Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 2 => Topic started by: bk on October 14, 2004, 12:04:27 AM

Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 12:04:27 AM
Well, you've read the notes, you know all about how quickly Thursday came upon us, and now it is time for you to post until the Quick Cows come home.  To it, I say.
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 12:10:19 AM
With apologies to the cows who are on their way home...
My favorite meat dish of all time is Wiener Schnitzel. Yum.
Post by: Jrand73 on October 14, 2004, 12:19:06 AM
Is it Thursday already?

Oh my!  Well I will have to consider the meat question.

What wonderful notes....I was thinking about gettting ANOTHER DVD of 7Bfor7B to see the 'flat' version.  Maybe I will wait to find it "used" or some other such somewhere.
Post by: beckon on October 14, 2004, 04:50:02 AM
Favorite Meat Dishes:

FRIED CHICKEN - My all time favorite!

PORK RIBS - My 2nd all time favorite

ROAST CHICKEN - A healthier way to enjoy chicken

SWEET AND SOUR PORK - My favorite Asian cuisine

I am not really a fan of beef.  Thank goodness, because beef plus the pork...well my cholesteral rating would not be happy!
Post by: Ben on October 14, 2004, 05:14:17 AM
George, re the London National Theatre cast of ALNM, lucky dog! It's out of print now as I recall (Sondheim didn't care for it IIRC - if I recall correctly in Internetese) and copies on various sites are far more money than I am willing to part with at this point.

When I eat red meat I like a good, juicy burger. I also like pork chops (which we had for dinner last night, broiled in an Italian marinade, with brown rice and fresh vegetables from the Greenmarket).
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on October 14, 2004, 05:23:34 AM
After a huge Thanksgiving dinner followed by three days of a turkey-soup diet (thanks to a whopper of a cold/flu), I'm not handling the TOD too easily.

Still, here are the favorite meat dishes I prepare: cabbage rolls; and pot roast. When I go out for dinner, I usually opt for seafood and salads.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on October 14, 2004, 05:25:54 AM
And as I catch up on recent posts:

DR Jane - wonderful pictures of the gathering. Thanks.

DR Panni - excellent news about the house (and the miracle check).

BK and DRs All - mazel tov on hitting 70,000. We should be planning something major for 75,000.
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 05:47:16 AM
Post by: td on October 14, 2004, 05:54:43 AM
I'm not a big meat person, never was, but the meats that I do like are:
Stuffed Flank Steak, which many moons ago was a cheap piece of meat, today, it's more commonly used for London Broil.
Eye of Round, roasted.
Blue Bacon Burger, medium rare.  (Crumbled Blue Cheese and Bacon)
Italian Sausage, be it hot, mild or plain.
Kibbee (?) be it cold or baked.
Post by: William E. Lurie on October 14, 2004, 06:16:07 AM
Regarding CinemaScope and flat versions of the same film, is it true that Frank Sinatra was supposed to playBilly in the film of CAROUSEL but dropped out because he was only hired to do one film?
Post by: elmore3003 on October 14, 2004, 06:20:18 AM
Good morning, all!  I'm having a hard time determining if my congestion is weather related or the dregs of the construction to rebuild the bookcases since I'm still finding plaster dust in the most bizarre places.  Because of the congestion, I'm not sleeping well this week.  What drugs can you recommend to help me out?

These days I'm mostly a seafood person, but I do love a good cheeseburger.  So here are my favorite meat dishers:
  baked ham
  meatloaf (a common dish but a good one, like a good man, is hard to find)
  Thanksgiving turkey
  pork chops

DRPanni, best of luck with your house dealings today.  Keep the guest room open, and I'll bring you some nice Callas DVDs!

DRDan-In-Toronto, get well !  How's the climate?
Post by: elmore3003 on October 14, 2004, 06:25:21 AM
Regarding CinemaScope and flat versions of the same film, is it true that Frank Sinatra was supposed to playBilly in the film of CAROUSEL but dropped out because he was only hired to do one film?

DRWEL, Sinatra began shooting CAROUSEL, but I have no memory of his reasons for leaving the project.  It's my least favorite film of an R&H show, but Sinatra seems miscast to me.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on October 14, 2004, 06:29:09 AM
Good morning, all!  I'm having a hard time determining if my congestion is weather related or the dregs of the construction to rebuild the bookcases since I'm still finding plaster dust in the most bizarre places.  Because of the congestion, I'm not sleeping well this week.  What drugs can you recommend to help me out?

DR Elmore, thanks for the good wishes. (And thanks, too, DR Panni). The weather's been (ah-choo) pleasant here, though I've shut myself in for the past few days. The trees are late turning color, but they're starting to look spectacular. I slept really well last night, perhaps the result of this nightcap, which I concocted because it's what I found and which I hope helps you as well: Hot water, lots of honey, the juice of one lime, and a very generous splash of Marsala.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on October 14, 2004, 06:33:22 AM
Add meatloaf to my list of favorites as well. These days I make it with ground turkey or chicken. For what it's worth, I include good-quality bread crumbs (i.e., from a bakery or homemade), salt and lots of pepper, an egg, sautéed onions, a bit of water if need be, and ketchup or tomato paste.
Post by: Ben on October 14, 2004, 06:33:23 AM
This little snippet comes from TVTome Web site. Don't know how true it is (that Internet, ya know)

Sinatra was originally set to co-star opposite Shirley Jones in the film version of Carousel in 1955. Sinatra left the production when he learned every scene would have to be filmed twice - once for the Cinemascope cameras and again for Cinemascope 55 cameras. Sinatra figured he ought to be paid twice since he was, in effect, making two movies. Sinatra had already been fitted for his costumes and started prerecording the score by the time he left at the start of filming. He was replaced by Gordon MacRae.

There is a line in his Variety obit which mentions that he walked out of the picture (Carousel) just after filming began but it didn't mention why he left.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on October 14, 2004, 06:41:55 AM
I can't imagine Frank Sinatra in CAROUSEL, and I wish John Raitt had been given the movie role. This made me think of these lines in Wally Harper's obituary (NY Times, link below):

"Mr. Harper wrote, with the lyricist David Zippel, a song called "The Ingénue" that satirized the role that Ms. Cook had played early in her career. "Ingénues must pay their dues with unrelenting tedium," she complains, and yet notes that paying one's dues doesn't necessarily result in success: "Movie roles you live to play/They give to Shirley Jones to do," a reference to the part of Marian in the movie version of "The Music Man," which went to Ms. Cook's rival."

Post by: Ben on October 14, 2004, 06:44:38 AM
Here are other little tidbits about Mr. Sinatra. Some of them a little scary (Lucille Ball in the Manchurian Candidate?)! Seems he had a penchant for walking out of films.

Originally cast as Joe Grady in THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN, (1970), but walked out after production had started.

 He inspired the Johnny Fontaine character in THE GODFATHER (1972).

 Was considered for the role of Johnny in THE GODFATHER (1972), but this role went to Al Pacino when it became apparent that there were too many similarities between Johnny and Sinatra himself.

The title role of DIRTY HARRY (1971) was originally intended for him. After he refused, it was offered to John Wayne, and then Paul Newman, finally being accepted by Clint Eastwood.

According to Mia Farrow's biography, What Falls Away, Frank offered to have Woody Allen's legs broken when he was found to be having an affair with Mia's adopted daughter, Soon Yi Previn

He was the first choice to play Rod Anderson in WHAT A WAY TO GO! (1964). When Darryl F.Zanuck, balked at his salary demand, Robert Mitchum agreed to play the role at no fee for tax purposes.

He wanted Lucille Ball for Angela Lansbury role in THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE.

Originally, he was considered for the role of Terry Malloy in ON THE WATERFRONT (1954). Director Kazan approached Sinatra about the part but producer Sam Spiegel favored Brando for his greater pulling power at the box office.

Senator Iselin's plane in THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE (1962) in real life belonged to him.

He was Warner Brothers' first choice to play Harold Hill in THE MUSIC MAN (1962).
Post by: Dan (the Man) on October 14, 2004, 07:17:05 AM
Beef, in any Italian dish, is pretty hard to mess up.

A juicy ribeye steak with onions is hard to beat.

I have a hard time cooking meat.  I'm rarely pleased with how it turns out, though other people seem to like my cooking.  
Post by: Dan (the Man) on October 14, 2004, 07:18:30 AM
I'm suddenly hungry for cold lasagna.  
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 14, 2004, 07:22:19 AM
Good Morning... Eh...

My "alarm clock" this morning turned out to be the hotel's fire alarm.  Boy, is that sucker loud!!!!  Besides that pulsing siren, there's also a continuous high-pitch sound at the same time...  Well, after realizing that it was not stopping after it went off - it went off around 7:15 - and after finally waking up enough to realize what was happening - I headed out into the hall.  Once I got out there, I noticed that someone had a bunch of there stuff out in the hallway.  Unfortunately, it turned out to be the belongings of the actress playing Cassie in the production of A CHORUS LINE that I'm working on right now.  Apparently, one of her sprinklers went off for no apparent reason.  Her room was literally flooded, and, unfortunately, a bunch of personal items were heavily water-damaged.  Thankfully, she still had a bunch of her clothes in her luggage, so those stayed reasonably dry.  *It was also very fortunate timing that she was already up at the time the alarm went off - she was on her way out the door to a yoga class when the sprinkler and alarm went off.  -And it's also fortunate that the alarm did not got off later, after she had left.

