Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 1 => Topic started by: bk on November 27, 2003, 12:10:26 AM

Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 12:10:26 AM
Well, you've read the notes and now it's time to post until the turkeys come home.

Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 12:51:07 AM
Two film composers in one week - Michael Small has passed away.  Mr. Small wrote three of the best scores of the 70s - The Parallax View, Klute and Marathon Man.  
Post by: Tomovoz on November 27, 2003, 03:22:34 AM
I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday. For those not in a holiday land - be safe and happy too.
Post by: DearReaderLaura on November 27, 2003, 04:05:00 AM
Happy Thanksgiving one and all, and also all and one. We will go out for dinner, since most of my family won't eat turkey. After that, we plan on hauling out the old home movies and slides from my childhood and having a family video night so my parents will at least be with us in spirit.  Sometime during the day, Sandra and I will take our annual Thanksgiving Day Drive, where we simply drive aimlessly just for fun.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on November 27, 2003, 04:13:18 AM
Hello, HHW friends,

I haven't been posting because of computer woes. Both the scrolling and the typing are painstakingly slow. The only time I have some measure of success is at the crack of dawn, when the board is empty. But I have ways of keeping up (going to the member list and then accessing the person's last 10 or so posts), and, of course, I always enjoy the daily topics. I've had one computer doc try to help, but the problem persists. I'm persistent.

I wanted to talk about a favorite Thanksgiving memory (I grew up as Dan-in-New York). In the years before my dad passed away, we had a family ritual. My dad knew the owner of an upscale Manhattan restaurant, and the deal was that we could have a free Thanksgiving feast there - all the trimmings - provided we were out before the first lunch guests had arrived. So we were usually on the turkey and stuffing by 11:15 am, and eating our chocolate turkeys as we raced out at 12. We'd spend the rest of the day at a movie and then the penny arcade, before returning home exhausted. The year before my dad died he took us to the ecumenical Thanksgiving service at the Metropolitan Community Church. I was fifteen at the time, and we found ourselves sitting near Eleanor Roosevelt. She too passed away the following year, so astute readers can figure out exactly how ancient I am.

Thanks for prompting that memory. I'm thankful that you did. And a good holiday to everyone.
Post by: Jay on November 27, 2003, 04:16:18 AM
Please do not ask me why I am up at this hour, Dear Readers, as I know not why I am up at this hour.  I have no need to place a bird in the oven at this hour, the parade does not come on the television for another five hours, and I do not need to be anywhere for Thanksgiving dinner until much later today.  I am hopeful that I will be able to go back to sleep.

I have already checked today's New York Times on line and see that tension and squabbling over Thanksgiving holiday traditions are not limited to our own family gatherings.  Apparently Mr. Harvey Fierstein's op-ed column in yesterday's New York Times has evolved (or is it devolved?) into a Harvey Fierstein/Edna Turnblad/Mrs. Santa/Macy's debacle.

Click on the link for more details:

http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/27/nyregion/27CLAU.html (http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/27/nyregion/27CLAU.html)
Post by: Jay on November 27, 2003, 04:24:05 AM
On the topic o' the day:

I shall travel to the County of Orange later today, Dear Readers, where I shall join my mother for a Thanksgiving celebration.  I shall whisk her away in my vehicle to the Beach of Laguna, where we shall dine in a restaurant called Splashes, inside the Surf and Sand Hotel.  The restaurant and hotel overlook the Pacific Ocean, and with a 4:00 p.m. reservation, we should have a lovely sunset to entertain us as we consider all the many, many, many (that is three manys) things we have for which we are thankful.

I have many happy Thanksgiving memories, ranging from the time I was a child to now, and am grateful to have arrived at one more Thanksgiving holiday.
Post by: Michael on November 27, 2003, 05:06:55 AM
I have been catching up on posts that I have missed during the week. Mark Bakalor answer a question I posted and I have a followup to it

Quote from: Michael Shayne on November 23, 2003, 09:12:11 PM
Is anyone having problems with the radio show? The last few shows there seems to be a minute or so between the clips is anyone else experiencing this?

Everyone is having this problem now that we've switched servers away from hijinks. Hijinks has a Real Media server which allows the real media format (ie., the Broadway Radio Show) to be streamed differently than on a server without. Because this new host doesn't have a Real Media server we're stuck with the download delay between tracks.

_________________________________________________ ______Is there another audio system that can be used so we don't have these pause between clips or should Mr. Donald Feltham record the show in on long clip?
Post by: Andrea on November 27, 2003, 05:47:33 AM
oh Bk! We aren't abandoning you. Sometimes the younger folk need to be immature without cluttering up the board; sometimes emily needs to NOT send music to Swishy. And if it makes you feel better, Mark is online, but never, ever talks to us.

Me... I wasn't posting last night cause I was making delightful shortbread cookies. So delightful that I gave up halfway and started crying until my mom came home and repaired them. And then I burnt them.

I can not cook.
Post by: Emily on November 27, 2003, 06:22:45 AM
I think Andrea's Christmas present will be a copy of THE JOY OF COOKING.  That is, as long as they make ones that are flame retardent ;)

Happy Thursday everyone!  Did anyone see Mike Myers on Letterman last night?  His diatribe against American Thanksgiving being historically inaccurate was making me shake with laughter.

Tonight my parents are making hamburgers.  They will not be stuffed on come with gravy.

Andrea, I know, is going to her Yankee CYGOPP's apartment for a big kosher thanksgiving feast to which everyone and their cousin is invited EXCEPT FOR ME.  I am hurt.  I am appalled.  I would have liked an invitation my dear.  Maybe that way I could have helped you not-burn sugar cookies :)

Craig, why are you now an administrator and Mark "hormones" Bakalor is no longer listed as a member?  Weird things happen when you cross the 9000 post threshold...

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating it (if, albeit, on the historically inaccurate day - tee hee) and to the rest of us, let's try to be as bitter as humanly possible over the fact that we all have to go to work/school today AND tomorrow.

We will gain our revenge come Boxing Day, Victoria/Patriotes Day and Canada Day! :D
Post by: Noel on November 27, 2003, 06:25:18 AM
This is the first year in very many that has not involved masses of relatives arriving from Florida and other parts south.  There are only 6 of us around my father’s table this year.  The other couple is marrying in July.

In other years, we were in a larger house, packed to the gills (a What is it, fish? reference) with relatives.  A cousin had actually gotten married here, such is our tradition of assembling in Eastern Pennsylvania, 99 miles frrom New York.

Then, this same cousin and his wife started having children, and boy, did that change everything.  A much-loved relative from British Columbia stopped attending, as he loathes children.  As the little boys grew, well, they just got louder and more obnoxious.  Worst of all, there was a third.  In our family, you have exactly two children and you stop.  Having any more would be unseemly.

So, my favorite of these Thanksgivings was the one in which my cousin, responding to somebody’s joking prediction that they’d continue to people this earth, said “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that.  I’ve had a vasectomy.”

We all broke out into sustained applause.
Post by: ArnoldMBrockman on November 27, 2003, 06:57:04 AM

A very Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving to all you DR's.

Warning---Don't eat the whole thing!
Post by: ArnoldMBrockman on November 27, 2003, 07:00:50 AM

You better get your dowry together.One year and four months is not a long time'

By the way--I know this is premature..but Welcome to the Family!!
Post by: Emily on November 27, 2003, 07:19:15 AM
How quickly I am forgotten when a younger girl comes into the picture...

I feel like Haggis McBaggis. :(

Post by: Jrand73 on November 27, 2003, 07:29:42 AM

These are B I G vibes for Ms Juliana A. Hansen for her MILLIE performance tonight!  All of your H/K friends will be there in spirit wishing you well and cheering you on!!!  ;D

DR Jay...LOL....and it happened just that way last night at the Rangers/Panthers game!  8)

Thanks for the Hello, Dolly! info MDS!  Fascinating!

George your Thanksgiving Picture was very funny!

And I think I will give thanks that I didn't see this production of COMPANY at the Burning Coal Theatre, wherever that is.

Post by: SwishySarah on November 27, 2003, 07:32:19 AM
I was NOT on MSN last night. OK, that's a lie, I was on MSN for a grand total of 5 minutes, but then my computer crashed...again. And again. And at about mindnight, I yelled a few explicitives and gave up. I now have a popup infestation and I have NO clue how to get rid of it, because everytime I try, I get MORE popups. AAAGH.

But to reiterate, I have talked to both Mark AND Andrea exactly once on MSN. Emily is more, but a TON of that is just sending music. So pish posh!

DR Arnold: I have been informed by Craig that you are forgetting about the dowry, which is nice, because (a) I have no spendable money, and (b), I know my parents aren't giving it...the whole idea of their 16 year old daughter marrying a man over thirty is going to be rather unwelcomed. And thank you for the welcome! :)

Emily, dear, Craig said that you could try again after having a "proposal lesson" from me. Now's your shot, don't freeze!

I missed the parade. Again. I always do that!

And now I'm off to hell for about 30 hours. Just shoot me now.
Post by: SwishySarah on November 27, 2003, 07:35:37 AM
Oh...best Thanksgiving memory would have to be 2 years ago, when my mom recieved an emergency phone call (she's a certified nurse), ran over to the neighbors house only to find a false alarm, walked BACK home angry, only to find that her food was burning....ALL of it.

So we went to Ruth's Chris instead, and it was wonderful. They even gave us a small discount after hearing our story. I should start burning food more often.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all, be safe and don't burst.
Post by: Jrand73 on November 27, 2003, 07:36:50 AM
I will be at home today.....Molly and Jason and I are going to WalMart Midnight Madness tonight!

