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« Reply #30 on: September 11, 2006, 06:39:30 AM »

Tuesday morning greetings.

TOD - My morning five years ago was very much like this morning.  Scheduled to work 9am-6pm, I'd arrived my customary 15-20 minutes early and was in the Telephone Reference Center with my favorite co-worker, Sue.  She said, "A plane just hit the World Trade Center," and my initial reaction was similar to DR Elmore's - accident.  In fact, I think I said something like I was surprised that sort of thing didn't happen more often.  Shortly, though it became clear that it was more than that and we tried to use the internet to get details.  The scariest thing was that the internet slowed almost to a stop and we couldn't get any info.

Like DR SWW, I was appalled at the disinterest of some of my co-workers, including the then-manager of our department.  She didn't think we had any reason for a TV in the department and was even bent out of shape when we insisted that we at least have a radio (we do keep one of those for weather emergencies).  So, because we had no TV and the internet was so slow, I saw no video of the events until I got home that night.  

The day at the library was extremely quiet and the powers that be had decided that the best thing was for us to stay open our regular hours, until 9pm.  Then, quite abruptly at 5:25pm, a PA announcement was made that we were closing at 6pm.  We were wondering what they'd found out that had make them change their minds when there was what sounded like an explosion that shook the plate glass windows.  Then, I was scared.  As I walked to my car, fighter jets flew over, probably part of the President's escort back to DC, returning to nearby Wright Patterson AFB.  I was very glad to get home and hug my DH and my DS.
"Each of us lives with, and in and out of, contradiction.  Everything is salvageable.  There is nothing we cannot learn from."  --Sr. Mary Ellen Dougherty

Charles Pogue

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« Reply #31 on: September 11, 2006, 06:57:43 AM »

Like BK, The Lovely Wife and I were in bed snoozing, when we got a very loud call on our answering machine.  It was Harlan Ellison screaming over the phone, that "Armageddon" was happening and to get our asses out of bed.  We did and sat glued to the TV all day and late into the fact, we slept in the television room that night.

Amidst the dumbfounded shock and horror, I admit two ugly and cynical thoughts crept into my mind. The first was a fleeting moment of conspiracy paranoia that the Republican Administration was behind this somehow, trying to prop up a flailing and failing presidency with some sort of tragedy.  I quickly dismissed this idea as being too ghastly for even the worst of their bunch.  

But as the day wore on, I cynically realized that the Republicans were going to make political hay of the tragedy and that Bush was finally going to have an issue to get him re-elected and ride to a second term on.  The Republicans need enemies to win and they had now found one.

In the days that ensued, you heard everyone praising Bush when in fact he did no more than any other sitting President would have done under the circumstances.  And, of course, any other sitting President would have stayed on point and in Afghanistan rather than diverting attention to Iraq, but Bush had promised heads on pike and when he couldn't get Osama Bin Laden, he had to find another bogeyman (Of course,  he had wanted to go after Saddam before 9/11 and, after it, Rummy pushed hard to go after him then).

There were two tragedies that day...the incredible, devastating, senseless loss of life and a second term for an incompetent administration was ensured.

We also flew to London in the aftermath of 9/11.  Virgin Atlantic was having deals on fares and Julieanne and I decided we would not let fear get the best of us, so we impulsively booked a flight for over Thanksgiving.  

It was actually the best time to fly in those ensuing months because security was never tighter.  We got bumped up to first class on the way over.  Though you felt pretty secure, you still silently racially profiled as various passengers got on the plane, wondering: "Is this guy the one?"  

Actually, we had a incident on the return where the flight attendents had to restrain someone who was acting bizarrely and abusively...turns out he was just a drunken Briton, but all the passengers were asked to write out eyewitness accounts and the guy was hauled off the plane at the end of the flight by law enforcement officials.

We had another relatively tense return from London a few years later, when we were flying back to the states the same morning the US began their war with Iraq.  Nothing happened on the flight, but one was a little more nervous than usual.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2006, 07:00:35 AM by Charles Pogue »

Matt H.

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« Reply #32 on: September 11, 2006, 07:29:50 AM »

Good morning!

Beautiful morning here with cool temps and sunny (partly cloudy) skies. It may get to 80 today, but right now, it's blissfully cool.
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« Reply #33 on: September 11, 2006, 07:32:54 AM »

Last night DR Tomovoz wrote in response to my compliment of his new avatar:

"Thank you - is that for shaving off the beard successfully?"

