Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 2 => Topic started by: bk on October 04, 2004, 11:59:14 PM

Post by: bk on October 04, 2004, 11:59:14 PM
Well, you've read the notes, you know why the notes are titled thusly, and therefore it is time for you to post until the Kung Pao Kows kome home.  To it, you Kung Pao People.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Panni on October 05, 2004, 12:12:58 AM
I truly regret that I wasn't around to answer this question posted yesterday: " Can you go blind from sitting in a Jacuzzi too much."
The answer, of course, is... it depends on what you do in the Jacuzzi.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Panni on October 05, 2004, 12:22:40 AM
My mother was an excellent cook. I wasn't an excellent eater. So we often had variations of the following argument:

MOTHER: Why did I cook all this if you aren't going to eat it?!

PANNI: I didn't ask you to cook all this!

However, there were lots of things that she made that I loved. There was a potato dish ("Rakott krumpli") made with eggs and sour cream and layers of potatoes and various things -- done in the oven.

Then there was a bean dish - cooked all day - that was SO good.

And she made wonderful soups. I'm too tired to go into detail tonight. Maybe tomorrow.

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Panni on October 05, 2004, 12:24:14 AM
I already said it yesterday -- which for Jenny was today -- but I'll repeat...

              HAPPY SWEET 16, JENNY!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: S. Woody White on October 05, 2004, 12:37:19 AM
I'm still recovering from tonight's dinner, which was quite excellent, if I do say so myself.  I made sweet-and-sour chicken, and managed to get the chicken crispy and tender at the same time; and a spicy pork and veg stir-fry, using leftover roast pork and baby corn.

Der Brucer came back for seconds!

As for Kung Pao, I remember a little joint in Glendale, CA, where I would often lunch on Kung Pao Three Kinds, the three being chicken, pork, and shrimp.  
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: S. Woody White on October 05, 2004, 12:43:57 AM
As for dishes my mother used to make, she did a bang-up job with chili.  It's from her that I learned that real chili isn't made with ground beef, but with cubed pieces of chuck that have been cooked with the chiles for several hours.  These days, when I have a ground beef chili, I keep wondering if someone is trying to foist a sloppy joe on me and forgot the bun.

I remember my mother as being a pretty good cook, in fact.  However, after my Dad retired and they moved north to Gold Rush country, my Dad's mother (and the only Grandmother I ever really knew) moved with them.  This was fine, for a while, but as her health deteriorated, so was her tolerance for food with any spicing or herbing or anything.  Mom had to cut back on her tricks in the kitchen, and sad to say, after Grandma passed on, Mom's cooking never recovered.

Such things happen.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Ben on October 05, 2004, 04:29:35 AM
Happy Birthday Jenny!!!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Noel on October 05, 2004, 04:57:25 AM
How can Jenny be 16?  Seems like we met just a couple of weeks ago and she was well over 30.

Jenny, happy - er, - reversion to an earlier time.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: beckon on October 05, 2004, 04:59:37 AM

I have been, these past few days, errant and truant (as the locals say in these parts). The reason: I am an actor and I am involved in two different shows right now.  One is opening this week and another just started rehearsals.  Needless to say, my time has been limited.  I have visited the site, but all I have done is lurk and read.  Well, that is changing now.



My favorite food from childhood is a very simple one.  Two slices of toast with cream cheese and two slices of liversausage with a glass of milk.  My mom would have a similar meal for lunch.  She would substitute cottage cheese for the liversausage.  I remember first eating this at the age of four and I still eat it 30 years later.  The bread has changed (i.e. white, wheat, seven grain, etc.), but the creamcheese and liversausage has not.  I guess it is my comfort food.  It is not glamorous, but God Its Good (an almost Sweeney Todd reference).  
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: beckon on October 05, 2004, 05:00:30 AM
Happy Birthday DR Jenny! :)
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on October 05, 2004, 05:25:20 AM
My mom was a basic cook, but despite working full time she always turned out well-balanced if not exciting dinners, with the focus on meat - lamb chops, pot roast, liver, etc. However, the meal I remember most fondly is the traditional Saturday lunch following Temple services:

Deli (notably, corned beef and salami sandwiches).
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Dan (the Man) on October 05, 2004, 05:34:24 AM
[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]! ! ! ! !  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THAT GIRL JENNY  ! ! ! ! ![/move]
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Ben on October 05, 2004, 05:34:34 AM
Well, someone at 10 Cs has their head on straight.

http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=529&ncid=529&e=7&u=/ap/20041005/ap_en_mu/biblical_musical (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=529&ncid=529&e=7&u=/ap/20041005/ap_en_mu/biblical_musical)
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Ben on October 05, 2004, 05:35:10 AM
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: elmore3003 on October 05, 2004, 05:39:15 AM
Good morning, all!  Yestersay was a not-so-good day, and today looks better already.  I was happy to get to Chat last night for about 30 minutes, and this week is a social week, and I need to keep up my energy:  DRJane is in NYC from Oregon and a good friend from my hometown is here for a conference, so I'll be juggling time with the two ladies.  I'm having dinner with my friend Ginny tonight and the East Coast Hainsies have the Big Event wednesday. Last night a friend from college called to say hello before he returned to Ohio this morning; he'd been in New York for Billy Joel's wedding this wekend.  It turns out the new Mrs Joel is an alumna of my college, Miami University!

TOD:  my mother was passive-aggressive in all forms of motherhood, and that included meals.  When she was in good mental state, she was a wonderful cook, and when she wasn't, dinners could be a strange affair.  For instance, I didn't know until I got to school and saw other home-made cookies that they didn't come from the oven with charred bottoms.  One year, for Thanksgiving, my mother made pecan pies - which were excellent when she was functioning - and she underbaked them, so the custard was very runny.  The following Thanksgiving she overbaked them, and you needed a streethammer to cut into them.

But when I think of Mama (a Peggy Wood reference), and good days, these are the things I remember from the kitchen:

  1.  Doughnuts fried in a heavy iron skillet, sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  2,  Every Halloween for her favorite neighborhood kids she made popcorn balls which were amazing.
  3.  Stuffed green peppers
  4.  Pecan pie:  excellent, with only two years of disastrous ones but they were the end of that
  5.  Apple pie, and my mother's piecrust was really wonderful:  she took the scraps of the crust, rolled them out, cut them into wide slices, smeared them with butter, sugar and cinnamin and rolled them into little twists for my brothers and me.
  6.  I don't ever recall a bad Easter, Christmas, or Thanksgiving dinner, even though some of the holidays were stressed and insane, like the year my brother and his wife, whom my mother hated, were late and she met them at the door by throwing their gifts at them and yelling at them to get lost.  On those days, when I think I'm losing it, I remember Mama and realize I've got a long way to go!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: elmore3003 on October 05, 2004, 05:39:44 AM
I forgot!

DRJenny, Happy Birthday!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 05, 2004, 05:57:20 AM
Good Morning!

Topic of the Day: lumpia - the Filipino style eggrolls.  YUMMY!

OK! Gotta run (well, walk fast since I still don't have my car back) to rehearsal...

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 05, 2004, 05:58:38 AM
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on October 05, 2004, 06:02:05 AM
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Stuart on October 05, 2004, 06:11:25 AM
Happy Birthday DR Jenny.

I am sure I will think of others (which might be difficult, considering that the mother of DR Jay and myself never relished cooking.  We ate, and we ate well, but she was never a "real" cook.)  But anyway, the one dish I recall and still make myself was what we called "Cornflake Chicken:"

Marinate chicken parts in a spicy Catalina style French dressing (Milano 1890, in the guitar shaped bottle, was the preferred one to use).  Roll or shake in a mixture that is approximately 1/2 crushed potato chips and 1/2 cornflake crumbs (about 3/4 cup of each).  Bake in a 375 degree oven for 45 minutes to an hour.