I am jealous that Mr BK has a DVD of "The Tales of Hoffman" - grrrrrr...I have only seen it once, but I was mesmerized!  "The Red Shoes" is one of my favorite movies....of ALL TIME....and if any of the younger DR's have not seen it, I recommend that you do...NOW!

DR Jason have you seen THE RED SHOES?

We are having turkey and noodles today......mmmmmmmm......
Post by: MusicGuy on November 27, 2003, 07:40:30 AM
 ;)   :o   ::)   :-*   8)  

Dear eteemed, editorial, erudite, enchanting, and erotic BK --  
A most Happy THanksgiving to you today.  I hope that work goes extra-smoothly, you have gobs of super-yummy food traverse past the gates of your gaping maw, and then have a contented little burp from your pupik while you relax.  Now, if I could just arrange for Leslie Parrish to show up on your front door, then the world would indeed sing.

And Happy Thanksgiving to all the lovely DRs here at HHW, and to the elusive and lovely Guy, himself.

We are going to DR Kerry's younger sister's house this afternoon.  She is a great cook, all I have to bring is a side dish of green beans with almonds and trafe...I mean bacon.  And Sugar can go with us and enjoy the holdiday as well.

So, it is a good day all around, and almost-all asquare.  

In answer to the QOTD from several days ago about what was the scariest or most horrible thaing that ever happened to you....Kerry was urging me to post an absolutely real event-story that happened to me years ago.  I was in a foreign country, it involved danger, buying illegal documents, sneaking my stuff out of a hotel at night, etc. .  But it is a little long and convoluted, and I didn't want to bore everyone here.

Post by: Danise on November 27, 2003, 07:41:11 AM
[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]HAPPY TURKEY DAY, EVERYONE!!![/move]


Even if it isn't a holiday for you, I wish you all a good and safe one.  

My fondest Thanksgiving memories were when I was growing up and my Dad was still alive.  I love stuffing, waited all year for it and it was a real family project to make it.  I remember the 3 of us around the kitchen table, chopping the onions, celery and green pepper.  And then the tasting to make sure it had enough of everything.  And then we went into the living room to watch the Macy's parade.  Those were good times.   :)

Post by: ArnoldMBrockman on November 27, 2003, 07:42:45 AM
Do you have any idea when TALES OF HOFFMAN will be released in the USA?

Can't wait!!
Post by: ArnoldMBrockman on November 27, 2003, 07:45:39 AM

Craig has been known to be fickle...so don't give up.
Post by: Matt H. on November 27, 2003, 07:51:14 AM
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all who celebrate. Good morning to all others.

I am invited to a dear friend's house this afternoon at 1 p.m. where there will be six guys sitting around a dinner table more than likely gorging themselves into a stupor. Or, maybe I'm just talking about me. This is the one day that I will eat outrageously and not worry about calories, fat grams, or waistline. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to it!
Post by: Jrand73 on November 27, 2003, 07:51:27 AM
DR Music Guy - enquiring minds WANT to know.

DR Jason - have a good time at your Thanksgiving feast....they would not have invited you if they did not think you would fit in!  
Post by: Matt H. on November 27, 2003, 07:53:38 AM
I also want to thank DR Michael Shayne for that fascinating HELLO DOLLY information. I didn't know about lots of those dropped scenes and songs, and it was fascinating stuff, all posted after I went to bed last night. Jerry Herman's autobiography offers little information on the putting together of HELLO DOLLY other than his trouble with the legalities with the title song.
Post by: Matthew on November 27, 2003, 08:22:51 AM
Happy Thanksgiving, DR's.  I think my best Thanksgiving memory was when an ex of mine and myself spent the weekend with his pal in Sacramento.  We did all the cooking and it was just so much fun.  Today, I will be dining with the "fun" half of my family, however all three of my siblings have taken off for parts unknown, so it will be my mother and I and her cousin's wife's family.  Be safe, and send good vibes that someone remembers the Broccoli-Cheese casserole.
Post by: Kerry on November 27, 2003, 08:28:43 AM
WE don't have to have everyone over to OUR house for Thanksgiving this year (which has been the tradition for the last five years or so), so this will be a wonderful break.   This way, when my family (who I dearly love) get to be tooo much for me, we can leave instead of me hiding in some unoccupied room in my house for a few moments of solitude.
Post by: Lulu on November 27, 2003, 08:30:25 AM

It's been really fun reading the Thanksgiving memories.   Sad to say, I don't really have any one Turkey Day memory that stands out...they all kind of swirl together.  I do have dishes that are special to me, as I always ate them each year growing up.  I continue to make two of them: 24 hour salad (lettuce and onions and cauliflour in a mayonnaise/parmesan/sugar dressing, refrigerated for 24 hours before serving) and lima bean casserole, which sounds disgusting (even the ingredients don't sound good) but which is delicious.  No kidding, people always want the recipe after they try it.

For dinner today, we're having those two dishes along with the usual fare: turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing (not in the bird, but made separately so it's got a crispy crush rather than being mushy), cranberry sauce, corn, crescent rolls.  Pumpkin pie and whipped cream for dessert, natch.

Today The Hubby and I took a walk after breakfast and talked about all the stuff we're thankful for.  Corny, I know, but it was fun.  Then we came home and watched an hour and a half of the Macy's parade (more on that later) while I crocheted (I'm making afghans for family members for X-mas) and he drew.  Then he put the turkey in the oven (he always makes the turkey, and does a bang-up job) and then we went out on the porch (it's around 73 degrees, with a nice breeze) and had some brie, Carr's cracker assortment and red wine.  

The Parade:  Okay.  I haven't seen one of these in YEARS.  I have the 1984 one on tape (well, part of it), so it was interesting comparing the two parades, nearly 20 years apart.  In some ways it's exactly the same, but there are some differences.

First, the commercials.  I don't know, but I thought the commercials in 1984 made sense.  Toys R Us, Osh Kosh B'gosh (clothing for children), the ubiquitous McDonald's ads with Ronald McDonald capering about.  Lots of Christmas-y stuff with toys, kids, etc.  Cloying, in their way, but I could understand the logic behind their placement.

Now...the commercials in 2003.  MetLife.  Bank of America.  Carnival Cruise Lines.  One McDonald's commercial that was tied into some movie (Cat in the Hat?) but no Ronald, of course (they 86'd him two months ago).  Oh, and a weird commercial involving Santa injuring himself going down the chimney and ruing the day he didn't sign up for a worker's comp policy.  I honestly don't know who they're trying to appeal to, or why, but it just didn't feel all that Thanksgiving-y or Christmas-y.  

OK, and here's the other thing I wanted to ask about:

I haven't been on this board for awhile, so I know somebody or other has probably posted an opinion on this.  And apologies in advance if what I am about to say offends anyone who loves this show, knows personally anybody involved with it, etc.  BUT...the production number they showcased from The Boy From Oz made the show look absolutely wretched.  The Hubby and I stopped what we were doing and watched it agape.  Occasionally one of us would manage to gasp out, "I can't believe how AWFUL this is!", then we would fall into stunned silence again.  So what I want to know is...what IS the buzz on this show?  Was the number presented in the parade today a horrible aberration (I pray it was), or does it accurately convey the quality therein?

Whew...this is long.  If you've stuck with me thus far...THANKS!  And again, have a great holiday!
Post by: Noel on November 27, 2003, 09:11:31 AM
In answer to the QOTD from several days ago about what was the scariest or most horrible thaing that ever happened to you....Kerry was urging me to post an absolutely real event-story that happened to me years ago.  I was in a foreign country, it involved danger, buying illegal documents, sneaking my stuff out of a hotel at night, etc. .  But it is a little long and convoluted, and I didn't want to bore everyone here.

You're right, MusicGuy.  That doesn't sound interesting at all.  We'll gorge on turkey, torpor will set in, we'll read your danger story, and heads will hit keyboards as we fall asleep.

Post by: Matt H. on November 27, 2003, 09:16:02 AM
DR Lulu, THE BOY FROM OZ did not get good notices for the show, but Hugh Jackman basically got love letters for his performance.
Post by: S. Woody White on November 27, 2003, 09:20:52 AM
A Happy Day to everyone!

Yesterday, the immeasurable der Brucer and I went out, sizing up our options for a kitchen table.  We really do need one, since there is this great big area in the middle of the kitchen that is crying out "Fill me with a table!"

There is a major consideration that I had to demonstrate to him, and that is the height that said table should be.  As BK can attest, I'm fairly tall, der Brucer being far easier for BK to see eye-to-eye with (at least physically, and BK is far from short).  This tallness leads to my arms being proportionately long, but the key here is proportionately.  When I stand next to our kitchen counters, which are 36" high, I can rest the palm of my hand flat on the counter without bending my elbow!  So, you ask?  Well, this means that in order to work at the counter, for any chopping or kneading or whatever else Mrs. Lovett might do, I have to lean down, because most of those actions involve bending the elbows!  She may stoop to conquer, but this laddie finds stooping to cook a royal pain in the back!  Therefor and QED, I ergonomically require a table higher than standard, I'd say 38" should do it.

So, of course, most of the tables we were looking at were designed for Cathy Rigby.

The good news is that there is a place in town that will custom-build tables.  I just hope we can find a basic design that fits my needs.  (We haven't even begun to discuss how large a table we need.  I fear the engineer in der Brucer isn't going to understand that walking around a table isn't such a big deal, and that having a decently sized workspace is the next thing I'll be aiming for.)

