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« Reply #120 on: January 10, 2005, 10:23:15 AM »

Is the LA River overflowing yet?  I'd love to see a picture of it with "something" flowing in it.

Here's the mouth of the river in Long Beach (with LA's trash):

Here's the 710 Freeway along side the river:

der "not-missing-Long Beach-now" Brucer
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« Reply #121 on: January 10, 2005, 10:29:46 AM »

You all realize that some of these versions of L'il Abner MIGHT just be made.  Of course that might not be so bad if we keep the wet underpants/Brendan Fraser thing.

The 2 different roofers we called did call back and inspected the roof and gave us bids.  I really don't want to think about it.

Ah yes, the initials game.  A bunch of us used to get together and play that and others.   I used to have my stash of no-fail repeats for the hard combinations.  One of the games similar to that related to songs, and for one fo the diffficult ones, I would always bail myself out with "See You in C-U-B-A" (one of Irving Berlin's lesser known (and deservedly so) ditties.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2005, 10:30:22 AM by Kerry »
I like boat races.


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« Reply #122 on: January 10, 2005, 10:30:04 AM »

From HyperboleRUs:

Activists in New Paltz, N.Y., are calling for a boycott of a local movie theater because its owner ran a radio advertisement critical of filmmaker Michael Moore and praising the values associated with John Wayne, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Stewart, reports the Poughkeepsie Journal.

Steve Greenfield co-chairs a group that launched the boycott. He and his brethren have been passing out fliers reading, "Don't Sponsor Hate: This Theater is Under Boycott" outside the cinemas.

The group called the ad on local radio stations "blatantly racist."

"... It is especially offensive that the theaters' management recalls John Wayne movies as the paragon of 'family film fare,'" it said in a press release.

"John Wayne starred in over 100 of the most violent films ever made, including dozens in which Native Americans and Mexicans were portrayed as dangerous savages created specifically for remorseless sport hunting by white settlers and armies."

Goodness :"dissing the Duke"!

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« Reply #123 on: January 10, 2005, 10:32:58 AM »

And then this:

'Hate Speech'

Defendants in court in Denver charged with unlawfully disrupting a Columbus Day parade are trying to justify their actions by calling the parade a form of "hate speech," reports the Rocky Mountain News.

Some 230 people are charged with loitering and failure to obey lawful orders for trying to block the city's annual October parade.

Some of the defendants claim their actions were necessary because the parade is a form of ethnic intimidation. They object to celebrating Columbus, whom they condemn as a slave trader responsible for genocide in the deaths of up to 10 million American Indians.

They decried as racists a group of teenage girls on top of one float who threw candy at the protesters in an "aggressive manner."

Gives new meaning to "Death By Chocolate"

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« Reply #124 on: January 10, 2005, 10:46:41 AM »

FOX news showed the clip that precipitated my post.  When you see it, you will know.  He didn't look anything like Brendan Fraser!

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« Reply #125 on: January 10, 2005, 10:47:57 AM »

Ouch someone hit me with a Sees!
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« Reply #126 on: January 10, 2005, 10:52:32 AM »

Our street is blocked off.  Half the hillside up about a half a block up from our house has slid into the road.

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« Reply #127 on: January 10, 2005, 10:54:11 AM »

Good Morning!  Well... er.. Afternoon!

I did get up around 10:00, but I went back to bed, and next thing I knew it was 12:30!


And for today's breakfast, I had... Steak and salad!  My father had fired up the grill to cook up some lunch for himself which turned out to be breakfast/brunch for me.  A nice T-Bone.  -Although, I only had one side of the T - I can't remember the correct term for that now.  Sorry...  In any case, it was good.

My throat is still feeling a little funny, but it felt better after eating and drinking some more water.  Just needed to rehydrate after my slumber.

Strangely enough, last night I was chatting with a friend of mine who happens to be a doctor.  He was lamenting that his office has been crazy-buzy the past few weeks with people coming in with the usual mid-winter ailments.  I told him that I was dealing with something in my throat too right now, and he told me that a lot of "that stuff" has been going around lately.  Even he was having some issues.  His left tonsil has also been inflamed the past days!?!?!?!  I kept asking if he was joking, but he assured me he wasn't.  And then when I told him that that's exactly what I have been dealing with the past few days myself...

After more chatting, he assured me that we both have is actually more normal and common than I thought.  It's usually a sign of a small, low-level viral infection.  And it's not contagious.  Usually just best to let it pass and run it's course, rather than possibly being (over-)prescribed some anti-biotics for it.  However, he did advise that if it lasts for more than a week and/or I start running a high fever that I should go see a doctor.  But...

Since I stayed up here in Fairfax this Monday instead of heading back to Richmond, we made plans to get together for dinner tonight - we haven't seen each other in person in a while.  And he even offered to check out my throat for me too!  "Doctor!  Doctor!"

