We are back from another day of filling gift bags. It was a productive day. We had some new people show up (Anthony sent out an e-mail to friends who passed on the information). We went to Toys 'R Us on 44th and Broadway and brought over 1000 stuffed animals donated by the store. It was a zoo on Broadway, what with the Christmas season (and Charmin's free toilet facilities a block away) but we got our hand trucks full of boxes back to the Equity offices (after two trips). It was worth it. We don't have as many donations as in previous years but the folks will still get some nice gifts. Everyone gets a sweater, a hat, a scarf, a pair of gloves, a pair of crew socks and a bag of candy with a scratch-off lottery ticket (we have never heard in the 21 years we've been doing the project, if anyone has won anything). We then put in other things which we have acquired over the year. This year we have an assortment of CDs and Colgate Palmolive has donated 3000 units of Speed Stick (both men's and women's). We also have some nice shirts for both men and women and some unisex pajama bottoms. There are approximately 850 childrens bags included in the project (last yeard we made 2900 gift bags). The children will receive the stuffed animals along with some other toys, games and clothing. This portion of the Project is coordinated by the Barry Manilow Harmony Fan Club in New Jersey. Say what you will about Barry (I know many people, not necessarily here, think he's kind of cheesy) but these fans are a beautiful group of people. They work year long for these two weeks, buying toys and clothes to make sure the children (some with HIV/AIDS and others whose parent(s) or primary care giver has HIV/AIDS) have some kind of happy holiday.
The Project began in 1985 as a way to help performers living with AIDS/HIV so we always try to put special things in the Actor's Fund and Aurora (a supportive housing facility with a focus on performers, especially those with disabilities and those living with HIV/AIDS) bags. This year we received some low-end digital cameras so those clients will have a nice surprise on Christmas day. Also, one of the staff members at Actor's Equity has spent this past year knitting scarves. We have 100 hand-knit beautiful scarves which will be split up between Aurora and the Actor's Fund. I hope that employee gets a bonus!
I am tired but happy so I will check in tomorrow morning before I head out to midtown.
To quote the missing Mr. Simbulan,