Eventually, a bunch of the cast made their way to her room, and we all started helping her clean up and get things out of her room.  -And it took a long time for the hotel and firemen to turn off the alarm too!  In the middle of cleaning out the room, we realized that the electrical breaker had not been turned off yet - since the lights were still on - and since there was about two inches of water on the ground...  -I thought I felt some "tingling"...

Once the firemen arrived, they had some very audible responses of shock and surprise at just how much water was in the room.  *And they also shared with us that they've visited this hotel "often" due to nuisance alarms and other problems.  UGH!  Of course, the water vac that the hotel has is/was small and inadequate, so they had to call in another ladder truck to get a larger water vac to the scene.  And it looks like they'll be here for a good chunk of the day - the water was running downstairs into the lobby, and the water was so bad in her room that part of the ceiling started to fall down - at least the stucco.

Well, once we got "Cassie" settled into her new room, we all headed back to our rooms to try to get back to bed, or to try to stay up until rehearsal.  -It's gonna be one interesting rehearsal.

So, that's why I'm up relatively early this morning...

Good Morning...
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 14, 2004, 07:25:55 AM
RE: Frank Sinatra and Carousel - In one of the R&H documentaries, the story of Mr. Sinatra wanting to be paid for two films is recounted.  -And the anecdote was accompanied by footage of Mr. Sinatra performing one of the scenes in the movie.

...Or something like that.
Post by: Emily on October 14, 2004, 07:26:26 AM
Congratulations all on the 70k posts and counting!

When I'm feeling meaty (it's a WORD people!) I tend to enjoy:

Who else is thinking that DR Jane isn't going to have much fun with the TOD? :)

Does fish count as meat? Ahhh the eternal question...
Post by: Emily on October 14, 2004, 07:27:29 AM
Good Morning... Eh...

Are you SURE you're an American Jose? ;)
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 14, 2004, 07:30:44 AM
I can't imagine Frank Sinatra in CAROUSEL, and I wish John Raitt had been given the movie role. This made me think of these lines in Wally Harper's obituary (NY Times, link below):

"Mr. Harper wrote, with the lyricist David Zippel, a song called "The Ingénue" that satirized the role that Ms. Cook had played early in her career. "Ingénues must pay their dues with unrelenting tedium," she complains, and yet notes that paying one's dues doesn't necessarily result in success: "Movie roles you live to play/They give to Shirley Jones to do," a reference to the part of Marian in the movie version of "The Music Man," which went to Ms. Cook's rival."


A few years ago, I was playing for a concert/cabaret that Emily Skinner was performing at one of her old haunts in Virginia.  One of the numbers we performed was called "Here Comes The Ballad" which was also written by Wally Harper for Barbara Cook.  Very fun, and soooo cliche ridden that it was/is true!  I can't remember any exact lyrics right now, but it pointed out things like "the mysterious intro", the awkwardly placed high notes, the inevitable slightly un-melodic passage, the ingenue making a slow entrance onto the stage, etc...  Very funny.

-I wonder if the song has ever been recorded?

On your Mark!  Get set!  Go!  Start Googling!

Post by: Jrand73 on October 14, 2004, 07:31:12 AM
Yes DRJOSE is recalling RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN: THE SOUND OF MOVIES.  I don't think there is any film of Mr Sinatra, but some wardrobe stills are shown while Mr Sinatra's recording of one of the songs is played.
Post by: Jrand73 on October 14, 2004, 07:31:53 AM
Meat loaf made with green onions.
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 14, 2004, 07:32:26 AM
Are you SURE you're an American Jose? ;)

Je me souviens.

Post by: JoseSPiano on October 14, 2004, 07:34:41 AM
Yes DRJOSE is recalling RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN: THE SOUND OF MOVIES.  I don't think there is any film of Mr Sinatra, but some wardrobe stills are shown while Mr Sinatra's recording of one of the songs is played.

Hmmm.. But I do vividly recall seeing some footage of Mr. Sinatra singing "Soliloquy"... Maybe it was in the American Masters program on Mr. Sinatra.  Hmmm...???
Post by: MBarnum on October 14, 2004, 07:39:33 AM
That was quite a wake up call Jose!

Meat: I love meat!

A good chunk of prime rib is my favorite!!
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 14, 2004, 07:40:23 AM
As for the Topic of the Day:

I'm a big fan of braising, so.. pot roast - especially the "Chinese Pot Roast" my mom makes, short ribs, brandade (nice recipe in this month's "Cook's Illustrated"), sauerbraten, brisket, etc.  I also like a good true chili - all meat, no beans.  Pork roasts, roast chicken, etc...

I've tried Kobe Beef a few times, and I like it, but I don't think it's "all that".  -I guess I've gotten used to leaner cuts of beef, and I find myself tasting the fat in the meat rather than the beef.  However, I still remember my first real, steak - dry-sged beef, just the right amount of marbling, just a touch of char on the outside, still succulent and juicy on the inside... Hmmm....
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 07:42:14 AM
And one for Mahler, eh? (a Canuck Jose reference)
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 14, 2004, 07:45:55 AM
Well, since I'm up, I think I'm gonna head out for a hot breakfast...

Post by: JoseSPiano on October 14, 2004, 07:48:59 AM
And one for Mahler, eh? (a Canuck Jose reference)

Hmm... Maybe that should be, "And one for Jean Coulthard!  Eh?"

*That's the only Canadian composer that comes to mind right now.  -Wonderful piano sonata.

-And speaking of Canucks, any thought on the plays of Brad Fraser and Nick Darke?  -Nick Darke's play, "The Dead Monkey" has to be one of the most disturbing - yet rvieting - plays I've ever seen.  -And, of course, I don't think there's been a Fraser play - "Search for Human Remains...", "Super Man" - that hasn't stirred up some controversy.
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 14, 2004, 07:50:46 AM
Well, since I'm up, I think I'm gonna head out for a hot breakfast...


...And I think I'm gonna wrap my laptop in plastic bags before I head out...

Post by: Matt H. on October 14, 2004, 07:52:27 AM
Never seen any footage of Sinatra from CAROUSEL, only stills. I think Gordon MacRae makes a perfect Billy (his soundtrack recording is by far my favorite rendition of this classic work), and am SO grateful SInatra's hissy fit resulted in his leaving the production.

And ironically, they didn't end up filming CAROUSEL twice. A method was devised making the two filmings unnecessary, so he left it for nothing.
Post by: Matt H. on October 14, 2004, 07:56:44 AM
In reading the VARIETY review of SIDE BY SIDE BY SONDHEIM, I became aware that the tunesack for the show has been fiddled with. The review (which was a rave) mentioned that Davis Gaines had to pull out all the stops in his climactic "Being Alive" to be able to hold his own with "Losing My Mind" and "I'm Still Here" which preceded it. But in the many  productions of this show I've seen (and on the cast album), "Being Alive" isn't the last song in the show. The male's big ballad third from the end is "Could I Leave You?" The review also mentioned Gaines' handling of "Marry Me a Little" which has never been in any production of this show I've ever seen.

The review didn't mention any other songs that jumped out at me as being out of place, but I'd love to see a rundown of the entire song program for this edition of the show.
Post by: Stuart on October 14, 2004, 07:57:10 AM
Congrats to all for hitting the 70K milestone.

Congrats to DR Panni on what sounds like a lovely new home.

Continued job/health vices to those who need them.  And you know who you are.

I have never been a great big fan of a slab of steak on my plate.  On occasion, I do like some sliced marinated London Broil (rare, natch).  I also like to eat the flanken (short ribs) after they have come out of a pot of chicken soup.  (Yes, chicken soup should be made with some sort of meat in it as well.  I understand that my grandmother used a chuck steak, but I much prefer flanken, which my mother used.)

And a juicy burger with ketchup, mayo, lettuce, tomato, onions (raw or carmelized), and on occasion a slice of turkey or veggie bacon, just for the smokiness.

And to hark back to a topic from last week, a well-made Beef Wellington.

I believe that the TOD referred specifically to beef dishes, so I will skip my other favorite fleishig dishes.

Post by: Matt H. on October 14, 2004, 08:01:46 AM
For years, TCM showed the flat version of SEVEN BRIDES instead of the scope version when they ran the movie. I wrote them once about it (at the time, I didn't know the flat version existed; I thought they were using some kind of modified pan and scan version), and I was told they were using the version of the film furnished to them by the distributor. The next time it was on, however, it was the scope version. I always thought that flat version was pale in color and very lifeless looking.

I'm thinking there might be an alternate BRIGADOON, too, because I've seen it shown on Turner in a flat print, too.
Post by: Matt H. on October 14, 2004, 08:02:56 AM
I'm a huge meat eater and like it all except liver. Not much of a beef or chicken liver eater.