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« Reply #128 on: January 10, 2005, 10:57:53 AM »

Our street is blocked off.  Half the hillside up about a half a block up from our house has slid into the road.

Mother, give me the sun...the sun...the sun...(an Ibsen reference)

Ah, GHOSTS...  That was the first play I ever saw at the Kennedy Center!  It was in the Eisenhower Theatre.  And I think I still have the poster for the production somewhere - unless my parents ditched it "accidentally" in one of our many moves.

It starred Liv Ulmann and John Neville.  With a very talented relative newcomer playing Oswald - Kevin Spacey!
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« Reply #129 on: January 10, 2005, 10:58:55 AM »

Jose (and possibly others):  I, too, had a sore throat issue while I was home during Christmas.  I couldn't really pinpoint an exact cause...there was no noticeable post-nasal dripping going on, and I wasn't particularly congested, so I was only treating the soreness topically, even though a pharmacist told me I needed a strong decongestant.

I finally (after 6 days of sore throat) saw a doctor who tested me for strep...I was free of any need for antibiotics, but he gave me a 9-day supply of Allegra-D and told me to take one tablet twice a day.

Within two days, the sore throat went away, but I continued with the decongestant until I had taken it all.  It really helped even though I never once felt "congested."

« Last Edit: January 10, 2005, 10:59:27 AM by Ron Pulliam »
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« Reply #130 on: January 10, 2005, 11:02:41 AM »

Since we've been talking about torrential rains, has anyone had any migrations of ants from outside to the inside?

That normally happens here....we had ants on the sixth floor of our office building during one rainy period last year.

Geez....I hope nobody gets ants in their soggy underpants.
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« Reply #131 on: January 10, 2005, 11:05:26 AM »

Anyone else notice that vixmom bears an uncanny resemblance to Jennifer?


(The avatar is the same!)

twins separated at birth!!
« Last Edit: January 10, 2005, 11:07:23 AM by vixmom »
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« Reply #132 on: January 10, 2005, 11:06:05 AM »


I meant to post this over the "weekend" when DR Françoic was/is around... regarding bad hotel guests...

In the Washington Post Magazine's "Under the Beltway" column, there was a story about a McLean, VA man who had checked into a hotel in Binghamton, NY.  After he checked out, the staff found many tubs of Vaseline in his trash can.  As for the Vaseline itself...  He had smeared the Vaseline over every single square inch of the room - including the ceiling and windows!  And the coup de resistance was the imprint of his butt-cheeks that he left on the Vaseline-covered mirrored walls!

Mon Dieu!
« Last Edit: January 10, 2005, 11:07:19 AM by JoseSPiano »
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« Reply #133 on: January 10, 2005, 11:06:59 AM »

Our street is blocked off.  Half the hillside up about a half a block up from our house has slid into the road.

Mother, give me the sun...the sun...the sun...(an Ibsen reference)

are you safe there?  I wouldn'y want to hear of you caught in one of the infamous mudslides!
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« Reply #134 on: January 10, 2005, 11:07:01 AM »

Can't get hold of anyone to deal with these problems - not Marsden, not his manager, nada.  I'm going to try to get hold of my own handyman to see if he'll come out, but he seems to have disappeared of late.  I had the Marsden's handyman's number but I can't find it.

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« Reply #135 on: January 10, 2005, 11:08:25 AM »

Oh, God, yes, the ants have been over-running the house!  I've got them in my bathroom.  And we've had a flurry of them periodically in the kitchen and the TV room.  I hate the little buggers.  This happens anytime there is a fair amount of rain.


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« Reply #136 on: January 10, 2005, 11:12:48 AM »

It's usually a sign of a small, low-level viral infection.  And it's not contagious.  Usually just best to let it pass and run it's course, rather than possibly being (over-)prescribed some anti-biotics for it.  

Sound advice insmuch as anti-biotics have NO effect on viral infections (Colds, Flu, AIDS).

der Brucer
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« Reply #137 on: January 10, 2005, 11:14:29 AM »

vixmom, yes, we're safe in our immediate positon.  The grades on my house and my neighbours across the street are good and they have excellent ground-cover.  We're on bedrock here.  In the big earthquake in '94, the only thing that happened was pictures went askew on the wall...meanwhile, that half block up the hill where there are houses on stilts and perched on cliffsides, people had glass breaking and chimneys falling.

I did notice a huge pine tree in Griffith Park along Los Feliz Blvd. five minutes away had been uprooted.  Looked like it just pulled up out of the ground...didn't look like lightning had struck it or anything.


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« Reply #138 on: January 10, 2005, 11:15:11 AM »

Jose (and possibly others):  I, too, had a sore throat issue while I was home during Christmas.  I couldn't really pinpoint an exact cause...there was no noticeable post-nasal dripping going on, and I wasn't particularly congested, so I was only treating the soreness topically, even though a pharmacist told me I needed a strong decongestant.

