NOT such a ... dreamboat! :)
Post by: Tomovoz on August 20, 2004, 07:49:48 PM
td: I was not inferring that you called me grumpy. I called myself that earlier. I shall indeed write about "Carousel" later.  Just before I go out Taxi dancing. (I wish!). I have the phone number if you wish to call a cab. Of course some people have my number too. (almost a "Little Me" reference)
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 07:52:13 PM
Media check:

cd player:

Oh, Brother!
Grease -- John Barrowman, studio cast.
Phantom -- studio cast with John Barrowman -- see a pattern here? -- and the DIVOON Claire Moore!
Sondheim Celebration at Carnegie Hall, WITHOUT John Barrowman BUT with the terrific Jerry Hadley etc.....

Are we having fun yet??
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 07:53:07 PM
Let's do the Lemon Tree dance!

I'll just have a slice, thank you!
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 07:56:55 PM
Gosh, where's everybody?


I like your music selection, dear reader Tomovoz!
All titles and artists are unknown of me!
I should go out more often, instead of staying home watching real TV!  (I don't have a TV set!!)
Post by: Emily on August 20, 2004, 08:01:12 PM

Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 08:01:42 PM
td: I was not inferring that you called me grumpy. I called myself that earlier. I shall indeed write about "Carousel" later.  Just before I go out Taxi dancing. (I wish!). I have the phone number if you wish to call a cab. Of course some people have my number too. (almost a "Little Me" reference)

Ummm. . .I know I've got your number, but do I have your NUMBER? ? ?
(I am no longer an overseas calling virgin).
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 08:02:39 PM
Oh, please, stop bragging!

you're NOT such a ... dreamboat! :)

You're only saying that because you weren't on my maiden voyage.  ;)
Post by: Tomovoz on August 20, 2004, 08:02:49 PM
DR François: the second Cd is the new Cd from a quarter of ABBA.
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 08:03:57 PM
DR François: the second Cd is the new Cd from a quarter of ABBA.

Does that make it cheaper than half the price?
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 08:06:14 PM
I think that the esteemed BK will be quite pleased with how well we have been keeping the home fries burning. . .getting closer to 200 posts for the day.   ;D
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 08:07:25 PM
DR François: the second Cd is the new Cd from a quarter of ABBA.

Oh, I see, mamma mia!
I was never good with mathematics!
What quarter is that? A, B, B or A? ;)
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 08:08:44 PM
You're only saying that because you weren't on my maiden voyage.  ;)

But it might have been sink or swim! :)
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 08:12:01 PM
But it might have been sink or swim! :)

Ah, the chances anyone takes when they book passage. . . .
Post by: Tomovoz on August 20, 2004, 08:13:04 PM
Oh, I see, mamma mia!
I was never good with mathematics!
What quarter is that? A, B, B or A? ;)
One of the "A"s.
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 08:19:57 PM
One of the "A"s.

I mean haaa!

-- Ahhh's the french "spelling"! True! --
Post by: Matt H. on August 20, 2004, 08:20:45 PM
Some truly touching moments on MONK tonight, the season finale. It hasn't been the greatest season for MONK, but I suspect Tony Shalhoub will submit this for his Emmy tape NEXT year.
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 08:23:12 PM
Ah, the chances anyone takes when they book passage. . . .

Passage... (hey, that's French!) to India?
Passage or pas sage (not wise) that's the question, or is it the quest??
Post by: Matt H. on August 20, 2004, 08:24:36 PM
I put aside the other DVD I had pulled out for watching tonight (NIGHT & DAY), and put in KING SOLOMON'S MINES instead.

Lousy movie, but boy was I impressed with what a great transfer it was. No, MGM didn't do an anamorphic transfer (I'm sure this was done on the cheap), but the 2.35 letterboxed picture is clear as can be with no artifacts that I spotted. And the Dolby Surround may not be a 5.1 mix, but it's still very effective.
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 08:27:52 PM
It hasn't been the greatest season for MONK,
You mean Debra is having problems with her career?
Let's pray for her for such Nunsense!
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 08:30:02 PM
As Ben would say:

Push, push, push!
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 08:31:25 PM
If she were a little younger (than springtime!, Judy Kaye would be perfect for Ruth -- Wonderful Town -- IMHO....
Post by: Noel on August 20, 2004, 08:32:12 PM
Well, Jingle Bells must've done the trick: DW Joy got cast.
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 08:33:54 PM
Well, Jingle Bells must've done the trick: DW Joy got cast.