But give me fried chicken, a juicy steak (medium rare), pork ribs, or just about anything else, and I can make a meal just on meat.
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 14, 2004, 08:07:53 AM
In reading the VARIETY review of SIDE BY SIDE BY SONDHEIM, I became aware that the tunesack for the show has been fiddled with. The review (which was a rave) mentioned that Davis Gaines had to pull out all the stops in his climactic "Being Alive" to be able to hold his own with "Losing My Mind" and "I'm Still Here" which preceded it. But in the many  productions of this show I've seen (and on the cast album), "Being Alive" isn't the last song in the show. The male's big ballad third from the end is "Could I Leave You?" The review also mentioned Gaines' handling of "Marry Me a Little" which has never been in any production of this show I've ever seen.

The review didn't mention any other songs that jumped out at me as being out of place, but I'd love to see a rundown of the entire song program for this edition of the show.

SBSBS is one of the shows that gets fiddled with on a regular basis - and from what I can tell, MTI usually turns a blind away from such changes.

In the current rental materials, "Being Alive" is not included, but "Marry Me A Little" is in the appendix.  SBSBS changed throughout it's London and Broadway run according the performers that went through it, so I guess that has set the precedent.

I've always wondered if anyone still does the "Conversation Piece" crazy-medley that is in the rental materials - and was, at least according to some sources, in the original Broadway production - but that would change too as the run went along.

*I remember asking "what the deal" was with the "Conversation Piece" once, and was told that it was meant as sort of a joke, and should be performed as if the ensemble was drunk - which would explain the weird -and non-existent transitions from song to song, as well, as some of high(!) harmony parts for the women - High Cs and Ds!?!?!?!
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on October 14, 2004, 08:09:01 AM
Another favorite meat dish: A chopped liver sandwich.
Post by: Matthew on October 14, 2004, 08:23:41 AM
When I MD'd  SBSBS in 2002, the materials sent to us from MTI did NOT include "Being Alive", instead, "Marry Me A Little" was in its place within the score.  Personally, I love "Marry Me A Little" and think "Being Alive" is a bit overdone.  Anyhow, the contract also came with rules about replacing and adding songs to the revue.  Funny how little places like a church try and stay withen the rules and one wonders it the people at Passadena Playhouse or wherever, even asked to add the song.  Hmmm.....
Post by: Matthew on October 14, 2004, 08:25:01 AM
DR Jose, my cast LOVED the Conversation Piece, and when you break it down and stage it like a story, it's very funny!
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 14, 2004, 08:31:54 AM
When I MD'd  SBSBS in 2002, the materials sent to us from MTI did NOT include "Being Alive", instead, "Marry Me A Little" was in its place within the score.  Personally, I love "Marry Me A Little" and think "Being Alive" is a bit overdone.  Anyhow, the contract also came with rules about replacing and adding songs to the revue.  Funny how little places like a church try and stay withen the rules and one wonders it the people at Passadena Playhouse or wherever, even asked to add the song.  Hmmm.....

When I did the show in 1994 - WOW!?!? has it really been ten years ago?!?! - We actually wrote to MTI and Mr. Sondheim about replacing songs and putting in new ones.  -And I even asked Mr. Sondheim if he knew whom I could contact to get some of the two-piano arrangements for some of the songs on the recording but not in the materials... Mr. Sondheim wrote us back with the usual "warning" about the MTI contract.  However, we never heard back from MTI... So... We had quite a few alterations, insertions, deletions, etc.. And even after sending the program up to MTI - which they used to require for major houses - the theatre never received any "backlash" as it were.
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 14, 2004, 08:35:06 AM
DR Jose, my cast LOVED the Conversation Piece, and when you break it down and stage it like a story, it's very funny!

The biggest problem with the Conversation Piece came when the initial casting breakdown went out.  One of the stage management assistants who happened to be other pianist for the show, was asked to go through the score to check the vocal ranges for each of the singers so they could list the ranges in the casting breakdowns and audition notices.  Well, due to some of the pyrotechics in the Conversation Piece, each of the women were required to have a three-octave range, with at least a high B-Flat!?!?!?  Boy, did the casting agents have some questions for us!
Post by: Matt H. on October 14, 2004, 08:39:20 AM
When a professional company here in Charlotte did the show in the 1990s, they replaced "Pretty Lady" with "SOmething in a Tree," and immediately were threatened with a rights violation. That song was in opening night and never heard of again.

Thanks for the info, DR Jose.
Post by: Jennifer on October 14, 2004, 08:41:55 AM
DR Jane, I tried to post this yesterday, but my computer was acting up.  Good vibes for your niece(s). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`.   !9 yrs old is way too young.

So I'm assuming this is a different niece than the ones you just visited in NYC?
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 14, 2004, 08:43:09 AM
OK... Well, I obviously did not go to breakfast, so I think I'm gonna go and get ready and head out for brunch/lunch and then to rehearsal.   -And I think I will be passing on "class" today - as I'm sure other people will be too due to the fire alarm incident earlier.

Hmmm.. Maybe I'll finally go check out the Kolache Factory.  OH!  and the have a website too!

Post by: Jennifer on October 14, 2004, 08:44:57 AM
Re: DR Dan The Man's comments from yesterday.

If I buy Halloween candy in advance I must either hide it or wrap it very tightly in bags so I am not tempted to open it.  So far it's worked.

But now that you've reminded me, I have a 100 mini delicious chocolate bars somewhere around. :)
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 14, 2004, 08:45:22 AM
When a professional company here in Charlotte did the show in the 1990s, they replaced "Pretty Lady" with "SOmething in a Tree," and immediately were threatened with a rights violation. That song was in opening night and never heard of again.

Thanks for the info, DR Jose.

Hmmm... That would be very interesting, "SomeTHING in a Tree", rather than "Someone in a Tree"...

Any parody lyrics, anyone?

Post by: Jennifer on October 14, 2004, 08:47:22 AM
Wow last night's LOST was good.  Especially the development with the Colonel.  Did not see that one coming at all.
Post by: Jennifer on October 14, 2004, 08:49:08 AM
Great news DR Panni about the new house.  When can we see a pic?

And DR Danise good vibes to you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Post by: Jennifer on October 14, 2004, 08:55:42 AM
Re: the TOD.

Since I'm on the atkins 14 day plan, MEAT IS MY LIFE right now. :)

For pork, I love babyback ribs.

For chicken I love General Taos.

For beef, I love a good rib steak, medium well.

And btw, I still have not tried real fried chicken!

Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on October 14, 2004, 08:57:12 AM
I always check out the garbage room when I make a deposit. Today the recycling box included a wrapper from an Italian confectioner. (I'm sure I can identify the neighbor it belonged to.) My inquiring mind took me to the website (given on the wrapper) and this struffoli:


If you think that one looks good, try some of the other products (click the particular item in the photo column).

Do you think I should get to know these neighbors better?

Post by: Jennifer on October 14, 2004, 09:00:15 AM
I need to find a good recipe for pork roast, which I'm making tonight.

I am feeling a bit under the weather.  Must be the change in temps.

BK, your horror stories with your book are making me upset.  How can it be that people who are supposed to be competent keep making so many errors?

Btw, went back to my favorite jewelry counter and was told I could have a BOX OR A LITTLE BAGGIE, by my very friendly clerk (a different one of course).  Only problem was she forget to de-magnetize my stuff, so I set off the alarms as I was leaving.

I am a total sucker for GUESS jewelry.  And for some reason the $28 stuff was discounted for $5 and $3.50. Yeah!
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on October 14, 2004, 09:03:29 AM
I need to find a good recipe for pork roast, which I'm making tonight.

Is this the same Jennifer who was salivating over griebens?
Post by: Jennifer on October 14, 2004, 09:03:30 AM
DR DIT what exactly is that, it looks good?

And BK, one more comment about the book.  It's bad enough that these "people" do their jobs incorrectly.  But don't they at least look over what they are going to show you before they do it?
Post by: Jennifer on October 14, 2004, 09:09:22 AM
Is this the same Jennifer who was salivating over griebens?

Yes, but I don't know how to make them! :(

But I'm pretty sure they don't have pork in them!

Post by: Stuart on October 14, 2004, 09:25:53 AM
My inquiring mind took me to the website (given on the wrapper) and this struffoli:


Do you think I should get to know these neighbors better?

My, my, struffoli looks an awful lot like an Italian taiglach!

Yes, get to know them better.

Yes, but I don't know how to make them! :(

But I'm pretty sure they don't have pork in them!

You are quite correct, DR Jennifer, gribbenes do NOT have pork in them!

But they are actually quite simple, but time consuming to make:

Melt X number of pounds of un-rendered chicken fat.
Chop X number of pounds of onions, coarsely.
Put onions in melted, clear fat.
Deep fry until the onions are crisp, or black, whichever comes first.

The "true" gribbenes are, of course, the deep fried bits of chicken skin that are invariably intermingled with the chicken fat.  But the onions are just as delicious, and what I always think of as gribbenes.