It wasn't fancy, but it was good.

(And I do believe it has been the only thing that my mother has really cooked -- aside from making herself a piece of chicken, or some other meat, simply broiled -- since moving to California about 11 years ago.  She made it, at my request, when the Dear Partner and I were out there for a visit.  My brother has never forgiven me for being the only son for whom she has cooked in her new digs.)
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Stuart on October 05, 2004, 06:14:00 AM
Then there was a bean dish - cooked all day - that was SO good.

This sounds like the Czech version of tchulnt, the shabbos (Sabbath) dish that you put in the oven on Friday night at about 200 degrees, and therefore don't have to "Make fire" on the sabbath, and still be able to eat a warm meal for lunch.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: William E. Lurie on October 05, 2004, 06:21:49 AM
When I was a child I thought my mother was the best cook in the world.  Everything was good so I really had no favorites.  After I had left home and experienced other food (including my own cooking) I was less impressed when I returned to my parent's house for occasional visits.  Did her cooking change? Did my tastes change?  Who knows.  As the saying goes "you can't go home again".

Note: Her chocolate chip cookies remained as good as ever.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Dan (the Man) on October 05, 2004, 06:48:42 AM
My favorite Mom food was a grilled cheese sandwich with a bowl of tomato soup.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jennifer on October 05, 2004, 06:53:15 AM
Happy Sweet Sixteen DR Jenny!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jennifer on October 05, 2004, 06:59:49 AM
Re: jacuzzis

Well if you're going to use one a lot you should probably read up on them.

I know I've heard that it's not great for kids to use them.  And it's also not good to be in them for more than 20-30 minutes.  But I love them and am VERY JEALOUS that you have one at home.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: MBarnum on October 05, 2004, 07:07:24 AM
I absolutely loved my mom's cooking. I say "loved" because she doesn't cook much anymore. Her fried chicken was the best, and she also made a wonderful dish called "Slum Gum". It was something her mom made for her family during the depression. Just macaroni noodles, a can of tomatoes and a few other things, and hamburger meat. Very basic, but quite tasty as I recall (not having eaten it in over 25 years).

Oh, and she made the best scrambled eggs and the best egg salad sandwiches (which she still makes for me when I go down to Medford)!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: MBarnum on October 05, 2004, 07:09:40 AM
Watched Desperate Housewives last night (I had taped it from Sunday) and it was a hoot. I do think I might have a new favorite show! It was a lot of fun and I highly recommend it!

And a nice surprise was seeing 2 MELROSE PLACE alumni! I knew that Marcia Cross was in it, but surprise - surprise - surprise- there popped in Doug Savant about half-way through! I always have liked Doug Savant!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Elan on October 05, 2004, 07:29:39 AM
Happy birthday, DR Jenny!

My mother was (and is) an excellent cook, although she's restricted herself to the basics for quite some time now. Back in the day, though, she made a spicy soup with wheat berries which I absolutely adored... I really should look up that recipe myself sometime.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 05, 2004, 07:48:56 AM
Favourite foodstuff mom used to make:  Does anyone remember junket? Yum!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Matt H. on October 05, 2004, 08:38:51 AM
Happy Birthday, DR Jenny!

My mom was a wonderful country cook, so she made the standard things like fried chicken and beef stew as good or better than any I've ever had anywhere else. When I moved back home and started working on my master's degree after undergraduate school, she had started making turkey tetrazinni which I often begged her to make.

Her top item to cook, however, was a homemade cocoanut cake. It was so scrumptuous that it would make strong men weep. Never had anything like it that was nearly as good (or as rich tasting; never did learn her secret.)
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Matt H. on October 05, 2004, 08:41:23 AM
Picked up ALADDIN and FAHRENHEIT 9/11 this morning and will probably watch the latter after I return from rehearsal tonight. As with the previous debate, I'm not really interested in seeing the vice presidential candidates banter back-and-forth.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Emily on October 05, 2004, 08:42:59 AM
[size=8]Happy Birthday Jenny! :D[/size]

Today on cbc.ca I read the most important piece of news ever... Really - I'm shocked beyond belief that no one has mentioned this cataclysmic event yet:

"Canadian pumpkin regains world crown from Americans"

http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2004/10/04/pumpkinfest041004.html (http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2004/10/04/pumpkinfest041004.html)

Who knew that the War of 1812 continues to this day in the form of large-fruit horticulture?

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

DR Jennifer: I know this is a long shot, but since you live in the West Island I thought I'd give it a go.  My friend's dad got into a minor car accident last night near the Guzzo Spheretech in Côte Vertu.  Their dog, who was spooked beyond belief, tore out of the vehicle when her father opened his door to check out the damage and couldn't be found afterwards.  If you see an Airedale without an owner anywhere in the region... let me know!  The family is all very upset... especially because the area has so much car traffic going at high speeds...

Today I have to go to Place des Arts to pick up my dad's birthday tickets to a choral concert.  Thank God for the OSM! Every year they save me from having to come up with an original gift for him!  Plus... of course, he does enjoy the events! :D
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Emily on October 05, 2004, 08:44:44 AM
Ooh am I the only one here who is going to watch the Vice Presidential debate tonight?

God... I am such a geek :P
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Dan (the Man) on October 05, 2004, 09:17:03 AM
Ooh am I the only one here who is going to watch the Vice Presidential debate tonight?

God... I am such a geek :P

Nope.  I'll be watching, too.  I've been manically and obsessively following every single step of this presidential campaign.

I think it will be a draw tonight, unless Cheney loses his temper and cheneys up big time.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Donald on October 05, 2004, 10:01:26 AM
Hey All,

The new Broadway Radio Show went up late last night.  It's a fun show with Mr Michael Betts -- give it a listen.  Sorry about the delay, but I was in beautiful Scottdale, AZ over the weekend and returned home later than expected

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Panni on October 05, 2004, 10:09:06 AM
This sounds like the Czech version of tchulnt, the shabbos (Sabbath) dish that you put in the oven on Friday night at about 200 degrees, and therefore don't have to "Make fire" on the sabbath, and still be able to eat a warm meal for lunch.

Hungarian, not Czech. (How dare you?!) And it's called "solet" - which looks like it might be related.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Stuart on October 05, 2004, 10:18:02 AM
Hungarian, not Czech. (How dare you?!)

Mea culpa, mea culpa.  Mea maxima, maxima culpa.  (Ooooh, a SWEENEY TODD reference!)

(My only explanation is that I was typing through antihistamines, and confused my geography, much like Gerald Ford did....)
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jay on October 05, 2004, 10:34:48 AM
The happiest of birthdays to you, Dear Reader Jenny!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jay on October 05, 2004, 10:37:04 AM
From today's Los Angeles Times:


Kilmer show gets make-over

Oct 5 2004

Tuesday and Wednesday performances of "The Ten Commandments" at the Kodak Theatre have been canceled to give the new musical's creators more rehearsal time in which to make changes in the show, producer Charles Cohen said in a statement.

Cohen declined to release attendance figures for Tuesdays and Wednesdays but said the cancellation "is a creative decision, not a business decision."


Don Shirley

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 05, 2004, 10:37:38 AM
Emily, I will be watching the debate.  Like Dan the Man I have become obssessive about this election.  I think it will determine whether we maintain our form of constitutional government or descend into thirty years of Far Right Wing, Extremist, Repressive, Totalitarian Rule.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jay on October 05, 2004, 10:40:51 AM
Ooh am I the only one here who is going to watch the Vice Presidential debate tonight?