Actually, I prefer you (and most men) with beards. Just a personal preference.
If at first you don't succeed, that's about average for me.

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« Reply #34 on: September 11, 2006, 07:35:32 AM »

I was sitting at this very computer (my downstairs laptop) chatting in a forum (not this one) when a message came up that a plane had flown into the World Trade Center, and they weren't kidding. I raced to the TV and sat there dumbstruck the rest of the day. Dumbstruck and tearful, and I get that way every time I see footage of that day and the aftermath.

I can't watch these documentaries. It's too painful, too raw even now to think about it. I cannot imagine what those of you living in NYC then were thinking and feeling.
If at first you don't succeed, that's about average for me.

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« Reply #35 on: September 11, 2006, 07:38:31 AM »

I understand the President is going to speak tonight, and then regular Prime Time broadcasting will resume.

For those interested, NBC is showing two MEDIUM episodes tonight before the show goes on hiatus for awhile. The current plans are to bring it back at midseason after football leaves Sunday nights, but I think it will be back long before then.

Looking at NBC's schedule, I think the show KIDNAPPED (Wednesdays at 10 p.m. with a very weak lead-in and two strong shows on CBS and ABC opposite) is the most vulnerable to early cancellation, and it wouldn't surprise me for a second for NBC to bring MEDIUM back within a few weeks if KIDNAPPED doesn't earn its keep in the time slot.

MEDIUM held its own against CSI:MIAMI, so NBC would have no problem putting it opposite CSI:NY if it needs to.
If at first you don't succeed, that's about average for me.


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« Reply #36 on: September 11, 2006, 07:50:51 AM »

Well, I have exceeded expectations and finished the big project in approximately 4 hours. They thought it would take a couple of days. I knew it wouldn't but I didn't think I would finish quite so soon.


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« Reply #37 on: September 11, 2006, 07:54:42 AM »

One big difference for me between today and five years ago today is the number of friends we now have living in NYC.  Then, I was concerned for DR Elmore and for my long-time (I never say old) friend Doug from Michigan.  I was able to ascertain, through a mutual friend here in Ohio, that DR Elmore was in London.  After sending Doug an email, I put on a bracelet he'd given me when we were in college and vowed to wear it until I heard from him.  Fortunately, I only had to wear it until the weekend.  He and his partner were both fine and we're looking forward to dinner with them in a few weeks.

In the ensuing weeks, I had nightmares and was very ill by the end of September.  Turned out I had pneumonia and was home until Oct. 18, glued to the TV, for the first days of the Afghan invasion and the anthrax scare.  DH Richard kept bringing me DVD's from the library to coax me away from CNN and MSNBC.
"Each of us lives with, and in and out of, contradiction.  Everything is salvageable.  There is nothing we cannot learn from."  --Sr. Mary Ellen Dougherty


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« Reply #38 on: September 11, 2006, 08:01:28 AM »

I was here at the office when my sister in Minneapolis called. She sounded very odd and asked if I was OK. I assured her I was and she said a plane hit the WTC. Like so many others, I assumed it was a small private plane but as people were slowly coming into the office I realized the reality. Like Ginny, I tried to go to some Web sites but the traffic was so heavy that I couldn't go anywhere on line. I called Anthony and told him what was happening and he called his parents on Long Island.

We left the office for a short time. I went to the apartment, hugged Anthony and went back to the office to see what was happening. We closed around 9:45 or 10am. We made the same calls so many New Yorkers made that day. Short calls, probably less than a minute saying "Are you OK?" I also received calls from family and friends outside of New York asking the same thing.

We went to the Gristede's grocery store and picked up some bread, milk and other food. We then watched a LOT of news, mostly New York One our local news channel. We went out later in the afternoon and walked to the Hudson River. The smoke and ash seemed to be blowing over to Brooklyn so the sky was scarily clear with clouds and beautiful sunshine. As we approached the river World Trade Center Building 7 fell. It was surreal.

We walked back home. My office announced that we would be closed on Wednesday the 12th. We didn't think of going anywhere because there was no way to leave. Subway, commuter train, buses, bridges, etc were all closed. Anthony's mother thought we should try to leave but we didn't see the point even if there had been a way to get out.

That night for the first time in years and years I had dreams about the days events. Not quite a nightmare but I was dreaming of explosions and planes. It was a jittery night of sleep.

We woke up the next morning and went on. And that's what we've been doing for the past five years.