At the end of the day, you end up with two treats, gribbenes AND schmaltz, which is the now onion-flavored, rendered chicken fat.
Post by: Stuart on October 14, 2004, 09:28:03 AM
Where else, I ask you.....Where else?
Post by: Jay on October 14, 2004, 09:36:14 AM
Here are other little tidbits about Mr. Sinatra...

He inspired the Johnny Fontaine character in THE GODFATHER (1972).

 Was considered for the role of Johnny in THE GODFATHER (1972), but this role went to Al Pacino when it became apparent that there were too many similarities between Johnny and Sinatra himself.

Which only proves once again that you can't believe everything you see on the internet.  Mr. Al Pacino, of course, played the central role of Michael Corleone, and it was Mr. Al Martino who played the role of Johnny Fontaine.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on October 14, 2004, 09:42:50 AM
DR Stuart,

I too saw the connection between struffoli and taiglach. Then I checked the net and found this comment. I leave any further comments to you (or TCB).

"One difference between taiglach and struffoli is that taiglach also has real nuts." (Confusing, given the struffoli picture.)
Post by: Jay on October 14, 2004, 09:45:32 AM
I guess I'm on an anti-misinformation roll this week.  

On Monday I sent an e-mail to the L.A. Times noting that one of its columnists erred when stating the location of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and the correction appeared on Tuesday.

Yesterday, I sent another note, this time directly to the Deputy Editor of the Calendar section, pointing out that they had misspelled the name of Canter's Deli and also misrepresented the number of performances each week at the Metropolitan Opera.  Both corrections appear in today's paper.

Veritas is what I want in my daily newspaper!
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on October 14, 2004, 09:54:11 AM
Veritas is what I want in my daily newspaper!

Your paper is getting a free fact-checker.
Post by: Stuart on October 14, 2004, 09:59:19 AM
I guess I'm on an anti-misinformation roll this week.  

More of a Kaiser, I suspect.

BTW (by the way, in internet lingo), where are the 'rents?
Post by: Ben on October 14, 2004, 10:06:43 AM
Thanks for your clarification, DR Jay. I haven't seen the Godfather in years and since it was so early in the AM, I just copied and pasted.
Post by: Jennifer on October 14, 2004, 10:07:03 AM
Yes, get to know them better.You are quite correct, DR Jennifer, gribbenes do NOT have pork in them!

But they are actually quite simple, but time consuming to make:

Melt X number of pounds of un-rendered chicken fat.
Chop X number of pounds of onions, coarsely.
Put onions in melted, clear fat.
Deep fry until the onions are crisp, or black, whichever comes first.

Both of these (with the onions) were my favorite childhood treat.  My grandmother used to make it for us a lot.

My mom DOES know how to make it.  So maybe I'll ask her.  I don't think I would try this without supervision.  Cause frankly I have no idea what un-rendered chicken fat is.

All I know is that gribbenes are so good.  And sounds like they are very low carb. :)
Post by: Ben on October 14, 2004, 10:07:33 AM
DRStuart, just 30 more and your Godliness will be assured.
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 10:11:21 AM

 He inspired the Johnny Fontaine character in THE GODFATHER (1972).

 Was considered for the role of Johnny in THE GODFATHER (1972), but this role went to Al Pacino when it became apparent that there were too many similarities between Johnny and Sinatra himself.

According to Mia Farrow's biography, What Falls Away, Frank offered to have Woody Allen's legs broken when he was found to be having an affair with Mia's adopted daughter, Soon Yi Previn

Originally, he was considered for the role of Terry Malloy in ON THE WATERFRONT (1954). Director Kazan approached Sinatra about the part but producer Sam Spiegel favored Brando for his greater pulling power at the box office.

He was Warner Brothers' first choice to play Harold Hill in THE MUSIC MAN (1962).[/i]

Well, I can deconstruct some of the more foolish of these:

Johnny Fontaine was not played by Al Pacino, it was played by Al Martino.

I believe Mr. Sinatra had already passed on when the Soon-Yi affair had been made public.

He was never considered for On the Waterfront.

I don't believe he was seriously approached for The Music Man.  
Post by: Jrand73 on October 14, 2004, 10:14:31 AM
I would have liked to have seen Lucille Ball as Mrs. Iselin, though.  
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 10:15:06 AM
Sorry, Jay, didn't see your post where you deconstructed first.
Post by: Stuart on October 14, 2004, 10:15:32 AM
I haven't seen the Godfather in years and since it was so early in the AM, I just copied and pasted.


My grandmother used to make it for us a lot.
All I know is that gribbenes are so good.  And sounds like they are very low carb. :)

Low carb, yes.  Low cholesterol, no.

In the house I grew up in, and the house in which I reside now, gribbenes were/are a once-a-year thing.  Made at Passover, when my mother would make schmaltz, for chopped liver, and other treats.  The rest of the schmaltz was stored on the bottom shelf of the fridge throughout the rest of the year.  And was treated like gold.

DRStuart, just 30 more and your Godliness will be assured.

Thanks for keeping tabs.  I am not even sure which level is achieved with which number post.  
Post by: Jay on October 14, 2004, 10:27:53 AM
More of a Kaiser, I suspect.

BTW (by the way, in internet lingo), where are the 'rents?

Jelly, actually.

We're getting ready to head to the Skirball Museum (The "Screwball" is what I call it) to see an exhibit on Mr. Albert Einstein.
Post by: Jay on October 14, 2004, 10:30:25 AM
Sorry, Jay, didn't see your post where you deconstructed first.

Not a problem.  The Anti-Misinformation Minions need as many people on our side as we can get!
Post by: Jay on October 14, 2004, 10:33:04 AM

You must, you simply must.  And The Godfather--Part II, as well.  Both brilliant, any way you look at them.
Post by: Jane on October 14, 2004, 10:51:34 AM
Matt H-glad you enjoyed the photos.

Elmore thanks for the Thackary info-very interesting.  I should read more about him.

Panni the house sounds too good to pass up.  I wish I had a trip to L.A. planned.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on October 14, 2004, 10:53:07 AM
Frank Sinatra died after Woody Allen married Soon-yi.

I heard that Mia Farrow claimed one of her exes had offered to break Woody Allen's legs. I don't think she was referring to André Previn.
Post by: Jrand73 on October 14, 2004, 10:55:31 AM
Is the Skirball Museum related to Mr Jack Skirball, movie producer?

Oh my....well....those DR's who have seen Les Uns et Les Autres....I know this is a dumb question...BUT....who is Robert sitting with at the Unicef benefit.  I always assumed it was the sister of the priest who raised him....but the makeup is so skewed....is it supposed to be Ann Meyer, his mother?  I just can't tell...HELP!!
Post by: Jrand73 on October 14, 2004, 10:56:41 AM
And then of course there is that insidious rumor that Frank Sinatra was actually Mia's father (an affair with Maureen O'Sullivan) - which would make him even more of a cad than Woody!
Post by: elmore3003 on October 14, 2004, 11:14:32 AM

Elmore thanks for the Thackary info-very interesting.  I should read more about him.

Well, DRJane, I didn't mention that the book was actually published in serial form in the late 1840s, and 1853 was the publication of the final text.  12 Chapters of manuscript exist at the Morgan Library (Coalhouse Walker's retreat in RAGTIME) in Manhattan.  The title VANITY FAIR comes from PILGRIM'S PROGRESS by John Bunyan, a fair inhabited by folk who have turned from God or are unworthy of God, but I knew this already from reading LITTLE WOMEN at an early age:  those March Sisters loved that dreadful Bunyan piece of Calvinist propaganda.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on October 14, 2004, 11:17:38 AM
DR Ben,

I too heard Warner Brothers had considered Frank Sinatra for Music Man. And I think Cary Grant was also on the short-list.

Post by: Jane on October 14, 2004, 11:26:41 AM
I just made haystacks, something I do every fall.  They are super easy and fun to make, plus they taste yummy.


10 pkg Reeses peanut butter morsels
2T. Skippy extra chunky peanut butter
5oz can La Choy chow mein noodles

Melt peanut butter morsels
Stir in peanut butter (melt a little longer if needed)
Mix in noodles until well coated
Form little clusters (haystacks) on wax paper or tin foil
Set in frig to harden

Post by: td on October 14, 2004, 11:27:39 AM
And ironically, they didn't end up filming CAROUSEL twice. A method was devised making the two filmings unnecessary, so he left it for nothing.

Ironically again, the heads at FOX thought that the original cut of the film was "too dark," so they went back onto locations and reshot most of the picture; so in essence it was shot twice.
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 11:38:20 AM
Jrand, yes it's his mother - it's the one area of the film that really fails, the old-age makeup, but I forgive it.
Post by: Stuart on October 14, 2004, 12:42:06 PM
No posts in over an hour?  Is everyone in Tarnation?
Post by: Jane on October 14, 2004, 12:44:42 PM
Your paper is getting a free fact-checker.