Joy must've rung the right bells!

[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]! CONGRATS, JOY ![/move]
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 08:33:57 PM
Well, Jingle Bells must've done the trick: DW Joy got cast.

Joy to the World!!
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 08:35:26 PM

Could you stop posting at the very same time I do, Mr Cab.. or is it HMS Vulcanic?
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 08:36:52 PM
Mon cher Francois. . . .

As Marcel Marceau said in SILENT MOVIE:

Post by: Matt H. on August 20, 2004, 08:39:21 PM
You mean Debra is having problems with her career?
Let's pray for her for such Nunsense!

Since when does Debra spell her last name in all caps?
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 08:40:07 PM
Mon cher Francois. . . .

As Marcel Marceau said in SILENT MOVIE:

He NEVER said that: i have the dvd of it!
Besides, I don't take NON for an answer!
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 08:41:11 PM
Men only let women have the last word when that last word is OUI!
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 08:42:42 PM
Francois, if it's OUI you want, I think there are a few back issues up for grabs on Ebay.    ;)
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 08:43:23 PM
Since when does Debra spell her last name in all caps?
Since she's not getting any more contacts... and that might be the reason why!

Matt you're too "technical" for me! ;)
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 08:44:05 PM
Let's do the Debra Monk Charleston, shall we!?
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 08:47:25 PM
Francois, if it's OUI you want, I think there are a few back issues up for grabs on Ebay.    ;)

From what I've heard, nothing's "up for grabs" on Ebay!
"Everybody Loves Le OUI!"

WELL, go ahead! GROAN!
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 08:49:37 PM
... and with OUI issues it's not the back that counts but the front! Sort of....
Post by: Tomovoz on August 20, 2004, 08:53:02 PM
Very clever François.
And his cakes.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 20, 2004, 08:54:52 PM
I am hoping that JOEY turns out to be a fun show too!

I hope so, too--mostly so that I'll have something to watch in the fall.  At this point, my broadcast TV viewing only consists of Everyone Loves Raymond, Scrubs, and Will & Grace (and even W&G is beginning to where thin for me.)

I never thought I would actually say this, but as far as television is concerned, I miss the 70s and 80s.
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 08:58:47 PM
Very clever François.
And his cakes.

Remind me to tip you, Tom... and I'm no taxi driver in England, nor a gentleman in New York!

Do you know what i'm talking about???

Because i don't!  --Ignorance is Lucille Bliss, right?! --
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 09:04:17 PM
I think we may have to make an exception to the "No Groaning on HHW" Rule - - just for tonight.

(Ah! A Carole Bayer Sager/Marvin Hamlisch reference!)
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 09:09:52 PM
Welcome back, Panni!

We're having a frenzy -  for two or more!

We have kept the home fries burning, as well as the French fries.

Post by: Dan (the Man) on August 20, 2004, 09:10:26 PM
Well, Jingle Bells must've done the trick: DW Joy got cast.

[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]@@@@@ CONGRATULATIONS TO DR JOY! @@@@@[/move]
Post by: Panni on August 20, 2004, 09:11:26 PM
Congrats to DW Joy! In what was she cast? Details, please.
Post by: Panni on August 20, 2004, 09:12:20 PM
I just heard a fascinating interview with the late great Elmer Bernstein.
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 09:16:06 PM
I just heard a fascinating interview with the late great Elmer Bernstein.

Were you at a seance?  On a wet afternoon?
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 09:18:14 PM
This is the most posts we've had since August 7th!

I wasn't even here on August 7th!  i was with DRs Ben, Elmore, MDS and Hugh Jackman! I've got pictures to prove it!   8)
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 09:23:21 PM
This is the most posts we've had since August 7th!

I wasn't even here on August 7th!  i was with DRs Ben, Elmore, MDS and Hugh Jackman! I've got pictures to prove it!   8)

Oh, for once you can't get credit for.... something!
Pictures? You mean the ones that are in this month's issue of OUI?
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 09:25:40 PM
Congrats to DW Joy! In what was she cast? Details, please.