We also went out pricing turkeys, but plan on eating out tonight.  We were out pricing turkeys to get a general idea on what our outlay will be come Christmas, if we roast turkeys in our new ovens to be distributed to needy families.  Personally, I think the general idea is a good one, but we might be better off finding out what charitable organizations need help and then offer, adapting to what help they need.  Still, the notion is a good one, as I say.

Time to bake cookies!  (Yesterday was spent table shopping, no time to bake.   :P)
Post by: Jay on November 27, 2003, 09:28:11 AM
I know you've all been wondering, Dear Readers, whether I ever fell back asleep.  Well, I did, and ended up sleeping in much later than I wanted to.  Isn't that exciting?  Isn't that too too?

Just checking in here during a commercial break during the parade.  I agree with Dear Reader Lulu, the thing has become very commercialized.  Still, I enjoy the excerpts from the Broadway productions, and any event that features the Rockettes can't be all bad!
Post by: Matt H. on November 27, 2003, 09:35:46 AM
I haven't watched the parade for years, but at 8:55 this morning, I got a frantic call from a dear friend who had promised a friend of ours that he'd tape the parade for him since The friend's VCR was broken. He had forgotten to set his VCR and now he and family were on their way to church, so he asked if I would tape the parade. I did, so I guess I'll get to see the Broadway excerpts for once. (I never watch the parade. I had to march in too many of them growing up and never want to see or be a part of another one.)
Post by: Matt H. on November 27, 2003, 09:45:34 AM
Well, I'm off to my Thanksgiving dinner. I should be back late this afternoon or early evening, so keep the home fires burning and everyone enjoy their day!

Post by: Andrea on November 27, 2003, 09:50:31 AM
1. Emily, CYGOPP asked you to come! You said no! So there. I'm bringing a hot and sexy former debutante for CYGOPP's friend.

2. Swishy, I'll start handsewing the linens for you.

3. Thanks for the good vibes. The puppy was found.

Music of the moment: The Idiot, Stan Rogers.

Clothing: turtle neck and pj pants ( I just got into something more comfy but I still have to go out, so I'm not completely in pjs.

Thanksgiving tonight: I'll give you the update on thanksgiving-- It is because of CYGOPP's canadian thanksgiving that we got together.

Post by: S. Woody White on November 27, 2003, 09:51:55 AM
I shall travel to the County of Orange later today, Dear Readers, where I shall join my mother for a Thanksgiving celebration.  I shall whisk her away in my vehicle to the Beach of Laguna, where we shall dine in a restaurant called Splashes, inside the Surf and Sand Hotel.  The restaurant and hotel overlook the Pacific Ocean, and with a 4:00 p.m. reservation, we should have a lovely sunset to entertain us as we consider all the many, many, many (that is three manys) things we have for which we are thankful.

As it happens, I have found A LINK! (http://www.surfandsandresort.com/dining.htm)
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 27, 2003, 09:58:01 AM

It was sooo nice to be able to sleep in today.  I got up around 10:00 initially, then put my head back on my pillow... I got up again thinking it was only a few minutes later...  I headed downstairs to watch some of the Macy's Parade, and, lo and behold, Santa was entering Herald Square!  It was just a little before Noon!  Now that's sleeping in!  And, best of all, I get to do it all again tomorrow if I choose to.

-Now if I could just get my sinuses to behave... but I can tell the rest has helped.

As for Thanksgiving memories... Hmmm...  Nothing really stands out in my mind.  Which I guess is actually a good thing.  I've always been around family and/or friends - even when I was on the road for two Thanksgivings.  I've always had turkey and all the fixings.  I've always been thankful to be able to enjoy the feast.

As for today's feast... I think my brother is going to deep-fry a turkey.  He did it last year, and it came out well, and our backyard/porch area is set up nicely for the whole rig - all safety precautions are in place.  And I guess we'll eat when it's ready.  No real big to-do around here - we save the big to-dos for Christmas - but there will be three of the four boys (myself and two of my brothers) home, as well as the three grandchildren in addition to my parents/grandparents.  It should be a very nice late lunch, early dinner.  And then I think I may be heading to the movies or going to Tower Records to do some shopping - Christmas and otherwise.

Now this is actually sort of a tradition for me... When I was in my late teens, driver's license in hand, my cousin, Sarah and I decided to head down to the new Tower Records in DC to see if they were really open 365 days a year.  And, yes, they were!  We then proceeded to do the same thing on Christmas day - that's when we discovered the Tower calendars - hmm... just how many can we take at once?  It was such a nice way for us to get away from the big multi-family gathering - and after the big dinner, the whole affair usually turned in the father's playing pool and/or poker in the basement, and the mother's gossiping ("cheese-meese-ing") and/or playing mahhjong in the kitchen.  Meanwhile, the "kids" were left to their own devices - usually in front of the TV.  So... I will most likely head to Tower later today - they are even having a pre-early-day-after-Thanksgiving sale tonight for a couple of hours.  Some pretty decent sales.
And, if I don't head to Tower tonight... Just means more money for tomorrow!  *I've actually be contemplating braving the crowds and the madness tomorrow - I haven't done it in years, but one of my brothers is up at the crack of dawn, and my father usually takes advantage of some of the great deals at the post exchange (he's retired Coast Guard).   But that would mean I wouldn't get to sleep in again, so...  We'll see...

Well, time for me to head back downstairs and start nibbling on whatever's down there...  Back in a bit...

Oh, and as for the Parade... Has it always been carried on two networks?  I always thought one network showed the Macy's one, and then another showed some other city's festivities - ??? But, this year, both NBC and CBS were broadcasting the parade - and each one featured different Broadway shows.  Lots of channel flipping for the show-tune diehards.
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 27, 2003, 10:01:15 AM
DR Jay - When I was out in LA in September, the GM took us out to Laguna - I hadn't been there in years - and we had a lovely dinner at Las Brisas.  Unfortunately, since it was a very overcast day, our oceanside/oceanview table didn't afford us a view of the sunset since it was obscured by all the gray.  Ah, well...  In any case, it was a nice restaurant - high end Mexican - and we had a lovely meal regardless of whether or not we had the sunset to go with it.
Post by: Craig on November 27, 2003, 10:13:28 AM
I feel so powerful with my new status and yet confused all at the same time. Mark? Mark.. are you there?
Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 10:20:13 AM
Ah, what a glorious sleep I had.  And what glorious posts to wake up to.

All right, I apologize for all the snarky comments about MSN last night (even though I was joking - a clue to when I am joking is when I use the same word four hundred times) - I thought when I mentioned it the first time and then all those folks who said they'd been doing the MSN thing before all logged off at exactly the same time, well, I mistakenly thought that was a sure sign that nefarious things were going on.

I've written Mr. Mark Bakalor about the fact that he seems to be a guest rather than the admin but he has not deigned to respond.  No, he has not deigned to respond so maybe one of the bevy of bountiful beautiful haremettes could ask him to do so.  I'd written him about this topic (jokingly) last night and so had Mr. Guy Haines, so maybe he's feeling angry, but Thanksgiving is not a time for anger it is a time for thanks so someone tell him to put it back the way it wuz.
Post by: Craig on November 27, 2003, 10:26:31 AM
Wait.. Guy emailed Mark? He has time to do that but not post here? That seems Snarky to me!
Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 10:33:07 AM
Guy is totally snarky.  He's the snarkiest.  Well, hopefully one of the bevies of bountiful, beautiful bodacious haremettes will get him to respond, but he does like to sleep in so he's probably still in dreamland.  I had a glorious sleep and I am feeling my oats, which I like to do in the morning.  I like to feel my oats and I always have a generous supply of Quaker's Oats to do so.

Now, where in tarnation IS everyone?  You'd think it was Thanksgiving or something.  I want more Thanksgiving memories please, and let's keep the Thanksgiving spirit alive here at the snarkiest website on all the Internet.
Post by: William E. Lurie on November 27, 2003, 10:36:38 AM
Turkey's in the oven
and the vegetables are comin' along fine.

Can any DR tell me what song in what musical those lines are from?  If anyone has posted the correct answer when I check back later (probably not for several hours) I will confirm it.  If not I'll give the answer tomorrow.

I am thankful that in about eight hours all the guests (who will be arriving in about two) should be gone and I will have the rest of the weekend to recover and eat leftovers.

I am also thankful that good old fashioned musical comedy is back on Broadway and that when the critics see NEVER GONNA DANCE next week I hope they will agree.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 27, 2003, 10:41:35 AM
Music Guy:  No! Really! DO TELL US the story!
Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 10:43:30 AM
Say, I have an idea.  Say, why don't those who are having company or who are going places where there is a computer, log on to HHW and have your guests make a post - isn't that a lovely Thanksgiving idea?  Let's do it.

And please, one of the bounty of beautiful bubbly haremettes go tell Mr. Mark Bakalor to respond.  Tell him I've taken back all my snarky comments and tell him it is snarky to ignore e-mails.  Tell him on a Thursday, please.
Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 10:45:10 AM
Oh, and Juliana sends her love and wants everyone to send her good vibes and xylophones this evening.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 27, 2003, 10:53:55 AM
Thanksgivings:  I haven't had a "family" Thanksgiving since 1969.  THAT's how long it has been, sorry to say.  I entered the Navy in the summer of 1970 and spent all my military Thanksgivings (until 1994) either on base, at sea or overseas.  There were plenty of good ones during those times, though, especially overseas.  I spent many warm, wonderful Thanksgivings at the homes of friends in my earlier years.  Later, when I was in a villa of my own in Italy, I had many folks over to my house at Thanksgiving, as well as being part of other families' gatherings.  Each was unique and special to me, but alas, also a little blurry.