I finally (after 6 days of sore throat) saw a doctor who tested me for strep...I was free of any need for antibiotics, but he gave me a 9-day supply of Allegra-D and told me to take one tablet twice a day.

Within two days, the sore throat went away, but I continued with the decongestant until I had taken it all.  It really helped even though I never once felt "congested."

I have to be careful when I take decongestants lately. They really seem to do a number on my system - my blood pressure in particular.  So much so, that I actually "feel" my blood pressure getting elevated.  -However, to be fair to decongestants, one of their more common side effects is an elevation of one's blood pressure, so...

And I totally understand about having to take a decongestant and not feeling congested.  That's par for the course for me.  My sinuses will fill-up, but they won't drip - rather they drip very, very, very slowly.  A doctor I saw once said there was an actual medical term for it: insidious post-nasal drip.  Now whether he was telling the truth or joking about that being an official medical term, it's the perfect description.  It's just "slow" enough to irritate the throat, cause some coughing, but not "fast" enough to feel like an all and out cold or sinus infection.  And the sinus build-up is more like a "fill-up" since there's no really sinus pressure evident.

The "wonders" of the human body.
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« Reply #139 on: January 10, 2005, 11:17:23 AM »

Sound advice insmuch as anti-biotics have NO effect on viral infections (Colds, Flu, AIDS).

der Brucer

Exactly - but since a lot people presume/assume it's strep...

Besides, I'm having a good time exploring all the new flavors of Sugar-Free Ricolas and Halls.  The Green Tea-Echinacea ones are pretty tasty!

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« Reply #140 on: January 10, 2005, 11:19:42 AM »

Elmoore, I'm afraid I have some extremely sad news to share with you:

The David Maddux CD is gorgeous.   ;)   :-X
Would you like to take a picture of my lipoma for posterity?

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« Reply #141 on: January 10, 2005, 11:21:30 AM »

der Brucer's pic of the trash from the river in Long Beach is why I never swim in the ocean.  All that crap...and flowing out to the Pacific...


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« Reply #142 on: January 10, 2005, 11:22:35 AM »

And for those of you interested in reading more about the Vaseline Caper, here's the link to Gene Weingarten's "Under the Beltway" column... from the Arizona Daily Star - ?!?!?!

And here's the link to the AP story via WJLA, the local ABC affiliate:

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« Reply #143 on: January 10, 2005, 11:24:55 AM »

Oh, God, yes, the ants have been over-running the house!  I've got them in my bathroom.  And we've had a flurry of them periodically in the kitchen and the TV room.  I hate the little buggers.  This happens anytime there is a fair amount of rain.

Coming soon to a room near you;

der Brucer (Geez, Mr Fly, Dragonheart and Hercules bugged - pun intended - by a few ants)
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« Reply #144 on: January 10, 2005, 11:30:19 AM »

Elmoore, I'm afraid I have some extremely sad news to share with you:

The David Maddux CD is gorgeous.   ;)   :-X

I may have missed a post or two...  Or maybe it's just an "in" thing... But what's up with David Maddux?

-I only ask since there's a David Maddox here in DC who does a lot of sound design and composing.  And there's also a David Maddox in NYC - I believe - who does a lot show work.  So...  But a David Maddux...

OH!  Is is the David Maddux that does choral arrangements?  That must be it!

I hope...

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« Reply #145 on: January 10, 2005, 11:32:56 AM »

vixmom, yes, we're safe in our immediate positon.  

Some neighbors not so fortunate:

Caption:Three family members were safe after their house on Laurel Canyon Boulevard succumbed to a mudslide.
(Anne Cusack / LAT)

der "HHW Roving Reporter" Brucer
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« Reply #146 on: January 10, 2005, 11:37:23 AM »

Quick note will post choices later.

Off to Jason Graae.

Will report back later as well
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« Reply #147 on: January 10, 2005, 11:37:39 AM »

Jose:  I mentioned David Maddux a while back when I was looking for that arrangement of Alfred Burt's Caroling, Caroling that I had heard on the radio that they never back-announced (of course).

And David (if it's even the same one, which it may not be) is evidently not Elmoore's favorite person.
Would you like to take a picture of my lipoma for posterity?

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« Reply #148 on: January 10, 2005, 11:41:13 AM »

Jose:  I mentioned David Maddux a while back when I was looking for that arrangement of Alfred Burt's Caroling, Caroling that I had heard on the radio that they never back-announced (of course).

And David (if it's even the same one, which it may not be) is evidently not Elmoore's favorite person.

Gotcha - First Call - I think I still have a few of their albums from my CCM days

And... Gotcha!  ;) :X
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« Reply #149 on: January 10, 2005, 11:46:02 AM »

Finally someone from Marsden's management company got back to me, and their handyman will be here at two - hopefully with a tarp, a machine to suck water out from beneath the house, and something to dry the carpet with.  
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