Obviously, der B and I have returned from the Casino Royale screening. We were both pleased with the film (although there were a couple of plot points I had to explain to der B, stuff that had flown by during the film and were easy to miss).
It is definitely a reboot of the franchise, much as Batman Begins rebooted the winged rodent. And Craig makes a very good Bond, dangerous and in his own way sexy. That Judi Dench is the only actor to continue from the earlier stuff to this film was a good decision, and she and Craig play well together.
My memories of the book are sketchy, but the film seemed to follow the original storyline very well. It is raw, rough-edged. There are a number of set pieces that, while fantastic, never seem set in a fantasy world. Great cinematography, I thought.
End of report. And I don't think I've included any spoilers.