What I recall from the Thanksgivings of my "at-home" years was having Thanksgiving with my grandparents, with me and my cousins sitting at the kitchen table while the "grupps" had dinner at the formal dining room table under my grandmother's chandelier!!  My maternal aunt has some home movie footage of one of these occasions, and my recall of it is rather accurate and spooky (including my thoughts while I was sitting at that table).

On the occasions when folks were coming to our house for Thanksgiving, I have my worst memories.  Most are memories of being yelled at to "stay out of the way" and then being yelled at to "come in here and give me a hand", then "go outside and leave me alone", to "make yourself useful and set up chairs" and "set these tables".  I vividly recall that on several of these occasions, I was in my late teens, and I was having serious issues about being treated that way.  Of course, after the dinner was over and folks had departed, I'd be asked if I hadn't had a really good time, and I'd always say, "No!"  Then, I'd have a lecture on the obligations of family and the responsibilities of being a good host and "you'll learn if it doesn't kill you first."


Thanks SO MUCH, BK, for allowing me to dredge up THOSE memories.

My family has continued Thanksgiving get-togethers in all the intervening years, of course, and they are much better coordinated/organized and much less a strain on any individual.  

Since getting out of the Navy, though, I haven't missed a Christmas back home and the Thanksgiving ritual is repeated, food groups and all, on Christmas in my mother's house.  And it's a whole lot more fun now (-- NOW that I haven't been killed by the personal experience of it all).  I look forward to Christmas, too.

I consider the Thanksgiving a dry run toward getting Christmas dinner exactly right!  I will be calling my home in the next couple of hours to chat with folks not too seriously turkey-impaired.
Post by: Andrea on November 27, 2003, 10:54:13 AM

And please, one of the bounty of beautiful bubbly haremettes go tell Mr. Mark Bakalor to respond.  Tell him I've taken back all my snarky comments and tell him it is snarky to ignore e-mails.  Tell him on a Thursday, please.

Your wish is my command... but his msn says he is away... so anything is anyone's guess!

Back to iser... I have ten pages of bad writing that needs to be editing down to 5.. oops.
Post by: Noel on November 27, 2003, 10:54:51 AM
Turkey's in the oven
and the vegetables are comin' along fine.

Can any DR tell me what song in what musical those lines are from?

I believe it's from Peace by Al Carmines.

What do I win?
Post by: Jay on November 27, 2003, 10:55:47 AM
I see our President took a short (and top-secret) jaunt over to Baghdad (oh, a Kismet reference) for his Thanksgiving dinner.
Post by: Jay on November 27, 2003, 10:58:53 AM
I have been reminded this morning that the three-hour telecast of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is comprised of one hour of parade and Broadway show excerpts and two hours of commercials.  Yecch.
Post by: Jrand73 on November 27, 2003, 11:02:05 AM
I am watching the Dinner For Five Marathon on IFC.  I think Mr BK should be a guest on this show.
Post by: Michael on November 27, 2003, 11:03:18 AM
Guess who I am?  Thankful for having him around

Post by: Charles Pogue on November 27, 2003, 11:16:37 AM
Happy Turkey Day, everyone!

I actually think I enjoy this holiday more than Christmas...less expectations, less pressure, and more laid-back.  We always seem to have good Thanksgivings...whether we're the ones having the local orphans in or being the orphans and going to someone else's house (Orphans being those various show-biz friends who have no immediate family in town to celebrate with).  In fact, celebrating with friends is guaranteed more fun than celebrating with family. We always feast royally, have great conversations, lots of laughs, play board or parlour games.

This year, however, the two of us are celebrating together alone.  It was intended that way.  We wanted some down time before the explosion of holiday parties and obligations.  Our own holiday party is only a few weeks away, so today we will be decorating our wrought-iron Christmas tree (already up with a Fall motif...we went wrought-iron to spare us the annual ritual of the tree-stand argument..."it's not straight yet" and falling pine needles.  We love it-- tree as Art).  

We are also having a non-traditional meal.  I'm having wienerschnitzel, hot slaw, spaetzel...all very Germanic and delicious.  Later we will go out to a movie...one of those award contenders that I can get in to see free on my WGA card (since I'm not getting any screeners, Jack Valenti!)  When it's just us, we often eschew the traditional...one dieting year I had a craving for pizza!

Several outstanding Thanksgivings come to mind, however.  

One from back in college when we had to rehearse a play on Thanksgiving Day, THE NIGHT THOREAU SPENT IN JAIL opening the following week.  So the cast and crew all had Thanksgiving together.  We went out and got a stud turkey to serve a legion of hungry theatre folk (and we all know how actors eat), cooked it, had delicious side dishes, and a grand old time.

In the mid-nineties I was invited to the Kentucky Book Fair in Frankfort, Ky. to sign my novel of DRAGONHEART.  This is a book-signing affair where ky. authors all come to sign their latest books.  I sat next to my oldest and dearest friend from High School, Gerry Toner, who is a lawyer and an author of three books of wonderful Christmas stories (Amazon.com).  Thanksgiving day was spent with our oldest and dearest friends from our college days in one of their houses...a beautiful log cabin out in farm country outside Lexington.  Snow on the ground.  Lots of laughs.

Probably the most memorable Thanksgiving was in 2001.  We were in the doldrums of 9/11, a month later, our golden beauty, Humbug, a cocker foundling we had saved from death nine years before, passed away suddenly from a blood disease.  We were miserable.  Then Virgin Airways came up with an interesting offer...Premimun Economy tickets (their business class) for an Economy price.  I told the lovely wife, Julieanne, "Terrorists be damned, how'd you like to spend Thanksgiving in London."  She liked.  We went...even though we had already our annual pilgrimage back in January.  On our flight over we got upgraded to first.  Seats that reclined into beds!  Julieanne had a massage by their on-board masseuse!

I also had a mission...on this trip I would surpass having seen one hundred plays in London.  And we saw some doozies:  Private Lives with Alan Rickman and Lindsay Duncan; The Royal Family with Judi Dench; Humble Boy with Diana Rigg, Denis Quilley, and maybe the best actor working in London today, Simon Russell Beale; Cat on a Hot Tin Roof with Ned Beatty as a brilliant Big Daddy and Brendan Fraser as Brick; Homecoming with Ian Holm; Joe Egg with Clive Owen and Victoria Hamilton; The Play What I Wrote, and several others, about 11-12 plays.  I saw my hundredth with a revival of the very first play I saw in London...Noises Off.  We had a wonderful and less than traditional Thanksgiving meal...Julieanne had caviar and her usual array of odd delicacies; I had Indian which I adore...all washed down with copious amounts of champagne.  I don't remember the specific play we saw that night, but I'm sure it was good.  It was a totally satisfying Thanksgiving.
Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 11:19:53 AM
Well, keep at it bevy of bountiful brilliant haremettes - one of you rouse him and tell the sultan to ease on down to the palace (it's on Broadway, next to the Doubletree) or the vizier will be turning snarky.
Post by: Michael on November 27, 2003, 11:30:24 AM
The Missing sounds like a rehash of The Searchers. Why tinker with perfection?
Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 11:50:16 AM
Hey Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Sorry this is my first post. It took me a long time to catch up on posts (and notes).

Btw, I saw some of the Macy's parade. I must say I hate lip-synching.
Post by: MusicGuy on November 27, 2003, 11:52:33 AM
Dear Readers, and esteemed & non-snarky BK --

DR Kerry & Sugar and I are just about to set off for some good eats with the family.  We will be back later this evening, so hold the fort, feel your oats, and I send you all a warm hand on your opening.   ;)

See you all later.

Post by: MusicGuy on November 27, 2003, 11:53:34 AM
DR Michael Shayne --

I'm dying to know who the picture is.....the cute little tyke in some kind of a "Jugglers Convention" shirt???
Post by: Jrand73 on November 27, 2003, 11:57:01 AM
I believe the picture is the famous Mr Mark Bakalor!
Post by: Matthew on November 27, 2003, 12:01:53 PM
I am thankful that bk quoted Andrew Lloyd Webber - well, actually Don Black, and it was Thursday instead of Sunday, but I'm still thankfuk.
Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 12:03:32 PM
This is a plea to DR Craig: on behalf of the women at HHW.  I would like to offer DRs Emily, Andrea, Maya, SwishySarah, and myself as your harem if you are able to change us to HHW goddesses (instead of gods).

Thank you and have a nice day :)
Post by: François on November 27, 2003, 12:14:42 PM
Well, Michael Shayne, that thumb-up kid has to be our own Hainesketeer  Mark B. of course!

I know MusicGuy knew!

Happy Turkey Day to all of you!

I can't wait for France Day, btw! ;)
Post by: François on November 27, 2003, 12:17:01 PM
Can't believe it!

Women outnumber men on this planet AND they want to be called GODDESSES on top of that!

How unseemly! ::)
Post by: Craig on November 27, 2003, 12:19:56 PM

I would love to comply, but alas - there is only an option for one "title" after a certain # of posts. If you (and the other bevy of bodacious and beautiful women) can come up with a unisex word that works, let me know..
Post by: François on November 27, 2003, 12:26:14 PM
DR George,

Thank you for answering my questions re: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!

I'm quite sure Dame Julie was NOT singing and some previous recordings of hers were used!          
Post by: Lulu on November 27, 2003, 12:38:27 PM
Craig:  How about "HHW Deity"?