Matt H.

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« Reply #39 on: September 11, 2006, 08:07:41 AM »

Having lunch today with best friend John, so I need to get cleaned up for that.

If at first you don't succeed, that's about average for me.

Charles Pogue

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« Reply #40 on: September 11, 2006, 08:13:35 AM »

Matt H,  I'm like you.  I cannot and will not watch any of these rembrance shows.  Nor will I go see any dramatizations of the events.  I saw it for real that day.  Nothing can make that day more emotional or horrific. I don't want to re-hash it.


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« Reply #41 on: September 11, 2006, 08:25:15 AM »

Matt H,  I'm like you.  I cannot and will not watch any of these rembrance shows.  Nor will I go see any dramatizations of the events.  I saw it for real that day.  Nothing can make that day more emotional or horrific. I don't want to re-hash it.

Agreed, DR Charles Pogue.  Tonight, we're touring the new elementary school in our neighborhood (built on the site of the building attended by our DS, and DR Elmore, I believe).  What better symbol of freedom and hope for the future than a state-of-the-art institution of learning?
"Each of us lives with, and in and out of, contradiction.  Everything is salvageable.  There is nothing we cannot learn from."  --Sr. Mary Ellen Dougherty


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« Reply #42 on: September 11, 2006, 08:28:19 AM »

For DR Cillaliz and anyone else who wanted to know what janelle said on Housecalls (big brother).

She was really sweet (jase was the co-host).

She did say that she did not go to sequester. She was staying at a hotel.

But there was one thing she said that shocked me.

Gretchen (host) asked her what will was saying to her during all those whisper sessions.

At first she would not say. She said that it wouldn't be right. And that will would be mad. But they eventually asked her to just say one thing. And they ended up getting her to spill.

I wasn't really expecting her to say anything much. But what she said will was whispering to her shocked me.

She said that he told her he was going to break up with his girlfriend. And that he wanted to commit to her (janelle) and that he wanted them to move in together.

Now we know he wasn't serious. So to me that was way far across the line. I'm not sure if janelle believed any of it. BUt i think she did a bit. ANd now it makes more sense why she thought that there was more between them.

For will to whisper those things meant he did not want anyone else to hear them (no wonder). I am not impressed that he did that.


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« Reply #43 on: September 11, 2006, 08:36:31 AM »

Good morning, fellow Dear Readers.

I had jury duty five years ago today. I wondered why the flag was at half-staff when the bus passed the army reserve. I arrived at the jury assembly room while the news reports were on and caught up with the story there.

I will have to bring out the couple of DVDs that I own today, because I am not going to watch any television shows today.
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« Reply #44 on: September 11, 2006, 08:38:47 AM »

 Unless I can find a good infomercial -- like the plastic crown molding, that can completely transform your home in only minutes!
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« Reply #45 on: September 11, 2006, 09:11:53 AM »

I'm up, I'm up, and off to the post office.

I, too, will not be watching any television this day or night, because I know the various news shows too well, and they will edit and score these things in a way that will nauseate me.


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« Reply #46 on: September 11, 2006, 09:13:43 AM »

Good Morning all.  5 years ago I got up and for some reason didn't turn on the TV. I always did, but not that morning.  I was driving to work and there was a brief mention about something happening a the World Trade Center. It was a goofy morning show, so I didn't know whether to believe it or not.  I flipped over to NPR and it wasn't until I was close to the Federal Building (where our office was at the time) that I started to get reports that this might be something real.

I went into the Federal Building and looked in the first office - which happened to be Senator Grassley's office. They were glued to the tv - so I went in and watched with them for a while.  I think that's about the time we heard about the Pentagon, I really don't remember. As I got to the elevator to go to my office my cell phone rang and it was my secretary. She wanted to know where I was. I told her and she said "You might as well turn around. No one knows what's really going on, so we're all being evacuated".  

I went home to my apartment (I had just recently moved here). I sat there by myself glued to the television and felt very helpless. I had been at a meeting at the Marriott World Trade Center and had a luncheon at Windows on the World less than a year earlier.  I got out the photos I'd taken and couldn't imagine jumping from that height.