God... I am such a geek :P

I'll be there, too.  And by the way (BTW in internet lingo), I am fascinated that the debates are being broadcast in Canada.  I can assure you that little news of Canadian politics makes its way into the U.S. media.

I am further fascinated that a Canadian like yourself would take greater interest in the U.S. election than many (most?) citizens of the U. S. of A.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: MBarnum on October 05, 2004, 10:43:24 AM
Happy, happy Birthday DR Jenny (I forgot to say that earlier!!)  ;D
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jay on October 05, 2004, 10:53:48 AM
As Dear Brother Dear Reader Stuart has reported, we are now into the second decade running during which The Dear Mother has abstained from serving me a hot meal from her own hands.  Cold meals she has served me, yes.  Hot take-out (that I myself picked up but was eaten in her home) she has served me, yes.  Home cooked, no.

So, as I reach back into my distant memory of the home cooked culinary treats she once set before me, I settle on The Dear Mother's veal cutlets.  Although she did not pound them thin (making for somewhat chewy dining) and used plain matzo meal (instead of spiced breadcrumbs) and did not first dip the cutlets in flour before washing them in egg and dredging them through the matzoh meal, there was something special about The Dear Mother's veal cutlets to which I always looked forward.  The cutlets were invariably served with mashed potatoes made my favorite way:  slightly lumpy and moistened with rendered chicken fat (also known as schmaltz.)  On holiday occasions, some grivenes (the crispy onion and bits of chicken skin that were a by-product of the rendered chicken fat) would be mixed into the potatoes, too.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jennifer on October 05, 2004, 10:56:01 AM
DR Emily that is really sad about the dog.  The owners should definitely go back to that area and post signs, especially at the mall across the street and the movie theatre.

I obviously know that area well.  But the dog would have to travel many miles of highway to get to me.

But what does an airedale look like anyway?

You are right though, that area has a lot of traffic, especially highways around it.  I hope they find him.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jennifer on October 05, 2004, 11:07:41 AM
I am fascinated that the debates are being broadcast in Canada.  I can assure you that little news of Canadian politics makes its way into the U.S. media.

In Canada we watch American tv primarily, on the same stations that you have (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN).  And since the debates are on all those stations, we can watch.

Since there are only a few Canadian stations, with very little original programming, only those who live close to the borders can watch our channels.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jennifer on October 05, 2004, 11:11:43 AM
Btw, is it REALLY cold anywhere else today?

It is FREEZING here.  It's been 60+ most days.  But today it is 6C, or 42F.  And I am frozen!  Should be back to normal tomorrow.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: elmore3003 on October 05, 2004, 11:41:01 AM
Ooh am I the only one here who is going to watch the Vice Presidential debate tonight?

God... I am such a geek :P

DREmily, I too will watch the debates.  This election, with all the stupidity in Iraq and its consequences along with the current regime's threat to human rights, is quite important to me and a lot others.  You're no Geek; they're the ones who don't give a damn.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: elmore3003 on October 05, 2004, 11:42:31 AM
Emily, I will be watching the debate.  Like Dan the Man I have become obssessive about this election.  I think it will determine whether we maintain our form of constitutional government or descend into thirty years of Far Right Wing, Extremist, Repressive, Totalitarian Rule.

DR Charles Pogue, thank you!  You said it better than I did.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: George on October 05, 2004, 11:52:39 AM
Nope.  I'll be watching, too.  I've been manically and obsessively following every single step of this presidential campaign.

I think it will be a draw tonight, unless Cheney loses his temper and cheneys up big time.
One can only hope! ::)

I won't be watching, but I'll be taping.  I'm taking my niece to the Seattle Storm Western division final...or something like that.  It'll be a great basketball game...even as a non-fan, it's fun to watch.

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 05, 2004, 12:10:08 PM
Elmore, it just is too easy, as far too many do, to dismiss this election with, "Oh, one party is just like another."  They're not.  I think this president is probably the poorest educated, dimmest one we've ever had in our history.  What irritates me most is that he wears his ignorance like a badge of honour..."Oh...I don't read the papers."  What balanced the playing field after the first debate, I think, is people realized for the first time just how stupid the president is and it truly shocked many.  Most telling moment of the last debate was his petulant claim:  "I know it was Osama Bin Laden who attacked us; I know that." First of all, that he actually had to tell us, must have meant that he was afraid some out there weren't too sure.  The logical riposte to his acknowledgement that Osama attacked us is: "Then what the Hell are we doing in Iraq?"

I found it amusing that many of the post-debate pundits and spinners tried to say that many people see Bush's incomprehensible inarticulateness and think, "Well, he's just like us." As though this is somehow comforting.  Maybe so, but I don't think most people want someone just like them in the White House.  I want someone who is smarter than me in the White House.  That's not the case now and that scares the bejesus out of me.  I think MOST people want someone smarter than them in the White House.   You may think your neighbour or your drinking buddies are regular guys but do you really want them for your prez?
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: elmore3003 on October 05, 2004, 12:22:03 PM
I'm hoping the release today on video of FAHRENHEIT 9/11 will open a few eyes as well.  While I don't subscribe to all of Michael Moore's thesis, the shot of the presidential arcade dealing with eggthrowers is pretty shocking.  

I think it's the economic issues that will be the main crux; too many of us voters are heading toward medicare, social security, and overpriced drugs, and only those with a $200,000+ (sigh) income are coming off well at present.  I find I spend too much time crying over dead young and women in Iraq, and I'm having 1970 deja vu flashes.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Stuart on October 05, 2004, 12:48:01 PM
So, as I reach back into my distant memory of the home cooked culinary treats she once set before me, I settle on The Dear Mother's veal cutlets.  Although she did not pound them thin (making for somewhat chewy dining) and used plain matzo meal (instead of spiced breadcrumbs) and did not first dip the cutlets in flour before washing them in egg and dredging them through the matzoh meal, there was something special about The Dear Mother's veal cutlets to which I always looked forward.  

Yes, thems sure was tasty, too.  I almost forgot about them, ironically enough.

Still not a big fan of mashed potatoes, even when schmaltz and gribbenes were part of the equation. (Which IS the most delicious way to eat them, after all....when one is eating them.)
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 05, 2004, 12:52:44 PM
In Fahrenheit 9/11, I think the seven minutes of Bush staring like a rabbit after being told that we're under attack is all any thinking person of moderate intelligence needs to know about this president.

Like you, I also agree that when it comes down to it, the crux will not be Iraq but how plump people's pocketbooks are when they go into voting booth.  As the saying goes:  "It's the economy, stupid."  Job security, a decent salary, health care, prescription drug costs, medicare, social security are the issues.  And even those with incomes over $200,000 aren't feeling all that secure.  
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Matt H. on October 05, 2004, 01:04:13 PM
My mind has been made up about my vote YEARS ago. I'll use my two hours in a more entertaining fashion and read about it in tomorrow's newspaper.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Matt H. on October 05, 2004, 01:05:48 PM
Finished with RICHARD III today. Would like to watch it again to hear the commentary, but will have to wait for another day to do that.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: George on October 05, 2004, 01:18:20 PM
In Fahrenheit 9/11, I think the seven minutes of Bush staring like a rabbit after being told that we're under attack is all any thinking person of moderate intelligence needs to know about this president.

Of course, "thinking person" being the operative phrase. ::)
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Panni on October 05, 2004, 01:26:18 PM

Like you, I also agree that when it comes down to it, the crux will not be Iraq but how plump people's pocketbook is when they go into voting booth.  As the saying goes:  "It's the economy, stupid."  Job security, a decent salary, health care, prescription drug costs, medicare, social security are the issues.  And even those with incomes over $200,000 aren't feeling all that secure.  

I agree as well. That's why the next presidential debate on domestic issues will, IMHO, be the crucial one.