RE: Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  Before each commercial they kept announcing "Next...Harvey Fierstein!" but an hour and a half in, Harv still hadn't shown up.  Did anyone watch 'til the bitter end?  Did Harvey ever appear?
Post by: Jay on November 27, 2003, 12:59:32 PM
Yes, Harvey/Edna/Mrs. Claus arrived on the scene at around 11:35 and sang a song called "Santa Knows."  His/her outfit, done by Mr. William Ivey Long, was gawjus.
Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 01:06:03 PM
Where in tarnation IS everyone?  You'd think it was Thanksgiving or something.  Still and all and all in still, we're havin' a fine old partay here at haineshisway.com.  Of course, we still haven't heard a peep from you-know-who even after we apologized for all our mistakenly snarky comments of last evening.  That is just so un-Thanksgiving like but perhaps our bevy of bountiful beautiful haremettes can show him the way.
Post by: Jrand73 on November 27, 2003, 01:25:54 PM
Quiet, rainy day.  I just ordered the Anthony Perkins CD and "Pirates of the Caribbean"!
Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 01:30:31 PM

I would love to comply, but alas - there is only an option for one "title" after a certain # of posts. If you (and the other bevy of bodacious and beautiful women) can come up with a unisex word that works, let me know..

That sucks. But thanks for the quick reply.

I don't think the Gods here would be happy to have their name changed. Although what about HHW God/Goddess.  Or HHW God (dess).

I so had my heart set on being a Goddess.  And I wouldn't want to be around when DRs Maya/Emily/Andrea reach 500 and don't get the title of Goddess :)

Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 27, 2003, 01:34:21 PM
Actually, Jennifer, I haven't read anything by any of them to indicate that they care one way or another.

Perhaps it's time to let it go?
Post by: Tomovoz on November 27, 2003, 01:42:49 PM
The patient had a good night (despite my cooking).
Thanks again DRs for your thoughts. (He may even post his own note in a few days when DRs are back from various and sundried places). Major drama was "hiccups" that would not stop. He was worried about the strain on abdominal stiches etc.. I rang the hospital and the nursing staff said that it was not an uncommon after-effect of anaesthetics etc as the body has not absorbed all the air that was pumped in during the operation. Their solution: peppermint water or peppermint tea. Thank goodness for a neighbour who had some. It worked. Maybe it was the shock as Colin does not like peppermint. Such was our Thanksgiving day.
Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 01:43:41 PM
DR Emily where are you? I am dying to talk Survivor. Last night's episode was SO GOOD!

I loved it. Between Jon's disgusting lie, and who got voted out, it was quite a good show.

Did anyone else watch?
Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 01:48:12 PM
Actually, Jennifer, I haven't read anything by any of them to indicate that they care one way or another.

Perhaps it's time to let it go?

Okay that was just mean. Although I will assume you didn't mean it the way it came across.

Check the posts.  They said it. Would I make that up? :)

Actually maybe I would. But this time, I didn't! :)
Post by: George on November 27, 2003, 01:53:47 PM
My most memorable Thanksgivings were the five years IN A ROW that I got a cold.  This actually was a good thing because I don't like turkey (never have and never will--unless it's on a sub sandwich) and I didn't have to deal with anyone saying "Don't you want turkey?"  No I don't and I still don't!  But it's okay if you do.  ::)
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 27, 2003, 01:54:14 PM
It was not intended as mean, though it means something to me that this was the conclusion you leapt to.  
Think as ill of me as you wish, but I think the issue has been rendered moot.  Further arguments seem obsessive, but do feel free to continue it as long as you want.  

As for "Survivor," I watched the show.  They deserved what evil John did to them.  I cannot believe those women are so stupid as to think it mattered any what John was willing to do...he was in NO POSITION to offer them anything as they had the voting power.  Those women could have taken out Burton, then John and then Lill.  All they had to do was "think."

And they got outsmarted...again.  I wanted to shake them, shake them, shake them.

And I so wished Jeff had outed John's lie.
Post by: Noel on November 27, 2003, 01:54:57 PM
The table is already set with some sort of salad with goat cheese.  It's hard to tell what it is, because nobody's turned any lights on (not that there are a lot of lights.  The turkey is cooking, having gone into the oven the moment I took out my pie.  As much of the apple liquid had spilled out over the pie plate onto the floor of the oven, I suspect this year's turkey will be apple-tinged.  I had to substitute heavy cream for light cream, which may have destroyed it.

I'm most grateful to Charles Pogue for elaborating on the Loesser quote and the mysterious gentlemen who looked over the CD liner.

Here in the woods there are computers with easier-to-use photo editing.  So I can post more pictures, although I'm never sure what size they're going to be until they're posted.

What grooms do at receptions: pocket envelopes.
Post by: TCB on November 27, 2003, 01:58:45 PM
Such was out Thanksgiving day.

Out Thanksgiving Day?  Is that a Gay holiday in Australia?  If it requires drinking peppermint tea, I think I may have to get a girlfriend.
Post by: Tomovoz on November 27, 2003, 02:05:29 PM
I of course like to make sure that YOU read the posts. It also gives the opportunity to modify. (Something to do whilst await emails in the morning!)
Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 02:08:23 PM
I cannot seem to find any turkey smilies. Can anyone help me?

But here is a beautiful flower for DR Ron:

Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 02:11:03 PM
DR Noel: I love the cupcakes!
Post by: François on November 27, 2003, 02:19:26 PM
Cupcakes, DR Jennifer??

Which ones?... says naughty François!
Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 02:23:45 PM
DR Ron wrote:
It was not intended as mean, though it means something to me that this was the conclusion you leapt to.  

I think it is sometimes hard to know the tone on the internet.  I wrote, "Okay that was just mean. Although I will assume you didn't mean it the way it came across."

I meant that.  To me it sounded mean and it hurt my feelings.  But I think you are generally a nice person, which is why I added "I will assume you didn't mean it that way".  I wasn't trying to be sarcastic when I wrote that part, it was true.

DR Ron wrote:
Think as ill of me as you wish, but I think the issue has been rendered moot.  Further arguments seem obsessive, but do feel free to continue it as long as you want.  

I don't think ill of you at all.  And anyone who would think that does not know me.

There are so many topics on HHW, some of which don't interest me. But I can see that they interest others. Just because I don't want to read about a certain thing, doesn't mean that I don't think it should be here.

DR Ron wrote:
As for "Survivor," I watched the show.  They deserved what evil John did to them.  I cannot believe those women are so stupid as to think it mattered any what John was willing to do...he was in NO POSITION to offer them anything as they had the voting power.  Those women could have taken out Burton, then John and then Lill.  All they had to do was "think."

And they got outsmarted...again.  I wanted to shake them, shake them, shake them.

And I so wished Jeff had outed John's lie.

I was totally impressed with how Sandra took Tijuana into the woods to listen to Jon and Burton. That was the second time they let her over hear them. They should have lost just for that.

I see what you're saying about Sandra and Crista. But they clearly did not show much of what must have happened. Jon must have talked to Burton. Somehow he must have known to vote for Tijuana.

I think Sanda and Crista had no way to know that Darrah and Tijuana would definitely side with them. I think in many ways it is smart not to turn on your alliance. Because that is how Tijuana got screwed last night.

But it made for a very exciting show.

And I loved how Jon was crying, "granny died". And he thinks he is a good actor? Come on. What friend would scream out "granny's dead" like that.

It was funny though.

And Ron, sorry for any misunderstanding.

Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 02:27:45 PM
Cupcakes, DR Jennifer??

Which ones?... says naughty François!

The ones on DR Noel's wedding tray. Which ones did you mean? :)

Good night all. And happy Thanksgiving.

I know it's late already. But we should start a HHW tradition and each say what we are thankful for.
Post by: François on November 27, 2003, 02:29:43 PM

DR Ron is more than mean! He's WICKED! ;D
Post by: Jrand73 on November 27, 2003, 02:38:28 PM
Call me what you like, just don't forget to call me for dinner.
Post by: Noel on November 27, 2003, 02:45:09 PM
...Whizzer's supposed to make the dinner...
Post by: George on November 27, 2003, 02:48:00 PM
Well, I must now take a shower then I'm off to my parents' house.  Have a good day, all!

[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]EAT, DRINK and BE MERRY!  For tomorrow we DIET![/move]
Post by: Emily on November 27, 2003, 02:48:50 PM
I hope that everyone's turkey is faboo.  :)

I was FINALLY properly invited to CYGOPP's Thanksgiving Feast but had to regrettfully decline Andrea's invitation.  My parents had actually made food tonight (instead of the normal panic and phone out) and that was too much to give up - even for seeing the pleasures of Andrea matchmaking one of CYGOPP's colleagues with a fetching young friend of her's.  

I plan on spending tonight doing sweet nothings.  I most definitely will be logged on to MSN too if anyone would like to join me in post-Turkey bliss (BK - I knew you were kidding about your rant on MSN... we should get you to download the application - it's free!)


Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 02:49:28 PM
Emily, darling, tell the Sultan he is behaving like a poop.  A poop, I say, and I say it snarkily.

I am thankful to have all you wonderful Hainsies/Kimlets out there in the dark - a finer group of people there aren't.
Post by: Emily on November 27, 2003, 02:54:26 PM
BK - Bakalor Effendi is still showing an away message.  I think he is in hiding :)



Believe me... you will like this (especially if you still have that gift certificate lying around :) )
Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 02:58:07 PM
Well, keep on it, Em, for we must have him respond and return, not necessarily in that order.  By the way (BTW, in Internet lingo) he always has his "away" message on, so don't let that fool you.  Also, his e-mail address is at the top of the page.
Post by: TCB on November 27, 2003, 03:02:55 PM
Sorry, I have not time to stay and post, however:


and TGIF

to our delightful curmudgeon to the far south, Ozzie.