Maybe you should apply for the job-or as a critic. :)
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 12:46:06 PM
Well, DRs, thank you for the good wishes re my new house. HOWEVER, as so often happens in life, an unexpected detour has taken me in another direction. I am NOT going to rent the house I described in such loving and enthusiastic detail. I AM going to rent the house in NOHO (Soho wannabe = North Hollywood) of which I posted a photo yesterday and will repost below. This house is utterly charming and FAR less expensive than the other house (especially now). It has been restored an is like a brand new house in many important respects.
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 12:48:10 PM
Let's try again...
Post by: Jane on October 14, 2004, 12:48:42 PM
So glad you enjoyed the photos of our gathering.  Next time join us in NY.
My mother didn’t make chicken soup but the far tastier turkey soup.

Elmore-Benadryl PM.  Not to be personal, but guys shouldn’t take antihistamines if it bothers their prostate.

Jose I hope Cassie was moved to a very nice room.
LOL-laptop in plastic bags is an excellent idea.

Oops Bruce-sorry I forgot to congratulate you/us on 70,000 posts.

Jennifer thank you.  I visited my brother’s girls in NY.  This is my sister’s children’s half brother. Feel better quickly.

Post by: Jane on October 14, 2004, 12:49:43 PM
Panni the house is darling.  Does it come with appliances?
Post by: Stuart on October 14, 2004, 12:51:21 PM
Let's try again...

Tres charmant.  Good moving vibes to you, DR Panni.
Post by: Stuart on October 14, 2004, 12:55:49 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 12:56:04 PM
Not only does it come with appliances, Jane  - but they're brand new. I'll see if I can post a pic of the kitchen.
Post by: elmore3003 on October 14, 2004, 12:56:35 PM

Elmore-Benadryl PM.  Not to be personal, but guys shouldn’t take antihistamines if it bothers their prostate.

DRJane, I don't know if it's bothering my prostate!

DRPanni, lovely home!  Is there a guestroom?
Post by: Matt H. on October 14, 2004, 12:59:53 PM
RE: "Something/Someone in a Tree" Obviously, my fault for trying to post too hurriedly and not proofing carefully what I was writing. I had also typed "Pretty Woman" instead of "Pretty Lady," but I caught that one.

Post by: Matt H. on October 14, 2004, 01:00:56 PM
I, too, read that Cary Grant was offered THE MUSIC MAN first and also MY FAIR LADY, and he turned both down because he had seen the originators of the roles in those musicals on the stage and knew no one should play it but them.
Post by: Matt H. on October 14, 2004, 01:07:36 PM
Well, I watched the outtakes and the documentary on the men/women behind the scenes of the MGM musical on the 4th THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT disc.

The outtakes contained three numbers I hadn't seen before: Jimmy Durante from THIS TIME FOR KEEPS, Grayson and Lanza from THAT MIDNIGHT KISS, and Mel Torme from THE DUCHESS OF IDAHO.

And I was pleased that Warners rectified their glaring omission of "Last Night When We Were Young" from the IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMERTIME DVD.

But why repeat "An Easier Way" and "My Intitution" from the GOOD NEWS and HARVEY GIRLS sets when there were other numbers, like the cut numbers from BRIGADOON, which weren't included on the DVD release?

When does Warners intend to issue those or the many other numbers they have? I think I read an interview with George Feltenstein in which he said there were about 50 outtake numbers they had saved from being destroyed. Don't be so stingy with them, Warners!
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 01:35:37 PM
There's always a guestroom for you, DR Elmore!
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 01:36:34 PM
A little house tour...
Even the garage is pretty:
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 01:37:39 PM
Here is part of the very bright kitchen...
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 01:39:31 PM
Part of the backyard - which will also have rose bushes!
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 01:40:41 PM
A bit of the living room...
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 01:43:00 PM
I'll do more next time I'm at the house. The woman who owns the place (and remodeled it) is very very nice.
Post by: Matt H. on October 14, 2004, 01:46:49 PM
Looks like you're going to have considerably more room, DR Panni! Congratulations!
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on October 14, 2004, 01:48:10 PM
The house looks extremely inviting, DR Panni. And no, that is not a hint.
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 01:48:10 PM
Thank you, Matt!
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 01:53:26 PM
You don't have to hint, DIT. Come ON down!
Post by: S. Woody White on October 14, 2004, 02:10:52 PM
I love a really good chili, that fantastic bowl of red.

Good chunks of beef chuck, braised in the broth with chiles and onions and other good stuff (beans on the side, please, and no tomatoes except as a garnish).

Vegetarian chili is an oxymoron.

Chili made with ground beef is a different dish that originates from the Depression.  Not the same thing as real chili at all.

Cincinatti style chili is...well, interesting.
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 14, 2004, 02:36:25 PM
I loves me my meat!  A really good piece of b-b-q brisket done Texas style is great.  Dr. Hogly-Wogly's tyler, Texas B-B-Q right out in the San Fernando Valley on Sepulveda is the best!

A great steak is always a joy and thing of beauty.  The Lovely Wife can do a mean one...all nicely marianded to perfection.  Harlan Ellison always introduces her as the woman who cooked the best steak he ever ate.  Of course, he also put ketchup on it!

Woody Cincinnati style is...sublime!  Especially if it i slathered on a hotdog with a little mustard, onions, and heaped with grated cheddar.  It's also sublime when dumped atop spaghetti, also with onions and mountains of grated cheese.  It's always my first stop when back in the Cincy area.  Dixie Chili in Newport, Kentucky, just the other side of Ohio from Cincy is the best!
Post by: George on October 14, 2004, 02:42:47 PM
Topic of the Day:

Hot dogs (especially the ones at Costco...and they're Kosher!)
Pepperoni Pizza...mmm!
Orange Chicken from Panda Express or Applebee's
Post by: George on October 14, 2004, 02:48:46 PM
I would have liked to have seen Lucille Ball as Mrs. Iselin, though.

I've always wondered if Lucille fought as hard as she did to do "Mame" to get back at Angela Lansbury for being cast as Mrs. Iselin over Lucille.  One never knows...do one?  (an Ain't Misbehavin' reference.)
Post by: Stuart on October 14, 2004, 02:51:10 PM
I've always wondered if Lucille fought as hard as she did to do "Mame" to get back at Angela Lansbury for being cast as Mrs. Iselin over Lucille.  One never knows...do one?  (an Ain't Misbehavin' reference.)

That is certainly a terrific theory!

(I had not known the Lucy/MANCHURIAN info prior to today (you always learn SOMEthing at HHW!  Now that I do, I would heartily subscribe to your theory, DR George.)
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on October 14, 2004, 03:11:20 PM
After today's meaty posts, I'm preparing tonight's dinner: a big, fat Greek salad.
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 03:16:29 PM
I may have to have MEAT tonight at the Wechter dinner, which apparently is on.

I haven't been to Hoggly-Woggly's since I lived in that neighborhood in the early seventies.  It is great, though.  I love steak, too, but unless it's seasoned well (as I do it, or like Ruth's Chris, where it's dripping in butter) I'm afraid I use ketchup, too.  I love ketchup, actually, and feel no compunction about using it when I have steak that is not seasoned.  Those who've read the Kritzer books know that my father also loved ketchup on steak and felt that his patrons did, too (in his pricey steak house restaurant) - so he simply had his chef create a "steak sauce" that was basically ketchup with some seasonings, and he served it in a nice dish at the table.  Everyone used it.
Post by: Matthew on October 14, 2004, 03:59:21 PM
All this talk about meat makes me want some good meat for dinner.  However, always being on the run at the dinner time, it's hard to find anything that's good in the meat department!  
Post by: Jennifer on October 14, 2004, 04:02:31 PM
I also like ketchup on my steak.
Post by: Jennifer on October 14, 2004, 04:06:32 PM
DR Panni congrats on the new house.  But I'm confused.  I was sending my vibes for one house, and then you said you were getting another!  So was this your decision or did something go wrong?

Btw, speaking of pizzas, I'm not eating pizza right now.  But my favorite pizza is on sale this week.  And they were OUT again.  Another raincheck.  This pizza is SO GOOD that they are always out whenever it goes on sale.

It's by McCain's International and it's called Parisienne pizza.  It is thin crust, with chicken and a creamy white sauce. OMG this is the BEST store bought pizza I've ever had.   And I cannot figure out if they are not getting it in, or if they are selling out.

When I went for my raincheck another guy who was buying Greek pizza (really not as good) asked for a raincheck too when he heard me asking for mine.   He said he loves Parisienne too!
Post by: Jrand73 on October 14, 2004, 04:43:48 PM
Well - I liked the ending even more now, MR BK.

Oh I think Lucillle's reaction to being offered the part was to turn it down.  She thought about it - but she was starting a new series (The Lucy Show) and was very concerned about her "image" and so took a pass.

She was even ready to pass on MAME when she broke her leg, but Warner Bros held up production for a year until she could heal and do the part.
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 14, 2004, 04:44:05 PM
Are the Cheney's insane?  Kerry said nothing derogatory about their lesbian daughter.  It's common knowledge or should be.  Edwards mentioned Cheney's daughter in his debate with Cheney and it didn't cause any uproar.  In fact, if I remember rightly Cheney thanked Edwards for the kind words.  