I'll also be watching tonight. I'm really hoping that Edwards'  charm, good-looks, youth and intelligence will leave Cheney in the dust. BTW - the order of Edwards' qualities as listed was not a random one. Unfortunately, I think that's the order in which the viewing public makes crucial judgments
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Panni on October 05, 2004, 01:31:47 PM
                  REQUEST FOR GOOD VIBES, DRs

I am in need of GVs for a house-hunt related matter which is now basically out of my hands. Any you dear people have to spare would be greatly appreciated.

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: MBarnum on October 05, 2004, 01:32:54 PM
I am an unhappy camper. The Goodlife Network has removied Surfside 6 from their schedule!!! I love that show! Thankfully they are still showing 77 Sunset Strip and Hawaiian Eye. The also got rid of Bronco.

They did ad a few interesting shows, however, like MAN FROM UNCLE, GIRL FROM UNCLE, and THE COURTSHIP OF EDDIES FATHER.

I guess, as they say, all good things must come to an end. I am happy that I managed to save a few SURFSIDE 6 episodes on tape/DVDr!!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: MBarnum on October 05, 2004, 01:33:56 PM
I will read about the debates in the paper, also. I already know who I am voting for so the debates will not change my view on anything.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jrand73 on October 05, 2004, 01:36:22 PM
Happy Birthday, DRJENNY!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jrand73 on October 05, 2004, 01:42:41 PM
Here is your Allison Hayes picture of the week....another bathing suit that probably NEVER got wet!   ;D

A publicity photo from THE ZOMBIES OF MORA TAU!  :P
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jrand73 on October 05, 2004, 01:43:29 PM
I think with those handles, the hat could double as a beach bag.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Noel on October 05, 2004, 01:44:05 PM
Debates are the only chance most of us have of seeing candidates think on their feet.  Tonight's is a fun study in contrasts: political vet vs. brash relatively-newcomer.  A lawyer who's fought for the little guy against mega-corporations vs. a former CEO of a mega-corporation.  Relative youth vs. somewhat near death.  And, unfailingly polite vs. often slips into ad hominen invective.

I could name a million more.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jennifer on October 05, 2004, 01:49:31 PM
Still not a big fan of mashed potatoes, even when schmaltz and gribbenes were part of the equation. (Which IS the most delicious way to eat them, after all....when one is eating them.)

Okay this brought back memories and made me want to cry.  Gribbenes (sp?) are one of my most favorite treats.  My grandmother used to make it for us all the time.  She's been gone for ten years, so it's been a while since I've had some.  :'(
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: MBarnum on October 05, 2004, 01:51:12 PM
WOW, JRand54, that Allison shot I have NEVER seen before! Is that from your collection???
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jennifer on October 05, 2004, 01:51:51 PM
Good house vibes for DR Panni. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Stuart on October 05, 2004, 01:52:38 PM
In honor of DR Jenny's birthday, I thought I would share a story that is a) Somewhat appropriate, given her moniker, and b) should be entertaining.

Many moons ago (oooh, a ONCE UPON A MATTRESS reference), I went to a "theatre camp"  (I think I have mentioned that it was the one on which CAMP was based).  Well, one summer I became friends with a girl named Jenny (whose father was a famous novelist/screenwriter/theatre chronicler).  Jenny auditioned for our production of GYPSY.  Jenny checked the cast list to see which role she got.  Jenny noticed that her name was misspelled, but that it was next to "Mama Rose."  Jenny was happy, and I was happy for her.  She thought nothing of the obvious typo, until she turned around, and was greeted with a chorus of:

"Fenny, you're a woman with children,
come from another town...."

This is a TRUE story.  

And I have never been able to tell it anywhere except here at the most erudite website on the internet, Haines His Way.

So Happy Birthday DR Fenny.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: elmore3003 on October 05, 2004, 01:53:18 PM
DRPanni, good vibes on springing the Big  House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jennifer on October 05, 2004, 01:53:55 PM
Has anyone seen the new Taye Diggs show on UPN?  That is one station I don't get.  But my sis taped it for me.  And I must say I really liked it.

It's on Wednesday nights.  And Taye Diggs basically plays a playboy whose cousin dies and leaves him with a baby.  He is a lawyer and it's very Ally McBeal.  Plus he is a total cutie!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Stuart on October 05, 2004, 02:07:28 PM
And Taye Diggs ... is a total cutie!

And from Rochester!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jay on October 05, 2004, 02:12:07 PM
And from Rochester!

And of Hungarian ancestry!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jrand73 on October 05, 2004, 02:39:31 PM
No DRMBARNUM - I found that particular photo on the internet and printed out a small version of it.  I am still a bit amazed at the superstructure....how did she get....uh...ahem....them to do that?
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jrand73 on October 05, 2004, 02:41:59 PM
For school lunch, the famous Spam sandwich cut lengthwise in half.

Cooking wise - meat loaf with mashed potatoes, still a favorite!  Or glop - which sounds a lot like MBARNUM's mom's concoction....macaroni, tomatoes, green peppers, and hamburger!

Special treat.....pie dough sprinkled with cinnamin and then rolled and baked, cut into bite size pieces....mmmmmmmmmmmmm
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: DearReaderLaura on October 05, 2004, 02:49:59 PM
Happy Birthday, DR Jenny!!!

Good vibes to Panni on her househunting adventures ~~~~~

DR Jennifer: It's freezing here, too! It's a nippy 90F here today!

Mom was a great cook -- but my favorite thing was  sauerbraten with ginger snap gravy.  Also, she made the best liver and bacon and onions.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jenny on October 05, 2004, 02:54:42 PM
Thank you all for the kind birthday wishes!  :-* :-* :-*

I must say that I'm feeling a little bit like Molly Ringwald in "Sixteen Candles" today.  All of my friends forgot my birthday!  Even my stalker forgot my birthday!  What's the point of having a stalker if he takes the day off on the one day of the year when all people should devote their attentions to you?  Psh.

As for today's TOD, my mother isn't much of a cook.  Over the past few years she's begun cooking occasionally, but when I was young, she probably cooked about twice a week.  I always enjoyed the combination of grilled cheese sandwhices and tomato soup growing up, as well as the combination of chicken nuggets and Kraft macaroni and cheese.  Now my mother makes delicous hamburgers, meatloaf, and eggplant parmigiana.  I'm extraordinarily proud of her.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: MBarnum on October 05, 2004, 03:00:54 PM
Yes, JRand54, our mom's must have both learned there cooking during the depression!

A favorite treat when I was a kid was cooked white rice with milk and sugar and cinnamon. Very tasty.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: bk on October 05, 2004, 03:23:50 PM
Oh Rochester.

Jenny, that is why you must always come to haineshisway.com.  We NEVER forget our dear readers birthdays, or if we do, we rectify it immediately

Back from a Mexican lunch.  Taco y enchilada.  Excellent.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 05, 2004, 03:46:53 PM
Good Afternoon!

This has been one long day for me.  It's just been one of those days where I woke up tired.  And stayed tired.

Of course, "being tired" didn't help this morning during my keyboard part coaching/learning session for The Producers.  Just lots of stupid mistakes.  Very stupid.  -I somehow kept playing one section in 3/4 when it was written in 4/4 - ???  Consequently, I was getting a lot of raised eyebrows from the assistant conductor, and some vibes of apprehension.  I was also in "getting self-flustered" mode this morning, so...  -And BK knows what I'm like when I fluster myself.  The fingers and the brain just don't sync up.  However, we actually made it through the whole show, and now I know what sections I need to concentrate on over the next fews days.