Have a good day.
Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 03:09:15 PM
Andrea, Emily, you must tell the Sultan he's behaving poorly and must return to the fold before evil befalls him on this Thanksgiving Day.

Are you all having a warm and toasty day, so far?  I went to a local record store and found a used copy of Barbra's Movie Album about which more tomorrow.

I do hope we have some guest posts from Thanksgiving guests tonight - that would be uniquely unique.
Post by: Tomovoz on November 27, 2003, 03:11:57 PM
If only I understood internet acronyms! Have a beautiul day TCB. See you back here soon - and SAFELY.
Post by: Tomovoz on November 27, 2003, 03:18:34 PM
It is always so confusing when an acronym starts with my own initials. Tom Guest's impoverished funds is so much more likely to be used (or in fact not used because they are not there) than Thank God It's Friday. I did think of a few other suggestions but remembered that it is a family friendly site.
Post by: Emily on November 27, 2003, 03:19:02 PM
BK - why don't you just phone Mark and find out what the situation is?

You both live in LA so it won't even be long distance! :D
Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 03:21:25 PM
Because he won't pick up the phone, that's why.  I'm sure he's off at some Thanksgiving function, so e-mail him and tell him to STOP and smell the roses and to come back where he belongs.  I've already apologized for being mistaken (even though I WAS joking - snarky, snarky, snarky) so to stay away is malarky in my book (Chapter Three - Staying Away is Malarky).
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 27, 2003, 03:24:10 PM
TGIF = Thank God It's Friday (where you are!)

TFDWTISTGH == This four-day weekend took its sweet time getting here.


If Buffy Ann Summers were to appear on a Christmas special, would she sing a "slaying" song tonight?
Post by: Tomovoz on November 27, 2003, 03:34:19 PM
BOTBIAHOS Ron. I need time to recover from a loud GROAN.
Post by: Matt H. on November 27, 2003, 03:34:20 PM
Back from my Thanksgiving dinner where I ate and drank far too much but don't care. However, it am having to find some things to do around the house to keep my eyes open with all that grand food and drink, and topped off with luscious pecan pie. Makes my teeth hurt just thinking how sweet and good it was (with fresh whipped cream on top). Those guys know how to cook a marvelous Thanksgiving meal.
Post by: Danise on November 27, 2003, 04:00:24 PM
Hey all.  I hope you had a WONDERFUL day!   Mine was GREAT!

I watched some Babylon 5, played some vid games, played with my Photoshop program, took the dogs for a walk(http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/travesmilies/tierischesmilies/smilie_hund1.gif), ate some turkey and relaxed!  Whew, I'm tired from doing all of that! ::)

I hope all of you have an equally nice day.

Post by: Charles Pogue on November 27, 2003, 04:04:12 PM
So the lovely wife Julieanne and I have finished decorating the wrought-iron Christmas tree to the traditional (to us) strains of the best of Gene Pitney (don't ask) and SHE LOVES ME.  I also threw in some Jerry Butler because Only The Strong Survive the Holiday season.  We also imbibed two bottles of champagne (yes, we nibbled and noshed in between so we're only slightly swozzled, not disgustingly blotto).  Julieanne is now preparing (which was greatly prepared last night) the Thanksgiving feast.   God bless her, she has made me deviled eggs.  I love deviled eggs!  We will also be sampling a Beaujolais Nouveau wine with the feast.   Afterwards, if we are not too sleepy or too full or too drunk, we will hie ourselves to a  major motion picture, probably at the Arclight.

The tree looks spectacular!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 27, 2003, 04:18:34 PM
My smoked turkey tastes just wonderful!

I'm only picking...haven't put together a whole meal....sweet potatoes are cooked and will end up in a souffle when I get around to it.

I may open the cranberry sauce tonight...just for fun.

I'm so full from a couple of slices of turkey...and feeling quite naplike, too.

God bless tryptophan...
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 27, 2003, 04:19:29 PM
Called home...just as everyone had sat down for dinner.  Made a few quick comments, passed along greetings that I'd see all in a few weeks, and that ended my "family" Thanksgiving.

And, yes, it was a sufficiency for now.
Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 04:19:40 PM
We must have meal reports all the livelong night.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 27, 2003, 04:20:02 PM
MattH:  We can wait til 7 PST or you can call at any time.
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 27, 2003, 04:21:54 PM
François:  Merry Thanksgiving!  Happy Jeudi!

And a tip of the hat to the French for all their help in making it possible for the United States to become a nation and giving us something else to be thankful for!
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 27, 2003, 04:24:49 PM
Oh!  And a special thank you to ComCast Cable for their Thanksgiving suprise:  When I turned on my TV today, I discovered severe ghosting and distortion on all the "local" channels, rendering parades and football unwatchable, which is a blessing of sorts...but one would rather have what one pays for -- clear pictures.    
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 27, 2003, 04:31:01 PM
Jennifer:  Did you notice that John "swore on his grandmother's" something or other at one point last night during their wheeling/dealing over who to vote out?   Sandra gave him a VERY strange look....and it was that point that I thought everything was going to come out.  After all, here's a guy who supposedly just lost his grandmother...and now he's swearing on her (?) life (?) that he's being sincere/truthful.

The power of editing....!
Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 04:39:44 PM
BK - Bakalor Effendi is still showing an away message.  I think he is in hiding :)



Believe me... you will like this (especially if you still have that gift certificate lying around :) )

Ah merci. I was just thinking of checking again. I wonder if we order now, if it will still take 3-5 weeks. I'm not too happy about those delay times.

I'm not sure if you pay for your amazon stuff with visa. But for amazon.ca (canada) if you use the code mapcanadadec you get $5 off if you use your visa card (they send these offers in the mail with your visa statement).

You can't combine this unfortunately with the other promo code they sent.

So did you order yours yet?

I have not used my other promo coupon. But I will now. Yeah!
Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 04:43:32 PM
Jennifer:  Did you notice that John "swore on his grandmother's" something or other at one point last night during their wheeling/dealing over who to vote out?   Sandra gave him a VERY strange look....and it was that point that I thought everything was going to come out.  After all, here's a guy who supposedly just lost his grandmother...and now he's swearing on her (?) life (?) that he's being sincere/truthful.

The power of editing....!

Actually I believe that swearing on his granny's grave was the reason that Sandra agreed to trust him.

The lie didn't seem to have many benefits at the time. But I think it saved Burton's butt.
Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 04:44:24 PM
DR Emily did you also noticed that amazon.ca also finally added Avenue Q.
Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 04:47:11 PM
DR Emily: Okay this is bizarre. Did you check the waiting time for Boy from Oz. Last week it said like 4 to 6 weeks. Now today it says "24 hours".  Why is amazon.ca so crazy????
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 27, 2003, 04:49:01 PM
Can't you guys order from Amazon.com (U.S.?)  I'm asking because the price is good, and they have 2-day shipping (although I don't know if UPS or FedEx works across the border).  I know that "Wicked" is going to be available Dec. 16th, and I've pre-ordered it for delivery by Dec. 18.  Time will, of course, tell whether that works out.
Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 04:56:00 PM
Jennifer:  Did you notice that John "swore on his grandmother's" something or other at one point last night during their wheeling/dealing over who to vote out?   Sandra gave him a VERY strange look....and it was that point that I thought everything was going to come out.  After all, here's a guy who supposedly just lost his grandmother...and now he's swearing on her (?) life (?) that he's being sincere/truthful.

The power of editing....!

Do you know I misread this the first time.  He swore on his granny's GRAVE. It was pretty funny too.

My sis called right after the vote and she was like, "why did sandra believe him?" and i said, "well he swore on granny's grave".  He basically said that doing that was serious and he would never lie if he swore on granny.

Post by: Emily on November 27, 2003, 05:10:53 PM
Ron - if we bought the cd from amazon.com it will cost us $25.50 CDN including shipping and handling (international rates apply)

If we buy it from amazon.ca it will cost $22 CDN including shipping and handling and with our handy dandy discount.

Without the discount it would be better for us to use amazon.com.  It would mean being less patriotic though :)

Jennifer: I didn't know about that visa code.  Thanks for the info :D  
Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 05:13:37 PM
Can't you guys order from Amazon.com (U.S.?)  I'm asking because the price is good, and they have 2-day shipping (although I don't know if UPS or FedEx works across the border).  I know that "Wicked" is going to be available Dec. 16th, and I've pre-ordered it for delivery by Dec. 18.  Time will, of course, tell whether that works out.

Yes we can order for amazon.com.  But the shipping is VERY expensive (really ridiculous, probably like $6 US for one cd).  Amazon.com has free shipping over $25, but only if you live in the US. Amazon canada has the same free shipping (if you buy $39). So the shipping really saves us a lot of money.

Also, DR Emily and I have found a way to work around this, but normally if you buy from the US, we get charged lovely taxes, which is incredibly annoying.

If amazon.com gave us free shipping, then I would definitely order from there.  I'm not sure how much Wicked is at amazon.com. But it's 20.99Cdn.
Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 05:16:15 PM
Ha Emily we both responded at the same time. Are you sure about those prices? I always find shipping charges CRAZY when I order from amazon.com. And it drives me nuts.  They should give us free shipping too. Just make the amount you need to purchase higher.
Post by: Jrand73 on November 27, 2003, 05:18:15 PM
Mr Mark Bakalor is upset?  :-\

I am now watching OKLAHOMA! on PBS.  Oh my it is pretty and the singing is good - but Aunt Eller sucks!  And Laurie in pants?  And what's with that ice cream maker doubling as a butter churn.  And why does everyone think that an Oklahoma accent is the same as an Arkansas accent?