Lynne Cheney looks ridiculous coming out and saying:  "This is bad man" repeatedly.  More of this simplistic and simple-minded demonization of the other side over nothing.  The Cheneys' remarks make them look ashamed and embarrassed about their daughter.  What is the big deal here?  "Oh my god, he mentioned our lesbian daughter.  How dare he!"  Puhleeeze!  you hypocritical shits.
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 04:47:35 PM
I was back at the house and took a few more pictures. Tell me if you get bored. (Not that I'll hear you.) And no, DR Jennifer. something went right. It's a long story.
I took this pic just because it looks pretty. I don't know what the term is - there is a window-like opening in the wall of the front porch...
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 04:49:04 PM
The side porch - which may eventually be made into an office...
Post by: Jay on October 14, 2004, 04:50:38 PM
Is the Skirball Museum related to Mr Jack Skirball, movie producer?

Indeed.  Mr. Jack Skirball, movie producer, also known as Rabbi Jack Skirball, was the philanthropist who drove the founding of the Skirball Museum and Cultural Center here in Los Angeles.
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 04:52:05 PM
And the last one you'll be happy to know -- looking from the dining room into the living room...
Post by: Jay on October 14, 2004, 04:57:37 PM
Lovely digs, Dear Reader Panni!  Enjoy your time there.

How close is moving day to your date of departure for Europe?
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 05:09:02 PM
Lovely digs, Dear Reader Panni!  Enjoy your time there.

How close is moving day to your date of departure for Europe?

Thank you, DR Jay. I move 4 days after I come back. But the nice woman who owns the house said I could start bringing things over as soon as the house was ready (they're still working on completing a few things).
I went around the neighborhood this afternoon and REALLY liked it. Lots of little arty stores, waiver theaters, etc. The Television Academy is minutes away, so I think I'll actually start attending the scores of interesting events I'm invited to there. There's a huge supermarket down the street surrounded by all the useful stores one needs to exist in the big city (Radio Shack, etc.).
BTW - the house looks much bigger in the photos than it actually is. It's small and cozy. Like me. (A joke! I'm not a Hallmark Card.)
Post by: Jane on October 14, 2004, 05:30:01 PM
Panni the house is darling.  I was disappointed when the photos stopped.  I think you will be very happy there. :D
Post by: Jane on October 14, 2004, 05:43:26 PM
The best chili and before we stopped eating meat, the best hot dogs.


Established in 1946 by Richard and Bernice Walsh, Cupid's Hot Dogs has grown into one of Southern California's very best traditions, enjoyed by thousands of hot dog and chili lovers daily.

What makes Cupid's so special? To start with, Cupid's one-of-a-kind hot dogs are prepared the same way they were in 1946 when Richard Walsh opened his first Cupid's stand in North Hollywood, California. Cupid's original all natural casing, Coney Island style hot dogs are cooked at just the right temperature in Cupid's original, custom-built steam tables. Each original Cupid's hot dog is then placed in one of our fresh, steamed-to-perfection hot dog buns. Then just the right amount of onions and mustard are added. And of course, Cupid's wouldn't be Cupid's without a generous topping of Cupid's signature award winning chili.
Post by: Sandra on October 14, 2004, 06:56:10 PM
I of course have nothing to add to today's topic.

And I have nothing to say.

The end.
Post by: George on October 14, 2004, 07:00:04 PM
I was perusing eBay (looking for nothing in particular), and found a listing for 22 letters by famous people from "multiple PRIVATE COLLECTIONS."  Some of the famous are Tab Hunter, Jane Russell and Barbara Stanwyck.  However, there was one that caught my eye.  Ethel Merman.  Here's what really made me laugh!  This is exactly what the seller wrote:

Ethel Merman...most famous for being the wacky neighbor on the very popular I Love Lucy. Ethel Merman was a very accomplished actress appearing in over 30 movies with multiple TV appearances.
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 07:03:04 PM
Sandra, that is wholly unacceptable.  Let's hear about your meals, your day, your school, your brother, your mother.  And just what WAS that talk that your father had to have with your mother that took her away from chat so abruptly?  There is SO much for you to talk about.
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 07:03:53 PM
Just got a call from the Wechter - not cancelling, but pushing a half-hour.  I'm already ready to fall over from hunger, but if I eat something now it will ruin my appetite.  
Post by: Sandra on October 14, 2004, 07:08:56 PM

I am eating a grilled vegetable dinner.

Here's my day: I rode the bus to school, sat through a couple classes, rode the bus back home, went grocery shopping with my mom, and took a nap on my futon.

School is OK. Boring, but OK.

There's nothing new with my brother, as far as I know.

My mom is fine.
Post by: Jane on October 14, 2004, 07:10:47 PM
George- ;D  Did you send the ebay person a nice email?
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 07:13:31 PM
Sandra, that is good.  Now we've had the full report, although I don't recall hearing anything about any liquid refreshment.
Post by: François de Paris on October 14, 2004, 07:14:19 PM
For your eyes only!


I'm glad so many of you enjoyed the links I posted a few days ago regarding the city of Conques (Aveyron, France)... ???

Yesterday, I went out and saw this


... with Tom and Colin!

Thanks for your attention and I hope I did not take too much of your time! ;)

Won't talk about food, because that TOD comes up too often for my own taste :( and I don't care talking about food anyway!
I only care eating it! 8)
Post by: Sandra on October 14, 2004, 07:14:32 PM
Sandra, that is good.  Now we've had the full report, although I don't recall hearing anything about any liquid refreshment.

I thought it went without saying that I had a Cherry Coke.
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 07:15:16 PM
I'm so hungry.  And I just have to sit here until I receive a call that it's okay to leave for the restaurant.  That call could come anytime between 7:30 and 7:45, although it wouldn't surprise me if it came at 8:00.  By eight I will be in a foul mood and perhaps even a fowl mood, in which case I shall have the Chinese Chicken Salad.
Post by: George on October 14, 2004, 07:27:10 PM
George- ;D  Did you send the ebay person a nice email?

I thought about it, but I probably couldn't word it without making the seller feel like a total dweeb.  I don't want to do that...you can, though! ;)
Post by: Jane on October 14, 2004, 07:27:27 PM
François lovely, but where is the picture of you, Tom and Colin?  How about details on your day.

Unfortunately I will have to wait until tomorrow to read them, unless the chocolate I just inhaled keeps me up all night. :P

Bye for now.
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 07:28:08 PM
Whaddup, dog?

I'm so hungry I'm considering eating a piece of cheese or a raisin or something.  No, no, not figs, raisins... ah, liasons.
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 07:28:25 PM
Are we taking bets on what time the phone call will occur?
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 07:28:58 PM
And what type of chocolate was it, dear Jane.
Post by: George on October 14, 2004, 07:29:25 PM
Now, I shall leave work, get some food and go home in time to watch "Joey."
Post by: Jane on October 14, 2004, 07:30:20 PM
George I started to pull up a web site to send the ebay person until the first one I tried locked me out.  Oh well.  

I just read your posts to Keith so he could also have a good laugh. ;D
Post by: Jane on October 14, 2004, 07:32:14 PM
Ghirardelli double chocolate chips, eaten in between bites of haystacks.  I feel sick now and wish I were hungry like you are.
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 07:34:43 PM
I'm so hungry I could eat a literal haystack.  I do believe that meeting at 7:45 is now a dream.  We'll see if 8:00 comes and goes.  I can't wait much longer than that and I shall be the one to cancel if it goes beyond my endurance.
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 07:41:04 PM
Just got the call - he's leaving in nine minutes, so we're meeting at 8:10.  I may actually get there at eight and have some bread or something.
Post by: Jrand73 on October 14, 2004, 07:42:22 PM
Did the call come yet?
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 07:42:37 PM
I'm so hungry I could eat shav.
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 07:43:08 PM
I'm so hungry I could eat my own nose.
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 07:43:44 PM
I'm so hungry I could eat cement.
Post by: Jane on October 14, 2004, 07:45:25 PM
Go early and order vegetables, not bread. ;D

Have a nice time.
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 07:47:19 PM
I'm going to get a huge take-out sandwich. With a pickle.
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 07:48:01 PM
What kind of sandwich should I get, bk? Describe it.
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 07:48:45 PM
Something deli. Not pastrami.
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 07:48:48 PM
Okay, I'm leaving now.  Now is when I'm leaving.  I'm now on my way to Stanley's restaurant.  If I'm good, I'll have the Chinese Chicken Salad and maybe some clam chowder, which I think they have nightly.  If I'm bad I'll have a half-caesar salad and their yummilicious fettucine with a garlic cream sauce, chicken, broccoli, red onions, and cashews.  I'm going to try my hardest NOT to have that but my mouth is already watering.  Or, I might have some MEAT, since today is MEAT day.  Yes, Virginia, I may meet some meat at Stanley's.
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 07:49:58 PM
Jerry's won't be near my new house. Or Gelson's. But I can cook! Panni's will be open 24/7!
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 07:50:12 PM
Panni, you do not have the ability to eat a huge sandwich of any kind.  That said, if it were me getting a huge sandwich, I would go to Jerry's and have a turkey sandwich on rye, very light mayo, lettuce and American cheese.  That's the one thing they have never done poorly.  
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 07:51:06 PM
Merci, bk.
Post by: Emily on October 14, 2004, 07:55:59 PM
Panni I'm craving egg salad right now... so if you can find a place that will do it right, get an ES sandwich :)
Post by: DearReaderLaura on October 14, 2004, 07:59:37 PM
Hello, everyone.