I'll be fine.  I don't play until Saturday, so I have plenty of hours to get some good "shedding" done.  -And, thankfully, the shows are not at 10:00AM. ;)
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 05, 2004, 03:51:24 PM
Then I went to pick up my car.  The third problem with the car turned out to be a small one - well, actually a small part.  However, to get to said small part they had to take apart the exhaust system, so the labor cost was a bit more than I was expected.  It wasn't exhorbitant, just more like a unexpected "surprise".  But I got my car back, and it's running very well.  And, most importantly, I have my up-to-date state inspection sticker on my windshield.

I ran some errands after picking up my car, and then came back here and took some "breathing" time this afternoon.  I needed the break.  And the nap.  The nap has helped a lot.  And now I'm about to head out to get some dinner, and then it's back here for some practicing...

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 05, 2004, 03:53:07 PM
...And it's cold here too!  It didn't even really warm up that much during the day today.  Parts of Richmond are under a frost warning tonight, and the lows should be around 40.  -Guess I'll be taking down my down comforter from the closet.  :)
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: bk on October 05, 2004, 04:44:04 PM
Sad to be all alone in the world.  

No one home at 4:40?  Skammen.

Checking out some new DVD transfers:

Fearless Vampire Killers - very sharp, flesh tones a bit brown, but a very good transfer.

It's Alive and its two sequels - all look excellent given their low-budget origins.  All are guilty pleasures for one reason or another.

Three Faces of Eve - great transfer, stereo sound, gorgeous.

Les Uns et les Autres - Very sharp scope transfer (anamorphic) but very brown-looking, a shame.  As with all Lelouch films that I somehow missed, I began watching it and cannot stop - so far it's totally mesmerizing and totally wonderful (and totally long at three hours, but I don't care as long as he sustains its wonderfulness).
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Emily on October 05, 2004, 04:51:12 PM
What with the Speech from the Throne today AND the VP Debate, I am as happy a Political Science student as you'll ever get.

I know a lot of Canadians take their US politics seriously if only because they affect us so much.  The CDN stations generally don't SHOW the actually debates, but there is almost always coverage on the news shows the day after.  

But I am a geek... if I don't watch tonight how on Earth will I be able to discuss it with all my fellow poli. sci. geeky friends tomorrow morning? :P

Jenny - you need a stalker with a better stalking plan.  Forgetting your bithday... the guy doesn't know a stalk from a tip! (wow... asparagus jokes... new line crossed :D)
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: bk on October 05, 2004, 05:28:32 PM
I think I shall take a late-afternoon dip in the pool.  Hopefully, we'll have a few frenzies by the time I get back.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Danise on October 05, 2004, 05:33:18 PM
Evening all,

First of all I have a bone to pick.  I want to make it clear that I do  NOT have an accent.  I can’t help it if ya’ll hear funny.  ::)

I don’t know what the deal is with my voice.  I finely got to meet Thelma’s daughters at her retirement party.  I had spoken to them many times on the phone.  They both said it was nice to be able to put a face to the voice because it  (my voice) was unique.  Unique? ???

I guess it has something to do with my parents being from Pittsburgh and I was born and raised here in the Tampa area.  I guess that makes me a Rebel Yank.  Or a Southern Northerner.  

Anyway, most Southern people think I speak like a Yank and the Northerners think I speak like a Southerner.  But I do NOT have an accent.   :D ;D

[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]Happiest of Birthdays to DR Jenny!  Many, many, many more![/move]

I see BK bought himself a CHOCOLATE muffin.  Told you, I did.  Good, hummm?   A Yoda reference.  

We had a really bad rain storm last night so I didn’t get to go on the computer.  I wish things would dry up around here!  

Big news (for me at least)!  I FINELY got the computer to “see” the video camera and have been able to upload most of my SLC and NYC footage!  Yay!  Now the next big project is figuring out how to burn it to a DVD disk so it will play on the TV.  She has the technology but can she figure it out? The saga continues…….

Glad to see DR Jane on the board.  I hope you get to see this.   I will call you tomorrow between one and two—my lunch hour.  I didn’t call today because I thought you were in transit and didn’t want to disturb you.

I missed out on favorite movie/TV animal and while I love everyone that was mentioned, one was forgotten.  His name was Othello and he has since passed away. He was also known as “Goliath” from one of my all time favorite films, Ladyhawke.  RIP, big fella.   :'(

If you want to talk about voices/accents, LadyHawke starred one of my very favorite men, Rutger Hauer, who has a voice to die for.   He could say, “Shoe horn” and I would get goose bumps.  

As for my favorite meal that my Mom made for me.  Hummmm, there were so many things.   I think I will have to say that Thanksgiving Turkey stuffing was one of my all time favorites.  That's because we only got it on Thanksgiving.  I always looked forward to Turkey day for just that reason.  

I would give the recipe but I shall wait until Turkey day when I am sure the topic of the day will have something to do with food.  That and I’m too lazy to look it up right now.     ;D
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Ron Pulliam on October 05, 2004, 05:45:44 PM
Oy!  What a day I had today!

My L.A. trip for Nov 4-7 is OFF, drat it!  The tix didn't pan out for the Yo Yo Ma concert...all were sold before the public had a shot at them.

[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JENNY![/move]

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Ron Pulliam on October 05, 2004, 05:47:15 PM
Sad to hear about Rodney Dangerfield's passing.

With Janet Leigh's departure, it has been a sad celebrity week.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Danise on October 05, 2004, 05:58:33 PM
Gee, this is the first I've heard about  Rodney Dangerfield's passing.  That's very sad.

And I know I'm out of sync--who/what is a Yo Yo Ma concert?  Never heard of him/her/them/it.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Ron Pulliam on October 05, 2004, 05:59:02 PM
Before I forget (again):  I received a very nice card from TomovOz from France. He and Colin are having a nice, leisurely European holiday from what I've been able to ascertain....concentrating on rural sights rather than big cities.  They've done England, apparently (!),and are moving through France.  I take it they will hook up with François de Paris sometime late next week!  Tom's card was mailed September 30, and I got it October 4...not bad!  
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: bk on October 05, 2004, 06:00:30 PM
Yo Yo Ma is a great cellist.  They are doing a concert to promote his new album of Ennio Morricone film music.  It's pretty much a terrific album with Morricone arranging for cello and making it as classic and classy as what he did for Edda Dell'Orso's voice.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Ron Pulliam on October 05, 2004, 06:03:13 PM
Gee, this is the first I've heard about  Rodney Dangerfield's passing.  That's very sad.

And I know I'm out of sync--who/what is a Yo Yo Ma concert?  Never heard of him/her/them/it.

Dangerfield died today, from what I understand.  He was 82.  If I recall correctly (IIRC, in internet lingo) he had been in a coma for a while following an illness, or a surgery (?).

Yo-Yo Ma is a world-class, world famous cellist.  He is going to be performing with the USC orchestra in a concert of Ennio Morricone music that is being played live as accompaniment to some student films.

Yo Yo Ma has performed with the creme de la creme for more than two decades (the first time I ever heard of him was in the late 1970s....and I thought "he" was a rock group having fun with the phrase "Yo mama"!).

Yo Yo Ma has recorded with John Williams, both on an album of Williams' music from various films, and as soloist on the soundtrack to "Seven Years in Tibet".
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Ron Pulliam on October 05, 2004, 06:04:36 PM
Also, what BK said.

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Danise on October 05, 2004, 06:06:52 PM
Thanks, Bruce.   I was thinking :  hard rock/punk band with unintelligible lyrics!  LOL!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Danise on October 05, 2004, 06:08:41 PM
Thank you also, RLP for furthering my continuing education.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Danise on October 05, 2004, 06:10:28 PM
RLP, Did Tom say anything about Woman In White?  I'm dying to hear what he thought about it.