She was cast in BRONZE, or is it IRON?! I always get those shows mixed up! :)
Post by: td on August 20, 2004, 09:48:50 PM
Oh, for once you can't get credit for.... something!
Pictures? You mean the ones that are in this month's issue of OUI?


Try the final issue of VIVA.
I think there might be a few of them up for grabs on Ebay.   ;)
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 09:53:11 PM
Please, td, don't YELL at me!-- save your Voice! Old and new issues of it, or you could have an issue with your voice!
My goodness, I guess you have Ebay shares!
Post by: Noel on August 20, 2004, 09:54:45 PM
It's some sort of a show relating to Christmas, using, one assumes, a variety of Christmas songs, in a state in the middle of the country I've never been to.
Post by: S. Woody White on August 20, 2004, 09:55:01 PM
Der Brucer and I spent the afternoon (and well into the evening) with his daughter and her family.  We spent it on the Chester River, on their boat.

The boat was very nice, as was the river.

We won't have to visit with the family again for about a week or so.
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 09:57:16 PM

I wasn't even here on August 7th!  i was with DRs Ben, Elmore, MDS and Hugh Jackman!
Yeah! We all remember! You were all shooting a remake of WHERE THE BOYS ARE!My so-called birthday party! ;)
Post by: Ron Pulliam on August 20, 2004, 09:57:32 PM
Every little movement has a meaning all its own....
Post by: Panni on August 20, 2004, 09:58:34 PM
It's some sort of a show relating to Christmas, using, one assumes, a variety of Christmas songs, in a state in the middle of the country I've never been to.
Are we to guess the state? ...Colorado? Kansas?
Post by: Panni on August 20, 2004, 09:59:46 PM
Let's go for 300, shall we? Two more hours left.
Post by: George on August 20, 2004, 10:09:08 PM
Let's go for 300, shall we? Two more hours left.

It can be done...but this will be my only contribution toward the goal of 300 for tonight. ::) I'm going to be a TOTAL WUSSBURGER and turn in now because I must make trip to Portland to go to the ANTIQUES ROADSHOW!!  AND I will have the pleasure of meeting live and in person the HHW people:  Jeff (JMK), Mike (MBarnum) and Jane (Jane)!  I can't wait!!

I'll have my sister's boyfriend's camera, but I don't have the software on my computer to be able to download it myself when I get home.  I will impress upon Larry (the aforementioned sister's boyfriend) the importance of putting all of the pictures on a CD-ROM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  Then, I'll be able to post the pictures on-line.  So, good night!  
Post by: François de Paris on August 20, 2004, 10:20:44 PM
Every little movement has a meaning all its own....

You can say that again! ;)
Post by: Panni on August 20, 2004, 10:20:58 PM
                          MESSAGE FROM BK:

 He's going out for a post-show meal with Miss Juliana Hansen and her mother. He should be back to post the Notes on time, but just in case he isn't (LA traffic, y'know) -- you've been forewarned.
Post by: Panni on August 20, 2004, 10:32:33 PM
Hey, as soon as I suggest a measly 300 -- everybody stops posting. Oh well, I shouldn't be greedy. 237 is quite wonderful as it is.
Post by: Jay on August 20, 2004, 11:06:03 PM
Well, Jingle Bells must've done the trick: DW Joy got cast.



Post by: Panni on August 20, 2004, 11:22:10 PM
We might as well travel on to...
Post by: Panni on August 20, 2004, 11:25:11 PM

      [move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]PAGE NINE!PAGE NINE!PAGE NINE!PAGE NINE!PAGE NINE![/move]

      [move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]PAGE NINE!PAGE NINE!PAGE NINE!PAGE NINE!PAGE NINE![/move]

      [move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]PAGE NINE!PAGE NINE!PAGE NINE!PAGE NINE!PAGE NINE![/move]
Post by: Tomovoz on August 20, 2004, 11:27:41 PM
All quiet on The Western Front. (The East has gone to bed!).
Post by: Panni on August 20, 2004, 11:52:49 PM
I'll make some noise if you like.
Post by: bk on August 21, 2004, 12:03:27 AM
I'm back but now must write the notes and get them posted.  Wonderfully wonderful posts this evening!
Post by: Panni on August 21, 2004, 12:15:52 AM
I like round numbers...
Post by: Panni on August 21, 2004, 12:16:37 AM
...Like 245 (well, it's rounder than 243 -- but not as round as 250).