I couldn't leave the TV, but felt like I had to do something, so I got in the car and went to the blood bank.  The line there was over a block long and inside the building it snaked through the halls.  There was a radio station  and a TV crew outside broadcasting the coverage so the people waiting could hear it.  All of a sudden, they started packing up quickly and said that Bush was on his way to Omaha, so they had to get down there.  I remember thinking how stupid it was that we all knew where he was going to hide - and that he was going to hide.  But SAC in Omaha has a runway that lifts up so that Air Force One can go underground to the bunker - if you're going to hide, it's a good place.

When I gave blood they discovered I had an irregular heartbeat which led to trips to the cardiologist etc...another turned out to be nothing serious, but added to my confusion and shock that day.

I went home and watched the TV nonstop for what seemed like forever. I still felt helpless.  I wanted to do something to help, but there was really nothing I could do.  

My nephew, (not jhvw) was 20 and had just flown to London on Sept 8 to study for 10 weeks.  When the planes were grounded, we were all concerned about him.  It was a really strange feeling to think that he was in London with no way home and that they could be the next target.

I was concerned about my friends in New York.  Slowly through an email list we all belonged to, the reports came in on how people were doing, where they were etc. I was especially concerned about a friend who lived in Battery Park City.  I learned he was ok, and heard his tale of being covered in ashes when the towers fell and walking to his sister's house when I saw him a couple months later.

There is a Reserve base here that had F16s at the time. When the planes were grounded it would send a chill up my spine every time I heard them taking off or saw them overhead.  For being so far away from the actual events, I was amazed at how much it effected me.  
« Last Edit: September 11, 2006, 09:35:14 AM by Cillaliz »


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« Reply #47 on: September 11, 2006, 09:17:31 AM »

I got an email back from the station that didn't show the 911 show. He said they had aired it twice before but because of the regulatory climate and the language in the piece they were worried about their license...chickens.


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« Reply #48 on: September 11, 2006, 09:18:46 AM »

Not sure if I'll watch any 911 stuff.  I know I probably will


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« Reply #49 on: September 11, 2006, 09:19:04 AM »

Now I have to prepare for a hearing this afternoon....laters


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« Reply #50 on: September 11, 2006, 09:27:29 AM »


I woke up at my normal time to get ready for work. Flipped on the news and saw that the Today show was on, which was odd since it was not normally on that early on the west coast. Katie Couric and, I think, Matt Lauer were discussing that that a plane had hit the World Trade Center and that a second tower had just been hit...I recall her saying that it couldn't possibly be a coincidence.

I went and took my shower and then returned to the that point I realized it was something even more serious that I had first thought.

I think one tower collapsed before I left for work, but I cannot remember. I do remember that I was stunned the entire day and the next two days. My co-worker Amy and I moved a small TV to where our cubicles were and we watched the news all day...I don't think anyone in our office got any work fact several people did not come in to work at all that day.

For that whole week I could not get enough of the news...I think I needed to keep seeing it all until it would finally sink in that this was for real...I have not watched any of the documentaries since that time until this week when I watched a couple that had the stories of people who survived....some who just barely made it out of the towers before they collapsed.


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« Reply #51 on: September 11, 2006, 09:34:44 AM »

Not sure if I'll watch any 911 stuff.  I know I probably will

If I watch anything tonight, it'll be Larry King Live.  One of his scheduled guests is

Michael Hingson

who's speaking here in Dayton on Wednesday evening, co-sponsored by our Friends of the Library.  Unfortunately, I will be in Columbus Wednesday-Thursday speaking at and attending a conference and won't get to attend his presentation.
"Each of us lives with, and in and out of, contradiction.  Everything is salvageable.  There is nothing we cannot learn from."  --Sr. Mary Ellen Dougherty


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« Reply #52 on: September 11, 2006, 09:40:34 AM »

My freind Cassie and her husband and three kids were in Dublin visiting relatives and scheduled to fly back to NYC on Aer Lingus. When they were at the airport is when they found out about the planes crashing into WTC and that their flight to the US was grounded.  When they were finally able to return to the US, it was a very tense flight.
Mischief is where you are old enough to know better but young enough to try!~~ DakotaCelt, 2004
If a man loses something and he goes back and looks carefully, he will find it ~~ Sitting Bull
Noodles Grow... Meat Shrinks... Oh the beauty of cooking!
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« Reply #53 on: September 11, 2006, 09:49:10 AM »

DR Cillaliz - any necklace news?  Maybe you'll just to have to buy 3 when we're in NYC soon  ;)
"Each of us lives with, and in and out of, contradiction.  Everything is salvageable.  There is nothing we cannot learn from."  --Sr. Mary Ellen Dougherty


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« Reply #54 on: September 11, 2006, 10:04:28 AM »

DR Cillaliz - any necklace news?  Maybe you'll just to have to buy 3 when we're in NYC soon  ;)

None yet, I didn't dream about it (drat!)  I think there is one place it could be, I'm going to look tonight.  