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Ron Pulliam on October 05, 2004, 06:36:23 PM
Not a peep out of Tom about "Woman in White".  Not to me, at any rate.  He did say he and Colin met up with a former Kimlet named Allan who lives in London.

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: elmore3003 on October 05, 2004, 06:57:52 PM
RLP, Did Tom say anything about Woman In White?  I'm dying to hear what he thought about it.

DRDanise, I may be wrong, but I think that Francois told me DRTomovoz was very disappointed in it.  Friends of mine who saw it last week said it was one of the worst indecipherable shows they'd ever seen.  Now, someone left the show at intermission because they disliked it, but I cannot remember if it were Tomovoz or my friends.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Ben on October 05, 2004, 07:01:34 PM
Tom did not care for WIW (Woman in White in internet lingo). He and Colin left at the "interval" (British or European for intermission). He did enjoy Chitty, Chitty Bang Bang, though (as did I).
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jennifer on October 05, 2004, 07:27:16 PM
When I went by my local McDonalds today it was empthy and fences were boarded up around it making sure nobody could get in.

How depressing. No McDonalds! :(
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jrand73 on October 05, 2004, 07:46:16 PM
I also received a card from Tom....

DR MS - he forgot your address thing - which is why you didn't get a card.

Oh...hmmmmmm....here is what he had to say about the new ALW musical:

"...was so sad we left at intervel, despite London prices, a total waste of talent all around.  Very sad to see...."  So I guess we know what he thought of Woman In White.  He did say Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was fun!

So the be the bearer of bad news...DRDANISE....there you are.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jrand73 on October 05, 2004, 07:49:11 PM
Wow - two cancalled Moses performances...and after ALL those rehearsals and television commercials (they are promoting it on the TV GUIDE channel now).

Do you suppose Dorothy Brock gave Abner the air?  Maybe they will get another leading lady!  Oh no wait, that's 42nd STREET!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jrand73 on October 05, 2004, 07:49:57 PM
DR BEN, why didn't I see your post?

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: bk on October 05, 2004, 08:16:53 PM
Where in tarnation IS everyone?  We're not having a vacation, you know.  October started off brilliantly and now we have been deserted three times already today.  Let's get with it, you dear, dear people out there in the dark.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jrand73 on October 05, 2004, 08:20:58 PM
Oh my - I misunderstood what DRJAY wrote about THE TEN COMMANDMENTS....  :o

The Tuesday evening and Wednesday matinee and evening performances are being cancelled for the RUN, not just for this week.  ::)

The BIG musical will get its standing ovations for only 6 performances a week instead of 9!  Whew!  MR BK, I hope you got your tickets already!

http://www.canada.com/entertainment/story.html?id=ef4c2d5d-c898-4e0a-be63-96d68379c587 (http://www.canada.com/entertainment/story.html?id=ef4c2d5d-c898-4e0a-be63-96d68379c587)
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 05, 2004, 08:39:56 PM
Well, I'm watching debate stuff.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Dan (the Man) on October 05, 2004, 08:42:56 PM
Well, I watched the veep debate tonight and thought it to be a draw.  Edwards has terrible debating skills and Cheney has the most distinctly disagreeable personality I've ever come across.  Bleh to both.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jay on October 05, 2004, 08:46:15 PM
Wow - two cancalled Moses performances...and after ALL those rehearsals and television commercials (they are promoting it on the TV GUIDE channel now).

What two performances?  It's three performances (Tuesday evening, Wednesday matinee and Wednesday evening) each week, indefinitely, as I read what's been published on the decision.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Panni on October 05, 2004, 08:46:50 PM
I actually liked the debates. Gwen Ifill, IMO, did a great job as moderator. Plus she was probably quite a few Americans' nightmare come true - a black woman in charge! It was much more of a gloves off debate than the previous one. And the two men were more evenly matched. For one thing, both possessed a working brain.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Matt H. on October 05, 2004, 08:47:25 PM
I can't imagine anyone emerging unchanged after seeing FAHRENHEIT 9/11 for the first time. One jaw-dropping expose after another, all presented clearly and with facts firmly in place and every emotion in the rainbow touched with fervor. Unforgettable.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jay on October 05, 2004, 08:49:25 PM
What two performances?  It's three performances (Tuesday evening, Wednesday matinee and Wednesday evening) each week, indefinitely, as I read what's been published on the decision.

Disregard.  Dear Reader JRand54 figured it out on his own.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Dan (the Man) on October 05, 2004, 08:50:41 PM
Before the debate, I started watching Love Me Tonight on TCM and I have to admit that I had a tough time changing channels when the time came (I popped in a tape to record the movie and watched it as soon as the debate was over.)  I have never seen Love Me Tonight and I can't believe that I managed to miss this wonderful musical all these years.  I'm ordering the DVD from Amazon tonight.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: bk on October 05, 2004, 08:55:04 PM
I'm still happily in Lelouchland and may not get to Fahrenheit 9/11 this evening, although I'll probably start it.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Dan (the Man) on October 05, 2004, 08:56:46 PM
I actually liked the debates. Gwen Ifill, IMO, did a great job as moderator. Plus she was probably quite a few Americans' nightmare come true - a black woman in charge! It was much more of a gloves off debate than the previous one. And the two men were more evenly matched. For one thing, both possessed a working brain.

I enjoyed Gwen Ifill, too.  She asked a lot of good tough questions, most of  which, unfortunately, did not get answered because the participants kept sliding into non-related answers.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jay on October 05, 2004, 08:58:05 PM
I'm calling the debate a draw.  

Re Cheney's (and the Prez's) continued insistence on the tie between Al Qaeda and Sadam Hussein and the existence of WMDs in Iraq:  c'mon.  Who's kidding whom?  

I do believe Sourpuss Cheney validated his role as the Bush puppetmaster.  

Edwards' response to the question on gay marriage was as disappointing to me as that of the Vice President.  Maybe more so, because I thought the Democratic Party stood for equal rights.

I was disappointed so little was said about North Korea and Sudan.  Of course, if both those countries sat atop oil fields, we'd have heard plenty about them.

I will need tomorrow's newspaper to help me decipher the accuracy of what was said by both gentlemen during the debate.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Dan (the Man) on October 05, 2004, 09:02:17 PM
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 05, 2004, 09:14:47 PM
I thought it was a draw too, Jay.  Although interestingly enough, MSNBC seems to clearly think Cheney was the hands-down winnner.  Yet three instant polls...CNN's, Yahoo's, and MSNBC's own instant polls... have Edwards the winner;  slightly over 60% in one (where they give the option of a tie); around 70% in a poll (where no tie is offered), and one at 78% (tie offered).  Depending on which poll, sixty to eighty percent think Edwards won.  Though these instant polls are unscientific, in the last debate they seemed to reflect the national polls that came out a few days later.  So this is good news for Kerry-Edwards, I hope.  
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Dan (the Man) on October 05, 2004, 09:19:55 PM
I thought it was a draw too, Jay.  Although interestingly enough, MSNBC seems to clearly think Cheney was the hands-down winnner.  Yet three instant polls CNN's, Yahoo's, and MSNBC's own instant polls have Edwards the winner  slightly over 60% in one (where they give the option of a tie); around 70% in a poll (where no tie is offered), and one at 78% (tie offered) the winner.  Depending on which poll sixty to eighty percent think Edwards win.  Though these instant polls are unscientific, in the last debate the seemed to reflect the national polls that came out a few days later.  So this is good news for Kerry-Edwards, I hope.  