Urgh!  Watching mostly for the choreography, so after "The Farmer and the Cowman" I can make a graceful exit!

Turkey and noodles delicious!
Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 05:19:11 PM
I'm about to go off to have dinner.  When I come back I hope we've had some guest posts and I hope we've had some food reports and such.  I was very concerned we'd hit a new low today but I'm happy to say that unless everyone drops off the face of the earth like Mr. Mark Bakalor, then we should be fine.
Post by: François on November 27, 2003, 05:19:18 PM
DR Ron,

Anybody anywhere in the world can order from all the Amazon.com... and yes; UPS or FEDEX -- which is VERY expensive -- would deliver anywhere as well... or so do I believe! Well, I'm quite sure... Except maybe "touchy" places like Iraq right now....


Well, for lunch I had some chicken with purée de pommes de terre... and I'm going to have -- it's 2:15 am -- some pork "prepared" by Paul Bocuse!

Dandy dish, hey, and NOT dindy dish (turkey being "dinde" in French!
Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 05:20:52 PM
Ron - if we bought the cd from amazon.com it will cost us $25.50 CDN including shipping and handling (international rates apply)

If we buy it from amazon.ca it will cost $22 CDN including shipping and handling and with our handy dandy discount.

Without the discount it would be better for us to use amazon.com.  It would mean being less patriotic though :)

Jennifer: I didn't know about that visa code.  Thanks for the info :D  

But don't you have free shipping from amazon.ca? (since I know you'll be ordering $39Cdn, right?) :)

Plus our $5 off coupon. Now if only we could use both coupons together. Try it! (yeah i found the visa code with my visa bill, but it may only work in december?)

Wow, I just checked amazon.com and it is $6 US to ship one cd.

Post by: Jennifer on November 27, 2003, 05:24:45 PM
DR Emily: I think amazon.ca went on a binge, cause they also added the new Little Shop of Horrors cd.
Post by: Jrand73 on November 27, 2003, 05:50:36 PM
Miss Juliana Hansen on onstage right now!!!!
Post by: François on November 27, 2003, 05:55:07 PM
Wanted to share this with you!

Christopher Reeve appeared before a New York audience and pointed out what he was missing: the ventilator he has used since the horseback riding accident in 1995 that left him paralyzed. "To breathe normally, to be able to smell! Anything that makes you feel more normal is psychologically so important," Reeve told the crowd at the annual benefit for his Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation. In February, Reeve became the third person in the United States to undergo a surgical procedure called diaphragm pacing, which involves threading tiny wires through the diaphragm and connecting electrodes to a control box outside the body that allows him to breathe without a ventilator for hours at a time.

Post by: Noel on November 27, 2003, 05:56:52 PM
Dinner was fine indeed.  Nobody could get up from the table.  My apple pie went over well.  I achieved the desired lightness with the crust, which I make without shortening.  Dried fruits seemed to be part of everything: dates in the goat cheese salad, something - perhaps a prune - in the stuffing, and, best of all, apricots in the cranberry sauce.  I liked that sauce a lot and also the tasty bacon wrapped around the green beans.  That was the fanciest thing.

Then - and nobody's explained to me why - we started a bonfire.  DW Joy led the construction, and we got a lot burned before it started to drizzle.  It's still burning now, and everyone's out there watching it.  But I thought I'd get out of the rain, as it didn't mix with torpor.
Post by: Jrand73 on November 27, 2003, 06:00:05 PM
Do all the PBS stations use these generic hosts?  I know WFYI here used to use local people on air and on the phones, but for the last couple of years, the hosts have NEVER mentioned the station by call letters, the logo and numbers were on the bottom of the screen, but they seemed to be national hosts....lady with short blonde hair...and some guy named Tom.  And Mary Rodgers - I know she isn't in INDY.

No I will not give to PBS because of the way they do their fund raising.
Post by: S. Woody White on November 27, 2003, 06:15:59 PM
The cookie weekend is coming along just fine!  We need more cookie sheets, though.  And I need to figure out how to adjust the Oatmeal Cookie recipe for a chewier cookie; the recipe I tried came out too crispy/crunchy.  Working out timing differences between regular and convection ovens is going to be a hoot, too.  The mixer is a blast to work with, however.

On to some other kind of cookie.  I made up some colored sugar for decorating sugar cookies, so perhaps some of those.  Or Toll House.  I love Toll House.
Post by: William E. Lurie on November 27, 2003, 06:25:02 PM
You are right... no prize.   I just wanted to see if anyone else was familiar with the music of Al Carmines.  You got the show (PEACE) right and Carmines was the composer.  Tim Reynolds was the lyricist and the song was "You've Got Yourself A Hunk Of Woman".

JRand --- I haven't watched OKLAHOMA! yet (I hope to get to it this weekend) but I was surprised by your comment on Aunt Eller.  You may be totally right but she is Maureen Lippman, a big star in English musicals who played Ruth in the original British Cast of WONDERFUL TOWN and I would not have expected her to be that bad.  Maybe she didn't age gracefully.

The guests have gone.  It's cleanup time.  I'll report more tomorrow.
Post by: Jrand73 on November 27, 2003, 06:49:41 PM
WEL - her accent bugs me....and her line readings are off....and she isn't funny....but other than that she's okay.  I haven't gotten to THE FARMER AND THE COWMAN yet, so she may redeem herself.  But that's just my opinion...and Charlotte Greenwood was so good, hard to get her out of my head....
Post by: MusicGuy on November 27, 2003, 07:13:09 PM
A Gracious Good Evening ( a Lily Tomlin reference),

DR Kerry and I & Sugar are back from the family dinner, and the food was yummy.  His younger sister is a very good cook.  My green beans turned out very well also, and there was a very respectable home-made pumpkin pie at the end.

Sugar was well behaved, and we all had a pretty relaxed time.  I hope all the DRs had a lovely day, and that our esteemed, fearless, lithe, and guapo BK has sated his gaping maw with a plethora of exotic edibles.

Hey BK....watch the mail, my little sparkling violet.....that's all I can say.  Just watch the mail....... :o
Post by: Andrea on November 27, 2003, 07:31:21 PM
Well... thanksgiving dinner was interesting...

Please send bad vibes to CYGOPP-- he was being stupid tonight and I AM NOT VERY PLEASED!
Post by: Jay on November 27, 2003, 07:31:45 PM
Dear Reader Tom from Oz:

I got to listen to one of the June Bronhill recordings today.  (The one with the assorted selections on it.)  Nice voice and well selected material.  She has just the right sound for operetta and Gilbert & Sullivan and music of that ilk.  Somewhat Jeanette McDonald-ish, only warmer.  Wonderful diction and agility.  Thank you again for your kind generosity!
Post by: Emily on November 27, 2003, 07:34:14 PM
Bad vibes to CYGOPP!

Bad bad bad "this is my hot, female best friend who I am now going to spend the whole evening goggling over and let her wrap her legs around me in a very flirtatious manner while my martyred and ignored girlfriend who I know does not like my hot, female best friend looks on" vibes to CYGOPP!!!



(those are bad vibes in case anyone was wondering)
Post by: Jay on November 27, 2003, 07:36:45 PM
Dear Reader Andrea:

Sorry to hear that the pretty young man was a source of consternation for you tonight.

Does this mean the "G" will have to be traded out for a different letter?  Perhaps "O" for "oaf?" "L" for "lout?"  Or perhaps "B" for "boor?"
Post by: Andrea on November 27, 2003, 07:38:13 PM
Bad vibes to CYGOPP!

Bad bad bad "this is my hot, female best friend who I

You forgot to mention skinny.... she's def. skinny
Oh and the wrapping over the legs occured last time when she interrupted our date.
Post by: Andrea on November 27, 2003, 07:39:48 PM
Dear Reader Andrea:

Does this mean the "G" will have to be traded out for a different letter?  Perhaps "O" for "oaf?" "L" for "lout?"  Or perhaps "B" for "boor?"

Or A for.....
Post by: François on November 27, 2003, 07:41:36 PM
Some of you might remember that column by Art Buchwald! :D

It's new to me and I got quite a kick out of it ;D


[   In 1953, during my tour of duty with the French Foreign Legion in the Sahara, my tough sergeant from Marseilles said to me, "Why do all the American recruits refuse to eat anything but turkey on this day?"

I told him I was sorry but my lips were sealed. He then poured honey on my head so the ants would get me. That's when I broke down and talked.]

One of the most important holidays is Thanksgiving Day, known in France as le Jour de Merci Donnant.

Le Jour de Merci Donnant was first started by a group of pilgrims (Pelerins) who fled from l'Angleterre before the McCarran Act to found a colony in the New World (le Nouveau Monde), where they could shoot Indians (les Peaux-Rouges) and eat turkey (dinde) to their hearts' content.

They landed at a place called Plymouth (now a famous voiture Americaine) in a wooden sailing ship named the Mayflower, or Fleur de Mai, in 1620. But while the Pelerins were killing the dindes, the Peaux-Rouges were killing the Pelerins, and there were several hard winters ahead for both of them. The only way the Peaux-Rouges helped the Pelerins was when they taught them how to grow corn (mais). They did this because they liked corn with their Pelerins.