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« Reply #55 on: September 11, 2006, 10:07:18 AM »

One other note about 5 years ago.  Being a federal employee we received almost daily and at least weekly security bulletins for a very long time. We had mandatory training when the color coded nonsense came out about what that meant for security in the building. (I never did get the color coded nonsense) Plus we got a white hazmat suit, very thick rubber gloves and masks in case we got suspicious mail.   It was a very strange environment for a while.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2006, 10:07:36 AM by Cillaliz »


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« Reply #56 on: September 11, 2006, 10:16:49 AM »

In September of 2001 I was living in Boulder, Colorado. DD was a senior in high school and had gone to early morning choir practice. I went for my morning walk, then turned on the little TV in the kitchen while I made coffee. That's when I saw what was happening.
I stood in that spot watching that little TV, not moving, not sitting down, for probably two hours.
Had to resist the impulse to go to the school - which was minutes from our home - and pick up DD to bring her home. I knew this was totally unnecessary, but logic had nothing to do with what I was feeling.

As mentioned a few days ago, tonight I'm going to see a staged reading of ELEGIES with Malcolm Gets, Liz Callaway, Randy Graff, Amick Byram and Daniel Tatar. The perfect thing to do this evening, as far as I'm concerned.

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« Reply #57 on: September 11, 2006, 10:36:10 AM »

Thoughts for today from Dave Barry (written five years ago)

"I'm not naive about my country. My country is definitely not always right; my country has at times been terribly wrong. But I know this about Americans: We don't set out to kill innocent people. We don't cheer when innocent people die ...

We may have the power of a giant, but we also have the heart of a good and generous people, and we will get through this. We will grieve for our dead, and tend to our wounded, and repair the damage, and tighten our security, and put our planes back in the air. Eventually most of us, the ones lucky enough not to have lost somebody, will resume our lives. Some day, our country will track down the rest of the monsters behind this, and make them pay, and I suppose that will make most of us feel a little better. But revenge and hatred won't be why we'll go on. We'll go on because we know this is a good country, a country worth keeping.

Those who would destroy it only make us see more clearly how precious it is,"

der Brucer
There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, and the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream; people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace. We've got work to do.


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« Reply #58 on: September 11, 2006, 11:13:50 AM »

Betsy had left the evening of September 10 for a business trip to Seattle.  My sister from NC had flown in on September 8 or so to visit and we had planned for almost a year to make September 11 the day we would go through my father's military memorabilia and decide what to keep.  I had started to defragment the computer late on the evening of September 10, so had left it on all night.  I got up early, since I was Mr. Mom and needed to get Gabe off to Kindergarten and Zach off to pre-school, and logged on to AOL for the "Breaking News" welcome screen that the first plane had hit.  About 5 seconds later, my sister and brother-in-law arrived, having breathlessly been listening to NPR.  "Turn on the tv, turn on the tv!," she shouted.  We turned it on just in time to see the second plane hit.  Somehow, though in shock, I got Gabe off to his first day on the bus to Kindergarten, and Zach to pre-school.  My sister, brother-in-law and I spent the day in the basement weeping for two reasons--the national tragedy and the more personal sadness of going through my Dad's collected papers from 60 odd years in the military.  Betsy somehow managed to get on a SRO train from Seattle to Portland and got home late in the evening of September 11.  God bless the many souls who perished that day.  This country needs to develop alternative energy sources ASAP so that we can kiss the oil producing nations goodbye forever.
Would you like to take a picture of my lipoma for posterity?

"It is a tale of conflicting loyalties, megalomania, love, hate and a number of other issues I can't remember."


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« Reply #59 on: September 11, 2006, 11:17:50 AM »

Guess I should post under my own name.

I think bk is bribing the US Post Office - the Sondheim disc he mailed in CA on Friday was just now delivered here in DE.

Parsimonious lad, that bk - the disc was wrapped in an old newspaper ad.

A very nicely packaged CD! My first robin'e egg blue CD.

And a classy inside-the-back-cover dedication to the artist Sam Norkin.

der Brucer
We live in a universe not of clocks but of clouds.
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