I also saw the MSNBC.com poll and the 70% in favor of Edwards.  What I couldn't believe was that this was based on roughly 307,000 votes.  How in the world did that many people manage to click up a number that quickly after the debate ended?  I suspect that some hacker out there was using a ballot-stuffing web bot.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Panni on October 05, 2004, 09:22:27 PM
The most interesting poll for me was the Fox news site. When I last looked Edwards was ahead there! Fox News?? Obviously our side knows how to stuff ballot boxes, too.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Panni on October 05, 2004, 09:26:58 PM
I've been having a nice evening. Watched the debates. Then had a chat with my landlady -- and she's not angry because I'm leaving. That's a relief. I like her and would hate it if she felt I let her down. Then I made popcorn. Together with the Cheese Enchiladas I had for lunch, that makes for a balanced diet. Now I'm going to perhaps have a bit of smoked turkety and pickle.
Thanks for the good vibes, dear people. Don't know yet if they've had results.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Panni on October 05, 2004, 09:28:17 PM
I've just read that Janet Leigh first married at 14! Perhaps she was not quite as wholesome as she looked...
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Panni on October 05, 2004, 09:28:46 PM
Am I having a frenzy?
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 05, 2004, 09:40:44 PM
Actually, Panni, I don't know if it's stuffing.  On the MSNBC poll, it will take only one vote from either the computer or the email address (can't remember which). I would suspect CNN and Yahoo have the same technology.  But again what's so amazing is those instant internet polls (in the first debate at least) seem to be reflecting the more scientific polls. I don't think anyone has yet figured out how what impact the internet will play in this and future elections.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: S. Woody White on October 05, 2004, 09:45:28 PM
...and the East Coast Hainsies have the Big Event wednesday. ...
Dear DR Elmore, I realize you mean no harm, but referring to the group you are gathering with on Wednesday as the "East Coast Hainsies" leaves out a great many of us.  You leave out DR Jose, DR Danise, DR Matt, myself and der Brucer, and a number of others of us who are spread out along the coastline.

You might want to refer to yourselves as the "New York City Hainsies" in the future.  (I'd avoid calling yourselves the "New York Hainsies", in case of upstate New Yorkers taking umbrage.)
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Panni on October 05, 2004, 09:45:54 PM
Dare I say it -- but I'm starting to feel hopeful. If Friday's debate goes well...

I think Edwards' wife is a great asset. She looks like a real person who likes here cheeseburgers -- somebody to whom middle America can relate.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Dan (the Man) on October 05, 2004, 09:50:41 PM
Actually, Panni, I don't know if it's stuffing.  On the MSNBC poll, it will take only one vote from either the computer or the email address (can't remember which). I would suspect CNN and Yahoo have the same technology.  But again what's so amazing is those instant internet polls (in the first debate at least) seem to be reflecting the more scientific polls. I don't think anyone has yet figured out how what impact the internet will play in this and future elections.

I haven't tried to verify this, but I wouldn't doubt that the internet polls attempt to prevent repeat voting by use of cookies that get loaded onto your PC.  One could probably vote once, delete one's cookies, and then be able to vote again.  It would be a slow practice to do manually, but with a program this could be done in rapid fire speed.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 05, 2004, 09:54:28 PM
Interestingly enough, I just went back to CNN.COM to find their quick vote on wo won the vice-presidential debate (theirs was the one that had 78% for Edwards) and I can't find it on the site anymore.  Someone not like the result?
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: S. Woody White on October 05, 2004, 09:55:13 PM
Emily, I will be watching the debate.  Like Dan the Man I have become obssessive about this election.  I think it will determine whether we maintain our form of constitutional government or descend into thirty years of Far Right Wing, Extremist, Repressive, Totalitarian Rule.
Hav'ta love your form of optimism, DR CP.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: S. Woody White on October 05, 2004, 10:00:36 PM
...I think this president is probably the poorest educated, dimmest one we've ever had in our history....
G. W. Bush has an MBA from Harvard.

John Kerry got his batchelors from Yale with a low C average.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Dan (the Man) on October 05, 2004, 10:02:53 PM
Dare I say it -- but I'm starting to feel hopeful. If Friday's debate goes well...
I think Edwards' wife is a great asset. She looks like a real person who likes here cheeseburgers -- somebody to whom middle America can relate.

Tonight, I ran over to Target to pick up a few things.  While I was there I thought I'd look for some Halloween cards.  They had two next to each other that pictured newspaper front pages with bold headlines.  The one said, "DEMOCRATS RETAKE WHITE HOUSE" while the other said, "BUSH RE-ELECTED IN LANDSLIDE".  On the inside, both said, "Be afraid!  Be very afraid!"  While there were a lot of the former left in the rack, there was only one left of the latter.  I think that this indicates that the people have made their choice through their selection of Halloween greeting cards.  The system works!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: S. Woody White on October 05, 2004, 10:12:24 PM
Edwards' response to the question on gay marriage was as disappointing to me as that of the Vice President.  Maybe more so, because I thought the Democratic Party stood for equal rights.
Edwards' (and Kerry's) attitude towards gay marriage has been known for some time.  HRC, of course, adores them.  Feh.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: bk on October 05, 2004, 10:17:06 PM
Politics: Can't live with it, can't live with it.

I was happily ensconced in Lelouchland and am now moving on to Michael Mooreland.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Dan (the Man) on October 05, 2004, 10:21:28 PM
I am not even the least bit sleepy tonight.  It's either the debates, or Love Me Tonight or this gooey caramel Hershey's bar I ate earlier.  In any case, I need to go center myself and get to bed.  G'night, y'all!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 05, 2004, 10:23:20 PM
Oh,Woody, trying to defend Bush's intellect is a worse quagmire than Iraq.  Very shaky ground.

I know plenty of remarkably stupid people who came out of Harvard and Yale. Meet them among the studio suits every day. And even they do their job with more elan and attention to detail than the prez.  

A so-called Ivy League education is not a great barometer of intelligence.  The way a man thinks, speaks, processes ideas and his ability to express them is a far greater barometer.  When Bush has writers, he's inarticulate.  When he speaks off-the-cuff, he is incoherent.   I don't really think anyone would confuse Bush with Tom Jefferson.

By the by, am I the only one who noticed his gaffe the other night about consoling the war widow, "I didn't know how to love her".  Sorta like his remark the other week about doctors unable to share their love with their patients.  All very Freudian, ain't it?

(P.S. - Thanks, Woody! Let me know if you find any other errors or typos!)
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: S. Woody White on October 05, 2004, 10:28:33 PM
We have had a busy day, der Brucer and I.

It began with a call from one of the pet rescue operations.  A woman and her husband, who live a few towns away from us, have a pup they have decided they cannot take care of.  The pup is too feisty and active, and is going to get much larger before she is fully grown.  The problem is, the woman and her hubby don't have a digital camera...

Could der Brucer take some pics, to help advertise said pup on the rescue op's internet site?

So, we headed on down to where the woman and her husband live, and met the pup.  She (the pup, not the woman) is about four months old, and very lively.  And she appears to be part Dalmatian, maybe more than half.

(Anyone see where this is going?)

After taking several pics, we bid the couple and pup farewell, and went northward to take care of several errands and visit with der B's daughter and family.

On our way home, the discussion began.  Yes, Fletcher needs a younger companion, someone he can play with, which the other dogs seem to not want to do.  And this little girl has a wondeful, sparkling personality.

By the time we settled down for dinner, we were discussing names.  Fletcher is a good name...well, a good sirname.  It doesn't roll off the tongue easily, never has, never will.

Der Brucer was suggesting we go with commedia d'ell arte names, since Dals go so well with pointy hats and pantaloons.  I was more into the idea of giving them both the initials "J. B. F."  It's an Angela Lansbury reference, of course.

That said, I proposed re-naming Fletcher with the full name of Joshua Balthezar Fletcher.  And the girl pup would become Jessica.