Re "the talk": Everything is fine. Looks like I will be getting my traveling privileges back.

Re TOD: I gave up meat for three years and became anemic. I ate meat and gained weight. I can't win.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on October 14, 2004, 08:02:04 PM
For dinner tonight I had leftover tortelini in tomato sauce with Italian sausage.  Halfway through, I realized that I was not as hungry as I thought I was and had re-heated too much.  So, since I hate to eat leftover leftovers, I threw the rest away.  

The end.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on October 14, 2004, 08:08:47 PM
Congrats on the new digs, DR Panni.  
Post by: Noel on October 14, 2004, 08:18:21 PM
Probably I shouldn't reveal this, with so many hungry Los Angeles readers - you'll probably all eat there every night and it will be too crowded to get in.

Gyu-Kaku (more than one location, including Restaurant Row on LaCienega and just west of the Westside Pavillion on Pico) marinates various meats and you cook them yourself in a little barbecue built in to your table.  It's part of a Japanese chain, incredibly successful over there, and, in Japan, it might be considered Korean food.  But it's so distinctly Japanese that, well, let's just say it's a mix of both cultures.
Post by: François de Paris on October 14, 2004, 08:34:25 PM

Tom and Colin were the photographers!
I don't have a computer, and I don't have a digital camera!
I'm so dull! Not with it! I'm not in!

They go back to London tomorrow afternoon and then to OZ...

Tom should be back on line saturday or sunday; he's a better storyteller than I and his English is better than mine... so I'll let him do the Parisian report, and he will post pictures too!

I just can say that they both did not get to sleep last night because their dogsitter called them to tell them that, because of a thunderstorm, both Magnus and Fosca had escaped the house and were wandering loose....
They all were worried to death but the dogs were found quite a few hours after...

So, it all ended well!
Tom will certainly give you all the details...

Hope I was not too verbose...
Post by: Matt H. on October 14, 2004, 08:36:14 PM
Well, in honor of meat day I had shish-ka-bobs. Just wonderful.
Post by: Matt H. on October 14, 2004, 08:37:07 PM
Tonight on WILL & GRACE, for only the third time in its seven year run, Will Truman, the gay lawyer character, kissed another man.
Post by: François de Paris on October 14, 2004, 08:41:47 PM
Tonight on WILL & GRACE, for only the third time in its seven year run, Will Truman, the gay lawyer character, kissed another man.

Is that good for Bush, or that good for Kerry?

-- this is not a question! :)
Post by: S. Woody White on October 14, 2004, 08:56:20 PM
Woody Cincinnati style is...sublime!  Especially if it i slathered on a hotdog with a little mustard, onions, and heaped with grated cheddar.  It's also sublime when dumped atop spaghetti, also with onions and mountains of grated cheese.  It's always my first stop when back in the Cincy area.  Dixie Chili in Newport, Kentucky, just the other side of Ohio from Cincy is the best!
Cincinnati style chili is just not to my taste.  I've had it in Cincinnati, and I've made it myself.  It's really a totally different dish, aside from Chuckwagon style or Depression style, owing (I understand) to the Greek immigrants in the area adapting a dish to their own tastes.  And yes, I understand this resulted in the inclusion of cinnamon as part of the spices.  And if I'm ever again in Cincinnati, I'll probably enjoy a bowl of five-way.

It's just not what I think of when I make chili.

(My chili is usually a combination of beef and pork, by the way.  And I use a combination of fresh and dried chiles.  And beer.  Gotta have a combo of beef stock and beer for the stewing liquid.  And a bit of cocoa powder, just to tame the chiles a bit, a la Mexican moles.)
Post by: Jenny on October 14, 2004, 08:59:10 PM
Oh, wow!  It's meat day!  Meat!  My favorite thing in the entire world!  This thread has made me incredibly hungry.  My favorite meat dishes include (but, believe me, are not limited to): the boneless spare ribs from this little Chinese takeout place in Rockaway, meatloaf, hamburgers (and just about anything else) from Markt in the meatpacking district, and just about anything pork from Costa Del Sol on 50th.  Yummmm.

I've been meaning to post about a very strange party I attended this weekend at Madame X on Houston this weekend.  A sexy bar that resembles a high class bordello, Madame X is not your typical location for a sweet sixteen.  My friend Johanna (the girl who sang "Nothing" and drove both you and Beth Anne crazy this summer by changing keys every five minutes, Noel) certainly knows how to hold a party, albeit a strange one.  Her parents invited the cast of "Rent" the party, and Cary Shields (a former Roger) showed up and played a set.  He also sang "Your Eyes" to the birthday girl, who was wearing the tiniest dress I ever did see.  It was a truly strange event.  I was under the impression that sweet sixteens involved princess gowns and the electric slide, but I was mistaken!

But let's talk more about meat.  Mmm...meeeeat...
Post by: Jenny on October 14, 2004, 09:04:46 PM
Panni, the new house is lovely!

Those who've read the Kritzer books know that my father also loved ketchup on steak and felt that his patrons did, too (in his pricey steak house restaurant) - so he simply had his chef create a "steak sauce" that was basically ketchup with some seasonings, and he served it in a nice dish at the table.  Everyone used it.

When I read that, I thought that it sounded absolutely delicious!  I love ketchup.  (and Ruths Chris' buttery steaks)
Post by: S. Woody White on October 14, 2004, 09:10:33 PM
Are the Cheney's insane?  Kerry said nothing derogatory about their lesbian daughter.  It's common knowledge or should be.  Edwards mentioned Cheney's daughter in his debate with Cheney and it didn't cause any uproar.  In fact, if I remember rightly Cheney thanked Edwards for the kind words.  

Lynne Cheney looks ridiculous coming out and saying:  "This is bad man" repeatedly.  More of this simplistic and simple-minded demonization of the other side over nothing.  The Cheneys' remarks make them look ashamed and embarrassed about their daughter.  What is the big deal here?  "Oh my god, he mentioned our lesbian daughter.  How dare he!"  Puhleeeze!  you hypocritical shits.
Viewing the Kerry comment in reruns, he not only commented on Mary being a lesbian, but presumed to know what she believes as to the origins of her being gay/lesbian.  To my knowledge, Mary Cheney has never made comment on the subject.
Post by: S. Woody White on October 14, 2004, 09:12:48 PM
And the last one you'll be happy to know -- looking from the dining room into the living room...
Good grief, you'll be able to open a roller rink!

Post by: JoseSPiano on October 14, 2004, 09:28:21 PM
Good Evening!

We moved into the theatre today... What a gorgeous theatre the Hobby Center is!  -Well, at least the hall we're in.  And since it's a Theatre Under the Stars, there's even a star ceiling - complete with a shooting star every five minutes!  The theatre also functions as a touring house, and there are logos of the various shows that have played there painted in the hallways, and each logo panel is signed by the cast of each show.  It was fun checking for friends on the wall. ;)

We started at the top of the show, and got through the fourth Montage - about half-way through the show.  Not bad.  Most of today was spent doing spacing and some "filling in", but there was also a bit of a show-and-tell aspect to today's rehearsal.  As each person came to their "interview section", Baayork would have them stand in front of the cast and deliver their monologue - the stuff that is printed in the script, and they stuff that they've filled in for themselves.  Quite funny, touching and emotional all at once.  Everyone has personalized their characters using bits and pieces of their own life experiences.  -As Baayork has stressed from day one, A Chorus Line is not about dancers, it's about Life.

During the dinner break, a group of us were invited to one of the cast member's house for supper.  What a great house!  And a great dinner too!  Greek salad, chicken casserole and chocolate chip cookies!  YUM!

*The only thing that bothered me was listening to his father talk.  His father is a born and bread Houstonian, a true Texan.  And everytime he opened his mouth, all I could think of was "George Bush" - the cadence, even the pitch of the voice was strangely similar.   :-\

-But the dinner was a nice break from my routine this week.
Post by: S. Woody White on October 14, 2004, 09:30:26 PM
Another fave on the meat market:

Fondue Bourguogonne!

Beef fillet, sliced into bite-size cubes, which is then dipped in hot oil to cook.  

Yes, this is frying, but when the oil is kept hot enough (375 degrees or so) it is not absorbed by the food being cooked.

The meat is served with a variety of sauces for dipping, and side dishes (such as a salad or two).