In 1623, after another harsh year, the Pelerins' crops were so good they decided to have a celebration and because more mais was raised by the Pelerins than Pelerins were killed by the Peaux-Rouges.

Every year on le Jour de Merci Donnant, parents tell their children an amusing story about the first celebration.

It concerns a brave capitaine named Miles Standish (known in France as Kilometres Deboutish) and a shy young lieutenant named Jean Alden. Both of them were in love with a flower of Plymouth called Priscilla Mullens (no translation). The vieux capitaine said to the jeune lieutenant:

"Go to the damsel Priscilla (Allez très vite chez Priscilla), the loveliest maiden of Plymouth (la plus jolie demoiselle de Plymouth). Say that a blunt old captain, a man not of words but of action (un vieux Fanfan la Tulipe), offers his hand and his heart -- the hand and heart of a soldier. Not in these words, you understand, but this, in short, is my meaning.

"I am a maker of war (Je suis un fabricant de la guerre) and not a maker of phrases. You, bred as a scholar (Vous, qui êtes pain comme un etudiant), can say it in elegant language, such as you read in your books of the pleadings and wooings of lovers, such as you think best suited to win the heart of the maiden."

Although Jean was fit to be tied (convenable à être emballé), friendship prevailed over love and went to his duty. But instead of using elegant language, he blurted out his mission. Priscilla was muted with amazement and sorrow (rendue muette par l'étonnement et la tristesse).

At length she exclaimed, breaking the ominous silence, "If the great captain of Plymouth is so very eager to wed me, why does he not come himself and take the trouble to woo me?" ("Où est-il, le vieux Kilometres? Pourquoi ne vient-il pas auprès de moi pour tenter sa chance?")

Jean said that Kilometres Deboutish was very busy and didn't have time for such things. He staggered on, telling her what a wonderful husband Kilometres would make. Finally, Priscilla arched her eyebrows and said in a tremulous voice, "Why don't you speak for yourself, Jean?" ("Chacun à son gout.")

And so, on the fourth Thursday in November, American families sit down at a large table brimming with tasty dishes, and for the only time during the year eat better than the French do.

No one can deny that le Jour de Merci Donnant is a grand fe^te, and no matter how well fed American families are, they never forget to give thanks to Kilometres Deboutish, who made this great day possible.
Post by: JoseSPiano on November 27, 2003, 07:42:51 PM
What a day this has been... and, no, I haven't spent it in the highlands of Scotland  ;)

After sleeping in until noon, I helped my sister-in-law prep her candied sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes - ONE WHOLE STICK OF BUTTER!  I read through some of the newspapers from the past days - just needed to catch up on some things - then took a nap.

My cute-as-a-button nephew woke me up a little bit later, and I showed him some of the new Christmas ornaments I had bought the other day.  He was very impressed, and, of course, asked which ones he could have.  -We're still bargaining.  I then nibbled on some cookies and such... then took a nap.

Then I heard my c-a-a-b nephew call, "Uncle Jojo!  It's time to eat!" from downstairs, so I got up, and headed downstairs.  Nice spread on the table.  Turkey (deep-fried using one of Emeril Lagasse's recipes), Ham (spiral cut), Mashed Potatoes, Candied Sweet Potatoes, Gravy and my mom's Cranberry-Orange relish.  Now, the cranberry-orange relish has always been a favorite of mine.  Not too sweet, not too sour, not at all puckery.  And I usually eat the leftovers plain, sooo good.  I think my mom found the recipe in an issue of Better Homes and Gardens back in the mid-70s.  It's actually been the one constant at all the holiday meals since then.

-Of course, since this was a family gathering, my mom wanted pics... Needless to say, since this was a day off for me, I was just in my "house clothes" - shorts, t-shirt and a sweat shirt.  And with about a four day growth of "scruff" on my face.  After the first set of pics, I took over the camera - a good thing.

Well, after dinner, I took a nap.

-Do you see a pattern here?

Part of my nap-iness to day is that I'm still dealing with this sinus stuff, and part of it is is that I just wanted to rest today, so resting I am doing.  I don't think I'll be heading to Tower tonight, although, I may just shop on-line - which is usually better since I find more sales on-line, and I don't have to pay tax - and usually no shipping either.

OK - time to browse away... and I promised my nephew that we would "open" one of the Christmas ornaments.  It's kind of like those grow your own crystal science experiment kits.  But they come in the shape of a snowman and a Christmas tree.  We'll be pouring the "magic water" into the base dish in a little bit... and by morning, we should have a nice little holiday display...

Off to nap-land... maybe...

Post by: Ann on November 27, 2003, 07:44:37 PM
Hi all
Happy Thanksgiving.
For the first time that I can remember, I did not have a thanksgiving feast on thanksgiving.  Since it was just me and my folks, we decided to go out...only to discover that every restaraunt in town is closed.  So we went home for a quick meal of chicken and rice.  Simple, but did the job.
Post by: Emily on November 27, 2003, 07:44:37 PM
François - that was hilarious!

I especially loved "kilometres deboutish"! :D
Post by: Jay on November 27, 2003, 07:44:50 PM
"A" and "P" are good letters, too, but this is a family site.
Post by: Jay on November 27, 2003, 07:47:19 PM
Sorry.  You beat me to the punch with the "A."
Post by: Emily on November 27, 2003, 07:47:33 PM
I think that CYGOPP deserves a nice "F" and then an appropriately placed "O"
Post by: Matt H. on November 27, 2003, 07:49:45 PM
DR JRand, I have to disagree about Maureen Lipman. I thought she and Hugh Jackman and Shuler Hensley were the three strongest members of the cast. But to each his own.
Post by: Andrea on November 27, 2003, 07:55:29 PM
Sorry.  You beat me to the punch with the "A."

I think I need to learn some good yiddish swear words.
Post by: Charles Pogue on November 27, 2003, 08:35:12 PM
I had no problem with Maureen Lippman in the part of Aunt Eller.
Post by: Jay on November 27, 2003, 08:55:56 PM
Momzer = the coarse word that means "illegitimate child"
Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 10:04:19 PM
Hey, it's too early for everyone to be gone.  And not nearly enough food descriptions.  And no Bakalor - I think the girls of HHW need to get on him about this, really I do.

I had a wonderful evening at the Jones's.  We had turkey, and stuffing, and gravy - and delicious rolls with lots of butter, and some homeade cranberries that I totally could not stop eating, plus waldorf salad plus pumpkin pie with whipped cream.   The amazing thing is that for once I didn't eat myself silly.  I was a very good boy.
Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 10:06:22 PM
Ah, five people showed up as I was posting - but what's even more amazing is that there are ten guests perusing this board.
Post by: Tomovoz on November 27, 2003, 10:28:06 PM
We illegitimate children of the world do not like to be described with "coarse" words. We are the innocent.
That is my text for the week. No I was not offended Jay.
I am always interested to read criticisms of American accents in musicals used on stage in other countries. Australian accents are usually done so badly by American and British actors. Meryl Steep came close with her NZ/OZ mix which was indeed appropriate for the character in "Evil Angels" (or whatever the film was called). I wonder if most American viewers can really tell if a so called "Yorkshire" accent is in fact closer to one from Manchester or Lancastrian rather than the regional one it is supposed to be! It all depends upon who is listening to what where I guess. Are Australian accents ??? used by the Oz characters in "The Boy From OZ"? Now what was the point I was trying to make?
Post by: Charles Pogue on November 27, 2003, 10:30:14 PM
Well, gee, Bruce,  in this lull, I guess I could tell you about my latest Christmas decor addition.  It's an 18" Bing Crosby dressed in a Santa suit which when a certain button is pressed plays four songs by Der Bingle himself.  Bing moves his hand holding the microphone and his jaw moves up and down, more or less in time with the music.  It's silly and great.  I picked it up in a post-Christmas sale last year at Penney's for a mere $9.99.  It originally retailed for 40 bucks.  Swell at any price!
Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 10:32:32 PM
That is a lovely Christmas decoration, unlike this unlovely Thanksgiving lull.  I'm going to watch a bit more of Tales of Hoffman and I do hope when I return there'll be some more excellent posts.
Post by: George on November 27, 2003, 10:37:44 PM
Dinner at my parents' house was nice (me not liking turkey, and all) but the pumpkin cheesecake that I bought was pretty good.  We played "Phase 10" (a real fun card game) and it took less than three hours!  So, I'm now home, full and watching "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" on the Oxygen channel.  

I taped (most of) both the NBC and CBS broadcasts of The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and was I'm pretty sure that I got all the Broadway show scenes that they showed!  The WSMA (World's Sexiest Man Alive in HHW lingo), Mr. Brent Barrett, sang "All I Care About Is Love" from Chicago!  The only thing that I missed was Harvey's Edna/Mrs. Gay Santa Claus song.  Darn!  :'(  
Post by: Ron Pulliam on November 27, 2003, 10:58:08 PM
Just got off the phone with DR MattH...we started talking at 7 p.m.  

We laughed and laughed and laughed.  Nothing is more fun than when two southern boys get to jawing about stuff.

Talking to him makes me homesick.

Anyway...I'm still feeling stuffed with smoked turkey.  And there's so much more left....only a partial corpse sitting in the pan on the stove.  Guess I'd better wrap that bad boy up and get him into the refrigerator.

I truly hope everyone who observed Thanksgiving had a good day and good food and good company.  I know I have, even though my company was online here and on the telephone.  
Post by: bk on November 27, 2003, 11:07:02 PM
More hot posts, more hot posts.