Jessica Bananas Foster.

(They can't have the same last name, they're not littermates, nowhere close.)

This would follow our habit of naming pairs of dogs with the same first initial.  Marty and Mikey.  Bonnie and Buster.  Josh and Jessie.

Whether this actually happens remains to be seen, of course.

Personally, I think we're absolutly nuts.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 05, 2004, 10:31:34 PM
Damn, Dan the Man, I think Cronenberg and I should get a cut of every card out there.  While I'm flattered that, "Be Afraid, be afraid" has become part of the popular culture, I wish I had a penny for every time it's used like this.

By the by, speaking of THE FLY, I got an invite to speak at Notre Dame High School after a screening there of The Fly the day before Halloween.

Also, an old acquaintance called tonight.  Didn't think I'd remember him.  I did.   He used to work at my favourite video store, VIDEO JOURNEYS in Silverlake.  Anyway, for the last few years he's been doing the extras on DVDs.  He said that after pestering Fox for years to do The Fly, they agreed.  He wants me to do either an interview or commentary...I can't see doing a commentary since I wasn't around for filming, but I'd love to do an interview.  He's setting it up.  I should know something later this week.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: S. Woody White on October 05, 2004, 10:52:17 PM
Oh,Woody, trying to defend Bush's intellect is a worst quagmire...
"Is a worst quagmire?"

Shouldn't that be either "Is a worse quagmire" or "Is the worst quagmire"?

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: S. Woody White on October 05, 2004, 10:53:57 PM
Still no word on places in LA that serve Beef Wellington, BK.  Sorry.   :-\
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 05, 2004, 11:03:01 PM
Ah, so we're getting testy are we? I don't proof here like I do in my day job.  I didn't know we were taking off for spelling. It's late, I'm writing fast and I'm slightly dsylexic.  I'll  go back and correct the mispelled word for you.  Thanks for pointing it out.

And, Woody, I have never implied that all Republicans are stupid! I know several smart people...people I like and know...who inexplicably voted for Bush.  I myself have voted Republican in the past...as I've mentioned here before... and in the past have even been a registered Republican.  I am a moderate...I call myself a common centrist. And I think much of the common sense the Republican Party once exhibited, it has lost caving in and pandering to the extremists in its organization. While I don't think all Republicans are stupid, I do think that the party has been co-opted by its most stupid, ignorant, and shrill factions.  It's no longer the party of Lincoln and Roosevelt...or, Hell, even Nixon.  It's become an aberration.

But, really, it's pretty common knowledge Bush is far from the brightest bulb in the pack.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 05, 2004, 11:07:59 PM
Hmm, seems Woody's rant about us bush-a-phobes disappeared...
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Panni on October 05, 2004, 11:12:33 PM
Darn - I'd love to stick around for the debate! Although I usually hang in until today becomes tomorrow (or yesterday becomes today) -- tonight is different. I'm totally tired and my heart has been beating wildly -- either it's love or I need a good night's sleep. I'll choose the latter.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 05, 2004, 11:31:28 PM
So has all this political debate talk sent BK to go off and drown himself in the jacuzzi?
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: bk on October 05, 2004, 11:31:56 PM
Panni, you are a morass of simptoms, endless in their variety or, at the very least, in their hollywood reporter.

I must say I agree with Pogue - let's not sink to the level of correcting grammar and spelling here at haineshisway.com.  I, myself, manage to do soem whoppers - for example, mis-spelling the word some just now.  We can have differing opinions, discuss said differences without resorting to nitpicking posts.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: bk on October 05, 2004, 11:33:48 PM
Actually, I did an early Jacuzzi.  I've been watching Fahrenheit 9/11 and I must say, much as I have had issues with some of Mr. Moore's other films, the first forty minutes of this film are pretty terrific and pretty horrifying, and pretty factual.  I most likely will have to stay up late and finish it, although it's very long (a bit over two hours).
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: S. Woody White on October 05, 2004, 11:36:21 PM
Hmm, seems Woody's rant about us bush-a-phobes disappeared...
Yes.  While it felt good to write the rant, I decided that it didn't need to stay posted.

(And shouldn't that be "Bushuuphobes"?   ;))
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 05, 2004, 11:36:30 PM
Long?  Gee, I thought it flew by...and wanted more!  But you'll have fun!
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: S. Woody White on October 05, 2004, 11:39:33 PM
I just find it humorous that, while ranting about someone else's intellect (or lack) Mr. Pogue can commit some interesting gaffes himself.  Timing is everything.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 05, 2004, 11:44:05 PM
Good Evening!  Good Morning!

I took a walk before dinner, and ended up picking a nice Italian sub at the pizza place down the street in the process.  It was a weird walk, however.  I just found myself walking around for no real reason.  Even when it came to making my dinner choices, I was all over the map.  Everything from having a nice sit-down Thai meal, to a 7-11 taquito special, to not eating at all.

Once I got back to the apartment, I started setting up my keyboard equipment so that I could get some practice in.  I watched the first half hour of the debates, then started going through my keyboard book checking spots here and there while keeping the debates on in the background - or "bg" as DR Panni likes to say.

From what I heard and saw, tonight's debate seemed to be more evenly matched.  However, I, too, got tired of the answers going off into, "but if I may go back to another point" land.

Back the practicing...  I just had to take my time, and "practice out" the frustration and sense of being overwhelmed that I set in motion this morning.  Breathe.  I got some good work done tonight.  There's still one lick - and it's quite easy - that I just can't seem to get the feel for... But I'm sure it will come.

I'm hoping to get a good night's sleep tonight, get some more practice here at the apartment during the day tomorrow, and then head in at 6:30 to practice on the pit keyboard.  *I also realized that my copy of the advance book does not have the patch/sound changes indicated in it.  Most of them occur in breaks, but some of them come one after the other.  -But practicing on the pit keyboard will help get those sounds and the change of sounds in my ear - and I'll be reading off the show charts too.  **The other advance book has the patch changes marked in it - and I happen to know the keyboard player in Charlotte who will be playing the show in a few weeks down there.  Small world.

OK... I must cut myself off now and get to bed.  I'm still feeling a bit "tired", but I think it's just something in the air - literally.  It truly felt like fall today, and when fall comes that means my allergies start to kick in - again.  And from some of the sneezing fits I've been having lately... ugh.

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jrand73 on October 05, 2004, 11:45:17 PM
Hmmmmmmm...at last I can log on to HHW on my Mozilla browser.  Took me awhile to figure out how.

Didn't watch the debates.  Watched a bit of the commentary afterwards on various networks.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm.....I enjoy reading the political posts here - but I don't do them anymore.  Some people get pretty upset if some things are said about certain people.  Whew!  So....it's not worth it.  I will express myself at the ballot box....along with everyone else.  

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 05, 2004, 11:46:11 PM
In the heat of the moment, spelling goes by the wayside (You should see some of my first drafts)!  But I really am slightly dyslexic, I think.  My brain does not work as fast as my hands on the keyboard...For example, "heat" above came out "hint" before I caught it.
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jrand73 on October 05, 2004, 11:46:49 PM
I hear you about the allergies DRJOSE!  Mine are starting up as well.

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jrand73 on October 05, 2004, 11:47:04 PM
MR BK did you get a new broom?
Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: Jrand73 on October 05, 2004, 11:50:06 PM
Page Six Dance.   ;D

Title: Re:KUNG PAO
Post by: S. Woody White on October 05, 2004, 11:58:27 PM
In the heat of the moment, spelling goes by the wayside (You should see some of my first drafts)!  But I really am slightly dyslexic, I think.  My brain does not work as fast as my hands on the keyboard...For example, "heat" above came out "hint" before I caught it.
Then slow down, and re-read.  It works for me.