Even better is a surf-n-turf version, with shrimp to be cooked alternately with the beef.
Post by: JoseSPiano on October 14, 2004, 09:31:08 PM
Oh, and a "Cassie Update" - The staff here at the hotel went ahead and washed and dried her clothes, and they even bought her a new cell phone!  -which was delivered to her new room by 11:00 this morning!

-And everyone went ahead and stored their valuables in their closets this morning after this morning.  In their closets... away from the sprinklers.
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 09:51:07 PM
I'm back.  I'm afraid I was so hungry that I had the fattening meal - half-caesar and garlic chicken pasta in cream sauce.  I ate every single morsel.  Tomorrow I shall have meat all the livelong day.
Post by: François de Paris on October 14, 2004, 10:01:49 PM
I'm back.  I'm afraid I was so hungry that I had the fattening meal - half-caesar and garlic chicken pasta in cream sauce.  I ate every single morsel.  Tomorrow I shall have meat all the livelong day.

You should have had fondue bourguignonne BK!

-- see SWW's post above! :)
Post by: Panni on October 14, 2004, 10:18:11 PM
Well, I did not take bk's advice to have a turkey sandwich at Jerry's. I eat turkey almost every day, so I opted for something different. Once every couple of years I have a great corned beef on rye. That's what I felt like tonight. I did NOT have it, DRs. The sandwich (which cost $12!) was HORRIBLE. I threw most of it away and gave a little to Abie. Then I made popcorn. (I also bought a chocolate muffin at Jerry's. That was pretty good.) So basically my supper was popcorn and a chocolate muffin -- and kosher dill pickles. The potato salad was terrible, too - down the sink.
Post by: S. Woody White on October 14, 2004, 10:21:52 PM
You should have had fondue bourguignonne BK!

-- see SWW's post above! :)
I'm having better luck with this than I did with locating Beef Wellington in Los Angeles.  There's even a restaurant in Sherman Oaks called La Fondue Bourguinonne! (http://home.digitalcity.com/losangeles/dining/venue.adp?sbid=100334564&squery=5%3acityids+AND+45%3avenuetypekey+AND+%28%27fondue%27%29&uquery=type%3dvenue%26st%3dqf%26vtid%3d45%26stid%3d%26tid%3d%26search%3dfondue%26x%3d22%26y%3d2&skip=1)
Post by: S. Woody White on October 14, 2004, 10:26:32 PM

That's what we forgot on our weekly trek to der B's daughter's!

Every week, we head to Dover to load up on supplies, and then on over to see the daughter and clan, delivering whatever they asked us to pick up for them.

This week, we were also going to talk with the older grandlad, who is selling chocolate-covered pretzels and popcorn to raise money for his Cub Scout troop.  Only, somehow, the entire business about popcorn and pretzels got skipped in favor of reading a new book to the younger grandlad.

We'll have to correct for this omission next week, when we'll be spending extra time with them to help carve Halloween pumpkins.
Post by: S. Woody White on October 14, 2004, 10:27:20 PM
I can't dance right now; I'm too busy thinking about popcorn.
Post by: S. Woody White on October 14, 2004, 10:32:15 PM
Dog report:

Zeus is settling in.  I was worried about him yesterday because he seemed homesick, spending most of his time moping by the front door.  Today, however, he enjoyed playing with Marty, and his appetite was better.

Fletcher, meanwhile, is also learning how to play a little less roughly...at least, when he starts playing with any of the other dogs.  After a bit, he forgets, and the other dogs have to put him in his place.  But all gets forgiven and forgotten fairly soon.

Der B's son-in-law is not happy with the Rescue operation.  "I thought we agreed you'd have no more than five dogs," he groused tonight.  Der Brucer, of course, remembers making no such agreement.  (Good for him!)
Post by: bk on October 14, 2004, 10:40:25 PM
Well, those who ask for advice and then don't take it get what they deserve.  How many bad sandwiches does one have to have at Jerry's to know better.  That is why I specifically said that the turkey is the one sandwich they don't screw up.  If you'd said you wanted a corned beef I would have said go to Art's.  Contrary people always get what's coming to them.
Post by: Charles Pogue on October 14, 2004, 10:50:08 PM
But, Woody, Dick Cheney himself has mentioned his daughter the lesbian.  Gwen Ifil, the moderator of the VP debate, mentioned it.  Everyone knows she's a lesbian.  It's no secret.  What's the big deal?   And when John Edwards mentioned it, Cheney thanked him for "the kind words" about his family.  I don't think Kerry's seque into it was as graceful as Edwards' was into it, but he didn't say anything negative about her lesbianism and I think he was trying to be complimentary.  It certainly didn't deserve Lynne Cheney's epithet that "this is not a good man".  Talk about trying to make poitical hay out of it.  I mean the worst you could say about Kerry's remarks was that he made an assumption about how she would answer the question of whether homosexuality is a choice or consequence of nature or an evolution of environment.  Maybe we should ask her to explain it to Bush who ducked all around his administration's and his party's policies of intolerance, bigotry and hate toward gays.  

But Lynne Cheney's overwrought reaction make no sense, especially given that this happened in the wake of the VP debate and the Edwards remarks on the same subject brought no such response.  
Post by: Jay on October 14, 2004, 11:25:27 PM
Probably I shouldn't reveal this, with so many hungry Los Angeles readers - you'll probably all eat there every night and it will be too crowded to get in.

Gyu-Kaku (more than one location, including Restaurant Row on LaCienega and just west of the Westside Pavillion on Pico) marinates various meats and you cook them yourself in a little barbecue built in to your table.  It's part of a Japanese chain, incredibly successful over there, and, in Japan, it might be considered Korean food.  But it's so distinctly Japanese that, well, let's just say it's a mix of both cultures.

Don't look for me there.  When I go out to eat, it's because I don't want to cook!
Post by: Jay on October 14, 2004, 11:34:02 PM
Well, I did not take bk's advice to have a turkey sandwich at Jerry's. I eat turkey almost every day, so I opted for something different. Once every couple of years I have a great corned beef on rye. That's what I felt like tonight. I did NOT have it, DRs. The sandwich (which cost $12!) was HORRIBLE. I threw most of it away and gave a little to Abie. Then I made popcorn. (I also bought a chocolate muffin at Jerry's. That was pretty good.) So basically my supper was popcorn and a chocolate muffin -- and kosher dill pickles. The potato salad was terrible, too - down the sink.

I don't know why you people (OK, Dear BK and Dear Reader Panni) continue to patronize Jerry's Deli.  Each time you go we read yet another post about how horrible the food was.  With each new visit, do you think that somehow a miracle has occurred, and that their food will suddenly have become edible?  If there were no alternatives, I might understand, but with Art's just around the corner, I have to wonder.
Post by: Jay on October 14, 2004, 11:36:38 PM
Well, those who ask for advice and then don't take it get what they deserve.  How many bad sandwiches does one have to have at Jerry's to know better.  That is why I specifically said that the turkey is the one sandwich they don't screw up.  If you'd said you wanted a corned beef I would have said go to Art's.  Contrary people always get what's coming to them.

Sorry.  I wrote my last post before reading yours, Dear BK.  We're of the same mind when it comes to finding a proper corned beef sandwich in the City of Studio.
Post by: S. Woody White on October 15, 2004, 12:01:10 AM
But, Woody, Dick Cheney himself has mentioned his daughter the lesbian.  Gwen Ifil, the moderator of the VP debate, mentioned it.  Everyone knows she's a lesbian.  It's no secret.  What's the big deal?   And when John Edwards mentioned it, Cheney thanked him for "the kind words" about his family.
So far, so good.
I don't think Kerry's seque into it was as graceful as Edwards' was into it, but he didn't say anything negative about her lesbianism and I think he was trying to be complimentary.  It certainly didn't deserve Lynne Cheney's epithet that "this is not a good man".  Talk about trying to make poitical hay out of it.  I mean the worst you could say about Kerry's remarks was that he made an assumption about how she would answer the question of whether homosexuality is a choice or consequence of nature or an evolution of environment.  Maybe we should ask her to explain it to Bush who ducked all around his administration's and his party's policies of intolerance, bigotry and hate toward gays.
Here is where we have to differ.  The problem IS with Kerry's assumptions about how she would answer questions, things he has no way of knowing.  For all we know, Mary HAS discussed the policies with the President...IN PRIVATE.  

Please remember, I've been in the thick of this debate for several years.  Der Brucer and I have met and worked with several state representatives and congressmen during that time.  One thing we've learned during this period is to NEVER PRESUME, particularly when it comes to what gay people think and do, and most particularly in Washington DC.  (There are more closet cases there per capita than in Hollywood, and that's saying something.)  

But Lynne Cheney's overwrought reaction make no sense, especially given that this happened in the wake of the VP debate and the Edwards remarks on the same subject brought no such response.  
If the Kerry remarks weren't baiting for a response, then what of those of Edward's wife, saying that Lynne Cheney "must be ashamed of her daughter"?  More assumptions, and all to the negative.
Post by: bk on October 15, 2004, 12:04:30 AM
If one wants a proper corned beef sandwich one must go to Langer's on Seventh and Alvarado.  The best in town.